The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 31 Jul, 2013 05:34 am
Imagine that you went into a car dealership and bought a car and they told you to come back later that afternoon and pick up the car after it was cleaned up. When you go back to pick the car up your salesman tells you the dealership filed for bankruptcy and you will not be getting the car after all. Dealerships floor plan cars and the titles to cars are held by the bank and when a car is sold the bank must be paid to obtain the title. You say fine just return my money but salesman says sorry after we filed for bankruptcy we can’t return your money besides your money was used to file the bankruptcy. However you can file a claim with along with the rest of the creditors but don’t expect much we owe the bank over $6 million. Your old car? We sold that to someone else.

We have had several dealerships fail in this area leaving people with cars they couldn’t get titles for. At one used car dealership customers kept asking for titles for their cars. The owner was an old man who had been in business for years. His young secretary finally told a customer he was never going to get the title to his car and she raised her blouse and told him the money went to pay for new boobs.

A car is one thing but many Americans are getting the same thing done with their retirement. America is becoming a nation of thieves under commie/conservatism.

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Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2013 05:34 am
Detroit was victim of creative destruction more than anything else. For a society to progress there must be creative destruction. There are always those who will try and protect the status quo and stop progress. In 1600 England stockings were knitted by hand once a machine was invented that would manufacture them the Queen refused to grant the inventor a patent because it would put so many people out of work. The inventor took his machine to France and was refused a patent there also. “For every step you take you lose something along the way.” The American auto industry was undergoing creative destruction where big gas guzzling cars were being replaced with smaller more efficient cars. The American auto industry had been confined to the Detroit area for decades but as foreign manufacturers began to set up their manufacturing plants they owed no allegiance to Detroit and they would build plants in the states which provided the biggest economic incentives. Soon the manufacture of cars was no longer concentrated in the Detroit area but spread across many different states. There are always winners and losers under creative destruction and Detroit was a loser.

When the auto industry started there were many buggy manufactures and blacksmiths across America but the creative destruction put those manufactures out of business. If President had refused to grant patens to Hennery Ford like the Queen of England we might still have buggy manufactures but progress would have been retarded.
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Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 05:32 am
The Pee Party is falling apart as some of its brightest lights are now supporting immigration reform and the Affordable Care and Patient Protection Act. The Pee Party was funded by Koch brothers and other rich conservatives and disguised to look like a grass roots movement. At one Pee Party gathering in Kentucky Pee Party members were condemning government handouts as they rode around in their government paid for scooters. They were all against government handouts but few missed the opportunity for a free government scooter.

Propaganda would have one believe that this was a populist movement when nothing can be further from the truth unless one believes that Koch brothers are populists. With enough money one can launch a political movement and many will climb on board. While the Pee Party wasn’t successful in taking control of the government Pee Party representatives paralyzed our government because they don’t compromise. They were able to maximize damage in a critical period.
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Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 05:32 am
On his show yesterday Rush Slimbaugh lamented the fact that he believes that the conservatives have lost the younger generation because the commie/conservatives are perceived as the party that is defined by what it is against and not what it is for. The conservatives are against abortion, against equal rights for gays, against immigration reform. Slimbaugh did however find a bright spot and read an article from a young conservative who had been completely brainwashed by conservative propaganda and could recite chapter and verse.

The young conservative lamented the fact that student debt had now surpassed credit card debt at over a trillion dollars and of course she blamed the democrats but the commie/conservatives believe in smaller government and have been draining the Universities of trillions of dollars since Reagan was president. Commie/conservatives like Rush hate to pay taxes of any kind especially property tax because of their extensive property holdings. Rush doesn’t believe it is right that he has to pay taxes to educate someone else’s children according to Rush schools should be private sector and parents should pay for their children’s education. While little progress has been made on parents paying for primary education there has been a major shift on who pays for secondary education. Increasing student debt is reflection of campaign for smaller government.
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Reply Thu 8 Aug, 2013 05:32 am
Throughout the history of mankind we have seen one group after another justify their right to extract the labor of others for their own. From feudal kings who could claim or take land from anyone at any time to serfs that were bound to the land and could be sold or gambled away. The elite of any country was absolutely entitled to whatever the workingman could produce. A small group of elite were able to extract the vast majority of a country’s during most of mankind history making virtual slaves out of the vast majority. Inclusive economic institutions have only been developed in the last 800 years or so. Inclusive economic institutions of course followed inclusive political institutions and as political power was wrestled away from the elite in revolution after revolution. By the time United States was founded most of the political power was taken away from the elite. Where monarchs had once held absolute power, even the power of life and death, the people had usurped most of that power.

Commie/conservatism’s political philosophy is designed to shift the political power and economic power back to the elite. A court decision by a federal Judge in today’s paper struck down a law that limits political contributions by PACs in elections letting corporations make unlimited contributions, read that bribes, to political candidates. Political contributions are the best investment in America with return ratio of 100 to 1 by removing any limits open bribery. America current system of bribery is reminiscent of the nobles bribing the king to give them a portion of the country. The commie/conservative judge ruled that open bribery does not “give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption.“ One of mankind’s oldest and truest principal is that gifts are given to influence the powerful. Can we regress politically? Yes, the elite have reversed much of the political advances over the last century and with each commie/conservative court decision they take back more of their power.
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Reply Fri 9 Aug, 2013 05:33 am
The commie/conservative Supreme Court has ruled in the Citizen United case that political bribery is not corruption nor does it give appearance of corruption. Unlimited corporate funds can now be spent by corporations to elect candidates that will do their bidding when elected as long as the money is laundered through a Political Action Committee. The Supreme Court says that no limitation can be placed on political contributions to PACs, millions even billions can be spent to buy elections but this is not corruption nor does it give the appearance of corruption. This unlimited corporate contribution is an open invitation to corruption and screams corruption. This harkens back to 13th century English politics where the nobility openly purchased political favors.

The fact that corporations were granted the same rights as an individual in court decisions around the turn of the twenty century lets the Supreme Court give corporations the same rights as individuals. Study of corporations by psychologists show that corporations act for all practical purposes as sociopaths ever decision is predicated on what is good for the corporation no other criteria enters the decision process. This exactly how the sociopath or psychopath thinks. When a psychopath is torturing women only how it benefits him is of any importance. The corporate mind is the same when Ford motor company made the decision to let teenagers burn to death in the Pintos instead of fixing them because it was more profitable to the company. In the sixties when the skies were so polluted you couldn’t see the sun for days the corporations fought controls on air pollution it didn’t matter how many died as long as the corporation made a bigger profit. There is little difference between killing for fun and recreation and killing for profit, only the three piece suit separates them.
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Reply Sun 11 Aug, 2013 02:13 pm
Most people know the first enemy the Nazis publicly declared was the Jews but few people realize that only a month later the Nazis declared the Unions to be their second enemy. The Nazi movement was a product of the radical right in Germany. What political movement in America list labor unions as their enemy? The commie/conservative. On any given day you will hear Sean Hannity, Glen Beck and Rush Slimbaugh telling their audience that labor unions are their enemy. Of course unions are responsible for not only relative high level of union members wages and benefits but much of the higher level of wages and benefits found in nonunion jobs in America.

Are unions the enemy of the American people or of just a tiny fraction of the American people, the ungodly greedy? Why would a political movement which claims to be a populist movement list unions as the enemy? Who benefits if unions are eliminated? Not the workingman for sure. The CEOs and the ungodly greedy would benefit by driving wages and benefits down. When the economic pie is divided the unions have a place at the table Do you really believe if a CEO had a choice between putting another couple of hundred million year in his pocket or giving the employees a raise that the CEO would give the employees anything?
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Reply Mon 12 Aug, 2013 05:33 am
In the Prisoner Dilemma participant is given $10 he is told he will have to negotiate with another participant. The first participant is told he can divide the $10 anyway he wants with one exception if the second participant refuse his offer. If the second participant refuses the first settlement offer neither participant gets any money. The average settlement offer accepted by second participants was around $3. This experiment is important because its real life counterpart is negotiations between a company and a union. The union is powerless, like the second participant except for its refusal to participate.

Imagine instead of the first participant in the Prisoner Dilemma be told that he needed to negotiate that he could simply give participant number two whatever he wanted or nothing at all. Do you think the average settlement offer would be $3 or closer to nothing at all? We need only to look back over the last 30 years as unions declined to see what actually happened the ungodly greedy simply took every penny of the increased GNP. The Prisoner Dilemma simply no longer applied to the vast majority of Americans. The decline was actually worse for most Americans as union workplaces held their own and skewed the average somewhat.

This is why unions are the enemy of the commie/conservatives.
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Reply Thu 15 Aug, 2013 05:29 am
The vast amount of unrest in the middle east has a cause that few people remember it was called Project for a New American Century. Project for a New American Century was Dick Cheney and neocons idea. They began pushing the idea to the Clinton Administration which rejected the idea. The necons wanted to remake the middle east in their image. They wanted to depose all of the governments and install puppet governments in these countries. They believed they could easily manipulate elections in those countries using modern propaganda techniques. Iraq was to be the prototype and then they would proceed to overthrow to overthrow the rest of the middle east governments thru soft revolutions. But something funny happened along the way as governments were overthrown the necons found they were unable to control the outcome of the elections. Propaganda techniques that work in America don't work as well in the middle east. The Muslem Brotherhood hold on the people of the middle east proved too strong and all we have now is giant commie/conservative mess in the Middle East.
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Reply Sun 18 Aug, 2013 02:23 pm
One of the two books that is required reading for commie/conservatives is "The Road to Serfdum" by F. A. Hayek and "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. These books were both written by foreigners, Rand was a Russian and Hayek an Austrian. The question why would the cornerstone books of an American political movemt be from a Russian and Austrian? As these books became accepted political theory in America, America went into a tail spin and began to decline.
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Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 05:30 am
America was built on good foundation of egalitarian political ideas and by the 50s America had a rapidly expanding middle class and the longest economic expansion in our history. But even during times of vast prosperity there are malcontents and there will always be those that believe that they can improve on perfection. The communist who founded the modern conservative movement looked not to the American founding fathers for political ideas but to a Russian and Austrian for ways to improve America. This is not surprising as this same group of communists had doe everything in their power to overthrow the government of the United States and replace with a communist government. If they could not have a communist America they could at least change it.

The communist founding father's first dream of making America a communist utopia never became reality but they were able to mainstream Ayn Rand, a Russian and F. A. Hayeck, an Austrian. These authors provided the cornerstone for political philosophy of modern conservatives and are required reading for aspiring college conservative. Have the ideas of the Russian and Austrian improved America? No one can doubt that the middle class is in a state of decline. Hunger is becoming a huge problem in America not only with the unemployed but with those who hold minimum wage jobs. In some school districts 80% of the students qualify for free or reduced lunches. Schools are continuing to feed children through the summer recess so they will not go hungry. Welcome to a country that worships at the alter of "The Virtues of Selfishness."
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Reply Wed 21 Aug, 2013 05:30 am
Fredrick Hayeck claimed that we are on "The Road to Serfdom." According to Hayeck any political philosophy except extreme capitalism leads to "Serfdom" but there are many different political systems in place across the world none of which ending creating serfs. We are on the road away from serfdom as that is the way the world was once organized. It is possible to return down that road. But what created serfs was not a more equal distribution of a nation but a distribution of wealth to a very small fraction of the population. The last 30 years of commie/conservatism has reversed political progress put in motion since the 13th century. Political power and wealth are directly related the more wealth the ungodly greedy accumulate the more political power they have once again will give them the power to enslave others. The ungodly greedy now have the power to tax the working man in schemes from building multi million football stadiums to getting free electricity for their manufacturing plants and making the public pay for it. The signs are there the ungodly greedy are beginning to enslave the rest of us. Hayeck was wrong the Road to Serfdom is paved not with equality but political power.
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Reply Thu 22 Aug, 2013 05:12 am
Fredrick Hayeck tells us in his book "The Road to Serfdom" that an restrictions on the accumulation of wealth or political power, and vast wealth brings with it vast political power, will herald the return of slavery. Sometimes the best way to work a problem out is to try to solve it backwards. If our intention to recreate slavery today what conditions would have to be met? A society with extreme variation in wealth, one where those who wanted to enslave others had vast political power to make the government cater to their wishes. According Hayeck if we as a society do anything to prevent these conditions we are on "the road to serfdom" but the very opposite is true. Feudalism existed in the 13th century because slave master had vast wealth and the political power to keep laws that made slavery legal in place.

If the wealthy wanted to improve on slavery today how could they do it? Owning slaves was costly you had to pay for housing, food and healthcare. What if we could come up with a system where the healthcare, food and housing cost could be shifted to the general public. You could have the best of both worlds you could get the benefits of their labor and let others pay for the cost of their upkeep. Now we need only look to Wal-Mart, one of America's biggest employers to see this type of system in operation. Wal-Mart pays less then a living wage, so many if not most of its employees have their food, housing and healthcare subsidized by taxpayers these costs have been successfully outsourced to you and me. This system works as four out of 10 richest people in the world are Wal-Mart heirs. This system works by extracting wealth from others through the tax system.

Economies based on extraction regress only those with inclusive system progress. America has been away from an inclusive economic systems and toward an economy based on extractive systems like the Wal-Mart model. A living wage instead of a minimum wage could be provided at Wal-Mart by cutting the profits some and raising prices a few cents. It is a pay me now or pay me later situation. We either pay higher prices at Wal-Mart and provide a living wage or higher taxes the commie/conservatives have all but eliminated our once mighty industrialized economy it was shipped overseas to make a bigger profit for the ungodly greedy. Wal-Mart as one of our biggest employers needs to provide a living wage and not minimum wage.
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Reply Fri 23 Aug, 2013 05:30 am
Rush Slimbaugh and other commie/conservatives were fond of bragging that America was a center right country in other words was no longer centered. The commie/conservatives believed that they had been able to shift the political center of the country to the right. So what benefits did the shift of the center to the right bring to Americans? Real wages declined for the middle class, there was a tremendous increase in inequality of wealth with a tiny fraction of Americans, 1/100 of one percent, capturing all of the increased GNP over a 30 year period. In fact the middle class the middle class did not share any in the increased productivity and in fact their share declined.

Now Rush Slimbaugh is trying to romance the millennial generation telling them that the cost of a college education, the fact they can't find a job other than at Wal-Mart, and the fact the average millennial is still living at home until the age of 26 is the fault of the democrats. Many of the millennials find themselves between $100,000 and $300,000 in debt for their college education newest generations and faced with accepting Wal-Mart wages. Slimbaugh doesn't bother to tell the mellennials most of these conditions were in place during the baby Bush administrations. Slimbaughs doesn't bother to tell the mellannials that each time one of these commie/conservatives sounds the battle cry "smaller government" state and federal finding for colleges is slashed another 1/2 billion dollars and the tuitions cost soar. That the commie/conservative political theory that only the bottom line matters has led to the virtual export of our massive industrial complex to sub minimum wage countries. We now have less industry in America then before the industrial revolution and the commie/conservatives continue to pay companies to relocate overseas. In most countries they provide companies with incentives to locate in their country but in America the commie/conservatives passed law to provide incentives to locate in foreign countries.
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Reply Mon 26 Aug, 2013 05:26 am
The millennial generation, those born between 1978-2000, are going to be the first generation in American history do less well economically than their parents generation. Declining income, higher debt and the higher cost of education, homeownership and healthcare, are driving this unprecedented decline in living standard for the next generation. The real driving force is of course is politics, the millennials are now reaping the harvest of declining morals in the commie/conservative political philosophy. As the winner take all thinking permeated not only our government but corporate board rooms the decline was inescapable. Once the winner take all philosophy became SOP it was easy for corporate CEOs to walk away with huge chunks of wealth as the companies collapsed.

While the vast majority of the millennials will be faced with a declining standard of living a tiny fraction will have a standard of living that only a god could expect. For every winner under the commie/conservative philosophy millions of loser are necessary to fund the winners. This is acceptable under commie/conservative philosophy for there to be winners there must be losers and lots of them.
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Reply Wed 28 Aug, 2013 05:32 am
A NBC News story said that 50,000 dogs had been abandoned in Detroit by their owners. People simply moved away leaving their dogs to inhabit the vacant their owner once lived in. Detroit is a city greed destroyed and it may be a bell weather for the rest of the United States. At one time the American auto industry, headquartered in Detroit, was the mightiest in the world it reigned supreme. As the commie/conservatives made greed more acceptable the auto industry CEOs took more and more themselves. Their salaries were not raised in dollars and cents but by hundreds of times as they got more they wanted more. The way to get more was to sell more cars since the market had reached a saturation point the only path was to make sure cars did not last. Soon Detroit had engineered the 35,000 mile car a car designed to ware out in 35,000 miles before it was even paid for. A problem was the loan was still owed and the car was junk. Detroit solved this problem by combining the old loan with the loan on the new car. When dealership mechanics question why previously trouble free transmissions and motors were be being replaced with unreliable designs they were told because if they weren't that they could not make a living and neither could the factory. Much of the new cars were made of scrap metal and rusted out in a years time but the CEOs salaries continued to rise at record rates. CEO's salaries that had been 40 times their average workers salary in the 60s 30 years later were 400 times their average worker but they wanted even more.

As we look at Detroit and the 50,000 dogs roaming the street we may be looking at the future of America as a whole. Greed guts a country and leaves a hollow shell where even dogs have nothing to eat.
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Reply Thu 29 Aug, 2013 05:31 am
Life goes along fine for years and then one day something does not feel right you can't put your finger on it but you know something is not right. Up until this time your life has got better each year and you have developed a sense of entitlement, you believe that life will continue to get better. You go to the doctor and he tells you that you have cancer. The first thing you do is deny that anything is wrong but soon the signs are unmistakable.

This is the way it is in America life had been getting better for generation. The fact that children would have a better life then their parents was accepted fact. But now something is wrong in America and we are have to come to terms with the unmistakable fact the next generation life will be much worse than ours. Many will comfort themselves with denial that it is only temporary but $300,000 student loans won't disappear. The cost of medical care is approaching 50% of lifetime income. The cost of home ownership will be beyond the income of many if not most of the next generation as they struggle to pay students loans.

A cancer has been eating away at America for the last 30 years, it is called the Modern Conservative Movement. The philosophy of the Modern Conservative Movement is that personal greed is the answer to every question and if at first you don't succeed don't worry just apply more greed. Medical care is a case in point doctors. At one time people went to medical school to help people now they go to medical school because it is the fastest and most reliable way to become a millionaire. The cost of medical care skyrocketed. In the 50s an individual could pay for his medical care now we have a four payer system, where the individual pays, private insurance pays, and in many cases Medicare pays, and now life insurance is being sold touting the fact that it can be used to pay medical expenses. After all these sources have been exhausted the medical system steps and takes everything the individual earned in a lifetime. The fastest growing and one of the most frequent causes of bankruptcy is medical bills but the commie/conservatives prescribe greed and more greed to solve the problem.

At one time the aristocrats and clergy had the power to tax the workingman but progressive tax systems spurred growth in the middle class and the middle classes political power. The commie/conservative were able to reverse a 150 years of progress and now the ungodly greedy pay the smallest percentage of their income in taxes when all taxes are taken into account. This reversed the flow of not only wealth but political power to do even more damage. This follows naturally from the commie/conservative winner take all philosophy if you win you should not pay taxes. The ungodly greedy have regained the power the aristocrats once held to levy taxes on the workingman. Now if you want to build a mall the government will give you hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars and you will hold title. Five hundred million gifts of taxpayer money are given to large multinationals corporations. The commie/conservatives bought us the golden age of greed. Greed like a cancer grows and America is in third stage and the commie/conservatives are not prescribing chemo but more greed.
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Reply Fri 30 Aug, 2013 01:27 pm
The cancer known as commie/conservatism continues to do real damage to the American public but their are encouraging signs that commie/conservatism can be bought under control. Yesterday the Congressional Budget Office announced that the deficit had been cut nearly in half of previous projected deficit predictions. The primary reason the budget deficit has been cut in half is that the taxes on the ungodly were raised back up a few percentage points. Reagans massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy tripled the National Debt and put us in this mess. Baby Bush further compounded the problem with unfunded wars and more massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. During Clinton term taxes on the ungodly greedy were raised and the result was a balance budget.

This demonstrates that when the effects of commie/conservatism are turned back even a fraction of the way the American people benefit. Romney campaigned on even more massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy and the commie/conservatives in Congress did their best to stop the taxes on ungodly from being raised even a few percentage points but the commie/conservatives lost and America won.

The commie/conservatives argue that cutting the taxes on the ungodly greedy would help cut the deficit but history shows this is a standard commie/conservative lie. When Reagan cut taxes on the on the ungodly greedy by 60% he tripled the national debt in spite of the fact he raised social security four times of course the ungodly greedy are all but exempt from paying social security.

Baby Bush took Clinton balanced budget and ended up with the biggest deficits that a President had ever run up until that date. Raising taxes on the ungodly greedy is like chemo therapy even the few small percentage points that taxes on the ungodly was raised is putting the commie/conservative cancer into remission. The commie/conservatives will continue telling us if you just keep cutting the taxes on the ungodly greedy that it will benefit the country, after all the patron saint of commie/conservatism, Ayn Rand told us in her books that we are like the beasts of the field and only the ungodly greedy are here to take care of us and to rule us.
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Reply Sun 1 Sep, 2013 06:38 pm
Hayek would have us belief that any move toward social solutions to the problems government faces would end in the horrors of Nazi Germany. To start with Hitler was a product of the extreme right not the left. Hitler was a product of the military and shared most of his thinking with the military. "To a man with a hammer every problem looks like a nail." In the military all problems are solvable by killing. The obvious solution to a military leader is that killing will solve the problem or at least make it go away. Hitler was no socialist he was a military style dictator. The fact that Hitler took over the means of production had little to do with social causes and everything to do with building a superior military machine. Even in America and England the government sized the means of production to defend themselves.

If Hayek was correct when social security was made the law of the land we would have been under a dictator ship in a few years. The trouble with absolutes is that they rule out all others causes and effects. The road to serfdom was not paved with socialism which is a recent arrival in the political arena over the last couple of centuries but paved with extreme imbalance in political power. Slavery is desirable in an extractive economy. Labor is always an expense and the best way to limit expense is by making slavery legal. Those in power do not have to worry about become slaves because they have the power to make the laws.

An imbalance in political power is responsible for slavery and creating that imbalance would be the best road to serfdom. An Imbalance in political power is created by an imbalance in economic power. The last 30 years have created extreme imbalance wealth in the United States this is creating an extreme imbalance in political power. Once the imbalance in political power is created it becomes a vicious circle feeding on itself. Those with increased economic power use it to garner political power and then use that to increase their wealth even more. Slavery was legal until 1920 in Guatemala they needed labor for coffee plantations so the elite simply made a law making slavery an obligation. Did it have anything to do with socialism? No it had to do with an imbalance in economic power where the wealthy could simply use their political power to change the law to make slaves of the working class.
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Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2013 05:01 am
We don't have to look far for an extractive economic system in the 19th century much of the United States had an extractive economic system the old South economy was based on slavery even after the US Constitution had been in effect for close to a century. Even after slavery was eliminated laws were passed to keep the economy extractive based on cheap labor. Hayek would have us believe that market based economies leads away from slavery but the old South had a market based economy and slavery existed at the same time in fact there was a thriving market for slaves. It took a social movement to force government's hand to eliminate a thriving market for slaves. The economic inequality was the driving force behind keeping an extractive economy in place in the old south for most of the next hundred years. The massive wealth of the plantation owners let them control state and local politics by making laws to keep the blacks from voting.

Hayek advocates the very thing that led to and sustained slavery for centuries extreme uncontrolled and unregulated accumulations of wealth. Centuries of recorded history have taught us that extreme economic inequality leads to extreme political inequality. It does not lead away from serfdom but to serfdom.

Is extreme economic inequality being used to create extreme political inequality in the America today? We need only look at how those with extreme wealth have changed the income tax system so they now pay half the percentage of income tax the middle class pays. If extreme wealth can be used to change the very tax structure they can change the political structure. In almost every commie/controlled state those with extreme wealth are the driving force behind a movement to block the poor and elderly from voting. Laws that restrict voting where 13,000 must vote in a poor prescient and only 120 in a rich voting district block the poor from voting as effectively as a poll tax in the old South.
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