The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 27 Jun, 2013 05:31 am
“The evil men do lives after them; the good is often interred with their bones.”

That quote is as true today as it was in Shakespeare’s time. Reagan’s bones have been interred for almost 10 years now but Reagan mainstreamed his evil and it continues to do as much damage today as it did over 30 years. The belief that adding more abundance to the affluent will result in a trickledown effect for the rest of us unlike Reagan is alive and well in America today. The Republican Ohio legislature is trying to make most small business tax free. A small businessman would pay no taxes in the state of Ohio a senate proposal was to make the first $750,000 in income tax free. Who are the so called small businessmen? Look down any street at the Wendy’s, Kentucky Fried, Taco Bell and other fast food restaurants are among the biggest most profitable companies in the world the local restaurants are franchises sold to local small businessmen and serviced by the chain. So each one of these would be a small business eligible for the $750,000 tax exemption since the tax exemption would lower operating cost the chain could charge a higher portion of the business income effectively transfer much of the tax exemption to the home office.

Does Ohio need even more fast food restaurants? No. Do the affluent in Ohio need even more abundance? No. It is so easy to push people in the direction they are already headed. Most of Ohio legislatures will benefit directly from making some Ohio wealthiest citizens even more wealthy, those grateful to be tax free will make big campaign contributions in hopes of having the $750,000 Ohio tax exemption raised to $5 million or so after all $5 million is just a small business.

Does Ohio need less roads or state police? No. That means someone has to pay for those tax exemptions for the rich. Sales tax the most regressive tax on the books, will be raised on books sold over the internet and anyone knows the less the public knows the easier it is to take advantage of them. Reagan evil will live on as the evil of the Communists who founded the Modern Conservative Movement lives on beyond them.

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Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2013 05:31 am
Most of us are familiar with the internet scams where a conman in African country asks you to cash a $5,000 check for him and for your trouble he will let you keep a $1,000. Those who do deposit the check in their bank account later find the check was bogus and now they owe the bank $5,000.

The check Reagan wrote to the American people stated if they made the affluent even more affluent it would rain money on the rest of us, Trickledown Economics, It is obvious now that Reagan’s check was returned marked insufficient funds. But just as the conmen in Africa keeping finding more victims in America the commie/conservative conmen continue to keep sending the same checks in each election and they continue to find new victims.

When will they learn, when will they ever learn. America was not founded on the idea of making the affluent even more affluent. The success of a country will never be measured in the affluence of a few but in overall progress of its population. Even the poorest African country can produce affluence for a few. One African dictator owned his own Concord Jet and airport big enough to land it but his country was one of the poorest in the world. The African countries are not moving toward America’s ideals but Reagan and the commie/conservatives are pushing America toward third world distribution of wealth.
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Reply Mon 1 Jul, 2013 05:31 am
Glen Beck and Rush Slimbaugh continually tell us how the ungodly greedy contribute so much to charity but what constitutes a charity and is tax deductible? The recent spot light is over Pee Party groups trying to attain tax deductible status of a charity. These groups want to make government smaller government by eliminate the social safety net and further lowering tax on the rich. Why should the Pee Party organizations even be able to apply for tax exempt status? Pee Party organizations are nothing but political organizations that are pushing a political agenda and much of that agenda is obtaining more and bigger tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. I wonder how many other political organizations have access to tax exempt status.

By making contributions to political organizations tax exempt it magnifies the effectiveness of the ungodly greedy’ money and allows the Koch brothers money to buy much more influence. Is this a legitimate interest of the public? How effective is this practice? The richest 400 Americans now pay 17.4% tax on their income while the average worker pay 36%.
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Reply Wed 3 Jul, 2013 05:34 am
There was a replacement host on the Sean Hannity show yesterday who was complaining about the increase in food stamps program. Of course she was blaming Obama. It all seemed so simple in her simple mind; Obama had caused the increase in food stamp program. Of course the Bush caused Great Recession and Reagan’s cut back of social security. Of course there are other causes like the commie/conservative war on unions and working people that lowered real wages over a thirty year period and created a class of ungodly greedy monsters who used their increased wealth to control politics and change America’s economy to one based on extraction of wealth.

The commie/conservatives also rode to election wins on the wings of the anti-abortion movement. Commie/conservatives fire bombed clinics and murdered doctors who performed abortions. This discouraged many poor mothers from getting abortions and now there is a large bumper crop of those poor people who will need food stamps for their entire lives. Born into extreme poverty most will remain in abject poverty for a lifetime. The poor are less likely to have access to doctors and adequate birth control and more likely to have unwanted and unintended pregnancies. The commie/conservatives are being buried by a mountain of their own making and desperately looking for someone else to blame.

The commie/conservatives believe they have done their part once the baby is born but those babies will have to be supported for a lifetime. The commie/conservatives believe if the child dies at two or three months because of inadequate nourishment that fine because they should not have to pay for food stamps. They are only interested at life at the moment of birth. The antiabortion movement is only about power the absolute power to make someone give birth but now the time has come to pay the piper and the piper is going to collect from the tax system. My advice for the commie/conservatives is pay up and stop griping you created the problem now you are going to have to pay for it.
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Reply Thu 4 Jul, 2013 09:06 am
Once upon a time in America a college education was affordable. A college education was in the reach of anyone willing to work part time. This seems long ago and far away in the distant past but in fact most baby boomers had a chance at an affordable college education. If you set out to deliberately destroy a country or a civilization you would first try to destroy the foundation it was built on. America advantage over most of the countries in the world has been our ability to make an affordable education available to young adults.

Then the commie/conservatives came to power with the battle cry of smaller government, Hitler championed slogans and knew how effective they were, and meaningless slogans became Reagan’s trademark. Reagan efforts to make smaller government eliminated affordable college educations in America but government didn’t get any smaller in fact Reagan tripled the national debt in 8 years during peacetime. What got smaller was the taxes paid by the ungodly greedy.

When America was founded we had indentured servants, those who became servants for a number of years to pay for their passage to the new world. Now our children and grandchildren have become the new indentured servants to the bankers to pay for their educations but it is no longer a few years of servitude that is needed but a lifetime that is needed to pay for a college education. Thirty years is the new standard to repay loans between $100,000 and $300,000. The bankers are now making billions a year on government backed loans. Student loans have surpassed credits as the biggest debts owed by the American people. Can’t we just lower the taxes on these poor bankers some more? This is in fact what one is in saying when you vote commie/conservative in an election.

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Reply Fri 5 Jul, 2013 05:31 am
The bankers and commie/conservatives have created a generation of indentured servants with student loan debt eclipsing credit card debt in America. If the commie/conservatives get their way the rest of the public education system will be eliminated. Public schools will be eliminated and replaced with private for profit schools. The tuition is currently paid out of taxpayer funds to these private schools but in the not too distant future students will be expected to secure student loans to go grade school.

This is the free market solution to the education problem. According to commie/conservative theory if people can use their tax dollars to select the best school the bad schools will go out of business. But once tuition becomes the rule for grade school to go to the better schools you will need to supplement the taxpayer’s portion with private funds soon we will see the college tuition never ending cost spiral take over. Commie/conservatives will continue to insist on smaller government by continually decrease the amount of tax money used for public education. Parents would be expected to get student loans to get their children the “best education.” This way the bankers could make indentured servants out of both the parents and the children.

Could it happen? It is already happening as we speak; charter schools are become more common. In Florida you can go to a charter high school that has a major in making movies. One a child is enrolled his tuition is paid by the county tax funds. If the child is expelled or thrown out in a few days it is back to the county school but the charter school keeps the tuition the county schools are expected to absorb the cost of the returned children. You can bet there is a large list of hidden charges that parents are expected to pay to keep their child in the charter school.

An education has always been a right in America; it is not only a right but an obligation for each American to get the best possible education. Pricing education beyond the reach of many will lower the quality of life for all Americans. Ordinary Americans can no longer afford a college education but on the bright side taxes have been cut by over 60% for the ungodly greedy.
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Reply Sun 7 Jul, 2013 08:09 am
Ultimately a country is shaped by those they chose to put in power in Nazi Germany the job descriptions favored psychopathic personalities and the psychopaths became the country’s leaders. When most people hear the word psychopath they picture serial killers and other criminals but only a small portion of psychopaths are criminals most psychopaths are functional and are not criminals. The psychopaths prefer to refer to themselves as sociopaths to avoid the criminal connotations of the term psychopath.

M. E. Thomas is one such self-described sociopath she is an accomplished attorney and a law professor and founder of the web site SociopathWorld.com. She tells us that 4% of the population are sociopaths, that is 1 in every 25 people. Ninety–six percent of the population are empaths, meaning that they are capable of empathy. During the Great Depression Roosevelt found that many elderly windows were scrounging meals out of garbage cans and his sense of empathy led to social security. Roosevelt was wealthy, neither he nor his family needed social security but he empathized with those who did. Sociopaths simply lack that sense of empathy they are not fully human but they soon learn to imitate those around them. Any appearance of being motivate by empathy is a calculated move on their part for their benefit.

Thomas was recruited to a top law firm right out of college and the job description seemed custom designed for sociopaths and it is not only law firms but corporate America that is busily recruiting sociopaths. This should frighten the rest of us and explain much of what has happened in America over the last 30 years.

M. E. Thomas says it is like she is in the movie Body Snatchers where she afraid she will be found not human and the others will out her. But in no place have we seen the rise of the psychopaths as prominently as in politics the very nature of politics favors the psychopath. Lying for personal benefit is second nature to psychopaths and the calculations on what to do are simple math and decisions are made on what benefits them. It is easy to understand that lobbyist’s political contributions are far more beneficial to the sociopath senator than the public good because to the psychopath the public good does not matter only how they benefit has any value. Huge tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy pay off not only in huge campaign contributions but in huge favors like hiring one’s family members in big high paying jobs.

It is no wonder that the rise of commie/conservatism and the rise of the psychopaths took place at the same time they are intertwined. The commie/conservative political philosophy was born of psychopaths like Whitaker Chambers who had no problem watching thousands of fellow Americans die so he could further his political goals. When Chambers turned state military secrets over to the Nazi and communists he had no regard for others. In commie/conservatism there is no we, there is just the individual and how he can benefit from taking from the many.

America is going down a path of no return as the psychopaths gain more control and in the end game the psychopaths want all the marbles. There is no you in a psychopaths mind unless you are the victim.
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Reply Mon 8 Jul, 2013 05:30 am
The founding fathers said “We the people” but when the commie/conservatives said America has nothing to do with “we” it is only “I” that is of any importance. The sociopath makes all his decision based on “I” “We” never enters the occasion. The founding fathers knew that we were all in this together and America followed those values for a couple of hundred years until the American communists decided they knew better and founded the modern conservative movement.

Can a political movement adopt the values of a sociopath? Can a sociopath found a political and imbue it with his sociopathic value system? The answer to both questions is yes. Sociopaths do participate in politics though they make up only 4% of the population they excel in certain fields and unfortunately politics is one of them. While an empath’s values might constrain him from doing certain things the sociopath’s calculation is much simpler mathematic does he benefit, if others lose that is of no consequence to sociopath.

The most important distinguishing characteristic of a sociopath is how they make decisions they are simply cost benefit decision and never go beyond the “I.” Conservatism mandates the same type of decision making for the body politic. America has lost its way in the end it is “we” not “I” that is important.
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Reply Fri 12 Jul, 2013 08:37 am
If non-criminal sociopaths make up only 4% of the population the damage they do to society should be limited if it were not offset by the fact that sociopaths are four times more likely to become corporate CEOs so this small group influence over our society is magnified by a factor of four. Sociopaths are drawn to power like moths to a flame making politics one of the most attractive career choices. Political favors can be auctioned off to the highest bidder and the sociopath uses a simple mathematical formula to determine his actions. The math is simple does it benefit the sociopath or not if so which option benefits the sociopath the most there are no other considerations only the benefits to the sociopath.

The structure of Modern Conservatism is the same as the mind of the sociopath it makes the same mathematical calculations. It postulates that if each individuals makes decisions like a sociopath where only their benefit is taken into account the country as a whole will be better off. Modern conservatism takes the conman’s perspective and every other individual is looked as a potential mark someone that can be taken advantage of by the sociopath. The commie/conservatives believe that if each rugged individual did his best to take advantage of every other rugged individual we would bring about a sociopathic paradise. This is not the road to paradise but the road to Hell.
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Reply Sun 14 Jul, 2013 02:17 pm
After 30 years of commie/conservatism what can they take credit for?
“Also, ironically, it’s becoming cheaper to manufacture goods in the United States, thanks to the recalibration of labor union benefits that have allowed companies to shrink wages and benefits in exchange for full employment for American workers.”

From the book the “The Rich and the Rest of Us” by Travis Smiley and Cornel West

What don’t you see in that quote? Does it say that CEO’s wages and benefits have gone down to bring jobs back to America? There is a good reason for that while workers real wages have gone down CEOs salaries have went up 100s of time during that same period of time. Is the money paid to a CEO any different than that paid to those who actually do the work? For the last 60 years the commie/conservatives have waged a war against the American workingman but never the CEOs. Why? In their political philosophy a man is worth whatever he can take so if a CEO raises his salary 100s of time he is entitled to every cent but if workingmen belongs to a union and get a small wage increase they are killing the company. Can you say hypocrisy? Under commie/conservatism the CEOs are absolutely entitled to raise their salaries hundreds of times, even if they raised their salaries their salaries 1,000s of times the commie/conservatives would believe they were absolutely entitled to all they can take but if the American works got a quarter the commie/conservatives would say it is killing the company.

The sociopaths are not only running the asylum but the country and the commie/conservatives are backing them up.

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Reply Mon 15 Jul, 2013 07:19 am
There is no doubt that commie/conservatism shifted the prevailing paradigm in America. The prevailing political paradigm before the commie/conservatives shifted it provided America with the longest economic expansion in history. The prevailing paradigm in the 50s and 60s in America could best be described in one word as “we” but the commie/conservatives shifted the paradigm to what can best be described in one word as “I.” It is not necessary that a paradigm be true only that we act as if it were true. Political paradigm can and do shift over time but what the twenty century bought was the ability to use the recent discoveries in neuroscience to shift the paradigm. This aloud a small group of individuals to shift the political paradigm to their advantage like Tom Sawyer they convinced the rest of American to paint the fence for less while they got hundreds of time more.

However what cannot be disputed is that one group got all of the benefit of the political paradigm shift. The average income of all Americans households in 2000 was $42,700 while the average income of the top 13,400 was $24 million 560 times the average income. Before the political paradigm shifts in 1970 this group income was only 100 times the average household income. The overwhelming majority of Americans lost under the commie/conservative political paradigm shift but the ”I”s real income increased 460 times. This group will do everything in their power to keep and maintain the paradigm shift and that includes using a good portion of their wealth to keep the prevailing paradigm.

If you asked the average American if they would vote for increasing the wealthy income by an additional 460 times and decreasing their own income at the same time they would say hell no but yet they continue to not only vote for but publicly support a political paradigm that not only harms them but the country as a whole. The ungodly greedy manipulate the one issue voters, the anti-abortion crowd, the gun nuts, and other fringe elements to keep their paradigm in power.
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Reply Wed 17 Jul, 2013 05:31 am
Are history lessons ever really learned? History has taught us that economies based on extraction fail and America in the last 30 years has is moving away from a long time inclusive economy toward an extractive economy. An extractive economy is one where a small group of elite extract vast majority of a country wealth for themselves. All of the increase in GNP over the last 30 years in America has gone to a small group of elite. Then this group of elite then uses their increased wealth to change the laws of the country to further benefit them.

Of course the elite not only freely spend their increased wealth to change the laws to favor them they also spend it to change the paradigm to benefit them. The Koch brothers spend a good deal of money on college campuses to endow facility seats for those who will actively push their political agenda to the young. The Koch brothers literally financed a grass roots political movement on American college campuses to push the commie/conservative agenda. When people like the Koch brothers give money to colleges it is given to benefit themselves their agenda never changes.
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Reply Thu 18 Jul, 2013 05:32 am
Glen Beck was a no show yesterday and a guest host named Doc Thompson took over for Glen. Like all red neck right Thompson hates unions and believes it should be illegal for workingmen to organize. The red neck rights always say they believe in freedom but when it comes down to it freedom is something the red neck right can never understand. To the red neck right their idea of freedom is their freedom to control other people’s bodies and reproductive functions. But according to Doc Thompson Unions and abortions should be illegal but you should be able to own a tank to protect your home.

Thompson was discussing the closing of the company that made Twinkie according to Thompson as always it was the union’s fault the company closed. Even after one former employee called in and told him that some employees had taken a $200 a week pay cut it simply wasn’t enough. No doubt management employees had increased their pay hundreds of times as has been the practice across the country but union employee salaries cannot be reduced fast enough to cover the increase in the CEO’s salary. What does Thompson think about this? He believes the minimum wage law should be repealed so the employees can be paid far less and the CEO thousands of times more than the average employee.

At one time the right bitterly resented that do to unionization manufacturing had to pay a living wage now that the right has all but eliminated manufacturing in America by using taxpayer money to providing huge tax incentives to move American manufacturing overseas. Now that a living wage is no longer possible for many Americans and they now must work two or three minimum wage jobs to living the minimum wage is the next target. After all isn’t the government taking away the CEO freedom? After all Good Will doesn’t have to pay the minimum wage and they get by with paying employee twenty-two cents an hour. Do you realize how much more the CEO could make if they only paid employees twenty-two cents an hour? The average of CEOs in America could be 10,000 to 20,000 times what their average employee made.

Thompson claims to have come from a working family in Ohio. According to Thompson his father drove an hour each way to work near Cleveland what he doesn’t say is whether his father was union. He mentions all the occupations of all the working people in his family but never mentions whether they are union employees. He spent a major part of his show downing unions but doesn’t mention that the wage his father earned and the benefits he got because of the unions that raised the standard of living for Thompson whether his father was union or because his shop paid better than union scale to keep from having a union.

Had Thompson been born in his grandfather’s time he could have worked building the New River Tunnel where when he became sick from silicosis and could not stand up sheriff deputies would club him to make him work till he died. It is a shame that there is not a time machine that these red neck right cowards could be sent back and let them experience life in America when there were no unions. Thompson got to where he is now because many union employees died on a picket line to make his life better.
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Reply Mon 22 Jul, 2013 05:33 am
Detroit is 18 billion in debts including $3.5 billion owed to its employee’s pension systems. Detroit also managed to buy $2.5 billion in art work and now discussion is underway as to whether to auction off the billions in art work to help pay Detroit debts but a move is underway to keep the art work and cheat the employees claiming the art work Detroit is the biggest city in America to declare bankruptcy. belongs to the people and not to the city. The rich who frequent the art museum see keeping the art work as far more important than paying the pension they owe. One spokesman said that if the art work was sold that it would flood the market and drive prices down in the world art market. She said there are only so many billionaires that can afford to buy the art work.

This is clearly sociopathic reasoning the fact that you incurred a debt never enters into the equation the only consideration is how do we keep the artwork and cheat the retired employees out of their pensions. A sociopath’s only consideration is how will this benefit me at no point will the sociopath think I incurred a debt and I am obligated to pay that debt. This is typical of businessmen in town who will not pay taxes for several years and then offer to pay 1/3 of their taxes as settlement. What do you want to bet Detroit will keep the art and cheat the former employees out of their most of their pension?
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Reply Wed 24 Jul, 2013 05:31 am
At the same time Reagan was declaring that social security was underfunded he declared that pensions systems were way overfunded and changed the law so wealthy could loot the pension systems and loot they did. Pension system were declared an asset of the company and used for collateral. This allowed small companies to purchase large companies and finance the debt with 30 years or more pension contributions of the employees. Before Reagan 60% of the private sectors workers were covered by defined benefit pensions that paid a certain percentage of their salary determined by years of service. After Reagan only 11% had defined benefit pension. Most were converted to saving accounts that the employer contributed to if they chose. These were called defined contributions pensions. They were nothing but a lie and the employees were told they would have millions upon retirement. Thirty years later at retirement the average defined contribution pension (saving account) had only $50,000 in it enough to provide $300 a month annuity.

Private sector employees could still collect their social security but Police and Firemen don’t pay social security their pensions were designed to replace their social security. If the Detroit firemen lose their pension there is no social security to fall back on even if they worked in the private sector they are allowed to draw only a small portion of their social security because their police or fire pension was supposed to replace social security. When a policeman or fireman dies his wife is given a choice between his pension or her social security she can’t draw both. Many wives of deceased Detroit police and firemen will have opted for the pensions of their deceased husband instead of their social security because their husband pension was more but now may end up with little or nothing.

There is no doubt that there are many creditors in Detroit who are owed money but none of these creditors paid money into the pensions employees paid into a percentage of their pay into the pension system. A pension system soon becomes a company’s biggest asset and make no doubt about the creditors in Detroit plan and having equal standing when it comes to the pension plan money and law changed during the Reagan administration allow the creditors to take the employee’s money.

One of the most basic of rights necessary for a civilization to exist is the right to contract and have that contract enforced in a court of law. One of the primary reason’s nations fail is that contracts can’t be enforced. Creditors who have sold materials to Detroit in the last 6 months will expect to be paid from the pensions contributions employee’s made 30 years ago. These creditors knew Detroit was in bad shape and knew it was a risky venture the employees that devoted their life work to the city did not.

Each small step down the commie/conservative road takes us a step closer toward being a failed nation. Commie/conservatism philosophy tells us that we are entitled to whatever you can take however you can take it. American courts are the new highwaymen robbing the workingmen to give to the ungodly greedy. What do you want to bet the billions in artwork won’t be sold and the employee’s will lose their most of their pensions?
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Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 05:31 am
When Willie Sutton, a bank robber, was asked why he robbed banks legend has it that he replied, “That is where the money is.” Sutton was very resourceful and robbed banks dressed as a policeman, bank guard, mover, Western Union messenger, window washer, maintenance man, and a striped pants diplomat. In Sutton’s time the banks were where the money was but as the baby boomers came of age the real money was in their pension plans. Where a good thief could steal thousands at a bank he could steal millions from a pension plans and he didn’t need a tommy gun.

The odds are always in the house’s favor but casino operators have long known if you can fix the game profits can be radically increased. It is illegal to fix gambling devices but what if you could change the rules. Casino operators can’t because they are overseen by the government. Even with oversight gambling games can and are fixed from time to time. Like death and disease, thieves will always be with us. While casinos operators have not been able to change the rules the modern day Willie Suttons were able to get Reagan to change the rules so they could legally raid the baby boomers pension systems for trillions. Willie Sutton would have been green with envy; I wonder whether he ever considered dressing as a CEO when he robbed banks?

As the rules stand today if a company takes over another company in a hostile takeover and the company they take over has a $100 million dollar in their pension a good portion of that contributed by the employees. The corporate raider, and there is a good reason why they are referred to as corporate raiders, can then charge the company it took control a “management fee.” This “management fee” can be any amount the corporate raider decides to charge sort of like the pirates boarding another ship and taking anything they like except it is legal in America to do this now. The pension plans were the biggest assets of most of the companies that were raided. If there is a $100 million in the pension plan a $100 million “management fee” will solve the problem. For thirty years the employees saw their pension plan prosper and one day a modern day Willie Sutton walked in and made off with the money.

I watched as one of Huntington’s biggest employers was acquired by a much smaller company and the pension system raided and the corporate raider was backed up to the hilt by a federal judge. It was like Willie Sutton walked into a bank and took everything and a federal judge telling the bank depositors that old Willie was entitled to every cent and more. This is why nations fail.

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Reply Fri 26 Jul, 2013 05:32 am
Many Americans have been cheated out of their pensions but they at least had social security to provide a meager existence but imagine being cheated out of not only your pension but your social security. While most Americans paid social security police and fire departments across America were able to opt out of social security if they provided a pension deemed good enough to provide a decent retirement. This was not a choice made by employees but by city administrations. The employee did not have to pay the 6.2% but neither did the city have to pay their 6.2% this was a big savings for those cities. In effect much of the $3.5 billion owed the pension fund would have been the city 6.2% contribution to social security. Now the city’s creditors are stepping in to try and get a share of what would have been mandatory payments into the employee’s social security accounts.

No doubt in any bankruptcy the social security owed to the federal government would have a superior claim. Baby Bush wanted to privatize social security and we are now getting a good look at what would have happened to social security in the end the rich and political powerful can simply take it away like candy from a baby. In Huntington the former fire and police pension systems are being closed and new hires put in a new state run system for EMTs and they are required to pay into social security. Between contributions to their pension system and social security the new employees are paying nearly 20% of their income for their retirement.

The baby boomer generation will be the poorest generation since the great depression because of the political philosophy of conservatism that states if you are powerful enough to take it you are entitled to it.
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Reply Sun 28 Jul, 2013 01:00 pm
Rush Slimbaugh was having a heyday with Detroit blaming the successive democratic administrations for Detroit bankruptcy. It seems there had not been a Republican administration in Detroit since the 1960s. Of course Detroit was at the heart of the American auto industry in the 60s. This was prior to the gas shortage of the 70s and the Arab Oil Cartel. Foreign cars were a curiosity and most Americans would have never considered owning one.

It was not politics that killed Detroit as the simple minded Rush Slimbaugh would have his red neck ditto followers believe. It was greed not the greed of the unions who only wanted a meager living in their old age it was the auto industry CEOs who raised their salaries 100s of times and deliberately designed junk. The American auto industry began to embrace the commie/conservative political philosophy that they were entitled to whatever they could take from the American people and take and take is exactly what they did.

There are cities all over America who are going bankrupt these cities were run by both Republicans administrations and Democratic administrations but in Detroit’s case it didn’t matter who was in city hall as much as it mattered who was running the American auto industry into the ground. American auto industry CEOs decided to increase in their salaries hundreds of times while Japanese auto CEO’s made a tiny fraction of what the American CEOs did. Next the American auto CEOS decided the way to increase their salaries was to sell more cars and since the American market was only so big the idea was to sell more cars to the same people by making cars ware out faster. The new rage in Detroit was the 35,000 mile car a car that was designed to last only 35,000. These cars frequently didn’t last until the loan was paid off. How did they solve that problem? By making bigger loans where your previous cars loan balance was added to your new loan. In few years these cars had the doors wired to the roof as the metal that held them was rusted out. What did the American auto industry CEOs do? They raised their salaries another few 100 times.

But as the American people looked at the junk in their driveway they began to think that strange guy with the foreign down the street wasn’t so strange after all and those foreign cars were not so strange after all. The foreign cars got 4 times the gas mileage and more importantly lasted until after the car loan was paid. The democratic mayors of Detroit could not stop the greed is everything attitude held by American auto industry CEOs. Commie/conservative political philosophy is far more than a political philosophy it created a paradigm that penetrated America at every level from the Detroit CEOs to corporate raiders to the corner store.
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Reply Mon 29 Jul, 2013 05:35 am
Newt Gingrich called Obama the “food stamp” president and there is no doubt the number of people who qualify for food stamps program is going up every day. But question is why is it going up? There are 10,000 baby boomers retiring every day and about 49% of the private sector workers were swindled out of their pensions by the ungodly greedy now they are left with only their social security. Increasing numbers of elderly need food stamps to be able to eat. This is the real face of greed in America. Commie/conservatives tell us greed is good that greed is the answer to every question. Greed rots from the core of a society outward. It took 30 years before the rot was visible from the outside and many other Americans deny that it is happening.

Commie/conservatives have the morality of a sociopath once their end of bargain is fulfilled there is no need for them to fulfill their end. When it came to cheating the retirees out of their pensions in a bankrupt town in Road Island the attorney representing the town said, “that it was impossible to sustain a culture where people work for a while and retiree and get a nice pension.” Work for a “while?” Forty years is not a “while” it is a lifetime but it is easy to cheat retirees out of their pensions and the attorney’s firm will be paid literally millions to file the bankruptcy and deserve every penny of those millions in fees.
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Reply Tue 30 Jul, 2013 05:31 am
The commie/conservatives have claimed that more people are now getting food stamps then are working as always when commie/conservatives mouths are moving they are lying. One hundred and thirty six million Americans were working in April but only one hundred and one million got food assistance of any kind. Again you see the commie/conservatives using Hitler propaganda techniques, if you tell a lie often enough a majority will soon believe the lie.

But the real problem is that most people getting food stamps are working and not making enough to even feed themselves. Most of the employees of the biggest employer in America are eligible for food stamps in other words after working a full time job with America biggest employer they cannot afford enough food to feed their family. Welcome to Wal-Mart path to untold riches for the owners and a life of poverty for the employees who produce the wealth. Wal-Mart has become the dream model for businesses in America. Wal-Mart is anti-union and politically powerful when union organizers tried to organize a Wal-Mart the federal government stepped in and said every Wal-Mart store in America would have to vote to be union an impossible task.
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