The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 27 May, 2013 06:31 am
The basic political concepts that lay at the foundation of the Spanish Conquistadors actions in Mexico and South America are the same ones that have been rediscovered in Modern Conservatism. The Conquistadors believed they had a god given right to exploit the native population and conservatives believe they have that same right. Five hundred years may have passed but the dark side of man and greed has not changed. The ungodly greedy are always with us like disease and pestilence the dark side of man always strives to make itself acceptable to the general population but like the Spanish Conquistadors bargain with the native chiefs once the ransom of a house of gold is paid they burned the chiefs alive. You can never make a deal with the devil or the dark side of man.

America GNP was $13.16 trillion in 1982 and it was $63.65 trillion in 2012. The Gross National Product is a measure of all goods and services produced by the American people in a year so all Americans should expect to share in that increase production but the Modern Conquistadors, the ungodly greedy, were able to use their vast economic and political power to take all the gold, silver and labor of a nation. The top 1/100 of 1% got almost all of the increase in GNP over that 30 year period. In fact the middle class actual lost ground the wages in real dollars have declined as their share of the economic pie is decreasing and the siren song of commie/conservatisms plays on that the economic pie belongs to those who are strong enough to take it and they do and they want more each day.

The basic idea that lies at the heart of the political foundation of commie/conservatism is that one is entitled to what one is powerful enough to take is the same principal that the thief or conmen live their life by. We have to look at the communists that were responsible for founding Modern Conservative Movement like Frank Meyer and Whitaker Chambers. What most conservatives don’t realize is that communist were responsible for the ideas they parrot today. Frank Meyer, the father of Modern Conservatism, lifetime ambition was to destroy America as we know it and make it a communist country and he worked under the command of Moscow. Whitaker was a known communist spy who Reagan gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The fact that many Americans died in WWII because of the military secrets Chambers gave the communists and Nazis never bothered Chambers or Reagan who gave him the highest honor any American can receive. Is it any wonder that these people could formulate a political ideology that whatever you are economically powerful enough to take you are entitled to?

Commie/conservatism is cancer planted and nourished by known communists that eats slowly at first but soon accelerates. The parrots are legion but few know their political ideas come from the founding communists. It is the ethos of a thief and our country’s foundation cannot be and should not be built on the ethos of a thief.
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Reply Wed 29 May, 2013 06:33 am
Five hundred years ago the conquistadors came to the Americas to set up a permanent underclass to provide them with gold, silver and servants. This permanent underclass would serve the elite Spanish conquistadors. In America the commie/conservative political ideology is in the process of creating that permanent underclass in America. In a winner take all political philosophy the creation of a permanent underclass is assured.

“Guilt you may be thinking warily. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to feel? But guilt doesn’t go anywhere near far enough the appropriate emotion is shame---shame at our own dependency in this case, on the underpaid labor of others. When someone works for less pay than they can live on---where for example she goes hungry so that you can eat more cheaply and conveniently---then she has made a great sacrifice for you, she has made a gift to you of some of her abilities, her health and her life. The “working poor,” as they are appropriately termed, are in fact the major philanthropists of our society. They neglect their own children so the children of others will be cared for; they live in substandard housing so that other houses will be shinny an perfect; they endure privations so that inflation will be low and stock prices high. To be a member of the working poor is to be an anonymous donor, a nameless benefactor, to everyone else. As Gail, one of my restaurant coworkers put it, you give and you give.”

From the book “Nickel and Dimed” by Barbra Ehrenreich
The author Ehrenreich actually lived as a minimum wage worker in three different cities and lived on the wages she earned first as a waitress in Key West, then as a maid in Maine, and finally a Wal-Mart employee in Minnesota. Living in trailers and run down motels. Ehrenreich holds a PhD but quickly found out she had no real advantage in skill over her coworkers.

“They’re coming for you Barbra” was the famous quote from “The Night of the Living Dead” and indeed they are not only coming for Barbra but they are coming for all of us and it is not the zombies we have to worry about but the ungodly greedy that have taken chunks of our life. A war is fought on different fronts and this war with the ungodly greedy is no different. Inflation is one front it relentlessly captures more of our income but we are told we are making the same amount. Medical care costs continue to skyrocket a routine blood test doubles in cost each year in a geometric progression. The cost of health insurance went up 2700% in the last 39 years and no longer covers many routine health care expenses. We have to realize what has already happened to the working poor is happening to the middle class. It is not only the working poor the modern day conquistadors are coming for it is you and your family.

In the “Never Ending Story” Bastian goes to Fantasia and as he looks back he see the part of the world where he has been being destroyed, I know the feeling as I look back over my lifetime I can see the middle class lifestyle being destroyed while the ungodly greedy income skyrockets. A world where the ungodly lay claim to all of the increased GNP for the last 30 years, the commie/conservative years. Glen Beck tells us that the ungodly greedy are the great philanthropists but the working poor that are the great philanthropists, and soon it will be the middle class who will pay the $50,000 a year tuition at Harvard for the children of the ungodly greedy while they cannot pay for the tuition at a community college for their own children.
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Reply Sun 2 Jun, 2013 12:33 pm
The Patriot Coal decision is the most important legal decision handed down in the twenty-first century because in this decision the commie/conservatives have changed the nature and direction of America. With the Patriot Coal decision it is clear that America under commie/conservative political ideology and commie/conservative judges has chosen to make the United States government a tool to exploit the working people of America. When our government becomes no more than a tool of the ungodly greedy to exploit the working people we are no better off than the native population of Mexico and South America when the conquistadors arrived and set up puppet governments to exploit the native population. Ninety percent of the coal miners that were cheated out of their pension and medical benefits never worked a day in their life for Patriot Coal their pension and medical debts were “sold” to Patriot as “assets” when in fact they were debts or account payable. Everyone knew that the debt was being unloaded by some of the most profitable coal companies in the world.

The coal miners had created a tremendous amount of wealth for the ungodly greedy like Don Blankenship of Arch Coal. Blankenship was paid $17.8 million in 2009 and received another $27.2 million in deferred compensation. Notice they don’t refer to Blankenship deferred compensation as a pension though in fact a pension is really deferred compensation. Do you think one of these millionaire CEO every lost a cent of their “deferred compensation” in one of these deals or that a judge ever took a single cent of the deferred compensation of the ungodly greedy CEO? No because a pension isn’t referred to as “deferred compensation” calling it “deferred compensation” indicates ownership and that the CEO has already earned this money not so the worker who has a pension that can be taken away at any time by a commie/conservative judge. Note Blankenship $27.2 was just the deferred compensation for one year. Forty-four percent of Patriot Coal’s retirees were from Arch Coal.

One of the most important functions of government is to enforce contracts. When a citizen makes a contract he can easily be cheated if there is no redress to enforce the contract obligations. In cases one renders service the obligation to repay that service is decades down the road. In fact a quarter century of service is necessary to receive a pension. This gives the ungodly greedy and their allies in court years to figure how to defraud the employees out of their pensions. In South America the courts were created to exploit the native population for the ungodly greedy conquistadors and now the commie/conservatives have done the same to America.

If we started today and never nominated another commie/conservative judge to the bench it would take thirty years before the commie/conservatives judges would all be gone from office. The political philosophy of commie/conservative’ judges are exploitive. Not one single dime of Don Blankenship billions will be touched by judges. Blankenship used his vast fortune to buy the WV Supreme Court and got caught at it. Blankenship never mined the first ton of coal that produced his huge fortune but his talent was in swindling others.
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Reply Mon 3 Jun, 2013 05:31 am
When most people think of criminals a drug addict robbing the local gas station comes to mind but these are only petty criminals who manage to get a few dollars and change and risk major jail time. The total take from the Patriot—Peabody—Magnum---Arch Coal scam is in the billions and was divided between a very few of the ungodly greedy. These are the real criminals in our society when Don Blankenship bought the WV Supreme Court in hopes of overturning a $100 million judgment against him he was not prosecuted even when pictures turned up with Blankenship seen cozying up to the Chief Justice of the WV Supreme Court in a foreign country, while he had a multi-million dollar appeal pending.

The judge in the Patriot—Peabody—Magnum---Arch Coal scam seems content to let Patriot dictate whatever terms it wants. Patriot say if the pension payments are not scaled back it will eliminate the pensions entirely and set up 401ks and the average 401k has only $50,000 at retirement age and that will provide only a $300 a month annuity. When Obama saved the auto industry from going bankrupt Romney advocated letting General Motors and Chrysler go bankrupt and letting other companies buy up what was left. Romney claimed in the end no jobs would lost. Why not let Patriot bankrupt and dived the assets of the company to the employee’s pension and medical benefits after all the Patriot’s coal mines will be bought by other coal companies after all the same mines were just recently purchased by Patriot.

Why should a bankruptcy court judge reward an obvious scam? Because there are bond holders patriot was created on credit, the money to create the company was borrowed. If Patriot is allowed to liquidate under bankruptcy law the bondholders will only get pennies on the dollar of their investment back and who are the bondholders? The ungodly greedy of course. The pat answer is we don’t want to see 21,000 jobs lost when in fact most of those jobs would not be lost as the mines would be bought. The answer is that the wages of the miners would be cut by 30% so the ungodly greedy bonds could be repaid.
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Reply Tue 4 Jun, 2013 05:34 am
If you owned a house and had a $100,000 mortgage on the house and then sold off a 10 foot by 30 feet section of your 200 by 100 foot lot with a 10 foot by 12 foot out building on it and when your bank sent you a notice that your mortgage was past due you told the bank sorry but I sold your $100,000 mortgage to the guy that bought the out building. But when the bank went to collect from the guy that you sold the out building to he declared bankruptcy and his only assets were a few feet of property and a 10 by 12 out building. The bank would say they never loaned money to the guy that bought the out building and besides you still have the $100,000 house that they loaned the money on. Sorry a deal is a deal and the bank is just going to have to eat the loss. The bank then takes you to court and your lawyer say sorry but this was just a busy deal gone bad besides there was a rumor that a McDonalds was going to be built on the neighboring property and that 10 foot by 30 foot property could have been sold for $200,000 so it was possible that the guy might have made money. A deal is a deal a person can sell debt just the same way you sell a car after all Enron sold its debt. It is clear this debt was sold and after all the guy had a couple hundred in assets this is just a good business deal. The bank lawyer would say no this was a fraudulent scheme to defraud the bank. But the judge rules for the guy that sold the debt.

That is the Patriot Coal scam in a nut shell. The miners had no say whatsoever in their pensions and medical benefits being sold to Patriot. These pensions and medical benefits were with secure and profitable companies and were sold to a startup company that was buried in debt to begin with. Of course the bank would not let you sell their mortgage without checking the credit worthiness and making sure the assets stayed with the mortgage. You could sell a portion of your property and your mortgage to your brother-in-law who was going bankrupt but a judge would put a stop to that immediately why should the ungodly greedy be able to do the same thing.

Twenty years ago when I started enforcing contractor law conmen and scammers were treated like legitimate contractors in court. When civil suits were bought by victims I watched as judges gave the scammers and conmen more time to complete the job when they had no intention of doing the job to start with they had made no effort or very little to cover the scam. Finally a law was passed called fraudulent scheme if a pattern of taking money and not preforming the work could be shown the conman could be convicted of a felony and jailed.

There is no doubt the Patriot Coal scam was a fraudulent scheme carried out by some of the most profitable corporations in the world. From the start they knew that there was no possible way for Patriot Coal could cover the bills run up by Peabody Energy Corporation, Magnum Coal, and Arch Coal over the last half century.

The commie/conservative political ideology is that you are entitled to anything you are powerful enough to take, “the wisdom of the deep slums.” This is what Whitaker Chambers learned at the knee of one-eyed Annie’s pimp or maybe it was on Whitakers knees when learned this. One of the communists who helped found the Modern Conservative Movement and the man Reagan awarded the Presidential
Medal of Freedom often trolled the public of bathrooms for sex is it any wonder that scamming is legal under the commie/conservative philosophy?
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Reply Wed 5 Jun, 2013 05:32 am
How many times have you heard that the reason a company went out of business was that the employee’s wages were too high? Most people have heard this explanation time and time again when companies failed or were moved overseas. But have you ever once heard that a company failed because the CEO salaries went up 240 times? No that is never given as the explanation but that is exactly what was going during the thirty years when America went from being a manufacturing based economy to having less manufacturing than any point since the beginning of manufacturing age. Now for a reality check the real wages after they were adjusted for inflation went down over that 30 year period but the CEO’s salaries went up 100s of time after the same adjustment for inflation.

Reality is often far different than the popular commie/conservative propaganda that passes for reality the truth is not bent it is replaced with an alternate reality. The workingman has been robbed blind by the commie/conservative economic theory that you are entitled to whatever you can take. An economy based on the economic theories of thieves will not long abide.
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Reply Fri 7 Jun, 2013 05:36 am
The commie/conservatives are comparing the recent scandals to Watergate and the Nixon Administration but most of the commie/conservatives are ignorant of the extremes the Nixon Administration went to. While the Obama administration secured phone records of journalists in a national security investigation John Ehrlichman from the Nixon Whitehouse consulted a national known expert on poisoning how best to kill Jack Anderson, a nationally syndicated writer that was critical of the Nixon administration. They discussed poisoning the aspirin in Anderson house and calling it aspirin roulette as Anderson had six children in his house. Next they discussed coating Anderson steering wheel with LSD and hoping it was absorbed through his skin but it was winter time and they were afraid he might wear gloves. It was finally decided that Ehrlichman should kill him and make it look like a robbery. It was never carried out but this is how the commie/conservatives deal with the press a check of phone records in a national security investigation is not comparable to killing members of the press who are critical of your administration.

Politics by murder is acceptable practice to secure political power. The Reagan administration established a military base in South America to train death squads for South American exploitive governments. Reagan was not training defensive armies but death squads that came in the middle of the night and killed anyone who spoke out against the exploitive government 10s of thousands were killed by Reagan Administration trained killers all over South America. It was only a very short step from maintaining political power by murder in South America to doing the same thing in America. To the right the end justifies the means.
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Reply Mon 10 Jun, 2013 05:32 am
“I’ve looked at life from both sides now from win and lose and still somehow its life’s illusion I recall I really don’t know life at all. “

Joni Mitchel
____________________________________________________Those are some of the most profound words ever spoken from the first time I heard Judy Collins sing them in the 60s I knew they were a key piece of the puzzle of life. We are far more comfortable with illusion then fact each Sunday morning millions pay tribute to the imagination of someone 2000 years ago. The illusion is so attractive that reality doesn’t stand a chance. As most people lay dying it will ‘be life’s illusion they recall.”

Illusions are often manufactured by those who stand to benefit from the illusion. The illusion that the unions and the American workingman were responsible were responsible for the decline of the massive decline of manufacturing is one of life’s illusion. As the CEO’s raised their salaries 240 times they pointed to the employees as being at fault even as there real wages were declining. The illusion was so powerful that no one even to question the fact that CEO salaries went up 100s of time during the same period. Why were the American people so willing to accept the illusion when the facts were readily available? Because the opiate of illusion is that insulates from having to take action to deal with reality. CEOs are nothing but employees just as the janitor is an employee so is the CEO. But CEO’s under the illusion are treated as owners which they are not in most cases. But for the illusion the American would have to deal with the fact that the CEOs increased their salaries by 240 times. One way that CEO’s salaries were kept in check was our progressive income tax which in America greatest economic expansion, after WWII up until the 80’s, kept CEO’s salaries in check. When the Reagan and commie/conservatives took office their first target was to kill the progressive income tax and raise the taxes on the working people. The higher the price the higher the motive for theft once a CEO would have to pay 93% in income tax on six figures after the commie/conservative tax cuts the same CEO paid less than 15%. Romney is a case in point will pay only about 9% after he claims the rest of his religious contributions. The social security alone is 6.2% on every dollar the workingman earns. But one of life’s illusion that the rich pay a much higher percentage of their income in taxes when in fact they pay far less. We cannot fix America without seeing through the illusions the rich pay to create and maintain.
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Reply Wed 12 Jun, 2013 05:04 am
Privacy is one of “life’s illusions” most of us spend more time on camera than movie stars a few years ago. Our movements are tracked on the GPS on our phones. Rental cars are monitored by GPS technology. My running watch tracks not only the miles I have run but where I ran them it has a program that will draw a map of where I ran complete with the street names. When I went to college the gas stations a couple of Marshall jocks spent their time watching the women in the rest room they had a hole in the wall and a mirror placed to give them the maximum view it was a major oil company station and the district manager had advised them not to use it but this practice was somewhat common. We are being carefully monitored and studied in stores to see what product attractive our attention and how placement on shelves affects our decision to buy a particular product. Internet companies track our every movement on the web. Surveillance camera are everywhere from ATMs to private residences. Landlords place tiny camera in their tenets bedrooms. We have become a nation of voyeurs who are more content to watch life then live it.

The government is only one of many who are interested in what we are doing and why we are doing it. We are like a woman with a low cut blouse leaning over and pretending to be offended when a man looks. We pretend to be offended even though we know privacy went out 50 years as technology advanced. “For everything you gain you lose something along the way.”
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Reply Thu 13 Jun, 2013 05:31 am
As the commie/conservatives in Congress feign outrage over so called violations of privacy they fail to point out that they voted for the laws that made the recent disclosures of how intrusive the Federal government has become. The horrendous events and images of 9/11/2001 have faded in the memory of the Congressmen when the images of the planes being flown into the World Center were being run frequently on television with the images of the damage to Pentagon hit especially close to home the same Congressmen who are feigning innocence now would have gladly granted martial law to prevent more attacks by foreign terrorists. The Congressmen were well aware that there was one last plane being flown toward Washington when it was downed by the passengers in Pennsylvania. The Congressmen illusions of safety had been shattered not only could they be attacked but they were a prime target, like the coward in a bar after the bully goes home comes out and declares how he would have whipped the bully if he hadn’t gone home, the Congressmen feel like the terrorist have left the building and the attack on Washington are now a remote possibility again, now they can claim to be brave and declare they had no such intentions when they passed the laws that permitted the surveillance.

The Congressmen have no problem with the terrorist’s privacy being violated in fact they would gladly permit the most hideous forms of torture to gain information about a terrorist attack. The only problem is finding terrorists to torture are like finding a needle in 100 mile diameter haystack. Terrorists are not going to be found running around with the word terrorist written on their t-shirts they are doing everything in their power to blend in with the rest of the hay stack.

The old truism says, “You can have anything you want but you can’t everything you want,” we will have to choose what we want most and strike a balance between our privacy and our safety. No one would want to ensure the privacy of the 9/11. Most would gladly authorize wire taps and the bugging of their houses and cars to stop future attacks. This is routinely done with gangsters who are usually high profile public figures but terrorists are not flashy high profile type before they can be stopped they must be found to find the terrorists you must filter out those who are not terrorists. To find a few terrorists among over 300 million people is a daunting task we have to decide how difficult we want to make task. Our privacy is mostly illusionary we are spied on daily by corporate America, by our neighbors, by employers who monitor internet and phone usage, and by various others who gain access to the information gathered by others.
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Reply Fri 14 Jun, 2013 05:33 am
The historical time line in the west is divided into two periods before Christ and after Christ but the baby boomers in America can divide their lives into BR (Before Reagan) and AR (After Reagan) the contrast in the quality of life is striking. It is hard to believe the amount of damage done by Reagan and the Commie/Conservatives to the baby boomers, their children and grandchildren is immeasurable. One of life’s biggest illusions is that Reagan and the commie/conservatives helped America nothing can be further from the truth.
“…when Reagan came into office, and he came into office on a platform of that government is not the solution, it’s the problem…He started to dismantle. He gave tax cuts to the rich, started to cut the base out of education spending, social safety net; [he] stopped investing in infrastructure---the things that made America productive.’

Jeffery Sachs (Economist)
The definitive book on Reagan is: “Greed is Not Enough.” When I went to Marshall I could easily pay my tuition by mowing a few lawns, 10 years the city hired a female lawyer fresh out of law school who owed over $100,000 in student loans she could not pay her loan working for the city. This year a co-worker told me his son owes over $250,000 in student loans. These are 30 year loans that will take lifetime to pay. My parents, who were middle class, put two children through college without even straining the budget the contrast between life Before Reagan and After Reagan and the commie/conservatives is striking.
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Reply Sun 16 Jun, 2013 01:42 pm
One of the easiest ways for the human mind to learn is to be able to understand something by pointing out something that works similar to something one already understands. If one understands how a lawn mower motor works it is easy to understand the basic operation of V-8 in a car. Both our inventions and knowledge are built on prior inventions or prior knowledge. One can look at the early cars as no more than motorized buggies but the difference in today’s cars are striking. The fact is that both early cars and the most modern share a common purpose getting one from point A to point B. Each improvement of the car required a starting point.

When one looks at the sun and planets, the biggest objects in the universe, how they revolve around the sun early scientists investigating atoms must have been really startled to find that some of the world’s smallest objects repeat the pattern of the planets with atoms orbiting a nucleus.

A black hole sucks entire solar systems into them and collapses them. Greed is like a black hole that sucks all the wealth of a country into that blackness. Knowledge is sometimes forgotten or suppressed at the beginning of the twenty century the robber barons were stealing the country blind and the country took steps to control what could be sucked into the black hole of wealth. The ungodly greedy watched as a progressive income tax slowed the pace of what was sucked into their black hole but they not only watched they learned from history. The public turned against the robber barons because the media showed the face real face of greed to the public. What the ungodly greedy did was rehabilitate the public image of greed. By the end of the twenty century it was cool to be greedy again. But the effect was far worse at the end of the twenty century, at the beginning of the twenty century part of the GNP increase was shared with the American workingman and real wages were rising by the end of the twenty century real wages had been declining since Reagan massive income tax cuts for the ungodly greedy and the ungodly greedy absorbed all of the increases in GNP. The ungodly greedy were no longer Robber Barons instead they became modern day heroes in the press and the more you could steal the better a person they became in the public’s eye.

If the public romanticizes thieves, thieves will rule.
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Reply Mon 17 Jun, 2013 05:28 am
The commie/conservatives understood that to change politics in America first you have to change the paradigm. The paradigm shift in the early 20th century was a prerequisite to a large and prosperous middle class in 50s just as Reagan heralded the commie/conservative paradigm shift of the 80s made life worse for the vast majority of Americans. The villain in the paradigm at the beginning of the twenty century were the Robber Barons and the evil rich but in the commie/conservative paradigm it is the evil poor who are victimizing America and the evil rich have ridden on their white horse to rescue us. American politics will follow the prevailing paradigm as closely as Mary’s little lamb. The real battlefield to control politics is the battle to control the paradigm, he who controls the paradigm controls the country and how it resources will be distributed.

In the beginning of the twenty century the Robber Barons were attacked daily in the press but when Reagan ran for president he made up a Cadillac driving welfare queen who was collecting twenty different welfare checks under different names but while the Robber Barons were real life people Reagan welfare queen was made up out of whole cloth. The press investigated and no such welfare queen was ever found eventually the Reagan administration admitted the welfare queen was a lie, a composite character made up out of many different cases. But the lie was more effective than the truth because lies can be custom made to maximize damage. The poor became the enemy picking the pockets of the middle class.

The art of misdirection was employed by the commie/conservatives focused he attention of the middle class on the welfare queens while the ungodly looted America’s factories by upping their salaries over 240 times something that would make even the Robber Barons of old blush. Never before in America had so few taken so much from so many. The farther the middle class standard of living fell the more they focused on the poor for causing their problems and the richer the ungodly greedy became.

What the commie/conservatives have taught us is what conmen intuitively understood, the prevailing paradigm can be manufactured just as easily as a widget. It is not necessary that the paradigm be true only that the people believe it to be true.

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Reply Tue 18 Jun, 2013 05:31 am
Huntington elected a commie/conservative mayor in 2008 and public Huntington’s employees became public enemy number one, as is the case with all commie/conservative politicians. The prior democratic mayor had extended the previous contact indefinitely but the commie/conservative mayor canceled it despite a year to year extension clause in the contract. I sued the city in court and lost in a lame decision that did not deal with the facts of case. The state AFSCME decided not to fund and appeal of the decision.

Workingmen and especially unions are the natural enemies of commie/conservatives because unionized workers are the last thin line that prevents the ungodly greed from simply taking everything. The mayor was a retired policeman but it did not stop him from blocking and delaying contracts for the Police, Fire and Public Works employees. In a desperate bid to win reelection he signed a no raise contract with his old Fraternal Order of police lodge members. During his commie/conservative reign, terror tactics were employed; employees were told what a good job they were doing and fired in the same sentence. Career employees with 20 years or more service were fired for little or no reason the city was rudderless and no one seemed to be in charge. The mayor was often dressed down by his commie/conservative underlings.

The city charter says that city employees serve at the will and pleasure of the mayor. The four years of commie/conservative rule were a nightmare but the last city employee fired was the mayor himself overwhelmingly defeated in his election bid. Last I heard he was vying for a security guards job and not very likely to get it. The Police and Fire unions had worked hard to elect the commie/conservative mayor but quickly learned the lesson the frog learned from the scorpion it is their nature. I was president of the local AFSCME union and we decided not to endorse either candidate in the election the commie/conservative won. The mayor in office before the commie/conservative was union backed and negotiated a good contract in his first term but his second term the commie/conservative manage to garner powerful positions in his administration and block the adoption of new contracts.

After five long years without a contract we were able to negotiate a new contract with the new union backed mayor in two days what a difference a new administrations makes. The local approved a new contract with no pay raise with 80% majority and it has been six years without a pay raise. When would you have believed a contract with no pay raise would pass by an 80% majority? Most of the time negotiating was spent getting back things taken away by the previous commie/conservative mayor, like seniority, a grievance procedure, overtime pay.

I am working for $4,000 less in real dollars today than in 2007 and you miss each and every one of those dollars because those were the quality of life dollars. The term is the new poor how long will it be before every workingman in America joins that group? Did commie/conservatism make life in America better? Thirty years of statistics says no.

The damage done by just one commie/conservative mayor to over 300 working people can be measured in just dollar and cents; it can be measured just in stress and disease; and it can be measured in the loss of human dignity. This is multiplied by thousands of times all across the country as commie/conservative candidates get elected as mayors, governors, congressmen and even presidents. The commie/conservative political philosophy is killing America; it’s killing our children’s future and their children’s future.

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Reply Thu 20 Jun, 2013 05:31 am
As a child I was a fan of sci-fi movies and one of the best of that era was “War of the Worlds” starring Gene Barry. In the movie space aliens invade the world and destroy despite all of the best efforts to destroy them. The picture was in color while most movies were still in black and white. The special effects were state of the art and even though there have been remakes the original is far better. At the end of the movie all hope is lost and those remaining alive had accepted their fate only to watch as the aliens suddenly began to die. The tiniest creatures on earth, germs, had killed the aliens.

Did something similar happen in man’s history that radically altered the future of the common man? Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson postulate in their book “Why Nations Fail” that in fact it did. When the black plague hit England it killed half of the population. Up until that time the common man in England was little more than slaves to the wealthy landowners. The flea that carried the black plague out of the East altered not only their time but the altered the future. The law of supply and demand kicked in, there were no longer enough people to work the fields scarcely two people were left to work a manor when they threatened to leave wages went up. Laws were passed to punish those who left the land but failed and soon English common law changed to grant rights to the common man. When America was settled the settlers bought English common law with them.

During the Great depression the law of supply and demand pulled the farmers down. When prices for produce went down farmers responded by producing more and the law of supply and demand drove prices down. Only the intervention of government to try and control the over production helped bring the farmers a decent return on their labor. The law of supply and demand that the commie/conservatives worship is nothing more than a force of nature like a tornado it is neither moral or immoral it is little more than an uncontrolled force of nature.

The baby boomers, though they didn’t know it were in the path of a tornado, the law of supply and demand. As the baby boomers entered the workforce in the 70s they were producing the opposite effect of the black plague, where there was a severe shortage of labor after the black plague there was now an excess of available labor. During their parent’s generation WWII caused a shortage of labor. The baby boomers responded to falling wages and standard of living much like their grandfathers during the great depression by putting their wives to work to supplement the family income. This further exacerbated the already excess of labor by the turn of the century real wages fell to point that a working couple real wages were below what their fathers earned alone.

We can wait for fleas to bring another great plague on the earth or we can acknowledge that the free market cannot have the freedom of a tornado. Our grandfathers saw what the free market did for farmers during the Great Depression. When you worship the whirlwind you are subject to die by the whirlwind.
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Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2013 05:33 am
The commie/conservatives are nothing if not consistent after 30 years of making the rich even richer they know their work is far from done. A very small of the rich have 95% of America wealth now but until they have 100% of America wealth the commie/conservatives job is not done. In Ohio yesterday the commie/conservative house pondered how they could best further their objective. They decided to cut income tax by 10% and make 50% of the first $750,000 tax free for small businessmen. This lost revenue would be made up by raising the sales tax, by far the most regressive tax in existence. Commie/conservatives always want to kill progressive income taxes and replace them with regressive taxes.

The 10% tax reduction sounds good to most people but that percentage is applied to what percentage you pay in other words if you paid 40% income tax you would get a 4% reduction in your tax rate to 36% but if you paid a 5% tax rate you would get only a ½ % tax cut. The commie/conservative count 8 for me 1 for you, 8 for the ungodly greedy one for you and remember this is not actual dollars this is percentages of actual dollars this would amount million for the ungodly greedy and pocket change for rest but it sounds so nice when you say 10% income tax for all. Everybody is for a 10% income tax reduction but not everyone pays income tax but the millions in lost revenue will be made up through sales tax that even the poorest homeless person. The commie/conservatives proposal will begin taxing e-books because we know we need to discourage Americans from reading books where they might find out what the commie/conservatives are up to.

Statistics, which are nonpartisan, tell us that in the last thirty years the commie/conservatives have destroyed a good portion of the middle class lifestyle the baby boomers took for granted when they were growing up. The first wave of commie/conservatism washed through Washington with Reagan and the second wave went through state and local governments in the late 80s and early 90s. The second wave of commie/conservatism washed through Washington when baby Bush stole the election and now it is washing through state and local governments. The questions is how much more damage will it do before we stop it.
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Reply Sat 22 Jun, 2013 04:59 am
Last night on NBC Rock Center a segment highlighted just how bad Greedism has become in America, it seems that Goodwill is exempt from the minimum wage laws and handicap employees were timed doing a task and paid accordingly. Some employees were paid as low as 22 cents an hour and many handicap employees nationwide are paid under a dollar an hour while management employees were paid from $400,000 to $1.4 million. Commie/conservatives have campaigned loud and long to eliminate the minimum wage laws in America and when there is an exemption to the minimum wage law we can see what happens. When a spokesmen from Goodwill was ask how they could possibly justify paying such unheard salaries to directors and such tiny salaries to the employees who actual did the work, he said that it was not how much the handicap were paid as it was the experience of working that was important, as for the management employees they were entitled to millions because of their “marketing ideas.” Come on this is nothing but a rummage sale where the items are donated it is no more marketing than your neighbor’s rummage sale.

Notice when one management employees make millions more than those who actually do the work there are always a rationalization. Why don’t we put a stopwatch on the manager making $1.4 million while he is on the golf course on company time playing with his millionaire cronies? This is commie/conservative political philosophy in practice where you are entitled to whatever you can take.

Adam Smith is considered the father of modern economics and often quoted by the commie/conservatives but I have never heard this Adam Smith quote:
“Whenever there is great prosperity there is great inequality. For one very rich man, there must be at five hundred poor, and the affluence of the few supposes indigence of the many.”
Of course today it takes 10,000 poor men to create the vast wealth for the very rich man.

When will we learn, when will we ever learn.
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Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 02:00 pm
Chuck Grassley, commie/conservative senator from Iowa, was outraged that $70 million in bonuses were to be paid to members of the IRS. Commie/conservatives don’t believe a contract should ever stand in the way of cheating employees. After they get their side of the bargain commie/conservatives have shown they have no problem cheating the other party in a bargain. Cheating workingmen out of their lifetime benefits became standard operating procedure under the Reagan administration and often was affirmed in court by commie/conservative judges. Under commie/conservative rule America became a nation of thieves. Is it any wonder Grassley could not understand why he could not just cheat workingmen out of $70 million?

Grassley forgot this was not a commie/conservative administration. There is no honor among thieves or in the Republican Party. You can bet Grassley supported the bonuses for the Wall Street bankers who bankrupted the banks and juts one bonus was more than $70 million and paid for with taxpayer dollars no doubt while the $70 million IRS bonus was to be divided among 16,000 IRS union employees. Where was Grassley when billions of taxpayer dollars was handed out to the very thieves who bankrupted the banks? I know he had no doubt taken campaign bribes from these bankers in question. What a difference large bribes make. The banker’s bonuses were to be paid for performance running the bank into bankruptcy can never be construed as good performance but suddenly these bonuses were not about performance but retention. We certainly needed to retain the very thieves that bankrupted the banks.
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Reply Mon 24 Jun, 2013 05:28 am
Is the onset of senility sudden, overnight or does it take place slowly over a number of years? Reagan was a case in point there is no doubt he was senile but when was the onset? Many believe Reagan was showing signs of senility when he was president. Reagan was officially the oldest man ever elected president he was only 16 days from turning 70 when he was elected many of his generation had already died of dementia or were confined to nursing homes but Reagan was elected president.

Reagan went from union president to union buster, it is hard to believe that a man who had high ideals and believed in making life better for everyone to someone who used the presidency of the United States to make life better for a tiny fraction of population at the expense of the many. Few men traverse the political spectrum from one extreme to the other in a lifetime. I have seen men in their mid-fifties that their dementia was so bad they could no longer hold a job. Of course not all union members have high ideals and some will use the presidency of a union to benefit themselves at the expense of others and maybe Reagan used the presidency of the Screen Actors Guild to benefit himself and other elites. Reagan served seven terms as union president he was responsible for the first pension and health plan for actors. Strikes were violent and often but yet

It as if there were two different Reagans one just with ideals and the other with no ideals. A man who had once used his skill to help eventually used his power and position to exploit millions of Americans. Many baby boomers can thank Reagan for the extra years they are now working to get their Reagan reduced social security benefits.
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Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2013 05:33 am
“The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much: it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little”
Franklin Roosevelt
Many of history’s lessons are forgotten but far more are just ignored and have to be repeated. Franklin Roosevelt took a country deep in the grip of the Great Depression and made it the most prosperous nation on the face of the earth. When Reagan raised the flag of commie/conservatism over the Whitehouse he believed that the way to prosperity was “to add more to the abundance of those who had much.” Reagan cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy by 60% going from 70% down to 28%. Reagan then increased the tax on the poorest Americans four times. Social Security is paid on every cent the middle class and even the poorest among us but surprise, surprise the ungodly greedy pay social security on a very miniscule part of their income. Reagan objective was to make sure the abundance of the ungodly greedy was increased geometrically while the middle class lost ground.

Reagan was famous for what was called by other republicans Voodoo Economics; Reagan called it Trickle Down Economics. Reagan believed that government should not redistribute the wealth but government should be used as a tool to distribute the wealth of America to its wealthiest citizens. The tremendous cuts in income tax on the ungodly greedy created humongous budget deficits, the national debt had been steadily paid down by every president since WWII. Reagan income tax cut for the ungodly greedy more than tripled the national debt. The four increases in social security tax were used to offset some of the debt incurred by adding more abundance to those who already had far too much. As for Trickle Down Economic not only did nothing trickle down but the ungodly greedy used their increased wealth to garner even more wealth. They bought the government and it is now a fully own subsidiary of the ungodly greedy just as it was in many other failed countries throughout crime.
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