The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 29 Apr, 2013 05:31 am
I don’t often watch the Daily show, it is a little late in day, but last weeks I did catch part of one of the shows. The show first showed clips of Fox News personalities beating their chests and saying how much the supported the Constitution. The second set of clips showed them advocating breaking every amendment to that Constitution, with the exception of one, relating to the Boston bombing suspect. They advocated everything from wiretapping Mosques to no right to the Fifth Amendment, the right to keep silent and keep from self-incrimination.

What was the amendment the Fox News personalities did not advocating breaking. The Second the right to bear arms, it seems the Fox News personalities wanted to ensure that our domestic terrorists are armed with the best and most modern weapons and that they not be bothered with background checks as they build an arsenal. Had the Boston bombers chosen to legally buy AR-15 and convert them to full automatics (the parts for conversion are readily available over the internet) the number of kills would far surpass the three people killed. Yes the Fox News personalities, like Sean Hannity, want to make sure terrorists don't have to go through a background checks.

Muslim terrorists were being solicited and instructed to immigrate to the United States and buy semi-automatic weapons legally, join their local gun club and learn to handle them and shoot accurately. After that they would target shopping malls or other places where crowds gather. If they had to go through background checks a number of Muslim immigrants buying up semi-automatic weapons, weapons of mass murder might give police a chance to stop a terrorist attack but Sean Hannity and the Fox News personalities want to make sure terrorists have unfettered access to weapons of mass murder.
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Reply Tue 30 Apr, 2013 05:31 am
Selling death is extremely profitable, the first fortunes in America were made selling guns during the Revolutionary War and selling death has been extremely profitable ever since. The NRA is actually, despite public denials, the National Gun Manufacturers Associations and it purpose is to enhance profits of gun manufacturers in any way possible. The National Gun Manufacturers Association has pushed for every war in America history. War is extremely profitable for Gun Manufacturers. The current war with terrorists is no exception. The ideal situation for gun manufactures is to supply both sides in a war. Many corporations are multi nationals and see no problem with selling to both sides. The National Gun Manufactures is well aware that Muslims are being solicited to immigrate to America and legally buy semi-automatic weapons go to the local gun nut shooting range and learn to shoot them. The Muslims are then being instructed to go to Shopping Malls or other places where crowds gather and commit mass murder.

The National Gun Manufactures Association is outraged that a law to require that all guns sold in the United States would be required to undergo a background be registered the weapons of mass murder. Why? Because the Gun Manufactures know that selling guns to Muslim terrorist and Mexican drug dealers is extremely profitable. If background checks showed that recent immigrants from predominately Muslim countries were buying large amounts of semi-automatic weapons it might tip off the FBI that a terrorist attack was imminent. That might slow down the Gun Manufactures sales of weapons of mass murder. Weapons of mass murder are the Cadillacs of guns, the most profitable for Gun Manufactures.

These weapons of mass murder are currently available to anyone at gun shows with no background check and no registration. Why would the National Rifle Association want to keep terrorists from registering their weapons of mass murder? It is very simple they make just as much money on a weapon of mass murder sold to a terrorist as they make selling them to a mass murderer. Currently in our society there is nothing more important than a profit, if someone dies, someone dies. In the seventies when people were being burnt alive in the Ford Pinto Ford Executives decided it was more profitable to let people burn to death than make the few dollars a car fix. The decisions made by American business executives are devoid of morality and has to do with profit and only profit.

Sale of weapons of mass murder to Muslim terrorists is a growth industry in America now and the National Rifle Association and most importantly those who own the National Rifle Association the National Gun Manufactures Association assure you they just want to protect your right to own a gun nothing can be further truth you can buy a gun even with a background check and you have no problem registering it but the National Rifle Association wants to make sure the Muslim terrorist have the right to buy weapons of mass murder without the prying eyes of law enforcement. Once the shooting start and it will the National Gun Manufactures Association will be more than happy to sell more guns to Americans because nothing sells guns like fear.

Ask yourself why we should make it easy for Muslim terrorists to buy weapons of mass murder in America? If the Boston bombers had used automatic weapons many more people would have been killed.
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Reply Wed 1 May, 2013 05:32 am
The Gun Manufactures Association, the primary driving force behind the National Rifle Association is in business for one reason and one reason only to make money. They are not in business to protect your family or provide public safety, they just want to get as rich as possible as fast as possible. There are currently 15,000 people in the United States from Muslim countries who are not at the schools they were supposed to attend. The National Gun Manufactures Associations wants to make sure these Muslims are equipped with the best and latest in semi-automatic weapons and wants to make sure the guns do not have to be registered as to interfere with making a good profit.

The Nation Gun Manufactures Association sells enough weapons of mass murder each year in America to equip several small armies. What the National Gun Manufactures Association really would like is a Constitutional Amendment to make sure the government could not limit or control the sale of weapons of mass destruction. In fact bombs meet the definition of arms under the second Amendment, which are simply defined as weapons. Everyone needs several bombs to defend their property and the Second Amendment guarantees their right to “bear arms.” This could be the next big profit center for the National Gun Manufactures Association, you could go to the gun store and tell them you needed a bomb that would kill two hundred people of course the Gun Manufactures would be against registering these bombs as an infringement of the Second Amendment and their right to make a bigger profit. Of course the Gun Manufactures Association would point registration of bombs cut into their profit margin.

The primary purpose of both bombs and guns is to kill people unregistered guns kill many more people than unregistered bombs in America each year and the reason for that is America decided to control explosive and no Second Amendment argument was accepted on the right to bear bombs. Guns and bombs are both weapons one is being controlled and the other is not, you cannot sustain and argument for guns and not make the same argument for bombs.
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Reply Thu 2 May, 2013 05:32 am
Over the last 50 the in America the greed mongers have been very effective. They have affected the lives of every American mostly for the worse. In 1965 the average CEO’s salary was 24 times the average worker’s salary today by 2005 the average salary was 262 times the average worker’s salary. By 2005 the average CEO made as much in one day as the average worker made in a year. The underpinning of commie/conservative political philosophy is greed and surely seen its glory days while commie/conservative held political power. Greed and CEO salaries increased almost vertically after Reagan and the commie/conservative came to power while the contrast with the average worker’s salary declined when adjusted for inflation.

The commie/conservatives see nothing wrong with the richest among us get richer even if it is 262 times richer. For 20 years the graph of CEO salaries remained relatively flat until it begins its vertical climb during the Reagan Administration. Reagan was the biggest champion of greed and the greedy in American history. If there was a problem the way to solve was with greed according to Reagan and if that didn’t work you simply needed more greed. The American middle class finds itself in worse shape today than prior to WWII at the end of the Great Depression. Do the commie/conservatives see a problem with this? No, as long as there are lottery winners the middle class should be content with a chance, no matter how remote; to be the one that wins the lottery. The state lotteries began during this time period to placate the public when the CEOs salaries went up by 200 fold they could say all you have to do is hit the lottery for a couple $100 million see it really is equal opportunity. You could go Harvard and be a CEO or win the lottery. The lotteries became the opium of the American public, the misdirection, the distraction from the real problem.
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Reply Fri 3 May, 2013 05:32 am
“In the absence of reliable feedback, a system will veer dramatically off course and there is a corollary in the sphere of human governance. A wide distance between the governors and the governed will produce a state that is predatory toward its own citizens, indifferent to their desires, and subject to the inbred whims and compulsions of its ruling class. It will produce crisis.”

From the book “Twilight of the Elites” by Christopher Hayes

The vertical distance between the governed and the governors is widening every year and was very evident in President Obama appointment yesterday of billionaire Penny Pritzker as commerce secretary. She literally bought her government office by heading up Obama fabulously successful 2008 finance committee. The vertical distance has between millionaires and those with an average American with a salary of $41,000. Those in govern now actually live in a completely different world, they have absolutely no concept of what life is like for most Americans. When born a billionaire Penny you have no concept of the real world, she lives in a world so different that there is no way she can relate to the ordinary American.

We as a country recognized that segregation in the old south was wrong and we corrected it. Now the segregation in America is economic, between the ordinary American and elite, the ungodly greedy and it is far more damaging than white segregation in the old south because it is segregating ordinary Americans from their government. We are fast reaching the point where the only people in government will be millionaires. There will be an occasional token, Obama, was a product of the middle class but he is surrounding himself with the elite because he needed their money to get elected.

Hays states that this will produce a government that ‘is predatory” and that can clearly be seen with the enormous tax cuts under Reagan and the raises in social security taxes and simultaneous cuts in benefits.

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Reply Sat 4 May, 2013 05:46 am
The “elites” in our society live in a different world; there may not be a segregated water fountains or bathrooms but there is economic segregation just the same. The economic elite go to the best preschools, the best private preparatory schools, the best universities. No ordinary America family could hope to pay for these schools. By the time the economic elite graduate from college they have begun to form closed social circles. Our government is composed almost entirely of economic elite or those the economic elite have paid to put into political office. The door to national political office has all but closed to ordinary Americans.

In the old south the whites were not concerned about the lack of economic opportunities for blacks or that their schools were substandard because it did not affect them or those in their social circle. America sets at a crossroads now we can continue to have big tax cuts for the economic elite or severely cut or eliminate social security. Over the last 30 years the choice by the commie/conservatives has been to cut social security benefits to fund bigger and bigger tax cuts for the economic elite. Many do not realize the many different methods that were used to cut social security as social security taxes were repeatedly raised to fund bigger tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Most of this generation is aware that Reagan raised the retirement age and that they must work years longer to get their social security. Those that have to work to 67 and die at 70 will experience a 40% cut in social security benefits. In fact many more will die before they ever get a cent of their social security. Under Reagan social security taxes were raised by 19% without counting the extra years that had to be paid in also.

After this generation paid more into social security than any previous generation the economic elite see nothing wrong with cutting social security benefits.

These were the obvious cuts but many of the cuts to social security were hidden. My pension is based on my three highest consecutive years but social security is based on an average of the 35 highest years. Think back to what you were making 35 years ago each one of those early years pulls down your social security benefit. While social security benefits are adjusted for inflation what you made 35 years ago is not. To be fair wages should be adjusted for inflation which would substantially increase benefits.

Another hidden cut in social security was when the way inflation was calculated was changed. The cost of living calculation was changed, food and energy were considered too volatile and were removed from the direct calculation of the cost living. Next the cost of housing was replaced with what you would rent your house to yourself. This was followed by discounting the cost of new technology from the cost of living. If you had a 3 gigabyte computer and now you could buy a computer with 10 gigabyte memory for the same price the cost of living was cut for technology. The same applied to televisions when a 30 inch television could be replaced by a 60 inch television. When the cost living does not reflect the actual living social security is not raised to keep up with inflation. In actuality the cost of living is about twice the official government figure for the cost of living.

Now the economic elite want to cut social security again by no longer using the bogus cost of living figure but a substitution formula where when something goes up you substitute something of less value. If ground beef went up you would buy chicken, when chicken went up you could buy cat food, when cat food went up you could see what you could find to eat in the dumpster in back of the grocery store. The economic elite sound more like the white racists in the old south every day, they could really care less.
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Reply Mon 6 May, 2013 05:30 am
When Warren Buffet, who is worth $53 billion, was recently ask about the growing disparity of wealth in America, he replied with the standard commie/conservative answer that we should insure equality opportunity but not equal outcome. This standard answer assumes that you can ignore reality, that a billionaire son going to best private schools and the best universities is equivalent to a child in public housing going to public schools getting failing marks. The very assumption that each child in America has the same opportunity is a bold face lie and Buffet knows that. He maybe to senile to publicly acknowledge it, it would be much like going into a casino were the games were fixed and the casino telling you had an equal opportunity to win. The standard statement in regard to computers is “garbage in, garbage out,” that applies also applies to the statement, “equal opportunity not equal outcomes.” We will continue to produce garbage outcomes as long as people believe this lie.

Buffets statements also fails to take into account that people have different skill sets for a reason. If the only skill set in America was Buffets skill set for buying and selling paper America would not exist. Skill in buying and selling paper is not a vital skill set and was not one of the skills that built America. Buying and selling is a specific skill set that not everyone possess. Many other skill sets are far more important to America than Buffets. A policeman, fireman, or a solider skill set is more important than the buying and selling of paper.

Buffet simply made the statement that people should simply do their homework and study companies before they make an investment. This belies the fact that small accounts are charged as much of a service charge as very large accounts a modest account’s profits are eaten up by yearly service charges. Meantime the service charges on small accounts subsidize and make larger accounts more profitable. At times the service charge on my account exceeded 10% a year far exceeding any profit. The Wall Street casinos are rigged toward the very rich and then the ungodly greedy point and say this is equal opportunity. It is much like a man that went swimming in the ocean and noticed that it was very easy to swim, then he turned to go back and realized the reason it had been so easy to swim was that he was swimming with a riptide he almost drowned trying to get back. People like Buffet never realize they are swimming with a riptide they flatter themselves that they are just great swimmers but when they have to swim against the riptide they might not find it as easy.
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Reply Tue 7 May, 2013 05:35 am
Most people are at least vaguely aware of how inflation impacts their lives. After a pay raise, increases in food, gasoline, housing and utilities absorb the entire pay raise and more. But few realize that inflation is a double edged sword and impacts our retirement as well. The baby boomers worked through a period of hyper-inflation. The inflation rate was 10.35% in 1981, 13.58% in 1980, 11.22% in 1979, and 7.62% in 1978. In just those four years inflation was 42.77%. Since social security uses the last 35 year income to determine social security the inflation rate has a detrimental effect on the amount of social security one receives for instance. For instance if you made $7,000 in 1978 in today’s dollars that would be $24,301, to determine the correct average income for social security purposes the annual income figures would need to be corrected for inflation. Money is simply a medium of exchange and is worth only what it can buy at any given time. As country we have realized for years that social security needs to be adjusted for inflation but the present system of calculating social security benefits allows inflation to take a huge byte out of the initial social security benefit. There needs to be a common denominator if a 35 year average is to be used. To be fair yearly incomes need to be adjusted for inflation.

Whether $7,000 is used or $24,302 is used makes a difference in the 35 year average used to determine the initial social security benefit but one must remember that 34 years of income would need to be adjusted for inflation and that of course would make a major difference. Those drawing social security are being asked to take a benefit that was determined at least in part by income level that was only sufficient to buy goods and services at less than a third of what they are today. Each day more and more of America’s elderly fall below the poverty level not because they did not work hard all their lives but because they are being defrauded by our government.

The commie/conservatives have wanted to eliminate social security since its inception. The elite in government have nothing at stake with social security there large income precludes them ever needing social security. Social Security has a $2.7 trillion trust fund held in U S treasury bonds but the commie/conservatives want to hold that trust fund to pay the social security benefits of those who are not even born yet, because in order to pay back the US Treasury bonds in the Trust Fund taxes on the ungodly greedy must be raised radically.
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Reply Wed 8 May, 2013 05:32 am
The National Rifle Association (read that National Gun Manufactures Association) held their big Arm Your Local Terrorist Rally last weekend. On display were the most efficient weapons of mass murder, weapons that can kill the most people in the shortest amount of time, more murders for your buck. Glen Beck spoke at the “Arm Your Local Terrorist Rally telling people that the “freedom of all mankind is at stake” and Beck like his hero James Bond was out to save the world. How registering a gun in America threatens “the freedom of all mankind” is something only the alcoholic Beck and James Bond can understand, the rest of us will just have to “trust” them.

Also in attendance were many members of the FMMA (Future Mass Murders of America) they were looking for the very best in weapons of mass murder. Professional helped with tips on the best kill shot so one need not waste ammunition that could better be used to kill other six year old children, overkill should always be avoided it is just wasteful. More than one bullet in a six year old is just plain wasteful, eleven or twelve bullets like what happened Sandy Hook Elementary is just an ego trip for the mass murder.

Of course the Air Head from Alaska, Sarah Palin, was in attendance. Sarah Palin has vowed to be present wherever two or more people gather in the name of gross ignorance. All gun nuts are closet heroes, they picture themselves as superheroes just waiting for the right opportunity to start the killing, most gun nuts wait a lifetime, thankfully.
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Reply Thu 9 May, 2013 05:31 am
Can terrorists count? I suspect they can and it will not take them long to figure out that Adam Lanza killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary while the Boston Bombers killed only three in the bombing at the Boston sure those with arms and legs blown off make good press but the object of a terrorist is to kill. Since there were two bombs they killed only 1 ½ people per bomb or terrorist. While Adam Lanza who was clearly mentally ill managed to kill 26 and much of his ammunition was wasted pumping bullets into corpses. Terrorists are not mentally ill; they have all of their faculties about them; they are just religiously motivated. If each of the Boston Bombers had shown up with semi-automatic weapons far more than three people would have been killed. In the twenties the mobsters concealed their weapons in violin cases until they got to the site of their intended killings then as now these weapons of mass murder could easily be concealed in gym bags or other packages.

When will this type of terrorist attack happen in America? It already has happened on a military base where the shooter was “religiously motivated.” Nidal Malik Hasan, a psychiatrist, killed thirteen and injured 32. Soldiers on a military base are trained how to deal with those trying to kill them but thirteen of them died when one religiously motivated man with a semi-automatic pistol decided to kill them for his God. The important thing about this shooting to the National Gun Manufactures Associations (National Rifle Association) is that they got to make a profit on the gun Major Hasan purchased to kill his victims. Religiously motivated killers don’t care what they have to pay to get the most modern and efficient weapons of mass murder. The National Gun Manufactures Association has only one reason to exist and that is to maximize the profits of its members. Terrorists have always been some of the National Gun Manufactures Associations best customers but the terrorists market in America has never been what it has been in Middle East countries. Now just as there is an emerging terrorist market in America the government wants to spoil the party by making the terrorist register their guns.

Universal gun registration may be the cheapest way for Home Land Security to locate domestic terrorist organization in America. A paper trail would be created. The purchase of semi-automatic weapons or the purchase of mail order parts to modify the semi-automatic into full automatic weapons could trigger investigations into background and associates of those who purchase weapons of mass murder.

The National Gun Manufactures Association is spending millions to stop gun registration for one reason and one reason only bigger profits. Those who would be prevented from purchasing gun because a background check would bar them from buying a gun legally simply go to gun shows where no one no matter how crazy is prevented from purchasing a weapon of mass murder. Why is the Gun Manufactures Association fighting this so hard? This market is worth billions to gun manufactures. It all comes down to a profit and the National Gun Manufactures Association is in hopes as terrorists shooting become more common in America that terrified Americans will purchase more gun for themselves. More mass murder is a win win situation for the Gun Manufactures.

Adam Lanza kill ratio was 17 times higher than the Boston Bombers it is clear that semi-automatic weapons obtained at gun shows are future of terrorism in America and the National Rifle Association may not like terrorism but they will fight to ensure that every religiously motivated terrorist in America has the most modern and efficient weapons of mass murder. A gun manufacture has one reason and only one reason to exist to make a bigger and bigger profit. After all gun manufactures don’t kill people, people kill people; gun manufactures just make it as easy as possible to kill people. The Gun manufactures are not your friends.
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Reply Fri 10 May, 2013 05:35 am
When the terrorist shooting in America start in earnest and the Fort Hood shooting were the prototype Glen Beck and the National Rifle Association will be the first to berate Homeland Security for not doing enough to protect the American people. But it is Beck and the National Rifle Association that are arming the terrorists. Major Nidal Hasan simply walked into a gun store and legally bought a weapon of mass murder and proceeded to kill twelve people and wounds thirty-one. Background checks and registration are not enough the sale of weapons of mass murder for as one gun enthusiasts pointed out is just for “s**ts and giggles.” Beck and the National Rifle Association have led the charge to stop an Assault Weapon ban.

If a country was getting ready to invade America and the government put a ban on the sale of automatic weapons to that country the no doubt National Gun Manufactures would be outraged because they could make a big profit on the gun sales. There is no difference here we currently have 15,000 Muslims here on student visas who are no longer going to school. Like Major Hasan any of these can simply walk into a gun store purchase a weapon that will shoot 500 bullets a minute and start shooting. There is no difference between arming a foreign army and arming an army already in place in America both are profitable the National Rifle Association does not care how many people a gun kills as long as they make a profit on that gun sale.
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Reply Sat 11 May, 2013 07:02 pm
Glen Beck and the commie/conservatives hope to ride the dead bodies in Benghazi to victory in the next presidential election. They now have ripped off a well-known slogan saying that when Reagan lied nobody died.” Of course that is not quite true as the weapons acquired in the Iran-contra deal killed thousands of people but they were poor South Americans whose politics didn’t coincide with Reagan make the rich even richer brand of politics. Regan and the commie/conservatives want to make the poor poorer and the rich far, far richer. The Congress of the United States had forbidden any more funding to the Nicaraguan-Contra but breaking the law never stopped a commie/conservative on a mission from god, they like terrorists are religiously motivated and do not respect the law of mere men.

First Reagan facilitated the sale of our high tech weapons to our sworn enemies who had taken American hostages. Iran was the subject of an arms embargo and American weapons manufactures were banned from selling weapons to the Iranians. No problem the commie/conservatives talked the Israelis into shipping the arms to Iran and in turn the Israelis would be resupplied and the money went to the Nicaraguan-contras. Two ruling of congress were violated in one crooked commie/conservative deal.

Now Beck and the commie/conservatives claim that Obama lied and the ambassador died which of course is another lie. The supposed lie takes place after the fact not before the fact. The original slogan was When Clinton lied nobody died but when Bush lied 5,000 Americans died. Weapons of mass destruction that drove the drums of fear in the buildup to the war were no more real than the twilight zone.

What is extremely offensive to me about the Benghazi affair is the assertion by the commie/conservatives that somehow the ambassador life was somehow worth more than any of the 5,000 Americans that died in Iraq for commie/conservative lies. The 5,000 who died in Iraq knew that they might be killed as did the ambassador who went into a country that had undergone a major revolution where the weapons had been widely dispersed throughout the country during the revolution. In Iraq no doubt many soldiers were cut off from their unit and died. The difference was ambassadors are not generally poor people but rich people who buy their job with political contributions. The life of a poor private killed in Iraq is worth as much to his family as was the life of an ambassador was to his family. The idea that lives of the rich are somehow superior to that of a poor permeates the political philosophy of the commie/conservatives and the radical shift in the paradigm over the last 30 years. We see it in the earnings which have gone up in multiples of hundreds of times while the middle class income went down in real dollars. The increase in GNP over 30 years went almost entirely to the richest Americans.
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Reply Sun 12 May, 2013 07:11 am
Four people were killed in the attack on Benghazi not just the Ambassador. They were not killed at an embassy although the attack began at compound that was meant to protect the consulate the four that people were killed at a CIA annex in a different compound. But Beck and the commie/conservatives seldom mention the others killed at the CIA annex in their on air rants it is just the killing of the ambassador that is outrageous. Surely the CIA which is a paramilitary organization that kills with impunity could expect to become a military target in a war torn nation as much as a military patrol in Iraq.

Beck and the commie/conservatives hope to put the blame Hillary Clinton for failing to rescue the ambassador. Clinton may run in the 2016 presidential election and this is a preemptive strike. In the commie/conservatives mind there can be no worse crime than letting a rich man die without risking the lives of thousands of poor to protect him. Just three poor people dying to protect the ambassador was not enough. If jets had been dispatched from hours away to bomb and kill thousands of innocent Libyans the commie/conservatives would have felt much better. If thousands of innocent people had been killed in retribution it would not matter that they were innocent just that there was blood and plenty of it. A funeral pyre for the ambassador fueled with the bodies of the innocent.

What foreign terrorists must learn is that soldiers are the pawns of war they exist to be sacrificed but there will be an extremely high price if you kill a rich ambassador who is much more like a Bishop than a pawn in their view. The military is almost entirely made up of the children of the poor and middle class even during the height of the draft during the Vietnam War a deferment was granted those with the price of tuition. If you didn’t go to college you went to Vietnam. In America the rich have along and dishonorable tradition of avoiding military service. During the Civil War the rich simply paid someone else to do their military service for them. Is it any wonder that there is such outrage by the commie/conservatives when a rich person pays the same price as someone from a ghetto? As family income goes up your likelihood of serving in the military goes down. According to Amy Lutz’s paper, “Who Joins the Military? A Look at Race Class and Immigration Status,” “the economic elite are very unlikely to serve in the military. But as in this case when one of the economic elite is killed any number of poor and middle class should be willing give their lives to avenge the killing of a member of the economic elite.

Where were Glen Beck’s and the commie/conservatives’ outage when 5,000 middle class and poor soldiers were killed in Iraq for Bush’s lies? Not one single word of outraged to this day over the 5,000 who died in Iraq and far more left without arms and legs. Why because the poor are pawns there to sacrifice their lives for control of Iraq’s oil for the seven sisters. They are there to make the rich far richer if they die Beck would say they were paid for their service weren’t they? That is a simple economic exchange.

As the economic distance in America widens so does the social distance and as the social distance widens so does the likelihood of predatory class who view their fellow human beings as little more than cattle. You can see this when the middle class pays 34% in income tax and payroll taxes and hedge fund managers pay 9% on billions of income.
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Reply Mon 13 May, 2013 05:30 am
The shooting New Orleans meets the profile for a terrorist shooting. For years terrorist’s organizations have openly tried to recruit terrorist to come to the United States and buy guns legally and go to the local gun nut gun range and learn to use them and then go to shopping malls or other places where people gather and kill as many people as possible. The suspects have not been caught yet so no one knows if they have any ties to a terrorist’s organization.

What we know is that it does not fit the profile of most mass murders as the vast majority of mass murders involve only one shooter with mental problems. It is believed that there were three shooters in New Orleans and mentally ill people do not cooperate with each other as their delusions tend to be different. This shooting shows cooperation and planning between three people. These people may not have been terrorists but this shooting may be the template for future terrorist’s attacks.

The fact that 19 people were shot and no one was killed indicates the shooters just sprayed the crowd with gun fire and did not target individuals. There is no word of the number of rounds fired but with nineteen wounded there were no doubt a large number of rounds fired in a short period of time this would indicate the shooters had automatic weapons or at least semi-automatic. We should know shortly whether the weapons were purchased legally or bought at gun shows.

The contrast between the extensive news coverage of the Boston Bombings and The New Orleans shootings is a stark contrast. The world stopped when the bombs in Boston went off but New Orleans shooting is being treated like a regional story of interest. The bombings require a level of skill most people lack but every wannabee terrorists can buy a semi-automatic at a guns show locate a crowd and pull the trigger.

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Reply Thu 16 May, 2013 05:31 am
Mass shootings are fast becoming the new normal. The old saying is that if a dog bites a man it is not news but if a man bites a dog it is news because the first is a common occurrence the second is not. There was another mass shooting in Philadelphia last night 27 bullets fired into a crowd. It seems wherever crowds gather gun nuts will find them. There was no killed in the Philadelphia shooting so it will only get 15 seconds of fame. The recent mass shooting in New Orleans received little nationwide attention because no one was killed in that shooting either injuries are common killings are rarer. The morning news reported the New Orleans shooter has been arrested because there was video of the shooting. The manhunt for the shooter was not covered live on television as was the manhunt for the Boston Bomber.

The initial reports on the New Orleans shootings speculated there were three shooters but the video was clear a single shooter was able to fire all the shots. Nineteen people were shot in such a short period of time the police did not believe that one or two shooters could not do that much damage but if a picture is worth a thousand words a video is worth a book. The shots were fired so rapidly that the video may have trouble showing the individuals shots. The National Gun Manufactures rejoice whenever they see a mass shooting because they know a mass shooting on the weekend sells guns on Monday.

A baker sells bread, a car dealer sells cars, but a gun manufacture sells death. The gun manufactures drape themselves in the American flag and parade around as pretend to be patriots and ultimately the America people will see through this scam. All the despots and dictators in history drape themselves in the flags of their country and pretend to be patriots because these actions are the key to the emotional mind and bypass the rational mind. Those who pretend to be your friend and are ultimate responsible for the death of your children are not your friends they are greed driven and are only interested in a higher profit. A smaller and smaller portion of the America own or even want to own a gun but yet there are more guns sold than ever and they are sold to a fewer people the gun nuts and the gun nuts can never have enough guns.
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Reply Fri 17 May, 2013 07:11 am
It seems the new media is addicted to scandals if there were no ongoing scandals the new media would have to create one. Since Watergate the news media is always looking for the next big scandal. Now the news media thinks it hit the trifecta. The news media believes it has not one, not two but three active scandals.

The IRS has traditional been used as political tool by many administration. The Bush Administration ordered the IRS to stop auditing the ungodly greedy and to concentrate their efforts on the poor especially those getting child care credits. During the Baby Bush term in office I wrote many negative posts on local boards about him and worked for his opponent in the 2004 election. I could expect to be audited and I was. Even though I used the short form and claimed the standard deduction, sure enough the letter came that I was being called in by the IRS for audit. My wife had sold a few shares of Wal-Mart stock when she became disabled and since the shares were bought at a few hundreds of a share week and the price varied each week I had no idea how to determine what the cost of a particular share of stock was. We had always lost money on every stock we ever owned and I did not report he sale. At the audit I asked the auditor how I could determine the actual price of a share of that stock. She told me that I would have to claim the lowest price that was paid for the stock in the eight years that it was purchased. This of course was not the actual purchase price my wife paid over three times that price for some of the stock. Even in the IRS false scenario it would only amount to only a few hundred dollars. Next I asked the auditor if it was true that the tax rate on capital gains was 0% for those making under $50,000 a year. (Something I already knew from research for political arguments on the internet.) She said she thought that was true at least for the year before. When she checked the audit ended because my income was still significant below the $50,000 mark even with the capital gain on the stock. The IRS later sent me a letter apologizing and acknowledging I owed nothing. If I had not known the law the IRS would have collected the tax and a penalty. The initial IRS letter should have never been sent they since they knew for a fact that I owed no taxes. It was their business to calculate the taxes. They made calculation every day based on the fact that no capital gains taxes were owed by those making less than $50,000. Second the auditor should have known the law on capital gains and I should have not had to school her on the Capital gains rates. Was the audit triggered by my political activity? Since audits are random I will never know but I do know I owed no taxes and they would have had me right a check if I hadn’t known better.

After the baby Bush administration instructed to back off auditing the rich and concentrate auditing the poor, and in spite of the fact that audits on the rich bough in billions in additional taxes each year it was reasonable believe that when Obama was elected the IRS policy would change. One way of tracking the income of the rich is not only their reported income but what they actually spend. For instance we know Sheldon Adelson spent $100 million trying to elect Romney but we don’t know how many Pee Party groups he funded. If these multi billionaires’ expenditures on politics can be tracked it may give the IRS needed information about their true income.

It should be noted these Pee Party organizations were not being audited. They had applied for tax exempt status and were being asked for information. The obvious question is why should a political organization be tax exempt in the first place? These organizations are funded by billionaires like Sheldon Adelson to influence government to make themselves even richer. One way to balance the budget would be to eliminate tax exempt status for political organizations.
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Reply Sat 18 May, 2013 07:38 pm
The second scandal has to do with checking the phone numbers called by Associated Press. The question is when a crime is committed how far can our government go to investigate the crime? During the baby Bush administration nothing was off limits, torture became common practice even though it was against international law. The end justified the means. Given enough time the baby Bush administration would be second only to the Catholic Church in torturing people. Let’s see a choice between being tortured and having someone look at a list of the phone numbers you called. The phone numbers you called are not exactly top secret the phone company has a list and often mails that list to you.

The question is how secure do you want to be? What is the price of security? Someone was leaking classified information to the Associated Press and they were publishing that information. That information supplied to a terrorist could lead to the successful bombing of a passenger jet. The Baby Bush administration tortured, according to them, to prevent future bombings and the commie/conservatives backed them up 100%. The Obama administration looked at a list of phone numbers called and the commie/conservatives think they have political football that they can run into the end zone.

I don’t know about you but I would gladly let the government look at a list of the phone numbers I called rather than be tortured. The Associated Press routinely published classified information which is a prosecutable crime, would they rather go to jail then have a list of the phone numbers called checked?
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Reply Mon 20 May, 2013 05:45 pm
The third scandal is the oldest and the commie/conservatives have been flogging this horse to death trying to make it a major incident and so far with all the hearings and publicity it has failed to make a dent. The third scandal is of course the Benghazi scandal and depends on the general public believing that one ambassador life is worth the lives of 5,000 ordinary soldiers. Baby Bush’s lies got us into Iraq, his frequent lies tied the Saudi Arabian hijackers 9/11 to Iraq when there was no connection whatsoever. The 5,000 American lives were just a down payment as the Boston Bomber said the Boston bombing was just the beginning of pay back for all the innocent Muslim women and children killed in Iraq because of baby Bush’s lies.

Glen Beck has got more mileage out of Benghazi than most of new media got out of Watergate or Clinton famous BJ. He has had Obama in the situation room watching as the ambassador was killed. He has had Obama going to bed without flying Air Force one into Benghazi to pick up the ambassador personally. One of the military said that Glen Beck has a comic book understanding of the military where superman flies to the rescue in minutes. It would be nice if Glen Beck could feign as much concern for the 5,000 ordinary Americans killed in Iraq because of baby Bush’s lies but does Glen Beck thinks he can hammer the lie down the American people’s throat that the ambassador life was worth far more than the 5,000 ordinary Americans. It is the political mileage Beck hopes to gain by making the ambassador death a brickbat.

Where was Beck concern when patrols were lost in Iraq, was baby Bush up all night sending jets in or did the commie/conservatives never even bother with trivial matters like soldiers being killed in Iraq. To baby Bush and the commie/conservatives the soldiers had one reason to exist to die for the oil in Iraq, to die for the ungodly greedy. The ambassador on the other hand was a member of their social strata and all the force on heaven and earth should have been used to save the ambassador. When someone goes into a war zone and Libya was a war zone where the general public had the military’s weapons one takes their life in hand.

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Reply Thu 23 May, 2013 08:09 pm
“Why do Nations fail?” that is the title of a new book by Daron Acemoglu and James Robison that traces the historical foundations of different countries in both South America and North America. When Spanish Conquistadors invaded South America and Mexico it was far richer than North America. When the English set up colonies in North America there was no treasure troves of gold and silver in other words the English got what was left over but in the end the United States and Canada became the richest nations on both continents. The question is why did the richest nations in the Americas 500 years ago become the poorest and the poorest became the richest. The authors believe that the political foundation of exploitation made the difference. The governments of South America were designed to exploit the native population and their wealth. A formula was set up where the native chief was seized and held for ransom the Spanish would demand a house be filled with gold and silver. If it was not the chief was killed if it was filled the chief was burnt alive. This political foundation began a heritage of governments based on exploitation a tradition that continues to this day.

The colony at Jamestown intended to use the same formula but the chief was too smart to be sucked into the scheme. The settlers had intended to enslave the natives who would provide their food while settlers used their time to treasure hunt. To start with there was no gold or silver in the American colonies. When the Indian chief forbade the Indians to trade food to the settlers most died that winter only 60 out of 500 survived. The English than decided the Spanish conquistadors strategy would not work in North America. Next skilled workingmen were dispatched to nearby colony and it prospered but the politics of exploitation died. Capturing and enslaving exploiting the natives failed but egalitarian politics shaped America’s political future.

Now America faces the modern Conquistadors, the ungodly greedy who like the Spanish draw their power from the government. In the seventies the tax rate on the ungodly greedy was 70% now the top 400 richest taxpayer’s effective tax rate is 16.6% far below the effective tax rate of a worker in the middle 20% their tax rate is 22%. Our government is being used to make the inequality in America worse, to exploit the middle class.

The United States did not have political tradition of exploitation as Mexico and South American nations did. For over 200 years America’s political tradition held fast but in 30 short years the commie/conservatives changed those traditions and perceptions for the worse and we would be wise to understand Why Nations Fail?
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Reply Sun 26 May, 2013 06:14 am
Indeed why do nations fail? History has been witness as great empires failed. So it is not only the political foundation that important but the maintenance and upkeep. One building stands for over a 100 years while many similar building goes into decline and fall down or are torn down. The difference is maintenance and up keep. In Huntington a four story former car dealership collapsed one day. First a good portion of the building fell on to a neighboring used car lot trailer and crushed it. The rest of the building was declared safe for the time being by the public Works Director and 24 hour later the rest of the building collapsed across a major 4 lane highway. The cause of the collapse was determined to be caused by a leaking roof that swelled the roof joist and pushed the walls down. The lack of routine maintenance resulted in the complete destruction of the building fortunately for the Public Director no lives were lost. Small drops of water invaded the building and in the end leveled it. Countries or empires are primarily structured by ideas the physical structures of towns and cities are less important than the unseen skeleton of political ideas and concepts which they are built on. When the skeleton of political concepts fails the country fails.

For thirty long years, the commie/conservative years, America has been in a major state of decline, sure you can point to the top 1/100 of 1% whose income has soared hundreds of times but 90% of Americans have seen their income in real dollars stagnate or decline. The commie/conservatives ideas have attacked the very skeleton of political ideas that America was built on. The commie/conservative ideas are the same ideas of the conquistadors that a small group of elite is entitled to exploit the population of a country for their benefit. Surely the authority and power of the modern day conquistadors is not derived from the king of Spain or his armies but from economic superiority that is far more effective in subduing and exploiting the population of a country. Power can be derived from and army or an army of dollars, like the rain drops bought the building down, a steady rain of bad political ideas can undermine a nation that has stood for over two centuries.

Commie/conservatives don’t concern themselves with the health of a nation but think life should be designed as a contest where the winner is the one with the most money. In the end in commie/conservative ideology an individual or small group of elite may triumph and America succumbs to the ideas modern day conquistadors.

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