The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 31 Mar, 2013 07:09 am
Patriot Coal has 99 different units and the majority of those are not union coal mines. Two of the bondholding companies believe the assets should be distributed based on whether the mine was union or non-non-union. This would allow the bond holders superior claim on the non-union mine assets. When Peabody Coal spun off Patriot Coal it gave Patriot Coal the lifetime responsibility for 8,100 retirees who had already retired health insurance. In other words Peabody had profited for 30-40 years off the labor of these employees but now they had become a liability on Peabody books and they could no longer turn a profit on the retiree’s labor.

Patriot Coal was a scam from the very beginning when Peabody unloaded the retirement obligation for 8,100 employees into Patriot. But the scam doesn’t end there it is an equal opportunity scam were everybody involved is scammed. Patriot sold stock and borrowed heavily from bonding companies. Stock in Patriot is trading for 10 cents on the dollar and long term bonds for 12 cents on the dollar. Imagine running up bills for 40 years and then selling those bills to someone who then borrows money on them and sells stock in them and you have the Patriot Coal scam.

There are always winners and losers even with scams. Scams are like a million dollar poker game where the lights go off and when the lights come back on only a few dollars remain on the table. Billions of dollars disappeared in the Patriot Coal scam but Peabody made billions by selling their debt and the executives in both companies profited handsomely.

This is the commie/conservative dream a deregulated world where every scam can be run without fear of regulations. In an eye for and eye world everybody ends up blind sooner or later but in a world where there is blatant theft, no matter how sophisticated, is legal the vast majority end up poor but some will always be rich.

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Reply Mon 1 Apr, 2013 05:41 am
A large protest is planned for this morning in Charleston WV against Patriot Coal’s plan to spin off their retirees health care obligations $1.2 billion would be used to create the Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Association or (VEBA). This would be funded by all 99 units owned by Patriot Coal. Thirteen of the units have no union obligation. The company holding the bonds opposes the plan because some of the “units” are non-union. This would set a legal precedence as part of a company assets could be considered off limits. Under this precedence if General Motors declared bankruptcy parts of the company could be considered off limits.

Bankruptcy laws determine which creditors get priority during the bankruptcy. Labor is responsible for creating any wealth the company has, no coal comes out of the mine without labor. But capital often takes precedence over labor in bankruptcy. There is two contract involved one to supply labor in exchange for wages and benefits and another for the bondholders to loan operating capital. But it seems in a court of law all contracts are not created equal and in the commie/conservative courts the employees whose labored created the wealth find their contracts annulled and are left with nothing for their lifetime investment. Often after the company has been raided and they do call them corporate raiders, after the corporate raider makes off with the wealth of the company, the pension obligations to the employees are dumped on the taxpayers. The employees receive around 40% of his pension and the taxpayers are obligated to pay that.

Commie/conservatives have made America a nation of thieves one where regulations are bad and corporate thieves are considered heroes.
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Reply Tue 2 Apr, 2013 08:14 am
Yesterday a judge granted Stockton, California petition to enter bankruptcy. Stockton a city of 300,000 is the biggest city to declare bankruptcy. Stockton is $900,000 in arrears to the California Public Employees Retirement System. California has a law that states pension obligations can’t be shed in a bankruptcy proceeding but the other creditors want the retirement system to take the hit also. Stockton began falling behind on their pension payments in 2007 after the housing bubble burst and property taxes fell.

Of course falling property taxes were not the only bad thing that happened to the pension funds across the country, pension funds had billions of dollars to invest and often political appointees were in charge of those billions. They were easy marks for Wall Street sharks who sold them worthless paper. Time and time again the State of WV was bilked out of $500 million at a time. The losses in California pension fund must have been billions during the 2008 stock market crash. Though the stock market recovered its value by 2013 much of the worthless paper purchased by pension funds remained as worthless as swamp land.

What commie/conservative did for America was create bigger and better thieves. Morality in America was replaced with Ayn Rand political philosophy of the “Virtues of Selfishness.” The Virtues of Selfishness is basically the law of the jungle it may prohibit the physical violence, the highway man need no longer use a gun he can sit in his million dollar Wall Street office and sell worthless paper. The law of the jungle is appealing to predators and predators abound in America. We must ask ourselves is there any difference between the highway man and the modern day thieves? Are the victims of pension theft not worse off today? The highway men took what their victims had today the Ayn Rand type of thief takes not only what they have today but what they will have in future years.
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Reply Thu 4 Apr, 2013 06:34 am
There is a common core to most of America recent problems and that common core is greed. At the heart of the housing bubble was greed, at the heat of the education scandal is greed, and at the heart of the baseball steroid scandal was greed. Two of the biggest most profitable coal companies in the world, Peabody Energy and Arch Coal simply spun off the coal mines that had more liabilities than assets. Peabody unloaded its liabilities into Patriot Coal and Arch Coal unloaded its liabilities into Magnum Coal. Later Patriot acquired the coal mines owned by Magnum Coal. Of course Peabody and Arch Coal remain very profitable. Greed was the driving force behind this deal both Peabody Energy and Arch Coal will reap record profits.

Commie/conservatives believe greed is the answer, that greed will solve every problem. In the housing bubble once all the legitimate mortgages had been financed the profit was in the liar loans. You no longer needed a job to buy a house. An itinerate farm worker picking strawberries for a living got a loan for $750,000 to buy a mansion. Why? Because bankers all the along the way were getting rich. The Bank selling the liar’s loans didn’t keep them they sold them to investment banks which bundled them in to securities. The rating agencies were paid to give the securities AAA ratings and then the worthless paper was sold to investors like pension funds. The thieves became national heroes because of the huge amounts of money they made.

The bankers had a meritocracy where those who cheated the most were the most highly rewarded. This is the merit system which is being so highly touted and pushed in our society. The amount of money these thieves made was proof they were the best.

In the no child left behind program the emphasizes was put on test scores. The merit system would be used to pay teachers more whose children got better test scores. The shortest way to make more money for teachers was cheating and soon there were cheating scandals all over the country. Pizza parties were held where the teachers gathered to change the answers on their children’s tests. The children’s wrong answers were erased and the correct answer marked. The odds against the amount of wrong answers being changed to the right answers was 12 million to one.

The steroid scandal in baseball also was a product of the merit system and greed when the first player started using steroids the other players noticed the increased muscle and performance. Soon steroids injections were being referred by players and management alike as B-12 shots. Those that juiced up made the big money those that didn’t were returned to the minors. The message in the greed based merit system is clear cheating brings the biggest rewards.

When the core is rotten there is no hope for the apple.
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Reply Fri 5 Apr, 2013 07:09 am
America has fundamentally changed over the last 50 years, not only has America changed but fundamental values that built America have changed. Most of these changes in the fundamental attitudes can be traced back to a Russian woman who came to visit America in 1925. Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum, even though most Americans will never know her real name, was born and educated in Russia. She chose the pen name Ayn Rand and none of her work is authored under her real name. She was educated at Petrograd University after the Russian Revolution. Of course she never returned to mother Russia after her “visit” and she never intended to. She married an American and went to Hollywood and became a screen writer.

How could one foreign woman infect a nation? The same way a computer viruses rockets across the country infecting computer after computer. Most Americans have never read any of Ayn Rand’s books but like the computer virus we have all been affected. When Enron’s employees were manipulating the price of electricity in California running electric bills up over a 1000% and causing brown outs you were seeing Any Rand’s political philosophy in action.

“He just f*** California. He steals money from California to the tune of about a million.”
“Will you rephrase that?”
“OK, he um, arbitrages the California market to the tune of a million bucks or two a day”

This is the transcript of an actual recorded conversation between to Enron electric traders during the “deregulation” of California’s electric market. These types of conversations take place every day in America. You can bet these type of conservations took place between Peabody Energy and Arch Coal. “We just f*** those retirees for a few billion let’s put a few million extra in our pay envelop.”

These types of attitudes are a direct reflection of Ayn Rand’s “Virtues of Selfishness.” Who in our society best reflects the “Virtues of Selfishness?” The criminal of course he is motivated only by selfishness, he does not care who he takes from or what means he has to use to take it. Since Ayn Rand philosophy pervaded America it is the criminals who have risen to the highest echelons of our society and who have become the most admired because of their vast accumulations of other’s wealth.
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Reply Mon 8 Apr, 2013 05:31 am
Obama is bending over for the ungodly greedy and the radical right with his proposed social security cuts even though this generation has paid and extra $2.7 trillion to create a social security trust fund. Social security was a pay as you go system and was never intended to have a trust fund. In other words the current workers paid the social security of those working. One good reason for not creating a trust fund is to keep the $2.7 trillion from being stolen by the ungodly greedy. The more money the more likely the ungodly greedy could bribe politicians to give them the money in tax cuts and more deductions for their million dollar motor homes. The $2.7 trillion trust fund was paid for by the middle class and poor, 99.99% of the ungodly income is exempt from social security tax only the first $100,000 of the ungodly greedy $5 billion income is taxed but the ungodly greedy got 99.99% of the tax cuts.

The radical right claims like baby Bush that the $2.7 trillion social trust fund does not exist even though the $2.7 trillion trust fund is invested in the world’s most secure securities U S Treasury bonds. The right has long wanted to swindle those on social security out of that $2.7 trillion because they don’t want the ungodly greedy to pay back the debt created by humongous tax cuts granted by Reagan and baby Bush. These humongous cuts for the ungodly greedy were made possible by raising the social security tax six times and creating the $2.7 trillion social security trust fund.

The radical right claims there is no social security trust fund that they gave it away in tax cuts to the ungodly greedy and they will not raise taxes one penny to pay the stolen money back. When you deposit money in a bank your money is loaned out but those who borrowed the money are expected to pay it back. We all know the money we put in the bank is loaned and if all depositors ask for their money back at one time the bank goes bankrupt. If the $2.7 trillion was invested in a bank we could not expect to get it back at one time. As it stands right now those on social security are asking only for a small portion of their interest and none of the $2.7 trillion principal that is all it takes to maintain the current social security payments but the radical right thinks they should not only keep the $2.7 trillion principal but the interest on the principal as well.
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Reply Wed 10 Apr, 2013 05:35 am
The gun debate rages on in Congress. The commie/conservatives are supporting the gun lobby right to supply mass murders with the most modern and effective weapons that a mass murder has ever dreamed of. These are not assault weapons these are weapons of mass murder designed specifically to increase the number of kills. Weapons of mass murder are extremely profitable for gun manufacturers and National Rifle Association is the lobbying arm for the gun manufacturers.

One definition of assault is illegal touching, assault weapons certainly does not properly define what they are. The best definition of these weapons is “weapons of mass murder.” Each time they are mentioned in public they should be referred as “weapons of mass murder.” Words are said to be magic and it is important that the proper terms be used in any debate.

The debate should go something like this; Senator we understand that you are in favor of supplying mass murders with weapons of mass murder. Is that your position the mass murder right to the best weapons of mass murder that technology can provide and the mass murders rights trumps the right of others to live. The right of the gun manufacturers to bigger and better profits on weapons of mass murder is most important thing to you Senator, isn’t it?

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Reply Thu 11 Apr, 2013 05:36 am
At one time in America gangsters caused havoc with Thomson sub-machine guns. As WWI dragged on General John T. Thompson created a light weight hand held machine gun. The weapon was designed to give one man the ability to kill large of enemy soldiers. Called a trench broom it gave one man the ability for the ability to kill large number of people at close range. Up to this point machine guns were heavy and took two men to operate also referred as assault weapons as they were used in the final 200 meter assault on an enemy position. But after WWI was over these weapons were sold at the local hardware store and soon gangsters found they could be used just as effectively for an assault on a local bank as an assault on an enemy trench. The Thomson made gang warfare. Designed to use pistol type of ammunition to make the weapon and ammunition light enough to carry it was small enough to be concealed in a carrying case for a musical instrument.

Mass murder became a common occurrence in post-depression America. Large number of law enforcement officers could easily be killed by gangsters armed with cheap machine guns. In 1934 the National Firearms Act was passed to strictly regulate what were known as gangster “weapons,” machine guns and sawed off shot guns.

The advantage of a machine gun is that it can fire so many rounds per minute. Once laws had been passed that stopped Thompson machine guns from being sold at your local hardware store the gun manufactures had lost a major profit source and looked for a way to skirt the law and the semi-automatics were the next best choice the number of rounds is limited by the number of times you can pull the trigger. The semi-automatic weapons can be converted to fully automatic by changing a few of the parts which are commercially available. The big gun manufactures learned their lesson in The 1934 National Firearms Act and formed the National Rifle Association to make sure the government could not effectively ban their most profitable weapons. The gun manufacture’s association, the National Rifle Association, is afloat in money from the big gun manufactures, who could care less how many school children are gunned down as long as they make a big profit on the weapon of mass murder that made it possible. The gun manufactures answer is more guns, everybody should be armed to the teeth and when the shooting starts everybody cold shoot everybody else taking what what my uncle called sound shots. One day he was out with his Thompson target practicing and a hunter asked if he could hunt on his property? He told them he could but warned him he took sound shots. The hunter asked what a sound shot was? He told him if he heard a sound he just shot in that direction.
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Reply Fri 12 Apr, 2013 05:33 am
The question is no longer whether we will ban the sale of weapons of mass murder but when and how many people will have to die before it happens. The commie/conservatives argue that previous ban of sale of weapons of mass murder did not affect the number of people murdered with weapons of mass murder but the sales ban does nothing about the millions of weapons of mass murder that are already on the streets. A ban on sales does nothing to the decrease the risk from those weapons of mass murder that are already on the streets and there were enough weapons of mass murder to provide every mentally ill wnnabee mass murders with an arsenal. Weapons of mass murder and ammunition are only a few key strokes away from and wanabee mass murders but most of the mentally already have access to their relatives’ weapons of mass murder. Plus it is impossible to speculate how many mass murders would have been committed during the ban on weapons of mass murder or how much more effective the mass murders may have been if they had better armed.

One thing for sure is that as the number of weapons of mass murder on the streets has increased, the number mass murders has increased also as did the number of kills per mass murder. Statistics clearly show what the problem is and the problem is weapons of mass murder. There have been 62 mass murders since 1982 but 25 of those have happened since 2006. The mass murders have happened in 30 different states. Of the 143 guns used by the mass murders more than three quarters were obtained legally. The 1994 assault weapon ban (weapons of mass murder) expired in 2004 it is clear that the number murders increased after the ban expired and remember three quarters of the murder’s weapons had been legally obtained. If three quarters of mass murders had been unable to legally purchase weapons of mass murder three might have been three quarters less victims of mass murder. In the Connecticut shooting the mass murders mom purchased the gun legally if it was banned she could not have purchased it and 26 people might be alive today.
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Reply Mon 15 Apr, 2013 05:32 am
Most Americans still believe in a democracy where every vote counts but in actual practice we live in functional oligarchy where the ungodly rule by means of power and their power is their vast wealth. A study of how our government functions, by Martin Gilens of Princeton University, shows that legislative concerns of the poor are all but ignored by congress while the preferences of ungodly greedy are well represented by legislative outcome. The baby Bush tax cuts put an extra $81.5 billion in the hands of the top 1%, the ungodly greedy. Much of this $81.5 billion was plowed back to bribe politicians to keep these tax cuts in place.

The “carried interest” tax break cut the tax rate in half. For instance the carried interest tax break allows Mitt Romney to pay only 14% income tax rate when it should have been 30%. The income of the top 4 hedge mangers is being reported on NBC as I write this; all made over a billion dollars with the top David Tepper made $2.2 billion. Tepper bought a $44 million mansion in the Hamptons and tore it down to build another. The House of Representatives tried to repeal the “carried interest” tax break in 2008, 2009, and 2010. But millions in bribes from the hedge fund managers poured into the Senate to block repealing the tax in each of those years.

It is time to stop minority rule by filibuster that cannot only block a vote from being taken but keep it from being openly debated on the floor. As the country languish in debt the ungodly take more and more and make a bad joke of our democracy.
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Reply Tue 16 Apr, 2013 05:53 am
After the world trade center was destroyed a New York Bishop said, “Yesterday I recognized and old friend and that old friend was religion.” Yesterday the Bishop old friend paid the Boston Marathon a visit. The death toll was only a small fraction of that on 9/11 but the impact was almost as bad. Americans sat glued to their television sets waiting for someone to take credit but so far no group has taken credit for the bombing even Al Qaeda remains silent. The information is sketchy yet but a Saudi National appears to be a person of interest and his apartment has been searched.

The Saudi National is here on a student visa as were the Saudi who carried out the 9/11 attacks. Religion has caused more wars than most other causes. Religious cults are free to imagine any god they please after they imagine a god then they imagine what that god would like for them to do and then they do that. The Saudi imagines their god wants them to make war on America and they do. The Christen right imagines their god wants them to make war on abortion clinics and they do. The trouble is you never truly know what is in the mind of an imaginary god but there are many people that are absolutely sure that they know what the imaginary god wants and their political agendas always coincides with their god’s political agenda. Once one accepts an imaginary God one is duty bound to serve this god. This opens one to the manipulation of others to achieve their political goals. After all how can one deny God’s will? But ask yourself what makes it God’s will? Whose word will you take? There are so many gods is any wonder they have conflicting interests?
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Reply Wed 17 Apr, 2013 05:31 am
The police have backed off their original suspect at least in public. The Saudi national is here on a student visa the police have said that no evidence was uncovered at the Saudi’s apartment. Al Qaeda has yet to take credit publicly for the bombing. The investigation will continue and the public may be kept in the dark in order to not tip off some of those suspected. The placement of two explosive devices fits the profile of Al Qaeda bombing. The first explosion was intended to drive people toward the second explosion to cause maximum causalities. The runners even after the first explosion continued toward the finish line instead of stopping at the site of the second explosion.

Whoever placed these bombs knew something about a running event and did not try and target the lead runners. Only a few runners finish up front but most finish in the middle of the pack. The number of finishers at any one time is similar to a grading curve the bomber picked the time the highest number of people would be finishing. The placement of the first bomb on the curb was intended to target runners but most of the force of the explosion went into the crowd. When the pressure bomb exploded most of the explosive fore went backwards.

The fact that two bombs were use with synchronized timing seems to rule out the lone bomber type like the Unabomber. This bombing was done to maximize the terror and to be witnessed by the largest number of people. It has all the trapping of a bombing for political purposes it was not placed just to kill people but to maximize terror.
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Reply Fri 19 Apr, 2013 06:44 am
America is no longer a democracy but an oligarchy based on wealth and that can be clearly seen in a forensic examination of wealth distribution. Between 1984 and 2009 the median net worth of the middle class remained unchanged but the median net worth of a member of the House of Representatives increased by 260%. This disturbing trend is driven by two main components the ever increasing amounts of legal bribery and the fact that members of the middle class no longer have a viable chance of running for a House seat. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee looks for House candidates to raise $250,000 in campaign contribution in the first quarter after they declared their intent to run. Seats in the federal government are effectively out of reach for the middle class. Nearly half of the members of congress have a net worth north of a million dollars but only 1 in 22 members of the public have a net worth that high.

One of the main thrust of the commie/conservative philosophy is lottery winner economics where if one hits the economic lottery that they should be able to use their winnings to corrupt the system to ensure themselves even more economic winnings. Gone are the days when churches told their congregations that, “It was harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom heaven than a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.” Now we have Prosperity Christianity Churches where they preach the gospel according to greed no matter that it wasn’t written that way, the gospel is flexible enough especially when certain parts can be omitted. A Rabbi was on Glen Beck show with the same message he was telling Beck’s audience money was not a physical but spiritual. The Prosperity Rabbi tells us that absolutely no one should believe the evidence of their eyes and ears that when the ungodly greedy get richer the middle class gets poorer. Money is spiritual and simply multiplies like the fishes and loafs of bread. The Rabbi line is similar to the cheating husband caught in bed with two other women, he says to his wife, “Who are you going to believe me, or your lying eyes?” We can all see what is happening to America, the statistics are as undisputable as the two women. The question is do we believe are lying eyes? According to the Rabbi since money is spiritual in nature it just might materialize on your doorstep. Just as the cheating husband those that try to get people to believe in this lie have something to gain.
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Reply Sat 20 Apr, 2013 05:29 am
One suspect in the Boston bombing was killed yesterday the second wounded and captured after a massive manhunt. The investigation will continue for much longer but the New York Bishop old friend, religion, lays at the center of the killings. The suspect seemed to have found religion with the youngest praying five times a day. Members of religious cults, and all religions are cults, will tell you there is man’s law and god’s law and god’s law is higher and more likely to be followed. If god is just a figment of the members of religious cult imagination as he almost certainly is, then god is the most dangerous force on earth. Even if we could allow for one true god, which is highly unlikely, the majority of the world’s inhabitants believe in a different god.

When you are tearing a car down and run into a bolt that you can’t break lose you put a pipe on the wrench, a lever, to make it easier to break the bolt lose. Religion serves as the lever in most of these bombing cases. Those who cannot free themselves from the bondage of their imagination and the imagination of others are lose cannons who leave themselves open to manipulation. There are no checks and balances when one obeys a force from a different dimension that can neither be heard nor seen. One is left to take the word of others who claim to see or hear the invisible one and as such to do the bidding of the one who knows god’s will.

Mankind advanced beyond the Dark Ages but you could take the man out of the dark but you could not take the dark out of the man. This time period, should man survive it, will be known as the age ignorance where ignorance and superstition were exalted and worshiped.
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Reply Sun 21 Apr, 2013 12:43 pm
The question is how much income inequality can America tolerate before the system fails? Right now America has more income inequality than in any time in its history other than the Great Depression. The Great Depression was spawned at least in part from the outrageous economic inequality. The 2007-08 depression, and it was a depression not a recession, was spawned by years of commie/conservative driven radical tax cuts for the superrich. The commie/conservatives believe the ungodly greedy should not be taxed or at least at a rate far less than the working man and they did achieve that under baby Bush. When it was obvious to everyone that the tax cuts for the ungodly greedy caused the 2007-08 depression the commie/conservative solution was more of the same bigger, and better tax cuts for the ungodly greedy and elimination of the minimum wage.

The commie/conservatives are all for more for a tiny fraction of the population and less for a large portion of the population. The commie/conservatives like to pretend that only school children work minimum wage while the plain truth is a good portion of America’s population work minimum wages or near minimum wage jobs most of their lives. For instance last year 284,000 Americans with college degrees were working for minimum wage. No one can drive through a town in America and not see whole industries that are founded on minimum wage jobs. The fast food industry depends on minimum wage workers, as does the hotel industry and most of retail.

How does a political movement that does everything in its power to make life in America worse for many Americans and better for a tiny fraction keep getting elected to power. In theory each economic group should vote for their economic self-interest but in practice, especial in the last 40 years, it has been the art of misdirection that has ruled American elections. Inequality has simply not been an issue, when inequality comes up the commie/conservatives would shift the election issues to abortion or gay marriage while millions of Americans continued work for minimum wage.
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Reply Mon 22 Apr, 2013 05:29 am
“An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal aliment of all republics. “

Plutarch (46-120 AD)

“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” The commie/conservatives continue to insist that the imbalance between rich and poor makes no difference to society. That the freedom of the ungodly greedy to get richer exceeds any and all other freedoms. A Greek philosopher 2000 years ago using the power of observation was able to correctly predict what would happen to a republic when the balance between rich and poor was deliberately skewed and there have been many, many such examples since.

Commie/conservatism more closely resembles a religious cult than a political movement an as with any religious cult the truth and history are simply irrelevant it is all about belief in the cult’s teachings. The communist founding fathers of the Modern Conservative Movement got in wrong when they were communist. Why would we believe they would get it right when they suddenly started calling themselves conservatives instead of communists?

Is there any balance between rich and poor in America when one buys and tears down a $44 million mansion and another lives in their car? Both work every day and in fact the minimum wage employee works much harder. The hedge fund manager shuffles paper back and forth cheating pension funds and other investors.

The free market solution for wages simply does not work neither on the top nor the bottom. When there are fewer television sets than buyers for those sets, the price of television sets go up per the law of supply and demand. But when there are fewer people willing to take minimum wage employment the price does not go up per the law of supply demand the minimum wage employees take a second job and wages do not go up.

The ungodly greedy simply bribe politicians to take less in taxes on the richest of the rich, those earning over a billion a year. Taxes have fallen by 84% in the last 50 years on the riches of the rich and incomes have skyrocketed. If Plutarch is right, and there is no reason to believe he is not, America is now suffering from “the oldest and most fatal aliment of all republics.”
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Reply Tue 23 Apr, 2013 05:30 am
The vast majority of people will never win the lottery but they continue to waste their money. What a lottery sells is the possibility, no matter how remote, that one might win. The development of state lotteries has parallel the development of a lottery winner economics in the United States. What was once not acceptable economic outcome became acceptable as people were assured they too had a chance to be a economic lottery winner. While the chances are far better to win a lottery than for one to become a hedge fund manager making $5 billion a year economic inequality suddenly became acceptable. The chances of one being able to go to Harvard is remote, the chances of being able to pay for a Harvard education is even more remote. Of course the commie/conservatives tell us that we all have equal opportunity just not equal outcomes. Nothing can be further from the truth.
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Reply Wed 24 Apr, 2013 05:32 am
Glen Beck was upset that the investigation into the bombing in Boston showed that it was religiously motivated. Beck wanted the report to say Muslim extremism instead of religiously motivated. After all that would make it look like there might be other religious terrorism in America and that other religions might engage in terrorism in an effort to impose their beliefs on others and Beck sure would not want people to realize how much terrorism the Christian right engages in. The Christian right makes up a good portion of Beck’s audience and any suggestion that religion is at the heart of terrorism is unwelcome. The Christian right is responsible for far more bombing in America than Al Qaeda. The Christian right bombing of abortion clinics and killings of doctors became so common that they were not even mention beyond local news. But the good Christian Americans would not bomb anybody that didn’t deserve it would they?

When you start killing people for your beliefs in an imaginary God there is a problem whether you are Muslim or Christian. It is time people understood that killings and bombing in America are not committed only by Muslims. The Christian bombing of abortion clinics did not receive a tiny fraction of the Boston bombing. The Christian right has been responsible for kidnappings, stalking, attempt murder, murder and bombings. But yet no one thinks of the Christian right as a terrorist organization like Al Qaeda and Glen Beck would certain not consider a bombing done by the Christian right a terrorist act done by a terrorist organization. To Beck these are just good Christians enforcers of God’s law and as all the religious know when there is a conflict between God’s law and man’s law it is god’s law that should prevail. Beck and Al Quaeda have more in common then Beck realizes.
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Reply Thu 25 Apr, 2013 05:31 am
On Glen Beck show yesterday he listed a number of terrorists, including Timothy McVey, and said each of them was not a Christian terrorist but then 90% of Americans claim that Beck and Romney are not Christian because they are Mormons. What Beck did not do was list all the Christian terrorists in fact Beck did not list even one Christian terrorist he believes if he fails to publicly acknowledge the Christian terrorists in America that the public will not know they exist.

There were two abortion clinics bombed in 2012 by Christian terrorists. Do you remember any network TV being preempted to cover the bombings? Do you even remember 30 seconds of coverage on the evening news? On Jan 1, 2012 an abortion clinic in Pensacola, Florida was fire bombed and burned to the ground and this is the second time it has been fire bombed by Christian terrorists. A Christian terrorist was indicted for the bombing. This particular clinic has been the target of attacks by Christian terrorists for 30 years. Where was the news coverage? Where was the outcry from Glen Beck about Christian terrorism?

A Christian terrorist was arrested in May of 2011 after a failed attack on an abortion clinic where he told police he wanted to line all of the clinic workers up along a wall and mow them down for “killing babies.”

A Christian terrorist’s bomb exploded at an abortion clinic April 1, 2012 there was no national news coverage because the Christian terrorists have been bombing, killing and kidnaping for so long it is not even considered newsworthy other than a local bases.

Terrorism and religion go hand in hand they are intertwined throughout history. Beck seems to have no problem at all with Christian terrorist’s killings and bombing because they are trying to impose their god’s law or someone interpretation of god’s law on America.

Most of the terrorism in America is religiously motivated and most of that terrorism in America is Christian terrorism not Muslim terrorism.
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Reply Fri 26 Apr, 2013 05:29 am
Religiously motivated terrorism is the correct term for the Boston bombings as religiously motivated terrorism is the correct term for the 30 years of abortion bombings and killings. Until we recognize that religion can be and often is the motive for murder we cannot deal with the problem. While talking heads like Beck are the first to jump on the term Muslim extremists they would never think of using the term Christian extremists in reference to the 30 years of abortion clinic bombing. In the case of the abortion clinic bombing they would say it was just a few nut cases and never attribute any of the actions to Christian terrorists. There have been far more Christian abortion clinic bombings than bombings by Muslim extremist but Beck does not see that as a problem.

After the security was stepped up after 9/11 and terrorism became a number one priority the Christian terrorist continued to operate and bomb abortion clinics unimpeded by increased security by law enforcement. Billions were spent for increased security but Christian terrorists were not a priority many law enforcement share the right wing ideology that abortion doctors are murders so they deserve whatever they get. Of course Muslim extremists feel that way about Americans.

Law enforcement knows who is doing the abortion clinic bombings and with a fraction of the effort and money devoted to other terrorism they would all be in jail but Christian terrorists are just not a high priority. Those of us who are not abortion clinic workers have little to fear from the Christian terrorists but we all have something to fear from religion.
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