The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 24 Feb, 2013 12:22 pm
If you can’t solve the problem change the problem. Illusions are designed to deceive, illusion obscure reality. But if we don’t hide from our problems maybe the politicians can hide our problems from us and that has been what the last 30 years in America has been about. The problem with inflation all disappeared by changing the factors that went into figuring inflation.

Next up was unemployment. My memories of Reagan becoming President were the massive layoffs that took place after he eliminated revenue sharing, a program that returned part of the income tax to the communities where the income tax revenue came from. Reagan cut taxes on the ungodly greedy by 60% and cut revenue sharing out. The city of Huntington lost $2 million and cut over a 100 employees in one year. This was repeated in cities across the country. The unemployment figures should have shown a steep increase but after solving the way inflation was calculated it was a simple matter of attacking the way unemployment was figured. Reagan simply added an additional 1.5 million people to replace who jobs he had eliminated. Where did he find an additional 1.5 million employed people? The military was not a part of the unemployment calculation up to that point. Why try to solve an unemployment problem that the illusions show does not exist? Next Clinton did his part to further enhance the unemployment illusion by further changing the unemployment equation again. Clinton took those who had given up looking for work and those with part time jobs who were looking for full time jobs off those considered to be unemployed. Of course unemployment numbers went down. The illusion masked the problem.

During Baby Bush term in 2005 in Lawrence County, Ohio the official unemployment numbers dropped below 5% and this was going to trigger a drop in benefits from the federal government. The county went door to door to demonstrate the unemployment was far higher than the needed 5%. The door to door survey showed an actual unemployment rate of 18% even though the official figure was a nearly a third of the actual unemployment. Illusion change the way we respond to problems.
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Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 08:39 am
It will be a month or more before the effects of the sequester take full effect. Of course the commie/conservatives were in favor of repealing all of the military sequester as long as it could be taken from the $2.7 social security trust fund. Matter of fact the commie/conservatives would gladly double the military budget that is already more than all of the other counties in the world combined. We spend 10 times more on our military than the nearest competitor Red China if social security could be eliminated. They could spend the whole $2.7 trillion social security trust fund in a year more expensive bombs and more exotic planes. They would find someone to blow up later. The defense contractor line their pockets of the congressmen with bribes.

The commie/conservatives have been trying to kill social security for a long time as did the republicans before them. The Republicans fought social security from the time it became law in 1935 and tried to actively repeal it up until 1952 when Eisenhower became president. When the commie/conservatives came to power in the 80s the battle resumed. The commie/conservatives hate social security but found out the public is strongly in favor of social security. The question was posed to commie/conservative think tanks, “How can we do away with social security in a democracy that strongly favors the program?” The best commie/conservatives minds in the country went to work on the problem. The ungodly greedy money flowed into the commie/conservative think tanks to solve the problem. One of the obvious solutions is to eliminate the social security cap and make the ungodly greedy pay social security on their entire income not a tiny fraction as they do now.

The only solution the commie/conservative think tanks could come up with was to spend the country into bankruptcy once the country was bankrupt the commie/conservatives could step in and say we are sorry we have to eliminate social security but we have no choice the country is bankrupt. This story has been repeated to many retirees already as their pensions were taken by the ungodly greedy. Reagan did his part by tripling the national debt. Reagan ran the debt up to where it stood during the Eisenhower administration after WWII. Reagan had returned the WWII debt to where it stood in the mid-50s.

When Baby Bush took over the battle cry was “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.” Baby Bush took over where Reagan left off, while Clinton paid the debt down, Baby Bush quickly ran the debt up even more than Reagan, by the time Baby Bush left office the National Debt was as high as it was in 1946 during the Truman administration a year after the biggest war in history had been fought. The National debt graph is based on percentage GNP.

Bankrupting the country is the only way the commie/conservatives can eliminate social security. That is what the commie/conservatives have been doing for 30 years and they are nearing their goal line. The commie/conservatives want to eliminate socialism and social/security is about as the close as you get in America.
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Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2013 09:00 am
Fox News had Paul Ryan on this morning. Ryan has dedicated his career to making the world safe for bigger and better tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Ryan is pushing for the end of Medicare as we know it. I have paid into Medicare for 40 years now. That is a long time to pay for something. Ryan would simply give you voucher to purchase to purchase private health insurance. A decent health insurance policy for healthy person in the prime of their life cost over $20,000 five years ago look for the Ryan voucher to cover less than half of the cost of private insurance.

Ryan’ proposal is to turn Medicare into a defined contribution plan from a defined benefit plan that it currently is. Remember where you heard these terms before, in the 60s over 50% of the private sector employees were covered by a defined benefit pension. Now only 11% are covered by a defined benefit pension plane. The defined benefit pensions were replaced with defined contributions pensions. When the plans were converted the employees were told that they would all be millionaires when they retired, the truth was however far different the average defined contribution pension has only $50,000 at retirement enough to buy an annuity that will provide $300 a month for life. Contrast that with a defined benefit pension plan that provides $32,000 a year.

Now Paul Ryan and the commie/conservatives want to change Medicare from a defined benefit program to a defined contribution plan. If Paul Ryan and the commie/conservatives succeed in making Medicare a defined contribution plan we can look for the same thing to happen to Medicare that happened to private sector pensions.
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Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 05:27 am
Now the commie/conservatives have found new research that indicates retirement is bad for the elderly and may actually reduce life expectancy. They have decided that humane thing to do is make sure grandma and grandpa work until they die; after all they would not want to shorten their lives. The commie/conservatives have decided that government should no longer actively encourage retirement by offering social security benefits. As it stands now the taxes will have to be raised to pay back the $2.7 trillion borrowed from the social security trust fund for tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.

Social security ran at a deficit in 2010 for the first time since 1983. Ran at a deficit means that for the first time more social security was paid out than social security taxes coming in, some of the interest on the $2.7 trillion social security fund had to be used to pay benefits. Where will the interest come from? The taxes on the ungodly greedy will have to be raised in order to pay the interest. The recent tax raise from 35.6% to 39.6% may be the first of many needed to pay back the social security trust fund.
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Reply Wed 13 Mar, 2013 05:31 am
The Paul Ryan’s plan to make the ungodly greedy even richer and destroy America in the process was released yesterday. Ryan answer to the cost of our greed based health care system more greedy. The first thing Ryan wants to do is repeal the Affordable Health Care for America Act. There is no way in Hell Ryan wants Health Care to be Affordable in America. Ryan and the commie/conservatives believe the real purpose American Health Care System is not to provide affordable health care but to provide maximum profits to insurance companies and others in health care system. It is basic difference in how you see the world the commie/conservatives believe the basic purpose of life is to make the biggest profit possible and health care is the ideal place to maximize profits. If you want to buy a television set you can select a television set from many different stores or hundreds of different internet retailers, competition determines the best price. But if your child gets sick in the middle of the night the ambulance crew decides which hospital to take him. If the child is seriously ill the parents will spend every cent they have to save him. There is no competition and no choice to delay getting health care for the child. Health Care is the ideal place to maximize profits you have consumers that have no choice.

When you are hurt in car wreck you are not handed a catalog of different procedures and different prices at competing hospitals. In many areas there is only one hospital. Medicare operates with overhead cost private insurance has a 26% overhead cost. Medicare because of its vast purchasing power gets a far lower price than any private insurance company. The Ryan budget eliminates Medicare and replaces it with a voucher program where a voucher would be used to pay for a fraction of the cost of private insurance. Ryan wants to make sure 26% of health care costs are wasted on bigger and bigger profits.
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Reply Thu 14 Mar, 2013 05:32 am
Paul Ryan was crying crocodile tears for the ungodly greedy and the corporations when he presented his budget. Ryan answer to the deficit, cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy. The war debt, the debt incurred during WWII, was within a few years of being paid off when Reagan cut taxes on the ungodly greedy to 28% and tripled the national debt in the process. Bush senior knew what caused the National Debt to triple during Reagan term in office and raised the tax rate on the ungodly greedy back up to 31% on the ungodly greedy. Clinton raised the taxes on the ungodly greedy back up to 39.6% and balanced the budget. Now Ryan wants to out tax cut Reagan and cut the taxes on the ungodly even further than Reagan did dropping to 25% a rate not seen since 1931 during the depth of the Great depression.

History taught us if you want to triple the National debt the way to do it is to cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy to 28%. If Ryan plan is passed and the taxes on the ungodly greedy are cut to 25% it is likely he will quadruple the national debt. In 2013 are currently 7 different tax brackets ranging from 10% up to 39.9%. Ryan would have only to tax brackets 10% and 25%. This is history repeating itself Reagan had only two tax brackets in 1988, 15% and 28%. Why would Ryan and his commie/conservative allies want to repeat history and triple the national debt?
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Reply Fri 15 Mar, 2013 05:33 am
The Investor’s Business Daily reported that the Ryan budget would lower spending outside of social security and interest on the debt to the lowest it has been since 1948, before Medicare, Medicaid, the interstate highway system, and NASA. The Ryan budget proposes spending of only 11.2% of GNP while the Federal Budget average spending over the last 65 years has been 14.6% of GNP.

While Ryan budget decreases spending it also gives ungodly greedy a 37% tax cut the largest tax cut since Reagan cut taxes on the ungodly greedy by 60% during his term in office.

Ryan looks to keep the best of two worlds, his budget eliminates the Affordable Health Care Act (Obama Care) but incorporates the savings from Affordable Health Care Act and keeps the taxes raised to pay for it and old conman’s trick take the money but don’t supply the service. But Ryan is keeping his eye on the main objective the 37% tax cut for the ungodly greedy. In past Ryan budgets he has proposed a complete elimination of taxes on the ungodly greedy. Ryan proposed the elimination of the tax on capital gains. The ungodly greedy own 90% of stocks and bonds and the vast majority of their income comes from capital gains. The commie/conservatives had previously cut the taxes on capital gains to half rate the middle class paid.

It is clearly evident that Ryan is carrying the water for the ungodly greedy. But while Ryan is doing his part to cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy he will raise the taxes on those on social security, it is called widen the base. Ryan believes those people on social security need to pay more taxes on the social security they already paid taxes on.
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Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 07:44 am
Paul Ryan claims you can’t spend your way to prosperity but he believes like Reagan the way to pay off your debt is to severely cut your income. How did that work out for Reagan? Reagan tripled the National Debt. Ryan proposes cutting two trillion dollars in income to pay off the National Debt. That would be like you taking a $30,000 cut in pay to pay your credit cards off. The commie/conservatives having no problem drawing a graph that shows the National debt paid off by 2050. Of course it is nothing more than a prediction, wishful thinking. Isn’t it funny how the future is always rosy scenario where all the commie/conservative political solutions save the world like James Bond? At this point the future is malleable, it is not fixed.

Paul Ryan’s hero was Ayn Rand, a Russian cult leader whose influence over people like Ryan can never be underestimated. Rand a Russian who came of age during the Russian Revolution was reactionary who changed life in America and not for the better. One of her books, “The Virtues of Selfishness” embodies the philosophy of her life’s work. Even though Rand is dead her disciples, like Ryan, carry on her work today.

Today we live in the world Ayn Rand dreamed of, a world where selfishness has become a way of life. Paul Ryan’s budget was written to reflect the philosophy of Ayn Rand. How did a Russian immigrant ever gain such control over America political philosophy? I don’t believe that most of the people that prescribe to Ayn Rand philosophy knew she was born and educated in Russia. She was not educated in America and wanted to change a very prosperous America to something more to her liking.

Ayn Rand’s dream is fast becoming our nightmare. The Russian looked out and saw America during its biggest economic expansion and decided she could improve on it. History will tell future generation whether the path to selfishness was the correct path.
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Reply Mon 18 Mar, 2013 05:30 am
The person Paul Ryan admired the most was not Mitt Romney but the Russian Ayn Rand. Paul Ryan required his staffers to read Ayn Rand’s works he later denied it but there is video that proves he was lying. Ryan has toned down his open admiration of a well-known atheist after he was approached by the Catholic Church. Even though Ayn Rand died in 1982 her political ideology is at its pinnacle of power. The Ayn Rand cult was most influential on college campuses during the 60s and 70s. Rand achieved almost rock star status on college campuses in America and now the children of Rand’s philosophy have come of age and are in position of power to implement her philosophy.

The Ryan Budget might as well be called the Rand budget because of her influence over Ryan’s thinking. When the Rand generation passes and gives up their positions of power Rand’s influence over American politics may subside but for now the Russian remains a formidable enemy to the American way of life. The Ryan budget is current battlefield it will shape the rest of the baby boomers lives. The baby boomers stood silently by as the Russians reshaped America. As Rand’s ideas gained political traction an as her cult members gained political power the baby boomers watched as their standard of living declined for 30 years. Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1987-2006, was one of Rand’s inner circle; she called him the “undertaker.” The Russian and her husband were guests when Greenspan was sworn in.
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Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2013 05:32 am
Glen Beck and Rush Slimbaugh were outraged yesterday by the move in Cyprus to take 9.9% of the savings accounts of those with over a 100,000 Euros and 6.75% on saving accounts of under a 100,000 Euros. I guess it is all about whose ox is being gored; Rush Slimbaugh and Beck see nothing at all wrong with taking the pensions of millions of hard working Americans. In fact they believe all the pensions of working people should be confiscated by the ungodly greedy which is exactly what has went on since Reagan was elected. A company that had purchased another company could use the pension fund as collateral for the loan to purchase the company and then charge a “management fee” that was equivalent to the pension fund and simply take the fund that employees had paid into for 30 to 40 years. If the company had $50 million in the pension fund the purchasing company could simply charge the company a $50 million management fee and every commie/conservative court in America has upheld the right of the ungodly greedy to loot the pension funds across America. Modern day pirates the ungodly greedy went from one company to the next looting the pension funds. Did Slimbaugh and Beck see anything wrong with looting the pension funds? No Slimbaugh said Americans should expect to work till the day they die.

But the very idea that even a small percentage of the millions that Beck and Slimbaugh have in the banks across the world could be taken outraged them. Why? The American workingman lost much more he didn’t lose just 10% of his savings this year he lost his entire pension or if his pension was “insured” under the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp, which then transferred the debt of the looted pensions to taxpayers, the employees were lucky to get 40% of their pensions under this plan. Slimbaugh and Beck are not enraged about this because under the commie/conservative political philosophy stealing from the workingman is simply “good business” and no one should be upset about a good business deal. It is the law of jungle, the “wisdom of the deep slums” if you are strong enough to take it, it is yours and whether your strength is at the point of a gun or a judge who will look the other way as you loot company after company, if you are politically strong enough to take it is yours. But if the government takes the money of the ungodly greedy it is stealing.

Slimbaugh and Beck’s money in the Bank is there pension and they believe it is highly unfair to take their money but see nothing wrong at all wrong with taking the pensions other people worked for. When the battle lines are formed to take the remaining pensions from the few remaining public sector employees, the public employees, the fire and policemen you can bet Slimbaugh and Beck will be fighting to take the pensions away. They will use every bit of commie/conservative clout to eliminate the American pension system but don’t take a penny from their bank accounts that would be unfair.
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Reply Wed 20 Mar, 2013 05:31 am
Even though the Cyprus Parliament voted down the 10% tax on bank deposits yesterday this was a shot heard around the world by the ungodly greedy. Because this was not a tax on income but a tax placed directly on wealth. Slimbaugh and Beck are fond of stating that if the income tax was raised to 100% on the ungodly greedy that it would only run the government for 11 days but the scariest thing about the Cyprus tax is it taxes wealth not income. Many of the ungodly greedy vast fortunes have been in the family for many generations and only the investment income from these vast fortunes is currently taxed. These fortunes are known as “old money.” Ninety percent of America wealth is current held by the ungodly greedy who make up a tiny percentage of the population. If wealth was taxed instead of income you could run America for a much longer time.

Over the last 30 years the ungodly greedy income has skyrocketed over 600% and at least part of that 600% increase came from the stolen pension systems. During this same 30 years the income of the working Americans went down in real dollars because of the ungodly greedy’ manipulation of the political system. What Rush Slimbaugh and Beck were afraid of is that their actual wealth could be taxed. Rush Slimbaugh net worth is estimated at $350 million with a yearly income $69 million according to Forbes. A 10% tax levied on Slimbaugh Net Worth would be $35 million a year.

A wealth tax placed on net worth may be what America needs to deal with the ungodly greedy a way to stop the excessive theft by political power. The ungodly greedy have stolen most of the pensions in America many hard working baby boomers will simply starve to death or freeze to death because of this massive theft. But Slimbaugh with his $350 million fortune and his commie/conservatives want more and will not be satisfied until the last pension system is eliminated. Slimbaugh will not be satisfied until every working American works till the day he dies.

Cyprus may have come up with the tax that every country should have a true tax on “excess wealth.” Why tax income when excess wealth should be taxed?
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Reply Thu 21 Mar, 2013 05:30 am
A wealth tax may be an idea whose time has come. The middle class wealth has been taxed for many years. Most of the middle class American’s wealth is in their homes and most states have property taxes that tax that wealth. Cars, boats and campers are also taxed and hold a good portion of middle class wealth. But large bank accounts, stocks and bonds are not taxed as real or personal property. It is really no surprise that these are not taxed the ungodly greedy own 90% of the stocks and bonds. The ungodlygreedy, the political donor class, use their money to control the political system to see the taxes are not placed on their wealth.

America had a progressive tax system at one time but now the tax system is regressive. The tax system appears progressive on the surface but is actually regressive in practice by cutting the taxes on capital gains to 15% allows most of the ungodly greedy to pay a lower tax rate on their income then the middle class. Most of the ungodly income comes from stock and bonds and when it doesn’t they declare it “carried interest” which allows to pay the 15% income tax rate instead of the 39.6% rate. Tax actual wealth may be a more viable alternative.

Rand Paul budget plan cuts the taxes on the ungodly greedy by 57% down to just 17%. He also proposes a flat 17% tax on everyone with the first $50,000 exempt from taxation. On the surface it sounds like a good idea as the original tax exemption was $80,000 in today’s dollars. But remember the Federal Government has to repay the $2.7 trillion it owes the social security trust fund. Cutting taxes will keep the Federal government from repaying the social security trust fund. If it sounds to good to be true it usually is.
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Reply Fri 22 Mar, 2013 05:32 am
Yesterday evening I went to the courthouse to pay my property taxes. The courthouse stays open late one day a week to allow those who work time to pay their taxes. As I paid my taxes a number of people came in were directed back through the office to get gun permits. There must have 10 people directed back to get gun permits in the five minutes I was in the office paying taxes. In the previous 25 years I had never seen one person come in looking for gun permit. The clerk who waited on me said this went on like that all day long. The gun legislation before congress is no doubt driving all these gun nuts to get their concealed carry permits. Evidently every drug addict, meth dealer and drunk in WV is securing his right to conceal and carry semi-automatic weapons to shopping malls, restaurants, schools and other public places.

In a typical week in this area five or more people are killed with guns this is a relatively sparsely populated area. Most that are killed with guns are not criminals but family members, murder suicides, and accidental shootings (you looked a lot like deer). The vast numbers of suicides are not publicly reported so as not to publicly embarrass the family. Murder suicides are of course reported since a murder was committed. One of the men I worked with twenty year old son had a fight with his girlfriend took his father’s shot gun and blew his brains out. The father’s vote during the Kerry- Bush election was influenced by a perceived threat to his guns.

The people most likely to want a gun are the very people who should not have one. Any gun legislation that does not ban weapons of war that were designed to make it easy for one man to kill large number of people is huge victory for the future mass killers of America.

A background test to own a gun is not enough a comprehensive psychological test administered by a licensed psychiatrist test should be required and paid for by the applicant. The vast majority of those who wanted to, own a gun would not pass the test for good reason. In our society it is the paranoid cowards that want guns; they live in perpetual fear with fantasies of being a hero shooting down the bad guys but in reality it is usually their wife or children they gun down.

A nasty overbearing representative of the NRA called my wife twice this week trying to get her to call our congressman to support mass killer’s rights to kill innocent children even transferring her directly to the congressman’s. I tried to vote on line poll about the gun legislation but if you voted for legislation it would not let you vote.

The gun legislation shows how the tail wags the dog in America. Only 35% of Americans now own guns down from 50% a few years ago. Only 4 million people belong to the NRA but that 4 million are dictating to the other 346 million Americans that yes we will make it easy for mass killers to kill our children and grandchildren
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Reply Sat 23 Mar, 2013 05:55 am
The basic question is since the commie/conservatives came to power in 1980 has life improved in America. Even though Clinton and Obama were elected they were never able to repeal the radical changes made to America’s tax structure by the commie/conservatives. Just as the commie/conservative controlled House has tried unsuccessfully to repeal The Affordable Health Care Act Clinton and Obama have been unable to restore the 70% tax rate on the ungodly greedy. Reagan cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy from 70% to 28% both Clinton and Obama were unable to restore more than a third of the previous cuts. Capital gains and dividends were made special forms income and the commies cut the taxes on these ‘special forms of income” to 15%. Ninety percent of the ungodly greedy income comes from these special forms incomes that are treated differently than income from wages.
“In 1928 the top 10 percent or earners captured 46% of national income. That was the highest share that the top tenth captured for nearly 80 years until 2007, when we returned to the wealth distribution of the country on the eve of the Great Depression. The top 1 percent did even better. Between 1979 and 2007, nearly 88 percent of the entire economy’s income gains went to the top 1 percent”

From the book the “Twilight of the Elites” by Christopher Hayes

These economic changes in America were not random they were the natural outcome of radically lower taxes on the ungodly greedy. When just 1% of Americans gets 88% of the increase of the GNP over 28 years it shows how distorted not only our tax system but our values have become under commie/conservative ideals. Winning the lottery maybe a nice fantasy but an economic system designed like a lottery is a curse.
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Reply Sun 24 Mar, 2013 08:42 am
The Paul Ryan and Rand Paul budgets are big on cutting taxes on the ungodly greedy and corporations. They tell us if they cut the corporate tax rate that manufacturing will return from overseas. The illusion they want to pedal is short sighted and for the ignorant. The major reason manufacturing went to the third world countries were that wages were 25 cents an hour or less. Taxes are only a small portion of the savings. The only thing that would provide much of incentive for manufacturing would be to lower the standard of living in America to where 25 cents an hour was acceptable wage. Every commie/conservative tax cut for the ungodly greedy has lowered the standard of living in America. Both Paul Ryan’s proposed tax cut of 38% for the ungodly greedy and Rand Paul’s proposed 57% tax cut for the ungodly greedy will significantly lower the American middle class standard of living. But there is of course a bright side the ungodly greedy of standard of living will radically improve.

The ungodly greedy, the top .1 of 1%, income went from an average of just over a million to $7.1 million between 1974 and 2007 and things were even better for the top .01% their average income $4 million a year to $35 million a year a nine fold increase in 33 years. Over this same period of time the middle class standard of living is falling radically with wives going to work and working couple’s time worked increase by 80% and real income falls in spite income of all those increased hours. Much of ungodly increased greedy’ income is used to further corrupt the government and eliminate regulations that rendered many scams illegal. The ungodly were free to publicly state they were crooks and it was the public job to beware, as Goldman Sachs used as a defense when caught in one scam.
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Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2013 05:29 am
The commie/conservative right has elevated dishonesty to an art form. They rig polls to make it impossible to vote against their political agenda and then hold the rigged poll up as proof positive that the American people support their radical right agenda. This is the second red neck right poll in a week on the internet that made it impossible to vote in anyway but to support the red neck right’s political agenda. The red neck right poll this morning was on the “Affordable Health Care Act” and the first lie is always to call it Obama Care and prejudice the results. Next if you vote for the Affordable Health Care Act your vote is not registered and you are asked to watch a propaganda video. Even that will not get your vote to register. They then say they must confirm your email address by sending email that you must confirm of course the e-mail never arrived.

Last week the same dishonest type of poll was run on guns. If you voted in favor of gun legislation your vote would not registered. They would tell you to answer survey questions in order to get your vote to register but when you answered the questions the vote would still not register.

It was evident in the last election that the majority of Americans no longer support the red neck right’s political agenda. The red neck right knows they are in trouble if the majority of people in a democracy no longer support their political agenda. The next best thing is to try and rig polls to make it appear that a majority support their political ideology when they don’t. With each funeral the red neck right loses strength. Many fields of science are said to change one funeral at a time as the older generation passes science advances.
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Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2013 05:31 am
Most buildings are built from a set of plans or blueprints. The blueprints for our society are the political ideology we chose to accept. If a set of blue prints contains errors buildings have been known to collapse. If our political ideology contains errors it is our society that will collapse. We are now faced with the fact that we have created a culture of corruption where one of the biggest investment banks in America, Goldman Sacks, caught stealing from the public, uses as a defense that the public should have known they had the ability and the motive to steal from them and it is the public who should beware. At one time in America it was the thief who was in the wrong but under commie/conservative political ideology it is the victim who has done something wrong by not realizing they are dealing with a thief.

When Enron bankrupted $60 billion in stock was lost and the $2.1 billion pension plan disappeared. This was the biggest bankruptcy ever recorded up until that time. Why did Enron fail? It was a culture of thieves. When the employees that ran the oil trader’s desk were caught putting $250,000 of company in their personal accounts they supplied obviously fraudulent bank statements and Ken Lay just scolded them. Another Enron employee sold his company car and kept the money. Theft became an accepted part of the Enron culture. Most are familiar Enron massive theft from California electric customers. Sharon Watkins an Enron insider, and considered whistle blower explains why she believes Enron failed.

“Watkins theory of malfeasance at Enron and the epidemic of corporate fraud that’s followed in its wake, is bracingly straightforward, “It is all one thing: it is compensation.” The amount at stake for executives, she argues, is so large it induces misconduct: “Money makes a lot of people rationalize behavior that they normally would not participate in. “

From the book Twilight of the Elites”

When income tax on the ungodly greedy was 91% to 94% it helped keep salaries in line and people honest. The accept model by neuroscientist is that we have three different brains that developed during evolution. The rational mind the last to develop is often used to rationalize what the emotional mind wants. In laboratory studies subjects could come up with some of the most elaborate rationalizations.
The commie/conservative political ideology does not take the nature of man into account. Those who get more want even more and it is easy to rationalize why you should have more and more and in the end it is easy to rationalize stealing from the public as a right not a privilege theft stealing from the public is

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Reply Wed 27 Mar, 2013 05:31 am
The situation in Cyprus has been resolved. They rejected the idea of taking 6.9-10% of all saving accounts and instead they are going to take 40% of saving accounts over $135,000. Those with less than that would not lose any money. Slimbaugh and Beck were absolutely flabbergasted. How could the government just take the money of the ungodly greedy? Beck talked about taking his money out of the banks and hiding it in different hiding places around his house. Beck and Slimbaugh are strong advocates of eliminating the pensions of working Americans but have remained silent on eliminating the pension system in recent days since the Cyprus situation.

When Slimbaugh was advocating eliminating all pensions he never realized he could one day lose what serves as his pension. Slimbaugh would be the first to point out he had worked 30 to 40 years for that money. But the fact is that most American working people had worked and paid into a pension system for 30 to 40 years makes no difference to Slimbaugh he sees nothing at all wrong with cheating people out of their pensions. Each week Slimbaugh puts his money in a bank but also each week working Americans put their money in a pension system.

Slimbaugh tells the working man he should have never expected to get any of his money out of the pension systems. Slimbaugh and Beck should have realized after they advocated repealing the regulations put in place after the Great Depression to keep the banks from going bankrupt that they would go bankrupt and Slimbaugh and Beck would lose their fortunes. Reality is looming large on the horizon for Beck and Slimbaugh.
However the ungodly greedy in Cyprus will receive stock in the worthless banks for their confiscated money. It has long been a pastime of the ungodly greedy in America to sell worthless stock to pension funds when they were not outright scamming like Goldman-Sacks.

Can you say what comes around goes around?

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Reply Thu 28 Mar, 2013 05:33 am
The commie/conservative blogosphere is going nuts over Cyprus bank bailout. One called “Human Events: Powerful Conservative Voices” is absolutely outraged. The Cyprus bank bailout violates the natural order of the world according to those “powerful conservatives voices.” The fact that any deposits under a $130,000 are exempt is highly unfair according to “powerful conservative voices.” But a $130,000 of the ungodly greedy money is also exempt from the bailout. If the rich businessmen in a city decide they don’t want to pay taxes to fund the pensions of city employees they decree the pensions should not be paid but that is the natural order of the of the world according to “powerful conservative voices.” That has happened again and again not in Cyrus but right here in America.

For the last 30 years, the commie/conservative years both private and public sector workers watched as not only 40% of their pension was lost but 60% to a 100% was lost. These employees made a bargain they worked 30 to 40 years in exchange for their salary and pensions. It was a bargain just a bargain the ungodly greedy made with the banks in Cyprus if they put their money in the bank the bank would return plus interest. But in America the breaking of bargains with the middle class has become an everyday occurrence and accepted practice. Where were the “powerful conservative voices?” On the other side of the argument telling those employees they were never entitled to those pensions in the first place and they should work till they day they die. This is the correct order of the world according to “powerful conservative voices” the rich steal from the poor that is what they, do that is how they get rich. But when the money of the ungodly is taken the commie/conservatives are outraged.

Currently a battle is being waged two of the biggest coal companies sold their debt and pension obligations to a third company they had created and surprise, surprise, the new company went bankrupt and they are in the process of cheating the workers out of their pensions and medical benefits even though most of the retired employees never worked a day for the newly created company but the other two companies are now much more profitable. No outcry from ‘powerful conservative voices.”
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Reply Fri 29 Mar, 2013 05:34 am
The tiny island of Cyprus, which has a population of less than a million, has received worldwide attention recently. The banks in Cyprus are going to take 40% to 70% of bank deposits over $130,000 and issue bank stock in exchange. Even though that is a small island halfway around the world it has received much more attention than a similar seizure of wealth in America.

In Cyprus the bank seizure will amount to several billion meanwhile in America Patriot Coal owes $7.2 billion in retirement and medical benefits to retirees. They are asking the courts to enforce a settlement of $1.2 billion. This may exceed the actual amount of money lost by the ungodly greedy in Cyprus but I cannot recall seeing one story on national news about the loss of money by Patriot employees. Why? It is the old story if a dog bites a man it is not news but if the man bites the dog it is news. Retirees being cheated out of their pensions and medical benefits has become so common in America it is no longer considered news worthy but the ungodly greedy being swindled half way around the world is big news.

I first learned of the coal miners being cheated out of their pensions and medical benefits at a union meeting from a United Mineworkers union representative not from any news source. It looks like we would at least be as concerned about fellow Americans as we are about Russian gangsters’ bank deposits in Cyprus.

Patriot was spun off from Peabody Energy in 2007 and acquired Magnum Coal Company which was spun off from another large coal company. These spin off companies were created to take the liabilities of their parent companies. The scam was to sell your liabilities and keep the profits. So you keep the employees as long as they worked and produced a profit and transfer them to a spin off when their pension came do. This scam is far worse than Cyprus and the retirees are not even being offered stock in the bankrupt company.
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