The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2024 09:10 pm
The communists and the Christians have a lot in common, they are both into brainwashing. At least the communists wait until people are adults, but the Christians want to start with kinder gardeners. Do you think this as anything to do with their churches are filled with bigots? When it comes down to the bigots can't stand each other. One bigot claims this bible passage means that, but another bigot claims it means this and soon the church splits into baby churches. In America Christianity is declining rapidly and soon America will no longer be a Christian nation. What is a declining cult to do? Start recruiting from those who cannot fight back. Brainwash the little children make them ignorant for life.

Texas has passed a law to make Christianity taught in schools starting in kinder garden. This is no more than indoctrination of those who have not reached the age of reason. Why are the Christians unable to recruit adults with their fairytales? Because adults have reached the age reason and when reason meets fairytale there is no contest. So, they want to make laws that children be indoctrinate in cult groups where peer pressure can be applied by adults. In America our Constitution has protected us from government forced religion. Face it your cult is dying as have all religious cults before it in history. Ignorance cannot stand in the light of reason. Make no mistake about reason is light and ignorance is the true darkness.
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Reply Sat 7 Dec, 2024 09:14 pm
If Texas is going to teach religion in school, they should also teach the Moonies religion, and they could teach their children to shave their heads and beg in airports. The Satanists have already gained a foothold in some schools. The courts have ruled if you teach one religion than other religions have the same rights. In this case the devil worshipers can take children out of school for religious instruction just like the Christians.

The Christian Nationalists claim the bible is part of American history. The bible is a middle eastern religion period it had nothing to do with America. There is not one single word about America in that book of lies. If their religion is so, great why are people not knocking down their doors to join instead of head for exits in record numbers? Why do they have to force it on a captive audience of small defenseless children?
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Reply Sun 8 Dec, 2024 09:34 pm
Trump says that anybody that served on the Jan 6th committee should be thrown in jail. Trumpp tried to overthrow the government of the United States, but he thinks the politicians that wrote a report about Jan 6 should be the ones in jail. However, Trump feels sorry for the Trump thugs that beat the capitol police almost to death. You can't have law and order and let all the criminals lose. In most countries when an insurrection takes place the perpetrators are hung or shot by a firing squad that day, there is no such thing as a trial, or a report and Trump should count his lucky stars he is still breathing.

In the interview with Meet the Press Trump started backing away from his campaign rhetoric about jailing Biden and others saying he would let the Attorney General, and the head of the FBI decide who to prosecute. This coming from a man who stole a truck load of the nation's top secrets, refused to return them when asked and then began discussing them with foreigners.
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Reply Mon 9 Dec, 2024 08:43 pm
Majorie Taylor Greene wants the attorney general to bring murder charges for Ashli Babbit. this was a violent who had tried to kill the police officers trying to break into the congress chambers to kill or do harm to those inside. I wonder of MTG had an angry mob breaking into her house and she shot and killed some of them should she go to jail for murder. She nuts and that will likely happen to her. Nuts tend to attract other nuts. Think she should just welcome them in and offer coffee and cake in. She be running political commercials with her shotgun claiming she would shoot anyone breaking in on her.
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Reply Mon 9 Dec, 2024 09:07 pm
A preacher was online advocating comparative religious in public schools. How do you think that would go? They would tell the children most religion are BS but we just happen to have the one true religion in the world right here in river cities and for your homework assignment tonight you need to attend services in our church tonight. You can expect to be love bombed as in the practice in other cults to recruit new members.

There was a reason the founding fathers made sure there was a separation between church and state. The Christians were still burning people at the stake what miserable excuses for human beings and the thing was they didn't stop burning people at the stake until the government made laws to stop the practice. The Christians would be burning people at the stake today if laws were not put in place to stop it. Ask any Christian God's law is higher than man, if God tells to burn people at the stake, then you burn people at the stake.

Going into a public building and using a public-school teacher to spread this sick burning people at the stake "religion" cult is just plain wrong. They want to recruit wage slaves who would turn over a portion of their income for life. They have a building to recruit wage slaves and that is the place to do it not in public schools with teachers that the children believe tells them the truth.
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Reply Tue 10 Dec, 2024 09:10 pm
America is upside down now where the criminals believe they can prosecute the prosecutors for even looking into the criminal's crimes. It would be like the guy who shot and killed the drug CEO, prosecuting the police that are investigating him. In America criminals can be investigated and even if they are later found innocent of the crime, they have no right to prosecute the prosecutors. Trump is just a man and when he commits a crime he should be prosecuted just like any other criminal. There is one set of laws that applies to everyone, and no one is exempt from them even if they imagine they are the second coming of Jesus Christ. Maybe Trump should remember what happened to Jesus Christ he was prosecuted and executed for his crimes.
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Reply Wed 11 Dec, 2024 09:01 pm
Why does Trump want to increase oil and gas production? We are already exporting more oil than we were during the fifties. Oil and gas are a finite resource, and we will eventually run out of these precious resources. Those resources are precious resources that our children will need in the future. So, why the big push, to "drill baby, drill baby." The big oil companies want to cash in now the future means nothing to them. This country is not ours; we only hold it in trust for the future generations and it is time we acted like it. Trump's goals are all short term.
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Reply Thu 12 Dec, 2024 08:08 pm
Time Magazine awarded Trump the man of the year though it should have been Liar of the Year. Trump has now admitted he lied about being able to do anything about inflation and says of his tariffs that he does not know whether they will raise prices. Trump says he "can't promise anything he can't even promise tomorrow." Is this the same man that said on the campaign trail, "Prices will come down and they will come down fast not only with insurance but with everything." Fraud in the inducement is legal grounds to terminate any contract.
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Reply Fri 13 Dec, 2024 08:47 pm
Talking to an old friend who is a Christian and was surprised to find how upset she was with welfare. I thought one of the thing churches did was help the poor. I explained that the government handed out welfare for the rich in $500 million chunks to some of the richest corporations in the world but that didn't bother her. It was the poor at the grocery store buying something to eat. You can see how jealousy was used to manipulate the Christian right. Divide and conquer was Trump theory. The Christian right is no more than a political club doing Trump's bidding.

I had a secretary whose husband was addicted to drugs, and I had no idea how bad things were at her home. He was spending all the money they had on drugs. Her church fed her and her two boys until he died. That has been about 30 years ago but that is more what churches were like in the last century. Jealousy is a tool of a manipulator, and I suspect the typical churchgoer is more concerned over what the poor are getting then helping out people in need.
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Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2024 09:17 pm
When all the Christians get together and complain about how unfair Welfare is, they don’t realize they will be on Welfare if they live long enough to go to a nursing home. Few people can afford $6,000 a month for nursing home care. What happens when they can’t pay? Medicaid steps in and pays the bill. So, what all these church going bigots do is go on Welfare. When they go on Medicaid, they can’t own a thing. No house no car nothing, not even a life insurance policy which must be signed over to the undertaker. It is poetic justice that the Welfare you complained about feeding others will now be feeding you.
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Reply Sun 15 Dec, 2024 09:22 pm
“This nation devoutly recognizes the authority and law of Jesus Christ, Savior and Ruler of nations through whom are bestowed the blessings of Almighty God.”

This is an actual proposed amendment to the Constitution that was considered by congress May 17, 1954 during Eisenhower’s term in office. The amendment failed. Otherwise, we all might be running the streets with torches looking for little old ladies to burn at the stake. Laws of Jesus Christ, what laws? The Christians burnt 6 million people and tortured many more. They have no moral authority whatsoever. They want the country to realize that they answered to higher authority.
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Reply Mon 16 Dec, 2024 09:37 pm
Roosevelt’s New Deal changed America and bought it out of the depression. By the 30s the American economy had changed many were leaving the farms to go to the cities to work in manufacturing. On the farm when you got old the children took care of their parents but in the city once they used you up and you were broken down you had no way to make a living. It was especially rough on widows since men die sooner. Widows ate out of trash cans and that was a national disgrace. The New Deal provided social security that gave the elderly a chance to live without eating out of other people’s garbage.

Who would oppose such a program? Ten thousand churches rose up from coast to coast to stop it. This was the evil of godless communism according to the pastors anything that was collectivism was evil. Christian morality? Surly you are kidding me. The morality is a morality of political convivence. To be sure these preachers didn’t burn people at the stake, but they would have had no problem starving millions to death if they could have killed the New Deal. They are so far from their philosophy they that it is not funny.

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Reply Tue 17 Dec, 2024 09:20 pm
The period of time after the New Deal was passed and the early 50s show how religion can be manipulated. The rich were upset with the New Deal because their taxes were raised. They quickly learned that they could not go after the New Deal themselves because they were quickly called out by Roosevelt as just sell interested. They spent millions of dollars to kill social security but they badly needed a front man who would not seem to be jut self-interested. That front man would be religion and the rich began investing in churches and quickly raised an army of preachers willing to preach to their congregations about the evils of social security and other New Deal programs.

Having went through a terrible depression you would think preachers would be the first to support the New Deal programs. Like prosperity churches of today many believed that you could tell from your wealth how much God loved you. If you were poor, it was obvious that God just didn’t like you much. Imagine what America would be like without social security. You can take the good book and justify anything, burning people at the stake, torturing people, and yes starving people to death. It is all in the good book.

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Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2024 09:24 pm
When the religious finally got Eisenhower elected in 1952, they believed that he would kill the New Deal, but he didn’t. He played all their religious games holding prayer breakfasts and other religious ceremony at the capitol and under God was added to the pledge allegiance. Eisenhower was referred to as the dime store New Dealer. The rich had done everything in their power to kill the New Deal for 20 years and lost. There was also a social gospel that supported the New Deal, but it was a minority.

The Christian churches decided that the only difference between America and the Soviet Union was that America believed in God. That was the only difference they could see between the two forms of government. So, everything the communists did was bad and the rich could manipulate them. The religious saw nothing wrong with widows eating out of trash cans, they would be better off if they starved to death but the rich getting richer was far more important to the Christians. If someone had told me that was the position the churches took after the depression before I read the actual history, you could have knocked me over with a feather. I did believe that there was at least a little good in them, but it is obvious there is little actual good in them.
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Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2024 09:39 pm
It looks like the tail is wagging the dog already. Musk was the first to come out against the continuing resolution Trump did not say anything for another six hours after Musk’s remarks. Now Musk is the one who is threatening congressmen, that he will primary them if they don’t vote as he tells them. Evidently Musk thinks he is a Trumps mini-me. Musk’s employees have a far higher top-secret clearance than he does because his lawyers have advised him if he applies for a higher top-secret clearance he will have to answer questions about his drug use. It seems Musk is using one of the drugs that just killed that actor from Friends. That explains why he spent $250 million to get Trump elected and spent billions on Twitter. We now know what causes his antics on the stage jumping up and down.
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Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2024 09:00 pm
Musk has admitted to using ketamine every two weeks. Ketamine is a psychedelic drug similar to LSD. This drug is given to terminally ill patients to take their fear of death away. If Musk needs ketamine to face life he should not be in government. This demonstrates that Musk has some really serious mental problems to need such a powerful drug to face life. Who knows maybe he can turn Trump on to ketamine he could not be any worse on drugs.
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Reply Sun 22 Dec, 2024 09:25 pm
Trump is now planning to prosecute Liz Cheney for investigating him. Trump does not believe he should even be investigated. If a major criminal is able to prosecute the people who investigate him, America is in far worse shape than most people believe. Imagine what would have happened if Al Capone could have prosecuted those that convicted him. If Trump can do it why not all the other criminals? When there is no justice America can no longer exist.
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Reply Tue 24 Dec, 2024 10:07 pm
There is so much fake news and propaganda these-day that a site to fact check each story has been set up and the republicans in congress want to stop it saying it censors the right-wing sites. The site rates each news story on the actual facts. Republicans want to lie to public and they want to put a stop to anyone telling the public and sponsors what the actual facts are. Fox News is a propaganda station they have backed republicans in every election since they were created. What really kills them is that sponsors want to adverse on truthful sites. So if you get low ratings, you lose sponsors. Musk already found this out when he let false stories stay on X. Musk wants a law that sponsors must advertise on his site whether it is all lies or not.
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Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2024 09:52 pm
A lot has been said about the drug executive that was murdered but nothing has been said about all the millions of people that died because the insurance companies had death panels that denied them coverage. The insurance executive would say we are not denying care we are simply denying coverage. They know full well the people are going to die before they can go through the appeal process. I have read the book "Deny Delay Defend" and it is surprising what the insurance companies will do to keep from paying claims. A death of a person that paid health insurance all their lives but when they had a claim they died because it was denied.

When Obamacare came along much was made of "Government Death Panels"
but the for-profit death Pannels already existed in private insurance companies. The difference these were for profit death panels they made the company's bottom line better. They interviewed the doctors that worked one insurance one death panel they were compensated by how many claims they denied.

I don't think it was right to kill the insurance executive, but a death is a death and all the deaths that were a result of insurance claim denied should be reported and made public.

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Reply Thu 26 Dec, 2024 09:36 pm
NBC news ran a story today about the people that were denied coverage by their insurance company and some died because of lack of medical one man was only 46 years old. The insurance company claimed the treatment was experimental and denied coverage. Several doctors said the treatment was not experimental. That is a very popular excuse used to deny payment. Another cancer patient needed PET scans every six months to monitor her cancer. Her insurance refused to pay for the $15,000 but her employer paid for the PET scan and her cancer had returned. Insurance companies are in business like every other business for one reason to make money. Out of the money they take in they want to keep as much as possible. If the CEO needs another million raise they have to cut medical care for some.

The CEOs of six insurance companies made a combined $122,970,614 in total compensation in 2023. How many people had to die to pay for their millions? Greed is one of the seven deadly sins and there is no end to greed. No matter how much they get they want more. Ten years from now they will be getting $244 million but it won't be enough. All throughout time the greedy take more and more until you have a French Revolution, and all the greedy rich are killed and their fortunes taken. One of the greedy rich in France was put on a spit and roasted and fed to his wife.

Reagan cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy by 75% and every other republican president except daddy Bush has given massive tax cuts to ungodly greedy. This puts America on the road to ruin. Life is like a monopoly game with a few winners and 96% losers the high taxes on the rich gave us a reset.
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