Most of the twentieth century America had a progressive income tax structure where you paid a higher percentage of income tax if you had more income. That was up until the massive Reagan and baby Bush tax cuts now the middle class pays the highest percentage of their income in taxes when all taxes are taken into account. Warren Buffet pays a much lower tax rate then his employees. The commie/conservatives don’t believe in and “income tax” they believe in a “wage tax.” They believe that other forms of income should be exempt, such as capital gains, dividends, rents, deferred interest (a tax dodge Romney used), and the multi-billion dollar salaries of hedge fund managers. Only 10% of the ungodly greedy incomes comes from wages 90% of the ungodly greedy income comes from capital gains, dividends, rents and other forms of income that are taxed at only a fraction of what they would be taxed if they were and hourly wage.
After we go over the fiscal cliff the first thing that we need to establish is taxable income equality where a dollar of income earned by a multibillionaire is the same as a dollar earned digging ditches. If all men are created equal under the law then all dollars are created equal, a dollar of income is a dollar of income. No more preferential treatment for 90% of the income of the ungodly greedy.
Since the tax tables only apply to 10% of the ungodly greedy income, why the fight to the death over raising the income tax a few percentage points on a tiny fraction of the ungodly greedy income? All that sound and fury is intended to mask the real problem that the ungodly greedy’ income is not treated like the ordinary man’s income. When an income tax was passed it was meant to tax “all income” not just wages. If we want to have equality among men we will need to start with equality of dollars whether they are dollars earned by the ungodly greedy or dollars earned by the poorest among us.
The commie/conservatives have not been able to completely eliminate the income tax on these other forms of income but they have substantially reduced it. Many people no longer do their taxes. When Warren Buffet earns two billion on stock he does not go to the tax tables to see how much tax he owes like we do nor does he multiply $2 billion by 35.9% he pays only 15% on that $2 billion. If he earned $2 billion in wages then it would be subject to the 35.9% rate but ungodly greedy don’t earn wages for the most part. For instance Romney retirement from Bain Capital is not taken as pension that is subject to the tax tables but as “deferred interest” which is taxed at the capital gain rate.
What is needed is to tax not only the 10% of the ungodly greedy income at 39.9% but the other 90% also. Rush Slimbaugh said that raising the tax rate would only bring in a lousy $70 billion over 10 years so why bother for that piddling small amount. But if we raised the tax rate on the other forms of income it would bring in several trillion dollars and put America on the path to paying off the National Debt. The tax on capital gains would nearly triple. A hedge fund manager making $5 billion would see his income tax go from $75 million to $1.995 billion this would leave hedge fund manager only $3 billion and change to spend this year. Call me cruel but I can’t feel sorry for someone who has only $3 billion to spend. These people should be glad to step up and do their part or maybe we should send them to Afghanistan for a few tours of duty. They would be happy to buy their way out like the ungodly greedy did during the Civil War.
The idea that a dollar one man earns is no different than a dollar another earns under the law is not a radical idea a dollar in income is just a dollar in income. Some dollars are not greater than other dollars.