The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 12 Dec, 2012 06:30 am
The commie/conservatives say that entitlements are the problem. We know that social security has a $2.7 trillion surplus so we know that is not a problem. However Medicare and Medicaid are tied to skyrocketing cost of medical care. The cost of medical care in the United States has been skyrocketing for 40 years now and shows no sign of stopping in the future. Medical care in the United States continues to eat up more and more of middle class income. The primary cause of bankruptcy in the United States is medical expenses. In recent years even those with medical are making up an increasing portion of those going bankrupt. The problem with entitlements is not the cost of entitlements it is the cost of medical care that underlies them.

For years the commie/conservatives have insisted the cost of medical care will be solved by the free market and for years the cost of medical care and the cost of entitlements continued to soar. There is so much redundancy built into the medical care system in order to extract the maximum profit from the sick and dying that America health care system has become one of the most inefficient in the world.

To achieve a goal we must have a mission statement in other words we must decide what we want to achieve. Currently in America the medical system exists to generate huge profits for a few. That is why America health care system is called a for profit system. It is one of the insurance industry’s biggest cash cows. The primary mission of a health care system should be to deliver health care to the population as efficiently as possible at the lowest possible cost. The mission statement must be to provide healthcare not profits

Many people think that Medicaid is only for the poor but in fact many currently in middle class will eventually end up on Medicaid if they live long enough. Once the for profit medical care system has eaten up all the assets of a lifetime, which happens much faster than many people realize, Medicaid steps into to pay for additional medical care and for nursing home care.

Many people realized in the 90s that the for profit medical care system was no longer sustainable. Some inroads have been made with the Affordable Healthcare for America Act. The Healthcare act limited an insurance company’s profits to 20% and required they rebate any excess charges back to the consumer.

There is no way to solve the problem with the cost of entitlements without first solving the cost of medical care problem. Offering bigger and better profits to ungodly greedy will never provide a solution to the cost of medical care in America.
Reply Thu 13 Dec, 2012 05:51 am
You can bet Romney has now re-filed his income tax return and claimed the rest of the tax deduction he did not claim to make it appear he paid some income tax while he was running for president. It is unlikely the American people will ever know as information about income tax is confidential and can be released only by the individual. One thing for sure is you can bet Romney will pay far less than 10% on this year’s taxes even if the tax rate is raised to 39.6% and he will claim every dollar of charitable deductions.
Reply Fri 14 Dec, 2012 06:18 am
The commie/conservatives continue to stonewall on the issue of rasing tax rates on the ungodly greedy. Does this mean the commie/conservatives are against increasing taxes? No they are very much in favor of rasing taxes, and in fact Romney campaigned on rasing taxes. The general public of course never got it, a rose by any other name and all. Words are indeed magic, and when Romney spoke about rasing taxes he carefully avoided ever using those words. What Romney and the commie/conservatives say is “widen the base.” What exactly does “widen the base” mean? It means raising taxes of course but it is not raising taxes on the ungodly greedy. So who did Romney want to raise the taxes on? Combat pay for soldiers is currently exempt from income tax and Romney and the commie/conservatives wanted to impose income tax on those in combat and even those killed in combat so the taxes would not have to be raised on the ungodly greedy. Some on social security make so little that they don’t pay income tax the commie/conservatives want to “widen the base” by double taxing their social security, better off social security recipients are already double taxed on their social security, it doesn’t matter that their social security was already being paid from after tax money and the commie/conservatives have no trouble with double taxing social security. The next group is the working poor working, for minimum wage unable to afford a place to live or medical care the commie/conservatives can’t wait to increase their taxes.

Commie/conservatives have no problem with raising taxes depending on who you are, only the ungodly greedy are off limits the commie/conservatives are all for ‘widening the base.”

Words shape perceptions and perceptions are the building blocks of what we believe to be reality.
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Reply Sun 16 Dec, 2012 08:06 am
Although Romney and the commie/conservatives spent a lot of time during the campaign talking about his $5 trillion tax cut for the ungodly greedy and “widening the base” there has been little said about “widening the base” by the commie/conservatives during the finical cliff negotiations but you can bet the idea hasn’t gone away. If you think about it that is exactly what Reagan did to partially pay for his massive tax break for the ungodly greedy he “widened the base.” Reagan’s four social security tax increases hit everyone. Anyone that held a job paid Reagan’s four social security tax hikes. Many of those who made too little to pay income tax. This was a way to “widen the tax base.”

If you and your wife are on social security and draw a small pension your social security is taxed double. If Romney and the commie/conservatives have their way those whose only income is social security will be taxed double. This was Romney’s idea of fair, double tax those on social security and cut the taxes of the ungodly greedy. Romney calculation that 47% of the people don’t pay income tax was wrong because those on social security had already paid income tax on their social security when they paid it into social security. Social security was truly just returning the “people’s money” but Romney and the commie/conservatives figure they should get to tax the same money again.

This is a good exampling of “Figures don’t lie, but liars do figure.” The commie/conservatives have been using this Hitler like slogan for years, 47% of the people pay no income tax. We know that is a lie because possibly 30% of that 47% are on social security and already paid tax on the social security they are receiving. If we use the 30% figure those not paying income tax would drop to 33% the lie is useful because it allows the commie/conservative to make the case for double taxing those on social security.

Income is a tax that was levied on “excess wealth” and only those with “excess wealth” should pay it and that is only those that make over $89,634 should be subject to the tax in the first place. Only 20% of Americans have “excess wealth” and they are the only ones that should pay income tax. As it was in the beginning…
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Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 06:31 am
Glen Beck was absolutely beside himself with joy when the sale of guns and ammunition went up 10 fold the day after Obama was elected, more guns and ammunition more death. Red neck right radio could not have been more pleased as the gun nuts rushed out to buy 100s more rounds of ammunition for their assault rifles. Baby Bush rushed the country into an unneeded war by using the fear of weapons of mass destruction but as Bush beat the drums of war weapons of mass destruction were being sold to every gun nut in the America. What is an automatic weapon if not a weapon of mass destruction?

Merry Christmas New Town from the National Rifle Association and Glen Beck, more hate more weapons of mass destruction. Many people think the National Rifle Association is trying to defend their rights but nothing can be further from the truth the National Rifle Association is a conglomerate of gun manufactures that are using the front to maximize their profit margin. In the end it is about greed, only greed.

No matter how you read it the Second Amendment it does not guarantee anyone the right to own weapons of mass destruction. If we believe that for our safety we can invade another country to prevent them from having weapons of mass destruction then shouldn’t we do something about the weapons of mass destruction among us?

The shooters mom was a true gun nut she purchased and maintained the weapons of mass destruction. In many of these mass shooting the guns jams as it did in the theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado preventing more from dying but in this case the gun was so well maintained and the shooter so well trained by his gun nut mother that he became the perfect killing machine none of his victims lived. None of the shooters victims deserved to die or did anything to tempt their fate with the possible exception of the shooters mother. The person most likely to die by the gun is the gun owner. Live by the gun die by the gun.
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Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 06:27 am
I tuned in to the Glen Beck show yesterday to hear him advocate more and bigger guns to arm everybody at schools including the janitors but beck like National Rifle Association was a no show he is in hiding somewhere and there was a replacement gun nut in his place. Beck will stay off the radio for a couple of weeks until things cool down. The National Rifle Association had nothing to say to the press not even their pat answer “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”

Joe “Pag” was Glen’ guest host and he told the audience that the New Town was not the biggest school massacre in history one in 1920s killed 38 children and it didn’t involve a gun. The school was bombed by somebody that was mad at someone else. But what he didn’t say was that after many people were killed in bombings that strict controls were placed over explosives like dynamite and only licensed people could buy them. That was an extremely good example of how the vast majorities of bombing were stopped and how gun control could stop the vast majority massacres. Bombings in America were common I can remember when anyone could go into a hardware store and purchase dynamite. If you wanted to take a stump out you went and bought some dynamite and blew it up. A union member who worked at police department had a problem with his supervisor, a captain in the police department. We went to see if we could resolve the problem when we sat down to talk to the Captain he said I have got something for the union and reached in his desk and placed several sticks of dynamite on the desk. When instrument of violence are easily available that violence threatens everyone.

Many but not all of the mass shootings involve someone that has mental issues. A story on NBC news last night estimated that 17% of the population has a serious mental illness. If that estimate is right that means that there are 51 million Americans with serious mental diseases and most of these 51 million people have guns or easy access to automatic weapons and those that are sickest are far more likely to be fascinated by guns and have more and better guns than the general population. In the end we can stop them but not before they kill many people.

People do indeed kill people and it has gone on since the beginning of time and will go on until the end of time. But recent technology has multiplied the efficiency of mass killers by a 100 fold. If you had a shovel to dig grave with it would take you hours but a backhoe can do the same job in minutes. Automatic weapons give that same advantage to mass killers.

On the radio yesterday a former automatic weapon owner who had decided to get rid of his weapons related a story when he purchased one of his automatic weapons. He asked the dealer if it was a good deer hunting weapon or to defend your home? The dealer said no if you want to defend your home buy a shot gun, the dealer said no automatic weapons were just good for laughs and giggles. Nobody is laughing in New Town.
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2012 06:33 am
The National Rifle Association had even taken down its social media sites but yesterday they finally came raised their ugly head up and released a statement.

The National Rifle Association said Tuesday:

“National Rifle Association of America is made up of 4 million moms and dads, son and daughters-and we were shocked and saddened and heartbroken by the news of the horrific and senseless murders in Newtown.”

Often what goes unsaid that is the most important part of the statement. While the National Rifle Association said it was made up of 4 million moms and dads, sons and daughters, it did say that most important members of the National Rifle Association are the gun and ammunition manufactures that made a big profit on each one of the hundreds of rounds of ammunition pumped into those children. Their accountants could tell you exactly what profit they turned on the 11 bullets pumped into a 6 year old.

This is what the National Rifle Association is all about the bottom line profit it does not matter to them how many children are killed by the guns and bullets they sell. After all gun profits don’t kill people, people kill people; the National Rifle Association just makes it oh so much easier and more efficient.

According to the NRA statement: “The NRA is prepared to make meaningful contributions to make sure this never happens again”
What! Now after thousands of gun massacres in America the NRA has come out for gun control? No likely the NRA will recommend that every kindergarten teacher report to work in full body armory with to AR15 assaults rifles in case one jams and a couple of semi-automatic pistols. Think what that will do for the bottom line.

The name and address of all the NRA officers should be listed on the internet and the schools their children attend so they could reap what the sew. When their children were put in the cross hares they might not keep advocating more and more guns. The Nation Rifle Association has a one solution for all problems shoot it.
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Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2012 06:25 am
Yesterday on CNN they had a young Commie/conservative representing some commie/conservative organization who was against John Boehner plan B that would raise taxes on anyone making over a million. He claimed that tax cuts were the magic pill that cutting taxes would maximize revenue. Sighting the Reagan tax cuts and the same cherry picking figures used to justify more and bigger tax cuts for the ungodly greedy for 30 years but he completely ignored the fact that the Reagan’s tax cuts tripled the national debt. He was totally worried about the National Debt but he never bothered to look at the point in time when Reagan tripled the National Debt by cutting the ungodly greedy taxes by 60%. America could not afford Reagan massive tax cuts on the 2% and they could not even be offset by 16% social security tax increases on the other 98%. After WWII America National Debt was even higher as a percentage of GNP than it is now and from 1949 until 1981 the debt was paid down until Reagan took office.

If we take the commie/conservative slogan and, it is just a slogan, that tax cuts for the ungodly greedy result in increased revenue to its logical conclusion than eliminate taxes entirely would result in the maximum amount of tax revenue. Even a commie/conservative should be able to understand that. If this was just a simple supply and demand curve problem a point on the curve would give us the maximum tax revenue. But income tax is a far more complex problem and a simple supply and demand curve will not solve all the problems.

All societies throughout time have had to face the distribution of wealth problem. Wealth not only begets more wealth but thoroughly corrupts the government. Government does not redistribute wealth government distributes wealth. The first fortunes in America were created by government the arms dealers that supplied the revolutionary army got rich so also did the generals who fought in the war. My mom owns a farm in WV when it was surveyed it was found that the property was once a tiny portion of land that was given to a revolution war general, I don’t remember which general now. The portion given to him would cover a good portion of two counties. Next the government gave huge tracks of lands to the railroads for building railroads and the Vanderbilts, Huntingtons and others amassed huge fortunes by government distribution. The next thing that happened was like a buggy following horse. Those that held railroad fortunes soon began to buy the government. There is a famous story involving the Vanderbilts and a competing railroad tycoon building competing railroad. First one bought the governor to take their side, the next bought the entire New York legislature, followed by the first buying the New York Supreme court. Massive wealth and corruption have always gone hand in hand.

In the game of life government is the referee and each year the ungodly greedy give $100s of millions to the referee and then they holler foul, redistribution of wealth, really. If the referee in an NBA game was taking a million from the opposing team would we really believe he was impartial?
Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2012 06:31 am
Until the American people see Reagan as what went wrong with America and see clearly through the fog of propaganda that surrounds his legend. The undeniable fact is Reagan tripled the National Debt by granting massive tax cuts to the ungodly greedy. Reagan cut the ungodly greedy taxes from 70% to 28% and tripled the National Debt because the country simply could not afford to give huge tax cuts to the wealthiest citizens. When one looks at a graph of National Debt as a percentage of GNP America National Debt as a percentage of GNP was higher in 1949 than it is now. The National Debt was steadily paid down for 31 years until Reagan tripled it as a result of massive tax cuts for ungodly greedy. Had Reagan not been elected and had he not given the ungodly greedy massive tax cuts and the graph continued its 31 year downward slope the National Debt would have been completely paid off by year 2000.

To get America back on track we have to look back and history and see who derailed the train and how it was derailed. We all hear the propaganda but very few will go back through history to look for the truth. When you look at the “National Debt Graph by President,” and anyone that wants to look at the graph can goggle it, it is very clear who dropped the ball. It is clear if Americans continue to idolize someone who caused the train wreck the standard of living for American middle class will continue its 31 year decline and the ungodly greedy will have a lifestyle that will be the envy of Kings.

It is very easy see when America goes off track and why the train left the track, greedy always leads to corruption and the ungodly greedy’ money totally and completely corrupted one of America’s two major political parties. The $100s of millions in political contributions can buy enough politicians to block any vote and to stop any progress. Even though the corrupt political party is in the minority they can block any bill from being voted on. Rule by the minority invites corruption.

The ungodly greedy are also known as the political donor class, those that don’t miss a $100 million or so that they make in political contributions every four years. If the ungodly greedy find no problem with dropping a $100 million on the election why should they have any problem with higher taxes. It is unlikely that Sheldon Adelson would pay a $100 million more in taxes why not just pay the increased taxes instead of making $100 million bribes? In an effort to stop political corruption political contributions should be heavily taxed including political contributions of the rich to their own campaigns.
Reply Sat 22 Dec, 2012 08:35 am
The radical right has the same type of solution for every problem. If tax cuts for the ungodly greedy caused the problem, and the tripling of the National Debt under Reagan proves in fact it did, the commie/conservatives believe the solution is even more and bigger tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Is it any wonder after the terrible tragedy that took place in Newtown, and that tragedy was only made possible by the wide spread availability of weapons designed specifically for purpose of making mass killing during war by one individual possible, that the National Rifle Association solution was even more guns? Those weapons have no other reason to exist but to make mass killing possible. No one was surprised that the National Rifle Association, make that the National Association of Cowards and Paranoids, advocated more and more guns. Of course the more guns the National Rifle Association can sell the richer the ungodly greedy who own gun manufacturers get and to the right a profit is the end all be all for mankind existence and anything that would curtail profit is morally wrong under commie/conservative political ideology.

Thursday on a local talk radio show a Marshall University professor said his son was a resource officer at a local school and his son said if they let the teachers carry concealed weapons, like the National Rifle Association advocated he would run screaming from the school.

The CEO of the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre was called delusional among other things after his statement calling for more guns everywhere to solve the gun nut problem. A pizza parlor in Florida got into the act, when a customer complained that he was told his thin crust pizza would take only ten minutes and it had been twenty minutes and still no pizza he was shot twice. A campaign slogan once said a chicken in every pot but LaPierre slogan is a gun in every hand. This would make it so much easier to settle our disputes. Next time you complain about your pizza and get shot just remember the attendant is “just standing his ground” and that is what the Florida pizza attendant is using as a justification for the shooting the customer.

Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 07:17 am
One theory on taxes is that a society should put more taxes on what it wants less of and less tax on what it wants more of, a sin tax if you will. For instance cigarettes and liquor are taxed much higher than milk and milk is even subsidized by the government at the farm level. Many years ago an Applebee’s opened in town and did not have a city license. I went over and told them they would have to purchase a city a license in order to remain open. I was filling in for the head of Audit and Compliance that day and when they asked how much business license cost I told them a city businesses license were typically around $15. Later when I asked the finance department what their license would cost and they said $1,500 a year. I asked why they cost so much and was told that they sold liquor and that was to defray the cost to police department of cleaning up the mess that liquor caused, hit and run drivers, drunken drivers, drunks, domestic disputes, fights and murders which are often as not alcohol driven.

The country needs more tax dollars now to pay the $2.7 trillion back to the baby boomers social security trust fund why not but a sin tax on all semi-automatic weapons say of $5,000 on an AR-15 and similar weapon and make private sales of these weapons subject to the tax also. Make a law that, like a car, all guns must be registered and if someone is found with unregistered gun that he would be charged with a felony and guns that are not registered would be confiscated. Does a $5,000 tax seem unreasonable? I looked at a Dodge Charger in a dealership with the good hemi in it and there was a $5,000 gas guzzlers tax in the sticker. Car makers are required to have an average fuel mileage on their fleet and they have to limit the sale of gas guzzlers the tax serves the purpose of limiting the sale of gas guzzlers.

A large prohibitive tax on semi-automatics would limit their sale as it does the sales of gas guzzler. A private registration tax on transfers would make it less likely that the weapons would get into the hands of the mentally ill as they are less likely to have substantial finical resources at their disposal. Laws should also be made that holds a gun owner responsible for any and all damages caused by their negligence. For instance if their guns were unsecured and got into the hands of other family members who had mental problems as was the recent case in Newtown. They should also be held criminally libel as an accessory to the crime.

The second amendment may grant the right to bear arms but it does not preclude the right of the government to tax them or require that all firearms be registered. Part of the $5,000 tax could be used to fund a fund to compensate victims of gun violence and their families.

Reply Mon 24 Dec, 2012 06:30 am
We are within days of going over the fiscal cliff and it looks like it might happen. Going over the fiscal cliff may indeed be the best thing for the country in the long run. It would kill the baby Bush tax cuts once and for all. It will be easy to pass a new tax cut that is fair to one and all. The new cut should not cut the tax table rates as tax rate cuts are top heavy and the vast majority of the tax cuts goes to those at the top of the income curve. The original tax exemption when the income tax was put into law was over $89,000 in today’s dollars. Today that exemption is just $7,600 for a married couple filling jointly. Instead of cutting rates raise the amount of income that is tax exempt. After the Bush tax cuts go over the fiscal cliff make the first $21,000 in income exempt from income tax. This would be a fair tax cut for everyone. Bill Gates could make the first $21,000 tax free as could the student working at McDonalds. Married couples could make $21,000 tax free. Most of this this money would be spent in local communities turning over 5 times. This would increase demand. Good economies are made by demand not supply. Supply side economic theory is like putting the buggy in front of the horse and expecting the buggy to pull the horse. The commie/conservatives have done exactly that for the last 30 years. The commie/conservatives tax cuts are designed to try and make the buggy pull the horse.
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2012 07:42 am
Most of the twentieth century America had a progressive income tax structure where you paid a higher percentage of income tax if you had more income. That was up until the massive Reagan and baby Bush tax cuts now the middle class pays the highest percentage of their income in taxes when all taxes are taken into account. Warren Buffet pays a much lower tax rate then his employees. The commie/conservatives don’t believe in and “income tax” they believe in a “wage tax.” They believe that other forms of income should be exempt, such as capital gains, dividends, rents, deferred interest (a tax dodge Romney used), and the multi-billion dollar salaries of hedge fund managers. Only 10% of the ungodly greedy incomes comes from wages 90% of the ungodly greedy income comes from capital gains, dividends, rents and other forms of income that are taxed at only a fraction of what they would be taxed if they were and hourly wage.

After we go over the fiscal cliff the first thing that we need to establish is taxable income equality where a dollar of income earned by a multibillionaire is the same as a dollar earned digging ditches. If all men are created equal under the law then all dollars are created equal, a dollar of income is a dollar of income. No more preferential treatment for 90% of the income of the ungodly greedy.

Since the tax tables only apply to 10% of the ungodly greedy income, why the fight to the death over raising the income tax a few percentage points on a tiny fraction of the ungodly greedy income? All that sound and fury is intended to mask the real problem that the ungodly greedy’ income is not treated like the ordinary man’s income. When an income tax was passed it was meant to tax “all income” not just wages. If we want to have equality among men we will need to start with equality of dollars whether they are dollars earned by the ungodly greedy or dollars earned by the poorest among us.

The commie/conservatives have not been able to completely eliminate the income tax on these other forms of income but they have substantially reduced it. Many people no longer do their taxes. When Warren Buffet earns two billion on stock he does not go to the tax tables to see how much tax he owes like we do nor does he multiply $2 billion by 35.9% he pays only 15% on that $2 billion. If he earned $2 billion in wages then it would be subject to the 35.9% rate but ungodly greedy don’t earn wages for the most part. For instance Romney retirement from Bain Capital is not taken as pension that is subject to the tax tables but as “deferred interest” which is taxed at the capital gain rate.

What is needed is to tax not only the 10% of the ungodly greedy income at 39.9% but the other 90% also. Rush Slimbaugh said that raising the tax rate would only bring in a lousy $70 billion over 10 years so why bother for that piddling small amount. But if we raised the tax rate on the other forms of income it would bring in several trillion dollars and put America on the path to paying off the National Debt. The tax on capital gains would nearly triple. A hedge fund manager making $5 billion would see his income tax go from $75 million to $1.995 billion this would leave hedge fund manager only $3 billion and change to spend this year. Call me cruel but I can’t feel sorry for someone who has only $3 billion to spend. These people should be glad to step up and do their part or maybe we should send them to Afghanistan for a few tours of duty. They would be happy to buy their way out like the ungodly greedy did during the Civil War.

The idea that a dollar one man earns is no different than a dollar another earns under the law is not a radical idea a dollar in income is just a dollar in income. Some dollars are not greater than other dollars.
Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2012 06:27 am
Ayn Rand taught that “Selfishness is a magnificent force” this is one of the principal ideas that under lies commie/conservatism. The masses are “mud to be ground underfoot, fuel to be burned” “for the sake of those that are gifted.” These ideas were the foundation of the Russian, Ayn Rand, political philosophy and if they had stayed just philosophy of this Russian immigrant America would be a far different place today but Ayn Rand became a celebrity interviewed frequently on a new medium called television. Rand the author of the “Capitalist Manifesto” and the “Virtues of Selfishness” viewed working class Americans as “mud to be ground underfoot, fuel to be burned” for the sake of those who are gifted” like herself.

The trouble is Ayn Rand demented political philosophy was injected directly into America’s veins by Ronal Reagan. One can understand why Rand philosophy appealed to the ungodly greedy being told that working class Americans were “mud to be ground underfoot, fuel to be burned” was something they had believed in all along and it is never hard to push someone in a direction they are already want to go. But the mystery is how so many hard working Americans adopted a political philosophy that reduced them to “mud to be ground underfoot.”

The fact that this philosophy was sold to so many is a testament to how effective modern day propaganda is and shows that if you reduce a complex political philosophy to a few slogans you can find more followers than even Ayn Rand could imagine.
Reply Thu 27 Dec, 2012 06:34 am
On talk radio yesterday the slogan “We don’t have a tax problem we have a spending problem” must have been repeated about a hundred times by the replacement hosts. Red neck right radio the first string is on vacation this week. This slogan is classic Hitler. Hitler said effective propaganda needs to be kept simple and limited to a few points, slogans that are repeated over and over. Yesterday on red neck right radio they were following Hitler’s instructions to the letter. in Mein Kampf Hitler said, “harp on these slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.” In America yesterday it was much like being in prewar Germany. The slogans echoed endlessly on red neck right radio.

I read Hitler’s Mein Kampf after reading “What’s the Matter With Kansas?” by Thomas Frank. Frank said the radical right was reading Mein Kampf and employing Hitler’s techniques. That was quite evident yesterday, repeating the slogan over and over again.

A spending problem, really? The spending problem is social security. Social security was designed as a pay as you go system where the current generation pays for the social security of the generation that is retired. Reagan said no baby boomers will have to pay for those on social security and pay for a trust fund for themselves. So this generation paid for the last generation social security and for our social security. But now the commie/conservatives say wait a minute the $2.7 trillion social security trust fund is for the social security of those 75 years from now, those who have not yet been born. Using the $2.7 trillion trust fund is a spending problem. Why because the increased social security tax was used to fund tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. When baby Bush said he was just giving the people back their money what he did was give his richest friends and political contributors the $2.7 trillion social security trust fund. Then he had a photo op beside the cabinet that holds the $2.7 trillion social security trust fund in U S Treasury Bonds and said “this is just worthless paper.”

We don’t have a spending problem with social security we are just giving back the people the money they paid into social security. We have a tax problem there is one way and one way only to pay these treasury bonds back and that will require $2.7 trillion tax hike and that is the problem. Social security was designed to provide only 40% of preretirement income and that is not enough to live on to believe that we can cut social security to 20% of preretirement income so billionaires can continue to pay a smaller percentage in taxes than those on social security is absurd Hitler like slogans and all.
Reply Fri 28 Dec, 2012 06:34 am
There has been all kinds of debate and wringing of the hands over a possible 4% tax increase on the ungodly greedy. The press attention given to a 4% tax increase on the ungodly greedy has been nonstop. But there is another 2% tax increase that will happen quietly without fanfare and there has been very little mention of that. The commie/conservatives are ready to destroy America to insure that the ungodly greedy continue to pay a smaller percentage of their income taxes than many middle class tax payers. But the 2% social security tax cut will expire Jan 1 and no commie/conservative has a problem with that.

The 2% social security tax increase is indeed a tax on job creators because this is a tax on the 98%. Contrary to commie conservative ideology it is demand that creates jobs not supply. You can have all the supply in the world but if no one makes enough money to buy it the economy crashes. The middle class drives the economy they are the job creators because they create demand. Even Henry Ford recognized that he could build all the cars in the world but if no one could afford to buy them he could not sell them. Ford made sure to pay his employees enough to make sure they could afford to purchase them.

The middle class will be getting a 2% tax increase on every dollar they make where the ungodly greedy will only be getting a 4% marginal tax increase on income over $250,000. The vast majority of the ungodly greedy income is not subject to the social security tax as it is levied only on wages.

If the middle class is going to take a 2% increase on every dollar they make the ungodly greedy should be able to handle a 4% marginal increase. Everyone will be asked to do their part to help get the budget balanced but the ungodly greedy still maintain they should continue to get a temporary tax cut America couldn’t afford in the first place. Tax cuts for the ungodly greedy caused the 2007-08 depression, because it shifted the wealth dramatically and killed demand. With wealth in the hands of the few demand was artificially sustained by credit much of it shifted to mortgages
Reply Sat 29 Dec, 2012 07:00 am
If the commie/conservatives were concerned about tax cuts they would be trying to find a way to make sure the 2% cut in social security tax was continued. But the commie/conservatives have absolutely no interest in extending the social security tax cut but will destroy the country to make sure the temporary 4% tax cut for the ungodly greedy is made permanent. The rationalization for the baby Bush tax cuts was that Clinton balanced budget provided a surplus and they were just going to give the people back their money. The fact was the Clinton surplus was not a true federal surplus it was made possible by the excess social security payments. Social security and federal taxes are thrown into the same pot and totaled with all of tax money and social security payments. If the total of the two is not spent they say they have a surplus. The social security will eventually have to be paid back. During Clinton term he not only got to count social security but the interest on the $2.7 trillion trust fund. So the money Baby Bush gave back to the ungodly greedy was the social security trust fund. Then Baby Bush posed beside the cabinet holding the $2.7 trillion social security trust fund held in U S Treasury Bonds and told a bold faced lie to the American people telling them the $2.7 trillion in U S treasury bonds was just “worthless paper.”

For the last thirty years the baby boomers paid far more in social security than was necessary to pay for the social security and the money was used to fund the Reagan and baby Bush tax cuts. Now the time has come for the ungodly greedy to pay the social security trust fund back by paying higher taxes. The ungodly benefited for 30 years by receiving tax cuts the country could not afford financed with borrowed money. Now the time has come for the ungodly greedy to start paying the loan back and their reply is the note they signed is unenforceable just “worthless paper.”

“Figures don’t lie but liars do figure.” Commie/conservative commentator, Charles Krauthammer said that saying social security doesn’t add to the deficit is absurd. He says that in 2012 social security will add a $165 billion to the deficit. Wait just a minute aren’t we just giving the people back their money? Unlike the baby Bush tax cuts that is exactly what we are doing in this case. Krauthammer thinks giving the ungodly greedy the social security trust fund is giving the people back their money but giving the money back to the people that actually paid it is adding a $165 billion to the debt. There is a debt here and it is the debt owed to those who paid higher social security than they should have for all their working life.
Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2012 08:22 am
The middle class got a lump of coal for Christmas this year they will see their payroll tax go up 2%. There is simply no support from either party to extend the 2% social security tax cut. But while there has been a tremendous wailing and moaning about not extending the temporary 4% tax cut for the richest 2% there has been no outcry about raising the social security withholding tax. Why? The ungodly greedy will wail and moan and use the extensive commie/conservative media to wail and moan for them but the working poor and middle class will simply quietly shoulder the burden of the social security tax increase and pay it as they have for the past 30 years.

The cut in social security withholdings did not cost the social security trust fund one cent as the law mandated that the lost 2% be paid to the social security trust fund from the general fund. This cost the general fund a $105 billion a year from the general fund to provide the 2% social security tax cut for 100% of Americans. On the other hand the temporary 4% tax cut for the ungodly greedy, for just 2% of the population, costs the general fund $70 billion. In contrast the baby Bush tax cost for the richest 2%, the ungodly greedy, cost $770 billion over the last 11 years.

When Charles Krauthammer said that social security added $165 billion to deficit last year a $105 billion of that was payment made by the general fund to fund the social security trust fund. The other $60 billion was just part of the interest owed on the $2.7 trillion social security trust fund.

It is highly unlikely that the 2% social security tax cut will be extended and the middle class will tighten their belts and move on, they will simply get by with less. But it is far more likely the 4% temporary tax cut will be extended for the ungodly greedy. But the attacks on social security and Medicare will continue. On the Today Show this morning the Meet the Press host David Gregory said that social security and Medicare were the biggest drivers of the National Debt but both programs have a trust fund and neither program is adding a single cent to National Debt. If social security and Medicare are not adding a single cent to National Debt how can they be the biggest drivers of the National Debt?

The social security and Medicare taxes are logged into the book as government income and charged out as expenses like receivables for a business and accounts payable but social security and Medicare should have been treated like bank accounts as deposits and withdrawals. A withdrawal does not affect the bank assets nor is it considered to be causing a deficit at the bank when it is withdrawn. The paradigm is extremely important and the ungodly greedy and much of the press pushed the paradigm that excess social security and Medicare deposits were simply a profit that could be given out in tax cuts to the ungodly greedy. When respected broadcaster like David Gregory goes on National television and tells the public that social security with its $2.7 trillion trust fund is driving the National Debt many will accept that at face value without realizing the $2.7 trillion trust fund and social security payments will fully fund social security for decades to come without one thin dime from the general fund. The reason they want the public to believe that social security is driving the National Debt is so the social security trust fund can continue be used to keep the taxes on ungodly greedy artificially low.
Reply Mon 31 Dec, 2012 06:33 am
Yesterday on Meet the Press David Gregory was discussing how entitlements (social security & Medicare) were the real problem with the budget and something was going to have to be done with entitlements. Then he showed a pie chart to back up his point. There it was in living color the biggest lie ever told. After all anyone could see the problem, social security took a 20% of the Federal Budget and Medicare and Medicaid took an additional 23%. These programs took 43% of the federal budget. So it is evident if the budget is to be cut these programs will have to take substantial cuts.

In politics they call them push polls where misinformation is deliberately distributed in an effort to push the polls. The most famous example is during the 2000 republican presidential primary where fart blossom commissioned a poll that called South Carolina voters and asked if they knew John McCain had fathered a biracial child out of wedlock would they still vote for him? Of course that was a lie but the McCains had adopted a child of color from another country. The sight of that child and the push poll was all that was necessary. That push poll is credited with helping baby Bush win the South Carolina primary and later the presidential nomination.

We may not be able to call it a push poll when a pie chart is used to convey misinformation but the principal is the same. Why is the pie chart a lie? It shows social security and Medicare as federal spending on pie chart and they are not. Social security and Medicare payments are simply pass throughs where the government collects and simply passes the money through. Much like a checking accounts my employer makes a direct deposit and I pay my bills with the money. My spending does not appear on the banks spending pie chart because it is not in any way money the bank spends.

Why is this accounting error important? Because it makes it look like social security and Medicare are causing a spending problem and they are not. Social security and Medicare both have trust funds and any outlay comes from those trust funds not and is not spending by the federal Government but on paper it looks that way. The pie chart is a lie and it is a lie that will be used to defraud this generation of very meager needed benefits. When the Federal budget actually subsidizes social security by $725 billion and Medicare and Medicaid by $835 billion then it can rightfully claim it as spending but not until.

If the pass throughs are eliminated from the federal budget pie chart the chart becomes quite different pie chart shows that defense takes 19% of the federal budget but eliminate the pass throughs and the defense spending becomes 29% of federal spending instead of 19% and the 29% is a true representation of actual spending. Discretionary spending goes from 18% to 26%. Why cut social and Medicare when they are not costing the Federal Budget one dime? If social security and Medicare are cut the trust fund money can be spent to pay for more and bigger tax cut for the ungodly greedy as it has been for the last thirty years, the commie/conservative years.

This generation paid the last generation’s social security and then paid for their own social security by paying for a $2.7 trillion trust fund. Now we are being told we need to also pay for the social security of those who have not been born yet by taking cuts in our social security. Social security was designed as a pay as you go system it was never intended to have a trust fund. When Reagan changed social security to create the social security trust fund it became a pass through account but not to social security recipients but to the ungodly greedy the excess social security payments went directly to fund 60% tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.

This generation did far more than their share paying far more of their income into social security than any generation before. The commie/conservatives want to manipulate us with the guilt trip that while we paid for the generation before us and ours we have not paid for the next yet unborn generation. Now they draw pie charts to make it appear the federal government is paying the social security and Medicare and those payments are creating “a spending problem” nothing can be further from the truth. Every time you hear a commie/conservative repeat the Hitler like propaganda slogan that it is “a spending problem” tell him that it is a lie what they say is federal spending is just a pass through like a checking account.

Reply Tue 1 Jan, 2013 08:45 am
Garbage in garbage out was one of the first principals we learned about computers, although computers are highly accurate if the input is garbage the output is garbage. The federal budget is that way if we input garbage there is no way to avoid and output of garbage. We will never solve the budget problems if the input is garbage. To start with we have to separate income from taxes from income to fund social security and Medicare. The Medicare and social security are simply pass throughs that are paid to fund those programs. Any accounting method that puts the excess social security and Medicare payments into the general fund pie chart is garbage in. Likewise payments made from their trust funds should not show as spending from the federal budget. Social security and Medicare spending make the general fund budget appear much larger than it actually is. This would be like waking up one day and finding an extra $2.7 trillion in your checking account. You call your accountant and he says that it is not a mistake and you spend the money but then you find out the $2.7 trillion wasn’t yours. You find out your accountant was just incompetent. Even if the accountant was incompetent you must pay the money back. The temptation is that when you plow the excess social security and Medicare payment into the general fund that you will feel like you have much more money than you do and you will give tax cuts “to give the people back their money” when there is no money to give back. When Bush gave the excess social security and Medicare payments out in tax cuts we couldn’t afford this is the garbage out part. This was like combining your saving account with your checking. There is a good reason why saving accounts and checking accounts are separate accounts. You would give bigger and better gifts (tax cuts) to your children and before long there would be no savings. That is the point we are at now the saving accounts for Social Security and Medicare have been loaned to the general fund budget and will have to be paid back.

The ungodly greedy lived high on the hog for over 30 years on tax cuts the country could not afford. Meanwhile middle class paid higher taxes and watched as their standard of living deteriorate for 30 years. As the middle class paid higher social security taxes went into one door the ungodly went out the back door with the money in unheard of 60% tax cuts. The entire $2.7 trillion social security trust fund was used to provide ever bigger and better tax cuts for the ungodly greedy Now they will have to live with much higher taxes to pay the borrowed $2.7 trillion back to its rightful owners.

Before the problem can be solved we must make sure the input is not garbage any longer and that means separating income tax money being put in the checking account from the money being put in the saving accounts. A new pie chart of income must be drawn and a new pie chart of spending must be drawn. Neither of these charts can include income from social security or Medicare or spending for benefits. To eliminate the garbage from the input both the income from social security and Medicare and the out go from their trust funds must be eliminated from the federal budget. That will let us focus on what needs to be done to the income side. Income from increased social security taxes was used to replace lost income due to income tax cuts. It is time to pay the piper, Social Security taxes can no longer be used to underwrite 60% tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. On the spending side the lion’s share of the spending is spent on the military. We can no longer finance a world army and if spending cuts are made that where the lion’s share must come from the military. The biggest lie of the twenty century was that entitlements were taking a major share of federal spending without telling the public that those same programs were a major source of income for the federal budget.

The baby boomers are simply not going to stand by and let baby Bush and the commie/conservatives tell us the $2.7 trillion in U S treasury bonds that make up the social security trust fund are worthless paper any longer.
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