The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2012 06:59 am
Economic policies are long term not short term. Obama in his first term tried but was unable to overturn the long term economic policies of the commie/conservatives. He was unable to even slightly change the commie/conservatives economic policies that have severely exacerbated greed in America over the last 30 years. People must remember that we do not live in a dictatorship but that we have a government of committee. The founding fathers designed our government with a division of powers where each section of our government has a system of checks and balances. The executive branch can veto legislation passed by congress but laws must be passed by congress before they can be signed. Our government is currently ruled by the minority because of the filibuster maneuver. In game theory this situation is known as the “Prisoner Dilemma” one participant in the experiment is given $10 and is told he can divide it any way he wants with another participant with one catch if the second subject refuses the offer neither gets anything. The first subject must offer enough so the second subject won’t decline the successful offer is usually just $3 and change.
When Obama tried to repeal the Baby Bush tax cuts that were designed to give the people back the surplus Clinton accumulated, which in fact was the surplus of social security collected from the baby boomers. In the Federal Budget social security is not separated from other federal revenue. The Baby Bush tax cuts plunged the country into the red and they were quickly followed by more and bigger tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. The Baby Bush tax cuts and two unfunded wars plunged the country into a downward spiral of red ink. Cheney quickly declared that “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.” Reagan tripled the national debt during his two terms.

Reagan raised social security rate 4 times during his term in office and used the money to fund the massive 70% tax cut for the ungodly greedy. Of course the ungodly greedy pay social security on only a tiny portion of their income while the working man pays social security on every penny he makes. When Baby Bush found himself with a tremendous surplus of social security caused by the baby boomers best earning years he handed that money out to his ungodly greedy friends saying ‘give the people back their money.’ The trouble is that the people that got the vast majority of the Bush tax cut weren’t the ones responsible for the huge social security surplus.

In the prisoners dilemma that is our government Obama was not able to eliminate the Bush tax cuts because the minority still had veto power. The commie/conservatives were going to stop funding unemployment if the Bush Tax cuts were eliminated literally holding millions of Americans hostage if the ungodly greedy didn’t continue to get the baby Bush tax cuts.

There will be no change in economic outcomes until not only the Baby Bush tax cuts are repealed but the massive Reagan tax cuts are also repealed and with government rules that give ultimate veto power to the minority this may not happen. Don’t blame Obama for the mess the commie/conservatives made and don’t expect anything
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Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2012 08:08 am
To reverse the damage done by the 30 years of commie/conservatives economic policy we need to get back to the basics. The first and foremost thing that needs to be changed is the false prevailing paradigm about income tax. In 1913 congress levied a tax on “excess wealth” this tax was levied only on excess wealth” which would be income in excess of $89,634 in 2011 dollars. The tax exemption for a married couple was $4,000 dollars in 1913 which is $89,634 in 2011 dollars. The first $89,634 in income in 2011 dollars was exempt from income tax which was the tax on “excess wealth.” So how did the workingman who struggled just to survive end up being expected to pay a tax on “excess wealth”? Two World Wars generated a need for sacrifice and revenue from the general public but after the First World War was paid for the tax structure did not return to prewar tax structure.

In 1913 there were only seven tax rates ranging from 1% to 7% but by 1918 when the World War raged there were 55 tax brackets ranging from 4% of your income to 77% of your income. The personal exemption had been cut in half from $4,000 for a couple to $ 2,000 in 1918 dollars meaning the deduction was $29,237 in 2011 dollars.

During WWII in 1946 the minimum “income tax” rate ranged from 20% to 91% in 24 brackets. The 1946 tax return allowed only a $500 personal tax exemption and a $500 for your wife, adjusted for inflation that would be $11,364 in 2011 dollars. By 1946 the middle class saw the amount of income exempt from the tax levied on “excess wealth” drop 87% from $89,634 to $11,634. The land Hitler seized during WWII was given back to the countries he had stolen it from but the ungodly greedy in America kept their ill-begotten gains the tax exemption never returned to the prewar rates. Not only that but the ungodly greedy gripped endlessly about widening the income tax “base” by making more people who do not have excess wealth like those on social security and the working poor pay the tax levied on excess wealth.

It is time to simplify the tax code by bring back the original 1913 tax exemption of $89,634. The difference in taxes needed to run the country could be made up in value added taxes but the tax on “excess wealth” should remain a tax on “excess wealth” with one and only one exemption and no tax deductions of any kind. This would leave the commie/conservatives with one argument to lower the tax on excess wealth and not expand the tax on excess wealth to those who have no excess wealth in the first place. The commie/conservatives shifted the paradigm away from a tax that was levied only on the ungodly greedy to a tax that was leveled on the general public over the last 30 years and a paradigm shift is the most important first step to take back America from the ungodly greedy.
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Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2012 06:18 am
What is tax fairness? When I was child in the 50s I got a look at the tax tables while my mother was doing the taxes. I looked over the various tax rates and noticed that if you made a $100,000 that you had to pay 93% on every dollar you made over that figure. Of course this was a nominal rate meaning that it was prior to any deductions. At that point I vowed never to make a $100,000 in a year and so far I haven’t. The point was there was no mass outcry in the 50s that the 93% income tax rate was unfair. Why? Because the tax code encouraged investment often if the money was invested it was exempt from the 93% income tax rate. This encouraged investment and provided America with the longest prolonged economic expansion in America’s history.

Now the ungodly greedy are outraged over raising the income tax rate from a nominal rate of 35% to a nominal rate of 39% when their parents had a nominal rate of 93%. Why? The paradigm has changed in the 50s people knew that income tax was enacted to tax excess wealth but by the 1980s most Americans were not aware of the history of the “tax on excess wealth.” Often the key to manipulation is ignorance and a little ignorance goes long ways. The recent upswing of cons on grandparents depends on ignorance. A caller calls and says he is your grandson lawyer and your grandson is in jail in Canada and you need to send $2,000 for bail. This scam depends on the grandparents ignorance of where there grandson is. When it was tried on my mother it didn’t work because she knew her grandson was in Florida and had no reason to be in Canada but many others were less fortunate.

In our society we have no problem with putting personal property tax on cars, boats, and motor homes and we do not find it unfair that those who don’t have cars, boats or motor homes don’t pay the tax. We should not find it any more unfair that those who have no excess wealth don’t pay a tax levied on excess wealth no more unfair that those without a million dollar motor don’t pay tax on something they don’t have.

The manipulation of the paradigm by ungodly greedy is no different than the manipulation of the grandparents who decide to help their grandchildren. It is time this generation stood up to the 1 or 2% and told them the income tax is a tax on “excess wealth” and we are longer going to feel sorry that because you have excess wealth that you have to pay a tax levied on excess wealth. We will no longer let you manipulate us into paying a tax that was levied on “excess wealth’ and levied for a good reason. There are 293 other state and local taxes in America some that tax specific things like cars or motor homes. The ungodly greedy manipulate the public to believe there is but one tax in America and that tax is the tax levied against excess wealth.

Every time a commie/conservative commentator gets on television and radio and starts saying how unfair the tax income tax is someone needs to call in and tell him that we are sick and tired of hearing those with “excess wealth” continually belly ache about paying a tax that was levied on “excess wealth” and that what is really unfair is that those that have no “excess wealth” are now paying tax on “excess wealth” they don’t have.
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Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2012 06:10 am
The tax levied against “excess wealth” has come a long way baby and it no longer remotely resembles its intended purpose. A tax that’s intended purpose was to tax excess greed has now become so perverted by the ungodly greed that it taxes the elderly’s social security twice. Money paid into social security is paid after tax unlike money paid into the retirement accounts of the rich which is tax exempt. When the money paid into social security is paid out to the retiree it is taxed a second time. If the ungodly greedy are going to make social security taxable upon retirement than it should not be subject to tax when it is paid into social security. Social security tax deductions should be taken out pretax just as deductions for a 401K style retirement account are taken out pretax. This would be a $3,000 tax exemption for couples making $50,000 a year.

Currently the rich can take a $17,000 a year tax deduction for contributions into a 401K style account. This option is not open to those who work three jobs just to make living expenses as it takes every dollar to make a living. This again shows how perverted the income tax has become those with “excess wealth” are able to exempt their income that they are putting away for retirement while those working three minimum wage jobs are forced not only to pay tax on the money they put away for retirement in social security but are taxed the second time when they collect their social security.

The tax on “excess greed” must be separated from all other type of taxes in order to protect the public from “tax creep.” The temptation to shift the tax on “excess wealth” from those that have “excess wealth” to those that don’t will always exist until it is made clear that the moral taxing authority of the tax on “excess wealth” granted under the law of 1913 was to tax “excess wealth” and only “excess wealth.”

If the country needs more revenue to run the country than a value added tax should be considered for the middle class but the tax on “excess wealth” should remain on the ungodly greedy. A national value added tax is like a national sales tax and taxes only purchases. This allows one to determine the amount of tax paid by the amount of purchases one decides to make. Currently only 24% of Americans make more than the original $89,634 deduction for the tax on “excess greed” those are the only ones that should be paying income tax. The value added tax should replace income tax for the vast majority of Americans. A super majority of congress should be needed to lower the original tax deduction of $89,634 (in today’s dollars) to make sure income tax does not apply to anyone but the ungodly greedy.
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Reply Mon 26 Nov, 2012 05:47 am
I went off reservation to poach on some other posts yesterday and I had forgotten how much fun it was to beat up on the ignorant gullible right. Fed and fatten up on propaganda it is like sticking pins in a balloon.

One of the red neck right actually believed the propaganda that Reagan raise revenue by cutting taxes when in fact Reagan tripled the deficit during his term in office and raised social security tax 4 times. The red neck right actually sees the world through the eyes of the professional propagandists. Illusions are so much more comforting than reality.
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Reply Tue 27 Nov, 2012 05:18 am
When Glen Beck isn’t complaining about how big the federal deficit is he is figuring out how to make it even bigger. Glen Beck hour of fear yesterday was about sun spots and how much damage they could do to the power grid. The fix was just a paltry $300 million and he could not understand why congress turned it down. You know what they say $300 million here $300 million there and the first thing you know is that you are talking about real money.

But wait aren’t electric companies private sector companies? Why would Glen want the government to subsidize private enterprise? Because there is no profit motive for private companies to protect themselves for a possible sun storm. This should be government responsibility Beck thinks to take care of any and all possible contingencies. Of course the electric companies could easily come up with the $300 million but Beck wants the government to pay the freight for some of the biggest companies in America.

Glen Beck is against welfare to feed small children but big on corporate welfare for the richest in the land after all it is just $300 million.

So much for small government when private enterprise wants a few $100 million Uncle Sam should cough it up. Glen never even considered that it should be private enterprise responsibility to protect their own assets.

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Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2012 06:01 am
President Obama has met with both big and small business owners to find out how going over the fiscal cliff will affect them. What is unusual is that today Obama will meet with members of the middle class to discuss how going over the fiscal cliff will affect them. This would never happen in a commie/conservative administration no matter how much they talk about “stake holders” the only stake holders they are concerned about are the businessmen and the ungodly greedy who make large campaign bribes.

It is highly unusual for ordinary Americans who are not making large campaign bribes to be given a voice in government. Obama listened carefully to the small businessmen yesterday let’s hope he listens as closely to members of the middle class today.
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Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2012 05:24 am
Lloyd Blankfein, the CEO of Goldman Sachs in a recent interview, where he was opposing a few percentage point tax hike on the ungodly greedy, insisted that taxes should not be raised on the ungodly greedy but that social security should be cut so the social security trust fund could continue to be used to subsidize the tax cut on the ungodly greedy. This is the same CEO who got $100s of millions of taxpayers to keep is company in business after they had defrauded pension funds and other investors around the world. Blankfein stated publicly that Goldman Sacks created investment funds that were designed to fail and defraud the public while other investors were sold insurance on the fraudulent investment and made millions when the expected failure took place. Blankfein rationalization was the conman’s lament let the buyer beware. The man is nothing more than a common thief who stuffed his pockets with millions of tax payer dollars when he wasn’t outright stealing from the public and now this billionaire thinks those on social security should take less so he can take more and more and more. What I can’t figure is why an angry mob hasn’t formed and thrown a rope around the nearest street light and lynched this low thief life. After all it hasn’t been that long since they used to lynch horse thieves in America.
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Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 06:05 am
The Commie/conservatives keep insisting on “entitlement” reform before taxes are raised on the ungodly greedy like Goldman Sacks CEO, Lloyd Blankfein. In fact Lloyd Blankfein insists that Social Security must be cut because people work 25 years and expect the government to support them for another 30. To start with Blankfein is thief who uses Goldman Sacks to defraud less sophisticated investors under the buyer beware theory. The fact is most people work 45 years.

To start social security has a $2.7 trillion surplus. Social security was designed as a pay as you go system and was never intended to have a $2.7 trillion surplus. The federal budget is not taking in enough tax revenue to pay for the massive deficits put in play by Reagan. A graph of the national debt as a percentage of GNP shows the highest debt was in 1949 after WWII it goes studiedly downhill from 1949 until Reagan takes office and Voodoo economic became the economic policy of America. Had Reagan not been elected the graph shows the national debt would have been completely paid off during Clinton’s term in office. Not only did Reagan triple the National Debt he masked the problem by increasing social security tax 4 times. Since the current accounting system totals all tax revenues with social security the social security trust fund masked how much damage Reagans 60% tax cut for the ungodly greedy increased the deficit. If the excess Social Security revenue is subtracted as it should have been from other tax revenue Reagan may have increased the actual deficit far worse than tripling it.

Now lord Blankfein, who has benefited from the massive 60% tax cut for the ungodly greedy, tells the American people that they will have to get by with less. Someone needs to tell Lord Blankfein that social security does not have a deficit but a $2.7 trillion surplus it is general tax revenue that has the deficit and it is Lord Blankfein who needs to get by on a few billion less not those who paid social security.
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Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2012 07:22 am
The commie/conservatives still act like they won the last two presidential elections. Polls show that the overwhelming majority of Americans want to see the taxes raised on the ungodly greedy. They didn’t stutter they made it very clear in the last two elections the picnic for the ungodly greedy is over in America, the paradigm has shifted. But the commie/conservatives still behave as it is 1980. The commie/conservatives can read the polls they know what the American people want but it is the bribery of ungodly greedy that makes them ignore what is good for the country. In commie/conservative ideology it is self-interest that rules. If a casino owner in Nevada is going to spend a $100 million to get you elected your self-interest is in cutting his taxes or at least making sure the casino owners taxes don’t go up let the American people be damned follow your self-interest.

This is why commie/conservative ideology has been and is extremely bad for America, when self-interest rules a society the society fails in the long run. An economy that is governed by self-interest may indeed make short term gains but the toxic effects of greed will soon be evident. While self-interest may have some limited applications for the distribution of discretionary goods and services it is not and end all be all economic philosophy that can be applied to all economic activity.

When baby Bush was elected and he wanted to give the ungodly greedy the baby boomer’ $2.7 trillion social security trust fund and he was allowed to give the whole $2.7 trillion to his richest friends. But after that $2.7 trillion was given away the Republicans want to give away another $2.7 trillion we don’t have, they want to cut social security and Medicare to come up with it. Now it is time for the ungodly greedy to pay back the money they used bribery to steal. In the end they have no choice no matter how big their bribes are even the $100 million bribes were in order last election did not buy it for the commie/conservatives, they still lost. When just one man can offer a $100 million bribe it gives an idea how distorted our economic system has become. Why not let that man pay another $100 million in taxes instead, he evidently will never miss it.
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2012 06:58 am
One of the commie/conservative talking points is that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the commie/conservatives refer to it as Obama Care) is actually driving the cost of Health Care in America up. To start with the cost of Health Care in America has literally skyrocketed for the last 40 years. The fact is that The Patient Protection and Affordable Act has been only partially implemented and will not be fully implemented until 2014. Medical insurance has gone up 2,990% by 2008 meaning it went up an average of 75% a year for 34 years. This rate of increase was a rate of increase that not even the biggest corporations could absorb. The fact is the so called “free market ideology” way of controlling medical care costs had failed and failed spectacularly it was robbing the American people blind. This was not a short term blip but over nearly half a century. Medical costs were simply more than any other single factor burying the middle class standard living. Something had to be done and more “free market ideology” was making things much worse.

The commie/conservative successfully blocked National Health Care, the only option that would have cut medical care cost in half in America, but could not block some of the reforms. If medical care costs would have been cut in half the standard of living of the middle class would have seen the largest improvement since the 1950s. But even the limited changes the commie/conservatives couldn’t block will help middle class families. Change comes slowly unlike ever increasing medical costs. First before the cost of medical care comes down the rate it is going up must be reduced and slowed to a stop before reform can bring the cost of medical care down to the reasonable cost most industrialized countries enjoy.

This year something that never happened before in history happened Health Insurance companies were forced to rebate the excess cost of medical insurance to Americans. By law a medical insurance company could charge no more than 20% overhead a cost many time other industries. Millions of Americans got back rebate checks on their medical insurance including my mother. At 85 she was going to have to pay a significant increase in her medical supplement but the rebate exceeded the excess cost. Imagine a world where and insurance company can’t give its CEO a $100 million Christmas Bonus with the excess charged to its customers. The overhead of an insurance company cannot exceed 20% by law. A company that simply takes your money and writes the checks should have an overhead of 1% or less in fact social security does exactly that. But it is a start. The city of Huntington where I work is self-insured and Blue Cross writes the checks for a 10% of the total paid. There is no reason 10% maximum for overhead could not become the law. Imagine writing a check for $85,000 and getting paid $17,000 to write that one check that is the sweetheart deal the health insurance companies enjoy even now. Greed is not the best solution it is the problem. Slowing the increase from a 75% average increase a year is progress and the progress is only starting. Millions of medical insurance rebates are only a small start for The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2012 06:28 am
On the Sunday News Shows the commie/conservatives continued to push for the elimination of tax deductions instead of raises the top rates in the tax tables. Why would they do this? One raising the rates in tax tables would affect only the top 2% but elimination tax deductions would spread the pain to the majority of the American people. Even if Congress eliminated the top ten tax deductions, which is highly unlikely, it would provide only $800 billion over 10 years while raising the tax rate back to the tax rate in effect during Clinton term in office would provide $1.6 trillion.

Tax theory is that if you want less of something you tax it; cigarettes and alcohol are heavily taxed to lessen their impact on America. But if you want more of something you lower the taxes on it or give tax deductions. In the fifties when the tax rates were 93% tax deductions were given to create jobs and businesses which provided us with the longest economic expansion in history.

The commie/conservatives have only one objective and that is to get back into political power. From the first day Obama took office the commie/conservatives met to plan how to beat Obama in the next election, the commie/conservatives pulled every underhanded trick in the book to make Obama look worse it didn’t matter to them how much damage was done to middle class Americans.

Now that Obama has been reelected the commie/conservatives only objective is to win the next. If the tax rates are raised it will affect only the top 2% of Americans, the top 2% of course are often referred to as the political donor class. They are the ones who make the lion’s share of political donations to the commie/conservatives. The commie/conservatives will protect their donors at all cost. The commie/conservatives would prefer to see social security and Medicare eliminated than raise the tax on the ungodly greedy even 1% let alone 4.6%. In fact eliminating entitlements like social security and Medicare is the objective of the political donor class because they know that the $2.7 trillion social security fund was given to them in massive tax cuts and the only way to recover the money is in return the tax rates back to what they were in the 1950s.

The ungodly greedy do business exactly that way they will run up a huge bill with a contractor and offer him 50% of what he is owed. They do business with the city of Huntington that way they refuses to pay taxes for years and then offer the city half of what they owe. This is what is going on with the $2.7 trillion social security trust fund. The ungodly greedy are about to offer the American people “a deal they can’t refuse” they will give them 50% of the social security trust fund and pocket the rest and the commie/conservatives are the one making the deal for them.
Reply Tue 4 Dec, 2012 06:31 am
Why are the commie/conservatives so determined to go Social Security? Everyone understands that Social Security is not causing the Federal deficit in fact the $2.7 trillion Social Security fund has been borrowed to pay for the massive Reagan and Bush tax cuts. Like all other people when the Baby Boomers loaned their social security money to pay for Reagan’s massive 60% tax cuts for the ungodly greedy they expected that money would be paid back with interest. In fact last year for the first time part of that interest was required to pay the social security of current retirees. In future years not only will the interest be required to pay the baby boomers social security but part of the $2.7 trillion trust fund.

It is quite simple to determine the Federal Deficit if the government spends more than it takes in any one year including social security it has a deficit. But trying to figure a deficit in social security is quite different as it is figured 75 year into the future. Projections are used for the next 75, and no government employee is fortune teller, so guess about what the economy will be like in the future are used to determine whether social security will have a surplus or deficit. Very slight changes in projections make huge outcome differences 75 years from now.

The commie/conservative use the most pessimistic projection to frighten the public and then used the money to fund massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. The ungodly greedy partied for 30 years now the time has come to pay piper America is facing the perfect storm because America still can’t afford the Reagan tax cuts let alone the Bush tax cuts. The federal deficits are out of control and the baby boomers are expecting the extra $2.7 trillion in extra social security payments to be paid back and rightfully so. The baby boomers did not pay $2.7 trillion in extra social security tax to fund tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.

The commie/conservatives demand that social security be cut even though it has a $2.7 trillion surplus and a substantial interest on that $2.7 trillion in order to raise one cent of taxes on the ungodly greedy. It is high time the baby boomers told the commie/conservatives that we will not take a one cent cut in social security until all $2.7 trillion and interest has been returned only when social security has to borrow money to operate and has a yearly deficit will we even entertain making benefit changes. In fact since the ungodly greedy have lived like kings on our excess social security payments for 30 years raising taxes to 93% to fund a social security deficit seems inorder.
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Reply Wed 5 Dec, 2012 06:20 am
How can the commie/conservatives tell the public that social/security is responsible for $16.5 trillion National Debt when social security has a $2.7 trillion surplus? Why does anybody believe the obvious lie? Propaganda and learned ignorance. It is very obvious to most people that social security $2.7 trillion surplus is not causing the deficit. In fact that $2.7 trillion surplus was used over the last 30 years to mask how severe the actual deficit was following Reagan’s massive 60% tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. The National Debt as a percentage peaked in 1949 and had steadily declined, even during the Vietnam War, until Reagan voodoo economics tripled it. While Reagan tripled the National Debt he offset that by raising the social security tax six times during his term in office. I previously thought that Reagan had raised social security tax only four times but checking social security on line it was actually six times. Reagan cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy by 60% but he raised social security tax by over 16% to pay for the massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. In addition Reagan raised the retirement age beyond what many people will be able to physically work. Working another 2 years to get your full social security is also another significant tax raise so lets make that 7 raises in social security tax in 8 years for Reagan. While the ungodly greedy still got tax deductions from their 28% tax the average American could not deduct or offset one penny of Reagan’s seven social security tax hikes. You talk about tax and spend Reagan sat the all-time record. Of course the people didn’t benefit but the ungodly greedy did.

Even with the 35% tax table rate Romney would have paid only 9% if he had claimed all of his charitable deductions while the average American social security tax rate alone would have been 6.2% if it hadn’t been temporarily cut the last couple years. Social Security contributions are capped at about $100,000 so Romney pays social security only on the first $100,000 of his income. Romney social security would be such a small percentage of his $14 million income that it would be negligible about 4/100 of 1%. This is one of the reasons why Romney pays a lower tax rate than a nurse or a bus driver.

It is not the tax rate in the table that is important it is the actual rate paid in taxes after all deductions. Why feel sorry for the tax table rate being raised on someone who already pays a lower rate than the middle class?
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Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2012 06:30 am
According to the popular myth that is often told on Fox News and Red Neck Right Radio, it is the commie/conservatives who want to save our children and grandchildren from the massive National Debt. If you on a trip and you make a wrong turn you must turn around and get back on the right path. The Greatest Generation fought the biggest war in history and this war ran up the largest National Debt in our History as measured as a percentage of GNP the Debt in 1949 was even higher than it is now when it is measured as percentage of GNP. For 32 years the Greatest Generation did a good job paying down the huge National Debt caused by fighting WWII. By 1981 when Reagan took office the Greatest Generation had paid off 75% of their debt.

When Reagan was elected he tripled the National debt by cutting the taxes on the ungodly greedy by 60% he offset some of what would have been even more debt by raising the social security tax six times and raising the retirement age by 2 years. This is the point that America goes off path and starts tripling the national debt in Reagan’s term in office. Reagan simply wrote checks even America couldn’t afford to cash. The commie/conservative propaganda machine counters with cherry picking statistic on taxes comparing taxes income from the depth of a recession to taxes taken in during the height of an economic upswing. Reagan’s tripling the National Debt reflects the actual damage done by the Reagan tax cuts.

If the commie/conservatives are serious about paying off the National Debt they will restore the tax rate on the ungodly greedy to 70% where was when the National Debt first tripled but they won’t even raise it back to when Clinton was in office. First pay back the $2.7 trillion of the National debt is owed to the Social Security Trust Fund, that way the commie/conservatives could pose for a photo opportunity by the cabinet that holds the social trust fund in U S Treasury Bonds and declare it worthless paper as Baby Bush did in an effort to give it away as as highly regressive services fees to Wall Street.

But the commie/conservatives are less concerned about the National Debt as compared to their personal debt if the political donor class cuts them off for raising taxes. The national debt is just a political slogan. Hitler said that propaganda must be kept simple and to just a very few points, and you must repeat your slogans over and over again until the great masses believe them.
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Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2012 06:28 am
In the 50s the communists who founded “The Modern Conservative Movement” used a communist style purge to rid the Movement of the more radical right groups like the John Birch Society. The communists realized that the commie/conservative movement would never be taken seriously with the John Birchers claiming Eisenhower was a communist. The communists had to resent the fact that the John Birchers couldn’t tell a real communist if they belonged to the same organization. The communists that founded the Modern Conservative Movement were dedicated communists and extremely proud of their communist background and that fact was well known fact at the time.

Now things have come full circle and the Republican Party is now “purging” the commie/conservatives. In the last few days in Congress several commie/conservatives have been removed from their positions in key congressional committees. The communists that founded the Modern Conservative Movement knew that they would have to seize control of one of America major political parties. The communists decided that they would try and take control of the weaker of the two major political parties, the Republican Party. They began their quest in the 50s and achieved their objective by electing Reagan in 1980. After 30 years have passed the damage done by the commie/conservatives’ voodoo economics is becoming obvious not only to majority of the American people but to the more sane elements in the Republican Party. Reagan tripling of National Debt was caused by massive 60% tax cuts given to the ungodly greedy. One need only goggle search the term “National Debt Graph by President” to see where America goes off the path of fiscal sanity. This is the point where the middle class begins to lose ground.

It is high time that the Republican Party realized that if America is to go forward that the extremists must be purged, the commie/conservatives must removed from any position of power just as in the 50s the communist realized that they had to purge the john Birchers if they were ever to be taken seriously.
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Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2012 06:46 am
The Commie/conservatives are currently working their way through the five stages of grief. Election night they were in denial. They simply couldn’t believe Romney lost. They claimed the election had been stolen after finding voting precincts where Romney didn’t even get one vote until several precincts were found where Obama didn’t get a vote. I will give credit where credit is due even Glen Beck told the commie/conservatives that there may have been some voter fraud but not nearly enough to account for Obama victory.

Next the anger helped increase gun sales tenfold as some of the more radical commie/conservatives considered staging a violent revolution to install Romney as dictator. The anger was palatable on red neck right radio. Beck and other red neck right radio hosts were angry at their listeners who didn’t bother to vote. After all who wouldn’t be in favor of a $5 trillion tax cut for the ungodly greedy, like Rush Slimbaugh and Glen Beck? Romney 20% tax cut would only be surpassed by Reagan’s 60% tax cut which after 30 years of being fiscal responsibility Reagan managed to triple the National debt and set the country on a course of ever increasing debt. The righties will insist that the problem is increased spending on “entitlements” like social security which by the way has a $2.7 trillion surplus.

Bargaining is the next stage of grief that is where we are now. The commie/conservatives now realize that they lost the election but they believe they should still be able to keep the country on the commie/conservative path even though they lost the election. The commie/conservatives will gladly shut the country down the country as Newt Gingrich did in the 90s to insure the suicidal commie/conservatives policies stay in effect. Voodoo economics forever!

Depression is what the commie/conservatives have to look forward to; a long deep dark depression especially when they realize the political pendulum has started a leftward swing and the voters after 30 years’ experience in the school of hard knocks they can no longer be sold the propaganda that making the ungodly greedy even richer will benefit the American middle class.

The final stage of grief is acceptance and at some point the commie/conservatives have to accept the fact that their political philosophy is a failure and that their philosophy was responsible for tripling the national debt in their first few years office. The commie/conservatives policies that exacerbated greed failed to recognize that greed is not bound by any nation’s borders. America, prior to the election of the commie/conservatives was the greatest manufacturing nation on earth, 50% of our economy was generated by manufacturing, now only 11% of America economy is based in manufacturing, less than any point since the industrial revolution. In America under the influence of commie/conservative philosophy greed becomes the bases of all economic decisions, there are no other considerations, and is it any wonder that the third world is becoming not only the preferred choice but the only choice for manufactured goods. In a world based on greed everyone is loser.
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Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2012 07:43 am
As Americans when we hear the term propaganda we immediately associate the term propaganda with communism or Nazi Germany without every realizing that America is given credit for creating modern day propaganda. The communists and Nazis simply used the mass information technology that was first pioneered in America. Mass information technology (propaganda) can be used to equally well to inform the population or misinform the population.

How effective is propaganda in America? Propaganda can make people believe that a $2.7 trillion surplus shows that social security is deeply in trouble. In addition the commie/conservative propaganda instructs the public the best way to resolve the $16.3 trillion debt, of which $2.7 trillion is owed to the social security trust fund, is to give the ungodly greedy another $5 trillion tax cut. The graph of the National Debt by President, which measures National Debt as a percentage of GNP clearly shows that Reagans massive 60% tax cut for the ungodly greedy tripled the National Debt during his term in office. Reagan’s tax cuts set the trajectory of the Nation Debt Graph for the next 30 years.

Is social security driving the National Debt up? No in fact the $2.7 trillion social security trust is used to fund the debt instead of foreign borrowing. For thirty years not only was the social security trust fund used to bankroll the debt but the interest on that 2.7 trillion was plowed back into the National Debt. What has changed? Now that the baby boomers have begun to retire some of the interest that is generated by the $2.7 trillion social security trust is needed to pay current retirees. This means that some of the interest on the social security trust fund will no longer be available to offset the Bush Tax cuts.

How do we as a country resolve this? Raising the taxes on godly greedy to pay off the national debt without using the interest from the social security trust fund seems an obvious solution. But not to the commie/conservatives and their ungodly greedy friends, the obvious solution to them is to cut entitlements like social security. Social Security currently designed to replace 40% of a retirees income if that could be cut to 25% by cutting or eliminating the cost of living adjustment in future years the interest on the social security trust fund could continue to be used to subsidize the tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. After all a retirees should be able to get by on less so the ungodly greedy can have more.

The commie/conservative propaganda is so effective that almost half of the American people actually feel sorry for the ungodly greedy and think the people on social security are unreasonable for wanting to make withdraws from the $2.7 trillion social security trust fund that they fund.

Give the people back their money was the big outcry by the ungodly greedy after the Clinton surplus but that doesn’t apply to social security it seems.
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Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2012 06:30 am
Voodoo is a religion of Western African origin and when George Bush senior christened Reaganomics Voodoo economics the description was accurate. As soon as Reagan and his band of commie/conservatives made Voodoo economics the economic policy of America, America began a 30 year long economic decline for the vast majority of Americans. How do we measure the success of an economy? Should we measure success like a lottery where if one person wins that is considered a success even if everyone else loses? Or should a successful economic outcome be a better economic outcome for the vast majority?

Over the last 30 years the economic outcome for the top 1/100 of 1% of Americans has been outstanding, there yearly income went from an average $3,641,285 to $23,328,482 just 30 years later that is a success. But what happened to the middle class? Middle couples now work an average of 32 hours more a week and make less in real dollars than their fathers did. This indicates the true failure of Voodoo economics.

Is the success of 1 in 10,000 while the vast majority of Americans are worse off an economic success? The commie/conservative think so that is what they believe is the definition of success. After all they believe that America is equal opportunities not equal outcomes. If one could do it everyone should be able to do it, after all life is just a lottery.

But most Americans will never be satisfied with lottery winner economic distributions. At the same time the ungodly greedy share of economic output in America was skyrocketing their taxes were slashed 60% by Reagan so while their gross income increased 550% their income after taxes went up more than 10 fold. While the vast majority of Americans worked more and made less.
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Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2012 05:54 am
Yesterday on the Sean Hannity show he told his audience that social security is “bankrupt.” Yes sir right here in the river city social security is “bankrupt.” If any corporation had a bank account with $2.7 trillion in it and could pay all of its bills for the next two decades would anybody say that corporation was “bankrupt?” Only a true propagandist on a propaganda network could tell the American people that a program with a $2.7 trillion trust fund and that has never had to use a penny of that trust fund in 30 years to pay benefits is bankrupt.
“In consequence to these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.”


The commie/conservatives have endlessly used the slogan that social security is bankrupt” when in fact we know that is a lie. Why would Hannity lie? The $2.7 trillion social security trust fund was borrowed to fund the Reagan and Bush tax cuts just as when you put your money in a saving account that bank loans your money out to others to buy houses and cars and pays you interest on your money. In the social security trust fund case the money was loaned out to pay for the massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. When Bush was saying give the people back their money, he was giving the ungodly greedy back the $2.7 trillion social security trust fund. In fact it wasn’t the ungodly greedy money social security tax is capped and the ungodly greedy pay only a tiny fraction of the social security trust fund.

In bank there are a number of different depositors and a certain amount of cash is kept on hand to pay back the individual accounts when they want to withdraw it. So the individuals that bough houses and cars with your money need not pay it back when you withdraw your money. But in case of social security there are no other depositors so there is only one way to get the money back raise the taxes to the level they were before Reagan cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy. The $2.7 trillion surplus was taken from the working poor and given to the ungodly greedy in massive unsustainable tax cuts.

Hannity like most of the commie/conservatives wants to raise the age of retirement. Hello the age of retirement is already in process of being raised. The age retirement started going up for those who retired in 2003 and will continue to go up for those who retire in 2020. It is easy to see why Hannity and the commie/conservatives want the workingman to work longer each year of labor creates addition wealth for the ungodly greedy. Making the workingman work longer is a win, win situation for the commie/conservatives it allows them to keep taxes artificially low for the ungodly greedy and make the workingman work additional years to create more wealth for the ungodly greedy. By forcing more people into the labor pool the law of supply and demand takes over and wages are driven down.

How can commie/conservatives claim that social security is bankrupt? A law says that social security must be solvent for 75 years into the future no business could ever meet this impossible standard. No one can see the future so it is based on economic assumptions in the future even a slight change in future economic assumptions can make dramatic changes. It is possible to assume future economic assumptions that say that even a $100 trillion trust would not be enough to keep social security from being bankrupt.
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