The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 06:27 am
There is good news and bad news yesterday the taxes on the ungodly was raised by 4% but that 4% tax increase only applies to 10% of the ungodly greedy income. The bad news is that those making $40,000 and less will see a 4% increase or more in their taxes. Those making less $106,000 will pay 25 more in social security taxes. The $800 pays to work tax credit working couples got enjoyed the last four years will disappear also. So a couple making $40,000 will pay an additional 4% in taxes and this is not a marginal tax rate this is an actual 4% of income. The ungodly tax increase is marginal and does not apply to the first $450,000 of their income, their taxes remain the same on that first half million we will spot them that. The increase on the ungodly greedy is a paper increase but the 4% tax increase on the middle class is a true 4% increase.

Yesterday the House finally passed a bill to avert the fiscal cliff the ungodly greedy will cry bloody murder and predict the end of the world as we know it. The bill only raised taxes on couples making over $450,000 and individuals making over $400,000. The target group was top 2%, the ungodly greedy. The tax raise as passed will raise taxes on less than 1% of Americans by exempting incomes between $250,000 and $450,000. This bill does not solve the problem as passed the National Debt will still go up another $4 trillion in the next ten years.

The commie/conservatives are preparing for a full-fledged assault on social security the idea is to do as Grover Norquist said to shrink government to the point Grover can drag our government into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub. That is the commie/conservative’s plan for social security is to shrink it to the point of insignificance by not giving true cost of living increases. Social security now only replaces 40% of your working income. We all know what happens to your spendable income if you don’t get raises. Your income in real dollars can decrease by as much 40% in only a few years. As it is now Medicare increase take the vast majority of any cost of living increase. Under the commie/conservative attack on social security the longer you lived the less your social security would be in real dollars. If you lived 30 years you would have less than 10% of your income in real dollars all while the $2.7 trillion social security trust fund, that the baby boomers funded, was “saved” (actually spent for tax cuts for the ungodly greedy) for future generations.
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Reply Thu 3 Jan, 2013 06:10 am
Where are the Republican crocodile tears for the massive tax increases on the working poor and middle class? The tax increase on the ungodly greedy is supposed to bring in an additional $70 billion but the rasing social security back to 6.2% will bring in an additional $120 million nearly double what the ungodly greedy will pay and this is just one of the tax increases. The social security increase will bring $1.2 trillion over ten years. But not one Republican raised one finger to extend the social security tax cut. The loose of the $800 pays to work tax credit will cost the middle class and working poor another $600 billion over ten years. This means the middle class was the biggest loser because their taxes went up $1.8 trillion while the ungodly greedy’ taxes went up only $700 billion in the same 10 year period.

The republicans cried crocodile tears for the ungodly greedy, the so called job creators, but shed no tears for the working class. But who are the real job creators? Demand is the real job creator without demand you can manufacture all the supply you want if it sets in a warehouse unsold you just go out of business. The real reason the economy recovered was the Obama tax cuts to working class. There were no tax cuts for the ungodly greedy to spur even more supply for a public that couldn’t afford to buy it. After the baby Bush tax cuts the economy crashed and burned because they made crime pay so handsomely

But have no fear the republicans will ride to the rescue and cut social security payments to elderly by $1.8 trillion to balance the budget. Gun owners say they will get their gun when they pry it from their cold dead hands. The republicans might find that the same applies to social security. This generation paid the social security of two generations and taking it may be harder than taking the guns.
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2013 10:45 am
Rush Slimbaugh complained that not extending the Bush tax cuts to the ungodly greedy would bring in only a measly $60 billion a year but it seems like the Bush Tax cuts were eliminated for some of the ungodly greedy but many of the Bush tax cuts for the ungodly greedy remained in the bill. It is estimate these tax cuts will cost America $67.9 billion.
“Much of the compromise agreement that Barack Obama’s signed into law Thursday was targeted at individuals and families, notably preserving most of the tax cuts that passed under President George W Bush, which were set to expire on Monday.

In fact some of the Bush tax cuts that expired last year were put back in effect retroactively. It is a disturbing but very profitable trend that tax cuts are being issued to individual families. We are living in age were campaign contributions can buy tax exemptions. These “special exemptions” should not be allowed as riders on other bills. There was no doubt the bill extending the tax cut for the middle class was going to pass sooner or later. By attaching these parasite tax cut bills for the individuals and families to the middle class tax cut it gave them a free ride. With the Republicans harping on the growing national debt it would have been extremely hard to pass the massive retroactive baby Bush tax cuts on their own without attaching them to another bill.

The commie/conservatives managed to save over 50% of the tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Tax cuts for individual families should have to be passed as separate bills and not allowed to be attached to others so the public could see how large a bribe was paid to those who voted for it and how much it costs to run a bill through congress to save millions in taxes.

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Reply Sat 5 Jan, 2013 06:57 am
The democrats know what the word temporary means the commie/conservatives believe temporary and permanent are interchangeable. The commie/conservative outcry over raising the tax rate 4% on the ungodly greedy was deafening but the commie/conservatives did not say a word about raising the taxes 4% on the vast majority of Americans. The commie/conservatives issue is not tax increases but tax increases on the ungodly greedy.

The democrats knew up front that the 2% social security tax cut would not continue. Social security trust fund was not losing money the 2% cut was being made up out of the general fund and it cost the general fund a $120 billion last year. Responsible adults would not want the country to continue to borrow money to fund tax cuts that the country can’t afford but the ungodly would have no problem with the country borrowing another $2 trillion to put in their pockets. The ungodly greedy would put the country $16 trillion in debt and keep expecting more and bigger tax cuts and they did when Reagan took office the National Debt was within a decade and a half or so of being paid off. The graph shows that the country had a higher national debt as a percentage of GNP in 1949 than we have now and it was being steadily being paid down for 30 years. Then Reagan tripled the national debt in his two terms in office by giving the ungodly greedy the biggest tax cut in history.

Until the alternative minimum tax was passed many of the ungodly greedy complained about the high taxes even though they were not paying a dime in taxes. The commie/conservatives have no interest in cutting the taxes for the middle class they are concerned only with the tax cuts for the richest 2%, the ungodly greedy. The true job creators are the middle class demand creates jobs supply creates excess warehouse space.

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Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2013 11:19 am
Alas, “Horatio the fault lies not in our stars but in ourselves.” Short of natural disasters that remains true for the most part. Ultimately the American people have to take the blame for the 30 year long decline of the middle class. To be sure the commie/conservative deserves a good deal of the credit but in the end middle class Americans decided which idea to accept and which to reject. In 1991 survey by the Library of Congress the second most influential book and that is second only to the bible, is “Atlas Shrugged.”
“It would be hard find (another) such display of grotesque eccentricity outside an insane asylum,”

Robert Kirsch, chief brook critic with the Los Angeles Times reviewing “Atlas Shrugged” 1957 when it was first published.
In the same 1991 Library of Congress survey of the best 100 novels of the last 100 years Ayn Rand had 4 books in the top ten “Atlas Shrugged” was number one followed by “The Fountainhead” in second, “Anthem” and “We the Living came in in 7th and 8.th

There is an old joke about god telling a woman not to bath in a stream when god found out she did he laments he will never get the smell out of the fish. Ayn Rand ideas are that way I don’t think we will ever be able to completely purge Ayn Rand sickness from America. Ayn Rand was still having a hard time dealing with her childhood when her mother asked her to choose one toy from all her toys. The other toys were to be put up for a year and then given back to her. A year later Ayn asked for her toys back and her mother told her she had given them away. Fifty years later she was still angry about the incident.

Ludwig von Mises, a far right economist another hero of the right, wrote Ayn Rand, “Atlas Shrugged” is not merely a novel,” It is also—or may I say first of all---a cogent analysis of evils that plague our society…You have the courage to tell the masses what no politician told them: you (the masses) are inferior and all the improvements in your condition which you simply take for granted you owe to the effort of men who are better than you.

Von Mises like Ayn Rand was a foreigner she was born and raised in Russia, he was born in Austria-Hungary, she fled Russia several years after the Russian revolution. Mises left after the Nazis invaded his home land. These two foreigners then proceed to tell 1950s America what was wrong with America, a land that was not at war and didn’t have a dictator. It seems like middle class Americans were the real enemies of the state. Freedom of speech is extended to Americans by the constitution but should not be extend to foreign enemies of the state like Ayn Rand and Von Mises.

The decline of America began when von Mises and Rand ideas reached the tipping point in America. When middle class Americans began to believe that they were inferior second class human beings dependent on the ungodly greedy for everything it fundamentally changed America.

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Reply Mon 7 Jan, 2013 06:34 am
It was very evident on yesterday’s news shows that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell believes the Monster’s Picnic is about to begin and he believes the main course is going to be social security and Medicare. These are the only two government programs that have actual Trust Funds in other words they are not costing the general fund a dime and both programs have loaned the general fund money for over 30 years. McConnell repeated the Hitler like slogan that it is a “spending problem” over and over again. He repeated that slogan at least 25 during different interviews. Hitler said, “harp on these slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.” McConnell was sure harping up a storm he answered many questions with the slogan “it’s a spending problem.”

The general fund is not spending one cent on social security and won’t for at least another 20 years down the road. When Mitch McConnell says social security is causing “a spending problem” he is lying and both social security and Medicare should be removed from the government spending pie chart. Their income and outgo pie charts need to be separate from government spending.

The Republicans hated social security from the very beginning for twenty years they tried to destroy it. Social security is a socialist concept in capitalism you work or die. Capitalism has no use for what it terms as “useless eaters” if the ungodly greedy can’t make a profit on your labor you should at least have the common decency to die.

The commie/conservatives like McConnell have waited 80 years to destroy social security and they think their time has finally come. By lowering the cost of living adjustments social security can be entirely eliminated in a couple of decades. Almost all of the social security cost of living adjustment goes for the increased Medicare payments now. Social security only replaces 40% of a person’s income now. Take your pay check and cut it in half and decide what you are going to do without and it will give you an idea what it is like to live on social security. If McConnell and his Commie/conservatives buddies are successful in cutting social security the elderly will have to beg on the street. But McConnell will still be a multi-millionaire.
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Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2013 05:57 am
If wealth is indeed being redistributed in America, since wealth is something of substance it generates hard statistics and in a 30 year period it would be extremely easy to see how the wealth is being redistributed. Can we agree on that? The statistics are in and you are right there was the biggest redistribution of wealth in history but it was not the ungodly wealth being redistributed it was the working poor and the middle class wealth that was redistributed to the ungodly greedy for 30 years. Between 1970 and 2000 the ungodly greedy ‘average” income increase after inflation almost 600%. When your average income goes up by 600% we can all agree they were not a victim. If the ungodly greedy were a victim of wealth redistributed wouldn’t they have less wealth? It is much like the guy who comes back to his car to discover a meter maid giving him a ticket. He knows what his rights are and immediately throws himself to ground and stats yelling police brutality. The ungodly greedy in America have done exactly that throwing themselves to the ground and yelling “redistribution of wealth” but “redistribution of wealth” is nothing but another Hitler like propaganda slogan. Slogans attract the ignorant like flies. Slogans don’t depend on the truth, Hitler advised “As soon as you sacrifice the slogan to make propaganda many sided, the effect will piddle away, for the crowd can neither digest nor retain the material offered.”

So what about the bottom 99% of Americans? How did they do over the same thirty year period? Surely their income skyrocketed with all that redistribution of wealth. For every single dollar the bottom 99% saw in increased income the ungodly got $7,500. A bar graph that represents the increase in income takes 1/8 of an inch to represent the growth in income for the bottom 99% of Americans and 62 ½ feet to represent the income growth of the ungodly greedy. Some redistribution of wealth and remember 99% is not the middle class the middle class lost real income.

The 30 years in question was before the baby Bush tax cuts which made the redistribution of wealth to the ungodly greedy far worse than in the previous three decades.

Redistribution of wealth from the ungodly greedy only happens during revolutions when greedy are roasted like pigs they are. They don’t need 99% of the wealth of a country they just feel entitled to it and there is the real “entitlement” problem in America. The path to ignorance is paved with the belief that there is only one tax in America and that tax is progressive the actual facts are there are 100s of different taxes in America and most are regressive and that anything can be taxed except “excess wealth.”
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Reply Wed 9 Jan, 2013 06:33 am
Eighty-two percent of the Baby Bush tax cuts remain. Obama objective was just to eliminate the most egregious tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Now the Republicans have started their push for higher taxes on the working class. Of course they don’t use the word “tax increase” they call it “widening the base.” You never want to say that you are “rasing taxes” but “widening the base” sounds so much better. After being blocked by the commie/conservatives the taxes were raised on less than 1% of Americans but widening the base is going after 47% of Americans and a good percentage of that 47% have already paid federal income tax once on their income and the commie/conservatives want them to pay it a second time. The commie/conservatives want to make sure the troops in combat pay their fair share and want to end the income tax exemption for combat pay. But that is not a tax increase it is just “widening the base.”

Never was so much fuss raised over raising the taxes on so few by the commie/conservatives but as the commie/conservatives push to “widen the base” very little will be said. The commie/conservatives won’t predict disaster or call these people job creators (even though they are the true job creators) as they raise their taxes 50%, 100% or more it will be just “widen the base” to make the income tax more inclusive. Of course if you are paying the increased taxes it will be a tax increase and won’t seem like just “widening the base.
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Reply Thu 10 Jan, 2013 06:25 am
In 1949 the National Debt was higher than it is now as a percentage of GNP and the Presidents before Reagan had paid down the National Debt. If the rate of pay off had continued the National Debt would have been paid off during Clinton’s term. The hard facts are Reagan’s voodoo economics did far more damage to America than what most people realize. Reagan 20% increase in the social security tax was responsible for building the $2.7 trillion social security trust fund. The government book keeping method books social security as tax receipts, just government income so the excess social security payments masked the true Reagan deficits by offsetting them and if the excess social security payments are factored out of the budget Reagan actually more than quadrupled the National Debt. You can live on credit cards for a while but you not only have to pay the piper but the banker also.

When baby Bush took office the budget was balanced and Bush said give the ungodly greedy back their money but of course he gave them the baby boomers social security trust fund. The Baby Boomers were still paying more in than was being taken out of social security. Then the Bush administration used forged documents to take the nation to war with Iraq a county that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. Wars are expensive and have to be paid for. All past wars saw tax increases to pay for them. The Iraq war will cost tax payers $3 trillion before interest. But Cheney said we don’t need to pay for the wars because Reagan proved “Deficits don’t matter” and Baby Bush gave more and bigger tax cuts to the ungodly greedy.

The commie/conservatives assured us voodoo economics was the way to and go and the American people voted for Reagan even after they knew he was quadrupling the National Debt and the voted for Baby Bush after they knew he was wagging a $3 trillion dollar war to drive up the price of oil in Texas up.

If you are going to fight wars you are going to have to pay for them. Many Americans have a bankruptcy mentality they live like kings for a while and when they don’t make enough money to pay their bills they take bankruptcy and start over. Reagan and Bush ran the country that way and Bush tried to bankrupt social security by claiming the social trust fund was just worthless paper much like a member of the public that takes bankruptcy.
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Reply Fri 11 Jan, 2013 06:28 am
Rush Slimbaugh newest slogan is, “Low information voter” it was coined after the commie/conservatives lost the last election. Rush Slimbaugh believes a “low information voter” is anyone who disagrees with him. The old drug addict just can’t believe that he is slipping and that more and more people are looking for facts and have stopped believing his propaganda without checking the actual facts. Slimbaugh will repeat the slogan “low information voter” 50 times during his 3 hour show. Hitler would be so proud of him. I’ll bet he would give him a gold star. Hitler said, “repeat it until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.”

Slimbaugh has commanded an army of the ignorant for years, his are the real “low information voters,” those who can’t read or are too lazy to read. But can they listen to propaganda and Slimbaugh’s never ending slogan. The information age has given most people instant access to reliable information. TV killed the radio star and the internet is having the same effect on talk radio hosts. Plus most people can take a look at their own lives and see how much worse life is now than it was 30 years ago when the commie/conservatives took over.
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Reply Sat 12 Jan, 2013 07:58 am
Our society has many truisms which contain some of the accumulated knowledge of our species. “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” “A fool and his money are soon parted.” A lie, told often enough, becomes the truth.” Propagandists used slogans to exploit this niche. Slogans were designed to be accepted as truisms. When slogans like “redistribution of wealth” are repeated often enough they are accepted as a truism by many. The trouble is when a propaganda slogan is accepted as a truism people don’t look behind the curtain to find the great and awful Oz is just trying to create the illusion of truth.

No one propaganda slogan did more damage to America in the last 50 years than “redistribution of wealth.” This was the typical Jewish mother’s guilt trip to make the American middle class feel sorry because the ungodly greedy paid taxes. The ungodly greedy paid high taxes because their income was so high. There was a simple solution to the problem available to all of the ungodly greedy simply quit their job and go to work for Wal-Mart. When the American people accepted the propaganda slogan “redistribution of wealth” as true an actual “redistribution of wealth” began to take place as the ungodly greedy income soared over 600% while the middle class income declined.

People have to remember not ever slogan is a truism but there are many propaganda slogans that are masquerading as truisms.

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Reply Sun 13 Jan, 2013 09:51 am
When people think of Reagan they think of tax cuts without realizing that he may have cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy but he offset that by raising taxes on the vast majority of Americans. When I was a child my mom and dad had always paid out of social by September meaning the rest of their income was not subject to social security or Medicare taxes for the last 3 months of the year. In 1980 when Reagan was elected the $25,800 was maximum that social security and Medicare tax was paid on. By 1989 when Reagan left office the first $48,000 in income was subject to social security and Medicare tax. In 1980 social security was 5.08% and Medicare was 1.05% that means you paid 6.13% total. 25,800 X 6.13% = $1581.54. But by 1989 when Reagan left office social security was 6.06% and Medicare was 1.45% but the first $48,000 would now be subject to the taxes. By then it was $48,000 X 7.51% = $3604.80. In 8 short years Reagan had raised the social security and Medicare taxes effectively 228%. This is a far bigger tax increase than the 60% tax cut for the ungodly greedy and none of the social security and Medicare tax increase was subject to tax deductions.

But Reagan wasn’t through yet because he reached up and grabbed another two years of people’s lives requiring them to work to 67 before they got their social security.

In federal government all of these taxes are thrown into the same pot and counted as “taxes.” How could any one man have raised taxes by 228% and still tripled the National debt?

The Reagan legend is a lie plain and simple he wasn’t a tax cutter he raised taxes on the majority and lowered them on the ungodly greedy. The statement that Reagan cut taxes and raised revenue is a lie, he simply raised taxes on the vast majority to provide tax cuts for the leite few.

Reply Tue 15 Jan, 2013 06:33 am
Yesterday Rush Slimbaugh was doing his best to exploit the recent return of social security tax to 6.2%. Most people have got their first pay check of 2013 and noticed they have 2% less money to spend. The public is looking for someone to blame and Slimbaugh wants to make sure that person is Obama. Few people noticed the increased money on their check when the social security was cut but everybody is noticed when social security went back up.

No political insider expected the 2% social security cut to be continued it was temporary and called a tax holiday instead of even a temporary tax cut. There was no discussion of continuing the social security tax cut by either party during the recent fiscal cliff negotiations. Even Slimbaugh knows if the social security was continued that social security benefits would have to be cut severely continuing the social security cut was simply not a viable option.
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Reply Wed 16 Jan, 2013 06:35 am
The gun nuts have gone off the deep end. They are now claiming the Newtown shootings never took place but were staged to “create” an environment where the government could make laws to take the guns. That right no one died it was just a staged incident. The gun nuts are called the Newtown truthers. Does everybody realize why these nuts don’t need guns with 30 round clips? Other gun nuts are claiming that there was a second shooter a government agent sent in to make sure enough children were killed to make it a tragedy. Others believe the government was behind all the recent mass killing in an effort to take their guns. Some are claiming that Israel and the Jewish people are responsible for the killings for what earthly reason I can’t imagine.
“A Florida Atlantic University communication professor James Tracy, who in his blog posted, “While it sounds like an outrageous claim, one is left to inquire whether the Sandy Hook shooting ever took place—at least in the way enforcement authorities and national news media described.”
The second amendment cannot grant the right to future technology. Under the second amendment people are granted the right to 18 century gun technology and nothing more. An Atomic is considered an arm. America was in an arms race with the Russians does that mean that the constitution gives you a right to atomic bombs after all technology changed. If the country chooses to allow more advanced guns than the flint locks then that is a privilege and not a right and the people shall regulate that. The constitution may grant the right to a flint lock but owning an AK-47 is a privilege and subject to regulation.
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Reply Thu 17 Jan, 2013 06:33 am
There are over 311 million people in America and of those only 4 million belong to the NRA, how has this extremely small minority of gun nuts and gun manufactures gained so much control of our government? Hardly a morning goes by without the morning news reporting someone being shot or murdered with a gun. This morning someone was shot twice in Charleston. The commie/conservatives will make sure our streets are safe for weapons designed for mass destruction and large profits for gun manufactures.

On red neck right radio they pointed out the worst school disaster was back in the twenties and was caused by a bomb. The government response was to stop dynamite and blasting caps from being sold at hardware stores and restrict sales of explosives to qualified individuals. Bombing that were at one time common place in America are now relatively unknown. Mass killings in America peaked in 1929 during the gangster era. Most were done with Thompson submachine guns. Thomson Machine gun could be purchased at the local hardware store one they were banned the number of mass killing decreased dramatically. It is time to ban assault weapons that can be fired faster than a Thompson Machine gun.
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Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 06:32 am
Many are still trying to figure out Reagan managed to triple the National Debt during peace time. After all if by cutting taxes Reagan increased revenue he should have been able to finish paying off the national debt or at the very least he should not have increased the national debt or at the very least with all that increased revenue it should not have tripled the national debt. However if cutting taxes by 60% on the ungodly greedy decreased revenue coming in we would expect to see the National debt tripled during peace time and that is exactly what happened when Reagan 8 year term is taken into account. The economic snap shot taken between the extremes of a recession and during the height of the recovery gives a very misleading picture of what happened long term. It is easy to come up with a slogan and repeat endlessly but in the end Reagan tripled the National Debt.

Much of the 40% interest we are paying today is because Reagan tripled the national debt. Reagan borrowed money at 13% interest to finance his tripling of the National debt. The last of my mom US treasury bonds she bought during Reagan term in office at 13% are being paid off. The interest rates were at record heights during Reagan’s term in office this was by far the worst possible time to triple the national debt. Think how many of the ungodly greedy bought US treasury bonds and got 13% interest while the interest rates were so low and got far richer. That some of that increased revenue Reagan bought in on that record interest rates.
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Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2013 07:47 am
The commie/conservatives were posed to mount a major offensive against social security as a “spending problem” but they found reality staring them in the face. They found that only 26% of the American people have a positive view of republicans the lowest since the republicans completely collapsed the American economy in 2008. The House commie/conservatives went to a retreat in Virginia where the tea party crazies were told flat out by powerful outside commie/conservative groups, corporate executives, and republican strategists if they mount a major offensive against social security as a “spending problem” when social security in fact has a $2.7 trillion trust fund it will be the end of the Republican party. The commie/conservatives have simply lied to the American people one too many times. The wind beneath the wings of the commie/conservative movement has always been the ignorance of the American people.

The internet has put all the world information just a few key strokes away from any American it will never wipe out ignorance altogether but it will significantly lessen its impact. When the commie/conservative baby Bush stood beside the cabinet holding the $2.7 trillion social security trust fund held in U S treasury bonds and declared it just “worthless paper” many people took him at his word and panicked some were ready to divert social security to Wall Street where the sharks would have had a feeding frenzy cheating the elderly out of every cent. Today I am going to my broker who managed to lose every cent of my investment to get a statement to claim the total and complete loss of my Roth retirement account on my taxes. Between the management fees which are thousands of times higher for small investors, bad advice and outright theft several thousand dollar investment was wiped out. When told to buy one stock they simply sold me another that their company owned and they knew was soon to be absolutely worthless. Since the buy order was placed over the phone it was just my word against theirs. This would have been repeated 100s of millions of times if the Bush lies had been successful in privatizing social security. There was a huge building boom in the stock brokerage firms when they though the commie/conservatives were going to privatize social security. Sooner or later the shortage of ignorance beneath the wings of the commie/conservative dream liner is going to cause it to crash.
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2013 10:21 am
“As the world turns” or more aptly “as the commie/conservatives cave” but there is very little attention being paid to the commie/conservative cave in over the debt ceiling. At the first of the month the commie/conservatives were circling the wagons to ready themselves for Custer’s last stand where they would bring the government down if they could not destroy social security and Medicare. Currently social security replaces only 40% of a retiree’s income the commie/conservatives believe that social security and Medicare are a socialist programs that should be eliminated altogether but realize that is not politically practical so the best alternative is to cut them down so the names will remain but the vast majority of the benefit will be eliminated.

For instance social security had a death benefit that was designed to pay funeral expenses of someone who died in 1940 it averaged a $145.79 today the death benefit is just $255. If a person pays into social security all his life and dies at 65 years and 11 months after his spouse died and no underage children all he gets out of the $50,000 or more paid into social security is $255 dollars. In 1960 the cost of a funeral was $708 now a funeral with vault costs $7,775. In 1940 no doubt the $145.79 social security death benefit would bury you. Social security tax stood at just 2% in 1940 and now the tax is more than tripled and stands at 6.2%. In 1940 only the first $3,000 income was subject to social security tax now the first $113,000 is subject to social security tax. The $255 death benefit was set in 1954 and has not gone up once cent since 1954 even though social security taxes have gone up several hundred percent during the time period. If the $255 in 1954 were adjusted for inflation it would be $2,103.69. The death benefit should mirror the social security tax increases or at the very least the inflation rate.

What happened to the social security death benefit was, death by inflation, and that is the intended fate of the social security program if the commie/conservatives have their way. They know they can’t kill socialism in America, and make no doubt about it, commie/conservative believe social security is socialism. The commie/conservatives just want to do like Grover Norquist wanted to do to our government just weaken social security to the point the commie/conservatives can drag it in the bathroom and drown in in the bathtub.
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Reply Mon 21 Jan, 2013 08:17 am
The commie/conservatives insist we have a “spending problem” even though marginal taxes on the ungodly greedy had been as high as 93% to pay off the National debt ran up to pay for WWII. But a decade before the WWII debt would have been paid off Reagan cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy by 60% and instead of continuing to pay off the WWII debt Reagan tripled the National Debt. When the national debt is graphed as a percentage of GNP it shows that Presidents, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Carter had all paid the National debt caused by WWII down until Reagan tripled the National Debt. Reagan ran the national debt back up to point where it stood when Eisenhower took office. Reagan set the country back almost three decades. The National debt was run up during the biggest world war ever fought but Reagan ran the debt up nearly that high during peace time.

Since Reagan ran the National Debt up so high so fast did he have a “spending problem?” Or did he have a “tax cutting on the ungodly greedy problem.” We can all look back and see there was no great building of infrastructure during Reagan’s term in office it was the tax cuts on the ungodly greedy that caused the National Debt to triple and even though a small percentage of Reagan’s tax cuts on the ungodly greedy have been rescinded the vast majority of Reagan’s tax cuts on the ungodly greedy remain in force. The ungodly greedy tax rate stood at 70% when Reagan took office and even with the last tax increase it now stands at 39.6% still more than 30% lower than when Regan took office.

We do not having a “spending problem” in America we have a “problem caused by cutting taxes on the ungodly greedy.” Presidents, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Carter all paid the national Debt down but Reagan tripled it. The reason is unmistakable lowering income far below operating costs.

How did Reagan get by with it? Slogans, he ran on slogans and most people never looked at facts just Reagan’s slogans. Regan ran on the slogan that said he would “Cut taxes, increase spending on the military, and pay off the National Debt.” Most people realize you can’t cut your income, increase spending and pay off your debt. But when you make it a slogan and repeat endlessly the masses soon believe it and even after 30 years have passed and the hard statistics are undeniable people still believe Reagan’s slogans.

Now the commie/conservatives stand poised to pick the pockets of those on social security to maintain the artificially low taxes on the ungodly greedy. The return of the $2.7 trillion social security trust fund to those who created it is not a “spending problem” it is in no way “spending problem” it is simply the return of deposits and interest on the accounts due and payable.

We actually have an “accounting problem.” The books have been a lie for generations. In order to solve the problem the actual expenses of running the country and the actual income from taxes other than payroll taxes must be separated from social security and Medicare taxes, their trust funds and interest on those trust funds. What you have left is what you have to run the country on. If choice you have to make is to cut the military in half or double the taxes on the ungodly greedy that is the choice that will have to be made. For 30 years over payments into social security and Medicare programs have been used to underwrite the general fund budget. The hard cold fact is there are no longer overpayments and the interest on the trust funds and the trust funds themselves will be needed to pay current retirees. This creates a double edged problem for the general fund as the social security and Medicare trust funds have been borrowed by the general fund and must be repaid by the general fund.

If you can get the public to believe that social security is creating a “spending problem” you can cut benefits below the current income from social security and free up more money for more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Will the public believe the slogan “we have a spending problem?” Hitler slogans are the most powerful form of propaganda.

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Reply Tue 22 Jan, 2013 06:32 am
The country has some hard choices to make are we going to take from social security to continue huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. For the last 30 years the social security trust fund has been used to keep taxes on the ungodly greedy artificially low. Reagan raised social security by as much as 280% on the middle class to help pay for his 60% tax cut for the ungodly greedy. The problem is that $2.7 trillion social security trust fund will be needed to pay social security, the purpose for which it was intended.

The choice we will be faced with is to cut social security benefits to free up social security money so it can be used to underwrite tax cuts for the ungodly greedy as it has been for the last 30 years. When Reagan cut taxes by 60%, the military should have been cut by 60% as well as other expenses. When Reagan raised social security taxes by 280% he did not raise social security benefits they remained at 40% of pre-retirement earnings. Now the commie/conservatives are mounting a major offensive to cut social security because “social security” is causing a “spending problem.”

The proposal to kill social security involves replacing the Consumer Price Index (CPI) with the Chained Consumer Price Index. The difference is the CPI measure inflation while the Chained CPI assumes that when the price of beef goes up they will switch to something cheaper like chicken. If the price of electric went up you would switch to kerosene lamps. If the price of housing went up you would sleep in a cardboard box. The social security lost to the Chained CPI would be small at first but cost thousands of dollars over time.
This generation that was required to pay 280% higher social security taxes will take a 50% cut in their social security benefits over time if the millionaires in congress get their way. Not to worry the millionaires in congress say this is not a cut. We live in world of illusion where a millionaire can say a 50% cut in social security benefit is not a “cut” and people will believe it.
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