The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2023 10:15 pm
Trending on social media today: Trump is a Traitor and a ‘Pathological Liar’ And a Narcissist” Trump lived by social media, and he may well parish by social media. Trump defended himself by saying all he said was that America makes the best submarines and military equipment in the world. Does anybody believe that lie? It is simple enough to find out. If the secrets that the Australian has been passing around are accurate then Trump is no doubt the source. Does anyone believe that Trump would admit that he did it? Trump first instinct is always lie. Even if Trump doesn’t need to lie, he will lie anyway.

Trump is making more enemies every day. He has single handedly clogged America court system. Many are waiting for the other shoe to fall. If Trump passed top secrets to a foreigner, he should be arrested and put on trial. One thing you can bet on is that if Trump did pass top secrets to a foreigner that won’t be the only time. There should be an investigation of other members of Mar-a-Lago

Today we have 108,862,996 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,855,638 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 7,358 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,178,436 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,178,404. That means that another 32 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2023 09:08 pm
They say everything Trump touches turns to sh** and that is exactly what we are witnessing today. When Trump went into the casino business, he bankrupted not one casino but three how is that possible? The odds are in the house favor the house can’t lose. Casinos are gold mines and some of the richest people in America made their fortune from casinos. People are lined up to give their money to the casino. Have you heard of Trump airlines? There is a good reason for that it went bankrupt with the Trump casinos.

Trump has left many destroyed lives in his wake. Trump regrets only one thing that they did not have more lives to give for Trump. The My Pillow guy has now filed for bankruptcy he owes his lawyers a million and a half. A multimillionaire before he became involved with Trump watched his multimillion business disappear as customers refused to buy from him. In a criminal trial they will appoint a public defender for those who can’t afford one but in civil trial that doesn’t happen. What sort of defense would you get from lawyers you are trying to beat out of a million and a half? Sidney Powel is also named in the lawsuit and the big judgement against Fox News tells you how the lawsuit will end. There were 1,000 people prosecuted for staging Trump’ insurrection their lives were ruined some went prison, but most will have a criminal record that will prevent them from getting jobs. Trump has a reverse Midas touch, and he has touched America.

Today we have 108,871,849 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,862,996 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 8,853 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands 1,178,490 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 436. That means that another 54 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Oct, 2023 09:23 pm
There have been a couple of bills introduced in congress to make Trump above the law and if he isn’t put above the law, they are threatening to destroy America by causing the country on to default on the $100 billion Trump tax debt. Their bill would defund the prosecutor in Trump case. This would stop the prosecution of Trump. They should at least be honest and make the bill that Trump is above all laws that is what they are trying to do. Our judicial system has served America well for over 200 years until a major crook like Trump comes along and all of sudden it is no longer trustworthy.

In the end Trump will be judged by a jury of his peers not the judicial system. The judicial system did not make Trump break law. Trump decided to break the law because he did not think it applied to him and he had not been prosecuted for any of his previous crimes. Trump University swindled many people but faced with the fraud Trump got off by closing it. When Trump and his daughter got caught up on a condo swindle that was never built Trump just returned some of the money. Conmen are slick they have the gift of gab. I have listened to their stories and some people are taken in but when I investigated the guy swindled several people and a city councilman. He also swindled the newspaper out of $80,000. Fresh from jail where he did time for swindling a senile old woman by collecting the same bill a number of times. Trump may have finally reached the end of his long, long rope.

Today we have 108,897,214 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,871,849 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 25,365 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,178,638 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,178,490. That means that another 148 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Oct, 2023 09:48 pm
Trump doesn’t often fail to take credit for his accomplishments but so far, he has not taken credit for the attack on Israel. Trump was told by many if he moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem that it would provoke an attack by the Arab nations. Two other presidents had refused to move the embassy because it would be an act of war. The embassy was moved from the Tel Aviv on coast to be near the West Bank where much of the attacks take place. Israel would just love to drag America into the conflict. Trump is stupid an easily talked into things by others. In the White House they always worried that Trump could be talked into anything by the first person to get to him.

Trump loves a good war as long as he does not have to fight in it. When Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem he might as well have put a huge bull’s eye on the building. He doesn’t care whether the Americans who work there are killed moving it bought him a few votes in the Jewish community. Why move the US Embassy into a war zone? Trump spent a lot of time crowing about the move when it took place, but he remains strangely silent now.

Today we have 108,907,214 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,897,214 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 10,000 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,178,704 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,178,638. That means that another 66 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Oct, 2023 10:05 pm
One has to realize that the Christian right got Trump elected and make up most of his base. How fast Christian values go from supposed love to violence. A preacher is calling for anybody that says a true word about Trump to be silenced. The Chrisitan right is all for the second amendment but does not believe in free speech at all. They already want to make him above the law but anybody that said anything negative about Trump would be silenced.

The preacher, Joshua Graber, kicked off a Trump rally in Iowa with a prayer calling for those against the criminal defendant “to be put to silence. He stated “We ask for those who stand against Trump to be put to silence.” I think that preacher will be waiting an eternity if he is expecting his imaginary god to do anything but the Trump thugs are another matter. When they realize they have lost yet another election they will be livid. You have Trump and his radical right thugs but you also have those who reality is a stranger and they can be fueled with nonsense and they will go off like rocket. The people that are lighting the fuse need to be held accountable.

Today we have 108,914,855 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,907,214 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 7,641 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 1,178,734 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,178,704. That means that another 30 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2023 08:53 pm
Could Donald Trump be in cognitive decline? Trump now says that Republicans eat their young on a video posted on Truth Social. Trump believes that Mitt Romney, Pau Ryan, former speaker of the house, and former Attorney General Bill Barr are conspiring to keep big republican donors from contributing to Trump’s campaign. It is a familiar pattern Trump always casts himself as a victim of a conspiracy. Trump is a professional victim.

Do republicans really eat their young? Once again Trump is channeling Hitler in Germany the population was programed to believe that Jews kidnapped children and drank their blood. They used pizza gate where Hillary Clinton and other high placed democrats were supposed to be molesting children and using them to stay young. Trump claimed that windmills kill whales. I will belie that when whales fly. Jeb Bush was president and sent troops to Middle East. Trump claimed Biden started WWII. He claimed that Obama was president and that is just a few of his recent mental farts. Senility does not get better it gets far worse at an accelerating pace.

Today we have 108,917,628 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,914,855 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 2,773 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,178,737 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,178,734. That means that another 3 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2023 09:02 pm
Comrade DeSantis signed a law that gave him the power to hide the state covid statistic. Twenty-three thousand Florda residents during the delta outbreak of covid. Dictator DeSantis was given the power to override any health regulation and stopped schools from having a mask mandate. You would think that a health professional would be the one to decide what health regulations are necessary. DeSantis was not a health professional this would be like going to hospital and having the janitor operate on you.

DeSantis decided to see which way the political was blowing. He was running for president and decided that he could gain a political advantage by taking a position against covid health regulations. As the pandemic wore on many Americans grew tired of the covid regulations. The problem was that thousands of Florida residents were still dying. What is a crooked politician to do? The answer was obvious make sure the public could not see the statistics on the covid deaths. DeSantis quickly fired the woman who was posting the statistic when she would not issue fake statistics then they buried them. When the health department was sued, they insisted that no such records existed. That was a lie, and the records were found and made public as a result of the lawsuit. DeSantis’s woke based campaign fizzled and now he wants to campaign on his performance during the covid pandemic. The only thing DeSantis can brag about is that Florida had one of the highest death rates from covid in America at one time they led the nation in deaths from covid.

Today we have 108,926,862 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,917,628 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 9,234 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,178,851 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,178,737. That means that another 114 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2023 09:13 pm
Someone who told 30,000 verifiable lies while he was in office is now suing someone for telling lies about him. Trump is now suing Christopher Steele, one of England top spies and an expert on Russia. Trump surely believes that he has the right to lie about anyone. One thing we know sure is that Trump was so far up Putin rear that when Puttin coughed you could see Trump’s eyes. Trump claimed that he was never in Russia, but Trump was holding his beauty contest in Russia. Trump was on film during the contest. He was molesting the contestant going into their dressing room while they were in state of undress.

Intelligence is just that, it comes from a source. There was no way to go back in time when Trump was in that hotel room. It is verifiable only by witnesses. In the spy business there is more misinformation than there is good information. People in Russia were killed after that information was released. Just because the incident could not be proved does not mean it didn’t happen. In Cohen’s book he details the deal Trump was trying to make in Russia prior to the 2016 election. Trump had already received a $4 million dollar check to start the deal. It was a large skyscraper, and the penthouse would be given to Putin. That is why Trump flattered Putin so much in public according to Cohen. The deal could not be done without Putin’ approval.

Today we have 108,944,398 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,926,862 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 17,536 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,179,271 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,178,851. That means that another 420 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2023 06:30 am
Steele worked for the UK, not England.

England is not a sovereign nation recognised by the UN, the UK is.

The UK consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and is governed from Westminster.
Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2023 09:06 pm
I have always used those term interchangeably as England dominates that alliance.
Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2023 09:35 pm
Trump bought Mar-a-Lago in 1995 for $14 million dollars. Suddenly it was listed on Zillow as being sold for $422 million. The trouble is no one knew how it got there in the first place. There is speculation that an insider was responsible. The property was supposed to have been bought by Don Jr. The listing was pulled when it was found. Why would this happen just at this time? The trial in New York over Trump’s fraudulent valuing of his property. Trump could say look the property actually sold for what I said it was worth. This would make his other wild ass valuations look more creditable. It was just another of Trump’s con games and he got busted.

It shows what a conman can do. Now if Trump was trying to really con a buyer he could point to listing on Zillow and tell the perspective buyer that he would give them a bargain and sell it to them a low price of just $200 million. If that site was hacked by Trump’s people, you can bet it was hacked before and this type of con is going on all over America. I doubt the judge in Trump’s case is going to be impressed by Trump’s con.

Today we have 108,954,483 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,944,398 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 10,085 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,179,385 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,179,271. That means that another 114 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2023 03:42 am
It's wrong.

Try using internationally recognised terms.

Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2023 09:39 pm
I stand corrected, if it ever comes up again, I will be better informed.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2023 09:40 pm
One of the Trump influencers was sentenced to 7 months in jail. He was trying to stop people from voting for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections. This guy is a conman just like Trump, he posted adds that showed a black woman holding a Hillary Clinton sign the add advised people that there was no reason to go to the polls they could simply vote over the internet by texting a number. I have to wonder how it took 7 years to prosecute this idiot surely our legal system is better than that. Seven months is a small price for trying to change the outcome of a presidential election.

A settlement was also reached in a civil trial where the city of San Marcos, Texas police department failed to respond to several 911 calls after Trump supporters surrounded the Biden bus and tried to force it off the road. Biden was not on the bus but several of his supporters were. The settlement was for a $175,000. An 1871 law written to stop the KKK was used. This could have just as easily have been a terrorist attack in disguise. The Trump thugs should have been charged with kidnapping once you take control of strangers it is considered a kidnapping. With their big a high wheel 4x4s and Trump flags you can bet they were armed also. The article does not say if any of the Trump thugs were prosecuted but they should have been. It reminds of the motorcycle trash surrounding innocent citizens and destroying their cars.

Today we have 108,985,981 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,954,483 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 31,498 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,179,587 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,179,385. That means that another 202 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Oct, 2023 10:02 pm
Trump’s legal problems continue, today one of the briefs was rejected by the judge because the guy was not a lawyer. Trump has a well-known reputation for swindling the lawyers that worked for him. Trump is running out of lawyers who will take his cases and now is hiring people without a law license. A judge in Trump’s fraud trial in New York had to tell Trump to keep quite during the trial. Trump was speaking loud enough for the jury to hear. Claiming the state had not presented all the evidence. If I was Trump, I would not want any more evidence presented by the prosecution and then he complained that evidence would prove him innocent.

A woman approached Trump during the trial and had to be thrown out of the court room. She was charged with contempt of court. She said she just wanted to help Trump. Evidently, she had heard that Thump was now hiring non lawyers for his defense. Trump is being sued yet again now by two former FBI agents. They are suing Trump for being fired and having their private telephone texts released to the press. Trump gave a deposition this week. The Biden administration tried to block Trump’s deposition, why I don’t know. I don’t know how Trump finds the time and now Trump is suing someone in a different country.

Today we have 108,997,900 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,985.981 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 11,919 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,179,671 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,179,587. That means that another 84 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Oct, 2023 02:47 am
Thank you.

I'm not trying to be nasty, but using terms like that makes you sound very parochial.

That's the problem with your posts, they all seem to be viewed through the lens of West Virginia, which is all very interesting if one is interested in attitudes in that state.

Not so much for the rest of America or the rest of the World.

A prime example is religiosity, you assume WV's is the same throughout the World and write accordingly .

It's not, many countries are not at all religious.
Reply Fri 20 Oct, 2023 08:56 pm
They courts are though playing with Trump. Trump has gone on his merry way ignore judges' orders and as usual facing no consequences but now a judge is going to enforce his gag order. Trump was prohibited by court order from going after the legal staff and Trump as usual is going after the court clerk and posted on Truth Social when Trump was ordered to take it down, he took it off of Truth Social but left up on his campaign web site. The judge was not amused and is still deciding on whether or not to put Trump in prison.

Why would Trump go after the court clerk in the first place? The court clerk has no say in the outcome of the trial. The court clerk does not address the jury or present evidence. Trump found a picture of the court clerk with a high placed democratic politician. Trump uses this to prove to his followers that it is the democrats that are prosecuting him. Let’s face it most of us are democrats or republicans it would be difficult to not have both involved in a criminal trial. Trump is posting the court clerk’s picture in hopes that one of his Trump thugs will kill him and he can use it to intimidate other court employees. Trump thinks only republicans should be able to prosecute him much like in congress where the republicans can stop any impeachment. If Trump were prosecuted by only republicans, he could use his vast political powers over republican politicians to stop any prosecution.

Today we have 109,001,273 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,997,900 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 3,373 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,179,685 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,179,671. That means that another 14 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Oct, 2023 09:12 pm
I was trying to be contrite on the second post. Let's face it we are all ignorant on some subjects and I had heard both terms used in reference to England.

I think what you will find on most social media is personal viewpoints. We each have different experiences and view the world through their unique lenes.

I realize that religion may not be as extreme in other parts of the world but there are other parts of the world that are even more extreme. Religion is like a coiled snake ready to strike because it generates dangerous cults based on religion. When you admire a religion that put people to death for gathering firewood on Sabath it is a cult looking for a place to happen.
Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2023 01:46 am
And you choose the most extreme form of religion as an example.

That's like saying Hitler is representative of all white people.
Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2023 06:53 am
Religion is like a coiled snake ready to strike because it generates dangerous cults based on religion.

The sickness isn't confined to West Virginia:

Christianity Today Editor: Evangelicals Call Jesus “Liberal” and “Weak”

A former evangelical leader is sounding the alarm about the direction his religion is headed in.

The editor in chief of Christianity Today is warning that evangelical Christianity is moving too far to the right, to the point that even Jesus’s teachings are considered “weak” now.

Russell Moore resigned from the Southern Baptist Convention in 2021, after years of being at odds with other evangelical leaders. Specifically, Moore openly criticized Donald Trump, whom many evangelical Christians embraced. Moore also criticized the Southern Baptist Convention’s response to a sexual abuse crisis and increasing tolerance for white nationalism in the community.

Now he thinks his religion is in crisis.

Moore told NPR in an interview released Tuesday that multiple pastors had told him they would quote the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the part that says to “turn the other cheek,” when preaching. Someone would come up after the service and ask, “Where did you get those liberal talking points?”

“What was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, ‘I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ,’ the response would not be, ‘I apologize.’ The response would be, ‘Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak,’” Moore said. “When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis.”

Moore said he thinks a large part of the issue is how divisive U.S. politics are, which is now spilling over into the church. He pointed to how a lot of issues are “packaged in terms of existential threat,” leading to the belief among everyone, not just evangelical Christians, that “desperate times call for desperate measures.”

It makes sense, then, that evangelical Christians would embrace Trump, who portrayed himself as the answer to many of those supposed existential threats. Trump both campaigned and governed on a largely evangelical Christian platform. He moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem; he cracked down on immigration from majority-Muslim countries; and he appointed multiple conservative judges, including to the Supreme Court, which has swung sharply right.

He made good on his anti-abortion promises when the high court removed the nationwide right to the procedure in June. Many LGBTQ protections were rolled back under his watch, and during the June 2020 protests over George Floyd’s murder by police, he tear-gassed demonstrators so he could take a heavily posed picture with a Bible in front of St. John’s Church near the White House.

And as Trump swings ever further right, it makes sense that people who believe he will solve their problems will follow blindly.

Primed by the authoritarian structure of the church and brainwashed since childhood, it doesn't take much to transform gullible followers into a swarming mass of zealots, all eager to display their righteous devotion to any cause their maniacal leaders direct them to pursue. The problem, of course, originates in the human brain, not in the specific content of religious mythology, but that's small comfort for the people and for the liberal ideas which end up in the crosshairs of intolerant medievalists who exploit faith in their pursuit of political power.

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