The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 19 Sep, 2023 09:33 pm
The polls seem to be all over the place, one today showed Trump beating Biden 50% to 49% That seems to be pretty much in line with other national polls. The shocking part is that it shows the independents going for Trump 57% to 42%. We all know that republicans will vote for a yellow dog for president rather than a democrat. Independents don’t owe the republican party anything and should be close to the national poll numbers. One thing we know for sure is that we know Trump has fixed polls in the past. In one poll Trump was in 30th place as a potential presidential candidate after he hired a computer firm to hack the poll. He improved to 5th NBC then dropped him from the poll without explanation.

Polls influence people’s perception of reality as they believe the polls is representation of reality. Fixed polls are like the classic tail wagging the dog. That is why Trump fixed the polls in the first place. This particular poll was a CBS News/YouGov and a Harvard-Harris poll. Could they be hacked? In this day and age just about anybody be hacked. If the poll had said that Trump was ahead 57% to 42% with all voters, it would have been questioned. If the poll is correct than other polling companies should get the same results.

Today we have 108,490,729 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,479,203 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 11,526 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,175,395 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,175,354. That means that another 41 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Wed 20 Sep, 2023 09:23 pm
On Donald Trump Jr Twitter page it was reported that his father Donald Trump died today and that he would be replacing his father to run for president in 2024. Evidently his page had been hacked.

The actual post stated: “I am sad to announce that my father Donald Trump has passed away. I will be running for president in 2024.” It must have been to many Big Macs.

There were other interesting posts on the Jr’s account. One saying, “that North Korea is about to get smoked.” “There were also some interesting messages with Jeffery Epstein.”

Trump Jr’s site also called “Elon Musk a bum and said that his dad owns him.”

No Doubt that was a huge disappointment to many people when they found the report was the result of a hack.

Today we have 108,530,798 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,490,729 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 40,069 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,175,495 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,175,354. That means that another141 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Thu 21 Sep, 2023 08:54 pm
It looks like Trump is in trouble again. The special council is looking at freezing Trump’s campaign contributions since 2020. It seems Trump used the millions to pay for his and other conspirators’ legal defense. Who knew that you can’t swindle anyone you wanted? Certainly not Trump he has swindled everybody he dealt with from his college teammates to Trump University and was never charged with swindling them one time. When you commit a crime and get away with you commit a bigger crime the next time.

The model swindle that the prosecutor is looking at was the Steve Bannon swindle where they raised millions to build the wall and then stuffed the money in their pockets. Bannon and his partner were also ordered to pay restitution. If Trump knew he had lost the election and there is proof to that fact and Trump raised money stating the election was crooked and used that to raise millions, then he was committing fraud and will likely be convicted on those charges. If Trump had been convicted when he first started swindling people, he might have learned a different lesson. The lesson he learned is that you can swindle anyone, and nobody is going to do anything about it.

Today we have 108,541,854 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,530,798 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 11,056 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,175,562 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,175,495. That means that another 67 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Fri 22 Sep, 2023 09:09 pm
Where did the white supremist movement come from? Every movement has roots that it sprung from. It easy to see the roots of America’s white supremist movement. Hitler’s master race needed to be pure. How do you keep a master race pure? You need to eliminate the other races. The similarities of the movements are obvious they share the same DNA. Bad ideas never die they just wait in the shadows to be discovered again.

In America during Hitler reign many Christian churches went on the record supporting Hitler and his ideas. The published writings of the American religious movement for that time period still exist today. One publication stated, “The means do not, taken by themselves, do not condemn the end. In other words, you can kill six million Jews, as long as the end turns out all right. Why would any religious organization support Hitler? They are both in the same business, controlling people. The American churches had to admire Hitler because he held the power of life and death a power the Christian once held in fact, they had killed millions if they did not follow their religion. The Christian church has lusted after the power of life in death ever since. Christianity is slowly dying in America if they only had the power of life and death today, they could stop the declining numbers.

Today we have 108,583,261 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,541,854 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 41,407 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,176,092 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,175,562. That means that another 530 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Sep, 2023 09:34 pm
Trump was going to build his great wall to keep the illegal immigrants out. Trump’s wall was one of the biggest failures of all time. It takes only twelve seconds for someone to climb over the wall. Illegal immigrants have been seen carrying children across the wall. Now Trump has a new solution for illegal immigration. Trumps wants to stock the Rio Grande with man eating alligators. Trump says they will work for food. This is not the first time Trump has come up with this idea when he was president, he wanted to build moats around his walls and stock the moats with alligators. His staff went as far as pricing them.

It seems America no longer needs a few good men; we just need a few good alligators. While we are at it, we might as well put man eating lions and tigers on the border. That way if they make it past the alligators, they will still have to make it past the man-eating lions and tigers. We might also throw in some Grizzly bears. This would not only be a deterrent but the ones that got eaten would not return.

Today we have 108,587,015 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,583,261 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 3,754 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,176,092 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,176,092. That means that no Americans were reported to have died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2023 09:24 pm
Now Trump believes that General Milley should have been executed because he stopped Trump from starting a nuclear war with China. How dare anybody stop Trump from starting a nuclear war. Once the top monkey starts carrying on the lesser monkeys start to chime in. Paul Gosar {R AZ} started calling for the execution of General for not letting Trump start a nuclear. What about the man who used an insurrection to try an overthrow the government of the United States? Most countries would execute the man who tried to overthrow their government but not one republican is calling for Trump’s execution.

Gosar is even more upset that Trump was called “crazy, crazy, crazy” in a phone call between Nancy Pelosi and General Milley. That is what really bothers Gosar nobody should be able to say anything bad about Trump in Trump Land. The rightwing republicans in the House have decided they are going to destroy America. They have been quoted as saying they want to burn America to ground by shutting the government down during budget talks. Then they can establish Trump Land in its place and have Trump as dictator. When they say burn it down, they are serious. Trump’s mental illness is catching and spreading fast in the republican party.

Today we have 108,590,472 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,587,015 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 3,415 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,176,092 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,176,092. That indicates no deaths from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2023 09:27 pm
It is easy to imagine the conversation between General Milley and the Chinese. When Chinese, said that Trump was crazy. General Milley assured them that he knew Trump was crazier than a sh** house rat, but we can stop him from starting a nuclear war that will end all life on earth. The thing about crazy is you never know what they will do they are not predictable. The Chinese had to make a choice to wait for Trump to launch an attack on them or take preemptive strike. In a nuclear war the first strike may destroy most of a country. Taking a chance that unstable leader might not attack them could be a losing bet. While in office Trump liked to threaten nuclear war.

Trump lost one of his biggest donors, Peter Thiel, who contributed 1.25 million to his 2020 campaign. Thiel was the cofounder of PayPal. Trump is now trying to get more money out of him and Thiel is not giving Trump one red cent. Trump had a heated conversation with Thiel. Imagine that somebody gave you $1.25 million and then getting mad because they won’t give you more. Trump if you will remember Trump said that he would fund his own campaign. Just another Trump lie.

Today we have 108,602,115 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,590,472 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 11,643 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,176,159 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,176,092. That means that another 67 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2023 09:10 pm
Looks like Trump is losing another fraud trial. How many times can a man commit fraud before he finally goes to prison? To determine that we would simply need to count the number of times Trump has defrauded people. Now Trump is throwing his son under the bus claiming he was too busy saving millions of lives. I think he has that backwards, but nothing is ever Trump’s fault he always has a scapegoat. I guess his son is as good a scapegoat as any. Most of the fraud he is charged with went on before he was president.

There is a simple way to break this fraud up, make the tax evaluation what you can claim as an evaluation when applying for a loan on the property. Trump played both ends against the middle he would claim the property was worth 10 times what the property was worth when applying for a loan but then the county and claim the property was only worth a fraction of what he purchased for. If the county did not accept Trump’s fraudulent evaluation, he would tie it up in court for years. Trump claimed that his apartment in Trump towers was three times as big as it was when he got a loan on it. Trump is not a billionaire he lives on borrowed money according to other real billionaires. It is important that the collateral be valued correctly if the loan fails then the loss has to be charged back to other customers.

Today we have 108,622,505 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,602,115 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 20,390 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,176,310 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,176,159. That means that another 151 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Wed 27 Sep, 2023 09:49 pm
What legacy did Trump leave us? You can see it on the evening news. The Christian right was warned that Trump would be role model to upcoming generations, but they said no he won’t be their role model we will be the role model. Trump is a known criminal who has yet to be jailed. What does this tell upcoming generations? It tells them the way to get rich is just steal from others you probably won’t go to jail because Trump didn’t. You didn’t see these huge smash and grab mobs of 50 to a hundred people until Trump was president. In Okland California 11,000 cars were stolen in a year. They simply cut you off and block your way and steal your car at gunpoint. Why should they worry about jail Trump was never jailed?

Target is closing 9 stores because of massive theft. These stores are on both coasts. One Target store that is closing had their merchandize in cabinets. If you wanted toothpaste, you had to find a clerk to unlock the cabinet. Imagine trying to shop that way and get every cabinet unlocked. This is the Trump effect, make no doubt about. Trump stole from his friends, his vendors, stockholders, and those who made campaign contributions to his various causes. America is just beginning to see the start of the biggest crime wave in history. I don’t blame Trump I blame the people that voted for him. Trump is a natural born thief but the people that voted for him should have known better.

Today we have 108,670,700 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,622,505 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 48,195 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,176,595 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,176,310. That means that another 285 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Sep, 2023 09:47 pm
Chris Christie gave Trump his nick name “Donald Duck.” I have to admit that is an excellent nick name. Chris gave it to him because Trump has ducked the first two republican debates. When Trump was asked about his new nick name he said, “Anybody coming up with that nickname shouldn’t be running for president.” What? I would have to agree with that and since Trump made up nick names for the people he is running against, like Sleepy Joe Biden and Ron DE Sanctimonious. Donald Duck should take his own advice Trump and drop out of the race.

As we grow up, we all have role models, some are sports heroes, some politicians, some actors but as we get older, we look outside the family for role models someone we want to emulate someone to show us the path. When I was young Wayne Mcgurie was one of mine. He seemed to always be the fastest on the racetrack. Years later at a track down in Kentucky near his home he was being honored for his achievements and we had reversed rolls he was in the grandstand, and I was on the racetrack. He was going blind, but I still remembered him after 30 years. He was one of the reasons that instilled the dream in me that I wanted to race cars. If I close my eyes, I can still see the 41 flying around the racetrack.

Donald Duck is a hero to many young and old and they will emulate their amoral hero. He is just a common thief and a liar. Elections have consequences and people were warned but they ignored the warning. The Donald Duck affect will live on long after he is dead. The Christian right literally made a deal with the devil.

Today we have 108,706,444 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,670,700 cases of the Trump virus. That means that means another 35,744 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 1,176,771 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,176,595. That means that another 276 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Sep, 2023 09:17 pm
The first domino fell today in the Donald Duck conspiracy trial only 17 more to go. Scott Hall made a deal with prosecutors. Hall pled guilty to 5 counts of conspiracy to commit intentional interference with election duties. The police always tell criminals that the first one to make a deal is the one who gets the best deal. Donald Duck should know the train is leaving the station. Donald Duck should make a deal and maybe they would send him to a white-collar prison.

People close to Donald Duck say he is not only worried about going to prison he is also worried that he will be required to ware that orange jumpsuit maybe they could put the presidential seal on his jumpsuit. The Georgia case maybe the strongest case but getting a jury to convict may pe a problem. If the jury had witnessed Donald Duck killing people in the middle of the street part of the jury would still insist Donald Duck was innocent. There has to be justice for all not only the middle class and poor. Up until now Donal Duck has used his money an access to high paid lawyers to beat the system. Most major criminals have not faced 93 indictments.

Today we have 108,711,001 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,706,444 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 4,557 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,176,778 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,176,771. That means that another 7 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Sep, 2023 09:54 pm
The smash and grab robberies are small compared to the massive theft by corporations. After Trump we live in a society where theft is admired, and honesty is for suckers. Amazon one of the biggest and richest businesses in America is being sued because they try to make canceling your membership almost impossible by hiding the cancel button. I first encountered this type of fraud a few years ago. At a bookstore they tried to sign up for “free magazines” if you canceled before your “free subscription” ran out there would be no charge. The clerk at the bookstore gave them your credit card number. When I called to cancel you could only talk to telephone tree and your only option was to sign up for more magazines. I had to cancel my ATM card to get out of it.

A couple of years ago I purchased and exercise bike with the exercise classes that were free for a year. The free subscription was for 5 people, but they were far cheaper for one person. When I tried to change them to one person classes I ended up on a telephone tree that asked for my phone number. When it got the phone number it said there was no bile registered with that phone number and hung up. A few months later I went back to web site, and it listed a phone number that was far too small to see on my 30-inch monitor. There were about 5 pages of instructions to cancel your membership. There should be a law that they have to list a phone number that a person answers and simply saying cancel would cancel any subscription. The best way to make money in the post Trump America is to defraud people. Now they say you need to hire a professional to cancel your subscriptions.

Today we have 108,728,769 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,711,001 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 17,768 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,176,843 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,176,778. That means that another 65 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2023 09:56 pm
A Georgia state senator tried to have the prosecutor in Trump’s case impeached. How dare anyone try to prosecute Trump for all the laws he is breaking. It did not work and the other republicans in Georgia expelled him from their caucus. The senator, Cotton Moore of Trenton, was trying to get the case against Trump dropped by impeaching the prosecutor Fani Willis. Everybody from the governor on down refused to go along with Cotton More’s plan to impeach Fani Willis.

We have three independent branches of government for a reason and one branch should not try to control the other branches. Marjorie Talor Greene was quick to point out that Willis will lose her job for prosecuting Trump. Representative Jim Jordan asking Willis to supply the documents related to RICO charges against Trump. The republicans have also tried to defund the special prosecutor. None of the republicans are satisfied to wait until after Trump’s court cases are resolved. They have to believe that Trump is guilty and that is why they are interfering with Trump’s prosecution.

Today we have 108,752,796 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,728,769 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 24,027 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,177,283 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,176,843. That means that another 440 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Oct, 2023 09:51 pm
There is a picture of Trump in the article “The Removal Dilemma: Trump’s Fatal Choice” that makes him look ten years older than Biden. People need to remember that chronological aging is only one measure of aging. We all know people who seem to age much slower than others. Dick Clark comes to mind who looked the same as he did on the 50s Bandstand forty years later. I ran into an old girlfriend who I had not seen 25 years and she looked like she hadn’t changed much all. I ran into her again after another twenty years passed and could not recognize her.

I have reached 73.5 years and have outlived the average age of death for men. My lab results from my last physical are perfect according to my doctor. I run about 50 races a year ranging from 5Ks to 15 milers last year I won half of them in my age group. One measure that effects aging is your family history if members of your family live to a hundred or so you may have won the genetic lottery. A healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise helps. All things said Trump’s lifestyle choices are just about as bad as you can make. He has already lived nearly 4 years beyond the average age of death for men his age. From the looks of that picture Trump is not likely to live to November 2024.

Today we have 108,758,605 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,752,796 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 5,809 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,177,793 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,177,283. That means that another 510 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2023 09:37 pm
I think that the picture of Trump was taken without his orange make up on. Trump is one of these people who won’t go out of the house without his makeup on. My wife would not go out of the house without her makeup on and many women other women do the same. She finally came to her senses in her 60s. The things is I don’t know any other men who wear make. If you are on a television show you are expected to wear makeup because of the bright lights. Men just seem to have the attitude what you see is what you get.

I think Trump buys that orange make by the gallon. I had a chemistry teacher in high school that must have put her makeup on with a putty knife. She would smile and her makeup would crack and fall off. Everybody would like to be young forever, but I don’t think makeup is the answer. I saw Pam Anderson today on television without her makeup and you could not recognize her from her picture when she was in her twenties. People were surprised but then again nobody looks the same when they are 66 and the picture was from their twenties but that is a good way to sell makeup.

Today we have 108,769,335 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,758,605 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 10,730 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,177,856 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,177,793. That means that another 63 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Oct, 2023 10:01 pm
I have to give it to Trump once he tells a lie he will stick with that lie. The judge in Trump’s New York case has already decided that Trump defraud the banks by overvaluing his property by millions. Even after this had been decided Trump continued to insist that his property was worth what he said it was worth. This is not the first time Trump has been in court over his net worth before. One author stated that Trump was only worth a fraction of what he claimed he was worth. Trump was absolutely livid and sued the author and the publisher of the book. When it went to court Trump contended that his property was worth whatever he said it was. In other words, if a figure popped into Trump’s head, then that is what it is worth. The judge did not agree, and Trump lost the case also.

Michael Cohen is going to testify in this case. He said that Trump wanted to be one of the biggest billionaires in Florida and Trump decided that he needed to be worth $8 billion and tasked Cohen with revaluing his assets so it would show he was worth $8 billion on paper. When conmen set out to defraud people it is just a matter of paperwork. The only part of the trial that is left is to determine how many millions Trump owes in damages. It was just like the trial of Trumps over his rape victim. Trump lost and she was awarded $5 million in damages. After the trail was over Trump told the exact same story and was sued for another $5 million. It is Trump’s story, and he is sticking to it, no matter the cost.

Today we have 108,792,451 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,769,335 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 23,116 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,177,982 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,177,856. That means that another 126 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Oct, 2023 09:43 pm
Trump has officially been kicked off the Forbes 400 richest Americas list. After Forbes found out from the court cases that Trump had overvalued some of his property by 2,000%. Trump has appealed the judge’s fraud conviction, but legal experts have said his chance of overturning his fraud conviction is little to none after they can show he inflated his property value by 2,000%.

Other billionaires have long said that Trump was not billionaire that he was just living on borrowed money. The idea is if you buy a property for a million dollars and then go to the bank and say it is worth $20 million and borrow the $20 million you can live on that. When the loans come due you go to another bank and borrow to pay the first loan off. You can kite that money for a long time. You can go from bank to bank for years. We are about to find out what Trump has been up to. The judge has ruled that Trump can no longer transfer his assets in New York. Legal experts have speculated that Trump has a number of silent partners who own a share of Trump’s assets. When the court takes Trump’s property to pay the $250 million fine, they will find what a huge liar Trump really is.

Today we have 108,821,916 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,792,451 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 29,465 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,178,150 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,177,982. That means that another 58 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Oct, 2023 09:43 pm
It has now been revealed that Trump has given some of our most sensitive military secrets to a foreigner. Trump gave him specific information about our nuclear submarines including payloads and how close they could get to Russian submarines without being detected. People who revealed that type of secrets go to jail. Why is Trump not in jail? Think of all the top-secret material Trump could gather in a second term and use to impress his billionaire friends.

Trump has a giant black hole in his personality, and it has to fed continually. When Trump was In the White House each morning his aides would sift through the news stories and take Trump all the positive stories to feed his ego. Why would Trump leak top secret information to his billionaire friends? Trump knew that the information was top secret. It feeds Trumps ego; it makes him important in his mind. Trump deliberately gathered top-secret information when he left the White House and hid it when the FBI requested it back. Why? He planned to use it to impress his friends and feed his ego. It does not matter to Trump that he is putting lives at risk. Trump’s ego must be fed and the rest of the world can be damned.

Today we have 108,825,982 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,821,916 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 4,066 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,178,152 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,178,150. That means that another 2 people died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Oct, 2023 09:50 pm
According to an article in News Week millions of republican gun nuts are organizing themselves on the internet to overthrow the US government if Trump is not installed as president. It does not matter whether Trump wins the election. A court decision in the New Yor Rifle Association vs Bruen established the right to carry anywhere in country will allow and armed mob to march on the capitol. These gun nuts have been stockpiling guns for years. It has often been said that you control the situation, or the situation will control you. Now we are going to find out why all these gun nuts had to have guns of mass destruction, to kill lightning bugs no doubt.

The article is titled “Millions of Angry Armed Americans Stand Ready Seize Power If Trump Loses Election In 2024.” We have watched as thousands of Americans were slaughtered with weapons of war but that won’t be a grain of sand in hourglass to what is about to happen. It would be nice to just ignore it and hope it will not happen, but the gun problem has been ignored way too long. In 2021 17 million Americans bought 40 million guns. If you don’t think these people are serious you better think again. They are on social media all the time trying to gather support. When you start advocating the overthrow of US government if your candidate doesn’t get elected you should be arrested.

Today we have 108,829,622 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,825,982 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 3,640 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,178,168 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,178,152. That means that another 16 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Oct, 2023 10:13 pm
Trump’s remark about “poisoning the blood” has caused quite a stir. Trump is like Hitler reborn. Thre is a reason for that, Trump kept a copy of Hitler’s speeches on his bedside table and family members would often greet him with Hiel Hitler salute. To be sure that was years ago but Hitler is beginning to speak through Trump. All of Hitler’s speeches that Trump learned are floating around in his head. He may not even remember where he learned the term “poisoning the blood” came from. Trump will probably claim that he came up with the term.

Key supporters are beginning to abandon Trump and you can bet the Jewish community will be deeply offended because they heard that term before. The Latino community will also be deeply offended. Geraldo Rivera, who was a big Trump supporter parted ways with Trump deeply offended over his poisoning the blood remark. Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, is letting the military know what Trump thinks of them. Trump thinks anybody that served in military is “a sucker.” He told Kelly “What is in it for them” when he was at grave site of Kelly’s son. Kelly is a four-star general and Trump’s longest serving chief of staff. While he was still serving, Kelly, bought a copy of “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” to the White House. The book written by 27 mental health professional evaluated Trump. The Christian right is beginning to bail out also.

Today we have 108,855,638 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,829,622 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 26,016 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,178,404 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,178,168. That means that another 236 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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