The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 5 Nov, 2012 06:30 am
I grew up during the 50s in a middle sized town. Shows like the Andy Griffith and the Beverly Hillbillies reflected the values of generation. The middle class was growing and along with wages and progress was being made on all fronts. But there was a dark side, there is a dark side even in the best of economic times, and in 50s a huge dark shadow loomed over paradise. Most of the schools in the 1950s held regular fire drills but also atomic bomb drills where the children hid under their desks to protect them from the initial shock wave of a Russian atomic bomb. If you survived the initial bomb blast you were to go to the nearest bomb shelter already stocked with food and water. These bomb shelters were clearly marked and in fact my office in City Hall where I currently work was one such shelter and windows that were removed for possible bomb blasts have recently been reinstalled. The yellow bomb shelter markings were on buildings all over town.

We were ever vigilant, we looked for the Russian skies, from the sea, and on land and we found no Russians but our parents fretted. It was government of fear, a government with the mightiest military on earth and yet we cowered in fear. Why? Because the very nature of war had changed the mightiest army could not stop a single guided missile.
But Russia did not have to invade the America of the 50s because many Russian were already and one of those Russians would destroy the very moral fiber of America. The wars that leave piles of bodies in the street go down in history as wars but on the battlefield of ideas the causalities are written off as caused by other causes.

By the 60s the nature of warfare has changed again mutually assured annulation was simply unacceptable to either side. There was a worldwide ideological war being fought for men’s minds called the cold war. But in the meantime Ayn Rand was waging her own private war on middle class Americans not against capitalism but for a super capitalism, a capitalism with no moral foundation. A capitalism where there was only one value and one rule, law of jungle.

When members of The Book-of-the- Club and the Library of Congress were asked what was the most influential book they had every read they named the Bible closely flowed by Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged.” Each year 300,000 copies of the Russian books are sold to the young and impressionable who Ayn Rand councils to worship their self- interest.
The acceptance of Rand’s idea causes the rejection of the opposing ideas. Take for instance the popular slogan equal opportunities not equal outcomes. Since some people begin life with more than what others will earn in 89,000 lifetimes how can there ever be equal opportunity. Picture a marathon where some participants are given an 89,000 mile head start. But with the acceptance of Rand’s ideology this sounds reasonable and is repeated day in and day out on propaganda radio.
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Reply Tue 6 Nov, 2012 06:59 am
Last night a strange noise woke me up about 12:30. I didn’t see a thing and just I was about to go back to sleep I heard a voice nothing discernible but yet distinct a voice. Now it had my full attention I was awake and wide awake in full fight or flight mode. I had no gun and quickly scanned the room. I thought I saw a shadows shifting but it was too dark to be sure. Lights from cars on a nearby highway danced across the ceiling and still I heard nothing.

Then a glint of light from one distant corner of room. I tensed up as the light grew brighter and a figure dressed in a long white robe stood up. I instantly knew what was going on I was a sleep and still dreaming. But the figure approached the bed a large man with a long beard He identified himself as the ghost of election past. I laughed and said you must be kidding I don’t believe in God or his posse of Angles and demons let alone you. You have to grant an entity from your dimension the right to exist and I deny you that right. The spirit said you will not sleep this night make no doubt so just come with me. What have you to lose?

Sure enough we soon stood in front of a large two story grey block house built at the turn of the last century. We stopped in front of large picture window and the spirit pointed and said look. I followed his direction and watched as young 10 year old boy played with a racing set and the cars made black marks down the imitation concrete track. A little girl played with her doll in the corner, they always played with dolls. A handsome dark haired man with wavy black hair sat watching the election results. The election was close and he watched all night long before Kennedy was declared the winner. The strength of the man’s life force resonated. He was always the life party. I turned to the spirit and said so what.

I found myself back in my bed but not asleep and as hard as I tried I could not sleep. After two hours I noticed a fog, not a fog but a mist like a dark cloud with dim purple lights moving from the center of the room outward. I watched the black cloud wander aimlessly for over forty minutes no sound no noise just motion, than I thought it ventured down from the ceiling ever so slightly toward me. It had previously confined its exploration to the ceiling. Gently, ever so gently it came toward me. I thought I have nothing to fear from this illusion. Slowly it descended its touch was cool. It settled over my chest and still I felt no fear. I went to sit up in bed and felt a jerk and sense of acceleration. When I could discern my surroundings I was in a Hospital room and an old man lay dying on the bed, the same wavy black hair gone, his life force a dying ember. A lifetime had passed the 10 year old boy had become a 50 year old man and had reared his own child. He had become a political assassin, a good one but his weapons were words not bullets. Less messy and no need to dispose of a body. The politically dead carcasses just wandered away on their own forever trying to get reelected. The man had but one rule all the ammunition had to be truth and he had never found a single politician that was not vulnerable to the truth. He sat silently waiting for death to relieve the old man’s pain.

The election results were being reported on the television as a tie and the Supreme stopped the recount in Florida and installed Bush as President and some of America’s darkest days ensued.

I found myself back in my bed thinking it is a good thing I am off for Election Day and can finally sleep after all what else could happen? I fell into a deep but restless sleep with uneasy dreams that turned into nightmares of an old Russian woman with a large gold dollars sign on a her dark black k cape. Suddenly I smelled smoke, cigarette smoke and I looked and Ayn Rand stood in the doorway. She was smoking her cigarette in its long holder. She said you really have to understand self- interest is all there is. At that point I gave up trying to sleep.

The above is to demonstrate that fiction can be used to effectively to convey political philosophy. In fact Linen gave credit to fictional works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Poor Folk), Ivan Turgenev (Fathers and Sons), Maxim Gorky (The Mother) and especially Nikolai Chernyshevsky (What Is to Be Done) for help to formulate communism’ principles.

What is fiction but liquid reality that has not been shaped? At one time everything from the airplane to the submarine was but a bit of fiction. Political philosophy that is functional in a fictional setting where variables are under absolute control may fall flat or be harmful in reality.
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Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2012 05:30 am
I am dressed in all black this morning a favorite outfit since I was 6 years old. When I enter City Hall the Children of Greed will know Why. I come to bury Greedism not to praise it.

The red neck right know they lost yesterday they, just have no idea how much. The political pendulum reached it's maximum right piont under baby Bush just prior to the 2007-2008 finical crisis and paused during Obama first term but now it begins to rapidely acelerate to the left. Imagine trying to stop the giant pendulum in the Pit and the Pendulum in mid stroke. If you stop the pendulum it must be stopped at the far right or far left piont of its swing. When I enered in politicial arena in 70s the pendulum was starting to swing right. Even being addresse as a liberal was public humilation. The communists and the Children of Greed were the new Americans idols.

For more than 30 years the war raged with political assissines on both sides making gains and suffers loses. to be sure there were political hit men but they differ from the political assissines in that contract hit men take orders from the organizations. assissines are free lancers they hit both sides to remake the political landscape they are idealists and are ideological driven but can be pragnetic.

The final battle of a great war was fought yesterday and a great victory was won. The next great war starts today and it will rage over the next 30 years.
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Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2012 05:55 am
Strange things and poor looers are about this morning first my version stops working and than the internet goes on and off the blogasphere is going mad. Glen Beck and the Head of National Rifle association are encouraging all gun nuts to buy more guns this morning. He actually did that live before the election. Look for another new record for guns to be set today and remember the scale that predicts violent revolution in a country is well beyond the tipping piont and Glen Beckand the National Rifle Asssociation are pouring gasoline on it as fast as he can.
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Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2012 06:06 am
The biggests losers yesterday were the "Children of Greed" who lost not any posibility of the $5 trillion dollar tax cut and will lose the Bush tax cuts. They of course they are not all like Ayn Rand and ware giant gold dollar signs on their black capes. I am glad the "Undertaker" lived to see his ideology of greed struck down and laid waste.

These are being kept short becuse the internet is anstable and going off and o.
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Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2012 06:22 am
Yesterday symbology was fitting for this country has struggled with racism for its 200 year history. The fact that a man of mixed ancestory was in place at this piont of time bids well for the country future. America struggled to cometo terms with exactly what the phrase "all men are created equal" in theory we believe in concept but the application has missed the mark.

Is America to have genetic equality? Are we to have economic equalit? Clones are equal but men are not. Because we can believe all men are equal does not alter physical structure.

Racism has been the wind under the commie/conservative wings not the only wind but the primay wind source. Economic elitesism was the second most powerful force keepping the commie/conservatives aflot and last but the effect of Middle East Mysticism know to some as Christianity but in reality it is just Middle East Mysticism.

Middle America is at a crossroads and can chose to lead the world by example or we can chose Middle East Mysticism and wallow in the filth of ancient ignorance till the end of time.
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Reply Thu 8 Nov, 2012 06:31 am
I wore all black yesterday; our commie/conservative mayor lost the election by nearly a two to one margin. I am mistaken as a Priest in the outfit; even my white tighties were black yesterday. That way I figured when asked about my outfit I would respond, “I am not here to praise Caesar but to bury him.”

I did not run for reelection of the local in 2010 and I have spent my time on other things since. I took no part in this kill but couldn’t help taking some pride in the fun the young pups were having their first pelt. All three Unions agreed that they had common cause. The commie/conservatives made and all out drive to destroy the unions. We were in contract negotiations with the previous labor Mayor but when a tentative contract was agreed on city council voted it down. The previous mayor gave us a contract extension but when the new mayor took office he refuse to honor the previous mayor’s contract extension. I filed a lawsuit which was lost and never appealed. Local courts are political and their decisions are usually overturned on appeal. But the Local council provided only a ambulance chaser and he was just out of school. Usually the international provides us the very best attorney in the state but after the state council was set up that stopped. A 80s decision in the Local 598 vs. The City of Huntington wrote the collective bargain law in WV. A local court ruled that collective bargaining was illegal for public employees. Despite the fact that there was no such law on the books the Supreme Court ruled in our favor stating since the question had not ben specified in code cities could elect to bargain collectively with its employees. At question was parity with the other bargain units and the suit was remanded to circuit court and a jury trial ruled in our favor. That case is now the law in the state of WV. A visiting West University Law Professor asked to shake my hand as that is the law he taught his students.
Pack kills are messy and the Mayor was a retired police Officers that both the Police and Firefighters supported to the hilt last Election. One in office he turned a 180 degrees and the race to the bottom of the food chain was on. The presidents of the Firefighters and Fraternal Order of Police were voted out of office. I never supported him and had local 598 sat out the election. I knew better than to ever turn my back on a commie/conservative but at the same time could not support the previous mayor who ended up costing us another $10,000 a year on insurance, co-pays and uncovered medical expenses. We had a good first contract with a $3 dollar an hour raise over its four year life but a $5 lose put us far in the whole. I let him wander away and die quietly. In the end it is the bottom line that matters, the total of both benefits and wages. I started work the same year as the mayor and spent 20 years keeping his police cars going before coming to city hall. He never rose in rank retiring a patrolman after his twenty years. I thought he would be at least fair but I soon found he was not making the decisions but just a figure head whose own administration openly contradicted and criticized him. Long time public employees were fired at random for little or no reason. One employee was at a barber shop after he was fired and the mayor demanded to know why he was there on a work day? The employee you fired me I have the letter with your signature on it. This was done to create a climate of terror and fear to subdue the employee. If you are worried about having a job you won’t worry about a raise.

The mayor had no clue what he even signed it was just another paper that he didn’t read it as it came across his desk. Often Mayors are popular figureheads who are straw men for people who could never get elected.

The next mayor was as I am now an Inspector in the Building Inspection Department he was also a former Marshall Quarter back after the plane crash. I think he will be an improvement but only time will tell.
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Reply Fri 9 Nov, 2012 06:31 am
Yesterday it was a dream come true for Glen Beck and the National Rifle Association as gun and ammunition sales increased 10 times at a local store. The local news interviewed one local gun nut who purchased four guns, he was shown with a rifle and three hand guns. It was obvious the man was not stable as he declared they were simply not going to sit back and take it and obvious reference to the election. While Glen Beck is a commie/conservative coward this gun nut was fascist, a Hitler type of fascism. The only valid elections are those which your candidate wins all others should be overthrown by force. This is not a local problem it was repeated all across America. The National Rifle Association is telling its members that guns are as short as gasoline in New Jersey except that no more guns will ever be available. The bigger gun stores saw sales increases of over a $100,000 in a single day. The gun manufactures which are primary source of revenue that funds the National Rifle Association are getting fat and rich each time Obama gets elected.

Obama has done nothing to control guns he even let the ban on automatic weapons lapse. Simply being against any gun no matter how powerful or how many bullets it fired in a second is the kiss of death to a political career. The National Rifle Association ran ½ hour long infomercials over a hundred times in 2004 election convincing locals that Kerry was going to take their guns if he elected. In WV a man would let you cut his penis off before he gave up his gun. They are one issue voters. One coworker was on vacation in Myrtle Beach when he received a call that his son blew his brains out. But even after that it was his guns that concerned him. The boy got in a lover’s spat with his girlfriend and killed himself to make point. The easy availability of guns makes suicide easy but not everyone is successful. Another man I worked with for years used a shotgun and blew half of his face off. He livid only to finish himself off when he got out of the hospital. Children routinely kill other children with guns they find around their house.

The gun companies sell guns based on the myth that they are used to kill home invaders and defend your property but the sad reality is they are far more likely used to kill ourselves, wives, girlfriend and children. They are also responsible for an increase in home break-ins because gun collections are the most valuable possession many people have. When I reported a break-in to the State Police the policeman told me about a gang that they had recently caught that had done many home invasions the man was over six foot six and there MO was to knock on the door and if no one answered they kicked the door in and helped themselves. The policeman asked him if he was afraid of getting shot? He replied he was afraid of only one thing a dog. He listened when he knocked if he heard the bark of a small dog they went in and killed dog but if the bark was from a big dog they went elsewhere. Most guns nuts are all talk and don’t realize how fast this happens. The chances of a gun nut reaching his gun are slim to none if he happens to have in in his hands he is not likely to get the safety off before he is shot. The gun nut is in full fight or flight and then he has to overcome a lifelong prohibition on killing people. Is it possible that the gun nut might kill someone other than his family? Yes but it is unlikely it will happen in the first place, if it does happen each event takes the probability that the gun nuts turns into the next hero down the road.

I have no problem at all with people owning what was available to the public when the Constitution was drafted. The founding fathers could only approve what they knew to be a gun at the time. They were not fortune tellers, they were not psychic, they could not see into the future. The improvements in gun technology are subject to legislation, the founding fathers could not grant rights for things they never saw and never.

Glen Beck surrounds himself with every nut case and gun nut in the country. Beck himself is a self-acknowledged drug addict and he is not stable and those that are not stable attract others who are not stable.

Beck and the National Rifle Association have poured gasoline across America a spark will set off a killing spree that has never been seen in America.
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Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2012 05:53 am
This past election cycle was the most contentious in a generation. Friends no longer speak; it was brother against brothers and father against son. Each righteously believed with certainty they owned the truth there was no room for compromise. Not since the civil war have no many American been so separated over political philosophy and we know what happened then.

Glen Beck could not help but crow over the increased guns and ammunition sales in America. This is true terrorism and Beck may be far more dangerous than Osama bin Laden ever was in his wildest dreams. Beck is process of arming an army of righteous true believers and if a true believer has anything he has absolute certainty. Glen Beck gives lip services to peaceful change while at the same time ordering his followers to buy guns and ammunition. There was a 10 fold increase in of gun sales in a single day Wednesday. Even if Beck cannot start a shooting war in America he is shifting the paradigm. The guns are in place all across America now and all that is needed is an “incidence.”
You will remember the phrase “all we need is an incidence” from the first cabinet meeting of Baby Bush’s cabinet in reference to starting a war with Iraq. In September 2001 just such an incidence occurred and Bush rushed to war with Iraq all though Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.

Glen Beck called his recent tour “Restoring Love.” (probably at the point of a gun). To hype gun ownership at such a devise time in our history is certainly unwise. Glen asked on his show, “Have you bought a gun this week. I recommend it.”

Glen Beck stated, “I am going to make a prediction. If Wednesday, Obama has won the election the biggest day of gun sales in the history of the world will be that day. There will be more ammunition and more guns sold in the United States than any place at any time in history of the planet. If Obama wins you are going to be very angry you didn’t buy your guns in advance because they are going to be hard to get, and ammunition will be hard to get. Because there will be a run on ammunition. Maybe I am crazy, but I don’t think anybody---anybody who is an NRA member has any doubt that anybody who is a NRA member has any doubt of how much a friend Obama is to guns, and everybody will want to be grandfathered in.”

There is no maybe about it.

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Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2012 01:47 pm
My post is a little late because I ran the Marshall Half Marathon this morning. The early start time does not leave enough time to post before the race and sometimes posting afterwards is difficult.

The republicans now days make much of the politics of envy and resentment of the ungodly greedy. But we learned from the master about the politics of envy.
Liberals are motivated by emotion and sentiment often to the exclusion of reason when this phenomenon rears it unsightly head, it should be addressed. In recent weeks we have been reminded that envy is not only an emotion but a major component of “progressive” political philosophy.”
So say Charles Davenport Jr. and republicans everywhere

But the politics of envy and resentment are not new Ronald Reagan was a master of the use of the politics envy resentment. The commie/conservative rode to victory in 1980 on a tidal way of envy and resentment. Charles Davenport memory is indeed short.
In “Mien Kampf” Hitler said “The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous.”
But Conservatives believe it is who you envy and resent that matters. Ronald Reagan went to great lengths to make white people envy and resent black people. His stories of the black welfare queen who drove a Cadillac and collected 10 welfare checks was complete fabrication to make white people envy and resent both blacks and poor whites. But Davenport thinks it is wrong to use the very politics of envy and resentment used by Reagan but in another direction.

Mr Davenport reminds us that envy is an emotion and a major part of “progressive” political philosophy. Envy is defined discontent and resentment over or a desire for another advantages, possessions, or attainment Reagan main goal was conquer and divide by making the middle class resent the poor. If the middle class anger (another emotion) could be redirected at the poor nobody would notice the rich getting richer and richer.

How problems are framed determines the paradigm take welfare. The working poor in America get subsidized housing, food and medical. Four out of the top ten richest people in the World own Wal-Mart. Many of their employees are the ones getting food stamps, subsidized housing, and medical care. If they didn’t they could not keep a roof over their head or work for Wal-Mart. The homeless can’t get a bath or have a car to get to work. Think of welfare as a corporate welfare that produced the biggest fortune in history. The welfare system has made possible a system where Uncle Sam effectively subsidizes a vast labor force for private business and then they direct the anger at the poor. What seems simple at first conceals the real intent and who benefits the most from welfare.
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Reply Mon 12 Nov, 2012 05:37 am
The Wal-Mart fortune was created at least in part and no doubt a major part, by what most Americans think of as welfare. Food stamps, HUD, and Medicaid are typically lumped into the welfare category by most people. The original concept of welfare was a direct check to someone who wasn’t or could not work. But the other programs like, food stamps, Medicaid, and HUD that came later carry the same self-concept damaging stigma as welfare. My mom still rents property and many who applied were HUD clients, these people held jobs and work every day but the government will pay up to $700 a month of their rent. The HUD clients are bound to strict budget and only 30% of their total income can be spent on rent. One couple only qualified for $585 but wanted to rent the apartment but the rent was a $690 a month. They wanted to make up the difference on the side but HUD told them if they were caught they would be out of the program.

In the 60s the women began entering the workforce and were known as second wage earners. They were typically paid far less than male employees because it was believed that their husband was the primary wage earner. As more women entered the workforce a large pool of low cost labor was being created. Sam Walton was quick to recognize and take advantage of this low cost labor force. Make no doubt the biggest fortune in the world was made on the backs of low cost labor much of it subsidized by the taxpayer. If Sam Walton’s labor was subsidized by the government his fortune was also subsidized by the government.

Of course the Walton fortune was not the first fortune created with tax payer assistance. The mega fast food giant McDonalds fortune was created with tax payer assistance. We recently had a long term McDonald employee in the 55 and over program employed as a temporary employee. She had worked at McDonalds for over twenty years and after she developed carpel-tunnel syndrome they showed her the door. She lived in subsidized housing with food stamps and Medicaid provided her medical care. No one has any idea that 100s of billion dollars a year in what is really in the end corporate welfare.

Kentucky fried Chickens, the telemarketers. The Burger Kings, the K-Marts all depend on Uncle Sam to subsidize their labor force. They expect Uncle Sam to pay health care costs to keep them happy and healthy, a place to live, and medical care. Wal-Mart will help out by providing a small amount of spending money. If the subsidizes were withdrawn the low wage workforce would be living in the streets in a few months and the stores would not be able to find enough qualified workers. It is important to note that the cost of a living wage is not avoided it is simply shifted to the taxpayer from Wal-Mart.

America does not need a minimum wage it needs a living wage. The damage done to self-esteem alone in America is tremendous. Imagine if the Wal-Mart employee went to pick up his check and got a living wage, enough for rent, food, and his medical care. He would have pride that he was paying his own way but if current system destroys self-esteem because the employee feels no matter how hard he works he is still dependent on others for his and his families daily needs.

The right sings the praises of the free market where supply and demand set not only prices but wages. But they are never too proud to take a government hand out. This of course is a social problem and it is getting worse instead of better. The right has shifted more and more responsibilities to government while insisting they want smaller government. Now we are seeing businesses that want the government to insure them a guaranteed profit by shifting the cost of their electricity to other customers. Social problems don’t have free market solutions. The free market organizes the market along the principal of greed. Greed is not the answer, it is not even the beginning of an answer, it is the problem.
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Reply Tue 13 Nov, 2012 05:28 am
We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll” said Jefferson Starship. But at the commie/conservative convention this year the main theme I built this business in reaction to Obama statement:
“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business—you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.”[7]

This is a fundamental difference underlying the political philosophies and it is extremely important as to which philosophy becomes the prevailing political philosophy in the future. Over the last 30 years the prevailing paradigm has been the commie/conservative theme of the Republican convention, I built this. Why is that so important? Because it is responsible for the runaway distribution of wealth over that period, the ungodly greedy income in real dollars has more than tripled during a period when everyone else has lost income measured in real dollars and working couples now work 32 more hours a week and make less than their fathers did as a single wage earner. The mental world provides the blue print for the real world when we accept the commie/conservative idea “that I built that” the distorted distribution of wealth we endured the last 30 years is not only a logical outcome but certain outcome.

The commie/conservative philosophy is based on Ayn Rand “The Virtues of Selfishness” in other words in Rand’s mind selfishness rises to the level of a moral force that produces the best outcome for all. A competition based on self-interest is theoretical possible if power was not asymmetric. All men may be created equal in the eyes of the law but we know all men are different with different talents. Once the power in a society become asymmetric equal opportunity vanishes.

A except for a single proprietary business the success of any business is a joint effort of the owner and employees. If the business owner can claim as they did at the convention that the business success is a product of his efforts and only his effort, he can divide the spoils along those line.
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Reply Wed 14 Nov, 2012 06:29 am
Life like politics is information based. We think of life as carbon based but life is as much based on information as the carbon molecule. Without the ability to convey accurate information from generation to generation our very bodies would not be possible. The ability of DNA and genes to carry the basic plans that our bodies are built on underlies life. If even a tiny fraction of the DNA is damage the body built from that DNA will be deformed.

But in politics the aim is often to distort or plant false information. Romney recent lie about Jeep comes to mind even though the CEO of Jeep said that they were well along of creating over 22,000 jobs in America Romney claimed that the manufacture of Jeep was moving all the production to China. Even after he was resoundingly castigated for telling the lie, Romney continued to lie.

Voters need accurate information to make accurate decisions when distorted information is spread through the main stream media it is often given equal standing to the truth. Both the truth and the lie are presented alongside each other. The main stream media has taken such a beating for media bias it no longer wishes to be an arbitrator of truth both sides are allowed to present their case. This allowed Romney to do considerable damage with his lie.

It is known as the “Wisdom of Crowds” the idea that crowds as a whole make more accurate decisions than individuals. Elections are based on the theory of the wisdom of crowds are superior to the wisdom of individuals but if the media continues to give equal weight to the lie without taking responsibility for letting the public what the truth is we are in trouble. The commie/conservative right has been the prevailing political force in America for 30 years now and they have bullied the main stream media into spreading false and misleading information during election cycles by crying media bias. It is obvious the main stream media bent over backwards to avoid any hint of bias but this over reaction has allowed the commie/conservatives to use the main stream media like Fox News.

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Reply Thu 15 Nov, 2012 06:05 am
Seven states have met the required 25,000 signatures to have their state secede from the union. That qualifies them to a response from the administration. Thirty-three states have petitions that have not meant the required number of petitions. The extremist elements of the radical right thrive in places like Texas. The Civil War was fought over the South’s effort to secede from the Union. The United States is already well past the point the United Nations scale predicts violent revolution. Glen Beck and the head of the National Rifle Association are trying to whip the crazies on the right into a frenzy to buy more and more guns and ammunition.

It is only a matter of time till the radical right goes too far and sparks an incident that will require a response from the Federal government. The FBI and local police departments have already had several run-ins with survivalists which are far right extremists. The survivalists are known to carry automatic weapons and get out and start shooting when stopped by police. Now that Glen Beck and the head of the National Rifle Association have succeeded increasing the number of guns in these right wing crazies hands tenfold. Violence breeds more violence and the craziest are drawn to the violence like a moth to a flame.

In the 60s when the political pendulum was at the far left and began to swing toward the right it heralded the civil rights riots, the Weathermen underground, the Black Panthers, and the Symbionese Liberation Army and other left wing extremists. These groups believe that they can stop the pendulum from changing direction. They could not and neither can the right wing crazies keep the pendulum from swing leftward. We are no longer talking about guns on the street as much as weapons designed to wage war. The violence this time around is likely to be much worse.

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Reply Fri 16 Nov, 2012 06:25 am
When Baby Bush was in office the political pendulum had reached the most extreme rightward point of its swing. This is the point that gave birth to the Bush’s prescription drug program, the first program of its time designed for the soul purpose of protecting the prescription drug industries outrageous profits. The prescription drug industry had been the most profitable industry in America for years even the oil monopoly could not match the profits of the prescription drug industry when they raised the price of gasoline 800%. The highest drug profits also provided America with a drug side effect, the highest prices for drugs in the world.

Seniors could afford to go to the doctor because of Medicare but often one prescription cost more than their entire social security check. Something had to be done to balance the drug industries voracious profit apatite with the ability of seniors to pay for their medication. What is a crooked politician to do when the market demands one thing and the drug companies that are bribing you want another? Insurance of course, develop a new breed of insurance where the seniors will be required to pay the premium for a drug policy and pay the full cost of drugs at the same time. It is called the donut hole. Under the drug insurance policy seniors are required to pay the insurance premium and the full cost of their drugs once the cost of their drugs total $2,930 in a given year. They must pay full price for the next $1,170 plus in addition to their monthly drug insurance premium. This is the equivalent to having a car insurance policy that paid for the first accident but required to pay for the next three accidents before they had to cover you again. The Patient Care and Affordable Health Care Act (Obama Care) started to eliminate the donut hole in 2010 and will be completely eliminate it by 2020.

Why a donut hole? Under commie/conservative economic theory grandpa has to have some skin in the game. We don’t want grandpa getting too much chemotherapy. Under free market theory if grandpa has to pay full price for his chemotherapy he will shop and find the very best price for chemotherapy in his area driving the price of medical care down. Of course that is far from reality it is just theory and speculation on the part of the radical right. In reality grandpa will go to his doctor and pay whatever price the doctor asked.

America could have chosen a different path Medicare could have negotiated a price for the drugs with the drug companies, just as it did with medical care. It could tell the drug companies this is the price we are going to pay. It costs you 10 cents to manufacture the drugs you are charging seniors $400 a month for. From this day forward you will be treated like a public utility you will be paid the cost of manufacture plus a modest profit. Utility companies have thrived for years under these same profit restraints. The cost of lavish advertising to hook seniors and others on your drugs will not be counted as a legitimate cost of manufacturing. I have been on many negotiating teams over the years and drive a hard bargain.

There is no reason that the American people have to let themselves be ripped off by those who bribe the politician we can put a stop to the theft.
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Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2012 05:48 am
For every time a commie/conservative stands up and sing the praises of the “free market” you can point to an incidence where the “free marketers” plot to thwart the free market and fix prices. The free marketers never miss an opportunity for a government handout. When Boeing was given $500 million government handout no free marketer rushed into to scream this was not right instead the free marketers went after those with pensions and social security after all those “entitlements” are running America. As Rush Limbaugh says old people should work till their dying day so the “free Market” could ring every bit of life force out of them like wringing out a wash rag.

When Daimler Benz was given a $500 million taxpayer subsidy there was no outcry heard across America like Reagan’ outcry against the black welfare queens. Free Marketers had no problem with a Germany Corporation be given $500 million in taxpayer money. This was just the silent hand of the “free market” at work. But when Obama helped the American auto companies the commie/conservatives and free marketers were deeply offended. Why? This was the golden opportunity to steal the pensions of the auto workers. The pensions earned by hundreds of thousands of auto workers over 30 to 40 years would be the first victim of the bankruptcy Romney pushed so hard for. The auto workers would become wards of the state an receive a small fraction of their pension from the government. The hundreds of billions in the auto worker’s pension plan would be distributed to those who practice creative destruction capitalism. Bankruptcy Romney style would have provided one of the biggest redistribution of wealth in history.

But this is “free market capitalism” at its best. The ungodly greedy used their money to rewrite the rules so that when a company is sold or bankrupted new rules apply what you earned over a lifetime becomes theirs the minute they acquire the company. Don’t believe it? Go to court an judge will explain to you as the local nickel plant workers found out when their pension system was abolished by the acquiring company and a federal judge put his stamp of approval on it.

It is very clear that there is no difference between stealing and the so called “free market.” While a thief goes to jail a “free marketer” is richly rewarded with what others have earned.
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Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2012 06:44 am
If Glen Beck and the National Rifle Association have their way American politicians will be selected by the gun not at the voting booth. Glen Beck was absolutely ecstatic when he found gun sales went up 10 times the day after Obama was elected. Guns are simply tools whose primary purpose is killing people. The founding fathers would marvel at the guns of today where one gun with a large clip can kill 50 people in a few minutes. This is certainly not what they intended when they granted “the right to keep and bear arms.” Gone are the invading armies of the founding fathers time, gone are the marauding Indians, gone to for the most part are the dangerous wild animals, the only targets left now days are our fellow Americans. No man or group of men can accurately predict the future when technology changes so rapidly.

It is not necessary that Glen Beck or the president of the National Rifle Association shoot anyone personally, all they need do is multiply the number of guns on the streets, and they will find their way to the gun nuts that will use them. The collateral damage alone will be enormous the parents who come home to find their sons brains dripping down from the ceiling will be multiplied by a factor of ten. The brother who shoots his sister with what he thinks is a toy will go up by a factor of 10 as well. The jealous husband who shoots his wife for talking to a stranger will go up by tenfold. The drunk that kills his neighbors for real or imagined wrongs will increase proportionally by the number of guns on the streets. The guns once sold will not stay with their original owners the secondary purchasers will be the criminals and the paranoid mentally ill who cannot purchase over the counter and who will pay a higher price. Just as you can point a gun and pull a trigger you can by proxy point the mentally unstable and ignorant and pull the trigger by proxy and then you can sit on your radio show and claim plausible deniability. When Sarah Palin ran commercials with targets on them targeting house members they meant little to most people but to the gun nuts the meaning was very clear they were code for their next hit. But Palin even if Palin never intended the outcome she still had to be satisfied with the outcome as she had achieved her intended purpose taking out one of the enemy.

Finally a winner was declared in the race for Gaby Gifford House Seat in Arizona Saturday almost two weeks after the election. The last vote was counted yesterday and Gabby Gifford former aide, Ron Barber was declared the winner by 1,402 votes out of 285,000 cast. Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, and the president of the National Rifle Association lost in the end but six people died as the result of collateral damage in this hit and Gabby Gifford life was diminished considerably but what is more important is that Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, and the President of the National Rifle Association have plausible deniability. Just as in the old television show the tape will self-destruct in 15 seconds.
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Reply Mon 19 Nov, 2012 06:33 am
On the cover of Glen Beck’s book, “Arguing With Idiots” Glen is pictured in an army uniform with the distinctive markings covered whether it was meant to be a Nazi storm troopers uniform or some other fascist military uniform is hard to tell pains were taken to crop the picture. The message of the book cover is clear no matter what country’s military uniform he is wearing: that military force might not be out of the question when it comes to making commie/conservatism the prevailing political philosophy. What cannot be said in words can often be stated in symbols that have plausible deniability.

Force has been used throughout history to implement political philosophies communism did not win the hearts of all men it was forced down their throat at the point of a gun. The true believers since the beginning of time believe that they not only have the right but the duty to force others to believe as they believe and whether it is a religion or a political philosophy. No one likes to lose or to be wrong and the force of a gun is appealing to those who find themselves on the losing side of the political paradigm. America is divided now between those that have made God, Guns and Gays their last stand and those who see the religious bigotry as a problem not a solution, that guns are for cowards, and that freedom cannot exist for some without existing for all. The political pendulum is moving toward the left for the next 30 years and the right who bragged that America is a center right country now have to shift their extreme right positions toward the left to be electable.

Make no mistake about it this is the most dangerous time in America since the Civil War. The old guard in America has not let loose of power and it will have to be taken from them while they are kicking and screaming. When Glen Beck and the President of the National Rifle Association managed to up he sales of guns by tenfold they increased the implied threat of violence in America. We know how effective Sarah Palin commercial was at making certain congressmen targets it is an appeal to the unstable to take action. Imagine how effective Glen Beck dressed up in full military dress is to the unstable.

I knew a Vietnam Vet who was homeless. He often came into city hall with his American Flag and shopping cart. He was tunnel rat in Vietnam he went down into the Viet Kong’s tunnels and killed them. One day out jogging I encountered him and he saluted me and ask, “Who do you want me to kill cap?” There are lots of people just like him on the streets that listen to Glen Beck.
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Reply Tue 20 Nov, 2012 04:58 am
In a leaked audio last week Mitt Romney explained to his top donors why he lost the presidential election. Another leaked audio like the infamous 47% Americans are shiftless dead beats video surfaced. Nobody likes this man even his friends hate him. The gospel according to Romney is that Obama won the election because of his gifts to minorities, women and young people. This from a man who was going to give a $5 trillion dollar tax cut to his top donors.

Romney can’t get it through his head that he lost the election because he called 47% of Americans shiftless deadbeats with no ambition, just parasites. He cannot understand why that would offend anyone. Romney had the easiest election to win in the last 60 years because of the economy; no president has ever been elected with unemployment this high since Roosevelt during the great depression. Romney unending diarrhea of the mouth cost him the election. The trouble with Romney was he could not edit what he said if he thought it he said it and Romney thoughts were bigoted and ignorant as the thoughts of any ignorant and bigoted man are. The difference is most bigoted and ignorant hide their bigoted and ignorant thoughts unless in the company of other bigoted and ignorant men.

“No Apologies,” Romney can simply never be at fault his lose has to be the fault of others. Thank god and voters this freak didn’t get to be president. “I come not to praise Romney but to bury him.” We won’t have Romney to kick around anymore.
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 06:31 am
On election night Mitt Romney arrived Boston Convention Center and Exhibition Center in 15 car motor cade replete with secret service to celebrate his victory election night he left as a passenger in the backseat of his son’s car. Yesterday he was sighted disheveled and pumping his own gas. Oh how the mighty have fallen. His wife had warren a red dress to the victory celebration that never was. Sheldon Adelson, owner of the Sands Corporation that owns gambling casinos in the US and overseas, was scheduled to attend the Romney wake after wasting a $100 million to elect Romney. Easy come, easy go.

Bill O’Reilly insists that Romney was correct saying that Obama bought the election with gifts to Hispanic, Blacks young voters.

A columnist in the “Washington Times” which is owned by the Moonies religious cult, purchased with money cult members begged for at airports, stated that 49.1% of Americans received some sort of direct government assistance while in 1983 only 30% of Americans received some sort of direct government assistance. The columnist says that we should take the long term view and he is both right and wrong at the same time. The number of Americans receiving government assistance is up from 30% to 49.1% but the failed commie/conservative economic policies are to blame as real wages have gone down over that 30 year of commie/conservative economic policy which has directed the wealth upward. Now working couples work 32 more hours a week and have less to show for it in real dollars. While their fathers supported the household with a stay at home wife to care for his children, his daughter must work, and get government assistance for child care, with both working near minimum wage jobs, they qualify for food stamps to feed their family, they live in government housing because they don’t make enough to rent a home. They have to depend on Medicaid for medical care because they don’t make enough to pay for medical insurance. This economic situation is a direct result of the commie/conservatives economic policies that claimed that if government economic policy was used to make the ungodly richer it would ‘trickle down” to the rest of Americans. That was not the case there was a giant sucking sound as the wealth of America went upward and a tiny fraction of Americans got rich beyond their wildest dreams and the rest needed government assistance just for a minimum subsistence existence.

Joseph Cotto is indeed correct thing got much worse for most Americans during the commie/conservative years but the fault is not that more Americans need assistance but the economic policies of the commie/conservatives that have taken America down. There is cause effect relationship but the cause is that the commie/conservative economic policy deliberately directed the wealth of America into the hands of the ungodly greedy. Don’t look at the result without understanding the cause.
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