The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 23 May, 2023 10:25 pm

The easiest way to get beat is to underestimate your opponent. The evolution of the Christian right, from Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority to the sophisticated political machine that now voted an 80% block for Trump during a losing election is amazing. That just doesn’t happen without powerful preachers dictating their congregation how to vote. I would have to agree with Izzy that membership is down in the country as whole. People that don’t vote don’t make a difference but while there are less cult members today but the ones remaining have become hyperactive politically not only voting the party line but running for state and local office.

They are going to change America and remake it in the image of their cult. It only takes a few to launch a political movement and gain followers. Their agenda is ignorance, they don’t want children to learn about the real world, they want to rewrite history and take out the parts that they don’t like out. They want to treat high school students like first graders.

Comrade DeSantis’ “Don’t Say Gay Law” is good example, driven by the churches. Most of us who got the birds and the bees lecture just got the basics and the lesbians and the gays were not covered. What do children do when they encounter children that are different? They make fun of them and harass them and generally make their life miserable. One of our secretaries and her boyfriend went out on Saturday night and beat up gays for fun and entertainment she was a good church member. The ignorant churches are pushing those laws, they still believe that being gay is a choice. Like Lady Gaga said I was born that way. My secretary would argue the point that it was a choice. I would tell her that she could not do that, that she'd throw up for a week because she was not made that way. The religious rights want to run every level of government, from the school boards to the Whitehouse.

Today we have 107,056,695 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,043,704 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 12,991 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,164,564 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,164,351. That means that another 213 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Wed 24 May, 2023 03:13 am
I live in England, a lot of churches have been repurposed, I know of two that are now Gurdwaras, and one has half the building turned into an art gallery.

One effect of an established church is that the vicars are all civil servants, and as such are responsible for the spiritual welfare of all their parish, not just the congregation.

That means most vicars are mindvul that they not only represent the C of E, but evetyone elee, all faiths and none.

Admittedly there are some evangelicals in the mix, but the bishops don't let them go on the telly.

The result is most vicars seemto spend most of their time trying not to upset anyone, and when they do speak out it tends to be on real moral issues like homelessness and the treatment of asylum seekers.

If the programme is about religion in general there will be representatives of other faiths, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Judaism etc. And if another Christian is on the panel they tend to be Catholic, nutjobs like Billy Graham don't get a look in.

We've only just started to get religious channels but they're high up in the channels, you have tolook for them, and most of them are aimed at African expats.

I think the difference can be summed up in the following. If you asked most British people to name a prominant religious figure other than the Archbishop of Canterbury, they'd probably say Rev. Richard Coles.

I'll let you look him up to compare him with your well known religious figures.
Reply Wed 24 May, 2023 08:45 pm
I live in WV and none of the churches have been repurposed, but a lot of commercial businesses have been repurposed into churches. One local cookie factory was `turned into church, along with the ice-skating arena. Churches no longer look like churches.

Around here gas stations are repurposed. Here anybody that can read a bible can become a preacher all you need is a mail order divinity degree. When there is a difference of opinion about scripture a group breaks off and founds a new church, meaning churches multiply like rabbits.

The preachers around here are too busy attacking other churches. If you are not going to their church, you are going to hell. Theirs is the only one true church.

While there are organized faiths most preachers only answer to themselves. Evangelicals are the biggest block of Christians in America, and they believe they should run the government.

In America the preachers are leading the charge against gays and transgender, they are leading the biggest book burning since the dark ages.
In America mass murders target other, unpopular religious member using AR-15s. They believe America is a Christian Country and would outlaw all other religions if given a chance.

Some of the most popular programing are religious, some religious hosts became so popular that a movie was made about them. My dad before he died spent hours each day watching them. They ended up in prison.

Reply Wed 24 May, 2023 09:27 pm
Comrade DeSantis threw his hat into the ring. Comrade DeSantis already has the backing of Fox News and now Twitter is also backing him. So many people tuned in that Twitter crashed. You are now seeing why Elon Musk bought Twitter, he hopes to use it as a political tool to let him run politics in America. He is already the richest man in the world, and he pays no taxes. He wants to make sure that no taxes will ever be levied against him and the best way to do that is to control the White House.

I Wonder how soon Musk will have Twitter adopt the DeSantis rules and make sure that nobody can blog against Comrade DeSantis. We already know that Musk is not a believer in free speech as he was quick to suspend those who posted publicly available information about him. Musk will have no problem with Comrade DeSantis book burning or his war against the lesbian, gay, and transexual community.

The conservatives went after one of the beer companies who used a transexual influencer in a commercial. When the rednecks start destroying their beer you know they are mad. The beer company lost 30% of their business. Now Target is in the redneck’s sights and is removing items of clothing from their shelves that was designed for gays and transexuals. Comrade DeSantis ignorance for all program is showing returns already.

Today we have 107,066,662 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,056,695 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 9,967 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,164,718 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,164,564. That means that another 154 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Thu 25 May, 2023 12:52 am
It sounds awful.
Reply Thu 25 May, 2023 08:15 pm
It is not only awful but it dangerous. The republicans running for the presidential nomination are all trying to curry favor from the religious right and are afraid to speak out against even the most extreme actions from this group for fear they will lose this important voting bloc.
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Reply Thu 25 May, 2023 09:19 pm
America was once the land of the free and the home of the brave but that doesn’t apply anymore. Republicans believe the way to win elections is to take as many freedoms away as possible, we have become the land of the less free and home of the bigot. I could never understand how some people believe that they are more qualified to tell otherers how to live their lives than the people themselves. A pregnant woman’s fetus dies but she can’t get abortion because the bigots have taken control of women’s health care decisions.

Target decided to stock some clothes designed for gay pride month and the bigots went on the war path threatening employees who had no say as to what Target sells. It became so bad that management feared for the safety of its employee. “Let freedom ring.” The founding fathers knew what happen in Europe when the religious bigots got their hands on political power. People were burnt at the stake because they didn’t believe in their superstitions. The most hideous torture chambers known to man were employed to torture people. There is not a serial killer alive today who would give their right arm to live during those times.

Rights are never taken away all at once first you take the rights away from the unpopular groups then you take a few rights at a time away. We have a group of bigots who believe they are a new version of the KKK and intend to use terror to enforce their agenda. They may not burn crosses or ware white robs but they are more alike than most people realize. Give them a horse, a white robe, and a torch and they would ride through Target demanding the gay clothing be removed from the shelves.

Today we have 107,081,655 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,066,662 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 14,993 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,164,934 today, yesterday we had 1,164,718. That means that another 216 Americans died today.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 May, 2023 09:31 pm
Stephen Smith, a nationally known sports personality, says Comrade DeSantis is one of the stupidest people he has ever seen. Just when you begin to think Comrade DeSantis is at least semi competent. Instead of, where in the world is Waldo? The question will be, what stupid thing has Comrade DeSantis done today? Comrade DeSantis is one of those people who seems to want to start a fight with everybody. I worked with guys who went into one of the roughest black bars in town with a buddy and said I will whip any N in the house for a beer. They almost got beat to death before they got out of the bar, that is what Comrade DeSantis is doing.

Comrade DeSantis signed a bill prohibiting banning Universities in FL from spending public money to pay for diversity, equality, and inclusion programs. Comrade DeSantis thinks actions like this will make him a hero of the right but there will be a price to pay. Comrade DeSantis wants to be the leader of no. We know a lot more of what Comrade DeSantis is against then what he is for. Comrade DeSantis wants to turn the clock back 100 years in FL.

Today we have 107,085,763 cases of the Trump virus, two days ago we had 107,081,655 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 4,108 Americans died in the last two days from the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 1,164,967 today, two days ago it stood at 1,164,934. That means that another 33 Americans died in the last two days from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 May, 2023 09:03 pm
Another day and another bigot. A first-grade teacher in Wisconsin is in the process of being fired because she had her first graders sing a song with the word rainbow in it. The song was Dolly Parton song. The district deemed the song controversial. The song imagines a world where everybody is accepted for who they are. The school superintendent told the teacher he is recommending to the school board she be fired.

Can anybody believe this is America? This is no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave. Political signs are no longer allowed in schools and no doubt a picture of a rainbow will be considered a political sign. Pictures of rainbows appear in several children’s books. I guess they will be banned by the bigots. The very idea that we should not all be accepted for who we are shows the problem. The alternative is that we make everybody conform to what the bigot’s idea of what a human being should be. The bigots are small minded people who live in fear of people that are different. Their solution is conformity, to squelch the differences. Rainbow will be the next dirty word that can’t be said in public. The first steps have been taken.

Today we have 107,092,736 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,085,763 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 6,973 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,165,062 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,164,934. That means that another 128 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 29 May, 2023 08:38 pm
Now Donald Trump Jr’s girlfriend has publicly threatened Comrade DeSantis for running for president. Kimberly Guilfoyle, the former wife of governor of California and a former Fox talking head said: “You going to run against Donald Trump? You are going to get hurt and damaged badly.” Where have heard that before? That sounds a lot like the loan sharks in the mafia uses. I don’t doubt that some of Trumps friends would help him out if they thought it would help.

Kimberly got fired from Fox Nes for sexually harassing her employees. The suit cost Fox millions. They did not give the details of the harassment suit. I have to wonder whether she was harassing the men or the women or both. Surely no man would be awarded millions for sexual harassment. The jury would think that a man could simply hold her off. But maybe there were gays on her staff and since she is red neck right maybe that who she was harassing them. Any way she seems to be a good match for Donald Jr. She no doubt is the type that loves whips and chains.

Today we have 107,104,021 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,092,736 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 11,285 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,165,281 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,165,062. That means that another 219 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2023 09:15 pm
Many became familiar with Afghanistan during the war and ensuing occupation. We were appalled at how women were treated. They used terror to enforce their “code” on the general population. This is the religious who use terror to make everyone do as they say. We are all glad we lived in America. It could not happen here, or could it? The recent incidents at Target show the Christian right is not afraid to use terror to take the freedom away from others. Threatening the employees at Target for what type of clothes was being sold is no different than the religious right in Afghanistan use terror to make sure women wear a burka than going after store employees for selling styles they don’t like.

In America we are witnessing the birth of a monster, a monster that consumes the freedom of others. In a few short years the monster went from putting playboy behind the counter to banning abortion. Now in America babies with half brain cannot be aborted and other gross deformities must also be born. Freedom is never a consideration of the religious right; they gave up their freedom when they joined their cult, and they want the rest of the country to give up their freedom also. Could America become another Afghanistan? All one has to do is look at what is happening now in America. The time to put the monster in its place is before it grows too powerful. When you presume that you can dictate to stores what they can and can’t sell you are taking someone else’s freedom and in America you are not entitled to that.

Today we have 107,107,491 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,104,021 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 3,470 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,165,317 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,165,281. That means that another 36 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 May, 2023 09:14 pm
“The ultimate aim of every organized religion has always been social control.”

There is nothing wrong with organized religion taking socially control of its members. The trouble comes in when they decide they are going to take social control of the country. If a cult member decides he no longer wants to be controlled by the cult he can quit the cult however that is not the case of members of the general population when the cults use their political power to impose cult rules on the general population.

We have reached a tipping point in America with the outlawing of abortion. The religious cults have imposed their values on the general population. Do you like the religious right telling you what clothes to wear? Look at the Amish their cults dictate what clothes they can wear. Our government and the religious cults are natural born enemies. America was established to give the population the maximum amount of freedom, religious cults were established to take that freedom away and control the population. So, far the government has done nothing but lay down and let the religious right just walk over our American values. The religious cults have formed an American Tailband. There are two competing concepts, freedom and control, which will you choose?

Today we have 107,119,078 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,107,491 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 11,578 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,165,449, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,165,317. That means that another 132 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2023 03:05 am
You miss the point of what I was saying.

You spend a lot of time arguing against an established church, that America was built on the notion of seperating church and state.

I live in a country that has an established church,most of our holidays are religious; last Monday was Whit Monday, when Christ allegedly rose to Heaven.

The result of which is one of the least religious populations in the World.

Only Scandinavian countries are less religious than us.

Given the choice I'd much rather live in acountry with an established church and a religious right so tiny they're almost insignificant, than a country that seperates church and state but has a significant problem with fundamentalist Christianity.

Having an established church might be a solution to all that.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2023 09:10 pm
I don’t think I missed the point I understand that religion in your country is far different than what is going on in America. Where the religion in your country was mostly catholic at one time before the church of England stepped in. Religion in America evolved far differently. The people that came to America fled organized religion in Old Country. What is taking place in England with religion is not taking place here.

There is a reduction in cult membership, but the remaining members are far more politically active, and the republican party is exploiting the cults for political gain. One of the beer companies used a trans gender person in a commercial. The religious cults jump on them online and the beer company lost 30% of their business. They would deny that person employment because they don’t like his gender impersonation.

You only need look at the Arab to see what religion is doing to some countries.

The religious right takes the bible literally instead of the fairy tale it is. They believe the dinosaurs walked with men. Carbon dating is a lie, I know because they produced a book showing that science was lie.

Outlawing religion in any form is more likely to be the solution.
Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2023 09:51 pm
A teacher in FL showed the Disney classic “Strange World” and the school board is investigating whether the film breaks Comrade DeSantis “Don’t say Gay” law. The parents were accusing the teachers of making their children gay. There is nothing like ignorance to make a mess. These are the same people who send their children to gay camps to make them heterosexual. What this does is give the parents of gay children someone to blame besides themselves.

They say that one character in “Strange World” was openly gay. Really, how do you tell whether a cartoon character is openly gay. There are masculine women and effeminate men but that doesn’t make them gay. Unless there are sex scenes in the film, gay is in the eye of the beholder. The fifth grader teacher resigned along with many other teachers in FL. One student at the school board meeting told the board, War on Woke, more like a war on students and teachers.

Today we have 107,123,546 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,119.078 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 4,468 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,165,531 today, yesterday it stood at 1,165,449. That means that another 82 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2023 12:42 am
Zardoz wrote:

You only need look at the Arab to see what religion is doing to some countries.

That's a very simplistic response to a complicated issue.

The ME has a long history of colonialism, but if you take the Crusades as a starting point you have Western nations occupying and proseletysing.

This only increased during the 18th qnd 19th Centuries when Christian empires took over and Nationalism and religion became entwined.

In many recent cases Islamic fundamentalists are see as the only ones standing up to Western imperialism/hegemony.

Religion is just one tool the powers that be use to control the masses, it's not the only one, and is not to blame for people's selfishness and greed which is what most problems derive from.
Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2023 08:33 pm
Religion is not rocket science. Trying to make a problem much more complex than it is, is simply a way to avoid solving the problem. What we are talking about is superstition, 2000-year-old ignorance, and cult activity. The object of every religion since the beginning of time is social control and that is more evident today than any time in American history. Never before in history have the religious cults taken the freedom of parents to obtain medical care for their children.

You are right about that; religion is worse than any cancer it tries to spread itself throughout the world. Thanks to missioners Christianity has spread to the four corners of the earth. I am not worried so much about Islam as I am worried about the active cults in America today. I am not worried about the history of religion as much as its current manifestation. Freedom in America was won by the blood of patriots, but the religious cults are openly trying to destroy it.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2023 09:05 pm
The Christian cults are rolling through America like Hitler rolled through Poland, taking the American people’s freedom along the way. The Christian cults see nothing wrong with taking the freedom of parents to decide what medical care their child will get.

The real crime going on today is the indoctrination children by the Christian cults. That is a form of child molestation where the child’s mind is molested by preachers and other cult members. This indoctrination takes place almost from birth. There may be freedom of religion for adults but like drag queens, children should not be exposed to it till after the age of reason, since the Christian rights wants to tell other parents how to raise their children it is only fair that those parents tell the Christian right how to raise their children.

If indoctrination of children was outlawed in America, Christianity would disappear in a generation. Indoctrination of children is the life’s blood of Christianity.

Today we have 107,127,223 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,123,546 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 3,677 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 1,165,538 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,165,531. That means that another 7 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

Reply Sat 3 Jun, 2023 08:55 pm
The religious right book burners finally got it right and banned the bible from schools in Utah because of vulgarity and violence. That is a book that should have been banned a long ago. If the bible must meet the same standards as any other banned book the bible would be banned from most schools. When their religious book must be banned from schools what does that say about their religion?

The bible relates the story of a violent gang that kills, rapes and slaughters another tribe to take their land. Or we have Mosses killing and innocent man for gathering wood on the sabbath. Most preachers use around 2% of the bible for their sermons and ignore the rest of the garbage. After all, how could you justify a sermon on killing people for breaking the Sabbath. Or a sermon on if you want some one’s land just kill the people that own it and take it. Or how about the story of Jesus and the young man that reads like gay porn. Here we have a man that was never married with a young man that reads like gay porn. Boy a sermon based on that bible passage would really get the audience attention. The bible is cherry picked to justify anything the preacher wants to justify.

Today we have 107,128,863 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,127,223 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 1,640 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,165,540 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,165,538. That means that another 2 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Jun, 2023 08:49 pm
Did you ever hear the saying, “Cut your nose off to spite your face?” There is no better example of that saying then what the Christian right has done by pushing state laws that allowed parents to set criteria for books that would be allowed in school. The laws were an attempt to block books written by gays, lesbians or authors of color. So, they set up parameters they could use to ban those books. The trouble is when the parameters were applied to bible it had to be banned.

The bible has done more to stop the progress of man than any other book ever written. It is about time it was banned. The school districts in Utah are currently removing copies of the bible from their libraries. Don’t you just love it when a well laid plan blows up in the conservative right’s bigot’s face. They design a mouse trap to trap a mouse and the mouse ends up eating them.

Today we have 107,137,340 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,128,863 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 8,477 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,165,733 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,165,540. That means that another 193 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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