The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2023 01:37 am
I disagree about religion being the culprit. Admittedly religion is a tool used by those in power to oppress and control the masses, but it's only a tool.

Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2023 08:49 pm
You are right it is only a tool, like a couple of AR-15s are tools for a mass murder. They are very effective tools. The bible set mankind’s progress back by a 1,000-years. If you believe a lie, you will not look for the truth. Right now, a new religion is being invented by the CIA and other government agencies. They are recycling the nine God’s of Egypt. It seems they are coming back to save us from ourselves. Does the story sound familiar? Mankind bad, God good. Same scam different gods.

The u-tube video was a little hard to understand with the heavy accents made it hard to understand. My hearing is not as good as it once was, too many years behind the wheel of a race car. I was in Wheeling for half marathon over memorial-day weekend the motel had been bought by people from India. I could not hardly understand a word they had to say.
Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2023 09:53 pm
Religions are like people they get old and die. The Christian religion has been around 2,000 years or so it is time to join the Gods of Rome and the Greek gods in the trash bend of history. New religions will spring up and some will not make the cut. Since religion is about control the new designer religions will be designed to get maximum amount of control. The book “The Star Gate Conspiracy provides a window into the CIA and other intelligence agencies participation in the religious field. They have always maintained an interest in parapsychology and the occult.

The CIA funded the remote viewing program at Stanford Research Institute. Someone was sent out to a remote location; the remote viewer would remain in the laboratory and draw a picture of the remote location. On other occasions they were given coordinates on a map and ask to draw what was at that location. Much of that research has been made public. One remote viewer was given the coordinates in WV. He described a military base. The target was a nearby vacation home of the experimenter. The base was hidden, and the soldiers were taken in by school bus to conceal the location. The CIA may just be experimenting to see the limits people will believe but they might want to shape the next major religion.

Today we have 107,142,412 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,137,340 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 5,072 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,166,043 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,165,733. That means that another 310 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2023 01:27 am
Zardoz wrote:

The bible set mankind’s progress back by a 1,000-years.

That's a bit of a sweeping statement.

Islam is responsible for the Renaissance and the development of science.

Words like Algebra and Chemistry come from Arabic.

After the fall of Rome, Christianity and Christendom provided some form of structure for Europe which helped the development of universities.

I forget how you Americans have such problems with non American accents. Frankie Boyle has a Glaswegian accent, but I would class it a relatively mild compared to other Glaswegians.

It's all down to television about half our telly is American so we're used to your accents. When I was in America about 95% of the telly was home grown.
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2023 08:28 pm
If Islam was responsible for development of science, why are the Arab countries third world tribal countries today? Religion suppressed the development in science in those countries.

Algebra doesn’t help with your camel and when chemists are needed, they are sent in from other countries.

The Universities were developed to teach religion, just as Yale and Harvard in America. They were colleges for preachers.

I hate to watch an English movie because the accents made them hard to understand. Now that my hearing is bad it is almost impossible to understand, and it is just not English accent.

We did have a few programs from England, and we also have the BBC. The trouble is when you begin to lose your hearing is that you lose certain frequencies. I tried out someone else’s hearing aid and at home it was like turning up an amplifier but when I went Subway the background noises of the refrigerators were so loud, I could not hear the voices. In the car the wind noise was so loud I could not hear the radio.

Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2023 09:04 pm
I would not have believed that Trump could get the 2024 republican nomination but it looks more and more like Trump will get the nomination. There are so many people running for the republican nomination that the vote will be split among so many and that will give Trump the nomination. Trump has a solid base of cult like believers who will vote for him no matter what.

None of the other contender seem to have enough voters to beat Trump. That is an old election trick, talk more people into running and use them to take votes from your opponent. That trick was used on me in an election for union president and it backfired. I lost but so did the guy that talked the other guy into running. The guy could do the job and lasted only a few weeks. I can’t imagine a race that had 15 or 20 people in it. The primary is still 6 months away but the advantage goes to Trump. Trump may be the first president who governs from a jail cell.

Today we have 107,147,355 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,142,412 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 4,943 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,166,160 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,166,043. That means that another 117 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2023 11:31 pm
Colonialism played a pretty major part.
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2023 09:03 pm
I don’t think colonialism play near as much of a part in religion today as ignorance and gullibility. People fear what they don’t understand and expect every person to be just a like.

“The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these slogans until the last member of the public what you want him to understand by your slogan.”


You should recognize the model that religions is founded on.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2023 09:34 pm
There was a headline on MSN saying Trump was caught telling a big lie. That is not news, Trump told 30,000 documented lies while he was in office, it would be news if Trump was caught telling the truth. If you point that out to a Trump supporter, they will dismiss it with all politicians lie, but no politician in history has ever told so many outrageous lies. I wonder what happened when they catch their children lying. Do they just dismiss it and say all children lie?

Once upon a time in America character mattered as many republicans held Nixon accountable as did democrats. If Watergate happened today Nixon would remain in office with the full support of the republicans. The political parties are now more like families and they believe it is their job to protect family member at all cost. Nixon would have been impeached and convicted and he knew it. Since it requires a 2/3 majority to convict an impeached president it is impossible to ever convict an impeached president in today’s political environment. That means there is no consequence for any illegal action a president takes. We are approaching absolute power.

Today we have 107,162,537 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,147,355 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 15,182 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stood at 1,166,331 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,166,160. That means that another 171 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2023 11:32 pm
Zardoz wrote:

Algebra doesn’t help with your camel and when chemists are needed, they are sent in from other countries.

And you need to realise that by writing stuff like this and quoting Hitler you sound a massive racist.
Reply Thu 8 Jun, 2023 12:15 am
It's a pity you couldn't understand Frankie Boyle's statement about celebrity atheists because it was spot on.

The certainty that they espouse is all a bit religious, and that's what you're like.

You don't debate or reason, just preach.

And as far as Islam goes, from a position of profound ignorance.

The World is a lot bigger than Western Virginia or America.
Reply Thu 8 Jun, 2023 12:33 am
If you don't understand your own language what hope do you have of appreciating other cultures?

The power structure in Arab states is personality driven.

This was clear during the crusades.

Hassan I Sabbah leader of the group that was known as the assasins realised assination could be used to stop things happening.

If one of the Arab leaders was killed, there was a power vacuum and squabbling while rival contenders battled it out. The victor may have very different views from his rival and may decide not to continue warring against various groups because it'snot worth it.

This tactic did not work against the crusaders who had a clear hierachical structure, kill a Christian leader, his deputy would take over and carry on as before.

That social structure has nothing to do with religion.
Reply Thu 8 Jun, 2023 09:01 pm
It finally happened after a lifetime of crime Trump is finally indicted but not yet convicted. Felons lose their right to vote, but evidently can still be elected president. That does not make sense. Obviously If you are convicted felon in jail, you can still be president. If Trump gets arrested the first thing, he will do is pardon himself, not only for the indictment but for all the other pending cases.

Convicted felons should not be allowed to hold public office and the law should be changed to reflect that. A president should not be allowed to pardon themselves. Trump and Giuliani had set up a scheme to sell pardons for $2 million, one million for Trump and one million for Giuliani. I never understood why any political party would nominate a lifelong criminal.

Pence told the crowd that he was forced to make a choice between the Constitution and Trump. The Trump crowd began calling him Benedict Pence. It is very obvious that Trump supporters would not support the constitution but would support Trump.

Today we have 107,167,524 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,162,537 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 4,987 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,166,408 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,166,331. That means that another 77 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Jun, 2023 09:07 pm
Hitler may have been one worst people in history, but he had an understanding of human nature far beyond his time. No man is all good and no man is all bad.
Hitler was a monster, but he was also genius.

The Arab countries are so backward because of their religion, half of the population is forbidden to go to school.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Jun, 2023 09:23 pm
Frankie Boyle's statement was entertainment.

In mankind early developed a group of conmen claimed to be in contact with invisible spirits so they no longer had to work, and that practice continues today.

This board is all about preaching of a sort its purpose is to educate the next generation.

The evening news has done an excellent job of educating the public for the last twenty years.

Here you go again West Virginia is a state and Viriginia is a separate state since the Civil War.

We can be anywhere in the World without ever leaving your armchair. I can ger on my exercise bike and be any place in the world.
Reply Thu 8 Jun, 2023 09:39 pm
That is what they make those little translators for.

The power structure in the Arab countries is driven by religion.

The only constant across time is religion.

The catholic church has been responsible for more assignations than Hassan could even imagine.

That is pretty much what goes on with Kings and queens many people will kill to have power even if it is a relative.

It sure worked in many royal palaces.

The social structure had everything to do with religion. The divine right of Kings gave the church the right to decide who was chosen by God to be king.
Only when king started the church of England were the tables turned. Then the King controlled the church not the church controlling the King.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Jun, 2023 04:13 am
You know nothing about Frankie Boyle.

If you need to categorise things as serious or entertaintment then there's no place for satire.

You may be able to know Geogeaphical features from Pelatonning it, but you don't know about their culture or organisation.

It's easy to blame one thing, in your case religion, on society's failures.

Hitler did it with Jewish people.

Hitler was not a genius, if he had been Germany would have won the war.

Towards the end of the war the allies abandoned any plans of assasinating Hitler because he was harming the war effort.

He was a huckster and a con man who used simplistic arguments to rabble rouse, and Mussolini did it first.

Neither died comfortably in old age, unlike Stalin or Franco.

Your knowledge of the divine right of kings and the split with the Catholic church is so sketchy it's derisible.

The split first occured with Henry VIII and wasn't really codified until William III and Mary II.

Even George III believed in the divine right, and he stayed in power while the French Revolution was going on.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with a lot of what you say, but not the ignorant stuff.

You are completely parochial, you view everything through the lens of West Virginia, (and yes, I was fully aware it is a state in it's own right, I'm not ignorant about the World outside my own back yard,) and you seem to think that's it.

When I told you about churches being repurposed into Gurdwaras over here your response was to say that churches are popping up all over the shop where you are.

The implication was that somehow your experience was more real than mine, as if somehow West Virginia was more representative of the World than anywhere else.

It's a coal burning mega polluting state, completely at odds with most of the World which is turning to Green issues. West Virginia isn't even representative of America.

There is a reason "stupid American" has such traction. It's because so many Americans are unaware of the World outside their own borders. Ignorant American would probably be more correct.

What is stupid is refusing to recognise your own ignorance and continue as before.
Reply Fri 9 Jun, 2023 09:15 pm
You are right I would not know him if he was hung on the street corner.

The fact is there are people who work in the entertainment industry, and there are others who are not in it for the laughs.

I own a Nordi Tack, Pelotons are obsolete, mine simulates going up and down hills. At one time a person's window to the world let you see only a few hundred feet, now your window lets you view around the world. Books give us firsthand details of people lives.

When someone believes that the real world is controlled by invisible beings you have never seen, there is a problem. Anyone can say God said this or God said that to accomplish their goals. After all who can fact check the invisible man.

Hitler had no idea what a Jew even looked like through much of his life. He simply road an existing wave. A political movement needs an enemy.

Genius, the man nearly took over the world, good or bad, only a few men in history accomplished that. Had Hitler been patient, and waited until the atomic bomb was finished, we would all be speaking German today.

Hitler had still nearly taken over the world, and in the end, it was his lack of patients that cost him the game.

Hitler understood human nature far more than even many today.

Long life often ends in a nightmare that most can't imagine.

Doing away the Devine right of Kings was the one of key principles that was responsible for founding fathers. Many of the founding fathers were not Christians and took the power that religions possessed. It was responsible for the quick rise of America.

The only knowledge of the Divine right of Kings I need is that the founding fathers killed it.

The old saying was that "you are what you eat" but that not true, you are the sum total of your experiences. That is what makes everyone different.

I fully understand that England is completely different when it comes to religion, but America is far different, the average American is far more gullible.

Never underestimate self-interest. If you told these coal miners that the coal was killing them and their families, they would still support it. They can't see any further than the next paycheck. Coal kills 13,000 Americans a year but that is not important to coal miners.

There is so much knowledge in the world today one man will only master a tiny fraction of it. Everyone is ignorant in many fields. I never really wanted to study world history. Knowledge is cafeteria style.

In the end when people are faced with changing their mind or listing the reasons why not, they chose to list the reason why they won't change their mind.

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Reply Fri 9 Jun, 2023 09:34 pm
It is amazing that mankind is not an endangered species. After Trump’s indictment his cult members are still supporting him. Had anyone else taken that amount of top-secret material and started to discuss it with friends, the republicans would want them executed as they have in the past cases but if Trump does it, it is not his fault it is the evildoers in the government who are committing the crime.

I am going to keep this short, I have to be up at four in the morning to do a ½ marathon in Ky. I won in my age group last year and hope to repeat it.

Today we have 107,184,620 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,167,524 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 17,096 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,166,662 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,166,408. That means that another 254 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Jun, 2023 08:13 pm
The republican party can’t handle the truth and they are ruining the American justice system. The old saying is you are innocent until proven guilty but in this case the American justice system is being declared guilty before any trial begins. The leading republican politicians are telling the American people that our justice system is corrupt any time Trump is charged with a crime. They don’t insist the American justice system is corrupt when it charges anybody but Trump.

You can destroy a country that way, by destroying the American Justice system. Pence knows the truth; Trump would have had him and his whole family killed for not throwing the election. Pence knows he is guilty but to get elected he needs the Trump base. Pence is kidding himself; the Trump cult members already refer to him as Benedict Pence. Pence will be remembered as the man who kept Trump from stealing the election. Trump has been impeached twice, only politics prevented him from being convicted. When so many different courts charge Trump, it isn’t a corrupt Justice System it is a super corrupt Trump.

Today we have 107,186,441 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,184,620 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 1,821 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 1,166,663 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,166,662. That means that another 1 American died from the Trump virus today.

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