The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 5 May, 2023 09:06 pm
The republican party can be identified as “Bigots are Us.” Sarah Huckabee Sanders, governor of Arkansas, and former Trump press secretary, made it clear who she would welcome into her state. Sanders said that “she was “excited” to welcome more people into her state-as long as they are cisgender, straight, preferably white, Christian and republican.” It proves one thing bigotry is contagious. I thought Trump was a bigot. The trouble is that the people that are migrating to Arkansas are from blue states like California and bigotry is not their religion. Ignorance is impossible to kill but it can be bought under control.

Arkansas has the fourth worst economy in America for obvious reasons. During the Civil War it was a war between slave states and free states but in our modern-day Civil War the only real issue is ignorance. The war is between the ignorant states and the more informed states. Marjorie Taylor Greene dream of separating America into two countries is alive and well in the republican party and governor Sanders is doing her part. The land of the free means nothing to American Taliban. They don’t want freedom and they don’t want anybody else to have it either.

Today we have 106,765,870 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,762,797 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 3,073 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,162,420 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,162,403. That means that another 17 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 May, 2023 08:59 pm
Trump says that “it is a dangerous time in America.” I would have to agree with him, as long as Trump is running around lose it will be a dangerous time in America. Trump’s employees at Mar-a Lago have decided to testify against him in regard to the stolen top-secret documents. Trump does not pay his employees very much and can’t hire Americans because he does not pay a decent wage. He has to go outside the country to find employees. They will not feel loyalty to Trump because they feel exploited by him. Trump has many lawyers who he has put their law license in jeopardy. If they lose their law license because that lying old man, it could ruin their future. Trump expects his lawyers to lie just as he does.

The ship of Trump is sinking, and the rats are abandoning the ship one by one. Trump now says the special prosecutor is not prosecutor he is a persecutor. It is always someone else fault, it is the judges and the prosecutors who have personal motives for taking Trump to court. It is always a “witch hunt” and they have located the witch in charge. Trump really believes that he can’t do anything illegal because to Trump there isn’t any law he can’t break.

Today we have 106,767,388 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,765,870 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 1,518 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,162,427 today, yesterday the death too stood at 1,162,420. That means that another 7 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2023 08:46 pm
DeSantis is trying to figure out how he is going to get control of the Trump voters. That has to be worse than herding cats, they will go off in all different directions and as long as Trump is in the race they are going to stick with Trump. Trump built a coalition of widely different voters. The Christian right and the white supremist and the racist have completely different philosophies and the only thing they have in common is Trump. If Trump is removed from the equation, they will go their own way. Many will not bother to vote if they can’t vote for their Lord and Savior.

Getting someone to vote for you is a form of manipulation and it is difficult to manipulate some people. The Trump voters are cult members, and they are very loyal to the cult leader. When you want to get somebody out of cult, they have to kidnapped them and deprogramed them by a professional and that does not always successful. It is not practical to kidnap all the Trump voters and deprogram them. What the republicans believed is that Trump would step down on own and hand pick a successor, but Trump will never do that. If any of his primary opponents attack Trump his followers will see it as an attack on them personally. They are in a no-win situation they need to attack him to win but if they attack Trump, they will anger the Trump base.

Today we have 106,768,296 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,767,388 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 908 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,162,431 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,162,427. That means that another 4 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Mon 8 May, 2023 09:14 pm
Where did Trump’s followers get the idea that Trump is their Lord and Savior? Directly from Trump he tells his followers that “only he can save them.” There is nothing wrong with Trump saying that the problem is with the people that believe it. Trump has already started beating the drums that a nuclear war is coming and only he can save them from it. Fear is the primary weapon of manipulation it is extremely effective. Herd animals will go over a cliff because they fear lightening. If someone thought that the choice was between nuclear war and a normal life most people would choose a normal life.

The trouble is Trump is a conman and when he makes that promise “that only he can save you” many people would believe it. Anybody can make promises, but it is a different matter to deliver. No doubt Trump would appease Putin. Trump would start by delivering Ukraine with a ribbon and give Putin 6 more countries to be named in the future. When Trump was running for president, he was trying to make a deal for a Trump Towers in Russia, this would require Putin personal approval. Trump did his best to get Putin’s approval. When congress put more sanctions on Russia Trump vetoed them. The senate overrode the Trump’s veto with nearly 100 votes. When it comes to appeasing dictators Trump would make Neville Chamberlain look like an amateur.

Today we have 106,771,290 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,768,296 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 2,994 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,162,471 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,162,431. That means that another 40 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 May, 2023 09:04 pm
Trump lost his rape trial and is on the hook for $5 million. I often wonder how stupid Trump really is. But Trump’s deposition takes the preverbal cake. When Trump was asked about Access Hollywood tape, he doubled down on it saying celebrities have been able to do it for millions of years. Trump not only said he did it but he was entitled to do it. Trump is dangerous even in a deposition. He let the jury know that he thinks he is entitled to go around grabbing women because he is a celebrity.

There are people out there who put their mouth in gear before their brain in gear, Trump is one of those people. The access Hollywood tape was bad enough but when he doubled down it shows how stupid Trump really is. I have been the subject of a deposition in a Federal Court you think very carefully before you answer the opposing attorney’s questions. One thing you don’t want to is run off at the mouth and give the opposition information they don’t already know. I had to supply detailed work records and explanations of the actions I took. Trumps testimony was equivalent to saying yeah, I did it what are you going to do about it?

Today we have 106,772,583 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,771,290 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 1,293 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,162,474 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,162,471. That means that another 3 people died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 May, 2023 09:24 pm
Trump and his wall have come front and center again. If the billions Trump spent on the wall had done any good at all we would have less immigration today, not more. It took only 12 seconds for the wall to be breached by illegal immigrants carrying children across. We have to remember where we came from, America is a nation of immigrants. In order to build America, we went abroad to encourage people to immigrant to America. Now America is reaching the point that it no longer wants immigrants but especially the white supremist want to stop immigrants with black or brown skin. They believe they are being replaced by the immigrants as the Indians were replaced by our forefathers.

We will have to have new legislation to change the directions from a country that encouraged immigration to one that tightly controls immigration. They tried to pass a law to control immigration a few years ago but the republicans blocked it by objected to the dreamers being given a path to citizenship. The dreamers were the ones bought over as children that had no say in whether they came to America or not. The republicans wanted them returned to Mexico where they could apply for citizenship. Some of the dreamers joined the military and others got a good education.

It is going to take cooperation between both parties to make a law that will work. The longer they point their fingers at each other, the longer it is going to take to solve the problem. America was designed to be a country of immigrants it will require a complete change in directions. There are two different problems, one the large number of immigrants coming in, the other is the illegal immigrants already here. You will have to solve one problem at a time first you must deal with the border. If you had a building with a water leak, the first thing you do is shut the water off, then you look for the leaks. This is a common problem, and it will require a common solution. It is time for congress to stop talking and start looking for a solution.

Today we have 106,787,016 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,772,583 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 14,433 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,162,662 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,162,474. That means that another 188 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Thu 11 May, 2023 09:04 pm
After Trump lost his rape trial and a $5 million dollar judgement was levied against him, Trump went on television and repeated the exact same lies. The plaintiff’s attorney is now considering filing another defamation suit against Trump. Trump evidently believes if he pays the $5 million that he has paid to tell those lies and can continue telling those lies. Everybody saw the picture of Trump along with this woman, he is standing within a few inches of her, the picture does not lie, unlike Trump.

Bob Dylan said it best “The times they are changing.” When I was growing up women and girls were treated with less respect and the offenders were not likely to face any serious consequences. In high school one boys grabbed the end of a girl’s breast and twisted it. There were only a couple of girls who qualified for the class and one dropped out after the first year. It was three-year program in electronic theory. That left one girl with twenty males and the class often didn’t have an instructor. Another guy tried a Trump, he put his hand up her skirt. There were no consequences from the school but when her boyfriend found him, he almost beat him to death. There have always been people like Trump who view women that way. In our country one in four women will be raped in their lifetime. “Times are a changing,” but not fast enough. Do you know of any other crime where you have a one and four chance of it happening?

Today we have 106,790,393 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,787,016 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 3,377 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,162,693 today, yesterday the death toll stood 1,162,662. That means that another 31 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Fri 12 May, 2023 09:12 pm
I am sure some wondered where I got the statistic that one out of four women will be raped in their lifetime. It came from a billboard from the Rape Crisis Center. I thought it could not possibly be true. The billboard was at the end of a long straight way on a short cut I used frequently, and I saw many times. I started to think back to women I knew and realized that more of them were molested than were not molested. Most women are not likely to talk about it but some will tell you the most intimate things while dating.

I had been watching one girl since Jr High, I ran into her years later while I was in college. She was my first older woman. We dated and got close quickly. She was living with an aunt and related this story. Her aunt would make her draw her adult son's bathe water. The aunt than encouraged her son to have sex with her. She also said that she left a party one night and could not find her way home. She was picked up by a fraternity boy and taken to the fraternity house where she spent the night. That fraternity house had a reputation for gang bang. I never ask her what went on. She was sent out of town to her mother who was in the Air Force. No doubt pregnant.

I was out of town for a funeral and was riding with a cousin, we were close as children. I told her she was a real wild child she kept running away. She told me you know why? I told her I didn’t have clue. She said her father was raping her and as soon as they bought her back, he would rape her again. There were 6 girls in that family, and he raped only one.

I worked with a man who was arrested for raping three of his daughters. They blamed it on exposure to agent orange. They were going to put him right back in his job. The employees refused to work him and the gave him a job at VA.

This is only a small portion of the incidents I know about so the statistic may be wrong, but it may be too low.

In our society the women are the keeper of the virtue and when they fail, they believe they are responsible somehow. Men in our society believe it is their task to capture the virtue. It is like a socker game where the women are the goalies. It is not a fair game especially with children.

Today we have 106,791,403 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,790,393 cases of the Trump virus. That means that 1,010 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,162,698 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,162,693. That means that another 5 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sat 13 May, 2023 08:54 pm
Trump is finally facing a judge who is not going to put up with his nonsense. The judge has ordered Trump to attend lectures on how to treat witnesses. The judge said Trump is harassing, embarrassing, and threatening. That is what Trump does to witnesses. Trump will be prohibited from using evidence to slam witnesses on social media. The judge made it clear if he violates the order he will be placed in contempt of court. Trump will be taken directly to jail if he does not comply with the judge’s orders.

It will be one crowed jail cell as Trump’s secret service detail will have to go with him. Trump has harassed every judge in every trial he has been involved in, I can’t imagine that Trump will change his ways just because of a judge’s order. There is at least one judge who is not afraid to put Trump in jail where he belongs. Maybe this judge’s actions will give the other judges the courage to deal with Trump.

Today we have 106,791,968 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,790,393 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 1,575 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,162,699 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,162,698. That means that another American died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 May, 2023 08:54 pm
The CEO of Disney replied to many of Comrade DeSantis allegations. The first about Disney have a special district. Comrade DeSantis would like for the public to believe that Disney is getting special treatment, but Disney’s CEO let the public know that there are 200 special districts in Florida, including the Daytona Speedway and the Village. It seems special district are granted in Florida to attract business to Florida.

Notice Comrade DeSantis is only going after one of the 200 special districts. Disney’s CEO believes that Comrade DeSantis is targeting them because they spoke out against Comrade DeSantis’s Don’t Say Gay Law. Communists always try to control the private sector even their free speech. Disney is suing Comrade DeSantis because he retaliated for their free speech. That is pretty obvious to anyone that is what is going on. Disney’s CEO believes that Comrade DeSantis is trying to use Disney as a dragon in his political campaign, so he can say he slew the dragon. The dragon might just roast Comrade DeSantis.

Today we have 106,792,474 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,791,968 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 506 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,162,701 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,162,699. That means that another 2 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 May, 2023 09:15 pm
America was known to be one of the richest nations on earth but that may be changing. America is being targeted by scam artists from countries all over the world. There was a time when scam artists had to actually be in the area to scam the victim. Now the scam artist can be halfway around the world. The relative of a retired navy man needed to find his social security number for the funeral home. She had the neighbors go through some of his paperwork to find his social security number. What the neighbors found was surprising. They out that he had been transferring $48,500 to Thailand on a regular basis. It totaled over $3.6 million. He has no immediate family and had had a stroke recently.

The family is now suing Wells Fargo for transferring the money. Wells Fargo said that they had contacted Adult Protectives Services who told them to monitor the situation. Huge amounts of money are being scammed out of America every day. Some of the biggest business in America have been targeted by Ransom Ware attacks. Many of the businesses simply paid the ransom. I had a ransom ware attack. They didn’t get penny, but it cost me a computer.

The banks need to step up like credit card companies do when they suspect a transaction is fraudulent. The amount of money be stolen has to affect the country’s overall wealth.

Today we have 106,819,806 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,792,474 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 27,332 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,163,026 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,162,701. That means that another 325 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 May, 2023 09:10 pm
Marjorie Taylor Greene was upset when an expert witness openly laughed at her at a congressional hearing on “left wing extremism.” MTG has no she has been America laughing stock since she was elected. She might not realize people are laughing behind her back but they are. When somebody believes that Jews are using lasers from outer space to set forest fires in California so they can buy the property on the cheap to build a private highway it is laughable. It is one thing to believe nonsense it is another to go out in public and proclaim it is the truth.

MTG is one of the most dangerous places on earth is between MTG and a microphone. She will run over top of you or knock you down. Only Trump gets more publicity than MTG. It does not make sense that she gets every stupid thought covered by the national press. She seems to be congress’s court jester.

The court jester said the real people who are white supremist are those who supported abortion because 20 million black babies had been aborted since abortion was legalized. This is where the expert witness began to laugh at her. The republicans are against welfare imagine how many of those 20 million would have ended up on government assistance.

Today we have 106,831,286, cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,819,806. That means that another 11,480 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,163,294 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,163,026. That means that another 268 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 May, 2023 09:41 pm
Comrade DeSantis is trying to take control of Disney and he keeps getting his ass kicked. Why would he do this? That is what communists do, they want to control the private sector, that is the communist philosophy, that government can do a better job running the private sector. Comrade DeSantis has made it very clear he thinks he entitled to run Disney.

Comrade DeSantis move was to take control of the Reedy Park Improvement District. Disney struck a deal where they would be in charge of Comrade DeSantis personally board. The only thing Comrade DeSantis personally appointed board would be able to supervise is potholes.

Comrade DeSantis’s attorney general tried to get records of the deal between Reedy Creek and Disney to search for criminal violations that frustrated Comrade DeSantis. Disney was smart enough to make sure there were no written records. Check mate.

Today we have 106,859,478 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,831,286 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 28,192 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,163,687 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,163,294. That means that another 393 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 May, 2023 09:18 pm
Disney decided to cancel a billion-dollar development in FL. Imagine what Comrade DeSantis can do for America if he can cost FL billions. The book publishers are suing Comrade DeSantis over the books he has banned. Comrade DeSantis is a control freak who wants to rewrite history and leave out the parts he doesn’t like. He wants to eliminate the Gay pride events in FL. One event that attracts 20,000 people was just canceled. Comrade DeSantis also wants to dictate what medical care you can give your children. Once the republicans stopped abortion, they can stop any medical procedure that is against their politics.

Comrade DeSantis is against free speech in any form. The Disney debacle is all about free speech. Comrade DeSantis’s don’t say gave law was in the legislature and as any law that is before the legislature citizens have a right to speak out about any law, and corporations by court decision have the same right. How can anybody support someone for political office that tries to take away anyone’s free speech right? Comrade DeSantis is a bully and the one thing you don’t want to do is to give a bully even more political power. In America we prize the right of free speech for every citizen. The old saying is I might not agree with what you say, but I would die for your right to say it, and many Americans have died for that right.

Today we have 106,877,363 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,859,478 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 17,885 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,163,871, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,163,687. That means that another 184 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 May, 2023 09:21 pm
In the upcoming election Americans are going to have a clear choice in which way to take the country.

“I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it to the death.” That is one of the key principals that America was founded on.

If you say anything at all against what I am doing, I will use my government power to try and destroy you. That is republicanism.

Free speech is essential for our government to work, make no doubt about it those that would try to quash it are enemies of America.

Comrade DeSantis is still working to destroy more free speech in America. The bill to make anybody who blogs against Comrade DeSantis buy a license for ten dollars and send copies of any of their blogs against him to FL within 6 days is still pending in the FL state legislature.

The republican party is fast becoming the party of no. No, no decent health care for women, yes abortions are a necessary form of health care for women, you can no longer decide on certain health care for your children, big brother will decide for you, and the book burners are at it again, the republicans will decide what books your, children can and can’t read.

The republicans are looking forward to a brave new world where they can tell you what you can think and what you can’t think. Comrade DeSantis has no idea what America was founded on, but he does like what he sees in Russia. If you can cancel free speech, you can silence the opposition.

Comrade DeSantis says he won’t back down even after FL lost a billion-dollar investment from Disney. This is a war for America.

Today we have 106,890,158 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,877,363 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 12,795 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,164,019 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,163,871. That means that another 148 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 May, 2023 09:31 pm
Today the truth about Fox News came out. I have long said that Fox News is nothing more than a political organization, it was never intended to be a news channel.

“And oftentimes, to win us to our harm,
The instrument of darkness tells us truths,
Win us with honest trifles, to betray’s
In the deepest consequences.

Fox News could just as well been in the business of making political commercials, but most people would pay little attention to them. If instead they could imbed the commercials in fake news broadcasts people would not even know they were watching political commercials. This would be much more effective.

Rupert Murdock left no doubt telling Comrade DeSantis that Fox News would support him for president. Did you ever hear of a mainstream network tell a presidential candidate they would support in the election? Never happened, never will.

Fox News has also put a soft ban on Trump. Murdock has $787 million reason to be mad at Trump, it was Trump’s bad of crazy idiots that made up the lies Fox spread.

Today we have 107,041,325 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,890,158 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 151,167 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,164,340 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,164,019. That means that another 321 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 May, 2023 09:36 pm
Comrade DeSantis would be far better suited for Putin’s job in Russia than for president in America. Comrade DeSantis can’t tolerate any difference of opinion. If you disagree with Comrade DeSantis and you work for the state, you will likely be fired. Comrade DeSantis is trying to appeal to the worst of the worse, the ignorant, the bigots, the stupid and the racists. In other words, the Trump base, it worked for Trump, and Comrade DeSantis thinks it is the pathway to the Whitehouse. Trump had to attract voters that were not part of his base to get elected. But Trump basically gave the finger to America and people ate it up. They acted like they had never been given the finger before.

Comrade DeSantis is now getting more publicity than Marjorie Taylor Greene. Since Fox News has imposed a “soft ban” on Trump, it is likely Comrade DeSantis will start to get more publicity than Trump. That is how Trump’s campaign will begin to collapse, not all at once but a little at a time.

Comrade DeSantis has even started firing prosecutors and bragging about it in his book and stump speeches. The prosecutor made the same mistake Disney made he spoke out about Comrade DeSantis’ don’t say gay law.

The state senators in FL warned Comrade DeSantis that Disney was responsible for half of the tourism in FL. What happens when Comrade DeSantis kills Disney? FL depends on tourism it is the reason that FL doesn’t have a state income tax. Comrade DeSantis gift to FL may be a state income tax. It doesn’t matter to comrade DeSantis he has his eye on the prize and nothing else matters. If you want the ignorant to vote for you must feed them ignorance.

Today we have 107,042,460 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,041,325 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 1,135 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,164,345 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,164,340. That means that another 5 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 May, 2023 08:52 pm
If knowledge is power, what is ignorance? It has to be its opposite. Comrade DeSantis has expanded his don’t say gay law from the third grade through high school. The merchants of ignorance have always been the churches. The churches first move to gain political power occurred in the 80s with the “Moral Majority.” One of the changes they were able to make was to get Playboy and other girly magazines off the magazine stand and behind the counter. When I was teen Playboy was on the magazine stand and you could check it out. I am sure many a young man got his first glimpse of naked woman in those pages.

This sparked other intrusions into government. They want to pretend this is a Christian nation and they should run the government like they once did in Europe. A king ruled because of the Divine Right of Kings. God himself had to appoint a king or at least his representatives on earth. This made the churches in Europe very powerful. America was founded on the principal that this would never happen in America and separation of church state was written into the founding documents. Trump be it known was the first takeover of our government by the Christian sect. Many churches are more powerful political organizations than the local democrat or republican parties. When those preaches use their pulpit to demand their members vote for certain candidate they are pushing, their nonprofit status should be pulled. If they want in the game, they should play by the rules of the game.

Today we have 107,043,704 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,042,460 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 1,244 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,164,351 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,164,345. That means that another 6 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

Reply Tue 23 May, 2023 08:57 am
The Church of England is very much part of the establishment, its bishops sit in the House of Lords.

We've been compared to Iran as a result.

However, we don't have much of a problem with the religious right at all. This is one of the least religious countries in the world, just a handful of Scandinavian countries are less religious.

Given the choice of an established church and no religious right, or the separation of church and state with a bunch of fundamentalist nutjobs dictating policy to a major political party, I'd choose the former.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 May, 2023 09:39 pm
We no longer have separation of church and state. Trump’s biggest voting block was the religious right. I don’t know where you are from but there is a church on most corners here. Come Sunday morning they are lined up to go to ignorance school. This may be part of the bible belt but religion has not significantly declined. Come election time the preachers start telling their congregation that whoever the democrat is running for president, he is the anti-Christ and believe me they, believe every word.

The state of WV was one of the strongest democratic states in the union. It was almost impossible for a republican to get elected and it had been that way for 100 years. It was one of the most union states in the country, cross a picket line and you might die. I worked the presidential campaign in 2004 and went door to door talking to union members. This had become a tipping point the religious right had sunk their claws into too many with the abortion questions. Many union members became single issue voters, nothing mattered but abortion. The whole state is now religious right republican stronghold. Never ever underestimate the power of superstition to motivate the ignorant. It was religion that changed WV from deep blue to deep red and the same thing is happening all across America. If you don’t want to answer to preacher you better realize where this is headed.

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