The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2012 05:33 am
Round two of the presidential debate is tonight and it will not be as easy for Romney to tell one lie after another unquestioned. Romney’s phony apology saying he just misspoke about almost half of Americans being just dependent deadbeats will be front and center. While it is possible for someone to use a wrong word or two a very polished and practiced ideological speech as Romney’s speech about the 47% was, reflects Romney’s deeply held political ideology. If Romney had just misspoken once his speech was made public he would have immediately apologized but instead he doubled down and only said he could have said the same thing more “elegantly.” After all Romney had just written a book titled “No Apology” and this was a campaign theme blasting Obama for apologizing for the total mess baby Bush made of the world. How could he the great and powerful Mitt Romney apologize? Never say never, only when his popularity plummeted in the poles did Romney apologize for his deeply held political beliefs. The apology doesn’t mean he changed he changed his mind just like a no contest plea in a court law he doesn’t admit guilt just that there is enough evidence that his remarks were extremely offensive to most Americans. After all recent advances in neuroscience has shown that brains are constructed from idea and the neuropath ways are strengthened other neuropath ways are weakened. Romney ideas about the 47% are so deeply ingrained that he could not change his mind if he wanted to. An idea or an ideology that is continually thought creates a neuropath way and it is difficult to deviate from. The fact that Romney apologized does not mean his position changed one iota, he still believes that 47% of Americans are dependent deadbeats.

The second point is that Romney is going to have to explain how he can make up the money from his $5 trillion tax cut. Romney’s has said he will eliminate tax deductions and “broaden the base” to make up the lost revenue. Who do you think will be asked to make up the $5 trillion dollar difference? We already know that Romney views the 47% as deadbeats who pay no taxes. Romney will not reconsider his position if he gets to be president. To Romney it is grossly unfair that he pays millions in taxes on “excess wealth” and that 47% of Americans don’t. To him it is not unfair that others don’t have “excess wealth” just that they are not taxed on what little they do have. How will Romney “broaden the base?” Just as John McCain told us he would do last election, tax fringe benefits just as they were money even though fringe benefits are not money. The door to taxing fringe benefits was opened by taxing company cars that were driven home. A employer provided health insurance policy now costs $20,000 McCain wanted that amount taxed just as if you were given to you in cash. If Romney is successful in eliminating, well maybe not eliminating but making health insurance subject to income tax, this will be the biggest tax increase on the middle class in history but the ungodly greedy $100,000 county club membership paid for by their employer will not be taxed.
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Reply Wed 17 Oct, 2012 05:34 am
The presidential debate last night looked like a boxing match where Romney was knocked down numerous times every time Romney struggled to his feet he got knocked down again but when Romney tried a roundhouse haymaker he was hit so hard his teeth flew out. That blow was the one in the movies shot in slow motion where the challenger’s head snaps back and the sweat and blood fly. Romney tried to make an issue about Libya but his only source of information was evidently Rush Slimbaugh and red neck right radio. Obama quickly called Romney’s lie and told him to read the transcript Romney repeated his lie again and this time the moderator who had read the actual transcript called Romney on his lie again. The debate was over at that point and Romney looked totally mentally exhausted keeping his lies straight is far more stressful than telling the truth and Romney told lie after lie it was incredible he kept as many lies straight as he did. I tuned in to Fox News afterwards and even Fox News’ commentator Charles Krauthammer acknowledged that Obama won the debate.

When Obama pointed out that Romney intended to cut $5 trillion in taxes and spend and additional $2 trillion on the military and continue the Bush tax cuts that costs an additional $1 trillion. That is $8 trillion is additional debt with no way to pay for it. Romney said that he would not cut the effective rate on the ungodly greedy even though they would get the vast majority of the $5 trillion tax cut. He would cut according to his lie the deductions like the $80,000 dollar deduction for his dancing horse. But if there is no change in their taxes why bother to change the tax code at all? Romney said tax cuts on “job creators” would spur the economy onward and upward but now he says’ there are no tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Romney’s lie can’t have its Kate and Edith too. It is very obvious that Romney’s is making it up as he goes along when asks which middle class tax deductions he would eliminate he said the middle class could have $25,000 in tax deductions made up of interest deductions for the house, student loans, or others tax deductions. In the first debate it was $50,000 in middle class tax deductions on another occasion it was $17,000. It is obvious he doesn’t have a plan he is just making up something to get elected. Paul Ryan was asked on the Today Show about Romney’s tax cut lie and he said that they would take credit for the $5 trillion tax cut and let congress decide which deductions to take away. Romney would take the credit Congress would take the blame.
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Reply Thu 18 Oct, 2012 05:32 am
Romney was quick to say that his $5 trillion dollar tax cut, by far the greatest majority of Romney’s tax cut will go to the ungodly greedy. Romney has previously said that the ungodly greedy would continue to pay the same overall percentage of the income taxes as they do now. In other words if the top 5% paid 60% of the income tax and after all income tax is a tax placed on “excess wealth” than after Romney $5 trillion tax cut the ungodly greedy would get $3 trillion of the tax cut. But wait that was the Mitt Romney that was down in the polls during the last debate Romney insisted that the ungodly greedy would get no tax cut at all because Romney would do away with the tax deductions the ungodly currently enjoy. According to Romney Tuesday night only the middle class would get the $5 trillion tax cut. At other times Romney is howling about the 47% who pay no income tax, and he even got that wrong it is actually 46%, and wanting to broaden the base” this is in effect a tax increase for those who currently pay no income tax, like soldiers pay in a combat zone, social security recipients, students, and the working poor. Romney positions are like ghosts in a movie who just disappears from one location and materialize in another. Romney says he will pay for his $5 trillion tax cut by cutting out tax deductions, no doubt for social security, low income, combat zone pay, and students who work part time going tom school.

The last hired is the first fired, the first tax deduction to go will be the $800 pays to work tax deduction that Obama started after he was elected. This tax deduction is a huge tax cut for the middle class if one of couple is working you are allowed to deduct $800 if you pay $1600 in income tax and you got $800 tax deduction Obama gave you a 50% cut in your income tax. If you paid $3,200 a year in income tax prior to Obama being elected you got a 25% cut in your income tax. The trouble is most people don’t do their own taxes and have no idea that they got that tax cut. Most people only see what they have to pay or what their refund check will be. The 33% cut in social security tax will also disappear this is another $1,000 for a working couple earning $50,000 of course this is not income tax but payroll tax. Now compare this to Romney’s 20% tax cut which is only a 20% cut in your tax bracket. If you are in the 10% tax bracket and a good portion of the middle class income is taxed at this bracket the tax cut is 20% x 10% = 2% tax cut by Romney’s math. Now this 2% tax cut will be offset by deduction roulette. With the elimination of previous tax deductions the middle class is more than likely to see a substantial net tax increase and the ungodly greedy? Under Romney plan they are likely to get every penny of the $3 trillion tax cut. Romney is not King so Congress will have to eliminate the tax deductions for the ungodly greedy and Romney knows better then anyone else that the ungodly greedy’ money will flow through Congress like a river of milk and honey and block any but token tax deduction elimination. But all will be for the $5 trillion tax cut.
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Reply Fri 19 Oct, 2012 05:35 am

The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power to forget is enormous.


Romney is banking on the “masses power to forget being enormous” this election. Romney tried to give the impression during Tuesday night debate that gasoline was cheap during baby Bush’s term in office that baby Bush and commie/conservative deregulation gave us $4 gasoline by May of 2008 and it continued through August 2008 but gasoline prices plunged because the economy collapsed and gasoline goes down in the winter because demand goes down. I paid $4.239 on July 5th 2008 and still have my receipt I chart my gas to keep track of gas mileage and cost. I live almost within sight of a refinery and check the prices in a three state area in order to buy at the lowest price. When you view a graph of historical gas prices over the last 8 years the first thing you notice is that the highest price of gasoline was in 2008 during baby Bush’s term.

Obama called Romney on many of his lies but Romney told so many lies that it was hard for Obama to call him a liar every time he lied without the charge losing impact. The most pervasive and effective lies Romney and the commie/conservative are spreading is lie to make it appear that it is Obama that is responsible for the 800% increase in the price of gasoline that took place during baby Bush term of office. When one of the republicans in our union beginning spreading the lie that gasoline prices were much higher during Obama term than Bush’s I quickly put him in his place with the actual documents he had completely forgot what he had paid for gasoline during Bush term in office.

The democrats should run a commercial featuring the graph of historical gas prices and the headlines about the crushing price of gasoline when the commie/conservatives were last in office and show that the actual price of gasoline was 52 cents a gallon 92.9- tax of 41 cents) in December 2001 but 7 years later was $3.80 a gallon after the 43.9 cents in taxes was removed. Commie/conservative deregulation gave us a 800% increase in price of gasoline last time the commie/conservatives were in office. We can expect a similar increase under a Romney presidency. That would make the price of gasoline $29.40 a gallon if Romney is successful as Bush but the ungodly greedy need not worry they will get a $5 trillion tax cut to pay for it. ____________________________________________________________________
The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power to forget is enormous.

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Reply Sat 20 Oct, 2012 10:30 am
In a battle of ideas words are the ammunition. They have to be chosen very carefully. Words are the vehicles that convey the ideas. If you let your opponent control the words in the debate you have either lost the argument or at best been severely hamstrung. Nowhere can this be seen as clearly as in the debate over the “Affordable Healthcare Act.” The bill was correctly named as the idea was to make healthcare affordable. But the commie/conservatives knew if they referred to “The Affordable Healthcare Act as “the Affordable Healthcare Act” that they would be taking a position against making healthcare affordable. So instead of referring to it as the “The Affordable Healthcare Act” they developed a slang term and started calling it “Obama Care.” Forty-six percent of the people had voted against Obama in the 2008 election. By labeling “The Affordable Healthcare Act” “Obama Care” 46% 0f the American people would be pre-prejudice against the “The Affordable Health Care Act.”

There was nothing the democrats could do to stop fact that the vast right wing propaganda network repeatedly used the slang term “Obama Care” but the main stream news media should have been called on the use of the term “Obama Care” every time there was an interview. We do not tolerate the slang term for sex organs on the main stream news media however the medical correct names can be used. When a bill that is of vast importance to many Americans is being discussed it is important that the correct name of the bill be used.

We are currently engaged in a war in America, the most important war in America’s 200+ year history. There are no missiles streaking overhead or bombs exploding. It is a silent war quietly eroding the middle class lifestyle first so slowly that many failed to notice but it is accelerating now and very few can ignore the obvious any longer. The middleclass in America grew fat on junk food and junk economics and failed to notice that they were being slowly boiled for lunch by the ungodly greedy.

A roofer is in most danger when he becomes comfortable on a roof he no longer fears the obvious dangers. That is when he falls off the roof and dies. I found that to be true in many cases. The American middleclass grew comfortable and complacent they thought the good times would go on forever. Their fathers and grandfathers died in world wars and on picket lines to provide the baby boomers the lifestyle they were born into. But the baby boomers treated that life style like it was a birth right not something that they would have to fight for to retain.

When the commie/conservatives came to power in 1980 they knew the enemy that was fat and happy and would not fight back. While their grandfathers was beaten to death on picket line to secure a pension and medical care in their retirement the baby boomers did little more than whimper when they were taken away. Hundreds of billions of dollars in pensions were “harvested” by the ungodly greedy like Romney. You would have thought there would have been an outcry from shore to shore but it became the accepted philosophy in America if you can take it you are entitled to it and the more you take the better person you are.
This war will be fought on the battlefield of ideas, the correct terminology is absolutely essential. If we let the commie/conservatives control the terminology, as we did with the “Death Tax and Obama Care we will not only lose the battle we will lose the war.
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Reply Sun 21 Oct, 2012 06:21 am
In the last debate Romney said he would lease more public land to oil companies while pointing out Obama had cancelled leases that some oil companies currently held. Obama countered with the fact that many big oil companies were leasing public land for speculation and simply sitting on the oil for 20 or 30 years without ever drilling. They never had any intention of drilling for oil until the price of gas is much higher. If you could buy an oil lease from government when oil was selling for $30 a barrel and set on it until the price oil is a $100 a barrel your profit is between what you negotiated when oil prices were low and the current selling price. This practice is called “rent seeking” by economists and it is one of the major reasons for the distortion in our economy. It is also one of the major reasons for the inequality we are experiencing today. “Rent seeking” provides a company with a much higher return than a reasonable profit. When big oil companies buy natural resources that belong to the public for a fraction of what they are worth they cheat all of us. But the paradigm promulgated by the commie/conservatives is that the government is not the people as the founding fathers believed but a separate and evil entity intent on depriving of our freedoms. In this commie/conservative myth cheating the government is justifiable if not an obligation of the noble oil companies who are only trying to provide the fuel we need.

When Obama pointed out to Romney that actual oil production on public land is up 9% even though there are fewer leases it didn’t phase Romney because he is not interested in the amount of oil produced but the amount of public land leased to big oil companies. The fact is that America is now exporting record amounts of gasoline not seen since the 1950s. If there is a shortage of gasoline how can big oil be exporting record amounts of gasoline? The fact is we are using 2 million less barrels of gasoline a day than we did a few years ago because the cars are more efficient and the price is up. Big oil has excess refining capacity and is importing the oil and shipping the excess gas to South America as a byproduct. There are far more profitable products produced during the refining of oil than gasoline.
This should tell anyone that commie/conservative deregulation is at the heart of skyrocketing gasoline prices. When Reagan eliminated the regulations that broke up the Standard Oil monopoly an American oil monopoly was inevitable. Once the monopoly was in place they soon began “rent seeking.” Monopolies are in ideal situation for “rent seeking” they can simply mandate any price as long as it is below “demand destruction.” The 800% price increase in the price of gasoline during 7 short years of the Bush administration is clear evidence of “rent seeking” behavior.

Romney is also very concerned about the Canadian oil pipe line being built. Ask yourself why this pipeline is going to the Gulf of Mexico? We have many refineries in America and the Gulf of Mexico is an extremely oil rich region that is currently “exporting” records amount of gasoline why ship even more oil to this region that is already exporting record amounts of gasoline? There is one reason and one reason only so that it can be easily exported as demand in America continues to decline.

For the last 20 years I have dealt extensively with conmen in my job and many now avoid Huntington because they know they face and increased risk of incarceration. Many of those who have risen to the top in America in the last 30 years are not the cream of the crop but the scum of the earth. Many have forgotten that though sometimes cream rise to the top scum always rises to the top of the pond.

Gasoline prices have never got as high as they were during baby Bush term. The 800% increase in gasoline prices took place during Bush term in office. The question of this is would you trust a man who screwed your father out of his pension with your social security?

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Reply Mon 22 Oct, 2012 05:33 am
The recent Gallup Poll led to a change in the tune of the commie/conservative propagandists. When the polls showed that Obama was leading the commie/conservatives like Glen Beck insisted that the polls and the polling companies were part of a vast left wing conspiracy to suppress the commie/conservative voters by fixing the poll results. When the Gallup Poll results showed that Romney with a 7 point lead the same commie/conservatives that claimed the previous results were fixed to suppress the commie/conservative vote now proclaimed the polls to be the gospel truth.

The CEO of Gallup was even the honored guest on Fox’s Sunday News program on Fox. The commie/conservatives could hardly wait to show off the first poll out of thousands to show that Romney had a lead that exceeded the margin of error. The results of the polls make a big difference in how they are spun by the professional propagandist.

The NBC polls on this morning news show a dead heat in likely voters with the race being 47% to 47% but when all voters are polled Obama leads 49% to 45%. Both the weather and the get out the vote operations will be critical in this election. Likely voters will brave even severe weather to vote but those that are not as determined to vote will stay home or find an excuse not to vote. Many of the elderly are more likely to vote as they do not have to work and have the whole day to vote. One group will have a 100% voter turnout is the ungodly greedy who stand to get millions in Romney’s tax cuts. Sheldon Adelson spent over a $100 million to buy this election for Romney look for Sheldon limousine to be in line to vote by midnight the week before the election.
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 05:34 am
Fox’s decision to air a baseball game instead of the presidential debate substantially demised any chance Romney had of being elected president. Red Rupert’s television network did not cover the last night’s presidential debate instead Fox carried a baseball game. This means that the red neck right had to watch the presidential debate on another network. Without the Fox News spin many of the red neck right will realize that Obama won the debate. Most Americans don’t realize what major effect Red Rupert’s vast holdings of television stations, magazines and newspapers have on elections. Rupert Murdock is a foreigner that is in the propaganda business with the Red Chinese. Murdock helps the Red Chinese with the “People Daily.”

Hitler could have taken over the world if he had as big a propaganda network as Red Rupert. Before the commie/conservatives came to power in America there regulations in place that kept foreigners from owning a major portion of America news media. There were also regulations to keep one company from owning a major portion of news media in any one market. In other words it kept one company from owning the television stations, radio stations, and newspapers. Of course in the commie/conservatives race to eliminate any and all regulations these regulations had to go also.
“The more modest its intellectual ballast, the more it takes into consideration the emotions of the masses, the more effective it will be.

Murdock built Fox News using Hitler’s template. Murdock definitely dummied down the intellectual ballast and focused on the emotions of the masses. Using emotional triggers to manipulate its audience is a tried and true method of red neck right radio but Fox was the first to bring that method to a wider audience on television. In the psychology of crowds the emotion rules the intellect the intellect does not rule the emotions. In the extremes we see the lynch mobs and the riots where the rules of societies cease to exist but these are only the extremes, the flash points, but it is the shades of gray that threaten us the most. The emotional driven decisions in elections threaten not the few but the many.
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Reply Wed 24 Oct, 2012 05:30 am
It is crunch time and the election has come down to the two minute drill. The Romney campaign is desperate and it is time to roll out the ads for idiots. The chicken hawks for Romney add began running on a local television station yesterday. Most of baby Bush’s cabinet was made up of a chicken hawk, these were the rich kid’s like Bush who avoided the Vietnam draft like Dick Cheney and Baby Bush who was in a special unit of National Guard made up of rich kids there to avoid the draft. Baby Bush signed the coward pledge stating he would not go overseas to defend his country. However the coward pledge was not available to the poor who were sent to die in Vietnam.

The chicken hawks were absolutely determined to start a war with Iraq they are the type you would meet in a bar that are always yelling for someone to hold them back from fighting but when let lose they don’t go anywhere. Now they are running an ad attributed to “The Special Forces” like the military had millions of dollars to spend on political ads, the ad sounds eerily just like red neck right radio rant about American Exceptionalism.
American Exceptionalism is a cult like belief that God made America his designated hitter here on earth. That it is America place to run the world and tell other countries what to do. While the truth is that America is made up both good and bad people. That we have big companies, like Goldman Sacks that when given the chance see nothing with cheating other Americans. Anyone that believes these same companies would not take advantage of less sophisticated countries is naïve. Capitalism is based on self-interest and when there is a conflict of self-interest the rule of jungle takes over. At one time American oil companies paid more to ship the Middle East’s oil to America then they paid for the oil. The Arabs got wise and nationalized the American oil company’s holdings. The Oil companies wanted to send the marines in to take back their property. This is what American Exceptionalism is all about big companies defrauding the less sophisticated countries and sending American young to die for another $1 profit. But crime looks so noble when you spend millions on propaganda.
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Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2012 05:57 am
It is nice to see Airheads for Romney doing their part. Romney bough the big guns out yesterday, Sarah Palin, Queen of airheads weigh in yesterday. Palin said that Obama was “President Obama’s shuck and jive shtick with these Benghazi lies must end.” This is probably the most offensive racial slur since Trent Lott said that if Strom Thurmond had been elected President America would not have had all those racial problems. If you looked racist up in the dictionary there was a picture of Strom Thurmond. Thurmond was strict segregationists who believed in separate schools, water fountains, hospitals and bathrooms for blacks. Trent Lott never ever understood what was wrong with his public praise of a white supremacist.

The commie/conservatives are desperately looking for an issue. In Benghazi they believe they have been handed the Golden Fleece. What has always bothered me about this incident is how much more valuable the right believes the life of a middle age ambassador is then the 4,438 Americans killed in the Iraq war looking for non-existent atomic bombs. The commie/conservatives see nothing at all wrong with those men dying in war for oil but are outraged when a single ambassador was killed (the others killed with him are seldom mentioned. )

In October 1983, two hundred and forty-one American marines were killed in in a barracks in Beirut, Lebanon. During Reagan’s term in office the marines guarding the barracks were not allowed to have loaded weapons. Did the commie/conservatives have a problem with that bombing? No, no ambassador was involved; it is the soldier’s job to die.

Certainly the killings in Libya are a tragedy but we are still at war and actively killing or attempting to kill other combatants in many countries. We cannot expect to be in a war and not suffer causalities on our side. If history has taught us one thing that with enough effort no one is beyond reach. Even Presidents and heads of state with all their security have died. To believe that we can provide perfect security to all Americans abroad is a fantasy. Causalities have happened in the past and will happen in the future. Second guessing is like 20/20 hindsight you can always see the alternative path when you know all of the circumstances afterward.

Libya was a powder keg with all of the military’s weapons were lose in the street and any type of weapon was readily available. While many Libyans were pleased with the liberation of Libya there are always two factions and many who lost power were not pleased. It would be like a foreign country coming over here after the election and putting Romney and his band of thieves in power after they lost the election. Many Americans would hold that against the foreign power that put Romney in power and you can bet retaliation against that power would be swift. In any political situation somebody wins and somebody loses. Those that lose often retaliate to believe this won’t happen is to believe that human nature doesn’t exist.

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Reply Fri 26 Oct, 2012 05:33 am
The United Nations has a scale that is used to predict when a country is likely to have violent revolution. When a country reaches a 4 on this scale a violent revolution is likely the United States is currently at exceed this number and is at 4.7. The idea of violent revolution in America is unthinkable to most Americans but this generation will remember the violent and deadly race riots that helped end segregation in America. We are abhorred by the political violence in the Middle East. But those in the Middle East watched as American cities burnt from coast to coast in 60s. We are not that far removed from the idea that killing people and burning cities to make political changes. Those who didn’t witness the violence, which is majority of people alive today, are secure in the thought that it can’t happen here but they are mistaken. I vividly remember trying to buy a can of gasoline after my car ran out of gas while I was in college because so many Molotov cocktails were being thrown near campus. The students were protesting the Vietnam War there was not much damage in Huntington but riots became common. When a political system becomes corrupt and there is no other Avenue left violence becomes not only possible but likely.

Gerald Celente, the CEO of Future Trends Research Institute, who predicted the Asian stock market crash and the fall of the Soviet Union is now forecasting a revolution in America in 2012.
If a revolution takes place this year it will be as a result of fixing the Presidential election. Not possible? In Ohio the voting machines are owned by private companies. The voting machines in Hamilton County, think Cincinnati, are owned by Mitt Romney son. The CEO of the company and the executives of the company owns the machines have made big contributions to Mitt Romney’s campaign. Of course Romney son’s investment company owns the company supplying the voting machines. A similar thing happened in Ohio in the 2004 election when a company doing a lot of business with the Baby Bush campaign supplied the voting machine in some Ohio counties that reported late and changed the outcome of the election that was won by 13,000 votes.
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Reply Sat 27 Oct, 2012 06:00 am
There are a few things that are certain in a man’s life, like death and taxes. But there has been one other constant that is seldom mentioned. Uncontrolled greed has destroyed countries since the beginning of time. Greed is one directional it always progresses toward more for the ungodly greedy. Capitalism is system based on the greed. The primary principal that underlies capitalism is that individual greed will provide the most effective distribution of goods and services. No individual is without a certain amount of greed. The problem is some individuals are sick and it manifests itself in excessive greed. The pursuit of self-interest is supposed to be in the best interest of society but when your self-interest is excessive greed all members of society suffer in the long run.

No one has any problem understanding that the use of alcohol in moderation is not a problem nor do we have any problem seeing the damage done to society by excess alcohol use not only to the user but to society as a whole. One drunk driver can burn twenty five children alive in a school bus accident. Society realizes that it has to have appropriate regulations to control the actions of alcoholic. Just as America uses regulations to try to control the alcoholics, in the early 20th century the American people realized the greed alcoholics were doing major damage to America and took actions, to break up monopolies, levy an inheritance tax on large estates, levy a tax on excess greed to offset the damage the greed alcoholics were doing, it was misnamed as income tax.

In the last 30 years greed alcoholics have been widely held up as heroes in our society who should be richly rewarded for the wide spread damage done to the middle class. Many factors have allowed this perfect storm, massive unchecked amounts of money has corrupted the body politics even before the commie/conservative supreme court removed the limits on money in elections declaring corporations people and money free speech. This allowed the voices of corporations to drown out the voice of the people in elections. The ungodly greedy have made it effectively one dollar one vote instead one man one vote. But that was not enough now the ungodly greedy literally own the voting machines and will control the election results. Now Tag Romney’s company owns the company that owns the voting machines in his dad’s election. The company’s that owns the voting CEO and corporate officers have made large no doubt unlimited contributions to the Romney for president campaign. This company owns a third of the voting machines in America and their machines will count the votes. There will be no longer any reason for anyone to vote in America. For the first time the ungodly greedy will elect one of their own and help themselves to a $5 trillion tax cut while they widen the tax base and collect tax on social security that the middle class already paid tax on. Once it is general public knowledge that the ungodly greedy own the voting machines it will not be one dollar one vote in America it will be one gun one vote in America. The United Nations scales show that America is way past the point where scale violence will replace voting in America. The ungodly greedy could at least be more discreet and not have Romney’s son owning the voting machines but they want to be right in our face so we will no longer bother to vote. Like the drunk that crashed into the school bus full of children the ungodly greedy will crash America while drunk on power.
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Reply Sun 28 Oct, 2012 05:06 am
Thee polls gave president Obama a 9 point lead in Ohio just prior to early voting starting but his poll numbers have gotten closer recently. The most recent poll results released just 17 hours ago shows the race dead even with 49% for each candidate. Those voting for another candidate or undecided represent just 2% of the voters. Ohio may be the deciding factor in the election as it was in 2004.

One path to victory is to make sure your voters vote with effective get out the vote efforts but while another way to win is to make sure the opposition voters don’t vote. The commie/conservatives in Ohio have spent as much of their time and effort to prevent people from voting in Ohio as they have spent on get out the vote effort. There is a good reason for this while the race is dead even for likely voters, Obama has a lead in all voters surveyed. The more Obama voters Romney’s campaign can discourage from voting the more likely Romney is to win. The recent release of the fact that Tag Romney’s investment firm owns the company that owns the voting machines in at least two of the most populist Ohio counties was meant to discourage voters from voting. There were many other additional methods employed also like trying to cut back on the days for early voting in Ohio but keeping the same number of early voting days for members of the military who are counted on to vote commie/conservative. When it was argued by the commie/conservatives in court that the military should retain their voting rights as they were heroes the opposition pointed out the commie/conservatives had no problem taking away the voting rights of the retired military personnel they lost in court. To few voting machines in poor areas make for a seven or eight hour wait to vote. While rich republican districts have less than a five minute wait. This is how the ungodly greedy use politics and money to fix the elections they can be beat but it is difficult.
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Reply Mon 29 Oct, 2012 05:33 am
The question is: “Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?” In actual calculations a change of atmospheric conditions from 0.506127 to 0.506 changed the whole long forecast. We are all connected one way or another. If the flap of a butterfly’s wings can be responsible for a tornado hundreds of miles away imagine what a revolution could change. The effects of the American Revolution on the world are now accepted historical facts. After the American Revolution Kings were deposed and even the aristocracy in England became figure heads stripped of their power.

But if the American Revolution affected the world so drastically, what of the Russian Revolution? Certainly many communist clone countries sprang up either because of WWII or other forces but how did it affect the United States beyond causing us to deplete our treasury to build a military as big as the next 10 countries combined? Drastic changes took place in the United States because of Russian Revolution though they went unnoticed like the flat of the butterfly’s wings in Brazil they occurred slowly over the period of a century but they were extremely profound and life altering. They attacked the very moral underpinning of the America. They affected not only how we saw ourself and others but our base morality.

America of 1950s was a society built on trust a business reputation was based on trust. If a business lost the public trust it went out of business contrast that with our biggest investment bank Goldman Sacks now stating that the public should have known that Goldman had the means and the “incentives” to cheat its investors and it would do so. This Goliath has no shame and no morality and it wants to make sure there will be no government regulations to take away “their means” and incentives.” Goldman is simply too big to care.

Why did the Russian Revolution affect America so drastically but so slowly that it causes can only be seen in the magnifying glass of history? Many of the Russian elite that were not killed during the revolution came to America among those coming to America after the Russian revolution was Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum better known by her alias Ayn Rand. The Russian had deep and abiding resentment of the common man because the common man in Russian had deprived them of their luxuries, businesses, and property and they wanted to redesign America to make sure this would not happen again. You can’t redesign a country like a house with blueprints; you have to redesign a country through thought by redesigning its core philosophy. It is hard for foreigners to get their ideas accepted by the mainstream because they are outsiders but in time their ideas can take traction with the few they appeal to and spread to others.

At the heart of this election is the philosophy of Ayn Rand who had a bitter and deep resentment of the common man. From beyond the grave her words have been settling the score for the Russian mobs taking her father’s drug store and her life style. Her bitterness and her angst can be seen in Romney’s most recent commercial trying to build even more resentment toward those on welfare not those on corporate welfare but those who can’t feed themselves while it those like Romney who rape and rob the public daily. The art of misdirection at its height and it is working.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2012 05:27 am
Of course “Atlas Shrugged” was far more than the flap of a butterfly’s wings and it caused far more than a tornado in Texas. Ayn Rand’s “The Fountainhead” was already a best-seller that was turned into a movie. Rand had previously worked in Hollywood as a screen writer. When “Atlas Shrugged” was released it was highly promoted and had an awaiting audience. It is rare when political philosophy is encased in romantic fiction but Rand who wanted to be widely accepted as an intellectual chose this path. Political philosophy is best presented in a non- fiction book or public debate but propaganda is best presented in a forum when in cannot be refuted. A one sided argument is like a magician’s trick, the art of misdirection is employed, to focus the reader’s attention on one side of argument and away from the other side. Before you know it they can make you believe that they made a Lear Jet disappear while it is really only a few feet away.

What Ayn Rand and Hitler both realized is that emotional manipulation of the masses provides the most effective way to engrain ideas in the majority of people and if you can engrain your ideology emotionally people will march and die for your ideals or even murder their fellow countrymen all the time never questioning. Good movies are designed to take people on an emotional roller coaster ride. Rand understood political ideology could be very effectively communicated in a fictional frame work just as a missile is used to deliver a bomb. The human mind learns best about how something new works by using their understanding of how something similar works. In an emotional framework simple progression of understanding of one simple idea to more complex philosophical ideas is employed but often Rand’s leaps from one idea to another employee significant misdirection away from the weakness of Rand’s ideology. Each man, no matter how good or bad, cannot completely escape the surly bounds of his life experiences, because his life experience governs his perceptions of life. His perceptions govern his ideology. Each and every man has unique life experiences each of us to a greater or lesser degree view life through a distorted mirror. Just as in Plato’s cave we all view life as a distorted reflection of life to a greater or a lesser degree.
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Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2012 05:33 am
Yesterday morning Glen Beck was doing his Snoopy spring dance and celebrating the election Romney/Ryan ticket a little early maybe but he was definitely high on the fact that the biggest hurricane to every hit the Northeastern United States had hit. He told his audience that this was “divine providence” in Glen’s demented mind it seems god himself had intervened to make a Romney victory not only likely but certain. Glen doesn’t believe that global warming is responsible for horrific storms plaguing the United States now as a majority of legitimate scientists do even though the scientists predicted these monster storms years in advance. The scientists who debunk global warming are for the most part on the payroll of Exxon Mobile or other large multi-national corporation. Glen believes God in Heaven directs storms like bowling balls to punish the states that are going vote for Obama. Glen really believed in his demented mind the storm was punishment handed out by God for those who vote against commie/conservatives.

Glen had no doubt he could spin this storm as “Divine Providence” to the religious right and use fear to manipulate the ignorant. The line would be see how God punishes people who don’t vote for Greedism. Vote for Romney or die, or at least have your house destroyed. The sad part is that many of the ignorant will believe every word of the BS and tell their relatives. Just as after 9/11 the famous television evangelists told the ignorant that god was punishing America for granting rights to evil homosexuals who were going to destroy your marriage even if your wife wasn’t bisexual. People believed and Glen didn’t see why any and all natural disaster couldn’t be explained as punishment from God for whatever crimes Glen would decide from on high. Glen would be God’s messenger.

But Glen’s celebration was short lived, less than hour, when headlines across the internet highlighted that Romney in a debate had said that he would eliminate FEMA to give his $5 trillion tax cut to ungodly greedy. When a disaster hit the states would be responsible for emergency management. If this storm had taken place next year under a Romney administration FEMA would have been disbanded and 60 million people would have been left behind by their commander and chief.

When you run for election by slogan the capital rule is to always avoid specifics and from Regan to Romney “smaller government” has been one of their vote winning slogans. Everybody is for smaller government but when asked whether they want less roads, schools, teachers, firemen, police, or interstate highways the reality quickly sets in. But there is always this vague impression that the government services that don’t directly benefit you could be eliminated. Since FEMA is used only sporadically when emergency actually occur it was an easy target for Romney in the debate when asked to be specific.

When the full realization of what had happened set in Beck realized that Romney’s big mouth had lost not only the presidential election but had cost the commie/conservatives the House and Senate also Glen Beck’s voice took on a very somber tone as if someone died. He was no longer jumping up and down celebrating a devastating tragedy as a redirect from God and proclaiming it “divine providence.” It seems you must wait for the last card to be turned up before you count your winnings, Glen.

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Reply Thu 1 Nov, 2012 05:31 am
The headlines on MSN internet site thundered:
“Romney Compares Sandy Relief to Cleaning Up After a High School Football Game.”
The site was absolute jammed as angry American realized how close they came to possibly electing a complete and total idiot as president. Anybody that has ever had to clean their house up after a flood, and I have, can tell you what a mess even a few inches of water can cause. To compare Sandy’s damage to people homes after the hurricane to “cleaning up after a high school football game” has to be the single stupidest thing ever said by any politician in the history of mankind.

Romney was asked thirteen times yesterday about his proposal to eliminate FEMA to provide a $90 million dollar tax cut for himself and his family and thirteen times he refused to answer. This gutless coward refused to answer! The gutless coward had two choices he could double down on his eliminate FEMA proposal and said the individual states and cities did not need federal help in this disaster or he could have at least manned up and said he was wrong instead he minimized the storm damage to “cleaning up after a high school football game.” Romney can’t apologize because the title of the book he launched his presidential campaign on was “No Apology.” Romney was touting his main qualification for the presidency as being the type of person who never apologizes and since he was born to the CEO of a major automaker he never ever learned to apologize for anything in his entire life. There is another reason that one never need apologize of course that is if one never makes a mistake and Romney believes he never ever makes a mistake. When you cannot acknowledge the fact that you made a mistake you lack the ability to use your good judgment as circumstance change or additional information becomes available after the initial decision was made.

The argument for American Exceptionalism made in Romney’s book “No Apology: The Case for American Greatness” is very close to why Romney feels he never has to apologize, if you never have to acknowledge you didn’t do anything wrong, it rewrites history. Everyone makes mistakes there are no exceptions, those who acknowledge that they make mistakes learn from those mistakes and make better choices in the future. America is made up of both good people and bad people just because you combine them into a country does not mean you filtered out all the bad people. The actions of all people is neither entirely good nor bad and as with our personal interactions we need to learn for our mistakes. There is no doubt that Romney believes he is exceptional that he only made one mistake in his entire life and that was when he thought he made a mistake and but later realized he never made the mistake in the first place.

People for the most part have a moral base but corporations exists for one reason and one reason only and that is to make a profit. Killing people for fun and profit is not unknown in America where cigarettes were marketed to generations of children even after they corporations knew for a fact they killed people and the marketing continues in movies today where many characters admired and emulated by young people are pictured smoking for no reason other than the cigarette companies provided money for the movie. Millions of Americans died a horrible death of lung cancer caused by asbestos long after the corporation knew for a fact that it was killing people. Asbestos was in almost every public building and in all our cars and trucks. Would American corporations take advantage of third world countries?
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Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2012 05:27 am
So many people were trying to get a look at the new Romney disaster plan that it jammed the servers on MSN yesterday. Yesterday afternoon I was able to finally view the “Romney’s” disaster plan and I will have to admit he has every detail down. The plan is definitely cheaper and will indeed free up at least 90 Million for tax cuts for his family. Simple solutions are always best you have to understand that when thing are made complicated things can and do wrong. And I will have to admit Romney has extensive prior experience in disaster in fact once at his prep school there was a celebration and paper and garbage was strewn all over the football field, Mitt said what disaster so much garbage and so few idiots to clean it up. Just when Mitt was about to give up in complete despair and upper class saved the day. He said Mitt you get between the 40 and 50 yard line and pick just that 10 yard area and soon other preppy idiots were assigned other 10 yard area. In short time the three pieces of trash had been picked. Mitt and his preppy classmates were amazed. They never picked up after themselves; they had maids from birth who did that. They were raised to believe picking up stuff was a genetic trait that white people did not inherit.

When Romney saw the devastation after hurricane Sandy he immediately saw the similarities to the football field no yard lines but the same principles would apply. The Romney rushed out to Wal-Mart and bought $5,000 dollar worth of show merchandise for this important photo op so he could broadcast his disaster plan to the nation. It was supposed to be a campaign rally but Romney could not hold a campaign rally while people were still dying in the storm. But if it looked as if Mitt was there gather donation for those in the flood zone he could salvage news coverage and put the national spotlight back where it rightfully belonged on Mitt, himself. So Mitt actually goes out to explain to America how disasters are handled at prep school and there is film of this idiot actually removing any and all doubt he is an idiot.
While sarcasm was used liberally in the above the underlying facts are true and Mitt even lowered the bar further to compare cleaning up the disaster after Sandy to cleaning one single 10 yard lane on his preppy football field. Something is seriously wrong with Romney many men who function very well in high finance and make billions of dollars don’t function well in other areas of life. One and his name escapes me now saw the 2007- 2008 subprime mortgage years in advance and made billions for himself and his investors. When his young son was diagnosed with Asperger’s he realized he also had Asperger’s and the symptoms of the disease led to the billions.
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Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2012 06:45 am
You can cut the anger on red neck right radio with a knife these days. The angst hangs like drapes from a castles windows and it isn’t even Wednesday morning yet. Glen Beck knows they have lost election but this election is only a minor skirmish. What is causing the real angst is that reality is setting in that they are losing the war. The American political pyridine is shifting rapidly now the pendulum is swing away from a political philosophy based on greed. Just as Edgar Poe’s pendulum reaches the far right it seems to stop and hang for a second but the rate of change accelerate as it speeds toward the middle of its stroke digging deeply into the belly of the right. The political pendulum began its swing to the political right in the 1950’s with William Buckley’s posse of “former communists” editorial staff and Ayn Rand and her surrounding cult members known as the “Collective.”

At that point the motion toward the hard right was almost imperceptible to most Americans and to those who were trying on the ideas of the hard right it was like cheating on your wife, often the other woman is attractive, exciting, flattering and a provides a tremendous ego boost. All of her good points are on display but all of her faults deeply hidden.

A battle, much greater than Civil War, took place in the 60s, the casualties were indeed fewer but the political shift was far greater than even the ideological shift in the 1860s. During the Civil War whole towns were sacked and burned during the 1960s only portions of towns were looted and burned. As the pendulum reached mid-point it struck the body politic and ripped its belly apart and the baby boomers poured forth in political chaos of the late 60s ensued.
The Students for a Democratic Society, the Moonies, the Flower Children, the sexual revolution, Woodstock, the civil rights movement and most important of all the hard right. Bras were burned and the women movement launched. Many of the baby boomers were trying their political wings making mistakes and crashing to the ground learning by mistake but others were trying more traditional methods looking for mentors, looking for “certainty.” Those who look for others to lead them, often find themselves lost.

Cults sprang up all over America, not traditional Christian and Jewish cults that had permeated America since it was born but cults that based themselves in different mystic idea, eastern mysticism bloomed the Hare Krishna temple of Gold in Moundsville WV built by a cult is a tremendous monument to cultism like cults it ended with murder and mayhem but the police removed the buried bodies but the golden shell remains. Those that visit will remember the grandness but the murders by cults leaders that built it will quickly fade from memory.

The baby boomers searched in every corner for the truth only to find truth is not a certainty that can be purchased from others but something that has to be mined with the tools of knowledge and experience. I am against tattooing, but at birth each human being should have the same tattoo inscribed on their back side “Don’t follow me, I am lost also.

In my reading I literally stumbled across Whitaker Chambers, Frank Meyer, and other hard core communists as well as Ayn Rand that lay at the very core of Modern Conservative Movement. Just one sentence in one book four years ago led me to 4 years of what at first seemed unbelievable facts. 1,000s of dollar on additional research materials, some of the communist’s books were out of print by the 60s but copies are still available on internet. This research led to a serious of posts on boards and this blog. The hits on this and other boards have put total hits over 500,000 for the series.

Of all the Russians and natural born communist Ayn Rand was most responsible for the poisoning America youth. I am now finishing up her first biography and will begin the second soon. I could not understand why she was so effective until I found she was not only an author but the leader of a massive long forgotten cult she was surrounded by a tight inner cult of disciples called the collective and her message was spread on most major college campuses and through the Nathan Brandies Institute which offered courses in “Objectivism,” Rand chosen name for her philosophy. It was the perfect storm. Cult leaders can’t be questioned their followers believe their knowledge flows directly from the divine. The 60s turmoil provided more than enough followers for every sort of cult each looking for certainty. Rand point of attack was not in itself unique but it flattered and inflated the egos of the “Children of Greed.” The Children of Greed were made ashamed of the vast wealth of their parents and Rand made them feel not only proud but entitled to their parent’s vast wealth. There is nothing worse for the ego than feeling unworthy of wealth. “The Children of Greed” would make up most of the vast majority of key political leaders and opinion setters of the baby boom generation. Now the time has come for them to leave the political stage and because they can no longer sustain a population of clones big enough to stay in political control. The pendulum is swing and when you hear the anger and angst realize it is the death rattle of the hard right they will still win an occasional skirmish but their real power is an ebbing tide. The pendulum will swing left for the next 30 years.

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Reply Sun 4 Nov, 2012 05:50 am
In 2008 the “Undertaker” stood on the bridge of the Economic Titanic and declared he was wrong that “he had found a flaw in his ideology.” The “Undertaker” was the most powerful member of Ayn Rand’s inner circle known as the “collective.” His proper name was of course Alan Greenspan; Rand personally gave him the prophetic nickname. The Undertaker steered the America’s Economic ship onto the rocks. Very few men in positions of extreme power will admit that they made a mistake, that their ideology was wrong or even had a flaw in it. The real difference that separates a great man from and ordinary one or even a bad man is the ability to look back and say I was wrong we need to change course. Many men like Romney in his book “No Apologizes” make a point that to apologize or admit fault is a fault in and of itself.

Most Americans have absolutely no idea that the head of the Federal Reserve Bank was a member of a Russian screen writers’ cult. Or that he was referred aptly as the “Undertaker.” Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum was cold in her grave for 14 years by the second greatest economic disaster in American history took place but her spirit she was alive and well in the economic chaos. The members of her “Collective” were fully in control of not only the Federal Reserve but Wall Street but that was not the worst part they controlled the prevailing economic paradigm that most Americans accepted as true. The Paradigm was maintained and nourished by mega propaganda station and Fox News. Even twenty years after Rand’s death a 100.000 copies of “Atlas Shrugged’ are still sold but now many are not the starry eyed teenagers looking for certainty but those who looked upon the mess made of America by the radical right and seek to retrace the steps backward to the cause of the effect. Greenspan has admitted “his ideology was flawed.”

Economic policy is usually set by economists who are educated in that appropriate field of study but in the 60s upheaval it was a free for all. America economic paradigm would not be defined by a thesis from great economic minds of the time but by a fictional book from a Russian immigrant. As I stood in Moundsville WV and gazed at “Temple of Gold” I understood the tremendous power of cults. A band of misfits and petty criminals achieved the unthinkable. Rand for her part looked higher up in the food chain for recruits and her achievements was to bring the richest country in the world to its knees. We have all heard of the fictional “Children of Corn” who abandon their parent’s religious cult’s teachings and pervert them. But in Rand’s case it was the downtrodden and abused “Children of Greed” that she appealed to. It is very easy to push someone in the direction they want to go. Often we take actions first and look for justification afterward. The “Children of Greed” had substantial wealth many would end up with what it would take the vast majority of their classmate’s 89,000 life times to earn. According to capitalist economic theory wealth is distributed by production those who produce the most are allocated by society the most economic resources to produce more. But as great economic fortunes filter down through families it swans the idle rich parasitic in nature and living off of the wealth of a father or grandfather. This is not a productive even for pure capitalist systems where indeed each man would have equal opportunities and not equal outcomes.

In the economic, spiritual, sexual turmoil of the 60s the “Children of Greed” were feeling more than their share of heat. Ayn Rand had been deprived of her family’s wealth during the Russian Revolution and she felt more than entitled, she felt out right resentment. When she assured the “Children of Greed” they were not only entitled to that wealth but to much more they were ecstatic. The trick was to convince the general public that they were not just Greedy Bastards but Greedy Bastards that were entitled because their contribution to society was so great.

Fear is often used to start a paradigm shift. In “Atlas Shrugged” the ungodly greedy go on strike and the world goes to hell. Strikes were very real in the 60s and if you were brave enough to cross a picket line you might be shot or worse. I can still remember seeing scab painted on the road in front of the house of those who crossed a picket line a few years ago in Ravenswood WV. The thought that a successful strike could be waged from the other side was indeed frightening to many eventhough lockouts can and do occur. The idea that the whole economic order could be bought down with an organized strike on the other side was frightening to many and the paradigm shifted hard rightward.

Most people would never read long technical economic books for sound economic information but romantic fiction has far wider appeal and popular books are read and passed to family members and friends. I believe Rand’s placement of economic technocrat to the highest place in economic food chain was less important than the earth shaking paradigm shift to the right.

We live in a world of ideas, the ideas we accept as “true” create the world we live. If you set out to change the world you have to change the ideas it is built from the block and concrete are simply manifestations of ideas.
In Russia on a winter’s day in 1918 the Russian Revolutionaries seized Ayn Rand dad’s drug store and the flap of buttery fly’ wings changed America.
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