The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2022 09:04 pm
The republicans in Ohio are at it again, just yesterday two republican operatives were convicted of using robo calls to discourage people from voting. Now a national group of election deniers are telling voters to hold on to their absentee ballots until election day and bring them to the polling place. The trouble is that the polling place cannot accept the absentee ballots, they must be taken to county board of elections. This will backfire on the republican election deniers as it will cost them republican votes.

There is a definite anybody but Orange Jesus’s movement in in the republican party in 2024. Paul Ryan, a former Speaker of the House, says anybody not named Trump will do. With Orange Jesus popularity rating standing at 36% a full 10% below Bidens the political buzzards are beginning to circle Orange Jesus. Orange Jesus thought he was making friends by intimidating other politicians, but they have been biding their time and waiting for pay back. Orange Jesus was not making friends he was making enemies. Orange Jesus’s ego is way overblown and his opinion of himself is far better than the general public. If a tree falls in the political forest, does it make a sound?

Today we have 99,229.138 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,141,254 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 87,884 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,094,163 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,093,338. That means that another 825 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2022 09:13 pm
Liz Cheney said that if Orange Jesus gets the republican nomination in 2024 that it will tear the republican party apart. Orange Jesus’s power in the republican party is declining. The republicans that still appear to support Orange Jesus do so out of fear not loyalty. If you did not do what Orange Jesus wanted, he would not only publicly attack you he would not let up until he destroyed your political career. Orange Jesus only had to do this to a few and make them an example to bring the herd under his control.

I believe that once Orange Jesus starts to lose power in the republican party, he will do his best to destroy it. We need only look what happened on Jan 6 when Orange Jesus lost the election, and he would gladly destroy America because he lost. Orange Jesus is like a 2-year-old that has his toy taken away and given to another child, he will destroy it rather than let the other child have it. The republican party will pay a steep price for kissing Orange Jesus’s ass all this time. There were very few republicans that tried to stand up to Orange Jesus. There is strength in numbers and if more republicans had stood up alongside the few it would have been a different story but the chose to stay in the corner and cower in fear. A temper tantrum is coming.

Today we have 99,281,954 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,229,138 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 52,816 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,094,596 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,094,163. That means that another 433 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
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Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2022 09:20 pm
The time is coming soon to either put up or shut up. As soon as the midterm are over it will be time for potential candidates to announce whether they are going to run for president. A new poll showed that 68% of the American people don’t want Orange Jesus to run for president in 2024. The poll showed that if Orange Jesus ran against Biden in 2020, he would lose again by 4% the same margin he lost the 2020 election. I don’t know whether any other potential candidate for president has had 68% of American who didn’t want him to run. Orange Jesus will just say the poll was fixed. Republicans still favored Orange Jesus by small majority.

Marjorie Taylor Greene (Crazy Marjorie) went on Steve Bannon show warning companies that stopped donating to the election deniers: You won’t ‘be forgotten.’ Major corporations stopped political donations to the 147 congressmen who tried to block Bidens election. They are political donations, and the companies can decide when to give a donation and when to stop giving politicians donations. Donations are just that “donations” companies are not required to give them a cent. What is Crazy Marjorie going to do if they don’t donate to her? That sounds very much like extortion to me, just like Orange Jesus.

Today we have 99,331,610 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,281,954 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 49,656 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,095.168 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,094,596. That means that another 572 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sat 29 Oct, 2022 08:59 pm
What will happen if Orange Jesus runs for the republican nomination for president and starts losing state primaries? We know from history what will happen, Orange Jesus will start claiming the primaries were fixed. Orange Jesus could not possibly lose an election ever even though 68% of the American people don’t want him to run for president. Orange Jesus is planning a political rally in Florida and Ron DeSantis is being excluded. This is widely believed to be shot across DeSantis’ bow. This may be the first skirmish of the 2024 primaries.

If Orange Jesus loses the nomination, he will try to destroy the republican party. It will make Jan 6 look like just a warmup. Orange Jesus will want the republican primaries voided because “they“ cheated. Orange Jesus will insist on a brokered convention where the candidate for president will be selected by the delegates at the convention. Then Orange Jesus will pressure the delegates to vote for him or he will destroy their political career. It will be a very interesting political season.

Today we have 99.341,447 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,331,610 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 9,387 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,095,199 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,095,168. That means that another 31 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2022 09:08 pm
The republicans are busy trying to figure out how to make the loser of the election the winner. You might recognize this strategy from the 2020 election where they tried to eliminate the states where Biden won. Now this strategy is being taken down to the county level. In Nevada, in Nye, county the republicans decided that votes would not be counted by voting machines but by hand. They were only able to count 50 early votes on the first day. Nye County is near Las Vegas and there will likely be 30,000 to count. There is a deadline when the votes must be submitted to the state. There is no way they could count the votes by hand by the deadline. This would result in Nye county’s votes not being counted. Nye county is a suburb of Las Vegas and likely highly democratic. A judge quickly put a stop to this republican scam.

Orange Jesus’s message in 2020 is not to win the election but invalidate the democrats votes and become the loser who won.
This is just the tip of a very large ice burg, and they will be tried all over America on election day. The republicans have already been able to fix the 2024 election by redistricting them. They redraw the lines of a voting district to make sure it includes enough republican’s voters so they can’t lose. Most states have republican governors and legislatures (38). As Orange Jesus’s cult members are now in charge in many voting places. Cult members will act as any cult member and do anything for Orange Jesus.

Today we have 99,345,927 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,341,447 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 4,480 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 1,095.204 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,095,199. That means that another 5 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2022 09:23 pm
Orange Jesus is costing taxpayers billions in court time; he is involved in so many lawsuits all over the US. Orange Jesus’s tax fraud trial got off to a poor start for Orange Jesus. Usually, objections are filed during the trial, but the objections were filed during the opening statement. The judge had the jury removed to explain the law to Orange Jesus’s attorneys. The judge let them know it was not the defense’s job to explain the law to the jury. The defense had claimed this was a simple case of cheating on your personal taxes. This case involves a large corporation defrauding the government out of billions in taxes. There were three objections filed on Orange Jesu’s opening statement.

Orange Jesus is no doubt down to his fifth or sixth string attorneys he has done wonders for unemployment in the legal profession. Many people don’t realize that the employer has to match the income tax and social security that the employee pays. This is why big companies were glad to see that the employee’s share of health insurance premiums were made pretax. Both the employ and the employer did not have to pay income tax on those premiums, but it will lower their social security when they retire. Orange Jesus simply paid for luxury cars, apartments and college tuition for grandchildren all tax free to the employees and tax free for the company. So instead of wages they got all the things the wages would buy off the books.

Today we have 99,374,721 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,345,927 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 28,794 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,095,315 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,095,204. That means that another 111 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2022 08:58 pm
The republicans are claiming a massive legal victory in Pennsylvania today, it seems they got a court to agree that voter’s votes will not be counted in next week's election. The votes will be segregated and kept under lock and key but not counted. Republicans win election by stopping people from voting, democrats win elections by getting more people to vote.

The votes that the judge ruled would not be counted are mail in ballots that have the wrong dates or are unsigned. This it seems would be like offsetting penalties, would more mistakes be made by democrats than republicans? As long as it applies to both sides it shouldn’t make any difference. I don’t know what has happened in the past, but I would be surprised if unsigned ballots are counted in any state. As far as misdated ballots go the ballot was mailed by state on a date certain and as long as they were received before the election, they sould be valid, mistake or not. It looks like the republicans are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Today we have 99,400,959 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,374,721 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 26,238 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,095,646 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,095,315. That means that another 331 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2022 09:14 pm
If Moses came down from the mountain today, he would again find many Christians worshiping a false god. Christian writers are sounding the alarm that Orange Jesus is high jacking the Christian religion for his purposes. Once you become a magical thinker it is easy to accept the concept that if there is indeed a god then God can be sending representatives to earth to do his bidding. In fact, this was accepted for hundreds of years this how kings ruled, it was called the divine right of kings. This was how Europe was ruled by a few families for hundreds of year. All they had to was convince the suckers that God wanted them to be king.

Mike Flynn is now touring the country with his “Christian Nationalist “Reawaken America” rallies. The Christian writer, Jacob Lupfer, says Reawaken America completes the takeover of hearts and minds by coopting worship for the purpose of Fox-ifying it. He called the Reawaken America rallies a clown car. Does it sound familiar? It should, it is a lot like “born again.” In the touring clown car are, Tennessee pastor Greg Lock who is anti-Catholic and obnoxious, Pillow Head, Eric Trump, former general Michael Flynn and convict Roger Stone. The lines between religion and politics have become intertwined in America and the founding knew that politics and religion should never be mixed.

Today we have 99,496,443 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,400,959 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 95,484 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,096,717 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,095,646. That means that another 1,071 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2022 09:00 pm
Orange Jesus is close to announcing that he is running for president, speculation is that it will be on Nov 14. Why would Orange Jesus run for president when he lost the last election? Orange Jesus has no choice this is the only get out of jail free card available to him. Orange Jesus was untouchable while he was president, all the pending court cases were delayed until he finished his term in office. Now Orange Jesus’s wants all his court cases delayed past the midterm elections even though he is not running in this election.

The target on Orange Jesus’s back is growing bigger, yet another grand jury is targeting Orange Jesus. Orange Jesus has so many cases against him that they are now talking about appointing a “special council” to oversee all of orange Jesus’s trials, sort of like a dance card to know which court Orange Jesus should be in that day. This option is being looked at in case Orange Jesus decides to run. With all the crimes Orange Jesus has committed he has no choice but to run and try and worm his way out of trouble.

Today we have 99,602,478 cases of the Trump virus, two days ago we had 99,496,443 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 106,035 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus in the last two days.

The death toll stands at 1,098,038 today, two days ago the death toll stood at 1,096,717. That means that another 1,321 Americans died from the Trump virus in the last two days.

I was stuck at the airport waiting on very late plane to get here yesterday.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2022 09:11 pm
Dirty Joe is at again sounding, just like the republicans. It is three days before the election and Dirty Joe is trying to do the maximum amount of damage to the democrats in the election. WV had been a democratic state for a hundred years until Hillary made some remarks about shutting down the coal mines. Coal is king in WV and when she took a position against coal it not only stopped people from voting for her but voting for the rest of the democratic ticket in that election in the future elections. Now Dirty Joe knows that he can throw the election to the republican in coal states like Pennsylvania. Dirty Joe is not a team player unless he is playing for the opposing team.

The coal jobs pay exceptionally well but coal is one of the direst forms of energy. Thirteen thousand people die a year because of the air pollution caused by coal. We would not tolerate other things that caused 13,000 deaths a year. What if when the first cars were invented, we tried to outlaw them because the work force that built horse draw buggies would lose their job? Computers replaced typewriters, should computers be banned because the people that built typewriters lost their jobs? Dirty Joe’s trick may well cost the democrats their senate majority. Dirty Joe’s Day will come. Dirty Joe’s republican friends will all work against him when the next election comes.

Today we have 99,639,207 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,602,478 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 36,729 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 1,098,221 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,098,038. That means that another 183 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2022 12:31 pm
Thanks again for all your efforts to put the Senate under Republican control. Your refusal to accept that Senator Manchin is the only Democrat who has any chance of holding that seat is really helping to put that seat in Republican hands.

As soon as Republicans have the majority, I fully expect them to stop confirming Mr. Biden's judicial nominations. Especially if he has any more nominations for the Supreme Court. SCOTUS nominations should be held open until a Republican president can be the one to fill them.
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2022 08:32 pm
You don’t understand what a democrat is, as the situation is now all you need do is register as a democrat. That in no way makes you a democrat. Dirty Joe started running for office when only democrats, for the most part, got elected in WV. Many republicans in WV simply registered as democrats to enhance their chances of getting elected. What makes you a democrat is your belief in the democratic philosophy and recognizing that you are a team player and will work toward the goals of the democratic party.

Dirty Joe is not running in this election, it will be two more years before we can vote him out of office, so nothing changes during this election. Dirty Joe’s numbers have fallen so far, he has no chance of ever being elected again. He cost the state billions of dollars and kept many WV from living in poverty. Dirty Joe is one of those politicians that will pee on your leg and tell you it is raining and that is exactly what he did this time. If the republicans told Dirty Joe to block all of Biden’s court nominations Dirty Joe could not do it fast enough. Remember Dirty Joe is against abortion if any of Biden’s nominees were for abortion, do you think Dirty Joe would vote to confirm them?

I could register as a cat but that does not make me a cat.
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2022 09:07 pm
When it comes to Jan 6 the Orange Jesus’s supporters insist it was Antifa who stormed the capitol. Since the point of storming the capitol was to keep Orange Jesus in office, why in the world would Antifa want to keep Orange Jesus in office. The group called the Good Liars questioned a bunch of QAnon and Orange Jesus supporters about it and they still insist that it was Antifa. When asked why no members of Antifa were arrested, they insisted it was a government cover up.

In this day and time, it is very easy to find anybody political beliefs because of their social media postings. If any of them had been Antifa their social media would have given them away. The QAnon members insisted did their own research. When ask where they did their research, they said it was mostly Truth Social and Instagram. When asked whether they used newspapers and academic papers, they said no. So, the most uninformed are the ones most responsible for the conspiracy theories. The old saying was the blind leading the blind, but in this case, it is the ignorant leading the ignorant.

Today we have 99,647,812 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,639,207 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 8,605 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,098,235 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,098,221. That means that another 14 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2022 09:14 pm
Zardoz wrote:
You don’t understand what a democrat is, as the situation is now all you need do is register as a democrat.

What makes Senator Manchin a Democrat is the fact that he votes for the Democrats to retain control of the Senate.

Zardoz wrote:
If the republicans told Dirty Joe to block all of Biden’s court nominations Dirty Joe could not do it fast enough.

He doesn't have that power. But as a senator, he (or his replacement) does have a vote on the issue of who controls the Senate.

And once the Republicans take control, they will have the power to block Mr. Biden's nominees.

Zardoz wrote:
I could register as a cat but that does not make me a cat.

These days people are allowed to self-identify as whatever they want to be. Go ahead and be a cat.
Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2022 09:39 pm
Republicans occasionally vote democratic but that doesn’t make them a democrat, nor does it make Dirty Joe a democrat, and the republicans ran hundreds of commercials in WV thanking Dirty Joe for wiping out the one chance the democrats had to get a major accomplish through. Of course, the republicans knew by stopping that agenda they automatically would win back the Senate and House.

The senate is controlled by the party that has the majority; it is the same for the House. Why would the republicans worry about voting against Biden’s nominations when Dirty Joe will do it for them?

Dirty Joe might as well register as a cat because he never was a democrat. When you don’t believe that people are entitled to the most scared of all freedoms, the freedom to control your own body, you will never be a democrat.

Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2022 10:15 pm
We are getting a preview of what is going to happen if Orange Jesus’s people get elected to the secretary of state position. In Michigan the republican candidate for secretary of state, Kristina Karamo, went to court to have all of the 2022 absentee ballots from Detroit thrown out. She said these people would have to vote in person on election day. Does this air head have any idea what absentee ballots is for? They are voting absentee because they are not going to be in town election day or are unable to go to the polls. She knows that Orange Jesus hates absentee voting except for himself.

Imagine what she and the other Trumpies will do when they get elected to secretary of state positions. The judge said that 60,000 people had already voted and ruled against this airhead. In the 2020 election Detroit voted overwhelming democratic and Orange Jesus did everything in his power to try and kill the votes from Detroit. If the airhead gets elected, she will do everything in her power to find a reason to throw out democratic votes. The airhead plays the game just like Orange Jesus, cheat.

Today we have 99,681,448 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99.647,812 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 33,636 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,098,387 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,098,235. That means that another 152 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2022 05:11 am
Zardoz wrote:
The senate is controlled by the party that has the majority; it is the same for the House.

Thanks again for helping to place the Senate firmly under Republican control. Even if the West Virginia election is two years off, defeating Senator Manchin will still result in one more vote to have the Republicans in control of the Senate.

Zardoz wrote:
Why would the republicans worry about voting against Biden’s nominations when Dirty Joe will do it for them?

Voting against nominations??

Once the Republicans take control over the Senate, what makes you think that Mr. Biden's nominations will be voted on at all? Or even receive a hearing?
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2022 09:48 pm
WV is not the only state that elects, senators some of the other 50 states may be able to replace republicans with democrats. Dirty Joe is not the only possibility. In my life there are only two democrats that I took the time to eliminate. The other was a democratic mayor who screwed over the union. He t0o was a long-time senator, just a state senator, who was also the head of local democratic party. He was using the mayor's spot to become governor. He has been a lifetime politician, when I kicked the slats out from under him, he could not even get elected dog catcher. That meant the republican candidate won the election for the next 8 years. We got contracts and pay raises for that 8-years, we got almost nothing for 8 years even after a strike vote was taken.

Dirty Joe will vote against any proabortion judges, He will vote for whoever the republicans back.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2022 10:17 pm
An article in USA Today showed how the republicans play the game in WV as soon as the secretary of state was taken over by the republicans, one of the first things republicans did in 2017 was to remove 102,000 voters from the voter’s registration list. WV is a small state with only a population of 1.76 million, of those less than half are eligible to vote and less than 50% of those are registered voters. In some counties 20% of the registered voters were stripped from the roles. Many legitimate voters found that they had been removed from the voter’s registration rolls, when they went to vote.

No partisan politician of either party should be able to remove voters from the rolls. There should be a bipartisan committee that decides if any voter’s name will be stricken from the rolls. The committee should have three democrats and three republicans. The republicans win elections by keeping people from voting while the democrats win by getting more people to vote.

Orange Jesus is calling on his social media site, for protests at voting places in hopes of shutting the vote places down, shades of Jan 6.

Today we have 99,697,922 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,681,448 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 16,474 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,098,524 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,098,387. That means that another 137 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Nov, 2022 10:12 pm
Orange Jesus is being described as the biggest loser in this election. Orange Jesus wanted to show the world that he was a mighty king maker but most of the candidates he backed lost. What was Orange Jesus’s reaction he blamed his wife. He blamed her for talking him into backing Dr Oz. Orange Jesus’s claimed to have the Midas touch but now we know that was just another of his lies. The public has grown tired of Orange Jesus and that leaves only the evangelicals and the red necks to worship him.

The republicans lost a senate seat in Pennsylvania. There was supposed to be a red wave, but in this case, Orange Jesus didn’t part the water, but he did stop the red wave. The biggest benefit from this election will be that other republicans will realize that Orange Jesus is not the Wizard of Oz he is just a sad old man with a big mouth. They are saying this election is the end of Orange Jesus. But it wasn’t all bad for republicans QAnon princes Marjorie Taylor Greene was reelected. She shows the country what a real republican is like. The longer they come the crazier they get.

Today we have 99,809,787 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,697,922 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 111,865 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,099,494 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,098,524. That means that another 970 Americans died today.
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