The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2022 09:47 pm
The republicans are not the brightest people in the world and has taken them a long time to figure out who cost them the 2018 election, the 2020 election, the 2021 election (Ga senate runoff), and the 2022 election. There was one cause Orange Jesus. Now even Rupert Murdock’s papers are going after Orange Jesus. Pictured on the front page of the New York Post in color was a drawing of Orange Jesus as Humpty Dumpty sitting on a wall. The sub-headline called Orange Jesus Trumpty Dumpty and read “Don (who couldn’t build a wall) had a great fall, can all the GOP’s men put the party back together again?”

That was the first shot in a long war. Now after 4 long years the republicans have figured out what the problem. It took the threat of the military removing to get Orange Jesus out of Washington what is it going to take for the republicans to get him out of GOP? Other conservative pendants have decided that Orange Jesus is the republican establishment, and he is advising his audience to tell the republican establishment to “go pound sand.”

Orange Jesus is now being labeled online as Toxic Trump by John Podhoretz who blamed Orange Jesus for killing the red wave.

Today we have 99,859,908 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,809,787 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 50,121 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,099,856 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,099,494. That means that another 362 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Fri 11 Nov, 2022 10:06 pm
Orange Jesus claims that he fixed “DeSantis election and used federal employees to do it, has already made it into court, after the loser of the election, Andrew Gillum’s court trial. Orange Jesus’s words were read into the court record in a case where Gillum is on trial on federal corruption charges dealing with campaign contributions. Gillum’s attorneys are claiming selective prosecution. Orange Jesus just made their case.

There have always been portions of the republican party that were against Orange Jesus but it was a small fraction of the republican party. It is Orange Jesu’s former supporters that are now turning on him. Rupert Murdock not only owns the New York Post; he owns Fox News. One of the main writers for the Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan, went after Orange Jesus in an editorial. These are powerful influential republican organizations, when they decide it is time for Orange Jesus to go, they will make it happen. Many republican voters will never read the New York post or the Wall Street Journal but when Fox News turns on Orange Jesus, and it will, that will reach most republican voters.
So much for Orange Jesus’s 15 minutes of fame.

Today we have 99,890,506 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,850,908 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 39,601 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,100,121 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,099,856. That means that another 265 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Sat 12 Nov, 2022 10:04 pm
Orange Jesus says if he can’t keep control of the republican party, “he will burn it down.” That is pretty much what he attempted to do with the country on Jan 6. This is one war I am looking forward to. The two-year old will throw his tantrum and the republican party will be worse for the ware. The battle lines have been drawn and the first shots fired. The Wall St Journal and Rupert Murdock are now openly making fun of Orange Jesus. Murdock’s New York Post has gone as far as to say Ron DeSantis is “Defuture” Orange Jesus must be absolutely livid.

The mob boss in Orange Jesus came out last week when he tried to scare DeSantis from running for president. Extorsion always comes naturally to a conman. Orange Jesus claimed that he knows more about DeSantis than his wife and if DeSantis runs for president, he will expose him. Then Orange Jesus claims the only reason DeSantis won the 2020 election in Florida was that Orange Jesus was that he sent the feds in to police the election.

Mo Brooks, a former republican senator, piled onto Orange Jesus today, “Trump has proven himself to be dishonest, disloyal, incompetent, crude and a lot of other things that alienate independents and republicans.”

Today we have 99,895,236 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,890,506 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 4,730 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,100,125 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,100,121. That means that another 4 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Sun 13 Nov, 2022 10:00 pm
The republican war is already beginning to bring more information to light. Orange Jesus was operating the Federal Government just like a Mafia crime family. The republican party has now issued a contract on Orange Jesus’s political life, former political allies can’t wait to be the one who sticks a knife in his back. New information is now coming out daily. The protection racket was a mob favorite. If you owned a business you had to pay protection to the mob or they would burn your business down. Orange Jesus used the federal government in the same way. Orange Jesus wanted to use the government to pay back his enemies.

Orange Jesus badly wanted the justice Department to prosecute the former heads of the FBI. When the justice department declined to prosecute James Comey and Andre McCabe, Orange Jesus decided to have the IRS go after them. When he told his chief of staff, John Kelly, Kelly told him that it was immoral and illegal. After Kelly left Orange Jesus had his appointees oversee the audits. McCabe and Comey were just a few of the people Orange Jesus went after there were many others. Kelly said Orange Jesus would see someone on the news say something he didn’t like and want them audited.

It is the night of the long knives in the republican party and they are hoping for a quick political kill.

Today we have 99,898,467 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,895,236 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 3,231 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,100,127 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,100,121. That means that another 6 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2022 11:26 am
The republican war is already beginning to bring more information to light. Orange Jesus was operating the Federal Government just like a Mafia crime family. The republican party has now issued a contract on Orange Jesus’s political life, former political allies can’t wait to be the one who sticks a knife in his back. New information is now coming out daily. The protection racket was a mob favorite. If you owned a business, you had to pay protection to the mob, or they would burn your business down. Orange Jesus used the federal government in the same way. Orange Jesus wanted to use the government to pay back his enemies.

Orange Jesus badly wanted the justice Department to prosecute the former heads of the FBI. When the justice department declined to prosecute James Comey and Andre McCabe, Orange Jesus decided to have the IRS go after them. When he told his chief of staff, John Kelly, Kelly told him that it was immoral and illegal. After Kelly left Orange Jesus had his appointees oversee the audits. McCabe and Comey were just a few of the people Orange Jesus went after there were many others. Kelly said Orange Jesus would see someone on the news say something he didn’t like and want them audited.

It is the night of the long knives in the republican party, and they are hoping for a quick political kill.

Today we have 99,898,467 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,895,236 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 3,231 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,100,127 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,100,121. That means that another 6 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2022 10:29 pm
The republicans did their level best to talk Orange Jesus out of announcing he was running for president, but Orange Jesus had no choice half of the courts in America are after him. Now Orange Jesus can say I can’t possibly come to court for at least another 4 years. Running for president is a get out of jail free card for Orange Jesus. One would have to wonder whether anyone else announced two years before the election. Orange Jesus should get no consideration because he is running for president, he should be made to attend each and every court date and when he is convicted it should preclude him running for any elected office.

Orange Jesus has already lost once and now that half of the republican party has turned against him, he is a sure loser. He has no chance of winning, he can always claim he was cheated again but that con is getting old. This was the worst news the republican party could get. This ensures that there is going to be knock down drag out fight in the republican party. With two superegos running against each other, when the smoke clears there will not be much left. Orange Jesus doesn’t fight fair, and we can expect more of his dirty tricks. The democrats were the real winner today.

Today we have 99,974,387 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,898,467 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 75,920 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,100,631 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,100,127. That means that another 504 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Wed 16 Nov, 2022 10:05 pm
Orange Jesus announcement was considered dull by even republicans. People trying to leave early were stopped by security and prevented from leaving. It would look bad if people started leaving halfway through his speech. It looks like Orange Jesus’s security is getting very close to kidnapping when you take control of another person without their consent it could be considered kidnapping. Orange Jesus read the speech someone else wrote. It kept him from telling one lie after another which is what makes his speeches so entertaining. When you are not bound by the truth you can make up really interesting stories.

I am reading a new book, “This Will Not Pass” written by Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns, which is a much more detailed recounting of the year prior to the 2020 election. It is a behind the scenes look behind the curtain. For instance, Orange Jesus wanted three democratic states quarantined during the pandemic. No one would be able to enter the states or leave. The idea fell through. During the pandemic the federal government paid 100% of the national guard wages because they were helping during the pandemic. Orange Jesus announced that he would no longer pay a 100% of the guard’s salary and would just pay 75% but he continued to pay 100% of the guard’s salary in two republican states, Texas and California.

Today we have 100,054,794 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,974,387 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 80,407 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,101,370 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,100,631. That means that another 739 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2022 07:27 pm
At Orange Jesus trial today, checks were submitted that were signed by Orange Jesus himself. The checks were used to commit tax fraud. They were issued for Christmas bonuses to employees as they were subcontractors. The difference is that if paid as employee’s taxes would have had to be paid by both the employee and the Trump Organization. No taxes were taken out of the checks. These instances are not what Trump is on trial for, he is on trial for buying luxury cars and paying for college tuition for employee’s grandchildren.

What it shows is that Orange Jesus has a history of committing tax fraud. This answer the question would Orange Jesus commit fraud? This trial is going to uncover a lot more tax fraud. A retired judge has been appointed by the court to oversee the Trump organization. That should be interesting. A judge overseeing a criminal enterprise.

I can’t reach the Trump virus count today because the internet not working properly.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2022 10:23 pm
The infighting in the republican party has begun, with Lindsey Graham blaming Mitch McConnel for killing the red wave this election. Graham is Orange Jesus biggest supporter and would like to take the blame off of Orange Jesus. Graham wants to replace McConnell with senator Rick Scott of Florida another Orange Jesus supporter. Even though the republicans will not have the majority in the senate having an Orange Jesus's supporter in the minority leaders' seat is important to Orange Jesus. McConnel has already said he will not support Orange Jesus in the primary or anyone else.

In 2016 McConnel had warned his party, “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed….and we will deserve it.” That more than applies to the 2024 election. It took until the election in 2018 before it became evident that Orange Jesus was destroying the republican party, but it happened. It is hard to believe that there are any republicans left that still support Orange Jesus, but fear is hell of a motivator. Orange Jesus may not have the power he once had but he can still destroy political careers and there will always be politicians who fear him. It is notable that Ivanka says she will no longer participate in politics. She knows that Orange Jesus is just a senile old man and will do nothing more than continue embarrass her. She remembers her grandfather at this age, he could not keep his pants on.

Today we have 100,158,325 cases of the Trump virus, two days ago we had 100,054,794 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 103,531 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus in the last two days.

The death toll stands at 1,102,439 today, two days ago the death toll stood at 1,101,370. That means that another 1069 Americans died from the Trump virus in the last two days.
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Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2022 10:24 pm
Republican Civil War has a nice ring to it. I don’t see any way they can avoid a civil war. If Orange Jesus would step aside, it might be avoided but that will never happen. Orange Jesus has groupies who will never accept anyone but Orange Jesus. Eighty five percent of the evangelicals voted for Orange Jesus in the last election. That is one of the most dependable republican voting blocks. This group has shown themselves to be far more like cult members than regular voters. If Orange Jesus loses the nomination, they will either vote democratic in the general election or more likely not vote for an enemy of Orange Jesus and the other nominee will be his enemy.

There is no way that this will not end up as a disaster and Orange Jesus will do everything in his power to fan the flames to burn it down. The republicans can write off the 2024 election now what is about to unfold will be the worst thing that the republican party has ever seen. It is time for the republicans to start praying that Orange Jesus has a heart attack, that may be their only chance. Orange Jesus won’t go down easy and then he will be looking for revenge.

Today we have 100,162,519 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 100,153,325 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 9,194 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,102,505 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,102,439. That means that another 66 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2022 09:57 pm
I caught Mike Pence interview on Meet the Press today. It is hard to believe that Pence is not angry with Orange Jesus. Pence gave the interview in the Regan Library in front of a former Air Force one. There is very little doubt that Pence is going to run for president in 2024 and he is angling for the Christian right vote. Pence wants to ban abortion nationwide and said he would have voted Linsey Graham’s bill. Pence is a true cult believer and said the people who are against abortion would learn to live with it his religious beliefs.

The republicans were big about the slippery slope when it came to gun legislation, but it does not seem worry them when it comes to freedom to manage your own body. When Pence was asked whether any man was above the law, he was quick to point out that no man is above the law but when ask about Orange Jesus he said poor Orang Jesus is a victim of the Justice Department. Which is it, no man above the law, or politicians are above the law? Pence can’t have it both ways. It is hard to believe that he would defend the man that sent a lynch mob after him. When the top secrets that Orange Jesus stole was bought up, Pence said there were other options to get the top secrets back, like going to court. When Chuck Todd pointed out Justice had already been to court to get a subpoena, Pence said they could just continue to go to court. Would justice do the same for any other citizen who stole classified material?

Today we have 100,209,101 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 100,162,519 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 46,582 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 102,668 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,102,505. That means that another 163 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2022 09:57 pm
It has come to light that Orange Jesus had a plan to steal the election in case they lost by July of 2020. There was a reason that rumors began to circulate that if Orange Jesus lost the election, he would refuse to leave the White House because several people were aware that Orange Jesus had absolutely no intention of leaving the White House if he lost the election. Pence was quick to blame the insurrection on the Chief of Staff for letting the nuts into the White House after the election, but this was going on at least four months before that. The fact that Orange Jesus had a plan in place long before the election to steal it sort of undermines his argument that the election was stolen.

The prosecution rested today in the civil trial of the Trump Organization. Now it is the defense’s turn to show how tax fraud is legal or maybe that an exception should be made for Orange Jesus. Pence was quick to make excuses for Orange Jesus. In Pence’s interview he blamed the lawyers that advised Orange Jesus’s, Orange Jesus was blameless in Pence’s mind. I guess Orange Jesus is such a weak minded individual that he believes anything he is told by nut cases like Crazy Sidney.

Today we have 100,251,354 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 100,209,101 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 42,253 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,102,915 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,102,668. That means that another 247 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2022 10:17 pm
Most thieves are happy to just steal the crown jewels, not Orange Jesus, he fully intended to steal the whole country. I must have read many books covering the 2020 election but “This Will Not Pass” was the first to point Orange Jesus was already planning to stay in the White House whether he lost or won the election. It was a former Orange Jesus’s chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney bought it to the attention of Josh Boulton, the former chief of staff to George W Bush that he was not sure what Orange Jesus was capable of.

Nancy Pelosi Was warned in advance how Orange Jesus planned to steal the election if he lost. Pelosi was given the possible scenarios including using Pence to invalidate electoral votes from states that voted for Biden. The general public needs to know that Orange Jesus had the plan already in place before the election to steal it. Many of his supporters believed Orange Jesus’s action were caused from a righteous angry after a” fixed” election but it was Orange Jesus who created the fiction of a “fixed election” so he could put his already existing plan in action. In this case the tail was wagging the dog.

Today we have 100,275,698 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 100,251,354. That means that another 24,354 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,103,355 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,102,915. That means that another 440 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2022 06:31 am
We have had a bumper crop of mass shooting this year, we are on a record pace with over 614 shooting so far this year, where four or more people are shot. There are a number of factors that enter into a mass shooting. One of the factors that is less discussed is the magical thinking that pervades our society. Cult thinking is that you can really never kill anyone, everyone has eternal life, they just move on to the next level. To the shooter there is no permanent damage he is doing, he is doing them a favor by sending them to heaven a little early. If society taught everybody that life ended at death and there was no make believe after life, it might change the minds of some mass shooters.

Jena Ellis, one of Orange Jesus’s lawyers, however, see things quite differently. Ellis said:

“Even more tragic than the untimely deaths, is that the five people killed in the nightclub that night, there is no evidence at all that they were Christian,” the far-right attorney said. “And so assuming they have not accepted the truth of gospel of Christ and affirmed Jesus Christ as the lord of their life, they are now reaping the consequences of eternal damnation.”

That someone with a college education even speak that way is beyond belief. How asinine to believe of all the world's religions you just happen to be born in the right country with the right religion. This woman is a world class bigot, but it demonstrates how magical thinking pervades our society.

Today we have 100,382,913 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 100.275,698 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 107,215 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,104,229 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,103,355. That means that another 874 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2022 10:09 pm
Orange Jesus got sued again on Thanksgiving Day, a new York state law was passed recently that gave rape victims a year to bring charges against their rapist, even after the statute of limitations has run out. Orange Jesus is no doubt among the first to be sued under this new law. Orange Jesus’s own words keep coming back to mind. “When you are rich and famous, they just let you do it.” It is more likely that when you are over 6 foot and they are a little over 5 foot they are not strong enough to prevent them from doing what he likes. But the law gives them a recourse to stop the rapist. The New York rapist are now subject for civil action for invasion of their privacy.

There have always been men like Orange Jesus who think they are entitled to take advantage of women. I have even heard of women who would put a gun to a man, head but that has to be counterproductive. In America there is a large percentage of women who are raped. One in four women in America will be raped in their life time. Many women will remain silent too embarrassed to come forward and discuss what happened. There has been a long-standing attitude in America that the victim is responsible for their own rape. She was a victim because of the way she was dressed, her skirt was too short, she was flirting with her rapist. If a victim does prosecute their whole sex life is subject to examination in court. Rape is not about sex it is about power. The rapist is showing the rape victim they are more powerful and can make the victim do what they want.

Today we have 100,425,201 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 100,382,913 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 42,288 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,104,602 today, yesterday the death toll stood at1,104,229. That means that another 373 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Fri 25 Nov, 2022 10:14 pm
Just when you think Orange Jesus can’t get any worse, he does much worse. Orange Jesus had a private dinner at Mar-a-Lago with “Ye” and company, the rapper formerly known as Kanye West and notorious white supremist Nick Fuentes who denies that Holocaust ever took place. Now even moderate republicans, like Chris Christy are saying that Orange Jesus is an “untenable” candidate. Christy was one of Orange Jesus biggest supporters. One by one the rats are abandoning the ship. This is a war being fought inside the republican party and Orange Jesus is losing. Look for it to get much nastier.

Fuentes has compared the Holocaust victims to cookies and called for deny women the right to vote. I’ll bet Orange Jesus would like to deny women the right to file lawsuits also. I always wondered how anybody could deny the Holocaust with all the pictures and film of the concentration camps. I guess they were all “crisis actors” just to make Hitler look bad. The conspiracy theorist claim, the moon landing never took place. If they say the Holocaust victims were just crisis “actors,” how do you account for the massive pile of bones at the concentration camps? Six million victims of racist hate, and it was not enough to stop the hate of the ignorant.

Today we have 100,456,053 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 100,425,201 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 30,852 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,104,743 today, yesterday the death stood at 1,104,602. That means that another 141 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Nov, 2022 09:44 pm
What Orange Jesus does not understand is that he is no longer King Kong. He will no longer be able to kill people in the middle of fifth Ave and not lose votes. Orange Jesus is a loser now and once you are labeled a loser it is much harder to make a comeback. Other republicans are beginning to pile on. Other republicans are beginning to understand that Orange Jesus, not only cost them the last four elections but will cost them the 2024 elections as well. Orange Jesus’s endorsement was the kiss of death to many of his handpicked candidates.

It looks now as if Orange Jesus was praised extremist Nick Fuentes at the dinner. Fuentes said he likes it when Orange Jesus gets off script and Orange Jesus says “he gets me.” No one should be surprised that Orange Jesus is racist from his first announcement for president when he claimed Hispanic were rapist, gang members and thieves. What you saw was what you got. Orange Jesus took the side of racist and Nazis in Virginia even after they killed a woman. Orange Jesus is known to use racist’s term in private. Orange Jesus may think catering to the racist right will get him elected but there just aren’t enough bigots to go around, there are actually many decent people who live in America.

Today we have 100,458,989 Cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 100,456.053 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 2,936 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,104,751 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,104,743. That means that another 8 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Nov, 2022 10:32 pm
When it became obvious that Orange Jesus had no intention of leaving the White House, even the republicans had formed a group to ensure a peaceful transfer of power. Former President Bush, who was involved in a very close election himself, wanted to make sure Orange Jesus was not able to pull off a coup if he lost the election. He was well aware that republican governors and republican legislatures were looking into sitting aside Biden’s slate of electors and replacing them with Orange Jesus’s electors. It is hard to imagine how Orange Jesus was able to corrupt so much of our political system.

We have received several warnings this century about how easily it is to corrupt the electoral system. Two presidents were elected already this century in spite of losing the popular vote. In both cases the republican candidate was elected after losing the popular vote. The electoral system clearly violates the one man, one vote principal, is clearly geared to give more electoral power to small rural states. If the election is decided by popular-vote we could eliminate all the ways Orange Jesus showed us the system could be corrupted. The longer we wait to solve this problem the harder it becomes to solve. Why would anyone object to a president being elected the same as every other political office in the country?

Today we have 100,465,087 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 100,458,989 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 6,098 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,104,755 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,104,751. That means that another 4 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Nov, 2022 10:24 pm
It has been nearly two years since the insurrection and the prosecution are winding down, almost 900 hundred rioters have been convicted and sentenced. If Orange Jesus called for another insurrection today many of those who are not in jail today would be happy to do again. They believe in their own mind that they are patriots, like the founding fathers, and believe violence is justified if your candidate doesn’t win.

Daniel Christmann decided he was going to give the judge a piece of his mind during a plea hearing. His attorney had to interrupt him and tell him just answer yes or no. Christmann is pictured in front of the capitol with body armor, safety glasses and a battle helmet. He clearly is trying to spur the crowd onward. No matter how much jail time he gets, it won’t change his mind and there are many just like him. The capitol should be protected just like the White House, with a high fence and security. Come over the fence and you are fair game. I don’t know how many people have been killed at the White House over the years. If a crowd had attacked the White House they would not have hesitated to start shooting. There would have been a pile bodies 6 deep if the black live matters protestors had breached the White House fence and Orange Jesus would have been standing on top of the crowing about it.

Today we have 100,507,928 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 100,465,087 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 42,481 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,104,879 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,104,755. That means that another 124 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2022 10:04 pm
The night they drove old Trump down. I had not read any accounts of what happened after Biden was declared the winner in the election. The celebration that took place after Orange Jesus lost was comparable to those held in foreign countries after a dictator is thrown out of office. The lines of red neck Trump trains remained silent. The demonstrators outside the White House had blown up eviction notices with Trump’s name on them. “You are Fired1” signs graced Lafayette Park where Trump had ordered demonstrated beaten so he could have photo opportunity holding the bible.

Trump’s massive ego must have taken quite a hit when he looked outside the White House and saw a large celebration celebrating his downfall. I have won and lost election for president of the local and winning is always better. One sign read, “Get out of our house loser” another exclaimed “the wicked witch is dead.” For the protesters who were evicted from Lafayette Park this must have felt like retribution. They were literally dancing in the streets.

Today we have 100,532,711 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 100,507,928 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 24,798 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,105,049 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,104,879. That means that another 170 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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