The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2022 09:05 pm
Why did Orange Jesus take the top-secret documents? That is the question but now interviews with aids to Orange Jesus have shed some light on the question. It seems that Orange Jesus took the top-secret material in hopes that he could trade it to the National Archives for the information the National Archives had on the Russian, Orange Jesus connection. This information would supposedly exonerate Orange Jesus. That doesn’t make sense. It looks like Orange Jesus wants to make sure the public never gets their hands on that information. The Russian affair was over six years ago and for the most part forgotten. Why would take the extreme chance of going to jail to get information the public has forgot about?

The National Archives must have information that they are not aware of. If I was them, I would be looking for whatever Orange Jesus wants. Orange Jesus was by far the most pro-Russian president in history. Even after Russia had invaded Ukraine the first time and annexed Crimea Orange Jesus wanted to just overlook the invasion and bring America much closer to Russia. Orange Jesus was able to bury something so deep with the help of his aids that it has not become public. Orange Jesus must believe if this document must be so explosive if it ever becomes public it would cost him the election in 2024.

Today we have 98,549,246 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 98,523,168 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 26,078 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,087,873 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,087,655. That means that another 18 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sun 9 Oct, 2022 09:31 pm
There is an old saying that youth is wasted on the young. The same may be said that a democracy is wasted on the ignorant. In Arizona the land of the never-ending audit a talking head is running for governor, she is campaigning on her pledge that she would have never certified the last presidential election. Even after all the recounts and an audit paid for by Trump donors found even more votes for Biden. This woman is saying that no election would matter she would simply decide on her own. This is what republican states are trying to pass law that in effect took the voting privilege away from the public and vested in the republican governor or republican dominated legislature. If they did not like the results, they would simply refuse to certify the election. In a close presidential election, the votes from states that refused to certify them would not be counted by the electoral college changing the outcome of the election.

When a candidate for governor tells people openly that she will not certify the election unless her candidate wins, it is starting down a very dangerous path. This is all being done to placate Orange Jesus’s ego. Since the polls are neck and neck, half of the voters have no problem with this woman doing with elections in effect. The woman running against was the Secretary of State during the election and Orange Jesus's groupies are mad she didn’t find a way to cheat for Orange Jesus and would gladly give their voting rights away to another would be dictator who believes she is the one who should decide.

Today we have 98,555,072 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 98,549,246 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 5,826 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at1,087,880, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,087,873. That means that another 7 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2022 09:10 pm
Several battleground states have election deniers running for the secretary of state. They are assuring their followers that they will “fix it” and I do mean “fix it” They are promising their followers they will make sure that Orang Jesus wins in 2024. They don’t even know that orange Jesus will be on the ballot, but they are going to make absolutely certain he wins. How’s that for a fair election? I guess if Orange Jesus wasn’t on the ballot, you could suddenly find a huge number of write ballots, autographed by Orange Jesus himself.

This shouldn’t be taken lightly; these idiots are 100% serious. They will fix the next election and they will be caught at it and be sent straight to jail and without passing go. They are not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but they may believe they are. Someone running for secretary should be known for and honesty and fairness, not for using the office to kiss Orange Jesus’s ass.

These secretary of state candidates have formed their own organization named, Coalition of America First Secretary of State Candidates. Jim Marchant is the candidate in Nevada who is promising Orange Jesus will win Nevada if he is elected. He is currently ahead in the polls 49% to 45%. Marchant is promising that he is going to run a crooked election and a majority of Nevada voters are going to vote for crooked elections. Marchant has no way of knowing who will win the next election, but he is assuring people it will make sure it is Orange Jesus.

Today we have 98,572,011 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 98,555,072 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 16,939 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,087,976 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,087,880. That means that another 96 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Oct, 2022 08:51 pm
One thing that Orange Jesus has done is increase employment in legal profession. Orange Jesus has so many lawyers that they are throwing each other under the bus. When you work for a crook, you know that you will never run out of work. Now the lawyer that signed the letter that all the top-secret documents had been returned to the government has thrown two other Orange Jesus lawyers under the bus. She said all she did was sign the letter after other assured her all the documents had been returned. Now she has had to hire her own lawyer.

It sounds like she was set up to take the fall. By having lawyer sign the letter that all top-secret documents had been returned it left Orange Jesus out of the loop. He can say his signature is not on the letter. Orange Jesus had every intention of keeping those top-secret documents. All they needed was a fall guy and they found her.

Today we have 98,608,431 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 98,572,011 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 36,420 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,088,471 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,087,967. That means that another 504 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2022 09:04 pm
Orange Jesus did his best to keep from being deposed in the trial where his rape victim is suing him. Did Orange Jesus rape her or not? That is not the question at trial. The trial is about slander. When the woman publicly stated that Orange Jesus raped her Orange Jesus slandered her. What type of low life rapes a woman? Someone that has an attitude that they can just take whatever they want. Orange Jesus bragged on national television “that when your famous, they(women) just let you whatever you want. This woman did not just let him do whatever he wanted. He forced her in a public place, and she is still upset about it twenty-five years later.

That is the exact same attitude he had about the 2020 election he lost. Just like the women he raped he decided he would just take it. Orange Jesus tried in court, when that didn’t work, he enlisted the help of crooked politicians, when that didn’t work, he tried the insurrection. When that didn’t work Orange Jesus continued to make as much trouble as he could. It was easy for Orange Jesus at well over 6 foot to grab a woman of 5 foot 2 inches and do whatever he pleased but taking down a 200-year-old democracy is not as easy as taking down a small woman, but it is the same attitude in both situations.

Today we have 98,727,136 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 98,608,431 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 118,705 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,089,385 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,088,471. That means that another 914 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2022 08:56 pm
Marjorie Taylor Greene was outraged at the Alex Jones verdict. It seems Jones was sued for telling outrageous lies about the Sandy Hook massacre. Jones caters to far-right nut jobs and just saying that 26 people were killed most of them children is a threat to their manhood. Everyone knows that the far-right gun nuts worship weapons of war. The lie that Sandy Hook was a hoax staged to get weapons of war taken away from gun nuts appealed to the nut crowd. So, Jones spread the gun industry lies and his rating went up.

The gun nut crowd went to Sandy Hook and peed on the graves of the children killed at Sandy Hook. They went after the parents, who they believed to be “crisis actors” who stage the massacre. I for one believe that Alex Jones never made up the lie, that PR people paid for by the weapon of war industry crafted the lie and gave it to Jones to spread. Who stood to gain by this lie or at least keep it from damaging sales?

Jones was found liable for almost a billion dollars in damages. Now Marjorie Greene is outraged that you can be sued for your lies, and she is known for her lies. She said they were just words and there is freedom of speech in America, but words can be used like bullets and do just as much damage. Many a woman has got her boyfriend to kill her husband by telling him her husband is beating her.

Today we have 98,779,943 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 98,727,136 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 52,807 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,089,916 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,089,385. That means that another 531 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2022 09:18 pm
The Jan 6th committee has found out that Orange Jesus had already had a plan in place if he lost the election. Orange Jesus actually believed that he could defraud American people out of the election. Showing that Orange Jesus had already had a plan in place to steal the election before he lost the election should tell people something. He knew he was going to lose and try to cheat to win. Orange Jesus’s employees have testified to the fact that Orange Jesus would admit in private that he knew he lost the election but in public he continued to insist that the election was stolen. Classic conman, insist that the truth is a lie, and the lie is the truth.

The Mar-a-Lago affair should be called the Moe, Larry, and Curly affair. It seems the room where Orange Jesus was storing the stolen top-secret material was being filmed and one of Orange Jesus’s employees is on film taking the top-secret material out of the room to hide it. Evidently the secret service had a surveillance system that was filming America top-secrets being squirrelled away by Orange Jesus and his employees. The Secret Service is also a law enforcement agency of the United States. They can’t stand by and watch a conman steal in front of their eyes and cameras and not turn him in.

Today we have 98,814,003 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 98,779,943 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 34,060 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,090,289 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,089,916. That means that another 373 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Sat 15 Oct, 2022 09:07 pm
Dirty Joe Manchin is now reaping what he sewed. He wanted to be a pretend republican and killed most of Biden’s agenda. He really like playing God and killing one democratic bill after another. Dirty Joe was peeing on WV voter’s legs and telling them it was raining. Dirty Joe is now the most unpopular senator in Washington his rating dropped nearly 20% since the first of the year. Dirty Joe will most likely be retired at the end of his term. Dirty Joe thought that he would be the next president if he did the republicans bidding. How did that workout Dirty Joe?

Dirty Joe is in the business of selling dirty waste coal to power plants and when Biden’s bill would make it more difficult to pollute the air and Dirty Joe had to stop it. Dirty Joe is head of the congressional environment committee. If that is not the fox guarding the hen house. Dirty Joe killed the bill that would have lifted most of WV’s children out of poverty. The Washington Examiner wrote the story about Dirty Joe and the Examiner is owned by the Moonies. According to the Examiner Dirty Joe’s steep decline in popularity was because he didn’t stop all of Biden’s agenda. The republicans spent millions on TV adds trying to get Dirty Joe to do their bidding. The voters have caught onto Dirty Joe and now 51% disapprove of Dirty Joe. All I have to say to Dirty Joe is don’t let door hit you on the ass on your way out.

Today we have 98,825,641 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 98,814,003 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 11,638 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,090,374 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,090,289. That means that another 85 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
Reply Sat 15 Oct, 2022 11:07 pm
You do realize that Senator Manchin is the only Democrat who can win his state? And if he leaves, he will be replaced by a Republican who is further to the right than he is?

You are rooting for harm to the Democratic cause.
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2022 08:43 pm
Dirty Joe acts like he wants to be a republican and he has voted like republican. When Dirty Joe was elected governor in WV it was a democratic majority state and had been for a hundred years. If you were a republican and you wanted to get elected you ran as democrat. The international union rep wanted the local’s support for Dirty Joe for governor and I didn’t like him then. The international rep said Dirty Joe can work with both labor and businesses. Before you know it, Dirty Joe jumped the democratic ship and came out against abortion. You could tell early on that Dirty Joe was a republican running as a democrat. You can’t win a war if your soldiers are fighting for the enemy.

When a president is elected, and has control of both houses of congress he has one magic year to accomplish his goals. If the opposing party can destroy that year, it is over. Dirty Joe completely and single handedly destroyed that year. Dirty Joe destroyed the democratic cause, the bad apples have to be rooted out We found out in Afghanistan how effective the enemy was when they had soldiers working with our troops.
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Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2022 09:36 pm
Orange Jesus now says that Jews must be more like Evangelicals. Some of the Evangelicals have even declared Orange Jesus the second coming. Nobody can accuse the Evangelicals as being the brightest group they have spent a lifetime believing in a fairy tales and that is what makes them the susceptible to becoming a cult member. Once you go down the rabbit hole of magical thinking it becomes much easier to accept other types of magical thinking. If preacher said that God want Orange Jesus to be president, you won’t question it.

People who are in cults didn’t wake up one day and decide to join a cult. They got there one step at a time as they accepted one magical idea after another. If you can live in the real world and demand that the world, be based on factual evidence you are not going to join a cult.

Pascals Wager was that people wager their lives that God either exist or doesn’t. Pascal was considered a great philosopher. What is wrong with this man thinking? He doesn’t take into account the number of world religions and presumes only his is the only correct one. He loses his wager because he can’t worship all known Gods and if he picks the wrong one, he would be worshiping a false god and the real god would be out for vengeance.

Evangelicals voted 85% for Orange Jesus and Jews didn’t and Orange Jesus is upset they didn’t. Jews are less likely for their Rabbi to tell them how to vote. Evangelicals are cult structured and will vote for who they are told.

Today we have 98,850,125 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 98,825,641 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 24,484 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,090,536 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,090,374. That means that another 162 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Oct, 2022 09:08 pm
Marjorie (crazy) Greene told Kevin McCarthy, House Minority leader, that he needs to give her plenty power. First thing on her agenda will be to doubt be to have military shoot down those lasers in outer space that are causing the wildfires in California and put those Jews that own them in jail. Even her husband is divorcing her and now she is accusing him of election fraud. If it was democrats who committed election fraud how did Greene get elected?

Greene was debating her opponent and when he accused her of helping to cause the Jan 6th, insurrection, she went ballistic. She claimed that she was a victim of the insurrection. When her opponent pointed out that she was one of biggest supporters of Orange Jesus’s big lie Greene then throws her soon to be ex-husband under the bus saying he was part of the election fraud. (very interesting) Is that how she got elected? Her husband is likely in the same political party as she is. If he was committing election fraud it was likely for Orange Jesus. An investigation is no doubt in order meanwhile it is time those lasers are taken out before fire season.

Today we have 98,877,887 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 98,850,125 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 27,762 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,090,802 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,090,536. That means that another 266 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Tue 18 Oct, 2022 09:12 pm
Most of the country was surprised when the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago. What would it take to get a search warrant for a former president private residence? There had to meet a high bar. Orange Jesus still believes, in his mind, he is a mob boss and that he has the loyalty of all his employees. The trouble is his employees are not member of the mafia and they are not willing to die for Orange Jesus and most are not even willing to go to jail for him. This is how the FBI got the search warrant, Orange Jesus’s employees simply are unwilling to commit crimes for Orange Jesus.

The secret service uses security cameras to monitors Mar-a-Lago. The footage of those cameras was subpoenaed by FBI after Orange Jesus’s employee informed the FBI what was going on. The government knew Orange Jesus had taken top secret material and aske Orange Jesus to return it it. Orange Jesus returned some of the top-secret material but kept what he wanted. Orange Jesus’s lawyer wants the government to indict Orange Jesus before the election. Sounds strange a lawyer wanting her client indicted but they think if Orange Jesus is indicted that it will stir up his base to vote in the election.

Today we have 98,907,747 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 98,877,887 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 29,860 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,091,086 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,09,082. That means that another 104 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2022 09:19 pm
A federal judge found that Orange Jesus lied in Georgia to try and overturn the election using figures he knew were wrong but continued to use them. Imagine that Orange Jesus found guilty of lying, who would have believed it? A conman never worries about the truth because he knows that perception is more important than truth in any con. We need only look at the Jan 6th insurrection. The truth was that Orange Jesus lost the election, but he was able to manipulate the perception of those who stormed the capitol. They actually believed Orange Jesus big lie and probably still believe it today.

“Further, Trump “signed a verification swearing under oath that the incorporated inaccurate numbers ‘are true and correct’ or believed to be true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief finds these emails are sufficiently related to and in furtherance of a conspiracy to defraud the United State, the judge said.”

Washington Examiner

Sort of sums it all up a conspiracy to defraud the United States.

Today we have 98,987,014 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 98,907,747 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 779,267 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,092,031 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,091,086. That means that another 945 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2022 09:14 pm
Orange Jesus not only lied about the election fraud, but he signed the lies and submitted them to court on a legal document. This was uncovered in a court case in California where the Jan 6th committee sued to get John Eastman emails to Orange Jesus. John Eastman you might remember was the genius who said that Vice president Pence could just throw out the results of the 2020 election and make Orange Jesus’s dictator fort life. He lost his job for being such an idiot. The judge looked at 50 of Eastman’s emails to see if they were exempt because of attorney client privilege. The judge gave the Jan 6th committee 8 of Eastman’s emails because they showed evidence of a crime.

The fraudulent documents were filed in Georgia so any prosecution must take place in Georgia. The California judge does not have jurisdiction but made it clear the emails show that Orange Jesus knew that the documents were fraudulent. Georgia is a republican state, it will be interesting to see if Orange Jesus is every charged with his crimes. I remember when the FBI came to town to investigate an asphalt scam. The employees that oversaw the job were told right up front if you lie to us you are going to jail for a good while. I have no doubt that wasn’t a threat it was promise. There are two standards of justice in America one for the everyday American and another for the ungodly greedy, like Orange Jesus.

Today we have 99,037,439 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 98,987,014. That means that another 50,425 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,092,409 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,092,031. That means that another 378 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2022 08:46 pm
We are learning more about the top secrets Orange Jesus stole, some had to do with the Iran missile program and documents detailing highly sensitive intelligence operations aimed at China. The question is no longer if Orange Jesus did it, it is why did he do it? Did he hope to get the documents to his best friend (Putin) or sell the documents? One thing for sure Orange Jesus had no legitimate use for the documents. People involved in those operations could be killed if they were made public. Some of the documents were found mixed in with Orange Jesus’s clothes. The documents were not secure.

The fact that Orange Jesus withheld such sensitive documents after the government requested that he return them, makes it much more likely that he will be prosecuted according to experts. It is just a question of who gets Orange Jesus first, but with his advanced age it is likely the devil will get him first. It is likely that Orange Jesus’s lawyers will tie things up in court until he kicks the bucket.

Today we have 99,055,537 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,037,439 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 18,098 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,092,606 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,092,409. That means that another 197 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Oct, 2022 09:03 pm
Orange Jesus wrote a book called “The Art of the Deal” but it should have been titled “The Art of the Steal.” There is more than one way to steal. Now it comes to light that Orange Jesus held a political rally in El Paso in 2019 he was billed $500,000 for security and has yet to pay a cent on the bill. Beto O’Rourke held a political rally the same day but has paid for his security. Orange Jesus has a reputation for not paying his bills, he has stiffed thousands of people. This is how you get rich don’t pay your bills, I have delt with a number of rich people who use this strategy. One man who owned several multi story buildings was known not to pay the contractors. I witnessed a conversation he had with a contractor. He asked the contractor to remodel a office in one of his multi-story buildings. The contractor said you haven’t paid for the last three jobs. The building owner said I will pay you 40% of what I owe you and you won’t have to go to court, and I am my own lawyer. That is standard operating procedure for the rich.

The bad thing is El Paso didn’t learn anything and let Orange Jesus hold another rally in El Paso. A woman from out of state called to enquire about a conman who ripped her off. She said he had ripped her off four times and wanted to know if I thought he would do it again???? Do you think Orange Jesus will do it again?

Today we have 99,062,879 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,055,537 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 7,342 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,092,739 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,092,606. That means that another 133 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2022 09:12 pm
Orange Jesus has settled on someone, for his vice president in 2024 he has decided on Marjorie Taylor Greene, the QAnon queen, boy those Jews with the lasers in space better watch out now. Orange Jesus can really pick them, one that is even crazier than he is. Sources close to Orange Jesus says he has decided on Crazy Marjorie because of her loyalty Pence was just not loyal enough because he would not fix the election.

Orange Jesus is busy with the 2022 election; he is going to make sure that no democrat can win. He is working with major republican donors to oversee the training of election workers and lawyers. Does anyone believe that Orange Jesus will say the 2022 election was fair and honest or will he again beat the drums of how crooked and dishonest the 2022 election is? This is sort of reverse engineering on Orange Jesus’s part he hopes that by showing any illegality in the 2022 election it will bolster his arguments about the 2020 election. Orange Jesus is already preparing a publicity blitz if Dr Oz does not win the senate race in Pennsylvania by a large margin. Orange Jesus is all for “election integrity” coming from the man who tried to defraud America.

Today we have 99,087,548 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,062,879 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 24,669 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,092,948 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,092,739. That means that another 209 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2022 09:03 pm
Orange Jesus wanted to be Putin’s best friend, now Liz Cheney say that Kevin McCarthy is leading the Putin wing of the republican party. Orange Jesus was a big Putin fan and by all the help Putin gave Orange Jesus to get elected in 2016 it is obvious Putin was a fan of Orange Jesus also. Orange Jesus still has a lot of influence over the Republican party and House Minority leader, Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy announced last week that if republican regain control of congress, they will stop funding for the Ukraine war. You can bet Putin was extremely happy to hear that the United States will be pulling out of the e Ukraine war. If Putin had not helped Orange Jesus get elected, he would have never made it. Is McCarthy paying back Orange Jesus’s debt?

Orange Jesus was already withholding military aid to Ukraine while he was in office. Putin did not help Orange Jesus get elected without expecting favors in return. If Orange Jesus had got elected to a second term, he would have paid Putin back with interest. Orange Jesus would have turned his back on Ukraine. This is what Putin wanted out of the bargain. That is politics 101, I’ll scratch your back, if you will scratch mine. The best Putin can hope for is the republicans take back control of congress. McCarty has already decided what the republican agenda is going to be, and Putin will be the biggest winner. If you want to back Putin in this war, then vote republican.

Today we have 99,123,438 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,087,548 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 35,890 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,093,153 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,092,948. That means another 205 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2022 08:43 pm
Conventual wisdom is that democrats win elections by getting more people to vote while republicans win elections by keeping people from voting. Two republican operatives in Ohio pleaded guilty Monday to doing just that. They used robo calls to tell prospective voters that if they voted in the 2020 election their information would be shared with law enforcement, debt collectors, and the information would be used to track them for mandatory coronavirus vaccinations. They targeted minority neighborhoods.

They were trying to stop democratic voters from voting by mail in ballots. I suspect that they discouraged a lot of democrats from voting. I know a number of people who never registered to vote because they believed the voter registration list was used to pick people for jury duty. There have been a number of people who were found cheating when they voted but by far most of them cheated for Orange Jesus. From congressmen who voted twice for Orange Jesus, to retirement communities who voted twice for Orange Jesus even one fellow even voted his dead mother for Orange Jesus. Orange Jesus may have been right that many people cheated in the 2020 election, but most seemed to be cheating for Orange Jesus. Remember it was Orange Jesus who told his followers to vote twice for him, once by mail and once in person and they did.

Today we have 99,141,254 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 99,123,438 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 17,816 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,093,338 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,093,153. That means that another 185 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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