The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2012 05:33 am
If a campaign has bad news to release they always release on Friday afternoon because the work week is ending and many journalists are off for the weekend. Most people are busy with weekend activities and will watch football games instead of the news and many cases there the national news has been preempted entirely by football games. Even though most of us completed our 2011 tax return by last April 15th Romney no doubt filed for a 6 month extension and just recently completed his 2011 return. We have no way of knowing whether Romney tax return released last Friday was actually submitted to the IRS or whether it will be altered to claim the additional $1.9 million contributed to the Mormon church.

What is very obvious is that Romney tax return is altered to make him look like he pays more taxes than he has in the past. Romney contributed $4 million to the Mormon Church last year but claimed only $2.1 million of that as a charitable deduction. If he had claimed the entire $4 million his tax rate would have been only 9% instead of 14%. Romney files a 500 page tax return to claim every possible deduction including a $79,000 tax exemption for his wife’s horse which is also owned by three other ungodly greedy friends who no doubt are also claiming a $79,000 deduction for the same horse on their tax returns meaning that quarter million is being bilked from tax payers for one horse. Now after Romney filed that 500 page tax return to take advantage of every deduction suddenly he doesn’t claim $1.9 million he is entitled to it is quite obvious that he has one motive and only one motive to do this to inflate his tax rate while he is running for president.

When I retire I will have to pay double taxes on my social security while Romney “pension” from Bain Capital was $7.4 million in 2010 and it will be taken as “carried interest” which is taxed as a capital gain rate of 15%. Ordinarily Romney would have to pay a 35% tax rate on his retirement. This is a special tax rate available only to corporate managers. While I and most of the middle class pay income tax on social security that they already paid income tax on Romney pays less than half the going tax rate on his retirement. This is just one way that government is being used to create inequality in America.
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Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2012 05:29 am
The recent presidential polls taken after Romney’s remarks that most hard working Americans are shiftless deadbeats and are simply not doing their part to produce more wealth for the ungodly greedy may foreshadows a super landslide for Obama. In Maryland polls show Obama has a 19 point lead and in Maine Obama has a 15 point lead and the battle ground state of Pennsylvania Obama has a 12 point lead. Most of the Senate races are also trending democratic also and Obama will have wide coattails as straight ticket voting will be more popular than it has been in decades. Early voting is already up 30% of 2008 and you can bet they are not voting for Romney and Romney may be the only person to lose an election before election day. The commie/conservatives will do everything in their power to steal the election as they did in 2000 by disqualifying anyone with a name that sounds African America as they did in Florida but you can only fix an election by a few percentage points without being obvious. Many states run by republicans are doing everything in their power to stop minorities from voting but the trouble Romney didn’t offend just the minorities. The fix will be in for this election but even the computer system supplied to Ohio to count the votes in the 2004 election by Baby Bush’s biggest supporters won’t be enough this time.

Many of the commie/conservatives were extremely pleased that Romney made his remarks about the 47% shiftless deadbeats in America. The right-wing-nuts decided that it was finally time to have this debate. America is now having this debate as to whether to give more and more to the ungodly greedy or to finally realize that 47% is not only the heart and soul of America but the backbone. Romney condemned the Greatest Generation as deadbeats with no ambition on the bases that they currently paid no income tax he didn’t not ask how much income tax they paid in a lifetime only what they paid last year. If those who paid income taxes in their lifetime was used instead of a snapshot of a point in time the figure who didn’t pay income tax, a tax levied on excess wealth, in one year the figure would be considerably lower than 47% and would reflect those who lived in poverty their entire life.

This 47% nonsense is not new, the commie/conservatives and the Pee Party continually use this figure to prove that the ungodly greedy are the true ”victims” in America victimized by those evil, shiftless, deadbeats. Much of commie/conservative political philosophy is based on being a victim. The fact is when all state, county, and local taxes are taken into account both the middle class and poor pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes. Most state and local taxes are extremely regressive and now even the income tax is extremely regressive when Romney is allowed to claim his retirement from Bain Capital is “carried interest” and pay 15% income tax instead of 35% on the tax books. But the debate Romney wants to have is about lowering the 35% income tax rate when he would only pay 9% if he claims all his $4 million charitable deduction to the Mormon church and he can claim it later and bring his reported tax rate down from 14% to 9%.

Any debate on taxes has to take all state, county, and local taxes into account because income taxes don’t exist in a vacuum when income taxes were cut state, local and county taxes are raised to make up the difference. When Reagan cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy by 70% he cut out Federal Revenue Sharing program that sent $2 million federal dollars to the city of Huntington in the following years the city raised local taxes by 2,000% to offset the loss of federal dollars. Because the taxes were raised by the county, state and local authorities many people never associated the increase in those taxes with Reagan’s massive cuts in taxes on the ungodly greedy and remember Ragan raised social security tax six times and raised the retirement age to pay for the massive 70% tax cut for the ungodly greedy. The inequality that we are currently undergoing in America didn’t just happen by chance it was very carefully engineered by the commie/conservatives and now they want another 29% income tax for the ungodly greedy.
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Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2012 05:33 am
Ayn Rand called her devoted follower, Alan Greenspan, “the undertaker” and by closely following the Russian philosophy Greenspan was very nearly became the undertaker when he crashed the American economy in 2007-08. The Russian taught Greenspan that a deregulated economy would produce the best economic outcome. Rand’s extreme worship of individualism and self interest led to admire even a murder that killed and gutted his 12 year old victim. To Rand the killer’s action was simply an expression of his individualism against a corrupt society that inhibited individualism with a constitution that “promotes the general welfare.” To the Russian “promoting the general welfare” was offensive in her view life should be everyman for himself and let the strong survive.

Unfortunately Rand’s political philosophy is the heart of the Modern Conservative Movement’s political philosophy. This political philosophy has shaped the last 30 years of our lives. The philosophy is more of a cult than a political philosophy because those that follow it simply ignore all the evidence to the contrary and comfort themselves that even though life is getting much worse for the majority of Americans it is getting much better for the richest 1%. This is lottery winner economics if someone wins even if it is an extremely tiny fraction then we should realize that the fault lays with the individual not the system and at least we had a chance at being one of the 1%.

What lottery winner economics does most effectively is transfer fault for the failure of a political system to the individual instead of the political philosophy. This is why the American people have accepted the blame for the mess the commie/conservatives have made of America.
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2012 08:59 am
Paul Ryan has a pet name for Romney he affectionately refers to him as “the Stench” and has been reported marching around his campaign bus saying “If the Stench calls take a message.” and, Tell the Stench I am having finger sandwiches with Peggy Noonan and will text him later.” The Stench is in reference to an article in the New York Times Sunday where Craig Robinson, a former political director of the Republican party of Iowa said, “I hate to say this, but if Ryan wants to run for national office again, he’ll probably have to wash the stench of Romney off of him.”

Evidently Ryan has resigned himself to the fact that he will never be vice president and is now concentrating on getting reelected to the House Representatives. To accomplish this he will have to distance himself from the “Stench” that is Romney.

Paul Ryan has been publicly booed with cat calls at several of his campaign speeches and remember the people that get tickets to these events are hand picked hard core republicans and even they are consistently booing Ryan.

At the AARP conference in New Orleans on September the 21st Ryan introduced his 78 year old mother. But when Ryan started talking about repealing “The Affordable Health Care Act” (often referred to as Obama Care”) because it would harm seniors one woman in the crowd shouted Lie! And another shouted “Liar” at which point much of the audience simply got up and walked out.

Just who would call a commie/conservative a “Liar!” in front of his 78 year old mother? Another 78 year old mother.

Romney’s Boston brain trust refers to Paul Ryan as Gilligan of Gilligan’s Island fame no doubt. Romney’s advisor keep Gilligan under tight control I’ll bet they wish they could get Romney under control

Ryan decided he needed some protection and needed to put some space between himself and his audience after all it is only a matter of time before some senior’s cane comes whizzing past his head. So Ryan now placed a lectern between him and his audience and uses a power point presentation to confuse the audience. Romney Brain Trust was outraged that Ryan was departing from their play book but Ryan reportedly said, “Let Ryan be Ryan, and let the Stench be the Stench.
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Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2012 06:49 am
The hard economic facts of life in America the last 30 years, the commie/conservative years are as follows

1) Recent U. S. income growth primarily occurs at the top 1% of the income distribution.

2) As a result there is growing inequality.

3) And those at the bottom and the middle are actually worse-off today then they were at the beginning of the century.

4) Inequality in wealth are even greater than inequalities of income.

5) Inequalities are apparent not just in income but in a variety of other variables that reflect standard-of-living, such as insecurity and health.

6) Life is particularly harsh at the bottom ---and the recession made it much worse.

7) There has been a hollowing out of the middle class.

8) There is little income mobility---the notion of America as the land of opportunity is a myth.

9) And America has more inequality than any other advanced industrialized country, it does less to correct the inequalities, and inequality is growing more than in many other countries.

From the book “The Price of Inequality” by Joseph E, Stiglitz, Winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics.
Even though Stiglitz highlights these facts primarily for this century they were in effect for most of the last 30 years only briefly during the Clinton years had a corner been turned and baby Bush immediately steered the country hard right into ever growing inequality with huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.

The commie/conservative years were built on the myths that America has an expanding middle class and that anyone willing to work hard could get rich. To every rule there are exceptions, for instance winning the lottery is the exception not the rule, the rule is that you not only will not win but be out the money for the ticket. The problem is when we mistake the exception for the rule. The myth the commie/conservative are pushing is that if you work hard you will get ahead but in reality for every 1 that gets ahead a million others may have worked just as hard in fact many who have got a ahead have no idea what real hard work is when you work so hard on a hot summers day that you go home and die of heat stroke you can say you know what hard work really is. The vast majority of those in the top 1/100 of 1% were born at the top with wealthy parents and hard work was something their servants did.

As long as the American people accept the lottery winner mentality focusing on the exception instead of the rule America will decline as a nation. Much like David Copperfield makes a Lear jet disappear with art of misdirection the commie/conservatives use misdirection as they march the one in a million who becomes rich across the stage as the million who actually got poorer are kept from the audience’s sight. The American people can not continue to let the commie/conservatives get by with misdirection. The American people have to focus on the outcome for the vast majority of Americans, exceptions will always occur but we must deal with the rule not the exception. A country built on myths will not become a legend but a myth.

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Reply Mon 1 Oct, 2012 05:30 am
Lying Ryan was on Fox Sunday political show pushing Romney tax cut plan. If you are doing to lie about a tax cut how would you go about it? The best way to lie about tax cuts is of course the way Lying Ryan did, use percentage of a percentage. For instance a 20% tax cut for someone in 35% tax bracket would be 20% of 35 which is 7%. But according to Romney 47% of Americans pay no income tax so a 20% of 0 is of course 0. So almost half the America people will receive no income tax cut at all under the Romney plan but those are the 47% who won’t vote for Romney. The next group who pay only 1% income tax will get 20% of 1% which will be 0.2% cut. But didn’t the ungodly greedy get a 7% tax cut how could other Americans get only a 0.2% cut? Because in Romney math percentages are multiplied by percentages and when that happens the end numbers are vastly skewed from the beginning numbers. You could say we are going to cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy like Romney by 7% and cut the taxes on all those in the 10% bracket by 0.5% but that won’t get you votes. So by using the percentage multiplied by a percentage it projects an illusion of fair play after all who could find fault with a 20% tax cut for the ungodly greedy and a 20% tax cut for ordinary Americans.

Many Americans will listen to Lying Ryan promise of a 20% tax cut and look at their last years tax return and if they paid a $1,000 take 20% off of that and figure they will get a $200 tax cut but in reality the tax cut will only be $20 for his family not enough to buy dinner at McDonalds. While Romney’s tax cut will be enough to buy him another Lear jet. This is one of the reasons inequality is getting much worse in America. Romney is the poster boy for inequality in America. There are many reasons inequality in America has grown so much worse and one of the biggest reasons is that our political system was designed by our founding fathers as a one man one vote system but it has become a one dollar one vote system sanctioned by a commie/conservative Supreme Court.
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Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2012 05:28 am
The drug addicts on red neck right radio had their work cut out for them yesterday. The talking points Glen Beck and Rush Slimbaugh were pushing was that a 19 point difference in the polls was really a statistical tie. Beck bragged how the commie/conservatives had taken the right to vote from 500,000 people in Cleveland area and from and another 400,000 in the Toledo area. The message was that the commie/conservatives should make sure to vote because the fix would be less obvious. The commie/conservatives have been working to fix this election just as they fixed the 2000 election in Florida and used the Supreme Court to stop the votes from being recounted. The computer company that counted the 2008 election votes in Ohio was hired by and doing work for the Bush campaign that year. The trouble is that it is much harder to fix an election when the polls show a 19 point difference as they do in Maryland. The main commie/conservative objective this election is to make sure a certain portion of the population is barred from voting, those that are most likely to vote for Obama. Sean Hannity stressed the polling model from 2008 would not work for this election as many millions of Obama voters would find they could no longer vote once they got to the polls. In other words many of the likely voters polled would not be able to vote.

Commie/conservatives have passed laws to bar people from voting from Texas to Pennsylvania and many places in between. Most of the new laws will require a driver license or state ID with a picture. Getting a drivers license or state ID has been made extremely difficult recently with new Homeland Security regulations. Often people are required to make several different trips gathering documents only to find they need even more documentation when they get to the DMV. A former mayor of Huntington detailed on her radio program how difficult it was to obtain her license. Imagine how difficult it would be for the elderly or someone who does not drive to make all these trips and gather this documentation would be close to impossible for someone who must depend on public transportation. Not to mention the cost of a driver’s license or state ID would amount to a new poll tax.

Romney and the commie/conservatives not only don’t care about the 47% of Americans who have retired or are fighting in Afghanistan and don’t pay income tax they want to block them from voting against Romney. The latest polls in Ohio showed Obama with a 9 point lead over Romney but if the commie/conservatives can eliminate at least a million of likely Obama voters the poll numbers will not matter. Most of the voters the commie/conservatives have eliminated from the voter rolls will have no idea their voting privileges have been revoked by commie/conservatives and will only find out Election Day when they are not allowed to vote. Sean Hannity is right, elections can be fixed and the commie/conservatives have been able to fix two out of three presidential elections this century.
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Reply Wed 3 Oct, 2012 05:33 am
Each morning as I watch Romney’s remarks about the 47% of Americans who are mooching off ungodly greedy repeated I am astounded that any politician even a Dan Quayle would say such a thing. First because I know it is an outright lie and second because Romney knew it was an outright lie when he said it. I have worked presidential campaigns door to door and talked to the people who vote. Many are simply one issue voters that vote based on abortion or guns. In 2004 election a rumors, generated by half hour NRA infomercials right before the election, that if Kerry was elected the government would take their guns. Scared gun owners so bad that you would have thought the government was going to take their penises. WV which was solidly democratic has not voted for a democratic presidential candidate since. Many of Romney’s 47% are hard core republican or Slimbaugh cult followers. WV is a small state with and elderly population and it is likely that Romney’s 47% is likely 67% of WV population but WV will vote for Romney.

Romney is well aware of these facts so why would he say such a thing? Class warfare, Romney was trying to exploit class warfare to raise more money from the ungodly greedy. Romney got the boogieman out of the closet to frighten the ungodly greedy. The 47% figure was used to scare the hell out of the ungodly greedy. Romney raised the specter of the 47%, an army of useless, shiftless, moochers who would vote themselves a bigger fraction of the ungodly greedy’ money even though Romney knew it wasn’t true.. The ungodly greedy are even more fond of their money than West Virginia’s gun owners are of their guns. Wars are fought with dollars even class warfare requires large amounts of dollars. Even though the commie/conservatives accuse the democrats of trying to wage class warfare the commie/conservatives have been raising large amounts money and actively waging class warfare since Reagan was elected.

Romney never intend for his remarks about the 47% to reach the public ears, these remarks about the 47% were for the ears of the $50,000 a plate crowd only. They are the same tried and true remarks every commie/conservative presidential candidate since Goldwater has used to get the money of the ungodly greedy in play.
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Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2012 05:31 am
In the debate last night Romney tried a play on words trying to turn the failed commie/conservative economic policy of “Trickle Down Economics” into “Trickle Down Government.” Probably the most offensive term and biggest failure is the term coined by the commie/conservatives “Trickle Down Economics.” The term, Trickle Down Economics, was first conceived by the Reagan Administration to justify the reorganization of the American government to focus on redirecting the wealth of America into the hands of the ungodly greedy. Anchored by a massive 70% tax cuts for the ungodly greedy that was paid for by a record 6 tax raises in the social security tax in the 8 years Reagan was in office on the working man and raising the retirement age on the baby boomers. The right wing nuts insisted that in their alternate universe if you could use government to redirect the wealth of America into the pockets of the ungodly greedy it would rain down on the workingman making life better for the workingman. Our hindsight is 20/20 and the commie/conservative illusions have been blown away by 30 years of reality not only did the money not Trickle Down but their was like Ross Perot said a giant sucking sound as the middle class wealth Trickled Up to the ungodly greedy. The right wing nuts and their fly by night economists no doubt got their idea by watching water towers; water pumped up hill always flowed back down the hill. Water has to obey the law of gravity what goes up must come down eventually. However money does not obey the law of gravity. Money once pumped up into the hands of wealthy not only tends to stay in the hands of wealth but actually is used to take even more wealth from the middle class.

That Romney would even chose to remind the American public in the debate of the most massive and pervasive failure of commie/conservative economic policy is not surprising because there is going to be much more of the same if Romney is elected. This does not surprise me from a man who made his fortune “Harvesting” the pension systems of baby boomers. The ungodly greedy will not be satisfied until they have every cent of the country’s wealth it is a sickness of those who have more than they would ever need but want even more than that. Before Reagan 60% of Americans had a defined benefit pension but once Reagan changed the laws the ungodly greedy began “harvesting” the pensions of the baby boomers and thieves like Romney became very wealthy.

There was a documentary called “Faces of Death” that showed the many different ways people died. In one case a man got out of car to feed a grizzly bear as long as the man had food to feed the grizzly bear things went well but as soon as the man ran out of food the grizzly bear ate him. This is a good analogy between the American people and the ungodly greedy. We have been feeding the grizzle bear (the ungodly greedy) for 30 years now and the grizzly bear is now beginning to consume the middle class, their retirement, their Medicare, their college educations, and their affordable health care. But the grizzly bear’s apatite is bottomless and the social security $2.7 trillion trust fund is irresistible. The commie/conservatives tried to privatize social security during baby Bush term in office if Romney is elected the $2.7 trillion Social Security trust fund will no doubt be put in the market once social security becomes part of the assets of a public company where it can be “harvested” by grizzle bears like Romney.
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Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2012 05:31 am
The Great and Awful Romney finally descended from on high and apologized for saying that 47% of the American felt entitled to food housing and health care. Romney insisted the day after his disparaging remarks were aired in public that he was indeed right and about 47% of Americans were shiftless deadbeats that are dependent on the government, for their food, housing, and health care. In Romney mind the middle class was nothing more than a bunch of welfare sluts victimizing the poor rich for their very existence. The only problem according to Romney was that he did not state his beliefs elegantly enough. I kept waiting to hear how Romney would more elegantly call almost half of America welfare sluts. I awaited and waited and nothing but silence from Romney nothing but silence from Romney and now three weeks later Romney says he was completely wrong. No it is just exactly what the drug addicted Russian slut, Ayn Rand taught Romney and the rest of the commie/conservative wing nuts. Romney statement was gospel according to Ayn Rand.
“Because they’re a bunch of miserable children who struggle to remain alive, desperately and very badly, while I—I don’t even notice the burden.”

From the book “Atlas Shrugged” by the Russian slut Ayn Rand writing under the influence of drug Benzedrine.
This was Ayn Rand view of the American middle class and it is mirrored in Romney’s 47% statement. While Romney is on a public cross he may deny Ayn Rand three times but you can bet Romney still believes every drug inspired word of the “Goddess of the Market Place.”

Why did Romney wait three weeks to apologize? The 47% remarks were made at a $50,000 a plate fund raiser and he had to wait three weeks for the out of town checks to clear the bank and any additional funds he could raise with his almost half of America is a welfare slut routine. What America witnessed was class warfare at its height; class warfare is not fought with fighter jets and tanks it is fought with big bucks in television commercials and direct mail campaigns.

A recent study showed who was on welfare and who wasn’t and 97% of republicans received help from government programs and 98% of democrats. From home mortgage deductions to unemployment the vast majority receive government assistance in their lifetime.
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Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2012 08:10 pm
Most people have watched a pool shark at work. He lures his victim in by losing to him for a while. The victim gains confidence each time he takes the pool shark’s money soon his overconfidence leads him to raise the stakes of the bet much higher. The pool shark than takes the victim’s money as he takes him to cleaners. The shark’s victims never see it coming. The presidential debate was a set up; a high school debater could have taken Romney’s drug based philosophy apart with easily available statistics.

The day after the debate I listened as many left wing pundits took Obama to task for not taking the easy punches. Many were upset when Obama didn’t go for Romney’ juggler vein over his 47% of Americans are deadbeats remark. But the next day Romney apologized and said his slur was just plain wrong. Had Obama called Romney on his slur during the debate Romney’s practiced seemingly contrite apology would have been seen by 60 million people. Romney’s apology was made to a much, much smaller audience on a Fox News Show. Meaning it was seen mostly by hard right wing nuts who would vote for Romney if they knew for a fact that he was the anti-Christ. Obama denied Romney the big stage for his apology.

The victim is now over confident and when Romney is overconfident he runs off at the mouth and starts channeling that Russian Slut Ayn Rand it is what he knows, it is what he believes, and Romney is as much a disciple of Ayn Rand as Squeaky Fromme was of Charles Manson. Romney really believes he is the reincarnation of the Hank Rearden, the hero in Ayn Rand book
“You stood here and watched the storm with the greatest pride one can ever feel---because you are able to have summer flowers and half naked women in your house on a night like this, in demonstration of your victory over the storm. And if it weren’t for you, most of those who are here would be left helpless at the mercy of that wind in the middle of some such plain.”

From the book “Atlas Shrugged”
The entire 1167 pages of “Atlas Shrugged” can be distilled down to these few sentences; the rest of the book is just filler. Romney sees himself as master of the universe and the American people as “helpless and at the mercy of that wind” not to mention at the mercy of Romney and his ungodly greedy friends.
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Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2012 08:21 am
In today’ world perception trumps truth. You can never solve a problem if the general perception is that there is no problem. There has been a quantum leap in social sciences in the last half century and Americans are beginning to see the practical applications of those discoveries.
“The major objective of advertising is not to convey information but to shape perception.”

Joseph E. Stiglitz
For instance when Americans were asked what percentage of America’s wealth the top 20% of Americans held? The public perception was that the top 20% of Americans held just 60% of America’s wealth. The general public’s perception that the top 20% has 60% of America’s wealth is bad but the truth is actually far worse, actually the top 20% have 85% of America’s wealth. This public perception works to the advantage of the ungodly greedy if the public knew the truth that the ungodly greedy held 85% of the wealth Romney could not push for another 29% cut in taxes for the ungodly greedy which will in the end be responsible for shifting even more of America’s wealth to the ungodly greedy. If the Romney/Ryan get elected on the perception that the ungodly greedy need even more wealth it may end up with the ungodly greedy having 90%-95% of America’s wealth.

I have talked to a number of my generation and even though they can’t accurately perceive the amount of wealth the ungodly greedy have they can very accurately perceive the amount of wealth they have and most if they will admit can see that their life has gone downhill steadily for the last 30years. Even though most make several times more money today than they did 30 years ago the buying power of more dollars is in fact less. This is a confusing perception to the middle class first they can clearly see if they made $6 an hour in 1980 and $15 and hour today that they are making a good deal more money, but most people perceptions of what inflation did to their buying power is in fact inaccurate. Most Americans underestimate the effect of inflation on their buying power over the long term even though they may realize it on the short term.

The vast majority of Americans takes responsibility for their lives and also the blame. With the baby boomers approaching retirement they can now look back over their lives and clearly see when their lives were better and when they got worse. Many baby boomers can remember being a single breadwinner with a stay at home wife. My daughter never had that luxury, she and her husband both worked from day one. My daughter knew what it was like to have a full time mother there when she got home from school at least until after Reagan took office. A working couple now must work 32 hours more every week to make as much in real dollars as their father did as a single bread winner in the 70s. Even though the baby boomers took responsibility for the deterioration of their economic lives over the last 30 years it was just like taking responsibility for losing at gambling when the dice were loaded. If the baby boomers bare any responsibility it is for the election of Ronald Reagan who made Ayn Rand the Queen of American economic. Reagan spread Ayn Rand Benzedrine soaked rantings about the “Virtues of Selfishness” across America and the rest is history, the sad history of a generation that failed America not because they didn’t try hard enough but their failure lies in the dark valley between perception and reality.

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Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2012 07:16 am
Have you ever argued with someone who simply made up facts and statistics to suit his argument? To the uninformed observers the made up facts and statistics add legitimacy to the argument until they find the facts and statistics were made up. After the dust has settled and the commie/conservatives claimed victory in last Wednesday debate the public is finding out that Romney simply made it up as he went along. It is almost impossible to argue with someone who makes it up as they go along. Every office has an office know-it-all and when called on his argument he will make up studies and statistics to back up his point of view. Cliff, the know it all character on Cheers, is familiar to most of us, “Cliff was the biggest fountain of useless information to walk on the earth of the earth and what he didn’t know he made up.” Romney was doing his best impression of Cliff last Wednesday night.

The first big lie was happened when Romney said, “I don’t have a $5 trillion tax cut.” in fact the Tax Policy Center had ran the figures and found that Romney’s tax cut was indeed $5 trillion. Romney countered that the $5 trillion tax cut for the ungodly greedy would be offset by eliminating tax deductions the problem there are not $5 trillion deductions to eliminate.

The second lie was Romney said, “I will not reduce the taxes paid by high income Americans.” Is there anybody dumb enough to believe that? Unfortunately there are many Americans that dumb who believe Romney won the debate by finessing his lies. To these people content is not important just delivery. If you can lie with a straight face you get the points anyway. Let see a $5 trillion tax cut and the ungodly greedy are not going to get a dime. But yet the cut in the estate tax will be 10s of million of dollars for Romney’s sons and worth 100s of billions of dollars to the next generation of the ungodly greedy. The Tax Policy Center report concludes that Romney tax proposal would create a “net tax cut for high-income taxpayers and a net tax increase for middle- and lower-income taxpayers.”

Romney’s third lie was, “We have got 23 million people out of work (or who) have stopped looking for work in this country.” The official figure is 12.5 million an additional 2.6 million have stopped looking for work. So how does Romney constructs his lie? Romney simply adds 8 million part time workers to the figure. Romney counts people who are working 38 hours a week as unemployed. Reagan institutionalized part time work in America by allowing employers to work employees 38 hours a week and cheat them out of full time benefits. Prior to Reagan companies did not try to operate a full time operation with part time employees after Reagan institutionalized the “Virtues of Selfishness” it became and is still common practice just another way for the ungodly greedy to cheat the workingman.

Romney’s fourth lie was, “puts in a board that is going to tell people ultimately what sort of treatment they can have.” This is a reincarnation of the Sarah Palin’ old death panel Lie.” The truth is that The Affordable Healthcare Act does establish an Independent Payment Advisory Board to help constrain the growth of Medicare. This board has no authority to dictate the practices of private insurance market place. This board is also explicitly prohibited by law from “rationing or limiting medical care for seniors.” But Romney’s lie is very effective and that is why the commie/conservatives repeat it so often. Death Panels create fear and fear motivates scared voters who will never look for the actual facts.

Romney’s fifth big lie, “Pre-existing conditions are covered under my plan.” This lie was quickly corrected by a Romney advisory after the debate. Health Insurance in America is a for profit venture, health Insurance companies know that 20% of the people file 80% claims as soon as someone becomes sick the Health Insurance shifts them out of the system and shifts the costs to taxpayers. The first thing to happen when someone becomes serious ill is that they lose their job, no job no health insurance. Even though this person may have had health coverage for 25 years, not only is he weeded out but his family is weeded out of the system. This is good for the bottom line of the insurance companies but extremely bad for the employee family. The Affordable Healthcare Act bars insurance companies from dening coverage for pre-existing conditions. Romney’s plan returns the old system of weeding out the sick by insurance companies. Under the old system if the employee recovered and went back to work he and his family would not be covered for any prior existing condition. If for instance you had a heat attack any future costs for treatment of that heart condition would be denied. Romney’s Care? Well that is for the health insurance company bottom line.

Debates should be like basketball games where the participants are allowed five fouls and thrown out after the fifth foul. An independent board made up of two republicans chosen by the republicans and two democrats chosen by the democrats and one independent chosen by the previous four members. When the board ruled that a debate participant lied a yellow flag would be dropped on stage and the other participant given an extra minute to respond. After Romney got the fifth foul he would be thrown out of the game an asked to leave the stage. His opponent would be declared the victor.
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Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 05:33 am
I read the text of Romney’s foreign policy speech at VMI this morning and it reflects the neoconservative Project for a New America Century that tried to push the Clinton administration into long and sustained wars and did successfully take the baby Bush administration into the longest wars in American history. The Project for a New America Century had ambitions of starting wars on many other Middle East countries. The Project for a New American Century was lead by chicken hawks those that avoided military service themselves but love to send others to be blown to bits in their place. Of course Romney is a chicken hawk, he was a rich kid, his dad was CEO of American Motors, and he avoided military service in Vietnam by going to France to spread his religious cult. Just as Baby Bush before him, another rich kid who avoided going to Vietnam by serving in a special unit of the National Guard for rich kids. After Bush was trained as a pilot he was asked to go to Vietnam, he refused and signed the cowards pledge that he would not go overseas to defend his country. When Bush declared war on Iraq he was elated and jumping up and down at the prospect of sending the children of the poor to die for oil. As long as chicken hawks can send others to die America will have endless wars.

One President in the last century ran on the slogan a chicken in every pot, Romney is running on slogan a war in every pot. The Project for a New America Century took a country running with a budget surplus into $16 trillion deficit in a few short years. Bush plan was to fight the Iraq and the Afghanistan on credit and give huge tax cuts to the ungodly greedy and pass the deficits on to his predecessor. Romney plan is the same a $5 trillion tax cut for the ungodly greedy and more wars fought on credit.
“The 21st century can and must be an American century. It began with terror, war, and economic calamity. It is our duty to steer it onto the path of freedom, peace, and prosperity.”

Mitt Romney from his foreign policy speech
In his speech Romney is paying tribute to neoconservative Project for a New American Century. If America elects Romney we learned nothing from the tragedy that was Baby Bush. Huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy and more discretionary wars.

The world has changed for the better after the Libyan ambassador was killed a crowd of Libyans attacked the compound of those who killed the Americans and burnt to the ground. Under Bush when Americans were killed they drug the bodies of the Americans through the streets everyone in the country hated the Americans when the neoconservatives had control. The wars the neoconservatives want to fight are wars of aggression so the ungodly can loot the Middle East like they are looting America.

Does anyone believe if Romney gets his way and we blow up Iran’s nuclear reactor and kill a quarter million people and make the earth uninhabitable for a 50 mile radius that it will not provoke another war?
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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2012 04:32 am
The commie/conservatives have been complaining loud and long that the pollsters are involved in a vast conspiracy against them to fix the results of the polls and suppress the commie/conservative vote. I wonder how they will explain one poll that shows the first actual lead for Romney. Even though the poll admittedly over sampled Republican voters it does show Romney with a 4 point lead. The commie/conservatives are professional victims the whole world is conspiring against them, the unemployment statistics were fixed according to the commie/conservatives just to discredit their key talking point about unemployment being over 8%. The commie/conservatives want to include part time workers, many of which work 38 hours a week, people who have never worked, people who can’t work and unemployed aliens from Mars in the unemployment figures.

Of course the mainstream news media is involved in the conspiracy to keep the commie/conservatives from being elected even when faced with cold hard facts that there were many more positive references in the mainstream media to Bush than Gore in the 2000 election the commie/conservatives wanted absolutely no positive references at all to any candidate opposing a commie/conservative just as it is on Fox News or Red Neck Right radio and they will accept nothing less as being “fair and balance.”

The commie/conservatives and Muslim extremists are cut from the same cloth they both are blinded by faith, they are both absolutely certain they are correct and they both believe that they have a mandate from their god to run the world. Each time the commie/conservative get elected life gets much worse for the middle class and extremely better for the top 1% but if the model you want to impose on the country is lottery winner economics as long as life gets better for the lottery winners nothing else matters. Even though the commie/conservative have repeatedly demonstrated their economic theories are failures for the vast majority of Americans they continually insist the statistics are wrong because the middle class have a big screen TV and DVD player. The fact that the middle class can no longer afford to send their children to college is somehow completely offset in the commie/conservative mind by a few hundred dollar TV and a DVD player after all according to Rush Slimbaugh their parents never had those things.
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Reply Thu 11 Oct, 2012 05:34 am
It is campaign season again and the political commercials abound, the commie/conservative battle cry is deregulations and more deregulation. You would think after 30 years of deregulations crashed the economy that the commie/conservatives would give up on more and more deregulation but no they are pushing for no regulations. Even simple games need rules, and rules are nothing but simple regulations, without rules the games quickly deteriorate into chaos. Rules also have to be enforced, one need look no further then the recent crisis in the NFL to see what happens when regulations aren’t enforced. The NFL has a complex set of regulations that are rigorously enforced. When the NFL referees were locked out the commie/conservatives like Paul Ryan were some of the first to call for the return of the referees so the regulations could be rigorously enforced. Life in America entails complex interaction between 100s of millions of people and corporations; life is far more complex than a few hour football game. When it is so obvious what happens without the proper enforcement of regulations in a football game imagine what football would be like if the commie/conservatives deregulated it and there were no regulations for the referees to enforce.

Wars are fought on fronts and class warfare is no different it is also fought on fronts. The ungodly greedy have mounted assault on regulations with propaganda that any and all regulations are bad. The commie/conservatives have mounted a direct frontal assault on regulations removing many of the key regulations on banks that resulted in the 2007-2008 economic collapse. Another front is to stop the effective enforcement of regulations by limiting the access to the court system.
“The head of Goldman Sachs, Lloyd Blankfein, made it perfectly clear: sophisticated investors don’t, or at least shouldn’t, rely on trust. Those who bought the products the bank sold were consenting adults who should have known better. They should have known that Goldman Sachs had the means and the incentives to design products that would fail, that they had the means and the incentives to create asymmetries of information—where they knew more about the products than the buyers did---and that they had the means and the incentives to take advantage to take advantage of these asymmetries.”

From the book “The Price of Inequality”
Lloyd Blankfein is telling the American people that he and Goldman Sachs had the right and the incentives to commit blatant fraud. Goldman Sachs designed investments that they knew were designed to fail and sold derivatives that would pay millions to others when they failed. Goldman Sachs had the incentives to cheat the American people because of huge commie/conservative driven tax cuts and the commie/conservative drive to eliminate regulations. Before the commie/conservatives gained political control of America reputation was everything and trust was the foundation of every good business. Over 62 cases of direct fraud have been prosecuted in every case the fines have been a small percentage of the profits made by defrauding the American people. Who were the losers? The city, states and pension funds those known by the ungodly greedy as muppets. Hundreds of millions of dollars was taken in everyone of these scams and only a tiny fraction has been prosecuted.
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Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2012 05:32 am
In the debate last night Vice President Biden eviscerated not only Paul Ryan but Mitt Romney. Biden by mentioning Romney by name several times tied Romney’ lies in the first debate around his neck like a boat anchor. When Ryan tried to carry the water for Romney $5 trillion tax cut for the ungodly greedy Biden quickly shot him down with not one but 5 non partisan groups that proved Romney tax cut for the ungodly greedy was indeed another $5 trillion handout to the ungodly greedy. Listing each and every organization by name put a stop to Ryan repeating Romney’s lie that his tax cut not adding another $5 trillion to the National debt.

Romney was said to have won the first debate in polls by a 60 to 40 plurality but the CBS tracking poll showed Biden won by 50 to 31 plurality but while the NBC news claimed Romney was a clear winner but they insisted that there was no clear winner in the Biden Ryan debate where the numbers of people declaring Biden the winner was nearly double. Go figure.

Biden simply stopped every Romney/Ryan lie in its tracks. Romney wants to broaden the tax base; I don’t think most of Romney supporters understand what Romney and the commie/conservatives means when they say by “broaden the tax base.” When Romney says he is going to “broaden the tax base” he is talking about raising the taxes at the same time he is cutting the taxes on the ungodly greedy. Romney is going to raise taxes on the 47% of Americans who “will never vote for him” and who pay no income tax. By eliminating the standard deduction and deductions for dependents Romney can indeed make the 47% pay the tax levied on “excess wealth” even though they have no “excess wealth. The standard deduction and deductions for dependents are meaningless for those making $10s of millions but absolutely vital for those on social security and the working poor. Welcome to a world of winner take all economics.
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Reply Sat 13 Oct, 2012 09:46 am
For the last 30 years the right has controlled the economy and the argument about how best to stimulate the economy and their efforts bought us the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The left has never been able to return the tax on excess wealth to pre-Reagan levels. When Reagan took office the income tax on the ungodly greedy was 70% when he left office it was 28%. The often cited mantra by the right is that Reagan’s tax cut increased tax revenue but Nobel winning economists find the idea not only absurd but laughable. When the actual truth is told Regan ran up the biggest deficits in history up to that time along with a record number of raises in social security tax on the baby boomers. The massive increases in social security tax are plowed directly into the Federal budget to offset Reagan massive deficits and even they did not offset the massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.

The myth the right wants the public to believe is the only way to stimulate the economy is to use the government to make the rich even richer than they are and the right has used the government to redistribute the wealth. Ravenswood Aluminum had defaulted on a $22 million dollar electric bill and closed. The WV Public Service Commission offered to make the other customers of America Electric and Power pay the $22 million bad debt and let them start off with a clean slate but the catch was that the parent company Century Aluminum would have to agree to pay the electric bill in the future. The state also agreed to a $20 million dollar a year in tax cuts for the company. Century turned the deal down flat and they are holding out for the other American Electric and Power customers to pay for up to $140 million a year in electric if the price of Aluminum is down providing them with free electricity. It is simply not enough for the other customers AEP to pay the $22 million. The $22 million will be borrowed and the AEP customers will not only pay the Century’s $22 million bad debt but interest on the $22 million making the pay back $30 million or more. This will make more of the ungodly greedy rich. Why borrow the $22 million? Because many in WV are so poor it will take many years for them to pay back Century’s bad debt.

We are just now seeing the tip of a very big ice burg the ungodly greedy are so embolden by the right’s political agenda that half a trillion government handouts to private companies have become so common that no one even bats an eye at them. If it had not been stopped Century’s deal would have been the first trillion dollar government handout in history and what is important about deal was that it would be struck with non elected Public Service Commissioners and would not involve tax dollars but a direct levy on anyone using electric in WV. Every time the ungodly greedy go to stealing they pose it as a social benefit in this case for the retirees of Ravenswood Aluminum so they can provide their pensions and medical benefits.

Trickle Down Economics has been a huge failure but Trickle Up Economics may be a success. Trickle Down Economics is inefficient as only 80 cents of a dollars tax cuts find it way into the economy. The ungodly both invest and bank overseas. But almost 100% of a dollar tax cut to the bottom 50% is recycled into the economy. The ungodly greedy might find themselves even better off if 20% more money is multiplying in the economy. But given a chance between a trillion dollars in government welfare and having to work for it, the ungodly greedy are going to choose the government welfare every time and expect bigger and bigger payouts.

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Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2012 07:37 am
The founding fathers designed a government based on the principal of majority rules but this has given way to a government where the minority rules or at least has the power to obstruct. During Obama’s inauguration the defeated minority met and committed themselves to one objective and one objective only making sure Obama would not be reelected. Paul Ryan and Newt Gingrich were just a few of the commie/conservatives who were not concerned at all with getting America out of the Great Recession just making sure Obama would not be reelected. But since the commie/conservatives were in the minority in the both the Senate and the House how could they do that? The current rules allow the minority to block any piece of legislation with by filibustering. A supermajority is required to override the minority’s filibuster.

Over the last thirty years this rule has allowed the commie/conservatives to keep control of the political direction of America even when they were not in the majority. This has had disastrous results for middle class Americans. Commie/conservatism is basically a cult with cult like belief system where reality cannot intrude. When faced with the fact that middle class America is in a sustained 30 year decline the commie/conservatives double down on the damage and prescribe even more of the same another $5 trillion dollar tax cut for the ungodly greedy in spite of the fact that the countries that are doing well have a 70% tax rate on the ungodly greedy. It is obvious what is working and what is not and the commie/conservatives are prescribing what doesn’t work. This in itself would not be so bad without minority control but the minority can keep America from changing directions. Not being able to change directions in a car when an impending crash is immanent would be a disaster, not being able to change directions in a country can be just as disastrous.

I am currently watching Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace and the guest was David Axelrod, representing Obama; Axelrod skin tones were quit noticeably blued while Chris Wallace skin tones were normal on the split screen. Also Axelrod’s sound track was delayed with the sound not coordinated with his lips. No doubt this was done in desperation by Fox News. No other guest on Fox News appeared to be dark blue.
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Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2012 05:32 am
As commie/conservatism became the prevailing political philosophy in America dishonesty in American institution rose proportionally. Commie/conservatism gave us the Enrons and the World Coms and now even the big investment banks like Goldman Sachs tell the public they have the incentives to defraud them. In winner take all economics it is all about winning and less about how you win. Score is kept in dollars and men are measured in dollars. If you cheat 10s of thousands out of their pension and make hundreds of millions by doing it you are qualified to be president where you can cheat 300 million people out of their social security and Medicare.

The top 1% can absolutely not wait to buy the presidency for Romney. The tax savings for Romneys alone will be in the 10s of millions of dollars on just one tax cut. Romney intends to eliminate the inheritance tax saving his boys 10s of millions of dollars. This will create wealth dynasties that will control American politics for time in perpetuity. Just one of the ungodly greedy has contributed $100 million to Romney’s campaign. The ungodly greedy don’t spend that amount of money without expecting a far greater return on their money.

Does anyone really believe we will make America better by making the ungodly greedy even richer than they are now? The inequality in America now is far worse than most industrialized countries. America faces a clear fork in the road this election, one fork leads to even more inequality with not only the government used to provide more inequality but private utility companies used to dole out corporate welfare. The other fork takes us back to the founding father vision of a country “liberty and justice for all” where the idea of corporate welfare was unimaginable.
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