The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 9 May, 2022 08:50 pm
Mike Lindell, aka Pillow Head, has formed an organization in all 50 states to try and intimidate minority voters from voting again. Lindell organization is sending armed men with badges to people’s home telling them they are being investigating voter fraud. These are not government employees, and they are using badges to get people to believe they are law enforcement. It is one thing for republicans to hold guns to people’s head to make sure they vote republican, but it is much more intimidating to go to people’s homes with their guns and claim they are investigating voter fraud. Their home is their safe place and to have it invaded by Lindell’s thugs is outrageous.

They have no authority to investigate what they had for breakfast let alone voter fraud. The organization is named Cause America, and Lindell is paying all the salaries, reportedly up to $200,000 a month. This has nothing to do with an investigation and everything to do with voter intimidation. We won’t have to worry about Lindell’s thugs coming to our doors they will be targeting the minorities people they know they can intimidate. Impersonating a police officer is a crime and should be enforced to the letter of the law against Lindell’s thugs.

Today we have 83,688,188 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 83,581,718 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 106,470 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,024,752 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,024,548. That means that another 204 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
Reply Wed 11 May, 2022 06:10 am
Marjorie Taylor Greene is a leader of QAnon but now one of her fellow cult members is calling herself “the Queen of Canada” she has decreed that QAnon members no longer need to pay for utilities. One thing about it QAnon followers will believe anything they are told. How is that working out? It seems if they don’t pay their utilities they are shut off. That was what the Queen of Canada failed to tell them, if you don’t have any utilities you don’t have to pay for them.

“The trouble started when QAnon leader Romana Didulo decreed that her followers should stop paying for water, gas, property tax, and credit card bills, while also pressuring other followers who are still paying their bills.”

It is said two can live as cheaply as one, but QAnon believe they can live far cheaper.

Today we have 83,778,760 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 83,688,188 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 90,572 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,025,104 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,024,752. That means that another 352 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

Internet problems yesterday
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Reply Wed 11 May, 2022 08:58 pm
The inflation we are undergoing now is complex and has several different causes. One of the causes is the media trying to cause a panic by fanning the flames. They continue to tell the public that we have record high gas prices. That is not true I keep detailed records of all my gas purchases and receipts. During baby Bush’s term in office in 2008 I paid $4.39 a gallon for high test. The current record is $4.37. But one has to remember that 2008 dollars were worth more than 2022 dollars. Therefore the 2008 dollars must be adjusted for inflation. Gasoline that sold for $4.39 in 2008 would cost $5.79 in 2021 dollar.

They gave the record average cost of gasoline in 2008 at $4.10 that means it would cost that would be $5.40 in 2021 dollars. We are nowhere near the record cost of gasoline. We are almost $1 less than the record. You can’t compare the price 14 years ago without adjusting for inflation. Not one of the media outlets I have seen adjusted the cost of gas for inflation. The truth is never as important as the perception of what you believe to be true. This lie will fuel inflation because people will want their salaries raised based on perceived inflation.

It would not make a good story if the media told the truth and said how lucky we were that we are paying a dollar less than record high gas prices.

Today we have 83,953,371 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 83,778,760 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 174,611 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,025,764 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,025,104. That means that another 660 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Thu 12 May, 2022 08:51 pm
Biden’s Press Secretary, Jan Psaki, is resigning due to threats made on her life and her children’s. This has got to be a popular game in politics and for the most part it is ignored by law enforcement. For many years if you ran for political office you could expect to start receiving death threats to keep you for running for political office. The caller would tell you he knew where you lived and where your children went to school. The threats are getting far more numerous now and the law needs to be strictly enforced and the offenders given the maximum sentence.

The laws for intimidating someone to the point they resign their job should carry a mandatory jail sentence so there is no discretion when it comes to sentences. When someone threatens the children the jail time should be doubled. Psaki phone number has been circulating through the Arlington Republican Party in Virginia. Posting someone private phone number and home address for the purpose of harassment should be felony. In effect it is using extorsion to drive good people out of office. Instead of asking for money it is to drive people out of office.

Today we have 84,066,379 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 83,953,371 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 113,008 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,026,109 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,025,764. That means that another 345 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 May, 2022 09:11 pm
How soon will Marjorie Taylor Greene, look behind her and see men with large butterfly nets following her, coming to take her away? It can’t happen soon enough. Now Greene has decided the fires taking place at food processing plants are being caused by the globalists. Nearly two dozen food processing plants have gone up in flames this year, this is not an unusual number as there are thousands of fires take place each year in manufacturing facilities, according to Nation Fire Protection Association.

I am sure Greene was always crazy, we all know people just like her but what is wrong with the voters who voted her into office? The principal of the Wisdom of Crowds dictates that election should provide us with the best candidate for the job instead of the worst. It is almost like the country has become suicidal electing the worst possible candidates in some cases. It isn’t like Greene is trying to hide the fact that she is crazy, she is very open about it and Greene also has diarrhea of the mouth. It is often said that it is better to keep one’s mouth shut and be thought a fool then to open it and remove all doubt. Margorie just doesn’t care.

Today we have 84,174,521 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 84,066,379 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 108,042 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,026,527 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,026,109. That means that another 418 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 May, 2022 09:10 pm
Bill Barr’s book, “One Damn Thing After another” is 563 pages long and he was only attorney general for the last year or so of Trump’s term in office. It would be hard to fill that number of pages without some filler. Barr spends some time taking on the separation of church and state. Barr does not believe there should be a separation of church and state, he believes it to be to be more of “division of labor.” That there should be two Americas where the laws of the land only apply to the nonreligious. If there is a law against discrimination it should not be applied to the religious because their bible teaches them to discriminate. If your religion teaches you that gays are an abomination on the earth, then you should not have to serve them in your business.

Barr wraps himself in the shear ignorance of the cult of religion. He believes that morality is a product of religion. This course is most ignorant thing a group of conmen could come up with. The bases of morality is and always has been empathy, the ability to put yourself in the other person place. There are many church going people, even preachers who are child molesters or even killers. When they looked at the percentage of child molesters in the general public and compared to the clergy the percentage was the same. All those years of religion training changed nothing it is only an illusion. The capacity for empathy lies in the brain. Psychopaths lack empathy because there brain lacks the ability to empathize and no amount of religion would ever change that. Religion is the biggest con game in all of man’s history. It pretends to deliver something it cannot. It is selling you something you already posse or can’t have.

Today we have 84,209,473 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 84,174,521 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 34,952 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,026,646 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,026,527. That means that another 119 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Sun 15 May, 2022 09:46 pm
Why does former Attorney General Barr spend so much time on religion in his book? It lays out the play book for the 2022 and 2024 elections. He is openly courting the vote of the Christian cult with supreme court rulings that favored the cult members not being subject to laws of the United States they could simply point to some obscure religious belief and claim it cannot be enforced against them.

Critical Race Theory is really not a theory as it is the retelling of historical facts, and nobody hates facts more than the Christian cult. Discrimination is one thing, but it is the retelling of the darkest part of American history. They are afraid the truth will make their children feel bad. White people lynched people of color for fun and entertainment and nothing was done or said about it by law enforcement who often joined in. A pregnant black woman came across a crowd lynching her husband for looking at a white woman. She protested loudly and was lynched alongside her husband. They took a knife and split her belly open. When the fetus spilled out and hit the ground, they crushed its skull with their heel. You can bet all these people were in church the next morning.

We should never let the Christian cult sweep this under the rug and live in their carefully constructed fantasy world. They don’t want their children to know about that because it will make them feel bad but what if it were their children being lynched? We learn by our mistakes and to hide the mistakes from our children makes no sense.

Today we have 84,230,829 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 84,209,473 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 21,356 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,026,670 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,026,646. That means that another 24 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Mon 16 May, 2022 09:41 pm
The founding principal in America was separation of church and state. But when it comes to government funding of religious cults former Attorney General Barr thinks the government should fund religious indoctrination of minors who have not reached the age that they can reason for themselves. This is the life blood of religious cults if they were not allowed to take advantage of those who have no protection against the indoctrination. If it was a law that religious cults could not indoctrinate them until the child was past the age of reason, there would be far fewer cults today.

All religious schools spend time teaching cult values. If they want to teach cult values, it should not be with state dollars. While some people might be all right with the Baptists church up the street receiving state dollars, what about the Moonies? The Peoples Temple? The Branch Davidians? Or any of the thousands of other religious cults in America today. Anybody can start a new religion and decide what to believe and they would be able to start religious schools and the government would have to fund them. This is why the founding fathers mandated a separation between church and state. The state offers a free public education to everyone, you can take advantage of it or not. But using those dollars for religious indoctrination is a clear violation of separation of church and state. If even one dollar was used for religious indoctrination of a minor it would be morally wrong.

Today we have 84,357,607 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 84,230,829 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 126,778 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,026,899 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,026,670. That means that another 229 Americans died from the Trump virus today.

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Reply Tue 17 May, 2022 08:55 pm
It is obvious that the former attorney general William Barr’s book is really two books that were stitched together at the last minute. Barr’s claim to fame was being fired by Trump for saying the election was not fixed and that is what attracted the attention of the public. That is dealt with in the first portion of the book along with his trials and tribulations during his short time as Trump’s attorney general. He also deals with his time spent in the daddy Bush administration.

It is obvious that Barr had already written a book that was not published, and it became the second half of the book. This portion lays out his political philosophy he obviously panders to the religious right courting their vote. He takes credit for stiffer sentences for violent offenders in an administration that reduced sentences on criminal defendants. They turned drug dealers lose saying they are non-violent. But drug dealers are responsible for many deaths from overdoses. It does not matter how someone is killed, whether they are shot in the head or died from bad drugs. The drug dealers are responsible for all kinds of other crimes in the community. Trump catered to celebrities and turned drug dealers free. For all Barr’s beating his chest about bringing down crime there was not hardly a word about gun control. Gun’s make most crimes possible; they are the number one tool of criminals that makes crime possible.

Today we have 84,473,447 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 84,357,607 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 115,840 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,027,285 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,026,899. That means that another 386 Americans died from the Trump virus today.

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Reply Wed 18 May, 2022 09:17 pm
Barr is just like Trump; he just can’t understand why we can’t be better friends with Russia. This would be like asking why we just couldn’t be better friends with Nazi Germany after they invaded Poland. Russia has invaded four countries and is taking parts of those countries. Putin intends to put the old Soviet Union back together. Russia was successful in getting Trump elected, they were a major force in the 2016 election. Trump’s main objective was to be Putin’s best friend and roll back the sanctions that were in place on Russia for taking the Crimea and interfering with the 2016 election. Of course, Barr has no problem with the Russian interfering with our elections as long a they interfere to help the republicans get elected.

Barr’s book was written before the Ukraine was invaded for the second time. If Barr thinks we should be better friends with the Russians after they took the Crimea, a second invasion would not make any difference in the way Barr and many other republicans feel. We on the verge of a third world war with a megalomaniac who is reported to be dying with cancer. This is a dictator who has no friends. Why would we want to be friends with this snake? Putin worked so hard to get Trump elected because Trump would have just turned his head and said, that the invasion of Ukraine was fake news. If Putin said it didn’t happen that would have been good enough for Trump just like it was when the US intelligence agencies said there was Russian in the 2016 election and Trump asked Putin about it and Putin denied it. Trump believed Putin.

Today we have 84,692,706 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 84,473,447 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 219,259 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,028,014 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,027,285. That means that another 729 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Thu 19 May, 2022 08:55 pm
Trump is definitely a gangster wannabee. He was raised in the gangster hang outs in New York and used the gangster’s lawyer. Now we are finding out that when the secretary of state of Michigan refused to fix the election for Trump, he suggested in a meeting that she be arrested for treason and executed. Who knew that not fixing the election for Trump was treason?

In fourteen states people who believe that the election was fixed, without any evidence, are running for secretary of state. Secretaries of state are responsible for seeing the elections are conducted fairly. Do you believe that one of these idiots will see that the election is conducted fairly? The election will be fixed if they have anything to do with it. They will be sure of one thing coming in that the Trump candidate won, and they will do everything in their power to make it so.

The Michigan secretary of state, Jocelyn Benson, found armed Trump thugs in front of her house after she certified the election for Biden. From DeSantis private election police to using armed Trump thugs to intimidate secretaries of state and change the election outcomes, elections will be more and more like elections in the third world countries.

Today we have 84,799,040 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 84,692,706 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 106,334 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,028,337 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,028,014. That means that another 323 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Fri 20 May, 2022 09:22 pm
In the 90s the neoconservatives had a plan to take over the Middle East countries and install puppet governments. Reality set in very quick after we invade Iraq and Afghanistan attempts to set up governments in those countries was a dismal failure. Trump wanted to withdrawal from just about everywhere, including NATO and South Korea but Trump did decide to withdrawal from Afghanistan and that withdrawal was in progress during the final months of Trump’s term.

In Barr’s book he blames Biden from the withdrawal from Afghanistan on Biden. Biden did finish what Trump had put in progress. Why does Barr think we made a mistake by getting out of Afghanistan? It had nothing to do with the war, it seems Barr has found out that Afghanistan has large deposits of lithium used to make batteries for electric cars. It seems the Chinse have made a deal with the Taliban to buy up Afghanistan’s deposits of lithium. The Chinse are trying to buy up the scare raw material needed for high tech manufacturing. Barr’s theory is we should have stayed in Afghanistan to keep the Chinse from locking up the lithium. It is like the neoconservatives are back again just use the US military to steal the natural resources of victim countries.

Today we have 84,935,262 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 84,799,040 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 136,222 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,028,741 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,028,337. That means that another 404 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sat 21 May, 2022 09:01 pm
Former Attorney General< William Barr, is very concerned about the power of big tech companies, he believes them to have a left leaning point of view, but he has no problem with Fox News having a rightwing agenda. He has no problem with talk radio having a right-wig agenda. All internet services have Terms of Service (TOS) and if you violate those terms of service your post can be removed, and you can be banned from the site. In Barr’s opinion the private companies that rum internet sites should make exceptions for right wing posters and let them violate the TOS. Private companies have a right to make rules and enforce them.

Barr has no problem with other big corporation having way too much power in our political system where they are allowed to pump unlimited amounts of money into the political system. The supreme court ruled that money is the same as speech and since we have free speech there cannot place limits on corporation’s political contributions. This is how the powerful corporations exercise their political power over our government and most political contributions go to the republican party. To Barr that is not a problem it is blocking the lying liars from abusing the Internet that really irritates him.

Today we have 84,984,459 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 84,935,262 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 49,197 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,028,902 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,028,741. That means that another 261 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 May, 2022 09:17 pm
History seems to just repeat itself. The Southern Baptist Conference has a child molestation problem and there first response was to try and bury it and transfer the molesters to other congregations without warning the people. Sounds very familiar they must have got the plan of action from the catholic church. Why would they react the same? It is really quite simple their number one priority is to protect the religious cult individuals are expendable but their paramount purpose is to protect the illusion that going to church makes you a better person well at least not an evil person. But it is “life’s illusion I recall I really don’t know life at all.”

If it became known the most holy among them was molesting their children what would the congregation think? If those who studied the most religion and pretended to be the most holy are nothing but child molesters using the church to hide themselves. The most important thing that religious cults posse is that illusion. That is why any religious cult will circle the wagons and protect the child molesters.

The Baptists had to bring in an unbiased independent organization to investigate 20 years of child molestation and other abuses by church employees, The report showed that leaders of the Southern Baptist conference including the leader was credibly accused of sexually assaulting a woman while on vacation in Panama Fl. They blamed the victims and supported the molesters.

Today we had 85,004,438 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 84,984,459 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 19,979 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,028,924 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,028,902. That means that another 22 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Mon 23 May, 2022 09:13 pm
The republicans believed that Fox News would be the end all of propaganda when it was founded, they could not foresee the invention of the internet. Fox News only allows the opinions of a tiny fraction of the population and is the ideal vehicle for spreading propaganda. It can be tightly controlled and spread political propaganda. The republicans believed it to be far superior in spreading propaganda than the Chinese’s People Daily. Governments wanting to set up propaganda networks hire ex-Fox employees to set them up.

When the internet came along it ended the republican dream of spreading lies 24 hours a day. The internet gave voice to a wide cross section of the American people giving the American people a wide and varying view of political issues. A single editor at Fox News can control what the American people are told about a political issue.

The republicans want to use government to control what is printed and keep their lies from being banned because they are lies. They are looking at passing new laws to break up the large internet companies. They are so use to winning election with lies they are scared of the truth, and they can use the threat of breaking companies like Facebook up into small companies to make them publish their lies or be broken up. The republican party would like to dictate the Terms of Service of the internet sites.

Today we have 85,113,962 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 85,004,438 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 109,524 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,029,121 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,028,924. That means that another 197 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Tue 24 May, 2022 09:13 pm
Trump went down to Georgia and got his rear end kicked.
Trump backed a candidate for governor who was already a proven loser, losing the senate seat in 2020. Governor Brian Kemp was running 30 percentage points in the polls over Trump handpicked candidate. Trump was angry that Kemp would not fix the election. Trump swore vengeance on Kemp, but his vengeance was denied.

Trump is desperately trying to get people elected who believe his big lie and when Trump calls and says to find 12,000 votes for Trump they will find them. They are electing people who think Trump was cheated and if they really believe that they will feel fully justified in cheating to win. Of course, when they cheat, they will be caught because they are not very bright if they believe the big lie in the first place.

The Georgia Attorney General was also on Trump’s list because he refused to help get Trump elected. It was not his job to get Trump elected, that was Trump’s campaign manager and lawyers. State officials should always remain neutral. Trump views the republican party as his mob and expects them to act that way. Trump expects loyalty from his party more than anything and if he does not get vengeance will be his. The attorney general won, and Trump’s candidate bit the dust.

Today we have 85,241,016 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 85,113,962 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 127,054 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,029,524 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,029,121. That means that another 403 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 May, 2022 08:56 pm
Governor, Ron DeSantis and the legislature of Florida passed a law that they could control contents of social media sites. DeSantis believes that he is an absolute dictator. The dictator’s law was quickly overturned by a three-judge appeals court. They reminded the dictator that corporations like people have a right to free speech. In a famous court case, the supreme court ruled that since corporations are composed of people all rights vested in the individual are vested in corporations. Government can’t take control of social media sites without violating their free speech rights.

The republicans have long been plotting how they were going to take control of social media. They don’t believe the Terms of Service should be enforceable against them. William Barr devoted a chapter in his book, “One Damn Thing after Another”’ to how the republicans could gain control over social media.

When you pass a law that gives government control over what is published on social media it is clearly violating the right to free speech. That is the republican party and DeSantis idea of free speech, you are free to say what we tell you that you can say.

Today we have 85,440,340 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 85,241,016 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 199,324 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,030,415 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,029,524. That means that another 891 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 May, 2022 09:00 pm
Every time l look, at the counters that track the coronavirus; I can’t believe that the United States is at the top of the list with both the number of reported cases and the number of deaths. The United States has only 4% of the world’s population but 16% of the world’s coronavirus cases. That is 400% more cases of the coronavirus than we should have if we were average. We also have 16% of the deaths from coronavirus.

America has the most advanced medical system on the face of the earth, so it is impossible to explain a death rate 400% over the average. But reading Bill Barr’s book there is an explanation, Barr and the republicans believe that the health specialist should have no part in public health that politicians should make all public health decisions. How is that working out? Four times more cases of the Trump virus and 4 times as many deaths from the Trump virus. Barr said Trump’s main tools are “hyperbola and ridicule” which are not the best tools to handle a pandemic.

Today we have 85,570,755 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 85,440,340 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 130,415 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,030,775 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,030,415. That means that another 360 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 May, 2022 08:53 pm
I was out of town yesterday at a ½ marathon in Wheeling. I have done this race every year that it was held since 1991. It has become a habit of sorts.

It seems massive cheating has been found in Michigan during the 2022 election. The problem is that it is the republicans who have found cheating. Five candidates in the republican primary including some that accused Biden of cheating have been caught cheating. To run for governor, you have to turn in petitions with 15,000 signatures of register voters. In some cases, up to 4,000 signatures have been found to be forged. Five of candidates for governor were removed from the ballot. The forgeries were often very obvious to detect because it was very obvious that even on the same page the same person was responsible for several of the signatures.

This is the tip of a very large iceberg, the republicans who believe Trump’s big lie will feel justified in cheating to win.

Today we have 85,711,442 cases of the Trump virus, two days ago we had 85,570,755 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 140,687 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus in the last two days.

The death toll stands at 1,031,259 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,030,775. That means that another 484 Americans died in the last two days.
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Reply Sun 29 May, 2022 09:19 pm
I knew there had to be an explanation for why America is number one in the world for cases of the Trump virus and deaths from the Trump virus. I finally found the cause in William Barr’s book “One Damn Thing After Another” during the pandemic Barr’s Justice Department was active in trying to overturn the health department regulations put in place by state and local health departments, to save lives. Barr actually went to court to overturn health department regulations. They intimidated other state health departments with letters and legal action. That is why we have 16% of the world-wide cases of the coronavirus and we only have 4% of the world’s population. We also have 16% of the deaths in the world.

Barr’s attitude is it is the know-nothing politicians should make the decisions on health regulation. He would not want doctors or health professional to have any say when a pandemic took place. He catered to religious cults to get them opened back up to spread the coronavirus. You don’t have to go to ignorance school in person you can get your weekly fix of ignorance on television. You had to eat but one thing you did not need was to go to church. This stupid move probably cost 200,000 Americans their lives. To roll back the health regulations on churches in New York Barr pointed out there were no regulation on demonstrations. But they found out coronavirus cases did not go up during demonstrations. You needed to be exposed inside to catch coronavirus like a church. You had to be exposed for a period of time inside, outside the virus simply blew away with the wind. The coronavirus cases probably were less than what they would have been if there were no demonstration as the people would have been inside. Barr kissed up to the Christian right every time he gets the chance in hopes of gaining votes for republicans. Using genetic testing they found that one man in a church had given the Trump virus to a 154 people in that church directly or indirectly.

Today we have 85,716,214 cases of the coronavirus, yesterday we had 85,711,442 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 4.772 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,031,273 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,031,259. That means that another 14 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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