The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 30 May, 2022 09:11 pm
They announced today that we have 4 times as much coronavirus as we had last year but nobody seems to be paying much attention. You would think the press would be doing article after article but there are very few articles being written. After over a million deaths, more deaths don’t seem to matter. The judges appointed by Trump have killed the health departments regulations all over the country.

As soon as the judge killed the mask mandate on airplanes the coronavirus started to surge. This is probably the best way to spread the coronavirus is to pack hundreds of people close together in a tin can for hours. The case was supposed to be appealed because it would virtually overrule and health regulations during a pandemic. The Trump administration was directly responsible for at least 200,000 American deaths. The Trump judges will be a gift that just keeping on giving us more deaths.

Today we have 85,730,597 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 85,716,214 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 14,383 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,031,286 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,031,273. That means that another 13 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Tue 31 May, 2022 09:56 pm
Inflation is really beginning to take off. It is likely that it will top 10% this year. Someone once said that “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” Inflation feeds on fear as prices begin to rise others see it as opportunity to raise prices even though their costs have not increased. it simply an opportunity to raise prices. Most labor contracts use have cost of living clauses, if inflation increased wages automatically adjusted.

We have seen a perfect storm. We all know that inflation is caused by too many dollars chasing too few goods. Trump gave the ungodly a $10 trillion dollar tax cut over ten years during his administration. That means the ungodly greedy are still getting a trillion-dollar tax cut each year. There was absolutely no reason for that tax cut. So, we already had too many dollars chasing too few goods going into the pandemic. This laid the foundation for inflation. When the pandemic struck and created real shortages of goods this compounded the causes for inflation, a perfect storm of too many dollars chasing too few goods.

How do we get inflation under control? We repeal the Trump tax cut. The billionaires pocketed most of the tax cut. The shortages of goods will eventually resolve itself over time. If we fail to repeal that tax cut, we can look forward to 10% inflation a year for the next 20 years.
Today we have 85,901,797 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 85,730,597 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 171,200 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,031,613 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,031,286. That means that another 327 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2022 09:08 pm
It is now impossible, after Trump, for anyone in America to lose an election. Evidently the devil went down to Georgia and fixed the republican primary election. The incumbent governor beat the Trump endorsed candidate by 74% to 22%. When you get beat by 3 to 1 it obvious that you should have never run. There was also a third candidate for governor who only got 4% of vote. She went to court because it is obvious that the only way, she could have lost, is election fraud. Those taking up for Trump endorsed candidate say it is impossible for a Trump endorsed candidate to lose the election by 74% to 22%.

Everybody wins in the new republican elections, if you win the vote, you win but if you lose the vote by any amount, you still win because you could not possibly lose, there is only one explanation it has to be fraud. In any article entitled “Something Stinks in Georgia” they explained it is not possible for any Trump backed candidate to lose by 74% to 22%. Those candidates that have trampled other candidates to get Trump’s endorsement must be wondering if Trump endorsed candidates get slaughtered in the republican state primary what will Trump’s endorsement really be worth in the general election. It actually looks like Trump’s endorsement may have actually hurt Perdue, who had been a Senator, and lost reelection by a slim margin in a runoff election in 2021.

Today we have 86,146,955 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 85,901,797 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 244,158 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,032,410 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,031,613. That means that another 797 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2022 09:13 pm
CBS News said the number one cause of death for children in America is now gun fire. It is not a traffic accidents or cancer; you might as well say it is death from AR-15 style assault weapons. You can reduce school shooting to a very simple equation with three components, the children, the killer, and the AR-15 of these three components which one can we do something about? Other than home school all American children (this would make it much harder on the killer to find targets.) The killers, and there will always be killers among us who want to become infamous. The third part of the equation is the only way we can reduce the number of children killed, is to ban the tool, AR-15, that makes these killings possible.

What does this static say about America when we let gun nuts slaughter our children and stand by and do nothing? In America the republican party is the pro-school shooting party. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. The republican party is complicit in every school shooting since 2004 when they blocked the assault weapon ban from being renewed. They are against abortion, taking the rights of women to control their own bodies is one thing but they can never ever claim to be prolife as long as they continue to supply assaults weapons to every mass murder in America.

Today we have 86,271,283 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 86,146,955 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 124,328 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,032,862 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,032,410. That means that another 452 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Jun, 2022 09:03 pm
In Uvalde, Texas the mass murderer had an accomplice, it has not been widely reported yet. The accomplice provided his AR-15s. They may have not been there when eighteen school children were slaughtered, and three adults gun downed but they were there in spirit. They were there in spirit at Sandy Hook when 26 were killed. They were there in spirit at Parkland Fla where 17 were killed.

We all know who the accomplice and we all know these slaughters of school children would not take place without their help. At the next school shooting you might not see their faces, but you will know they made the shooting possible. The blood is not only on their hands they are drenched in it. Of course, the accomplice is the republican party. The republican party made a deal with the devil (NRA) to stop the assault weapon ban from being renewed. The republican politicians stuffed their pockets with an unending stream of NRA dollars and turned their heads as a never-ending stream of school shootings took place.

We know who the enemy is, and we know what has to done. There is only one way to win stop slaughters and that is to vote these republicans out of office. They work for us not the NRA.

Today we have 86,450,603 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 86,271,283 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 179,320 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,033,369 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,032,862. That means that another 507 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Jun, 2022 08:55 pm
We did not get into this gun mess overnight. When you have to teach first graders not to run in a straight line but zigzag to keep from being shot because someone wants a toy America has reached a new low. Assault weapons (weapons of war) were banned in 1994 but the law had a sunset provision that kicked in, in 2004. This gave the gun manufacturers (NRA) a ten-year period to pay off enough politicians to make sure they could drown America in assault weapons. The NRA raised an army of single-issue voters, there only concerns in voting were guns and more guns. When I worked the 2004 presidential campaign presidential campaign there was no point in talking to single issue voters whether it was abortion or guns.

Therein lies the solution an army of single-issue voters who vote against any politician who takes the NRA’s money or stands against an assault weapon ban. It is high time that we look at the man in the mirror and realize if we vote to support republican party you are complicity in seeing that mass murders get the best weapons of war to slaughter our children. I don’t think any parent in America wants to come to term with the fact they were complicity in their children murder. If enough people work together, we can take out ever NRA cash grabbing politician. Most politicians are faithful followers of the PLR, the path of least resistance. It is time to change their path. This situation has been the tail wagging the dog for way too long and the NRA has been the tail wagging America. It must be made clear at PTA meetings and elsewhere that a vote for republican is a voter for more and bigger school shootings. We can stop the NRA if enough people go to polls and show the NRA, we are not going to take it any longer.

Today we have 86,503,057 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 86,450,603 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 52,454 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,033,571 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,033,369. That means that another 202 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sun 5 Jun, 2022 09:27 pm
If I could draw a political cartoon, it would show a box truck with NRA on the sides of the Truck. The truck would be in front of a school. Republican senators would be handing out AR-15 to those headed toward the school, and when one asks if he needs a background check? The republican senator tells him no, this is a private transaction. This in effect is what is going on in America today.

The key to solving a problem is to be able to define the problem in the first place. One way to avoid solving a problem is to make it much more complex than it is and throw as many red herrings as possible. The Governor of WV, Jim Justice, provides a good example of how to make a problem so big that it can never be solved. Justice said that school shootings were caused by porn and violent video games that are driving mental illness and that is what is behind the recent school shootings at schools like Uvalde. A more ignorant man never spoke. This is the old case of it is better to keep one’s mouth shut and be thought a fool then to open it and remove all doubt. Blaming porn is like blaming Mickey Mouse, no child was killed with porn. You don’t catch mental illness from video games, Mental illness is for the most part inherited, and it is a lifetime problem it can be managed but not cured. The mentally ill have always been with us and always will. There is no cure. But they make popular red herrings and as long as people are distracted by red herrings it will keep them from eliminating the real cause of the problem, assault weapons.

Today we have 86,522,561 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 86,503,057 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 19,504 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,033,591 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,033,571. That means that another 20 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Jun, 2022 09:37 pm
Did you ever watch a football game where one team seems to be running away with the game, getting every break and suddenly the momentum shifts and the other team coming roaring back to win the game. You can’t see momentum, but you can see it shift. The NRA’s paid off politicians have been running up and down the field for way too long without much of an opposition, but the momentum is shifting after each school slaughter.
“Superman where are you now, when everything has gone wrong somehow.”

Every movement need a charismatic leader and the leader needs to be someone who was touched personally by tragedies to give him credibility. These people seem to appear at critical times throughout history. The NRA likes to pretend to be a grass root movement, nothing can be further from the truth, the gun manufacturers provide most of the $20 million that was pumped into the 2016 election. Basically, the NRA is a money laundering operation. It looks much better if the political don’t come from colt, Remington and Ruger. The gun control movement will have to be a grass roots movement by committed people. There are no huge manufactures interest in funding a gun control movement, there is no profit in it for them.

It is one thing to give lip service into to stopping school shootings, but it is quite another to give your time an energy to do something about it. The time is now the momentum is shifting. There is an election this fall, and gun control can be turned into a number one issue. We can’t remove every politician that is taking the NRA’s money but if a few get voted out office it will make an impression on others. The politicians follow the path of least resistance, like water, all we need do is make the path of supporting school shootings much more difficult.

Today we have 86,637,487 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 86,522,561 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 114,926 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,033,830 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,033,591. That means that another 239 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2022 09:19 pm
Most people would give their very life to stop a mass murder from murdering school children. If people are honest with themselves, they know that it is the assault weapon that make mass murder possible. These mass murderers buy assault weapons because they know they are designed for mass murder. Mass murderer don’t go buy pistols or knives or show up with hammers they have to have an assault weapon.

You may never be on the site of a school shooting and have to lay down your life. If you were on the site school shooting you would use your last breath trying to take away his assault weapon, but you can take that mass murderer assault weapon away before the next school shooting takes place. You should have just as much determination to take the assault weapons away from the next generation of mass murderers as if you were on the site of a mass murder. If you are not on the site of mass murder at a school it is easy to turn a blind eye and tell yourself that you have no responsibility, but it is your inaction that will lead to the next slaughter of first graders. You can’t evade your responsibility. Doing nothing is like watching the school shooter walk into the building and saying it is not my problem. At the very least you can vote against the republicans who keep making it possible for school shooters to get their assault weapons. If you don’t the blood of the next school shooting victims will be on your hands.

Today we have 86,782,404 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 86,637,487 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 144,619 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,034,284 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,033,830. That means that another 454 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2022 09:11 pm
For the last 30 years the NRA and the republican party made sure no gun control laws could be passed. They had a theory that passing any gun control measure would be slippery slope. The company line was absolute if you didn’t tow their line, they would label you a gun grabber in the next election. A republican representative from New York who was representing the Buffalo area was running for election. He decided that after the massacre that he would support gun control measures. The republican party forced him out of the election.

Some republicans, not many, voted to pass the House’s gun control law today. The momentum is shifting, and it is showing with some republicans breaking rank with the NRA. In all the mass murders in schools the republicans gave gun control some lip service but continued to block any gun control measures. What is different the difference now? It is apparent that the public has beginning to focus on gun control and there is an election in a few months. It also helps that the NRA went bankrupt and there is not enough money to pay off the republicans in the election. Some republicans are realizing that the public is about to hold them accountable at the polls.

Remember to vote against the republicans this fall. The next mass murderer has already purchased his AR-15 and is planning his attack. The life you save may be your child’s life. There is no way of knowing which school is next. They showed on CNN today how much more damage an AR-15 did to human flesh than a pistol. That is why mass murderers prefer AR-15s. The doctor that treated children at Uvalde described the bodies to congress, the bodies of the children being shot so many times they were almost decapitated and were not recognizable. When you watched the demonstration of the shooting of the AR-15 it literally exploded in the gel used to represent human flesh.

Today we have 86,988,671 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 86,782,404 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 206,267 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,035,031 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,034,284. That means that another 747 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Jun, 2022 09:08 pm
House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), was on the House floor yelling to get a special bill passed to protect the supreme court justices. It seems a man was found outside a supreme justice’s house, not with an AR-15 but with zip ties. It would be a different world if McCarthy had been half as concerned about the thousands of school children blown apart with AR-15s. McCarthy asked “How Many times do they have to be threated? Almost everybody in politics is threatened at one time or another.

McCarthy was not worried when the Georgia election officials were being threatened by the Trump thugs and had to go into hiding for not fixing the election for Trump. The school children are not being threatened they are being killed. When it comes to making sure mass-murderers are equipped with the very best and most deadly weapons McCarthy has done everything in his power except stand outside the school handing out AR-15s.

Why is McCarthy so concerned that he wants congress to drop everything and pass a bill to protect the supreme court justices? Supreme court justices already get some protection, but McCarthy is scared to death one or more of the conservative justices would be killed and Biden could replace them with a liberal justice. If McCarthy put a tenth as much effort into saving the school children, the AR-15s would be banned by morning. There is a big difference between threats and a stack of dead bodies stretching into the sky.

Today we have 87,114,740 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 86,988,671 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 126,069 Americans were diagnosed with Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,035,320 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,035,031. That means that another 289 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2022 08:08 pm
It would be nice if House Minority leader, Kevin McCarthy was half as concerned about our school children as he is about Supreme Court Justice, Bret Kavanaugh, wellbeing. Kavanaugh already had an armed guard and what they had was a prowler. How many armed guards does McCarthy think Kavanaugh needs? Does McCarthy believe that Kavanaugh needs a full secret service detail like the president?

I remember a conversation with the mayor one day. The union had helped elected him and we were pushing for a raise. It was while Reagan was in and there had been no raises for his 8 years in office. Raises had been passed out to the higher up administration officials. He told us that they had a lifestyle to maintain, as if we didn’t. I made sure that he never got labor support again and reminded them of what he said. In this case McCarthy is telling us the same thing the children being slaughtered don’t matter they are just steppingstones to more and bigger campaign contributions while McCarty sees Kavanaugh as a real person, he actually matters.

Today we have 87,248,309 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 87,114,740 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 133,569 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,035,675 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,035,320. That means that another 355 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jun, 2022 08:44 pm
A letter to the local paper has found the solution for school shootings, it is not guns it is the homeless wandering the streets. He has seen a middle-aged woman with a baby doll wandering the streets and he is sure that is the type of person doing the school shootings. He has also as seen lost old men wandering the streets. He is sure if these people are just locked up in a mental institution it would put an end to school shootings. He is a big believer in the NRA lie machine.

To start with the middle-aged woman with the doll baby does not have an AR-15 hidden in her shopping cart and does not have the money to buy lunch let alone an AR-15. The old men wandering around lost would not be able to find a school let alone an AR-15. This is not the profile of a school shooter. They have homes and are often a school student. They have access to money to buy an AR-15 or access to one in their home. The NRA definition of mentally ill is someone who does something they would not do. There is no psychiatrist on staff at the NRA only idiots offering opinions they are not qualified to make.

Studies have shown the mentally are less likely to be violent then the general population. If someone decides to be a rock singer, no one questions it. The rock becomes famous if they are lucky, school shooters make their decision to kill large number of children, for a similar reason, to be infamous.
Today we have 87,305,419 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 87,248,309 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 57,110 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,035,828 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,035,675. That means that another 153 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2022 08:53 pm
The key thing in the profile of a mass murderer, is not mental illness, the key to spotting a mass murderer is that he owns, and AR-15 style assault weapon or have access to one. That is the only thing they have in common. Mass murderers are true gun nuts, they worship assault weapons and often post pictures on social media of them holding or shooting assault weapons. They are fascinated by killing people. Assault weapons make mass murder child’s play.

The best way to find mass murderers before they slaughter 20 first graders is to look for people who are fascinated with guns. You are wasting your time looking at bag ladies on the street with doll babies.

It looks like the Senate has reached agreement on a gun control bill, handing the NRA its first political defeat in 25 years. You can bet one thing this bill will change nothing and will be only a cosmetic change to make it appear like they did something. There is only one thing that will stop school massacres and that is to make weapons of war illegal anything short of that will only result in more school massacres.

Today we have 87,321,703 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 87,305,419 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 16,284 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1.035,847 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,035,828. That means that another 19 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2022 09:15 pm
It looks like the new senate gun control measures have gained the support of senate minority leader Mitch McConnell. McConnell has stonewalled any gun control measure for the last twenty-five years. Insisting that if any gun control measure was passed it would be a slippery slope that would result in guns being taken away from the American people. All of a sudden Mitch does a 180 degree turn, I can’t help thinking the NRA’s bankruptcy influenced McConnell change of heart.

One of the provisions was more money for mental health. In the early part of the century a law was passed that mandated that health insurance policies had to cover mental health the same as physical health. The republicans killed that law. If you are indeed going to do something with mental health mandate that health insurance cover the entire body instead of picking and choosing what organs are covered.

In Huntington we had what was considered a Cadillac Health Insurance policy. A friend had a drug problem, but the Cadillac health insurance would not pay for his treatment. The mayor told his wife the only option for her husband treatment was the state hospital which discharged him in a few days, and he died a few days later. If the government is interested in mental health, they can make sure it is treated the same as physical health by health insurance companies. Throwing a few million dollars at it won’t even scratch the surface.

A thunderstorm took my internet down yesterday.

Today we have 87,549,563 cases of the Trump virus, two days we had 87,321,703. That means that another 227,860 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus in the last two days.

The death toll stands at 1,036,483 today, two days ago the death toll stood at 1,035,847. That means that another 636 Americans died in the last two days.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2022 09:23 pm
The republican party was against social security from the day it was made law. They tried to repeal it for twenty years, much like they opposed Obamacare. The republicans hate “entitlements” and want to do away with them. Social Security is the number one entitlement. Now the republicans want to meet behind closed doors to “reform” social security. They do not want the public to have access to the meetings and they don’t want the press to have any access to what is going on either. After the bill comes out from behind closed doors it would not be amendable, it would have to be passed as it is.

When is the people’s business not the people’s business? When the republicans say so. One republican, Rick Scott, (R-Fla) has proposed that social security would have to be reauthorized every 5 years (remember the assault weapon ban that had to be renewed). That means that if social security was not reauthorized it would just go away after you paid a lifetime into it, the republicans would just take your money leaving you with nothing to show for it.

Social security is popular with the American public, the republicans know that and with an election coming up the last thing they want to talk about in public is doing away with social security. If you plan on voting a bunch of republicans into office this fall, remember a key platform of their party is eliminating “entitlements” and social security is the number one entitlement.

Today we have 87,759,180 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 87,549,563 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 209,617 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,037,664 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 36,483. That means that another 1,181 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2022 09:13 pm
The republicans are scared to death that Dirty Joe Manchin will no longer do their bidding. First, we had a constant stream of television commercials telling us to call Dirty Joe and have him vote for republican agenda and block Biden’s. Now you would think it is election time in WV and the republicans are stuffing our mailbox with republican literature to get Dirty Joe to continue to block Biden’s agenda. They are targeting WV seniors saying that Biden’s agenda would strip $300 billion from Medicare. This coming from a republican party that wants to eliminate “entitlements” and Medicare is one of those entitlements. If the republican party ever gets a super majority in congress, they will eliminate social security and Medicare the next day.

The $300 billion Medicare cut is no doubt a lie. I have heard that from no one but the republican literature. Biden’s bill would pump hundreds of millions of dollars into the WV economy and benefit everyone in the state in long run. You cannot say for sure what is in any bill until it is passed as it can be amended until the last minute. Maybe Dirty Joe will decide he does not really want to be a republican after all.

Today we have 87,861,132 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 87,759,180 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 101,952 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,037,928 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,037,664. That means that another 264 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2022 08:54 pm
Pillow Head was notified by Wal Mart that they will no longer sell his products. Pillow Head could hardly believe it. Pillow Head is still being sued by Dominion Voting Systems for defamation after he alleged that they switched votes from Biden to Trump when he knew it was impossible because of paper backup ballots. Now another right-wing news organization. News Max is being sued by Dominion Voting Systems for repeatedly broadcasting the lies about Dominion Voting machines.

There has to be a price to be paid for lying to the American people. Television news is the most powerful media in America. When people watch a news story on television, they are likely to believe it whether it is true or not. When that power is misused in pursuit of political power there has to be a price to be paid. Our courts of law were designed to solve problems like these. It will be interesting to see how these lawsuits are ultimately resolved. If the cost is high enough it may help to solve the problem.

Today we have 87,968,819 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 87,861,132 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 107,687 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,038,265 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,037,928. That means that another 337 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jun, 2022 09:10 pm
The republican party is becoming more extreme each and every day. At the Texas republican convention, they declared Joe Biden “was not legitimately elected.” They also went after republican senator John Cornyn for working on a gun control bill with democrats. It looks like they have not had enough school children killed in Texas to suit them.

Texas voted for Trump he won their election, but they want to declare that other states elections were invalid based on the soul notion that if Trump did not win the election must have been crooked. The only instances of cheating so far were people including a congressman who voted for Trump twice, exactly as Trump encouraged them to do. The head of cybersecurity for the Trump administration said it was the fairest election in history. Even the republican attorney general acknowledged that Biden won the election and there was not enough widespread election fraud to change the outcome.

The election fraud was all Trump’s, but it is easy for anyone to make allegations of election fraud, but it is another thing to prove them. Trump and company have had nearly 2 years to put up or shut up, but they have nothing to show for it but hot air. The Texas republican party seems more than happy to accept Trump’s hot air instead of creditable evidence.

The republican convention also declared homosexuality “an abnormal choice.” Evidently Texas is unlikely to get a Disney theme park in their future, along with losing many other businesses and events. Ignorance just bred more ignorance.

Today we have 87,981,568 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 87,968,819 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 12,749 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,038,289 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,038,265. That means that another 24 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2022 09:37 pm
Trump’s republican thugs have threatened to execute not only Republican representative, Adam Kinzinger but his wife and 6-month-old child. What was his sin? He is one of the two republicans sitting on the committee investigating the Jan 6 insurrection. You can bet Liz Cheney is receiving threats also. Kinzinger says he just wants the American people to know the truth, but many republicans don’t want to know the truth, they can’t handle the truth.

Cult members are never interested in finding the truth about their cult leader. They have already formed an opinion and no amount of truth will change their opinion. Cult leaders are given a divine status by their followers. Their actions are not questioned by their followers. It is interesting to note that Trump’s power base is built on other cults. Trump’s support by the Christian right is no mistake. Those who are already in a cult are far more susceptible to other cult like structures. America was primed for the appearance of a cult like leader like Trump. If Trump had not come along there would have been another cult leader take his place. Since a good deal of the republican right is blind to anything Trump has done the Jan 6 committee results will be completely discounted by the Trump republicans.
The only thing that might make a dent in their beliefs is if Trump won the election in 2024 and the vice president said there was voter fraud and refused to certify the vote and Biden got another 4 years.

Today we have 88,004,073 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 87,981,568 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 22,205 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,038,323 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,038,289. That means that another 34 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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