The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2022 09:00 pm
Now we are beginning to see the massive amount of damage that can be done by Trump appointed judges. The standard to be selected a federal judge is 12 years of legal experience, Kathryn Mizelle was appointed to be a Federal Judge at 33 with only 8 years-experience, by an all- republican vote. This idiot ruled that Center Disease Control and Prevention is absolutely powerless to make any rules to prevent the spread of disease during a pandemic. If this idiot had been on the bench when pandemic began there would be at least another 2 million dead Americans.

This renders the Center for Disease Control only power to stop the spread of disease to giving advice during deadly pandemics.
This would be much like ruling the police departments can’t do anything about crime, but they can issue advice about what you can do about crime. They suit was bought by a few individuals and usually even if they win their suit it is limited to the individuals that filed the suit but in this case; this 33-year-old idiot struck down the mask mandate for all mass transit in America.

In essence the ruling states, these idiots can spray death in not only in your face but your child’s face also. She could have just as easily ruled that you can spray bullets in someone’s face, they both cause death. The only way to straighten this out is to bring manslaughter charges against those who spread disease by not wearing a mask. The disease can be genetically traced to the person who spread it. Given a choice I wonder which they would rather do, wear a mask, or spend the next 10 years of their life in prison?

Today we have 82,377,156 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 82,316,348 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 60,808 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 1,015,790 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,015,451. That means that another 339 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2022 11:43 am
The founding father's idea was to take all powers of government away from the individual and divide them up over hundreds of individuals. By not letting the power of government become concentrated in one man's hands, it protects us from the megalomaniac, the mental defects of individuals, and paranoid tendencies of petty tyrants. It employs the principal, of wisdoms of crowds. Generally, when decisions are made by crowds, they override the self-interest of the few. It is not a perfect world and there are no perfecting systems, just systems of government that are better others.

One might wonder how the wisdom of crowds missed in the 2016 election when they elected a man whose biggest ambition was to be the first America dictator. The answer was it didn't Trump lost the popular vote by over 3,000,000 votes but a gerrymander system made some votes count more than others.

The government never allowed too much from the rich, the rich took it at the point of a gun, not a pistol or a rifle but something far more powerful, the raw unrestrained power of money. The more money the rich accumulate the more money they can use to influence politics. Government has to function as a referee to keep the ship of state upright. A ship that is not balanced sinks with all onboard. Money is power, political and other forms of power. In the long run the country will only survive, like the world, if there is a balance of power. I fear that we have gone way to far down the road of worshiping the golden idol of greed to survive long.
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Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2022 02:31 pm
I had internet trouble today and when it came back on it did not load this site correctly and took me to these to replies that appear to be several years old by the post numbers. I don't know whether I replied at the time, so I replied now.

EX-Communists are like Ex-Child molesters that animal just doesn't exist. Their thought pattern will always be that of a communist for a lifetime. Just as an alcoholic is always an alcoholic, they may be a non-drinking alcoholic, but they are only one drink away the rest of their life. It easy to change the name of anything but changing the name does not change the persons basic thought patterns. You can call a wagon a car, but it doesn't make it a car. You can call a child molester a fine fellow but that doesn't mean you changed his basic thought patterns.

Regan did not sound the alarm; he gave a lifelong communist spy master the presidential Medal of Freedom. Knowing full well this communist turned over secret plans for our battleships and our advanced military weapons to our enemies. The spy was involved in the trial of the century so there is no way Reagan could have missed the facts. Goldwater was too involved with wanting to start a nuclear war. J. Edgar Hoover was very involved in the original investigation of Whitaker Chambers and said nothing. Chambers was a spy master and worked several American spies. Chambers believed the communists were going to execute him, so he turned state's evidence against one of the spies who worked for him. The republicans all knew what the facts were, and they could care less. That trial was responsible for bringing the republicans back from a 20-year exile in the political desert since the Great Depression. Eisenhower was the first republican to be elected president since the Great Depression. It was easy to overlook a few thousand dead American boys when the future of the republican party is at stake. The Republicans continued to hero worship chambers into this century, celebrating Whitaker Chambers birthday in the Whitehouse during the baby Bush administration.
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Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2022 08:54 pm
Trump has been tied to the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys as the investigation of the insurrection begins to heat up. They have the texts of the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys on that day. It seems they were going to provide security for those that were leading the insurrection. People like Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Alex Jones, and Ronny Jackson (former Trump doctor and current republican congressman) Although government officials have security provided to them, wild eyed conspiracy theorists do not.

The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers decided after their successful coup these people would need security and they were going to provide it. After any coup is staged there is a push back by the opposition. For Trump to say he was not trying to overthrow the American government is getting harder to sell to the suckers. It was clearly the plan and denying it is getting harder faced with the evidence.

It is hard to believe that Trump’s lying doctor is now a congressman. The doctor let Trump write his own health report and release it under the doctor’s name. I guess sometimes lying does have benefits. It looks like Doctor Feel Good has a future in the republican party.

Today we have 82,416,687 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 82,377,156 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 39,531 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,016,159 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,015,790. That means that another 369 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2022 08:45 pm
The Republican party is finally showing signs of beginning to grow a backbone and stand up and talk back to Trump. Trump is trying to get a group of crazies elected this year in hopes they will declare the 2020nelevction void and put him back in as president. The Republicans are having Trump endorsed candidates removed from the ballot. The Tennessee republican party removed the Trump endorsed candidate from the ballot because she had not voted in three out of four of the last Republican party primaries.

Another of Trump personal endorsements, Sean Parnell in Pennsylvania, was outed as a wife beater during a divorce trial and he lost custody of his children. Georgia voters have filed a lawsuit to disqualify Marjorie Taylor Greene from running because of her support for the insurrection. There is a law on the books that prevents anybody that supports and insurrection from running for office. Madison Cawthorn in North Carolina is facing the same type of lawsuit to keep him off the ballot. What is the world coming to when politician can’t support a good insurrection? I am sure Trump will get a lot of people elected that are just as crazy as he is.

Today we have 82,488,516 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 82,416,687 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 71,829 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today. One day without masks and the cases have almost doubled. Looks like we are going for the record.

The death toll stands at 1,017,093 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,016,159. That means that another 934 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2022 08:55 pm
What’s going on in Florida? The republican party is all for free speech in theory but when it comes down to practice that is another matter. Surely anyone in Florida is free to support or take a position against any bill before the state legislature but in the case of the “Do not say gay bill” the DeSantis and the Florida state republicans became enraged that Disney CEO spoke out against the bill. There move was to try strip Disney of the deal that was made over 50 years ago granting them control of the property Disney is built on. This is the republicans using extortion to stop free speech in Florida.

This is just another nonissue being stirred up the republicans. In Virginia they used fear of the Critical Race Theory, to rile up the ignorant. Critical Race Theory is only taught in law school it was not taught in the public schools. But if you try hard enough you can create an imaginary boogieman to scare the hell out of ignorant people.

The “Do not gay bill” is just another publicity stunt to stir up the ignorant. My sister is a retired elementary teacher from Florida. In Florida you can’t teach sex education until the fourth grade and then only with the parent’s permission. So, the Republican “Do Not Say Gay is not actually changing the way things are done now. It is just a publicity stunt to keep DeSantis in the news.

The last question is why are the Republicans so upset over what is free speech? That is not what this is about, Disney stopped all political contributions in the state. The republican legislatures are in the middle of primary season and have already spent the money and were counting on Disney’s money. What is going on in Florida is extortion plain and simple, they are trying to extort money out of a large corporation.

Today we have 82,553,058 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 82,488,516 cases of the Trump virus. This means that another 64,542 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1.017,609 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,017,093. That means that another 516 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2022 09:27 pm
Once Margorie Taylor Greene took the stand in her trial, her big mouth suddenly vanished along with her memory. The trial is to remove her from the ballot of the primary. It seems you can’t support an insurrection and hold public office. Greene standard reply was “I don’t remember.” She does not remember who she spoke to or what she said. But sadly, for Greene, is a press hogg so everything she says she makes sure the media gets a copy of.

Greene is not alone in supporting the insurrections several republican congressmen were also involved, they called the insurrectionists patriots. Trump is at the head of the insurrection if Greene is removed from the ballot because of violating the 14th amendment it follows that Trump would also be prevented from ever being able to run for public office for violation of the 14th Amendment. This also means several republicans congressmen need to be removed from office also.

Today we have 82,628,089 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 82,553,058 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 75,031 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,018,154 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,017,609. That means that another 545 Americans died today.

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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2022 09:23 pm
Here we go again, “Who are you going to believe me or your lying ears.”

“But me be very clear to you and I have been very clear to the president, McCarthy said on a tape played on CNN. He bears responsibility for his words and actions. No ifs ands and buts. I asked him personally today does he hold responsibility for what happened? Does he feel bad about what happened? And he needs to acknowledge it that.”

McCarthy also said Trump should resign. McCarthy and Mitch McConnell told associates that they believed that Trump was responsible for the insurrection.

McCarthy denied that he said any such thing and a few hours later the tape was released where McCarthy said exactly that. McCarthy is just going to act like in never happened, but he is being called home to meet with the California republican party. They can’t have a republican telling the truth about Trump. It could become a habit and then where would they be.

Today we have 82,649,779 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 82,628,089 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 21,690 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,018,316 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,018,154. That means that another 162 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sun 24 Apr, 2022 08:48 pm
It looks like Trump is learning to kiss a lot of rear ends. At his rally in Ohio this weekend Trump had to say that the guy he was endorsing for congress had said, according to Trump, had said “a lot of bad sh** about him.” Somehow this doesn’t sound like Trump who is known for retaliating. The problem is so many Republicans spoke out against Trump in the days following the insurrection. Now Trump is having to swallow his pride and endorse politicians who spoke badly about him.

Trump is able to forgive and forget as long as they get on their knees and kiss his ring. Attendance is down at Trump rallies they are no longer sell outs. One Trump rally goer described them as Grateful Dead concerts where the same people go to the rallies. One of the books I read on Trump rallies showed exactly that. The author went to number rallies and the same people attended the rallies and were waiting in the first of the line hours before the venue was even open. They were an extremely strange bunch.

Today we have 82,662,748 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 82,649,749 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 12,999 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,018,335 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,018,316. That means that another 19 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Mon 25 Apr, 2022 09:01 pm
Trump was found in contempt of court in the New York case of defrauding banks by falsify the values of his properties to obtain $100 million dollar loans. The judge imposed a $10,000 a day fine until Trump produces the required documents. Trump’s long-term appraisers has also been ordered to turn over their documents. Cushman & Wakefield, Trump’s long- time appraisers, quit Trump last fall because Trump has involved them in the fraud.

Of course, Trump lawyers have filed an appeal of the judge’s ruling. Trump has filed 4,000 lawsuits in the last 30 years. If you make things as difficult as possible many prosecutors will simply stop pursing the case. Trump can gum up the process by appealing every ruling making each suit take years in court. Trump used a mob lawyer for years named Roy Cohn. Cohn was Joseph McCarthy right hand many during the communist witch hunts of the 50’s. It is not however surprising that Trump would depend on a mob lawyer that is the people he ran with. Trump would also lament, “Where, is my Roy Cohn?” When he was in the Whitehouse.

Today we have 82,733,863 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 82,662,748 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 71,115 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,018,582 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,018,335. That means that another 247 Americans dies today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2022 08:52 pm
The Republicans idea of free speech is that you are free to agree with anything they say. The latest example of republicans trying to stamp out free speech is republican governor Rick DeSantis and the republican legislature trying to keep Disney from speaking out against their recently passed bigot bills. When government passes a law in America anyone is allowed to speak out for or against that law. Not in DeSantis Florida dictatorship if you have the nerve to speak out against DeSantis bigot bills you will be punished, and it will cost you millions.

Even some of the red neck right talking heads are speaking out against DeSantis. Meagan Kelly said on her podcast that if Disney takes it to court it will be overturned. DeSantis thinks he is the dictator of Florida, imagine what he would do if elected president? DeSantis would eliminate free speech in America. It is very clear that DeSantis does not understand the concept of free speech. He would even stop congressmen from speaking out against any bill he wanted passed. DeSantis is the front runner for the republican nomination for president and free speech would only be the first thing he would take from the American people. He is more dangerous than Trump. The right’s agenda has always been to eliminate the rights of the American people when you take away freedom of your own body what is left.

Today we have 82,789,716 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 82,733,863 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 55,853 Americans have been diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,019,008 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,018,582. That means that another 426 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2022 09:04 pm
It looks like Dictator DeSantis took another hit today with his losing war with Disney. It seems if Dictator DeSantis does away Disney Reedy Creek Improvement District, he must pay off the billion dollars in bonds. The bond holders protected themselves from just such a move.

“Florida will not in any impair the rights and remedies of the bond holders, and that it will not modify in any way the exemptions from taxation provided in the Reedy Creek Act, until all such bonds together with the interest thereon, and all cost and expenses in connection with any act or proceedings by or on behalf of such holders, are fully met and discharged.”

My sister has property in a neighboring county and her taxes are $5,000 a year. Can you imagine what the taxes will be in the county where Disney is located? Property taxes on a similar property would be $20,000 a year with the debt. Taxes on the Disney property would be so steep that they would have to close. Dictator DeSantis would wipe out Florida biggest employer with one stroke of his pen. Can you say idiot?

Today we have 82,954,768 cases of the Trump virus, two days ago we had 82,789,716 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 165,052 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus in the last two days.

My internet was down yesterday they are replacing the telephone poles.

The death toll stands at 1,020,159 today, two days ago the death toll stood at 1,019,008. That means that means that another 1,151 Americans died in the last two days from the Trump virus.

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Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2022 08:48 pm
If it is Friday, then Trump owes $40,000 for contempt of court. Trump is being fined $10,000 a day until he produces the paperwork he used as appraisal document used to secure bank loans. The Trump organizations handed over 6 million pages but only 10 of those pages belong to Trump according to the prosecutor. This is just Trump thumbing his nose at the law. He has been dancing between the rain drops way too long. It is high time Trump started paying the piper. If Trump is convicted of a felony, he will not be able to run for public office.

Trump can no doubt, pay the fines for contempt for a few years. All he would have to do is borrow another $100,000,000 on another 100 of those million-dollar mansions that never existed. Trump could just tell the banker when they came to check on his property. Trump would just say they are there. Who are you going to believe me, or your lying eyes?

Today we have 83,037,059 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 82,954,768 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 82,291 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,020,660 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,020,159. That means that another 501 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2022 09:13 pm
Trump finally posted on his new Truth Social platform “I AM BACK #covfefe.” The network has been up and working since President’s Day. Trump who had 20,000 tweets on Twitter before he was banned for life and all he has to say in two months is I AM BACK. The hash tag comes from a midnight tweet Trump made in 2017 “Despite the constant negative press covfefe” The word should have been “coverage.” I have seen some bad spellers, but this takes the cake. I don’t see how it was possible that Trump graduated from college. No wonder Trump had his lawyers threaten his college that they were not to release his grades.

Why did it take Trump two months to use his new social network when he lived on Twitter before? Have his lawyers advised him, “Anything you post on your social network can and will be used against you in a court of law.” You would think Trump would have stored up all his tweets and could not wait to turn them lose on the American public. Before White House aides would have had to break Trump’s hands to stop him from tweeting.

Today we have 83,066,907 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 83,037,059 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 29,848 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,020,833 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,020,660. That means that another 173 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sun 1 May, 2022 08:46 pm
In Arizona the Senate President, Karen Fann, is still trying to overturn the 2020 election. Fann told Undercurrent, a progressive political web site, “that attorney general Mark Brnovich will have to go to court to try and overturn the results of the election if he concludes the audit was correct.”

Fann seems to be the only one in America who does not know that the Arizona audit found that the audit results showed that election results in Arizona was correct and even found a few more votes for Biden. It is hard to believe that in Biden second year in office the republicans are still trying to overturn the election and hold a new election.

Fann has also gone to court to get voters private information and all the county’s tabulating machinery.

Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, is trying to establish an election police force run out of his office. This would have DeSantis election force looking over the shoulders of voters who could be telling them if you don’t vote for DeSantis and the republicans you will not make it home tonight. A private Gestapo has no place in a polling place.

Today we have 83,083,425 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 83,066,907 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 16,518 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,020,854 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,020,833. That means that another 21 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Mon 2 May, 2022 09:06 pm
The Ohio senate race is heating up, the candidate Trump endorsed was a “never Trumper” who called Trump the “American Hitler.” Nobody could say it wasn’t true, but is Trump losing his mind? They say that politics makes strange bedfellows, but this must be an extreme case. The political commercials by one of his primary opponents, Josh Mandell, has managed to locate every nasty thing that J D Vance (endorsed by Trump) ever said about Trump and there is plenty. So, the commercials are running 24-7 in Ohio and surrounding states.

It was one thing for Trump to overlook being called an American Nazi, but to see films of the candidate he endorsed constantly repeating it on television is quite another. Trump at one of his last political rallies appeared to forget the name of candidate he endorsed and instead named his opponent JD Mandel. This is a Freudian slip. Trump regrets his endorsement, but it is to late to change it. Trump has a fragile ego and the constant negative input is bothering him.

Today we have 83,170,407 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 83,083,425 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 86,982 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,021,089 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,020,854. That means that another 235 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2022 09:10 pm
The American Taliban appears to have won one today. The leaked supreme court decision overturning Roe v Wade is defeat for the foundation of all rights the control of your own body. In order to be confirmed to supreme court, two of the justices said that Roe V Wade was established law and they would not vote to overturn it. If Bret Kavanaugh lied about raping that girl, he would have any problem lying about Roe v Wade.

Make no mistake about it, the Christian cult in America is just like the Taliban in Afghanistan they feel it is their duty to impose 2,000-year-old ignorance, not only on their cult members, but the public at large. They plan to accomplish this by making their cult beliefs law. This is just the first. In America 60% of the people have no problem with abortion and 40% want it banned. An organized minority has been able to impose their religious ignorance on the majority. What is next? Laws that women cannot show their face in public. That is the way it was during biblical days. Why not make it a law?

When you lose the freedom to control your own you have lost the foundation of every freedom you have. They need a law that makes these Christian cult members work in a nursery and witness the babies born with half or fish tales. Bigotry is born out of ignorance. To force a mother to birth a child with a half brain that will live only a few days is abuse by the ignorant. Each one of those supreme court justices just spend a couple of weeks in a nursery and witness the deformities before they finalize their decision.

Today we have 83,240,101 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 83,170,407 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 69,694 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,021,581 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,021,089. That means that another 592 Americans died from the Trump virus today.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 May, 2022 09:19 pm
Is America headed toward a dictatorship? I think we are far closer than many people think. After the 2020 election nearly half of the country would have gladly supported Trump even if he had voided the election and declared himself dictator. They would gladly exchange their freedoms to see Trump stay in office. That is the way cults work the members give up all their freedoms just to be close to the exalted one.

In the primaries held so far, the candidates Trump endorsed are 55 to 0. Some were running unopposed, and some were shoe-ins, but many will obediently follow Trump’s orders fearing if they don’t, they will lose Trump’s backing in the next election. Trump used this technique to control congressmen when he was in office. Saying the most feared thing on capitol hill was smell of burnt jet fuel after Trump left town.

Trump has the instincts of a dictator and the first thing a dictator must do is assemble an army of loyal followers to do his bidding. We already saw what happened on Jan 6. Our freedoms were gained by the blood of patriots, but they can be stolen far easier by a mob following a cult leader.

Today we have 83,356,940 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 83,240,101 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 116,839 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 1,023,513, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,021,581. That means that another 1,932 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 May, 2022 09:05 pm
Protestors, protested at the home of supreme court justice, Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh said during confirmation hearing before congress that he would not overturn Roe v Wade because it was “established law.” Then the first time he gets the chance he votes to overturn Roe v Wade. That is clearly a fraud perpetrated on the American people. Supreme court justices are life time appointments. But there must be a mechanism to remove them for misconduct.

People who gain something by committing fraud should not be able to keep their misbegotten gains. What will the next supreme court judge lie about to get confirmed?

Now we know that Trump wanted to send missiles into Mexico. Trump was dumb enough to believe that Mexico would not know where they came from. It seems Trump’s wall didn’t stop the drug smugglers so he wanted to blow them up. One expert said Trump was basically a gagster which makes sense because he grew up in gangster hang outs. Trump also wanted to shoot protestors in their legs. Dictators don’t believe in freedom.

Today we have 83,567,707 cases of the Trump virus, three days ago we had 83,356,940 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 210,767 Americans were diagnose with the Trump virus in the last three days.

Mt internet has been down the two previous today. They are replacing the telephone polls and seem to break the phone lines.

The death toll stands at 1,024,525 today, three days ago the death toll stood at 1,023,513. That means that another 1,012 Americans died from the Trump virus in the last three days.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 May, 2022 10:06 pm
The republican political strategists are advising republican politicians to keep their mouth shut about abortion. They can talk about the leaked report and hope it was not leaked Clarence Thomas’s wife. The republicans have been pushing to eliminate abortions in America for decades and now they can’t take their victory lap. Why? They rode this horse to many political victories, but a recent poll shows that 66% of Americans don’t believe that Roe v Wade should be overturned. The republican strategists believe that the issue could cost them the midterm elections.

Moscow Mitch has raised the ante in spite of the warning of the republican strategists say that if the republicans gain back control of congress that it is “possible” that abortion would be banned nationwide. I think McConnell should have taken the republican strategist’s advice. If the republicans make the midterm election a referendum about banning abortion it is likely they will lose ground. Most political questions in America are determined by majority rule. Politicians are elected to carry out the will of the voters and if you know going in that the politician is going to work against your political beliefs you would vote against them.

How did the tail wag the dog in the first place? It is very clear the America public does not favor banning abortion by a large majority. The minority organized in a political movement that America did not want abortion banned, but a high percentage of the minority vote based on a single issue. When you talk to those people nothing else matters. If Hitler were alive today and said he was against abortion, they would gladly vote for him. The republicans didn’t destroy American on their own. They formed a coalition of single-issue voters, abortion, gun nuts and the greedy rich. One member of the coalition would not be enough to elect them, but the combination has worked.

Today we have 83,581,718 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 83,567,707 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 14,011 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,024,548 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,024,525. That means that another 23 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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