The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 30 Dec, 2021 08:43 pm
Vice president Pence is trying to minimize the Jan 6 insurrection. It is amazing how time changes what happened. The capitol police that protected Pence with their very lives are livid. Pence said on the Christian Broadcasting Network, “I am not going to allow the democrats or national media to use one tragic day in January to demean the intentions of 74 million people who stood with us in our cause.” A tragedy would be if a tornado had hit the capitol, not an insurrection. The Jan 6 insurrection was a deliberate attempt to take over the government.

Pence may think this is over but right-wing nuts that were screaming to have him lynched on Jan 6 are still out there. Pence had yet to betray Trump when the crowd was screaming for his lynching but now Pence is responsible for Trump being put out of office. There would be a 100-times more right-wing radicals that would just as soon see him dead. The man that gets pence will be a hero to those 74 million people.

Whether Pence knows it or not, he is the skunk at the picnic. No matter how much Pence kisses Trump’s butt he will not be Trump’s running mate in 2024. Pence keeps acting like he has a political future, he doesn’t.

Today we have 55,246,781 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 54,656,866 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 589,915 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 845,737 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 844,272. That means that another 1,465 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Dec, 2021 09:01 pm
The semi-automatic UZI could be designed to keep it from ever being converted. The semi- automatic version should a completely different design.
The AR-15 semi is capable of chamber at a 900 round per minute rate. All you need do is pull the trigger that many times> I am surprised they don't have competitions at shooting ranges to see who can pull the trigger the most times.
Reply Thu 30 Dec, 2021 09:52 pm
The AR-15 was not designed to kill foxes, it was designed as a mass murder weapon, and we know from experience that is an excellent mass murder weapon. Foxes aren’t found in groups of a 100 or more. They dummied down the AR-15 a little for the street version.
The AR-15s are identical with only a minor change made so they could sell a mass murder weapon on the street and get rich.
You can only tell them apart if they were loaded and you fire them. The parts are internal the only way you could tell them apart is if you had X-ray vision.
We had many mass murders with the AR-15 design type weapon.
The patented part that makes the AR-15 a mass murderer’s dream is in both the semi-automatic and the full-automatic.
If they wanted to outlaw the Internet, they could do it tomorrow. The Christians had already raised torture to art form.

The heller decision makes it extremely clear that guns can be controlled. The court said the second amendment is not unlimited.
A Chev truck is a Chev truck whether it is a standard or an automatic, the same applies to the AR-15
That does matter because that patented part is what makes the AR-15 an excellent mass murder weapon.
If the political parties wanted to, they could do away with the primary system and just appoint people to run in the general election.
I must admit I never heard anything about Obama and a Michigan primary. It must not have been a big story.
You are the captain of your ship, if you let yourself be manipulated it is only your fault. Trump sent a very clear message, he set an example to ignore all the health regulations through his actions.
There are several Trump virus counters for everybody to read all I do is report what the counter says and make a record where you can go back and check what the counter was on a certain day.
It was unbelievable what happened to America under Trump we had 25% of the World’s cases of the Trump virus, that just doesn’t happen, it a whole lot of stupid.

Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2021 12:59 am
oralloy wrote:
bobsal u1553115 wrote:
They differ by a couple of dollar part that a sixth grader than change out without a tool.

That sixth grader will get ten years in federal prison for doing such a thing.

I should add, that sixth grader will get ten years in federal prison for even possessing that part. And you need to replace the bolt of the gun in addition to adding that part.

bobsal u1553115 wrote:
Or he needs a small flat file and it will fire the same ammunition at the same rate.

I missed this earlier. It is not possible to convert a semi-auto-only AR-15 to full-auto by only filing down an existing part of the gun. You need to add a specialized part and replace the bolt in order to do such a conversion.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2021 01:01 am
Zardoz wrote:
The semi-automatic UZI could be designed to keep it from ever being converted.

Not possible. All you really need to do in order to convert any semi-auto-only to full-auto is to design an auto sear that will fit in that model of gun. Possibly you might need to change the bolt too, or remove a barrier that has been placed in a gun to impede full-auto use, but such modifications aren't a problem.

Again, note the easy conversion of Glock pistols with 3D printed parts:

Zardoz wrote:
The semi- automatic version should a completely different design.

In the case of the Uzi and MAC-10, the semi-auto-only is a completely different design.

That won't prevent someone from developing an auto-sear that will convert that different design to full-auto.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15 semi is capable of chamber at a 900 round per minute rate. All you need do is pull the trigger that many times.

It's not even remotely possible to pull the trigger that many times in a minute.
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2021 01:25 am
Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15 was not designed to kill foxes,

The semi-auto-only version was.

Zardoz wrote:
it was designed as a mass murder weapon,

The semi-auto-only version wasn't.

Zardoz wrote:
and we know from experience that is an excellent mass murder weapon.

We know just the opposite. The semi-auto-only version is not very good at all for mass murder. You need full-auto to be really good at mass murder.

Zardoz wrote:
They dummied down the AR-15 a little for the street version.

Going from full-auto to semi-auto-only is more than just a little bit of change.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15s are identical with only a minor change made

Changing them means that they are not identical.

Going from full-auto to semi-auto-only is more than minor.

Zardoz wrote:
so they could sell a mass murder weapon on the street and get rich.

The semi-auto-only AR-15 is not a mass murder weapon. It is designed for hunting foxes and coyotes, and also for home defense.

Zardoz wrote:
You can only tell them apart if they were loaded and you fire them.


If you fire them you can certainly tell them apart at that point.

Zardoz wrote:
We had many mass murders with the AR-15 design type weapon.

The victims would all be just as dead if they were killed with a different semi-auto-only that accepts large magazines, or with a pump action that accepts large magazines.

Zardoz wrote:
The patented part that makes the AR-15 a mass murderer's dream is in both the semi-automatic and the full-automatic.

The patented part has no usefulness in mass murder whatsoever.

Zardoz wrote:
If they wanted to outlaw the Internet, they could do it tomorrow.

That is unlikely, but even if they could, outlawing the internet altogether is a lot different from censoring political speech on the internet. Your wrong claims about the Constitution would allow the government to censor political speech on the internet.

Zardoz wrote:
The Christians had already raised torture to art form.

Our civil liberties prohibit the police from torturing suspects. Your wrong claims about the Constitution would allow the police to use electricity to torture false confessions out of innocent suspects.

Zardoz wrote:
The heller decision makes it extremely clear that guns can be controlled. The court said the second amendment is not unlimited.

That doesn't give you license to violate the Second Amendment. We have the right to have enough firepower for adequate self defense. That means at a minimum we have the right to have lever-action rifles and double-action revolvers.

Zardoz wrote:
A Chev truck is a Chev truck whether it is a standard or an automatic, the same applies to the AR-15

A semi-auto-only AR-15 is still an AR-15. But it is vastly different from a full-auto AR-15.

Zardoz wrote:
That does matter because that patented part is what makes the AR-15 an excellent mass murder weapon.

No it isn't. The patented part has no bearing at all on mass murder.

Zardoz wrote:
If the political parties wanted to, they could do away with the primary system and just appoint people to run in the general election.

That doesn't make it OK for Barack Obama to override Michigan's democracy and impose his own election results.

Zardoz wrote:
I must admit I never heard anything about Obama and a Michigan primary. It must not have been a big story.

Barack Obama took his name off our primary ballot. Consequently he did not receive any votes in Michigan.

There was an effort to re-run our primary with his name back on the ballot. Barack Obama blocked that from happening.

Then he decided that he didn't like not getting any votes in Michigan so he imposed fake election results where he got some votes.

Zardoz wrote:
You are the captain of your ship, if you let yourself be manipulated it is only your fault.

That doesn't make it OK to manipulate people.

Zardoz wrote:
Trump sent a very clear message, he set an example to ignore all the health regulations through his actions.

Mr. Trump has made it clear that he has taken the vaccines that he helped to develop.

Zardoz wrote:
There are several Trump virus counters for everybody to read all I do is report what the counter says and make a record where you can go back and check what the counter was on a certain day.

You do more than that though. You also wrongly refer to the virus as the Trump virus.

If his name belongs on anything at all, it belongs on all the vaccines that he helped to create.

Zardoz wrote:
It was unbelievable what happened to America under Trump we had 25% of the World's cases of the Trump virus, that just doesn't happen, it a whole lot of stupid.

The reason why it happened is because the left uses the virus as a theme for their political attacks.
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2021 08:52 pm
In a recent article in the Washington Post we can see how Trump operates. Trump was a guest on a You Tube outlet “Right Side Broadcasting.” As the interview wrapped up with very pro Trump media outlet, Trump suggested “it was mutually beneficial as access to, and promotion of, the 45th president has helped raise RSB’s profile.” This was never the mission of the news media. This is a conspiracy propagate propaganda. Trump, no doubt, was a similar agreement with Fox News and other right wing news outlets.

Of course, Trump was also complaining about the mainstream news outlets. The NBC group and the Comcast group were subjects of Trump’s complaints that they had “terrible people, terrible human beings ... they’re just disgusting.” Why are they terrible people? Simple they will not let Trump turn the NBC group into a pro Trump propaganda station. This has to be broken up these pro Trump propaganda stations have bought us to the brink of a civil war. The Fairness Doctrine must be reinstated and every station that holds itself to be news outlet would need to give equal time to both sides of a political argument. No more Presidents who bribe news outlets by granting them access.

Today we have 55,599,747 cases of the Trump virus today, yesterday we had 55,246,781 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 352,966 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 846,902 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 845,737. That means that another 1,165 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2021 09:14 pm
I don’t know of any mass murders be done with UZI; mass murderers seem to prefer the AR-15 type of mass murder weapon.
The AR-15 parts are already out there, that is better than having to start from scratch.
It might not be possible to pull a trigger 900 times in a minute, but it is possible to pull it 200 times in minute. We do know for a fact that the Fla mass murder pulled the trigger 50 times in a minute.
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2021 10:28 pm
There is only one design for the AR-15 and that was for mass murder. They did not redesign the gun for the semi version.
The AR-15 was only designed once.
The AR-15 is the choice of mass murderers
It was not a big enough change to keep it from being the number one weapon for high body count mass murders.
A Chev truck with a standard and a Chev truck with an automatic are both Chev trucks it is the same with AR-15s.

Going from shifting to not shifting a truck does not keep one from going down the road.
The AR-15 would only be good for hunting foxes if you found foxes in groups of a hundred or more, like school children.
If you can’t tell them apart, they are the same gun.
What we do know about guns is they all don’t fire at the same rate. Any spring chambering-semi automatic would be far slower. There has not been one high body count mass murder done with a traditional semi-automatic.
The AR-15 was such a revolutionary improvement over existing guns it was granted a patent.
Shutting down the internet would not stop political speech. political speech existed before the internet and will exist after the internet.
The police are very good about obtaining false confessions, many prisoners who confessed were later found innocent of the crime. The innocence project has freed many a prisoner.
But you don’t have a right to all military style mass murder weapons.
The AR-15s are identical except 1% of the parts.
What makes a mass murder weapon is the number of bullets it can fire in the shortest period of time and the patent was granted because it could chamber shells at a 900 round per minute rate. That makes the mass murderer job far easier.
You are going to have to give me some sort of source for Obama and the Michigan primary.
Our primary system is a state-by-state system, no candidate is required to run in all fifty states. If a candidate decided to run in only 30 states and won those states he would still be the nominee. Even if Obama wasn’t on the ticket in Michigan, he would have received a lot of write in ballots.
Manipulation is like the wind it is always going on all around you. Trump was one who manipulated people telling them to ignore all the CDC health regulations. What is far superior to speech is to lead by example and Trump did.
The ex-presidents got together took their vaccine in public while Trump hid from the public and took his he did not want his base to know he took it.
When a country has 25% of the virus and only 4% of the world’s population that is quite an accomplishment. We had the best medical care money could buy but we had 25% of the deaths in the world. That is an accomplishment that deserve to be recognized.

While they were trying to create the vaccine the Trump administration took $300 million from the CDC program to distribute the vaccine. Where did the $300 million go? To a public information campaign to make Trump look like he did something. When the vaccine first came out it took three months to get an appointment another Trump accomplishment.
If Trump had not made a world class mess out of the Trump virus, he would not have left himself open to attack on the subject. If he had just let the expert run the show instead of telling people that if you inject bleach, it will kill the Trump virus, which of course is true, the only problem is it will kill you also.

Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2022 02:52 am
Zardoz wrote:
I don’t know of any mass murders be done with UZI;


Semi-auto-only of course. And he had a shotgun and pistol too.

Zardoz wrote:
mass murderers seem to prefer the AR-15 type of mass murder weapon.

If so, the victims would still be just as dead if they were killed with a different semi-auto-only that accepted large magazines, or with a pump-action that accepted large magazines.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15 parts are already out there,

The parts are out there to convert Glock handguns as well:


Zardoz wrote:
that is better than having to start from scratch.

It's not like it is hard to design an auto sear or to print one on a 3D printer.

Zardoz wrote:
It might not be possible to pull a trigger 900 times in a minute, but it is possible to pull it 200 times in minute.

It is not possible to fire a semi-auto 200 times in a minute.

Zardoz wrote:
We do know for a fact that the Fla mass murder pulled the trigger 50 times in a minute.

How do we know that?

50 times a minute on a semi-auto is at least possible, but it would be difficult to aim well while firing that fast.

Note that the guy who killed 50 people in that Florida nightclub did not use an AR-15.
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2022 05:56 am
Zardoz wrote:
There is only one design for the AR-15 and that was for mass murder.

There is a second design for the AR-15. That one is for hunting foxes and coyotes, and also for home defense.

Zardoz wrote:
They did not redesign the gun for the semi version.

Sure they did. If they didn't change the design, the gun would be full-auto instead of semi-auto-only.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15 was only designed once.

They had to alter the design in order to make it semi-auto-only.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15 is the choice of mass murderers

If so, the victims would still be just as dead if they were killed with a different semi-auto-only that accepted large magazines, or with a pump-action that accepted large magazines.

Zardoz wrote:
It was not a big enough change to keep it from being the number one weapon for high body count mass murders.

There is no need to prevent it from being the number one choice for large massacres. It doesn't matter what the number one choice is. It is inevitable that something or other will always be the number one choice.

Zardoz wrote:
A Chev truck with a standard and a Chev truck with an automatic are both Chev trucks it is the same with AR-15s.

A Chevy truck with a manual transmission is not the same as a Chevy truck with an automatic transmission.

A semi-auto-only AR-15 is not the same as a full-auto AR-15.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15 would only be good for hunting foxes if you found foxes in groups of a hundred or more, like school children.

The AR-15 works quite well even if there is only one fox trying to break into the chicken coop.

Zardoz wrote:
If you can't tell them apart, they are the same gun.

Not really.

But as it happens, it is actually quite easy to tell the difference between full-auto and semi-auto-only.

Unless it is silenced or something, full-auto is blatant and obvious.

Zardoz wrote:
What we do know about guns is they all don't fire at the same rate. Any spring chambering-semi automatic would be far slower.

The other semi-autos operate at the same speed that the AR-15 does.

Besides which, the AR-15 is a spring-chambering semi-automatic.

All semi-automatics use springs to chamber their rounds.

Zardoz wrote:
There has not been one high body count mass murder done with a traditional semi-automatic.

The AR-15 is a traditional semi-automatic. So every large massacre with an AR-15 would count.

I can also think of at least two large massacres that were not done with an AR-15. The Virginia Tech massacre. And the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Florida.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15 was such a revolutionary improvement over existing guns it was granted a patent.

There was no revolutionary improvement. It was merely granted a patent for being a unique design.

Zardoz wrote:
Shutting down the internet would not stop political speech. political speech existed before the internet and will exist after the internet.

That does not change the fact that government censorship of political speech on the internet would be a massive violation of everyone's civil liberties.

Zardoz wrote:
The police are very good about obtaining false confessions, many prisoners who confessed were later found innocent of the crime. The innocence project has freed many a prisoner.

That does not change the fact that the police using electricity to torture false confessions out of innocent people would be a massive violation of their civil liberties.

Zardoz wrote:
But you don't have a right to all military style mass murder weapons.

According to the Heller ruling that is correct.

Note that all military style mass murder weapons were outlawed 87 years ago.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15s are identical except 1% of the parts.

That one percent is pretty significant.

Zardoz wrote:
the patent was granted because it could chamber shells at a 900 round per minute rate.

900 rounds per minute was perfectly ordinary and did not factor into the patent.

Zardoz wrote:
You are going to have to give me some sort of source for Obama and the Michigan primary.



Blanchard and the Hillary campaign were wrong to suggest that the proper result was to award 73 delegates to Hillary and 55 delegates to Obama.

The proper result was 73 delegates to Hillary, 55 delegates uncommitted, and 0 delegates to Obama. Although Barack Obama was of course free to try to convince the uncommitted delegates to support him.

Zardoz wrote:
Our primary system is a state-by-state system, no candidate is required to run in all fifty states. If a candidate decided to run in only 30 states and won those states he would still be the nominee.

If he wanted to not have his name on Michigan's ballot, that was fine.

What was not fine was him then disregarding the will of the voters and imposing an election result other than what the people voted for.

Zardoz wrote:
Even if Obama wasn't on the ticket in Michigan, he would have received a lot of write in ballots.

I don't recall there being any provision for write-in ballots that election. In fact, I think there was something that said all write in ballots would be disqualified.

Zardoz wrote:
Manipulation is like the wind it is always going on all around you.

That doesn't make it OK to manipulate people.

Zardoz wrote:
Trump was one who manipulated people telling them to ignore all the CDC health regulations. What is far superior to speech is to lead by example and Trump did.

The main reason why people on the right don't trust the vaccine is because the left is using the virus as a theme for political attacks against the right.

Zardoz wrote:
The ex-presidents got together took their vaccine in public while Trump hid from the public and took his he did not want his base to know he took it.

Mr. Trump has openly told his base that he took the vaccine. He got booed for it.

Zardoz wrote:
When a country has 25% of the virus and only 4% of the world's population that is quite an accomplishment. We had the best medical care money could buy but we had 25% of the deaths in the world. That is an accomplishment that deserve to be recognized.

That's what happens when the left uses the virus as a theme for political attacks.

Zardoz wrote:
While they were trying to create the vaccine the Trump administration took $300 million from the CDC program to distribute the vaccine. Where did the $300 million go? To a public information campaign to make Trump look like he did something. When the vaccine first came out it took three months to get an appointment another Trump accomplishment.

It took a long time to get an appointment because there was massive demand, and supply could not keep up at first.

Zardoz wrote:
If Trump had not made a world class mess out of the Trump virus, he would not have left himself open to attack on the subject.

He didn't make a mess of the virus. Mr. Trump is the reason why we have so many vaccines as soon as we did.

Just think how bad this second year of the pandemic would have been if Mr. Trump had not helped to develop so many vaccines so early. If Pfizer was the only vaccine out there right now, there would probably still be people waiting in line to get their first shot.

Zardoz wrote:
If he had just let the expert run the show instead of telling people that if you inject bleach, it will kill the Trump virus, which of course is true, the only problem is it will kill you also.

The fact that Mr. Trump said goofy things that the left can take advantage of in their attacks against him does not absolve the left of responsibility for those political attacks.
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2022 06:18 am
Zardoz wrote:
Every company approves any add for that company.

That doesn't mean that the person who approved the ad was a gun expert.

Zardoz wrote:
When an AR-15 is converted they use the same parts as the automatic.

Not necessarily. It can be done that way of course, but it requires drilling holes in the AR-15 to attach the new parts.

Parts have been designed to convert AR-15s to full-auto without drilling holes in them. These parts are different from the factory-original full-auto parts.

Zardoz wrote:
Detachable magazines for semi-automatics were invented long before the AR-15. Some semi-automatic would be lucky to fire six or seven rounds a minute not nearly fast enough for a school massacre.

All semi-autos fire at exactly the same speed: the speed of the finger that is pulling the trigger.

Zardoz wrote:
The mass murders have repeatedly shown they know their guns

Just the opposite. Mass murderers have repeatedly shown that they don't know anything about guns.

Zardoz wrote:
and it's the AR-15 design that works best.

Any other semi-auto or pump-action or lever-action design would work equally well provided it accepted large detachable magazines.

Zardoz wrote:
What makes the AR-15 so deadly is the ability to chamber shells at a 900 round a minute rate and both the semi and the automatic use that part.

That is a perfectly normal speed for a semi-auto to chamber rounds. All the other semi-auto designs chamber their rounds equally as fast.

This speed is not of any use in a semi-auto. Pump-action and lever-action rifles can produce the same rate of aimed fire that a semi-auto does.

Zardoz wrote:
It uses the same revolutionary design in both.

The design was not revolutionary. It was merely different.

Zardoz wrote:
Machine guns use a conveyor system to mechanically chamber shells,

All repeating firearms do, the AR-15 included.

Zardoz wrote:
but AR-15 uses the exhaust to chamber shells. This makes the AR-15 far less complicated and much lighter.

The design of the action shouldn't have much impact on the weight of the gun.

Pistol-caliber carbines with direct blowback actions are less complicated than the AR-15.

Zardoz wrote:
Using a conveyor system would not be practical for mass murder.

The history of war in the 20th century says otherwise.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15 is the dream weapon for mass murders.

Other full-auto guns are just as deadly as a full-auto AR-15.

Semi-auto-only AR-15s cannot compare to any full-auto weapon.

Mass shooters have not been able to get their hands on any full-auto weapon, AR-15 or otherwise.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15 semi had the capabilities to chamber at a 900 round per minute rate.

So does every other semi-auto.

Zardoz wrote:
This is why they got a patent,

They got a patent because it was a new and unique design.

Zardoz wrote:
if the other semi could do the same the AR-15 would not have got a patent.

The other semi-autos can do the same.

Zardoz wrote:
If the shell is not in the chamber, it does not matter how many times you pull the trigger.

If a gun is semi-auto, the bullet will always be in the chamber much faster than the trigger can be pulled. This is the case with all semi-autos.

Zardoz wrote:
The speed that the AR-15 chamber shells was so far superior to anything being made at the time the US military bought the guns.

It was middle of the road. Perfectly ordinary compared to other guns.

Zardoz wrote:
Whether it was a semi or an automatic they are essentially the same

Full-auto is nothing even remotely like semi-auto-only.

Zardoz wrote:
mass murder weapons.

Only the full-auto version is a mass murder weapon. The semi-auto-only version is for hunting foxes and coyotes, and also for home defense.

Zardoz wrote:
When talking about mass murder you need a weapon that will do the job and the AR-15 is excellent for that job.

Only if it is full-auto. The semi-auto-only version is for hunting foxes and coyotes, and for home defense.

Zardoz wrote:
If I laid down both mass murder weapons you could not tell the difference.

The semi-auto-only AR-15 is not a mass murder weapon. It is designed for hunting foxes and coyotes, and for home defense.

Zardoz wrote:
You cannot explain why other guns are not used in high body count mass murders.

That's because it isn't true. Other weapons are used in high body count mass murders.

The Pulse Nightclub massacre in Florida was carried out without the use of any AR-15s, and so was the Virginia Tech massacre.

Zardoz wrote:
Hundreds of mass murders can't be wrong.

Those hundreds of murderers chose to mostly use handguns.

But mass murderers can most certainly be wrong, considering that none of them know anything about guns.

Zardoz wrote:
Mass murders know their trade and they know a mass murder weapon when they see one.

They are unable to acquire such weapons however, since they were all outlawed 87 years ago.

Zardoz wrote:
You can research anything on the internet, and they all get together so they will get the best mass weapon.

They haven't managed to get any full-auto weapons thus far, unless you count bump stocks. But bump stocks were quickly outlawed.

Zardoz wrote:
Practice makes perfect and they know the AR-15 is the best mass murder weapon available.

Since mass murderers don't know anything about guns, "what they know about guns" is not a matter of any importance.

Zardoz wrote:
Guns are an old invention, and it is unlikely that there will be any new designs that will be eligible for a patent.

You never know what someone will come up with.

Zardoz wrote:
Remington was claiming that the gun they were selling was a weapon war.

Their claim is untrue. The gun that they sold is semi-auto-only.

Zardoz wrote:
Lots of guns had detachable magazines before the AR-15 but there was no epidemic of mass murder until the AR-15.

The epidemic of mass murder did not coincide with the introduction of the AR-15 either. The murder epidemic only came much later.

Zardoz wrote:
You have watched as the last mass murderer's parents were charged with a crime for suppling the gun. They did not know he was going to commit mas murder they just supplied the gun.

A key part of the charges is the claim that the parents knew that their kid was a danger when they supplied the gun.

Zardoz wrote:
What you are seeing is a changing of the guard, the time when the gun manufacturers can get rich off of pushing guns like drugs is coming to end. Just as the parents supplied the mass murder weapon so did the gun manufacturer. If one is criminally responsible so is the other.

Just like the parents, a gun manufacturer will only be responsible if they sell to someone who they know is a danger.

Zardoz wrote:
Each state has its own laws, and some states restrict what guns are allowed in their city. Laws that give absolute immunity are unconstitutional and will be overturned time.

It is just the opposite. It is only laws that try to ruin the gun industry that are unconstitutional.

Zardoz wrote:
The patent for the AR-15 was for revolutionary improvement,

No it wasn't. It was only for a unique design.

Zardoz wrote:
up until that time the semis used springs to chamber shells

That hasn't changed. The AR-15 also uses springs to chamber shells.

Zardoz wrote:
no one had ever thought of using the exhaust gas to chamber shells.

The Hotchkiss M1909 light machine gun was using exhaust gas to chamber shells in 1909.

The Lewis light machine gun was using exhaust gas to chamber shells in 1914.

The Browning M1918 automatic rifle was using exhaust gas to chamber shells in 1918.

Zardoz wrote:
If someone cracks a line and lets all the R-12 out the evidence just evaporated. To enforce that law, you had to be standing there. There are lots of laws made but not enforced.

If these 3D printed parts become a menace, the public will start insisting that people be prosecuted if they build illegal machine guns.

Zardoz wrote:
Again, if you are not standing there who is going to know the parts were made.

They will figure it out once the gun is fired. Full-auto is quite noticeable.

Did you see the video (with the sound on) in that article about 3D printed parts converting Glock handguns to full auto?

It is impossible to not notice that that Glock has been converted to full auto.

Zardoz wrote:
But mass murderers don't have access to machine guns and if they did not have access to AR-15s it would solve the problem.

It would not solve anything at all. Any other semi-auto that takes large detachable magazines is just as deadly as the AR-15. And so are pump-action and lever-action guns that can accept large detachable magazines. And even if you were somehow able to outlaw all of those many different types of guns, people would still commit mass murders.

How would outlawing the AR-15 have stopped the Virginia Tech massacre (which was carried out without the use of any AR-15s)?

How would outlawing the AR-15 have stopped the Pulse Nightclub massacre in Florida (which was carried out without the use of any AR-15s)?

Zardoz wrote:
The patent was granted for being able to chamber 900 rounds a minute using exhaust gas to chamber the shells.

The rate of fire (which was middle of the road ordinary) was not a factor in the patent.

Zardoz wrote:
As we are finding out there are always threats that are far deadlier than a prowler. The Trump virus has now claimed 842,000 American lives and shows no sign of slowing. You can't shoot a virus.

This misuse of the pandemic to make political attacks is the reason why so many people now do not trust the vaccine.

Zardoz wrote:
It should not be a difficult shot if the criminal is at your door

It is a difficult shot. People have the right to have rifles to defend themselves with.

Zardoz wrote:
Weapons that were designed as mass murder weapons should be banned. Let's give the school children a fighting chance.

That was done 87 years ago.

Zardoz wrote:
The only reason full automatics are not a problem is that they are banned now

That is why you are wrong to say that weapons of war are a problem.

Zardoz wrote:
if we can just ban the other weapons that are designed as mass murder weapons.

There are no other weapons that are designed for mass murder. They were all banned 87 years ago.

Zardoz wrote:
The NRA has gone into business with the Russians to develop an NRA in Russia their days as a force in American politics are numbered. They were hardly involved in the 2020 election they were too busy in bankruptcy court.

The NRA is fine. They ran ads in 2020. The ads were everywhere on TV broadcasts for months.

Zardoz wrote:
And that improvement made the AR-15 a killing machine.

The full-auto version would be a killing machine regardless of the alleged improvement. And the semi-auto-only version would not be a killing machine regardless of the alleged improvement.

Zardoz wrote:
Every gun is unique to itself

Many of them use copies of older designs.

Zardoz wrote:
you have to make a revolutionary improvement to get a patent.

No you don't. You just need a unique design.

Zardoz wrote:
Every gun is unique,

Many of them use copies of older designs.

Zardoz wrote:
but patents are granted for revolutionary improvements.

And also for unique designs.
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2022 08:50 pm
There are ways to see a con being set up. The set up for some cons are simple, while others are more complex. The roof con is fairly simple, it requires two people and a rainy day. Two men knock on the marks door and tell the homeowner their roof looks like it is in bad shape. As the first man distract the homeowner the other takes out a squirt gun and squirts the ceiling. Then the first man looks at ceiling and points out the leak. The men offer to replace the roof and asked for 50% down. They take the money and never return.

Trump’s con took more than 4 years to set up. Trump started squirting the ceiling in 2016. He claimed the only way he could possibly lose the election was if it were crooked. Trump and his people did not believe that he was going to win the election and the crooked election con was a face-saving measure. Trump continued to squirt the ceiling that mail in voting was completely crooked even though that is how he voted. Trump claimed to have won the popular vote in 2016 even though there was no proof of millions of fraudulent votes.

When Trump lost the 2020 election the ceiling was already pouring and it was easy to convince his followers that the election was rigged after all, had he had been telling them for years that America’s elections were rigged.

The problem is that 40% of republicans believe that violent action against the government is sometimes justified. Only 26% of republicans believe that the protester who entered the capitol were mostly violent. So much for seeing is believing.

Today we have 55,864,519 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 55,599,747 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 264,772 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 847,162 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 846,902. That means that another 260 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2022 09:50 pm
It really doesn’t matter, does it The UZI is also a weapon designed for mass murder just like the AR-15.
The reason that the weapons accept large magazine is they were designed for mass murder. The key thing necessary for mass murder is plenty of ammunition that can be fired extremely quickly. If you run out of ammunition during a mass murder it all over.
A handgun would be much harder to control firing extremely fast than a long gun.
Design work is harder than most people believe. Even the type of metal used is a consideration.
Just using a timer, I was able to pull a trigger finger a hundred times, with practice I could improve on that.
The surveillance cameras recorded sound and it was easy for the police to count the shots.

All you have to is point in the direction of a couple hundred people standing up against a wall and you are so close you can almost touch the victims.

Whether it was AR-15 or one of the knock offs doesn’t matter. The patent for the AR-15 has run out and everybody and his uncle can build a gun with the AR-15 revolutionary parts. So now there are hundreds of knock offs.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2022 08:49 pm
The Twilight Zone was always one of my all-time favorite television shows. Even today it has been one of the most creative and thought provoking shows on television. On New-Year’s-day they rebroadcast the shows. The episode I caught was very appropriate for the times. The episode was titled “He’s Is Alive.” It dealt with a small time hate merchant much like the Proud Boys or the 3%. He is not doing well when Hitler character shows up to advise him.

Rod Serling has a point Hitler is alive, he is alive in the hearts of the ignorant and the small minded, he is alive in hearts of those who must find someone else to blame for their failings, he is alive in hearts of all those who see themselves as leaves in the wind, being swept along by forces, they can’t control.

Hitler lives in the darker corners of their mind and all that is necessary to wake him up is a leader that thrives on hate. In the show the Dennis Hopper character must learn to make himself part of crowd, to identify with the crowd, he manipulates the crowd to adopt his beliefs by reading the crowds emotions and using them.

It would be impossible to look at the Dennis Hopper character as he garners hate against foreigners and not see Trump speech when he launched hsi 2016 campaign.

Hitler is alive and well in America today, he thrives in hearts of many Americans.

Today we have 56,142,175 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 55,864,519 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 277,656 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 847,408 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 847,162. That means that another 246 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2022 10:52 pm
If there had been two designs one would have been an AR-15 the SR-42 or some other number. There was only one design on the drawing board, and they made a slight modification to it so they could sell on the street. Chev does not design a truck with a standard and then design another truck for an automatic. They both AR-15 are for hunting human beings and they do an excellent job of it.
Both versions of the AR-15s have the part that allows them to chamber at a 900 round a minute rate that makes them the best choice for mass murder weapon.
Chev altered their trucks to be automatic, but they did not redesign the truck.
Just because a semi-automatic has a large magazine does not mean it is capable of chambering shells at a 900-round rate. You have to have that patented chambering mechanism to do that. Before the AR-15 these high body count mass murders did not take place and they will stop when the AR-15 style weapons are banned.
The fact that the high body count mass murder did not happen before the AR-15 speaks absolute volumes.
You have to pull the trigger with a semi-AR-15. You have to shift the gears in a standard truck. The difference between standard and automatic is the same in both cases.
If you used an AR-15 to kill a fox at a chicken coup you would kill all the chickens. The gun is designed for mass murder.
The part that makes all the high-count mass murders possible is the speed it chambers shell. You can order different type barrels and different stocks, but it is the same design.
The only semi-automatics that fire as fast the AR-15 are the knock offs that use the patented chambering mechanism. High body count mass murders were made possible with the AR-15.

No spring chambering semi-automatic can come even close to the speed of the AR-15. The patent for the AR-15 was issued because it uses the exhaust gas to chamber the shells.

Take a look at the patent for the AR-15 springs were invented hundreds of years ago.
They don’t issue patents for traditional semi-automatics they issue patents for revolutionary improvements.

The Virginia Tech massacre was made possible because the mass murder chained the doors shut no one could get out of the building. It was like shooting fish in barrel. You will notice you no longer see those chains hanging on the doors in schools.

Sig Saur is the same type of mass murder weapon, and no doubt took advantage of the AR-15 patent when it expired.
You can customize your car and it will be unique, but it is not eligible for a patent. Patents are only issued for revolutionary improvements.
As Trump has learned on the internet you are on a site provided by a private party. All internet sites have rules called Terms of Service if you violate them by posting lies, you can no longer post. This is a private transaction between private parties. The Internet is not the government, and they don’t owe you a thing.

No internet site is required to let you post lies and fact they don’t have to let you post at all.
I don’t think it was quite that high tech in most police departments. They did not bother with electric.
The heller decision is exactly the decision that say that limits can be placed on guns. If they decided to put a limit that only muzzle loaders are legal that would be the limit.
Most armies would love to have the military style weapons on the streets of America today.
All the mass murders going on today say that 1% really doesn’t make much of a difference.
You have to read the actual patent, the fact that military was so impressed they bought the guns should tell you something.
There is no requirement for a candidate to have run in any primary. The state of Michigan had decided to violate the rules of the democratic party. The candidates had no choice but to pull out or they could have been denied the nomination.
It is over that’s history.
It was the state of Michigan that decided to break the rules.
I have never seen an election held without write in ballot option.
Again, you can be the master of your own fate, or you can choose to be a leaf in the wind. I always find it surprising how easy a woman can maniple a man into murdering her husband. She will tell him that her husband beats her even though he never sees a mark on her he will kill her husband. Every television commercial, every magazine add, is trying to manipulate you.
You will be either a leaf in the wind or take responsibility for your actions. The anti-science movement is endemic in religion and the anti-vaccine movement was led by the parents of children with autism. It was much easier to blame the vaccine than face the responsibility that it was genetic disorder.
That was the booster, Trump took the vaccine earlier. The boos were the chickens coming home to roost.
That happened long before there was a virus. Trump made a world class mess of America during the pandemic and deserves full credit.
Trump had nothing to do with the development of the vaccines. The scientists created the vaccines and congress provided the money. Trump gets full credit for the bleach cure though.
The vaccine roll out was terrible it took four months to get a shot. My wife spent weeks calling to get an appointment and she had an immune disorder. The booster was easy to get no appointment and no mile long line. There was only one person in front of me.
It is up to you; you can be a leaf in the wind, or you can take responsibility.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2022 08:12 pm
Ted Cruz now says the republicans will impeach Biden over his policies. It would be done as retaliation for the democrats impeaching Trump twice. Of course, to do this the republicans would need to win back the house. In an off-year election the party that is out of power usually gains seats. Cruz says they will impeach Biden over his policies on immigration. Policies whether you like them or not are not grounds for impeachment.

Misconduct in office however is grounds for impeachment.
Trump extorted the president of the Ukraine in order to get him to manufacture lies about Biden’s son to help Trump get reelected. Trump withheld $100 million in military aid to pressure the Ukraine president into doing his bidding. There was no doubt Trump was guilty of extorsion, but to be found guilty in the senate it took a 2/3 majority. Most of the republicans voted along party lines.

The second impeachment was about the insurrection but this time some of the republicans voted to impeach Trump but not enough.

Today we have 56,942,270 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 56,142,175 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 800,095 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 848,765 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 847,408. That means that another 1.357 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2022 11:29 pm
Salesmen may know the product best. The AR-15 is a weapon of war. In a company even the salesmen know the product and the
Either way it goes it is bad news for American school children.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ That is a ridiculous statement, and you know it. All cars don’t have the same maximum speed because of different designs, the same applies to semi-automatics.
As far as murder throughout history mass murders have far out shown other murders.
History of mass murder proves that statement wrong.
You can’t get a patent for the same thing you only get a patent for a revolutionary improvement and the AR-15 improvement was so superior that it was sold to the military. It was so superior the military just had to have it. Why would they buy other design instead if they are all the same? So, both the military and mass murders know which weapons of war are best.
There is a big difference in the top speed of cars and the chamber rate of semi-automatics. The typical firing rate for a semi-automatic rifle is 40 rounds per minute, according to Google, that is a long way from a 900 round per minute rate of the AR-15.
The design was so revolutionary that the military just had to have it. The army didn’t buy it because it was different, they bought it was an excellent mass murder weapon.
The AR-15 is not belt driven; the shells are chambered by the exhaust gas of the previous expended shell. You can see the belt on machine guns and the shells are on that belt.
Speed is the key word and a 900 a minute chamber rate is excellent for school massacres.
We are talking about mass murderers in schools not on a battlefield.
The full-automatic AR-15 are illegal and hard for a high school kid to modify. The typical mass murderer goes to his local gun store and buys what is easy to obtain an AR-15 or knock off.

They can’t get the automatics, that is why they don’t use them, banning the AR-15 would have the same effect. That is exactly my point.
That is not true. The typical semi-automatic can fire from 80 to 120 rounds per minute. The AR-15 fires 10 times that fast.
You don’t get a patent for being new, you can a patent for being able to fire ten times faster than the typical semi.
They can’t fire a fraction as many rounds.
The other semis don’t fire a tiny fraction as many rounds. This is why the mass murderers chose the AR-15 design mass murder weapons.
They are exactly the same except for a minor difference.
A mass murder is defined as one where four or more are killed.
We have had many high body count mass murders done with AR-15 style mass murder weapons. If a weapon is used to commit a high body count mass murder it is a mass murder weapon. The semi-automatic has been used for mass murder and will be used in the future.
So far, no mass murder has been done with full-automatic but many mass murders have been done with the semi-automatic version. The semi-automatic is the mass murder weapon of choice.
Facts say different, the AR-15 designed weapon has been used over and over again to make mass murder possible.
The other weapons used in high body count are knocks offs or similar designs.
The weapon used in the Pulse Night Club was similar design to the AR-15. The Virginia Tech mass murderer chained the doors shut and it was like shooting fish in a barrel. He could have used a musket loader.
Mass murderers can’t get the high body count without mass murder weapons like the AR-15.

Mass murderers research which guns to buy to commit mass murder it is easy to do on their phone. You too can become an expert on the internet.
It is simple if you committed a mass murder you had a mass murder weapon.
Why bother to get a full-automatic, when you can get an AR-15 semi-automatic at your local store? After 50 killing in a few minutes is pretty good.
I researched many things on the internet that I previously had no clue about. I spent about two weeks researching exercise bikes. I watched comparison videos; I went to stores to try different models. When I got done, I knew exactly what features I wanted and what brand name and what model. It would be easy to do the same research for a mass murder weapon. I would probably buy AR-15 if I wanted to kill a lot of people.
I would have to wonder if there have been any recent patents for guns or are there any unexpired patents for guns in existence.
When the add says that you are buying the same gun used by the US special forces that is their main selling point.
You take the date the AR-15 starts to be sold and watch the mass murders take off within a few years to get the AR-15s on the streets. Mass murder weapon and mass murder go hand in hand. You can’t build a house without a hammer, and you can’t commit high body count mass murders without the tool designed to do the job.
Obviously, the parents would not have bought him the gun if they knew he was going to kill people, but they are charged.
When a manufacturer sells guns that are designed for mass murder and then the guns are used for mass murder. You can be sued just like a bartender can be sued for serving someone that is obviously drunk, and they kill four people on the way home you can be successfully sued. That is why Remington stopped selling the AR-15.
Any suit might ruin any company but that is not grounds to grant immunity.
Being able to fire ten times as fast as other semis is a hell of improvement.
The Ar-15 shells are chambered by exhaust gas.
But exhaust gas was not used in a handheld automatic. Remington would never have been able to get a patent.
No matter how many ask to enforce the law, you have got to catch them first.
These people are smart enough to not practice firing them in their back yard.
You will never stop all murders, but we can do something about high body count mass murders. Since we know the typical semi-rifle can only fire 1/10 as fast. Instead of killing only 10 would be killed. It is not a perfect world, but we can improve it.
We know what happened in Virginia Tech and you will no longer sees those chains hanging on the double doors in schools. If you chain the doors, you could beat them to death with a ball bat.

The same type of gun was used Pulse Night Club it, may have been a different brand name but it was the same type of gun.
The design that made that rate possible was patented.
Only the people on the right are attacking the vaccine because they want to please Trump. Politics is a contact sport and one of the authors on the right has pointed out that the rhetoric has become much harsher by people who support Trump.
With a shot gun you don’t even have to open the door, just shoot them all and let God sort them out.
The facts are irrefutable if it is used it to commit mas murder, it follows that it is a mass murder weapon.
Weapons of war on the street are the problem.
Usually during an election, the NRA runs infomercials endlessly. People come to work worried the sky is falling and they are on the way to take their guns. I never saw the first infomercial during 2020. The NRA is bankrupt. I did not see one add.
The AR-15 is a killing machine so many mass murders can’t be wrong.
There are thousands of unique designs of guns.
You can design any number of unique guns, but you could not patent them unless you could show you improved the function.
I think you need to contact the patent office and they will tell you unique will not get you a patent.
A unique gun would not be granted a patent but if you designed a gun that would chamber 9000 shells you would have an improvement that could be patented.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2022 08:24 pm
Where in the world is Ron DeSantis? Now that the Trump mini-me has turned Fl in the biggest disaster in the world by outlawing public health measures. The Trump virus has increased by a whopping 948% in the last two weeks, other states saw increases were in the 40% to 50% range. No place on the face of the earth had this type of increase. It seems nobody can find Ron DeSantis.

DeSantis passed a law to make the most basic of all public health measure against the law. Florida schools were unable to mandate masks. If they do the state will fine the school district the amount of the school board members salary who voted for the mask mandate. Children have always been a major spreader respiratory diseases. The disease is not through with us yet, while this wave does not seem to be as deadly, we are only a mutation away from a much more deadly wave. Florida could be looking at a 948% increase in deaths instead of people diagnosed with the disease. My brother-in-law suffered and died last January in Florida after he acquired the Trump virus. This year my 93-year-old mother and my sister’s family are in Florida. DeSantis thinks he will gain votes by taking a position against basic health regulations but what did he really accomplish?

Today we have 58,027,892 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 56,942,270 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 1,085,622 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 851,401 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 848,765. That means that another 2,636 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Jan, 2022 10:11 pm
The day draws nearer when Trump may finally face the consequences for his lies and the Jan 6 insurrection. Biden’s speech to commemorate the Jan 6 insurrection laid the fault for the Jan 6 insurrection squarely at Trump’s feet. Now we are finding out from several witnesses, who were in the white house the day of the insurrection, what Trump was doing while the insurrection was going on, he was gleefully watching the insurrection on television. Trump did not call for his thugs to leave the capitol because he believed that his thugs could destroy our democracy.

The republicans believe this is a one-way street which they alone can retain power. I wonder what the republicans would have thought if had Obama had lost the 2012 election and then declared that the election was crooked and tried use vice president Biden to try and overturn the election and when that didn’t work sent thugs in to take over the capitol. The republicans would have declared it treason and they would have a far different view. The republican use tunnel vision, like blinders, to avoid seeing the truth.

My internet went down before the storm, it usually waits on the storm.

Today we have 60,464,426 cases of the Trump virus, three-days ago we had 58,027,892 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 2,436,594 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus over the last three days.

The death toll stands at 858,346 today, three days ago the death toll stood at 851,401. That means that another 6,945 Americans died from the Trump virus over the last three days.
0 Replies

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