The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2012 05:03 am
Yesterday America became a lot more like Nazi Germany than most people realize. A federal Judge upheld the part of the controversial law requiring people to show the police “their papers” when stopped by police. Anyone who cannot produce papers on demand will be jailed indefinitely. Anyone who thinks this law will apply only illegal immigrants is mistaken a law cannot be enforced against one racial or ethnic group because of obvious racial traits. In the beginning it may be used to target ethnic groups but soon it will be used as a tool to jail suspected criminals that there isn’t enough evidence to bring charges against. Next every American will be asked to produce papers when stopped or when getting an accident report. Americans will no longer be free to go anywhere in America without carrying the proper papers. Going out of your home state will become a nightmare if you forget your papers you will be jailed until you can “produce papers.”

Five other states have passed similar laws, Georgia, South Carolina, Utah, Indiana, and Alabama. Since each state has its own law their will be different paper requirements for each state you travel in. A new federal driver’s license is now being issued in the future your state drivers license may not allow you to drive out of your home state. As the commie/conservatives strive to punish the few in the short run the result will be to punish the great majority of Americans in the long run.

I often run into Mexicans and other illegal on construction sites and have had up to 40 taken into custody on one job site but not because they didn’t have papers but because they were carrying fraudulent identification which is a crime. Most of the IDs were traced to dead people in California. After the incident state compliance officers were told they could no longer profile and if one Mexican was on a job site with a 100 people all would have to be checked and their information mailed to Washington. INS would then decide whether to take action.
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Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 06:48 am
The conventions are over and election is less than two months away. It is time to make a decision. Is the path to prosperity paved with another 29% tax cut for the ungodly greedy as Romney is trying to convince us? Romney believes the way to pay off the National Debt is to severely cut the income stream. According to Romney the best way to pay off your debts would be to cut your income by cutting back to a part time job instead of a full time job. Romney tax cut will cut the effective tax rate on the ungodly greedy to just 11% far below the tax rate on the working poor when all federal, state and local taxes are taken into account. The Bush tax cuts already pushed the ungodly greedy tax rate far below what the middle class pays. What has evolved under commie/conservative philosophy is a tax system where wages are taxed at a much higher rate than income from stocks, bonds and dividends. The majority of the ungodly greedy’ income comes from stocks, bonds, dividends, rents etc.

The final destination of the Romney Ryan tax plan is the elimination of the middle class and creation of a two class system in America, the super wealth and the poor. A book by Donald Trump makes this very point stating it is time to get on the bus because there will be no middle class in America any longer. This has long been the class structure in South America because the ungodly greedy in South America were able to gain control the government from the beginning and use it to distribute the vast wealth of their countries to themselves. America’s strong middle class was responsible for America becoming a world power while other countries on the American continents languished in poverty. The ungodly greedy have been sucking the life out of the middle class for 30 years now and now they are in a position to completely destroy the middle class. When the vast majority of a country can get a good education and a decent life the country becomes strong but when a tiny minority manage to garner all the wealth of a country it becomes a “banana republic” a term that began to be used to describe America during the Baby Bush term in office.

Romney’s is one of the richest people in America. He is not just one of the 1% he is one of the top 1/100 of one percent. Romney will not be President he will be King and the King and his court of his ungodly greedy will do to America what the ungodly greedy did to South America. Romney did not get wealthy sharing the wealth he got wealth by taking what others earned, by taking their pensions and what had been earned with their hard work and sweat. Romney used his vast wealth and political connections the way some men use a gun. Romney got rich the old fashion way he stole it. “Creative Destruction” the term Romney himself uses to describe his approach to business will not be good for America.

The biggest pension system in America is social security and Medicare is the biggest health care system for retired Americans. Of all the pensions and health care systems Romney has destroyed these have alluded him but if he is elected President he can “creatively destroy” them also. When faced with a choice in the past Romney didn’t shore up the pension system he took the money from the pension system and stuffed in his own pocket even though he had no need for it. It didn’t matter that those that retired after 30 years would need food stamps to eat; Romney is glutton who can never take enough.

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Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2012 06:45 am
The national news media mourned the new unemployment numbers even though unemployment went down from 8.3% to 8.1% and 96,000 more jobs were created. If the unemployment numbers had went up to 8.5% and 96,000 jobs were lost would the news media have reacted and worse. If unemployment continues to fall at this rate it will be on track to be at 7.3% by the end of this year. You can either look at the glass as half full or as half empty the news media chose to put a half empty spin on the unemployment numbers. During the last commie/conservative president term in office the unemployment sky rocked from 4.9% to 7.6% should we let them do it again?

The news media also mourned the fact that only 96,000 jobs were created in August and said that the primary reason the unemployment fell was that a number of people have abandoned their job search and are not accounted for in the 8.1% number. There are indeed a large number who have abandoned their job search they are called retirees. This year the city factored in final payouts for 50% of my department because 50% are eligible to retiree and most in fact have retired or intend to retiree. The United States is undergoing the biggest mass retirement in its history. This more than any other factor is severely affecting the number of people no longer looking for work. Starting in January, 2010 for the next 19 years each day 10,000 baby boomers will turn 65. That means 310,000 baby boomers were no longer looking for work last month. That is a very large number and has to dramatically affect the unemployment statistics. But when the news media gives the reason for the unemployment figure going down from 8.3% note only that some people have become discouraged and are no longer actively looking for work without noting the reason that many are no longer looking for work is that they are retiring.

Many baby boomers stayed in the workforce longer than they would have because of the bad economy and the fact that the commie/conservatives like Romney have stolen their pensions. In 1980 39% of Americans had a defined benefit pension when they retired now only 15% can look forward to a decent retirement. But those baby boomers without pensions could only postpone their retirement for so long and must accept the inevitable, a dismal future of government food stamps and a subsidized high rise apartment while Romney wastes the pension money they earned on running for president
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Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2012 02:31 pm
They say Ayn Rand is the gateway drug to the radical right philosophy. In the twenty century there were two competing political philosophies, that of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal that dominated the American political scene between 1933 through 1980 and that of Ayn Rand that dominated the American political scene after 1980 to the present even though Clinton and later Obama made some small inroads they were not successful in breaking the Russians philosopher’s stranglehold over our government. The American government requires a 2/3 majority to change directions because the minority can filibuster and block any change in the opposite direction. Once they have successfully blocked any changes for a four year period they can say look their philosophy has failed, as is taking place in the current election cycle.

The biggest problem with Ayn Rand philosophy is that American public takes it buffet style. Taking a liberal helping of this and a liberal helping of that while at the same time declining portions of the major supporting premises of Ayn Rand philosophy. Ayn Rand said, “I want to be known as the biggest champion of reason and the biggest enemy of religion.” “She recorded two objections to religion: it established unrealizable abstract ethical ideas that made men cynical when the fell short, and its emphasis on faith denied reason.” Rand believed religion was very much her enemy because in religion she saw the roots of communism and collectivism where the ideal was to become your brother’s keeper in fact an early Jewish commune was considered an experiment in communism.

Rand was born in Russia and despite the fact that Rand was Jewish she was born into an upper-class family, her father was educated at a university and owned a drug store and a apartment building, not the typical Jewish family in Russia. She had the trapping of the good life vacation on the Crimea but when the communist revolution began they took her fathers drug store and apartment building. He later he established another drug store only to have it taken also. Her family was left in poverty near starvation. She remembered asking her mother for a single pea to help stave off starvation. Government became Rand’s life long enemy something she could never get beyond. When she came to America the American government became her enemy and to this day you can feel Alisa’s hate of government running through the veins of any right wing publication as if they had been the one’s asking for the last pea. Rand saw the masses as an anchor around her neck pulling her down toward starvation.

Rand defined a “superman” as one who cares nothing for the thoughts, feelings, or opinions of others.” Many will recognize that description as it is now used to define a psychopath. Rand would love Romney’s statement that he “loves to fire people” because it defines a superman in her mind. Few of us would “love to fire people” even though we might know it had to be done because we would realize that the wife and children are affected and blameless in this situation.

Rand admired killers who in her in her opinion were simply expression their revulsion of society. It was the individual’s right to kill and the collective should never be allowed to impose its moral restrictions on the individual. The Murder of Marion Parker was a famous crime the child was taken from her school by someone pretending to be her brother. William Hickman kidnapped the 12 year old girl and after he received the ransom he returned the girl dismember body which he had gutted and stuffed a towel into her body this was considered the crime of the 20s.. He became Rand’s hero; to her it was American society that was the real criminal here she than wrote a short story with Hickman cast as the hero. Hickman motto was “what is good for me is right” spoken like a true psychopath. Any Ryan commented that Hickman’s motto was “the best and strongest expression of a real man’s psychology I have ever heard.

Rand was a morbid child who could not make friends and later she was a morbid adult who gathered followers like Charles Mansion gathered followers. I guess we are lucky Charles Mansion didn’t write philosophy otherwise the Mansion family would be much larger.

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Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2012 05:33 am
Can anyone truly say they are better off then they were in 1981 when the commie/conservative Ronald Reagan took office. This country just didn’t elect Ronald Reagan they elected all his communist mentors like Whitaker Chambers, Frank Meyer and other hard core communists along with Ayn Rand philosophy of selfishness. It was a lethal blend for middle class America. Reagan bought their philosophy to Washington and mainstreamed the extremist fringe. Compare the quality and cost of your health care before Reagan to today. It use to be that people without health insurance went bankrupt now people with health insurance go bankrupt during a serious illness. The cost of health care has exceeded the pace of inflation many times over and that in itself would not be bad if wages had kept pace but instead wages have fallen in real dollars.

Just the fact that real wages have gone down during the last 30 years and not only have real wages gone down but couples now work 32 more hours a week and earn less than their fathers did as single bread winners, this is clear evidence of a failed political philosophy. But the ungodly greedy income has soared like an eagle and they cannot get enough. It does not matter to them that it is killing the American middle class, the goose that laid the golden egg, the ungodly greedy believe the party goes on forever. It is time that America said goodbye to the hard core communist’s philosophy and a philosophy that glorifies selfishness.
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Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2012 05:34 am
It is always interesting to see how the red neck right radio hosts react to the latest polls. Polls taken after the Democratic National Convention showed Obama with at least a 5 point lead. When earlier Fox News Poll showed that Obama would beat Romney in a landslide it was literally ignored by right wing commentators. Glen Beck, an acknowledged expert on lying by omission, ignored the national polls and concentrated on the poll of New Mexico residents that showed an improvement for Romney insisting Obama “was in big trouble.” Rush Slimbaugh took the typical right wing victim stance; paranoid to fault, everyone and everybody is out to get the right wing nuts as usually. Rush insisted all the polls were fixed in a vast left wing conspiracy to steal the election. The reason to fix the polls? To discourage the right wing nuts from even showing up at the polls election day. Rush failed to explain what motive Fox News had for “fixing” the poll showing that Obama would win by a landslide. Maybe it time for another classic communist style purge on the right, by Slimbaugh paranoid reasoning part of the right wing maybe conspiring against the holier than thou right wingers like Rush. The commie/conservatives already staged a communist style purge when the crazies purged the crazier ones.

By April the GOP had conceded that there was no way that Mitt Romney could possibly win the election and the influential George Will suggested that Romney was “hopeless” and urged conservatives to concentrate on a much more obtainable goal of taking both houses of congress instead of supporting Romney. Former republican congressman Joe Scarborough, host or MSNBC’s Morning Joe, said, “I have yet to meet a single person in the Republican establishment who believes Romney can win the general election this year.” It is very obvious that Romney is widely disliked even by his own party. It is also obvious he used his vast wealth to purchase the Republican nomination just as he would purchase a yacht.

Now after both the republican and democratic conventions are behind us and Romney convention bounce showed to be a dud. Most of the Republican establishment is throwing in the towel saying they did not realize how hard it would be to beat a popular incumbent president. The establishment is now likely to follow George Will’s advice and abandon Romney and concentrate on winning both houses of congress. The smart money has already abandoned Romney in August Obama out raised Romney by several million.

With the high unemployment and weak recovery Republicans though this election would be a cake walk but Romney was the wrong candidate at the wrong time. With wealth disparity in America reaching an all time high Mitt Romney is the poster boy of wealth disparity in America and he is running on a platform of giving himself 29% tax cuts to make the wealth disparity in America worse than any industrialized country in the world. Is it any wonder Romney is disliked even by those in his own party?
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Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2012 05:35 am
It is 9/12 an America is under attack by the terrorists again but these terrorists are not from any Arab country, these terrorists are home grown, their leader does not have a long beard. These terrorist are known as economic terrorists they have been holding America hostage and since 1980 their weapon is fear. They are not found high jacking planes though they are frequently seen on high jacking your television set. Freedom of speech should not protect the freedom to lie to the public with the full intention of committing fraud.

A super pack or maybe possible a mini-me super pack is running a commercial here in WV telling people they want to make sure the government isn’t put in chare of seniors medical care. What? The government has been in charge of senior’s medical care since the 1960s the program is called Medicare. Insurance companies are business and they only want to sell health insurance to healthy people, that is how they get rich. Most healthy people who get sick are unable to work and quickly lose their employer based health insurance leaving insurance companies with the healthiest people. The insurance companies did not want to insure the elderly and it was a simple problem to solve. They simply raised the cost of insurance for the elderly beyond what they could afford. Only the government was willing to provide affordable health care for our seniors. People are far more satisfied with Medicare than any private greed based health insurance company.

But like the elderly lady at a political rally said to politician, Whatever you do make sure the government doesn’t get its hands on Medicare. If there was no Medicare most seniors would have no medical care as you simply can’t make a profit on senior health insurance.
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Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2012 05:33 am
When the World Trade Center was destroyed a Catholic Bishop said “he recognized and old friend, religion.” Religion may not be the root to all evil” but it is surely the root cause of a good portion of evil. Tuesday religion reared it ugly head again just as it did on 9/11/01. Learned ignorance is really just learned ignorance most of the learned ignorance was handed down to modern times by people who would be considered extremely ignorant by today’s standards. Each religious sect in existence today truly believes their god is the one true god. These people are insecure, ignorant, and bigoted and quite willing to kill to prove their god is the one true god. At one point in history man believed that there were many different Gods and because man believed there were many Gods the Gods other people were readily tolerated but when the monotheistic religions came along there could be only one true god and the others gods had to be eliminated no longer could the gods of others be tolerated. It was time to eliminate the other gods or at least the people who believed in them and the world has been in turmoil ever since. The Jews, the Christians, and the Muslims share a common religious heritage, the Jews contributed the Old Testament, the Christians added the New Testament and the Muslims added the Final Chapter. Each added segment multiplies the ignorance.

When reason is barred ignorance triumphs the first object of any religious cult, and they are all religious cults, is to convince the follower that reason can never be applied to religion, that religion exits in the paranormal realm where reason simply doesn’t apply.

Evidence is coming to light about the killing of the Ambassador to Libyan that it may have been a coordinated military attack by al Qaeda in retaliation for killing their second in command. But the trigger to the incident was a film made Coptic Christian, a sect based in Egypt, the actors have said the film was dubbed to change what they actually said. If the attack was carefully planned the trigger to the attack was also intentional and carefully planned and executed. What we saw Tuesday was the vast religious ignorance being harnessed to achieve a political and military objective. The director first claimed to be Jewish an Israeli which would serve to further inflame the Muslim world but was later found to be a Coptic Christian. Most of the people involved go to ignorance school each week and no doubt have a PhD in ignorance. America can no longer afford the luxury of clinging to our own brand of ignorance even if it is less toxic. If we want to lead the world out of ignorance we will have to lead by example.
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Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2012 05:37 am
The Investigation of the Muslim hating preacher who first identified himself as a Jew an Israeli is now moving to trace where he got the $5 million he used to make the anti-Muslim film. The funding of the film may have been political motivated to deliberately inflame the Middle East before the election. Whether the money came from the Koch brothers or was a dirty political trick by Carl Rove and company as some suspect we may never know. This was an act of political terrorism whether it turns out the $5 million to make the film came from al Qaeda or the Koch brothers. The film maker name was given as Nakoula Basseley Nakoula I suspect this was not his birth name.

The film maker is in hiding but there is a public spokesman for the film Steve Klein, an insurance agent, and Vietnam vet says he was asked to be a spokesman for the film by Nakoula. He admits to being anti-Muslim and says he has attended every Mosque in California and has personally located 500 to 750 suicide bombers in California alone. Klein’s son was injured in Iraq by a suicide bomber. Klein has been identified as a member of at least two hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Politics, hate, fear, and religion are an explosive combination.
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Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2012 05:24 am
After all the dust has settled in Wisconsin, the massive demonstrations over the elimination of collective bargaining rights for public employees, after $100s of millions of out of state money was spent to buy the recall election for Walker, and after the Koch brothers spent $10s of millions of their personal fortune to steal the public employees livelihood the fat lady finally sang. Quietly without fanfare Wisconsin Judge Juan Colas ruled that Walker’s law striking down collective bargaining was ”unconstitutional.”

The National News media is unlikely to give the massive amount of attention that was paid to the Walker recall election to the court decision which is subject to appeal. The commie/conservative bigots are unlikely to tout their failure as they touted ripping off the middle class once again. Scout Walker was paraded up and down as conquering hero at the Republican convention for his victory over the middle class but few Republicans will have much to say about yesterday’ s victory for the middle class. Anything the Republicans can do to destroy the middle class is considered as a victory.

In Wisconsin the Koch brothers, who are multi-billionaires, are doing everything in their power to cheat Wisconsin public employees out of being able to bargain for the price of their labor but you can bet the Koch brothers have used the monopoly powers to increase the price of their oil over 800% in the last decade but monopoly power for the Koch brother is fair. The Republicans are for crooked uncontrolled markets but against the middle class bargaining rights.

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Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2012 05:05 am
The ungodly greedy and their commie/conservatives allies in power want to legislate away the middle class ability to collective bargaining but reserve the right of the ungodly greedy to dictate prices. In Wisconsin the Koch brothers have greatly benefited by being part the American oil monopoly which drove the price of gasoline up 720% in a few short years during George Bush’s term in office. In December 2001 the price of gasoline was 92.9 a gallon after the 40 cents tax was removed the cost of a gallon of gasoline was only 52.9 cents even after baby Bush was in office for almost a year. By 2007 gasoline was $4.30 a gallon. What did the Koch brothers do with their wind fall profits? Use the excess money to invest in politics and take collective bargaining away from the middle class. They not only robbed the middle class blind with absurdly high oil prices they used the money to steal even more.

“America’s current level of inequality is at historic levels not seen since the Great Depression. In the boom years before the finical crisis of 2008, the top 1% seized more than 65% of total national income. And while GDP grew, most citizens saw their standard of living erode. “

“In 2010, as our nation struggled to emerge from a deep recession, the 1% gained 93% of the additional income created in the so called recovery. As those at the top continue to enjoy the best health care, education, and benefits of wealth, they fail to realize that as Joseph E. Stiglitz highlights, “their fate is bound up with how the other 99% live.”

From the book “The Price of Inequality”
Think of that, the richest 1% are now getting 93% of the wealth being created now and they are using that wealth to take even the most basic rights away from the middle class. The richest 1% is the very people Romney is running for President to benefit, the very people who are already getting 93% of America’s wealth.

In a game monopoly the game is over when one player accumulates all the wealth but the game ends not only for the losers but for the winner as well. In unregulated economics the game ends in a revolution. The occupy Wall Street Movement may be the beginnings tremors of a distant and much more violent revolution to come. When a society becomes so unfair if forfeits its right to exist.

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Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2012 05:31 am
It is no wonder there is so much inequality in America today much of America’s economic system is based on myth. Take the myth that hard work is the way to get ahead in America but what is the reality? Hundreds of millions of Americans work hard for a lifetime without ever getting ahead.
“the top 0.1% received in a day and a half what the bottom 90% received in a year, and the top 20% of income earners earn in total after taxes more than the bottom 80% combined.”

From the book The Price of Inequality” by Joseph Stiglitz

Does anyone really believe that the ungodly greedy work harder in a day and a half than the bottom 90% of Americans? But this is type of system that the myth produces. The inequality in America is nearing an all time high rivaled only in the period that preceded the Great Depression. America will have to deal with this situation or the situation will deal with America. Romney has no plan to deal with the vast and growing inequality and in fact he has decided to do what he can to make the situation far worse by giving the ungodly greedy another massive tax cut. Romney has proposed a 29% tax cut for the ungodly greedy exceeded only by Reagan massive 70% cut. If we are already nearing record high inequality why make matters worse?

At the same time the ungodly greedy incomes are soaring on the other end of income scale, poverty, in America has shown a startling increase of 20.8%. Trickle Down Economics is of course responsible because the money never tricked down it went upward with a giant swoosh. Romney’s tax cut is again an attempt to prime the pump and start the money trickling down. Trickle Down Economics is a failed economic theory that should be buried with the Edsel.
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Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2012 05:32 am
Red neck right radio spent most of their time yesterday trying to morph Obama into Jimmy Carter. The talking points from commie/conservatives are always synced from the Sunday Morning political shows to the next weeks talk radio. Hitler taught the commies that and later the commie bought that to the commie/conservative movement. Hitler knew that it was useless to target the intellectuals with propaganda the target of any propaganda campaign is the masses who are usually informationally deprived and who can be easily emotionally manipulated. Hitler believed this manipulation was best done by an orator, printed propaganda was simply not as effective. Thus we have talk radio today where three hour oratories are common with commercial intermission. An orator can convey emotions much more effectively than the printed word. An orator on television is even more effective because of the mirror neurons we all posses that let led us instantly read the emotions of others.

Now the propaganda stations are rolling out the heavy artillery. Their first talking point is that the unrest in the Middle East has absolutely nothing to do with the insulting film about Mohammed. The second talking point is that the unrest is caused by Obama’s foreign policy in the Middle East. The third talking point is that these attacks are only happening because Obama is perceived as weak by those in the Middle East.

More than twenty countries are involved in the protest and have only one thing in common religion. All of the protests list the reason for the protests as the insulting film but the commie/conservatives quickly ignore all the relevant facts and try to create an alternate reality for their inormationally deprived audience.

Surely there are difference between the twenty countries and the Obama’s foreign policy must affect the countries differently. Why have none of the protestors focused on Obama’s foreign policy and how they want it changed? Because this is simply commie/conservative propaganda an effort to create an alternate reality that simply doesn’t exist.

It was laughable with Liz Chaney on one of the talk Sunday political shows said the Libyan Ambassador was killed because America was perceived as weak. If that was the case what about the 3,000 killed on American soil when her dad was Vice President? America must have been perceived extremely weak during the Baby Bush- Cheney term. Remember the Obama administration has killed the number one hero in the Middle East and continues to kill many down the al Qaeda chain of command. Face it we are still in a war that is not confined to boundaries of any country. Their will continue to be causalities on both sides for many years to come. To believe that the only causalities will be on one side is naïve.

Now the commie/conservative radio hosts decry democracy in the Middle East. But it was the neo-cons who wanted to change the face of the Middle East. The neo-cons at Project for a New Century wanted to overthrow every country in the Middle-East and install mini-me style American democracy and now act surprised when in democracy the Muslim Brotherhood is elected by a majority. How many American presidents have not been practicing Christians? This was not rocket science. Who in their right mind would expect Muslim to elect secular leaders? When was the last atheist President elected in America? The Project for a New American Century was a think tank that was incapable of thinking. It was just commie/conservative incestuous amplification.
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Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2012 05:31 am
“Arrogant and stupid” this is what Romney’s own party had to say about his remark that 47% of Americans pay taxes. Bill Kristol a regular on Fox News is true commie/conservative royalty. He was raised in an all communist home; both his father Irving Kristol and mother were dedicated communists. The communist party of America routinely picked the wives of communists members to insure loyalty to the party. Irving Kristol later described as a neo-con and was responsible for The Project for a New America Century where the neo-cons would use the United States government resources to destabilize and overthrow government the Middle East and establish “ mini-me democracies.” The neo-cons efforts resulted in two wars that cost America $3 trillion dollars not to mention thousands of lives and many more amputees and brain damaged soldiers.

This 47% figure is routinely crowed about on red neck right radio. The Red Neck right like Slimbaugh and Beck like to parade this figure around and say the source for this figure is the government. This is the poor me figure where Slimbaugh justifies bigger and bigger tax cuts for the ungodly greedy like himself. Most of us can recognize a lie, figures don’t lie but liars do figure. One way to lie is to include groups who should not be included and retirees who have paid taxes all their life should definitely not be included. I have paid income tax all of my life even when I worked part time while going to college and I still have all my tax returns so I know this is a lie. How do the commie/conservatives create the alternate reality they live in. Simple 40% of those who do not pay income tax are retired and on social security. Others are soldiers in Iraq and other war zones who do not pay taxes on combat pay. Some were the ungodly greedy rich who paid no taxes. Another group were those who paid taxes but got a child credit rebate. Another substantial fraction were those who made less than $20,000.

Many of the people Romney insulted were his biggest supporters, life long Republicans, retirees who paid income taxes all their life. My wife’s aunt was a solid Romney voter was extremely offended by Romney vast arrogance and decided to vote against him after Romney basically said her and her husband were “simply useless eaters” dependent on the government. After a lifetime of hard work they now expect to draw their social security and Medicare that they paid into. All wealth is generated by labor and Romney remark’s illustrate the Republican philosophy that to eat you must work and when you can no longer able to work you should have the decency to kill yourself so the ungodly greedy will not be settled with the expense of keeping you breathing. Romney and other Republican elite view the 99% as cattle there to create wealth for them. This 47% figures scares the hell out of those like Romney after all how can they expect the ungodly greedy to get to be trillionaires when 47% of the Americans people aren’t doing their part to create wealth for the ungodly greedy.

Romney lives in alternate universe and sees absolutely nothing wrong with his remarks and has refused to apologize for grievously insulting 150 million American. Glen Beck said yesterday this was the end of the Republican Party and he was glad to see it happen.
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Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 05:32 am
Romney flat refuses to apologize for insulting much of the middle class. The very idea that retired people, people that worked hard for a lifetime and paid income tax for 50 years and are now retired and are not paying a tax that was levied on “excess wealth” makes Romney and the ungodly greedy $50,0000 a plate dinner guests just plain angry. What really grinds Romney gears is that after he and Bain Capital swindled many American retirees out of their pensions that they are not paying taxes on their social security. After they were swindled by Romney they should have the decency to continue working. Romney and his $50,000 a plate dinner guest he was addressing live in an alternate universe and have never went to a drug store and had to chose between filling their prescription and buying groceries that week. Romney’s wife has MS and a new drug to treat MS will cost $50,000 a year. Romney is now old enough to draw his social security will the taxpayers pay for his wife’s $50,000 a year drug? If Romney took a $79,000 tax deduction for his wife hobby horse you can bet Romney will have his hand out for every taxpayer handout.

When it comes to taxpayer funded handouts who got a $4 million dollar handout from taxpayers in 2010? Romney got to pay a special tax rate on his earnings instead of the tax rate working people have to pay on their earnings. That special $4 million tax cut Romney received would pay for food stamps for the Romney family through the year 4032 and Romney gets this tax cut every year. Romney’s multimillion dollar income receives special treatment for tax purposes. None of the people that Romney was insulting saved $4 million a year on their taxes but Romney did and to hear Romney tell he was entitled to special treatment on his taxes.

Romney’s gross slur and it was a slur of many hard working retired Americans, soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan and college students was intended to throw them in with the hard core unemployed who draw welfare and are dependent on the government for their food and shelter by lumping them all together it makes the problem look much worse than it is. In Romney’s mind 47% of Americans are dependent welfare cases and that is extremely insulting to people who worked a lifetime and never took once cent of welfare or government help. Romney believes that social security is a government welfare program and that the elderly should do the decent thing and go back to work. Romney like Bush believes the $2 trillion social security was already successfully stolen by the ungodly greedy. From Romney’s point of view since the social security trust fund has been stolen and he ignores that most of social security is funded by current workers payments. But to the Republicans social security is just big government and should be eliminated. People should just invest their social security money in the stock market where they are refereed as “Muppets” by the professional and the word should be “victim” because they are quickly cleaned out by the professionals.

A gallop poll Tuesday showed that a full third of voters would be less likely to vote for Romney. In close election a loss of a third of the voters may make for the worst landslide in history and this will affect both senate and houses races as well as local races. I have spent many years studying political philosophy and now have an extensive library of books and for years I have tried to communicate the Commie/conservatives position on social security, Medicare, unemployment, workers compensation and other Federal programs without success but Romney’s remarks to those who can afford $50,000 a plate lunch gave them the insiders view that really opened their eyes to what I have said all along.
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Reply Fri 21 Sep, 2012 05:31 am
The world has began to take notice of the Pee Party because if the U S economy fails it threatens the economies around the world. Yesterday the Australian deputy Prime Minster, Wayne Swan, said the “Cranks and Crazies in the GOP threaten U S economy.” Australia was able to avoid the world wide recession by ridding their government of the deregulation crazies in their country. Swan also labeled the Pee Party wing of the Republican Party as extremists, just as extreme as the communists that founded the Modern Conservative Movement. After the world wide recession caused by deregulation of U S Banks the rest of the world now realize that if the dream of the communists who founded the Modern Conservative Movement to destroy the United States comes to pass the rest of the world will likely be collateral damage. The rest world view is not clouded by 24-7 propaganda radio and television stations pushing the “cranks and crazies” agenda. Without the commie/conservative fog machine the statistics speak for themselves.
“"Let's be blunt and acknowledge the biggest threat to the world's biggest economy are the cranks and crazies that have taken over the Republican Party," Swan said in a speech in Sydney.

“Despite President Obama good will and strong efforts, the national interest was held hostage by the rise of the extremists Tea Party wing of the Republican Party.” He said

“While courting Hispanic voters on Univision, GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney delivered a new message after saying he stood by his beliefs about the "47 percent." NBC's Chuck Todd reports.”
In Florida Romney continues to insult denigrate the middle class and refuses to apologize for his remarks libeling the middle class but than Romney believes that the middle class makes between $200,000 and $250,000 and said as much. Despite the fact that only 3% of Americans make that much, is quite obvious that Romney is mathematically challenged in a field of one hundred, three is n not even close to the middle. But then maybe he doesn’t understand the term middle or more likely he just doesn’t care.

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Reply Sat 22 Sep, 2012 07:08 am
“Misty water colored memories of the way we were.” For those of the baby boomer generation, like myself that line rings true. Life in America has changed and not in a good way. The neuroscientists are still struggling to determine how memories are encoded. Some memories fade with time but others remain vivid for decades. One of my most vivid childhood memories was going downtown shopping with my mother. Huntington was the shopping hub for a hundred mile radius one of two professionally designed cities in the United States with its wide four lane streets in the 50s were an the exception not the rule. Huntington business district was extremely busy, the streets were filled with people. But on the street corners sat a man with no legs selling pencils a homeless veteran of WWII begging in the streets and there were other WWI and WWII in the same shape in stark contrast throughout the downtown abundance.

Romney’s remarks about 47% of Americans being basically freeloaders bought those and other memories cascading back. Romney’s talks in terms of dollars and cents when it comes to contributions to America but he never thinks about the arms and legs and lives of those who served to protect his selfish ass. Romney, Cheney, Bush, Limbaugh and other ungodly greedy are the real freeloading 1% when it comes to America. When it came time for Romney to pay the cost of living in America Romney avoided his military obligation like the plague running to France for two years to promote Mormonism. When the price of living in America is dollars Romney is fine with it but when the real price of living in America is tallied up it is Romney and his $50,000 a plate friends who are the true freeloader. Not only are they freeloaders but when it comes time to pay the price the ungodly greedy like Romney start whining about paying the price. I saw a veteran in his early twenties that had lost both legs and an arm on a television show and contrasted that with Romney calling him a freeloader and wonder whether Romney would like to have his arm and legs cut off so he could switch places. A day in that 20 something vet’s body might make Romney partly human and make him apologize for his malicious and slanderous remarks

The commie/conservative fog machine made many people think Reagan was a great President but if I had ever met him I would have spit in his face. Reagan was the first to bring the “Virtues of Selfishness” to Whitehouse. Regan decreed that 25% of the people on disability social security be removed. The mandate was if they could sell pencils on the street corner they would have their disability social security taken from them. The money would be used to help fund Reagan 70% tax cut for the ungodly greedy. The social security investigator came to our house to question my wife about a neighbor who was getting his disability social security. The man in his late 50s had worked all his life and recently got his social security. The investigator asked my wife if he mowed his small lawn. My wife replied that he did but he could only mow ten feet at a time before he had to rest. Reagan 25% mandate was met and many died penniless without their social security while the appeal process rolled on. Many were WWII veterans but the selfishness of the Republicans is only exceeded by not wanting to pay the bills the Chicken Hawks like Romney ran up.
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Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2012 06:21 am
Paul Ryan’s speech before AARP was a complete and total disaster he was booed and those who weren’t booing walked out in droves. As Paul Ryan detailed his plan to gut Medicare so he could give millions in tax cuts to billionaires, many members of the AARP simply walked out. The video shows Ryan as smug as ever when his speech begins but by the time he is being loudly booed for criticizing “The Affordable Care Act,” Republicans are very careful not to refer to it as the “Affordable Health Care Act” because they don’t want the public to realize the purpose of the Bill was to make health care affordable. Health care is now out of reach for many American families and the cost is going up around 10% or more each year. Ryan gave this same speech at the “The Villages” in Florida the world’s largest retirement community early in his candidacy without the boos and no shouted from the audience but this time Obama spoke first and audience was wise to Ryan’s commie/conservative lies.

Yes, Ryan explained the only way to do save Medicare was to eliminate it and replace with private insurance, seniors could purchase health insurance in the free market and the free market would set the price. Of course Ryan would give seniors a government coupon to defer some of the cost of their private health insurance. Health insurance companies are in business for one reason and one reason only to make money. Private insurance makes its money by insuring healthy people there is no profit in selling insurance to sick people. Face it most seniors have developed some chronic health problems by the time they reach 65 and the health insurance companies would simply refuse to insure them or price insurance way beyond the means because of pre-existing conditions in a free market. This is the very reason Medicare was created in the first place most American seniors could not afford health care or health insurance. If it would not work in 1965 when health care cost a tiny fraction of what it cost today how could it possibly work today?

Ryan really doesn’t care he has the best health insurance in the world paid for by the taxpayers. Ryan is keeping his eye on the prize another huge 29% tax cut for the ungodly greedy. The savings on Medicare can be used to fund that 29% tax cut for the ungodly greedy just as the six increases in social security tax and the raise in retirement age for baby boomers were used to fund the 70% tax cut for the ungodly greedy during Reagan term in office
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Reply Mon 24 Sep, 2012 05:31 am
Inequality in America is headed toward an all time high; the six Wall-Mart heirs have $69.7 billion of wealth, as much as the bottom 30% of American. Just six people have as much wealth as the bottom 90 million Americans share. In a primitive hunting based society claimed enough of the day’s hunt to feed 90 million people they would be considered sick and it would not be tolerated by that society but this is now acceptable because the commie/conservatives have changed the paradigm in America to make a “winner takes all” mentality not only acceptable but the norm in America. The commie/conservatives have sent America hurtling headlong to an economic dark age that we may never emerge from.

We hear the commie/conservatives everyday decrying the unfair tax rate the ungodly greedy pay but they always cite the nominal rate not the effective rate. The nominal is the tax rate in the book for instance Romney’s tax rate would be taxed at the 35% rate but he only pays a 13% rate which is the effective rate. The true tax rate is what you actually pay, the effective rate. Romney just released his 2011 tax return which no doubt was just completed showing he paid an effective tax rate of 14.1% this year but in order to manipulate that number he did not claim a deduction for $1.9 million of the $4 million he gave to the Mormon cult. If he claims the additional $1.9 million and he can do this quietly later if he is not elected president and this will make effective tax rate 9% way below the 20% effective rate many Americans pay. Romney primary reason for running for President is to cut the tax rate on the ungodly greedy by another 29%. If Romney is successful in implementing his proposed 29% tax cut Romney and the other ungodly greedy would pay only a 6% effective tax rate on his 2012 return a third of what the average American will pay. Romney is the poster child for greed in America.

The choice facing America is between the institutionalizing the “winner take all” economic system the commie/conservatives are pushing or moving back toward the egalitarian economic system that America was founded on.
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Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 05:33 am
The commie/conservative political philosophy is built on myths one of the primary myths that you hear continually on red neck right radio is that America already has equal opportunity and should not expect equal outcomes. According to the commie/conservative myth each American child has the same or equal opportunity. But the facts are that there is not equal opportunity in America and it starts as early as kindergarten where the rich enroll their children in the best kindergartens and later into the best schools which later leads to admission into the best colleges. Degrees from the best colleges lead to the best jobs.
“Among the most disturbing findings…is that the United States has become a society in which there is less equality of opportunity, less than in the past, less than in other countries including that of old Europe.”

From the book “The Price of Inequality”
As America moves closer to the commie/conservative goal of a “winner take all economic” structure we move further and further away from any semblance of equality of opportunity. To be sure totally equal outcomes is an extreme but far more extreme is the outcome where the six Wal-Mart heirs have as much wealth as the bottom 90 million Americans. The commie/conservatives are standing at one extreme and claiming any other position is an extreme position. We know that a move toward the middle and away from the extreme positions is likely to benefit most people along with the country as a whole.

The unemployment figures illustrate the inequality in America, college graduates have 4.2% unemployment rate, while high school graduates have a 12.9% unemployment rate but among recent high school dropouts is 42.7% and for recent high school graduates the unemployment rate is 33.4%. Statistics show that the children of the rich are far more likely to go to college and far more likely to graduate. The winner take all system is progressing at a geometric rate. America’s formerly progressive tax rates helped ameliorate the effect of humongous wealth but our tax system has been turned upside down by those like Romney who would have paid a lower tax rate on his $13.7 if he claimed all of his $4 million deduction for charity to the Mormon church than my wife and I. In fact I have to pay double taxes on much of my wife’s disability social security. If a couple has a combined income over $32,000 you have to pay tax on your social security that you already paid tax on when you paid into social security no doubt Reagan was responsible for double taxing social security. The ungodly greedy use the government to rig the system after they win the lottery.
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