The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 05:36 am
Paul Ryan will now have to run from his record not on it. Paul Ryan was responsible for the runaway budget deficits during baby Bush’s term. Ryan was handed a balance budget when Clinton left office and immediately set about causing record deficits by voting for a huge tax cut for the ungodly greedy. But that was not enough in 2003 Ryan voted for even more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Ryan could have supported dollar for dollar cuts that would have been fair to all Americans but he supported huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy and token tax cuts for the middle class. The tax cut should have raised the standard deduction to $20,000 or $25,000 that way Bill Gates would pay no tax on the first $25,000 he made and neither would you or I. That treated both fairly. But that is nor Ryan style or political philosophy.

Ryan voted for war with Iraq that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. Iraq had committed the crime of selling oil below the cartels price and not selling it in dollars. At one times wars were fought by countries now large multinational corporations use the armies of countries to do their bidding. Make no mistake about the Iraq war was about oil and who would control it. The Iraq war will cost the American people $3 trillion by the time all the costs are accounted the cost of this war will go on for generations long after the last American leaves Iraq. The tremendous cost of the Iraq war was still being paid during Obama term. Much of our military equipment had to be replaced or rebuilt during the Obama term. The medical costs for caring for our soldiers injured in Iraq will have a tremendous future cost. Ryan now claims to be a budget hawk saying he is profoundly sorry for having added so much to the budget deficit. The difference he will cut Medicare to buy more million dollar bombs to kill women and children in wars of aggression, it all what one considers most important. Ryan will always do his corporate contributors bidding.

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Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 05:32 am
In the next election polling shows that 90 million Americans plan not to vote, in a country of 300 million that means a third of eligible voters have decided not to vote. The commie/conservatives are doing everything in their power to take the voting rights away from groups that generally vote against them in an election. A voter’s registration and your signature at the polling place were considered adequate proof for over 50 years. In the 2000 election in Florida the commie/conservatives decided the best way to win an election was remove the opposition voters from being eligible to voter. The Florida Secretary of State in 2000, Katherine Harris purged the voters registration rolls of anyone that had a similar sounding name to convicted felon this removed a large number of black and Hispanic voters with any similar names. Exact matches of names are usually required but an election was at stake and Harris was determined to steal it. Because the exact match standard was not used many hard working blacks and Hispanic found they could not vote in the 2000 presidential election. Harris actions threw the election and the result was disastrous an unfunded $3 trillion war of aggressions another unfunded war, huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy, deregulation of banks led to a Great Recession. The banking system and government were within hours of total collapse

Once Catherine Harris threw the Florida election the commie/conservatives looked for anyway possible to throw an election. In Ohio they found that in the last election the last three days of early voting were heavily democratic. Their solution eliminate the last three days of early voting except for the military where the vote has been republican. When republican governor Kasich’ men were told the same standard of eliminating the last three days of early voting must be used for the military as the civilians they were up in arms saying that was depriving our military heroes of voting. But what of all those members of military who made several tours of duty in Iraq and are now returned to civilian life? In Ohio by distributing few voting machines to dense democratic districts lines to vote were 6 to 12 hours in 2008 while there were plenty of machines in republican districts and no lines to vote.

Restricting voter rights to proper owners may seem extreme but the commie/conservatives are pushing toward that direction. Many states are requiring a driver license or a state ID. This will for all practical purposes restrict voting rights to those who own a car. Get a driver’s license or state ID is now so complicated that while not impossible it is extremely difficult, long lines and the required documentation will discourage many who own a car and only the hardiest of those who have no car and no way to make the many trips to the DMV. The commie/conservative can no longer win a fair election and they will look for anyway to remove those who traditionally vote against the from the voting rolls.
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Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2012 05:35 am
Paul Ryan is a disciple of Ayn Rand the communist connection is never very far away from Modern Conservative leaders. Many people have heard of Ayn Rand and her book “Virtues of Selfishness” and “Atlas Shrugged” but Ayn Rand is just the pen name of a Russian emigrant whose real name was Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum she was born and educated in Russia and watched the communist revolution. Zinov’yevna got her higher education because of the communist revolution. Russian women were not typically able to get a college education prior to the communist revolution. Zinov’yevna came to America to visit relatives and never returned to mother Russia. Zinov’yevna was a staunch atheist.

Much of Paul Ryan’s political philosophy comes directly from Zinov’yevna book “Atlas Shrugged,” which is over 1168 pages. It is about how mistreated the ungodly greedy and the rest of mankind is nothing more than cattle who can’t care for themselves. The winner take all philosophy. The ungodly greedy go on strike and retreat into a hidden valley and the rest of world goes back to the Stone Age while the ungodly create the 7 wonders of the world in their valley. This sick Russian was free to imagine anything she wanted but what was unfortunate is so many weak minded people in America took this book as shades of things to come. The fear was if they didn’t cultivate selfishness in America they would not survive, the mistreated ungodly greedy would stop supporting them and go on strike.

Paul Ryan was an avid follower of the Russian, Zinov’yevna and touted publicly it publicly until the Catholic Church questioned his advocating the atheist’s philosophy. Ryan is a Catholic and when called on it he quickly stopped publicly praising Ayn philosophy but Rand’s philosophy still to this day remains the foundation of Ryan’s political thinking and political philosophy.
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Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 04:58 pm
The re-advent of lotteries by the states in the second half of the 20th century essentially legalized gambling. Gambling is a vice that takes advantage of the principal of the old fable where the dog is crossing a bridge with a bone its mouth. When he sees his reflection in the water the dog jumps in to take the bone from his reflection only to find it was an illusion and the dog lost the initial bone to the bottom of the stream. Spreading gambling to those who susceptible did enough damage but the real damage was to the American political philosophy. In my job as a compliance officer I have dealt with all kinds of people including one elderly black woman who was trying to raise her grandchildren. She made a living for her and her grandchildren by dumpsters diving. She was about four foot eight and about 90 lbs. She would gather beer cans to sell but she would buy 20 lottery tickets at time like the dog with the bone she hoped to trade what little she had for the reflection. She ended up living in a camper trailer after her house burned to the ground. But the state lotteries established a principal in American philosophy that we would each contribute a little and when the drawing was held the winner walked away with everyone’s share and that is fine except for the little old black lady.

Most of us are willing to accept some collateral damage, many people die in car wrecks each year but we accept that as collateral damage, many people drown each year but many more go swimming an accept the deaths as collateral damage. But the collateral damage to the American political philosophy done by accepting the principals of gambling as normal for the market place has done more damage to America than a Russian atomic bomb. Very few America have been untouched by the damage done by accepting the principals of gambling as normal for the market place.

A CEO now earns 531 times what his average workers earns in 1980 the same CEO would have earned only 42 times his average worker did. The average Americans doesn’t see anything wrong with that not even the CEO’s employees, after all life’s a gamble and the CEO won and like the lottery winner he is entitled to the winners share. We no longer look at the CEO as a temporary employee who is there for a few years. The American people don’t question that a salary is given for a fair days work and work like goods have a fair value. If the CEO is taking 531 times as much for his day’s work is his work worth that much? Why was it worth only 42 times as much in 1980? No society would have tolerated one person taking 531 times as much of the villages hunt. It wouldn’t be practical, one man can only eat so much and the rest of the meat would go to waste. Money is an energy storage device it can be spent later and exchanged for things than just meat. Money is what made taking more than your share practical.

Currently in America the bottom 80% of the American people share 7% of America wealth while the top 20% have 93% of America wealth. The 80% in fact produce most of that wealth but have only 7% to show for it. Life is not a lottery though our commie/conservative friends have convinced the American people it is. Even the most primitive people on earth do a much better job of distributing wealth. If American people continue to see life as lottery it benefits those who are natural thieves. It is hard to fix a lottery but it is easy to fix economic outcomes in real life. Economic outcomes in America are no longer related to amount of hard work after all do you believe 80% of Americans are lazy or that the same families are the hard workers for generations? expected to be lottery winners no one will be the wiser.
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Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2012 07:15 am
If in fact class warfare was taking place in America there would be signs that it was taking place. We could trace the actual damage back to when it began. Many wars throughout history were fought about treasure the object being to take the treasure of the opposing side. In America class warfare is clearly evident in the taxes paid by the ungodly greedy. There are two ways of looking at taxes the nominal rate and the effective rate. The nominal rate for the ungodly greedy is now 35% on any income over $388,451. This is the figure they use to argue taxes but it is just an illusion as the actual effective tax rate on the ungodly greedy is only 16.6% this is what percentage they actually pay and Mitt Romney pays less than that at 13.9%. The ungodly greedy paid an effective rate of 51.2% in 1955 when America’s economy was literally booming and middle class was growing in leaps and bounds. When the effective rate of taxes on the ungodly greedy between 1955 and 2007 is put on a graph it plunges downward at a 45% angle. It is important to note the plunge starts long before Kennedy’s 20% tax cut to the nominal rate in the 60s. This shows that class warfare was taking place and being very effective long before the middle class knew what hit them.

If we are going to have an honest debate about taxes in America it has to be on the effective rate not the nominal rate and it has to include other taxes which are regressive in nature. The effective rate has plunged from 51.2% in 1955 all the way down to 16.6% in 2007 but Romney wants to cut this rate again but he uses the 35% nominal rate to make his argument. In other words Romney and other commie/conservatives start the argument with a lie and they know up front it is a lie but the American people still listen to Romney’s lies and treat them as the truth. The ungodly greedy have played the victim card for the last 50 years calling wolf when in fact they knew the wolf was not on the door step. Until the American people understand the relationship between money and power the middle class will continue losing the most important war in American history. The ungodly greedy continue to say they are the real victims here but yet they have accumulated 93% of America wealth in this period. America is fast approaching the point of no return where the ungodly have accumulated not only 93% of the wealth but more importantly 93% of the political power. Never underestimate self interest as a motive and the ungodly greedy’s self interest is unsurpassed.
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Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2012 05:32 am
We are still waiting, after 30 years we are still waiting. The commie/conservatives great economic theory was Trickle Down Economics and of course it remains just a theory because the fact is that the middle class is far worse off now than they were in 1981 when that senile old B movie actor explained the commie/conservative economic theory to an astonished nation. Reagan said that if we made the rich far richer that the money would trickle back down to the middle class after all if you poured enough water on top a hill wouldn’t the water run to the bottom? The trouble is money is not water and they don’t behave the same way, water runs down hill. But there is another truism that says the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. So while water can be depended upon to run downhill money can be depended upon to run uphill. The purpose of “Trickle Down Economics” was to supercharge money and make it run uphill much faster so it would reach the “trickle down” point. The trouble is the statistics are in and they show “Trickle Down” economics actually worked, well at least it partially worked, the rich got richer at faster rate than ever before but not one penny “trickled down” to the middle class all the middle class heard was a giant whooshing sound as their pensions and living standard was sucked up by the ungodly greedy.

The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing an expecting different results we have tried “Trickle Down” economics for 30 years and the result is that the rich are now all super rich and the middle class life style has been decimated. The ungodly greedy have waged the war against the middle class on three fronts it is not just that real wages are in fact less now than they were 30 years ago, and this is what most people focus on, but the real damage has been done to pensions, now less than 1 in 5 can expect to have a pension when they retire. One hundred percent medical insurance was provided by the employer and was taken for granted now many pay up to $6,000 a year for a insurance policy with a huge deductible and 80% coverage if you don’t pick your doctor and 50% if you decide chose a doctor. A serious illness will simply bankrupt most members of the middle class. When the damage done on all three fronts is added up it is far greater then most people ever realized.

Romney is all for “Trickle Down” economics and will do everything in his power to accelerate the “Trickle Up” economics by cutting the taxes on the ungodly greedy. The effective tax rate on the ungodly greedy is already down 16.6% and the first thing on Romney agenda when he gets to the Whitehouse. A single middle class man would pay 25% income tax on anything he made over $35,351. The standard deduction skews the effective tax rate on the middle class but for someone making $100s of million like Romney the standard deduction is negligible and while it may make a several decimal point difference in calculating the middle class tax rate it wouldn’t make a 1/100 difference in Romney’s tax rate. Because the effective rate is so skewed for the middle class the ungodly greedy feel entitled to their low effective rate. But the difference in real dollars in the effective rate is staggering. We can’t compare apples to oranges and expect them to be equal. The nominal tax rate, the rate in the tax books does not reflect reality and as long as the tax argument is based on the nominal rate we aren’t dealing in reality.
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Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2012 05:33 am
The Republican Party quickly became the party of abortion this week after Missouri Rep Todd Akin, who was favored to win the Senate seat opened his mouth and showed just how ignorant he is. Akin is against abortion even when the woman is “legitimately” raped. There is the rapist quickly followed by Akin and his back up rapists Akin and his Christian back up rapists believe like the rapist that the woman should not have any control over her own body after the rapists get through with the woman the Christian right believes it is their right to take control of woman’s body. The Christian right believe they are given control over the rape victim’s body by their cults beliefs. After all we shouldn’t punish the child we should reward the rapist by giving him an offspring. Why punish the child when the Christian right can punish the rape victim a second time a pregnancy possess many health risks including death and makes permanent changes to the woman’s body. Why because Christian right believes the woman is ultimately responsible for her own rape. Punish the child? There is no child; a child is a living breathing human being that can exist independent of his mother’s body.

Christianity is a patriarchal cult meaning women will always be seen as responsible for their own rape whether it was the length of their skirt or the color panties they wore that day, women are seen to be in control of sexual activity. This is why Akin chose the word “legitimate rape” as he really believes there is no such thing as legitimate rape. When you marry the devil sometimes you have to take her out in public. The Republican Party married the Christian Right because they are ignorant and easy to manipulate. But looks what happens when you take them out in public. Romney and the Republicans had to take the position that they were in fact for abortion even it is just in the case of rape. But this is an absolute argument you can’t be for killing some “babies” and against killing others. This brings the abortion debate front and center and at stake is one of the largest republican voting blocks. Romney doesn’t want any part of this argument.
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Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2012 05:34 am
Paul Ryan is one of the most extreme of the right wing extremists it seems Rep Todd Akin (Mr. legitimate rape himself) and Paul Ryan co authored a bill to redefine what constituted. Akin has close ties to Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney selection for his VP. Akin and Ryan are both Pea Party extremists and received Pea Party backing. The bill, The No Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Act would redefine rape as “forcible rape” this must be the “legitimate rape” Akin was referring to. The republican house blocked a bill that would allow women in the military to use their insurance to pay for an abortion after they were raped and there were 875 reported rapes in the military and it is estimated 86% of rapes went unreported. The republican’s motto is forcible rape followed by forcible pregnancy; if she is home taking care of a child she not nearly so likely to be out tempting these fine upstanding rapists.
“Buzzfeed’s Anna North has found several examples of Republicans making this claim over the last few decades. In 1988, Pennsylvania state Rep. Stephen Friend, a leading anti-abortion legislator, got in trouble for claiming that the trauma of rape causes women to "secrete a certain secretion" that kills sperm. In 1995, North Carolina state Rep. Henry Aldridge told the House Appropriations Committee, “The facts show that people who are raped—who are truly raped—the juices don't flow, the body functions don't work, and they don't get pregnant. Medical authorities agree that this is a rarity, if ever.”

No rape victim ever got pregnant? These right wing nuts who actually believe this are trying to get control of our government. Yesterday on the radio it was reported that Ryan “The No Taxpayer Funded Abortion Act” would give the rapist legal standing in a court of law to sue his victim to compel her to carry his child to full term. Would you like to see your daughter raped and then have her rapist sue her in a court of law? The court costs to victim would be a terrible expense and fighting the rapists in court very traumatic. By the time the case drug through court more than 9 months would have passed and it would be moot point. Ryan says he is very proud of his “pro life stance.” Ryan has been pandering to the far right extremists in his little corner of Wisconsin and will now try to camouflage his extremist’s views. Ryan knows there is no need for federally funded abortion because no victim of “legitimate rape” ever got pregnant the other wing nuts told him it was so.

Ryan budget is as extreme as his views and actions on abortion. It calls for another huge tax cut for the ungodly greedy they would get another 29% tax cut amounting to $125,000 tax cut for millionaires. This cut would cut Romney’s effective tax rate 8% far below the rate the middle class must pay. The commie/conservatives are now asking people if they were better off now than they were 4 years but the fact is we are worse off for the last 30 years the conservative era. The morning paper tells us the middle class is far worse off in the last decade. Obama has been blocked from overturning much of the conservative damage over the last 30 years. On the day Obama was inaugurated the commie/conservative elite, including Newt Gingrich, gathered in Washington with one intention and one intention only to make sure Obama would not be reelected. They did not care what they had to do to the country they had one single mission destroy Obama at any cost. It wasn’t about America it was about power and the right wing regaining that power. They didn’t give a second thought about America or the middle class. If the middle class fails America fails the commie/conservatives have created a much better living standard for the ungodly greedy but when you improve the living standard of only 1/100 of 1% of the population you failed. You can always take from the many to give to the few but the test is if the standard living improves for all.

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Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2012 05:35 am
Medicare is one of the big issues of this election costs are going through the roof and medical costs will continue to go up more than twice the rate of inflation for at least the next 30 years. Anybody can see the problem as medical costs go up at double the rate of inflation while middle class wages no longer keep pace with inflation. The ability of the middle class to pay for Medicare is impaired. Each of us pays for Medicare all our working life and then after paying in for 45 years we are than required to purchase Medicare again out of a meager social security check. My wife must pay eleven percent of her social security check for Medicare and her social security is around $900. If she was single she would have $800 a month to pay for food, rent, utilities and of course medical expenses as Medicare pays only 80%. After you paid for Medicare for 45 years you should not have to purchase a second time.

The problems with Medicare are just a symptom not this disease, the disease is the ever escalating price of medical care in America. The commie/conservatives like Ryan point out that medical care in other industrials countries is much cheaper so if more of the cost of medical care can be shifted to the consumer the “free market” will kick in and medical prices will go down. But Ryan doesn’t point that the other industrialized have national health care. Medicare is administration costs are 1% while private insurance companies were forced by the new health care law to rebate administrative costs in excess of 20% to customers.

Our greed driven health care system runs and is motivated by greed why are we surprised with the spiraling costs. Everyone in the health care system is their to maximize their profits.

The solution to Medicare is to eliminate it and replace with a National Health Care system that covers everyone. It is time we caught up with the rest of the world and decided that health care should not be a place to maximize their greed. Their are plenty of other opportunities in our society to maximize your greed, selling televisions, cars, toys or real estate to mention a few. But the cost of medical care should not have to bare a huge greed surcharge as it does now.

There is no free market solution to medical care. When you are in a car accident you are taken by an ambulance that you didn’t chose to the nearest hospital. When you get to hospital you are not given a list of doctors with a list of the charges he charges so you could compare costs to other doctors, no free market here. Imagine being taken with no choice to the nearest store to buy a television. You can’t select a television one is assigned to you by the store manager. Imagine that your daughter was in the accident with you and she is near death they tell you her care is going to be extremely expensive will you check what her care will cost at other area hospitals? No, cost will not be a consideration you would pay whatever you have and whatever you can earn the rest of your life. This is a perfect environment for greed to grow and thrive, why are we surprised when the greed monster took over America health care system. Health care and greed are lethal combination no only for the middle class but for America.
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Reply Sat 25 Aug, 2012 09:47 am
Warren Buffet said, “If there is class warfare in America my side won.” Nowhere is that more apparent then in the statistics that show the effective rate of income tax paid by the ungodly greedy has fallen over the last half century. When the actual amounts of taxes paid by the ungodly greedy is put on a graph it plunges downward at a 45% angle for over 50 years. If cutting taxes on the so called “job creators” was the path to prosperity we would all be rich by now. The fact is America was going through the most prosperous period in American history during the 50s when the huge tax cuts in the effective tax rate for the ungodly greedy started and tax cuts were the path away from prosperity not towards it. At one time the so called “job creators” put their money back into the business to avoid high personal income tax now there is no incentive to put their money back into a business because the effective tax rate is less than the middle class and under the Ryan budget the ungodly greedy get another huge tax cut of 29% and their effective tax rate will be only 11%. When the effective personal tax rate on the ungodly greedy is only 11% there is no incentive to invest their money any longer. The American tax system in the 40s and 50s gave incentives for investment but by lowering the personal tax rate those incentives are no longer possible now only direct government subsidies can make that possible and America is replete with these subsidies now but there will never be enough government subsidies to maintain a healthy economy.

Five hundred million dollar subsidies are becoming common in America, both Boeing and Daimler Benz hit the taxpayer jackpot for a ½ a billion dollars while Toyota turned down a similar offer because of America health care cost they elected to build in Canada where health care costs a fraction of what America’s does. These subsidies are nothing but welfare for the ungodly greedy and America is replete with them. Even in a small town like Huntington, WV with a population of 49,000, there was taxpayer funded a $50 million handout to build a downtown mall to a Cincinnati developer. The developers were never able to fill the tiny postage stamp development even after more than 10 years and the last of three planned buildings was never built. But the developer pocked more than his $50 million. In the 50s the development would have been done with private money to avoid paying taxes on it. The development literally destroyed the rest of downtown business district some which had been successful businesses for a 100 years. No business can compete against businesses that are subsidized by the government.

It is said those that don’t learn by history are doomed to repeat. In America we would like to bring back the prosperity of the 50s when the middle class was undergoing its biggest expansion and real wages were going up. The lesson from history is that high taxes on the ungodly greedy are necessity if America is to prosper. Putting all of America’s eggs into the basket of the ungodly greedy has put America on a 30 year downward slide. Ryan given the chance will accelerate this process. Ryan is a fanatical follower of Ayn Rand, which was a pen name for a Russian named Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum, famous for writing the “Virtues of Selfishness an Atlas Shrugged.” Ryan requires his staffers to read Zinov’yevna books. Ryan believes that Zinov’yevna did a fantastic job of explaining the morality of capitalism and the morality of the individual. For all of us that have labored through all 1168 pages of Zinov’yevna “Atlas Shrugged” we got the point the selfishness of ungodly greedy destroyed the world and Ryan is right on schedule to enact the Russian’s apocalyptic vision in America.
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Reply Sun 26 Aug, 2012 10:27 am
Hero worship at its best shows a lack of character in the worshiper, at worst it is dangerous, the Mansion family and Jim Jones come to mind. Paul Ryan hero worship of Ayn Rand is not only bad for Ryan but bad for America. The budget Paul Ryan wrote reincarnates Ayn Rand political philosophy. Zinov’yevna (Ayn Rand) must be smiling in her grave, she would be extremely proud of her disciple, Paul Ryan’s budget. The first post I wrote on this bulletin board was about what you would change if you could go back in time. If we could send a team back in time to change one thing my choice would be to have them kill Zinov’yevna when she got off the boat from mother Russia. We were on guard for Russia’s atomic bombs but many gladly embraced the political philosophy of a Russian atheist. The Russian’s political philosophy is now publicly embraced by the Republican Party.

The damage done to America by Zinov’yevna sick political philosophy is massive and made the baby boomers the lost generation, for the last 30 years the American middle class has been in race to the bottom of the food chain. For many baby boomers will find very little food at the bottom of the food chain.

“You see, Dr Stadler, people don’t want to think. And the deeper they get into trouble, the less they want to think. But by some sort of instinct, they feel that they ought to and it makes them feel guilty. So they will bless and follow anyone who gives them a justification for not thinking. Anyone who makes a virtue---a highly intellectual virtue---out of that out of what they know to be their sin, their weakness and their guilt.”

“And you propose to pander to that?”

From “Atlas Shrugged”
Pander and pander some more is exactly what the commie/conservatives have done. Many Americans didn’t want to think and they followed Ayn Rand, a Russian. Rand’s book has been required reading for young republicans on college campuses for more than 30 years.
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Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2012 05:32 am
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are telling the American people there must be “shared sacrifice” to solve America’s economic problems but it is very evident that Romney and Ryan are excluding one group. The ungodly greedy, which Romney is a charter member, will not be asked to make any sacrifice at all and will be richly rewarded from the sacrifice of the middle class on the alter of greed. Under the Ryan budget which Romney has endorsed the ungodly greedy will get another $125,000 tax cut for anyone making over a million, that is their idea of “shared sacrifice.” Romney like baby Bush was born on third base and insist he hit a home run. Romney dad was the CEO of American Motors and at the time made only 42 times what is average worker made.

The Romney and Ryan fully expect the middle class to “sacrifice” Medicare and Social Security and expect the ungodly greedy to get by on a measly 29% tax cut when they were expecting to get another 60% tax cut like Reagan gave them. The ungodly greedy’s sacrifice was cuts in what they expected to get. The middle class did not share in the prosperity over the last 30 years the ungodly greedy got all the benefit of the increased productivity the middle class did not share in the prosperity but now Romney and Ryan whine about “shared sacrifice.” Giving the ungodly greedy another 29% cut in their taxes, which are already at a 60 year record low and expecting the middle class to sacrifice is a reflection of the winner take all economic policies of the extreme radical right and their patron saint Ayn Rand. In Ayn Rand philosophy the middle class Americans were no more than beast of the field “who would be left helpless at the mercy of that wind in the middle of some such plain.’

That is the political philosophy that this generation of commie/conservatives were raised on. If the middle class is nothing more than beasts of burdens or as Ayn Rand calls them, “a bunch of miserable children” why not just sacrifice them and let the ungodly greedy feast on their remains? If this is what you were raised on the winner take all philosophy makes sense. Ayn Rand whole philosophy can be summed up in one sentence.

“Because they’re a bunch of miserable children who struggle to remain alive, desperately and very badly, while I---I don’t even notice the burden.”

Ayn Rand saw herself as vastly superior to Americans and it shines through her writing.

How could any American adopt her as a cult leader?
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Reply Tue 28 Aug, 2012 05:34 am
We have all heard of the Great Train Robbery and The Bernie Madoff swindle but these dwarf in comparison to the Greatest swindle of all times. This score would not be counted in millions or billions but trillions it would be the first score of over a trillion dollars. One heist worth $2.6 trillion pulled off in broad daylight while the victims stood by helpless. It was the ultimate thief’s dream. It was the defining moment of the Baby Bush presidency; it was the defining moment of the commie/conservative movement. Baby Bush posed beside the cabinet that held the $2.6 trillion social trust fund in US Treasury bonds and told the American people that those U S Treasury bonds were just worthless paper. U S Treasury bonds are widely considered the safest investment in the world but these U S treasury bonds were “special” not because the bonds themselves were different but because who purchased these U S Treasury bonds the baby boomers, the elderly and disabled. Every scam needs a suckers just ask Bernie Madoff, the commie/conservatives saw the baby boomers as the ultimate suckers, suckers that they could rip off for trillions if baby Bush could just pull it off after all many in America believed god spoke directly to Baby Bush and if god told baby Bush to rip off the America people who among us could prove it wasn’t true. After all it was a private conversation. At the same time Baby Bush was telling the American people that the U S treasury bonds were worthless you can bet his blind trust held U S treasury bonds.

The great Baby Bush Scam sadly didn’t work the first time it was tried but the commie/conservatives are far from giving up the commie/conservative talking points are still being pushed on red neck right radio. The other day on red neck right radio I listened to a local commie/conservative talk show pushed Baby Bush theory that the $2.6 trillion social trust fund does not exist. The commie/conservatives hope to regain the Whitehouse and take a second swing at the greatest scam ever conceived.

This scam hasn’t gone away it is just waiting to be pushed by the next generation of commie/conservatives. In a recent article in Forbes magazine leading commie/conservative Charles Krauthammer pushed Baby Bush’s theory that the $2.6 trillion social security trust fund is worthless paper. Krauthammer says that social security is just a scam, funny this scam has put food on the table of generations of Americans something scams don’t do. Social Security has been solvent for nearly 80 years now and accumulated a $2.6 trillion fund. It will be solvent for another 25 years something most business Romney destroyed can’t say. All business and private individuals put their money in banks once the money is in the bank their money is loaned out to others to buy houses, cars and other goods. The bank keeps only a fraction of the deposits on hand and loans out the rest. The banks knows that all depositors will not ask for their money back at one time just as all the social security recipients can’t ask for all their deposits at once. What the bank has to show for their deposits are loans, accounts receivable. The banking and loaning of money allows our economy to function. When I bought a house I borrowed someone else’s money and I paid interest for use of that money. The commie/conservatives believe that banking is a legitimate function of the economy but believes the same function in social security entitles them to pocket the $2.6 trillion. It would be like Donald Trump borrowing a couple of $2.6 trillion from a bank and than refusing to pay it back saying he doesn’t have enough left to buy a pizza. The bank would go after any and all assets owned by Trump. Us Treasury are backed by any and all assets of the United States government they are no more worthless than Donald Trump. Krauthammer and his fellow commie/conservatives are still trying to pull off the biggest scam in history.
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Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2012 05:33 am
The right wing crazies keeping crawling into the daylight like cockroaches going for a crust of bread. Pennsylvania Senate candidate, Tom Smith, made his ultra extremist position on abortion public in effort to prove that the senate candidate from Missouri, Todd Akin, position was not ultra extremist but main stream for the republican party. When Tom Smith asked, how he would argue to keep the baby if his daughter or granddaughter became pregnant was raped? Smith said that his daughter went through "something similar" to rape: "Having a baby out of wedlock." Then he followed that up by saying “think of the father.” Think of the rapist! After a pregnancy caused by rape the woman should make her priority the rapist’s feeling’s! The trouble is these ultra extremists lack the judgment to understand their position on abortion is ultra extreme. Tom Smith is against abortion in all cases, rape, incest, childhood pregnancy.

The commie/conservative rode the abortion horse to victory in many elections over the last 30 years. They created their own Frankenstein now all that is necessary to be elected as a commie/conservative candidate is declare that you are against abortion in all cases. Girls in America are reaching puberty at an earlier and earlier age. The commie/conservatives deregulation policy has insure that our water supply is full of female hormones that can’t be filtered out by the water processing plants this means each of us take female hormones each time we drink water. This ultra extremist, Smith sees nothing wrong with forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the rapist’s fetus to term even though her body is not full grown and that carrying the rapist’s fetus will decimate her own body. But Smith is an ultra extremist who is capable of thinking in one dimension. When Baby Bush campaigned in Huntington during his reelection bid in 2004 he was accompanied with large box trucks with pictures of aborted fetuses on the sides of the trucks. They drove up and down the streets of Huntington when Baby Bush was giving his speech. No doubt a Carl Rove like trick, but it worked. WV is hard core Bible belt and when the lying preachers told the ignorant John Kerry was the anti-Christ the ignorant believed them. In West Virginia a new anti-Christ is born every four years who ever is running against the commie/conservative candidate.

But as the ultra extremists, like Akin and Smith have scurried across the national stage the new republican strategist have declared that abortion is no longer a main issue it is just a bright shinny distraction from the main issues.
Reply Thu 30 Aug, 2012 06:21 am
What was expected to be the main theme of the Republican convention, “Shared Sacrifice” has been toned down way down. In focus groups even the most ignorant Republicans didn’t believe that stealing from social security and Medicare to fund another 29% tax cut for the ungodly greedy was “Shared Sacrifice.” But on the first night of the convention Chris Christy in his speech could simply not help calling “Shared Sacrifice.” Let’s look at the actual statistic over the last 30 years and see what the commie/conservative idea of sharing really is. Reagan cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy by an unheard of 70% and raised the social security taxes no less than 4 times. He also raised the retirement age to fund the tax cuts. So the middle class paid more on every dollar they made and the money went into the social security trust fund to pay for the baby boomers retirement but since the country was running at a massive deficit far worse then any president before Reagan. The money in social security trust fund was converted into U S treasury bonds and fast as the massive surplus came in and that money used to fund the tax cut for the ungodly greedy. The ungodly greedy got a massive 70% tax cut and the middle class got to pay for it, that is the republican’s idea of sharing.

Reagan was by far the worst president in American history his commie/conservative policies are responsible for starting a massive landslide of wealth flowing from the middle class to ungodly greedy that was only slightly slowed down during the Clinton’s term. Clinton was unable to stop massive landslide but he slowed it down by raising the taxes on the ungodly greedy from 35% to 39%. Remember the ungodly don’t pay the sticker price on taxes anymore than they do on a car their effective tax rate is only 16.9%. After the Baby Bush tax cuts the ungodly greedy income growth was growing by nearly 300% a year, the top 1% wealth was tripling ever year. This is the same group Romney is targeting with an additional massive tax cut of 29%. The poor, poor ungodly greedy simply just can’t make if their income only triples every year. Now how did the rest of us do in the commie/conservative years? The middle class couples now work 32 hours more and make less in real dollars. The system is so rigged that the middle class did not share in the increased GNP and the ungodly greedy got ever dime of the increase in productivity. The middle class who created the wealth were simply cheated out of their share by the commie/conservatives. But the sad thing is even as the ungodly greedy wealth triples every year they want more and if it quadruples every year they will want more, if it goes up 10 times every year they will want more and there will always be Presidents like Reagan and Bush that will give them more. Now Romney and Ryan wait in the wings declaring they will give them more and more and more.

Throughout history the ungodly greedy have been a cancerous tumor on the spine of mankind every bit as dangerous as stage IV cancer. The ungodly greedy act as a cancer on the body of mankind and that cancer has reached stage IV it is so powerful it is rotting all the flesh around it. Unfortunately throughout history the only solution that worked to save patient was similar to Hitler’s final solution and it was as predictable as the sun coming up in the morning. In America we had an alternate solution, we started taxing wealth as a luxury this slowed it growth and in fact some years even the ungodly greedy experienced no growth in income by 1979 the ungodly wealth growth rate paralleled that of the middle class and lower quintile but over the next 30 years while the middle class and lower quintile flat lined for the next 30 years the ungodly greedy sky rocket to near 300 percent a year. The Congressional Budget Office provided the graph these figures are taken from.
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Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2012 05:35 am
Lying Ryan is what this republican convention will most likely be remembered for. To be sure most politicians are not immune to telling a lie when it benefits them but Ryan speech bordered on the pathological. I was busy yesterday evening and had lost track of time and caught just a portion of the CBS evening news by accident, I usually watch NBC news. Ryan was being confronted about the lies in his speech the night before by the reporter. Ryan who had blamed Obama for America credit being downgraded was read a statement by the rating company who downgraded the credit citing the republican dominated House of Representatives for obstructing any raise in revenues to offset the debt. Ryan did his best to ignore the statement and rattled on but the reporter again read the statement. Ryan eyes shifted back and forth and he soldiered on but the reported persisted for a third time, still with no response. Most politicians are very quick to take credit where credit isn’t do but Ryan clearly owned the credit downgrade but refused to take credit in fact he gave all the credit to Obama.

Unable to sleep I watched some of Colbert Show on Comedy Central and again Ryan’s ability to tell lies was being highlighted. This time about his Russian idol and political mentor Ayn Rand in an interview he flatly denied that he ever required his interns to the works of Ayn Rand and called it an urban legend. This was followed by another exerts from an earlier interview which he proudly bragged that he in fact did require his interns to read the atheists works. In the later interview he denied that his political philosophy was derived from the Russian’s point of view but Ryan budget is very consistent with Rand political philosophy. Ryan began to publicly distance himself from Rand as he courted the religious right. The religious right found at hard to accept that an atheist was Ryan’s patron saint so Ryan had to deny his hero in public anyway.

It is said there death bed conversions do to take place and at the end of Rand’s life Rand’s last work was about Ronald Reagan, warning that Reagan’s mixture of religion and politics made him one of the most dangerous men in America.
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Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2012 12:29 pm
Some men become a legend in there own time others only become a legend in their own mind; Lying Ryan is one of the latter. After taking a shellacking for the many lies in his convention speech Ryan, who is evidently a pathological liar, told Hugh Hewitt, a radio host, on his program that he had run a two hour and fifty some minutes marathon, extremely fast for a recreational runner six minute and fifty two second average for 26 miles. When “Runners World” checked their records they found Ryan ran only one marathon and finished in over four hours. Confronted with the facts Ryan began back pedaling saying he “misspoke.” What is the difference between misspeaking and out right lying? Ryan said “he should have rounded his marathon time to four hours instead of three.” He didn’t say three hours he said two hours and fifty something.

I am a tri-athlete but primarily runner, matter of fact I didn’t post yesterday because I ran a 15 miler and it takes so much out of you in this heat. I have run competively for over 27 years and do about 50 races a year. I have no problem remembering my fastest time at each length of race. Times are very important to runners previous times are your goals when you run a race next year. Runners know what their PR (Personal Record)
time was on that course and on similar length. You don’t tell someone you ran two hours and fifty some minutes if you are not a know liar because the race finish times are available on the internet. For instance I have run 24 of the 40 fifteen milers held in Charleston. The first one I ran in two hours and twelve minutes the second one was two hours and thirteen minutes last year I ran it in two hours and forty-one minutes and in yesterday high humidity I finished with a two hour and forty eight minutes My best and only marathon (I prefer the half marathons) I ran in 1989 in four and fourteen minutes. I still remember the race it was snowing with a 4 degree chill factor. Despite the fact that my time was similar to Lying Ryan I have never felt the need to lie about it.

Ryan’s marathon time was not of material importance to the post of vice president. Most politicians lie for a purpose and advantage but in this case Ryan’s lie was pathological it didn’t accomplish anything but show that he was a legend in his own mind and trying to get others to believe it. We have all worked with pathological liars they tell the most outrageous lies, so outrageous that nobody believes them to start with. I worked with one guy who was a nice person but who just couldn’t keep from lying to save himself. He been retired for 20 years or so and I can’t remember even one of his obvious lies as you just tune them out after a while. If Ryan lies about what is not important he will have no trouble lying about what is important and he will expect you to believe it.
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Reply Mon 3 Sep, 2012 05:30 am
What has 30 years of commie/conservative worship of personal greed done for America? Greed is the real god of the modern conservative movement, greed was supposed to maximizes America. According to commie/conservative political ideology if each American sole motivation was their personal greed America would prosper. Americans personal opinion is often blurred by their personal political ideology while those who have no investment in American political ideology vision is unimpaired.

“(The) United States is seen in China generally as a declining power over the long run. America’s financial disorder, alarming deficit and unemployment rate, slow economic recovery, and domestic political polarization are viewed as but a few indications that the United States is headed for decline.

Yet Beijing still sees the lack of confidence and competence of the United States on the global stage and a quite chaotic picture in U. S. national politics…It is now a question of how many years rather than how many decades , before China replaces the United States as the largest economy in he world.”

Wang Jisl, Chinese Communist Party and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Adviser, Addressing U. S. – China Strategic Trust
The Greatest Generation made America an economic and military hyper power there was never a time that the baby boomers didn’t live in the most powerful economic power in the world but now we are within “years” of seeing the sunset of the America that are parents bequeathed to us. Sixty millions people died in WWII. In WWII it was Hitler greed for land and treasure that the Greatest Generation had to overcome. In order to win WWII the greatest generation had to overcome personal greed of life itself and be willing to lay down their lives for a common cause. Every individual knew that he was not so important that he could not be sacrificed. This generation of Americans also must face the enemy. The enemy is greed, not of a foreign dictator, but of individuals and corporations. The greed of the few in America is far more malignant and powerful than the greed of Hitler and every bit as destructive to our way of life.

My uncle who I am named for died in WWII. My dad and his brothers volunteered to defend their country in WWII you can contrast this with the commie/conservatives like Rush Slimbaugh who used a pimple on his butt to beat the draft during the Vietnam War. It seems that personal greed applies to their lives as well. There is a very long line of commie/conservatives whose daddy’s money got them out of Vietnam just as the ungodly greedy paid someone else to take their place in the Civil War.

Few would view Hitler’s greed as a good thing; fewer still would believe that if Hitler maximized his greed that it would be good for the world. But yet many Americans have been convinced that the greed of Exxon is different from the greed of a Hitler. You can put a different face on greed but greed is always greed.


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Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2012 05:27 am
The overriding message from the commie/conservative movement from the 80s on is that “greed is good.” If greed is so good for America why is it declining? There can be no doubt that greed has been very good for a tiny fraction of Americans, the ungodly greedy wealth is multiplying at an unheard of rate but what of the vast majority of Americans? The vast majority are seeing even the basic of what made our parents middle class out of our reach. Defined benefit pensions are essential for a middle class retirement and at one time 60% of Americans could look forward to retiring with a pension now only 11% of Americans will have a pension. What the majority of baby boomers can look forward to is joining the low class when they retire. Now the ungodly greedy will buy your house in a reverse mortgage so you can eat your house in a manner of speaking. This way they can drain the last penny of wealth from the middle class.

My father- in-law retired in 1980 from a manufacturing plant he had not only a good pension but health insurance for life his status as middle class was insured. When my mother retired in the 90s after a lifetime at work she got a small pension and she earned the privilege of paying for the full cost of her health insurance. She has Medicare but an insurance policy is needed pay the remaining 20% Medicare doesn’t pay, takes a major share of her small pension.

Greed may have short term benefits for only a tiny fraction of Americans but what are the long term costs? Even the ungodly greedy may find themselves paying the long term cost of greed. For a few dollars more, if we wanted to describe the last thirty years of commie/conservative the dominate motive and driving force was “for a few dollars more.” This can be seen most clearly in the manufacturing sector where manufacturing sector was over 50% of our economy but now manufacturing is less than 11% of our economy. America dominated the world’s manufacturing. When Hitler invaded Poland he had 3,034 aircraft, 2,500 tanks, 10,000 artillery pieces, and 4,000 trucks. In five years America manufactured 296,429 war planes, 102,351 tanks, 372,431 artillery pieces 2,455,964 trucks, 8,762 Warships and 5,425 cargo ships. The American manufacturing sector won WWII but now America has less manufacturing than at any point since the Industrial Revolution. Now America depends on the manufacturing of other countries because someone gets to make “a few dollars more.”

One of America’s key weapons systems used in Iraq was Joint Direct Attack Munitions system a highly precise high altitude guided bomb system had critical components manufactured in Switzerland. The Swiss opposed the Iraq war and stopped the export of needed replacement parts it took months to find another manufacturer. America could not win a WWII fought today because we would have to order many of the needed parts for our tanks and aircraft from Germany and Japan.

In the commie/conservative mind greed is much more important than even National Security. At one time American companies were proud to call themselves American companies but now greed is even more important, now the manufactures are no longer American manufactures they are Multi-National companies. The Multi-Nationals even moved America’s defense manufacturing overseas.

The new unmanned drones that are used to bomb isolated targets will be manufactured in Brazil and Chile. It will not only be manufactured there but designed in South America because America can no longer educate its children. The commie/conservatives have been draining our higher education system like it was a cash cow since Reagan. A decent education now costs more than it will return in America. But to the commie/conservatives greed is good it produces lottery winners, all for a few dollars more for the ungodly greedy.
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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2012 06:39 am
“Creative destruction” is Romney’s modus operandi. Romney’s method of operation is well known in the business community. Romney gutted companies like a hunter guts a deer. Black Beard would have been extremely proud of Romney’s M.O. When Black Beard and his fellow pirates took down a ship they took only what the ship contained that day. But when Romney and his corporate pirates sailed the corporate oceans they took not only what the workers had that day but what they would have had in the future, their pensions. If Romney a corporate raider, a modern pirate, becomes president what will he chose to “creatively destroy.” American pension systems were the modern day chest of gold they were one of the primary targets of corporate raiders like Romney? Once 60% of Americans had a defined budget after Romney and his fellow corporate raiders got through only 11% and most of those are government pensions that Romney couldn’t get his hands on unless he gets elected president.

Privatizing Medicare will be one of Romney and Ryan’s primary objectives. Of course the Republicans have already taken a major swing at privatizing Medicare. Private insurance companies are now paid 14% more by taxpayers than what it costs for the care of the average Medicare patient. The plan is called Medicare Advantage and boy it is an advantage, a 14% advantage for private insurance companies. This opened the flood gates and let private insurance companies siphon off the healthiest patients from the Medicare system and leave Medicare with the sickest. The private insurance companies could pass along part of the 14% subsidy to the elderly as an incentive to get out of Medicare and still turn a handsome profit paid for by taxpayers. This was meant to be let a Medicare patient chose between a private insurance and Medicare.

But then the other shoe fell, I attended a state insurance meeting in 2008 after retired state employees where they were told if they decide to keep their Medicare they would be dropped from their state insurance supplementary policy that they worked for in other words they had no choice but to take the private Medicare Advantage. Employees who had retired and moved south quickly found out that their doctors refused to accept the private insurance. While Medicare was universally accepted most doctors refused the Medicare Advantage coverage. One employee with cancer had to move back home to find a doctor who would accept the Medicare Advantage company. Pennsylvania also mandated their 65 and older employees to private Medicare Advantage. A major part of Obama $700 billion in savings in Medicare over the next 10 years comes from taking away Medicare Advantage’s taxpayer funded advantage. The Medicare Advantage companies would still be free to compete with Medicare but would no longer be subsidized by taxpayers.

Imagine after you had worked a lifetime and used your unused sick time to purchase 10 years worth of insurance to be told that you would have to drop your Medicare coverage that you were paying for out of your social security check and take a private insurance that was not even accepted by your doctor. This was the Baby Bush free market at work at retirement you purchased 10 years of insurance with unused sick time and you could have used this unused time to purchase additional years on your retirement. But now you are given absolutely no choice if you keep your Medicare you lose the 10 years insurance you paid for. Now you must help pay the $750 million salary for a private health insurance company CEO. This is Romney and Ryan idea of the so called “Free Market” at work. The Ryan budget goes much further it eliminates Medicare entirely for anyone under 55.
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