The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 31 May, 2021 09:25 pm
@Region Philbis,
Matt Gaetz has been running to Trump for advice as to how to get out from under the charges. Gaetz believed that Trump could kill the investigation before he left office. In Trump' case I wonder whether the girl was paid off or if she just disappeared.
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Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2021 09:17 pm
Trump now says he believes he will be reinstated in August. The crazy lady lawyer say it and Trump believes every word of it. I wonder how many people believe that Trump will be reinstated? It has never happened in the history of the United States in fact I don’t know of any place in the world where the loser of an election by 7 million votes was put back in office. I think if you passed this idea around in a state hospital you might find some patients that might believe it. Trump always was big on conspiracy theories but this takes a huge leap down the rabbit hole.

Sidney Powel was pushing the idea at a Qanon conference. At least she knows who will listen to the nonsense. If I was a featured speaker at a Qanon conference I don’t believe I would tell anyone. General Michael Flynn has also been pushing this idea for a couple of months. Trump cult members will listen to this garbage and believe every word of it. They will feel that they have been cheated and will cast themselves as patriots who are just taking their country back. Trump isn’t going to quit because he believes 75 million people that voted for him will do his bidding. Of course, not all 75 million are crazy enough to believe this is the Boston Tea Party again but even 1% is enough to do real damage.

Today we have 34,136,738 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,113,148. That means that another 23,590 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 610,436 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 609,767. That means that another 669 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Wed 2 Jun, 2021 09:23 pm
State Senator from Pennsylvania, Doug Mastriano, paid thousands of dollars to rent a bus to take the rioters to the Jan 6 insurrection. Pennsylvania was one of the two states that had the most rioters arrested after the insurrection. It would be interesting to know what direction were given on that bus. Mastriano, if he encouraged the rioters to storm the capitol, may be guilty of a crime.

Mastriano is on his way to Arizona to meet with fellow republicans that are doing the “audit” of the 2020 election. This audit is taking forever and the cost must be running up into the tens of millions and the state senate only funded it with a $150,000, but the Trump donors don’t mind they will pay any price as long as it shows Trump won. Now it looks like Pennsylvania will hold the next “audit” and I am sure the Trump donors will pay a $100 million to make it look like Trump won.

Trump is now trying to pressure conservative writer to publish his lies about the election being stolen. That way Trump can say if you don’t believe me, you should check out this conservative writer or that one. It is simply a way to get others to repeat his lies. Trump actually believes that he will be reinstated in Aug and for this to happen he has to convince others to believe his lies. Trump is living in alternative universe along with his alternative facts.

Today we have 34,154,305 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,136,738 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 17,567 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 611,020 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 610,436. That means that another 584 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
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Reply Thu 3 Jun, 2021 09:16 pm
How much of Trump’s claiming he won the 2020 election and will be reinstated is a product of a troubled mind? As people age not only does their body age but their mind ages as well. Someone who never had any mental problems in their life starts making strange irrational claims. People think of their brain as one integrated organ but neurologists tell us the proper way to think of your brain is not a solo artist but an orchestra with many voices. The brain can lose a part of the brain while 90% of the brain continues to function perfectly. When an aging brain does lose a part of its brain function the remaining 90% will not realize the loss but will try to rationalize it.

My mom is now 93 and still manages her rental properties and stock investments and does a good job of it. When she was 72, we began to notice small peculiarities. She would insist things had been stolen and later returned. She never claimed an election was stolen but many other things. She claimed it was her sister taking the things but her sister had not been in the house in years. She was adamant that her sister was living in the house. We put security cameras outside, no sister was ever caught on the cameras. Mom still insisted she was there. Next motion cameras were installed inside the house that could be viewed on computers and smart phones. No sign of her sister was ever found but to this day she still tries to convince us that her sister is living there. Her doctor told her that she just has “an aging brain.”

Trump at 74 has an aging brain and none of his advisor has the courage to tell him that. The trouble is that 75 million Americans and the republican party refuse to acknowledge that Trump’s actions are in fact the actions of an aging brain. The consequences of failing to recognize that Trump’s actions are the product of an aging brain are catastrophic. At Trump’s age his father would show up for dinner with no pants on and asks what was dinner, five minutes later he would ask again and he would continue to ask over and over again. When a number of Americans start to act if a crazy man is sane, we are in trouble.

Today we have 34,174,752 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,154,305 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 20,477 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 611,611 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 611,020. That means that another 591 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Jun, 2021 08:52 pm
Trump is becoming far less popular with the American people. Trump’s SocialFlow Index, measured on a scale of 1-100, stood at 100 on Jan 7, the day after the insurrection, has fallen below one on many days since. It seems many people are no longer interested in reading news stories about Trump. Trump averaged 50 for his average day in the last two years in office. For Trump’s rating to have fallen so steeply and so rapidly may indicate the American people are beginning to come to their senses.

Today Trump found out he will serve 2 more years in Face Book jail. This will help hold down his SocialFlow Index. “Trump launched a blog “From the Desk of Donald J Trump” but it was canceled after only 29 days because “it received very little attention.” I’ll bet that hit Trump where it hurts, his ego. Few have fallen so far so fast as Trump.

Removing Trump from Face Book, Twitter, and Instagram may be the only punishment for the insurrection that Trump ever receives but they were the nourishment that fed Trump’s monster ego. Take them away and it may be a fatal blow to his ego.

Today we have 34,192,023 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,174,752 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 17,271 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stood at 612,240 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 611,611. That means that another 629 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
Reply Fri 4 Jun, 2021 11:37 pm
When Mr. Trump is reelected in 2024, I expect that one of his first moves will be to break up companies like Facebook and Twitter.
Reply Sat 5 Jun, 2021 08:31 pm
Even if we assume that it is possible for Trump to get reelected he would not be elected dictator. Our government has a division of power between the branches of President, congress and the courts. Trump has no power to break any company up. He would have to go to court and show that there are not other social media companies that compete with Face Book and Twitter if they do not constitute 2/3 of the market the courts are unlikely to break them up. It would be the courts decision not Trump. Trump would be nothing more than a spectator. Social media companies are started everyday in America.
Reply Sat 5 Jun, 2021 09:27 pm
The emails in Arizona show that the president of Arizona senate believed that Biden had won the election in Arizona and there was no fraud. But Giuliani and Trump kept calling her to try and find some “election fraud.” It was obvious that the Arizona senate was going to have to create a dog and pony show for the ignorant that even they did not believe in. It is obvious Trump was able to use his political power to subvert government once again. This is not how fraud is found, fraud is found by legitimate law enforcement sources not partisan political lackies paid for by rich republican donors.

The highest law enforcement officer in the land, the attorney general declared there was no significant fraud that would have changed the outcome of the election. William Barr, was one of Trump’s biggest supporters. Why are there no major investigations of election fraud by legitimate law enforcement investigations? Because there was no significant election fraud. Trump and his lackies called wolf but when law enforcement went to look there was no wolf but Trump is trying to disguise a sheep as a wolf and pass it off as a wolf. One of the only election frauds that took place in Pennsylvania, and it was a case where a dead person voted for Trump. A republican had voted his dead mother for Trump. Prior to the election Trump was encouraging republicans to commit voter fraud by voting both by mail in and in person.

Today we have 34,204,374 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,192,023 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 12,351 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 612,203 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 612,240. That means there was a mistake or a downward adjustment to the counter.
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Reply Sun 6 Jun, 2021 11:51 am
Zardoz wrote:
It would be the courts decision not Trump.

Well true. But it'll be worth doing anyway.

Zardoz wrote:
Trump would be nothing more than a spectator.

The prosecution is not a mere spectator in court.
Reply Sun 6 Jun, 2021 08:32 pm
It would be a waste of time. First the Justice Department would have to look at it to see if they could even make case that Face Book has a monopoly, usually considered 2/3 of the market would have to be proved in a court of law. Social media is relative new and is a state of flex and will change rapidly over the next ten years. This board and others like it would be considered social media. The government considered filing anti trust suit against GM because they had 2/3 of the car market but 40 years later GM lost so much market share they went bankrupt, time will change everything with social media.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Jun, 2021 08:36 pm
Trump is not a prosecutor, the Justice Department would have to do any prosecution and those cases drag on for years in court and they must prove their case. Trump would be just a spectator and Trump has lost more court cases than anybody in history.
Reply Sun 6 Jun, 2021 09:12 pm
Trump showed up to make his speech at the republican convention in North Carolina with his pants on backwards. This is an improvement over his dad at his age who usually showed up for dinner with no pants. The pictures taken at the time show Trump as disheveled as a homeless person. Certainly no one has been seen in public with that many wrinkles since permanent press was invented. Trump needed Hope Hicks, White House Director of Strategic Communication, one of her duties was to press Trump pants while he was wearing them. If she forgot to bring along the steam iron on a campaign stop Trump would get upset. I suspect getting Hope down on her knees in front of him to press his pants was a cheap thrill for Chester the molester.

I can’t imagine another woman in such a powerful position pressing her boss’s pants while he was still wearing them. Lawsuits would be filed to stop the demeaning treatment. That leaves us with this recent incident, did Trump employee another woman and she outright refused to press Trump’s pants while he was in them? You have to remember that senility is a one-way street this is not going to get better, it is going far worse rapidly.

Today we have 34,210,782 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,204,374 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 6,408 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 612,366 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 612,203. That means that another 163 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Mon 7 Jun, 2021 12:53 am
Zardoz wrote:
Trump is not a prosecutor,

He will be if he is reelected in 2024.

Zardoz wrote:
the Justice Department would have to do any prosecution

They do what the President tells them to do.

Zardoz wrote:
Trump would be just a spectator

That is incorrect. He would be in charge of the prosecution.

Zardoz wrote:
Trump has lost more court cases than anybody in history.

We'll see.

It'll certainly be worth a try at least.
Reply Mon 7 Jun, 2021 09:27 pm
We all know Trump puts his pants on one leg at a time the trouble is he evidently doesn’t know the front from the back. They have now come up with a solution, Bill Riley is going on tour with Trump, Bill Riley’s job is going to be telling Trump which is the front and back of his pants. There may have been a simple reason why Trump put his pants on backwards, he had an accident and the front of his pants was wet. He could not give a speech that way, no one would have remembered a word he had to say.

One source on Face Book stated that Trump has to ware adult diapers. That might explain what went on. Bill Riley will have to take over pressing Trump’s pants while he is wearing them. A hair dyer might also come in handy for those accidents.

Bill Riley is going to call his tour with Trump the history tour and it will point out two of Trump’s biggest accomplishments during his term in office. Trump handling of the Trump virus. Trump made America number one in the world. America had more Trump virus cases than anyone in the world. America under Trump had 25% of the Trump virus cases in the world and 25% of the deaths from the Trump virus in the world while America only had 4% of the world’s population. Trump’s other shining accomplishment was the insurrection only Trump could accomplish such total disasters.

Today we have 34,227,237 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,210,782 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 16,455 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 612,701 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 612,366. That means that another 335 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Jun, 2021 09:35 pm
Trump is not an attorney and will never be a prosecutor

The Justice Department does not have to anything that is illegal and Trump cannot compel them to.
Trump cannot make anybody break the law, they have to volunteer.
Trump has lost 60 court cases and counting. There is a reason for that, Trump has no clue as to what he is doing.
Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2021 01:18 am
Zardoz wrote:
Trump is not an attorney and will never be a prosecutor

That is incorrect. The President is in charge of all federal prosecutions.

Zardoz wrote:
The Justice Department does not have to anything that is illegal and Trump cannot compel them to.
Trump cannot make anybody break the law, they have to volunteer.

It isn't illegal for the government to prosecute corporations in court.

If the government does not prove their case to the satisfaction of the court, the court will find in favor of the defendant, but a not guilty verdict does not mean that the government has done anything illegal.
Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2021 09:06 pm
Sidney “the nut” Powell was busy undermining her own defense at a recent MAGA rally in Dallas. Powell was one of Trump’s lawyers who claimed the election was stolen by the voting machine companies. Powell is being sued by two voting machine companies for billions along with other Trumpies. Powell’s defense lawyers worked out a defense saying that no reasonable person would believe a word she had to say and that it was just her opinion. Meantime Powell told the crowd at MAGA rally that she had the proof to show the voting machines manufactured millions of votes.

You can’t go to court and try to overturn the election based on “opinion.” Powell filed over 60 lawsuits claiming the voting machine companies were cheating without a shred of proof. Powell is trying to hide her money in nonprofit corporations because she knows she will lose the lawsuits. When a London paper printed a story that Trump’s wife had been a call girl, Trump sued and won. Evidently there was no proof. Those transactions are usually cash only so proof would be hard to find.

Today we have 34,242,866 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,227,237 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 15,629 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 613,052 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 612,701. That means that another 351 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2021 09:19 pm
No employee can be required to follow an illegal order. Trump gave a lot of orders in the White House that were just ignored because they were illegal and Trump would not even remember that he gave the orders after a while.
Anytime the governments sues to break up a corporation, the corporation has to be breaking the law and in an anti trust the corporation must have amassed a larger portion of the market usually around 66%. Facebook is not even close to having 66% of the social media market. The government does not prosecute someone for murder when they are fully aware that they did not commit murder. It would be a waste of government resources. It is mob boss type of thinking to use the our government resources to try and settle personal disputes.
Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2021 10:02 pm
Zardoz wrote:
No employee can be required to follow an illegal order.

It's not against the law for the justice department to prosecute corporations.

Zardoz wrote:
Trump gave a lot of orders in the White House that were just ignored because they were illegal and Trump would not even remember that he gave the orders after a while.

I doubt that.
Reply Wed 9 Jun, 2021 09:19 pm
You can sue anybody for any reason but if you file a frivolous law suit you open yourself up to being sued for filing a frivolous law suit. The Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, is finding that out the hard way. Paxton filed one of many frivolous law suits on Trump’s behalf. Paxton sued to invalidate many of the votes in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. What you had was one state, Texas, filing a law suit to overturn the election in other states. Several of the republican senators signed onto the lawsuit in hopes they could keep Trump in office against the will of the voters.

Paxton is now facing the consequences of his illegal actions from the Texas Bar association. Paxton should be disbarred for trying to invalidate millions of votes but is likely only to receive a slap on the hands from his political buddies. They should take a look at the rest of Trump’s 60 frivolous law suits that were filed with an ounce of proof.

It was amusing when Trump’s former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, was interviewed by Mike Wallace on Fox News. When Wallace pushed Lewandowski on proof for voter fraud the only example he could site was a guy who voted his dead mother for Trump. That says a lot. He did admit Trump lost the election and will not be reinstated in Aug.

Today we have 34,264,727 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,242,866 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 21,861 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 613,494 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 613,052. That means that another 442 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
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