The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 13 May, 2021 09:17 pm
John Bolton admits to having mixed feeling about Trump’s first impeachment. Bolton believes that the democrats made the grounds for impeaching Trump way to narrow and there were many more things that should have been investigated. Bolton said Trump never made any decision that were not based on how it would affect his reelection. Trump never made his decision based on what was good for America, he made them based on what was good for Trump.

I wonder how many republicans will read Bolton’s book and get a republican’s view of what was actually going on behind closed doors at the White House. This was not a democrat talking about Trump this was a life long republican who had been a veteran of several republican administrations. John Bolton had no reason to lie about Trump. Bolton resigned Trump did not fire him. Bolton had written his resignation 10 months before he submitted it. If Trump had his way, he would have pulled the military out of every country in the world.

Trump has a military base named for him in Poland. That is better then one in Russia but it is close. One of the popular saying is, “you have made your bed and now you must lie in it.” The republican party has made their bed and there is a giant t***named Trump right in the middle of it. What ever happens it will be messy.

Today we have 33,626,097 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 33,586.136 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 39,961 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 598,540 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 597,785. That means that another 755 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Fri 14 May, 2021 09:13 pm
Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) proposed a resolution to censure House members who publicly claim the insurrection was nothing but “a normal tourist visit” according to Rep. Andrew Clyde R-Ga). I don’t know about you but if I found one of that type of “tourist” breaking in through my window I would wear out a ball bat on his head. According to Clyde the rioters were calm and just walking between the ropes. That of course is one scene but he ignores the fact that a handful of other republicans were prepared to fight hand to hand with the “tourists. Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) was one of those prepared to fight when he noticed a man with a flag on pole that had been sharpened into spear. It is not everyday that you see tourists with spears.

This of course is part of the big lie. Members of the Trump cult need to minimize the insurrection because Trump was at fault. If the American people believe that the insurrection was an attempt by Trump to take control of our government Americans who are not members of the Trump cult will not vote for Trump or other members of his cult. One lie always requires another lie. So far, the state republican parties have censured all most all the republicans who voted to impeach Trump it is only right to censure those who continue to lie about the insurrection.

Today we have 33,664,013cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 33,626,097 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 37,916 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 599,314 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 598,540. That means another 774 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sat 15 May, 2021 08:54 pm
It is a shame but as we age, we face a physical decline and also a mental decline, the trouble is many people refuse to admit it. Many of the players in Trump big lie were well past their peak mental years. Lin Wood who held rallies in Georgia telling Georgia voters not to vote in the Georgia senate run off along with Sydney Powel, is being required by Georgia states bar association to take a mental evaluation or lose his law license. Wood was a successful attorney at one time who represented John and Patsy Ramsey the parents of JonBenet and he represented the Centennial Olympic Park bombing suspect in 1996 that later was made into a movie by Clint Eastwood.

Wood is also under investigation for voter fraud because he claims to have voted in Georgia after he had already moved to South Carolina to run for head of the republican party. Why would he brag about it? To prove there was voter fraud in Georgia. Wood is now 68 and well into his declining mental years. Some people experience a faster mental decline than others and a few don’t experience a mental decline. I have an excellent long-term memory but by short term memory keeps getting shorter. There is a reason that 65 was the age you could claim your social security. When people that were pushing Trump’s big lie are required to take a mental evaluation to keep their law license that tells you all you need to know about Trump’s big lie. Lin Wood has a new client Sydney Powell who is being sued by Dominion Voting Systems for millions. I hope she won’t be too disappointed when her lawyer is institutionalized.

Today we have 33,695,916 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 33,664,913 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 31,003 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 599,863 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 599,314. That means that another 549 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 May, 2021 08:58 pm
One of the things that president Trump did to try to overturn the election was to have Texas Attorney General file a lawsuit to invalidate the swing states that voted for Biden. Of course, that lawsuit was thrown out of court. Imagine the republican states being able to sue in every election to invalidate the democratic states. This was the lawsuit to give the sitting vice president the power to decide whether to accept the electoral college votes. The vice president could simply say, do I want to keep my job for another 4 years or let the people decide who should be president?

On Meet the Press today Chuck Todd confronted republican Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw for signing onto that lawsuit and continuing to push the big lie. Crenshaw said it was the press that was keeping the big lie alive. Todd pointed out that it was Trump who hyped the big lie every time he got the chance. We all know the Arizona recount is a republican effort to keep Trump’s big lie alive.

“All the members who called for everyone to come and make their last, all of those members were scattered like cowards while the capital police had to do their fighting.”
Dan Crenshaw

Today we have 33,715,951 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 33,695,916 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 20,035 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 600,147 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 599,863. That means that another 284 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 May, 2021 08:47 pm
It looks like Trump will soon be indicted in New York for his many crimes. Florida governor DeSantis believes that he can block Trump from being extradited to New York. Trump believes he lives in a state where there is no extradition at least if your Trump. The Attorney General of Florida has ruled that Trump’s extradition cannot be blocked by DeSantis, it can be only delayed but not stopped.

Trump is planning to go on the road again doing his political rallies, he could be arrested in other states that will not delay his extradition. Trump desperately needed to get reelected to stay out of jail while the Statue of limitation ran out on many of his crimes. He could hide behind being president to avoid being arrested. He is no longer president he is just Trump and subject to the same laws as everyone else. If I was Trump I would stay in Florida where Governor DeSantis can try and fight Trump’s extradition.

Trump has been able to run between rain drops for a long time but it is beginning rain much harder now.

Today we have 33,747,439 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 33,715,951 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 31,488 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 600,533 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 600,147. That means that another 386 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 May, 2021 09:34 pm
Fox News is about to start paying the piper. Fox News filed a motion to dismiss the Dominion Voting Systems $1.6 billion defamation suit against them. Fox News claims all they were doing was reporting the news. If in fact that is all they were doing the suit would be dismissed. But this is what happens when you mix news and opinion, the lines become blurred between the two. Fox’s moderators clearly conveyed that they believed Trump’s wild ass conspiracy theories, that the Dominion had fixed the election for Biden by fixing the software so that people that voted for Trump ended up voting for Biden and all kinds of other conspiracy theories. The other lawsuit by Smartmatic Corp is for $2.7 billion. Sydney Powel claimed that they cheated and cost Trump the election but they had machines in only one precinct in Los Angeles. Fox should just bring their check book

If Fox News did its job a majority of the republicans would believe that the election was really fixed and 70% of the republicans still believe the election was stolen. If Fox News moderators had simply reported that Trump says this or Trump claims that the election was stolen, they could not be sued. But when they got onboard the Trump train and claimed Trump was cheated, despite the fact that he lost 60 court cases because he lacked any proof they opened themselves up to lawsuits. Fox News continued to claim the election was stolen until the lawsuits were filed for billions and then they would distance themselves and simply report Trump claimed the election was stolen. Fox News moderators reporting clearly changed how they reported after the lawsuits were filed and Fox News lawyers read them the riot act.

Today we have 33,774,945 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 33,747,439 cases of the Trump virus. That mans that another 27,506 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 601,330 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 600,533. That means that another 797 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Wed 19 May, 2021 09:14 pm
The ax is about to fall on Trump. The NY investigation has now shifted into a full-blown criminal investigation from just an investigation of the Trump businesses. If the businesses had been found guilty of breaking the law it would have resulted in civil penalties. If it can be shown that individuals in the company deliberately broke the law they can be prosecuted and jailed. Anyone that has read any of Trump’s biographies know that Trump has broken the law on any number of occasions and just thumbed his nose at the law. Trump used a mob lawyer, Roy Cohn, for years to get him out of jams. You could imagine what happened when someone sued Trump for swindling him and gets threatened by Roy Cohn and friends.

I always hated cases where a contractor had swindled a victim who really could not afford the loose. After the arrest citation has been issued and the crook convicted and fined it does not help the victim, they are still out thousands. The victim would have to sue in civil court to get their money back and even if they, win they are not likely to ever get their money back. On one occasion the judge gave the victim, a school teacher, the whole fine the crook paid. This is how Trump stayed out of jail when he his victims found out Trump had swindled them for condos in buildings that were never built, given the choice they would settle for a portion of their money back rather then pushing for Trump’s prosecution. There is a big difference in how rich people are treated under the law and how poor people are treated and Trump took full advantage of it.

Today we have 33,802,324 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 33,774,945 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 27,379 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 601,949 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 601,330. That means that another 619 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 May, 2021 08:52 pm
The republicans are trying to block a bipartisan congressional investigation of the Jan 6 insurrection. The investigation has already passed the House but the senate is not likely to get 10 republican votes because Moscow Mitch says the FBI is doing an investigation so there is no need for a congressional investigation. Contrast that when the republicans were in control, there were 19 separate committee investigations of Hillary Clinton and Benghazi. The Republicans could not get enough investigations of a small incident in a foreign country but when the Trump cult tries to take over the government that does not need a congressional investigation.

Why did the republicans hold so many investigations of Benghazi? The republicans held the committee chairs and controlled the investigations. They used the investigations as a political brickbat to keep Hillary Clinton from winning the election. Why would the republicans block an investigation of the Jan 6 insurrection? To start with it may show that some of the Republican House members may have invited the rioters to make their last stand at the capitol. A congressional investigation will keep the insurrection in front of the public just as the 19 investigations kept Benghazi in the news. The FBI investigation is a criminal in nature and is used to prosecute those involved. A congressional investigation would show why the insurrection happened and how another insurrection could be prevented.

Today we have 33,833,181 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 33,802,324 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 30,857 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 602,616 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 601,330. That means that another 1,286 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 May, 2021 09:03 pm
Liz Cheney now has a primary opponent who is much more in line with republican values. Anthony Bouchard admitted that he got a 14-year-old pregnant when he was 18. The girl later committed suicide when she was twenty. He married her when she was 15 and divorced her 3 years later. He says he is almost estranged from his son. Bouchard calls it a “Romeo and Juliet story” it was more like a “Chester the molester story.” The republican party has become much more accepting of criminal sexual behavior since Trump was elected. When republicans decided to support Trump as a candidate, they had to support both the good and the bad. You don’t get to assemble a candidate from a buffet of qualities. You can overlook Trump’s sexual crimes but that does not mean they never happened.

When you start to “overlook” a candidate’s sexual crimes you begin to accept criminal sexual behavior you begin to normalize it. Trump put the foot in the door for the sexual molesters. You don’t start at the end of the journey you get their one step at a time. First you begin to tolerate molesters like Trump that opens the door for others political candidates like him. After that political candidates who have committed sexual crimes are no different than those who got parking ticket. If you commit statutory rape don’t worry you can still run for political office as a republican.

Today we have 33,862,398 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 33,833,331 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 29,067 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The dearth toll stands at 603,408 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 602,616. That means that another 792 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 May, 2021 08:53 pm
Trump is planning to go to Ohio to hold a rally, I hope New York can extradite him from there. Meanwhile a Trump organization called “look ahead America” has filed a lawsuit to stop the purchase of 1450 Dominion voting machines in Stark County, Ohio. Dominion is one of the companies that has filed a multi-billion-dollar lawsuit against Fox News and Trump’s unstable lawyers for pushing wild conspiracy theories with no proof. The suit claims that 18 minutes of the meeting to purchase the machines was not open to public. Anyone knows that a meeting can go into an executive session to discuss certain confidential details of competitive contracts. When the councilmen return to the public portion of the meeting, they will note that no action was taken during executive session and the vote is then held in public. I think they will lose in court. Do you ever remember a President trying to determine what type of voting machines a county can purchase?

Voter fraud was found in Pennsylvania it seems a Trump voter did vote his dead mother for Trump. Another voter voted his wife’s ballot after he killed her. He said that there was nothing wrong with voting your dead wife’s ballot. No doubt he saw nothing wrong with killing his wife either. The voter fraud that is being found was voter fraud for Trump. Trump had spent years convincing voters that America was every bit as corrupt as he is and the wife killer figured everybody else was cheating so he should cheat also.

Today we have 33,882,333 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 33,862,398 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 19,935 Americans were diagnosed with Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 603,876 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 603,408. That means another 468 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 May, 2021 09:15 pm
It looks like it is Alice and Wonderland time again and General Michael Flynn has chased that rabbit further down that rabbit hole in places Alice was afraid to go. Flynn now claims that the Trump virus was fabricated to distract from the 2020 election. We heard this story before, no doubt like Sandy Hook, the 600,000 dead American were just out of work actors out to get Trump. They were enacting funeral scenes. These nut cases believe Trump is at the center of universe and everything happens in that universe is because of Trump. They probably pray to Trump. Do the nutcases actually believe that a lab in the United fabricated the Trump virus and let it lose in China?

If people would have just wanted to cost Trump the 2020 election, they would not have had to kill 3,478,240 people world-wide. The CIA has drugs that are undetectable and it would appear Trump had just had a heart attack. Flynn statement shows just how delusional he is. Flynn was the one advising Trump to declare Marshall law to hold onto power and schedule new elections six months later. Flynn had also been paid to go Russia and sit beside Putin. Flynn claims the fabricated Trump virus was used to take control of society. It may have helped take some control away from the nut cases like Flynn and the Qanon crowed.

Today we have 33,896,660 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 33,882,333 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 14,327 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 604,087 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 603,876. That means that another 211 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 May, 2021 09:35 pm
Will Ted Cruz be indicted for the Jan 6 insurrection? It seems now that a connection may have been found between Cruz and one of the insurrectionists, Leroy Coffman, a 71-year-old army veteran, who was caught with 5 loaded firearms and 11 molotov cocktails at the insurrection. It seems Coffman, from Alabama, had been in touch with Cruz or is office before the insurrection, and was also a member of a Texas militia. Texas was one of the states that had supplied the most insurrectionists.

“An Alabama man charged with bringing 5 loaded fire arms and 11 molotov cocktails with napalm-properties to the US Capitol on Jan 6 approached senator Ted Cruz’s Washington home and office to discuss “election fraud” and previously joined an armed citizen militia camp at the Texas border, new court filings alleged Monday.”

There has long been speculation that the insurrectionists had help or were directed by Republican Senators or House members. The Republicans had no intention of letting the 2020 election stand as the vote count. Coffman kept additional firearms and improvised explosives at his home. The Republicans would turn America into Iraq if they can’t steal the election.

Today we have 33,922,937 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 33,896,660 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 26,277 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 604,416, yesterday the death toll stood at 604,087. That means that another 329 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 09:11 pm
Trump should begin to hear footsteps. A grand jury is being called for in New York for three days a week for the next six months. Trump says it is politically motivated. It could be that he had committed enough crimes that it is going to take 6 months just to bring charges. Trump will find it very different being in front of an actual jury instead of having the political fix with the republicans even voting to stop evidence from being heard at Trump’s impeachment trial. Trump and his allies will not be able to stop the grand jury from hearing the evidence nor will he be able to stop the jury from hearing evidence during his trial.

We know Trump is planning to go on the road again for more political rallies, Trump can be arrested where ever he is at and extradited. I wonder whether Trump will cancel his tour after he is indicted. The governor of FL is already discussing ways to protect Trump from being extradited. It looks like he can slow the process but not stop it. It is clear that Trump has committed bank fraud on several occasions. He had a pattern of valuing his properties extremely low for tax purposes and fighting prolonged fights over the property value and then valuing the property several times that when applying for bank loans on the property. Trump would tell the banks that he owned the property outright when in fact he owed millions on the property. Even if the Christian right thinks that Trump is an arc angel but the truth is about to come out.

Today we have 33,947,189 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 33,922,937 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 24,252 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 605,208 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 604,416. That means another 792 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 May, 2021 09:13 pm
In Arizona it keeps getting stranger and stranger, now they have taken away many of the key responsibilities of the secretary of state, Katie Hobbs. “The republicans in Arizona legislature voted Tuesday to strip the democratic secretary of state of election powers.” Hobbs made the mistake of criticizing the sham audit being paid for by the rich Trump donors. Even one of the Arizona state senators who voted for the audit said “it is making them look like a bunch of idiots.”

The duties of the secretary of state are being handed over to the Republican Attorney General, Mark Brnovich. If you can’t win the election, you can at least try to cheat and change the results. If the democratic secretary of state won’t go along with your scam, strip her of her powers and give them to the very partisan Republican attorney general. The Arizona republicans have it backwards you need to do your cheating before the election is certified, all you can do afterward is making a fool of yourself and the government. The Arizona republicans are still trying to figuratively storm the capitol even though that didn’t work either.

Today we have 33,971,207 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 33,947,189 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 24,018 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 606,179 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 605,208. That means that another 971 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 May, 2021 09:20 pm
Trump’s political appointees stopped having their social security taken out of their pay checks last September and now they are being required to pay the social security back. The program allowed employees to “defer” paying their social security until a later date to stimulate the economy. I remember there being a discussion about a social security deferral program but I didn’t know it was ever put in place. Evidently the program was ignored by vast majority of businesses but Trump instituted for his political appointees. Trump told his employees that it was unlikely that they would ever have to pay the social security back.

Now that Trump is gone the appointees are being told that they have to pay the money back and they are livid. They have lost their job and now have to pay back the money. They believe that Biden should not require them to pay the money back. Their first mistake was believing a word Trump had to say. A deferral program is just that a deferral program and not a stop paying social security program. The republicans are always claiming social security is going broke why allow a certain group of employees to stop paying social security? Social security had $2.9 trillion trust fund when Trump was in office and I am really surprised Trump didn’t try to steal it.

Today we have 33,999,680 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 33,971,207 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 28,473 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 607,726 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 606,179. That means that another 1,547 Americans died today from the Trump virus
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 May, 2021 09:12 pm
The filibuster, that is not a filibuster was used to stop the investigation of the Jan 6 insurrection. A filibuster use to require a senator to continue talking to tie the senate floor up, like the movie “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.” Now days you can just say you are filibustering a bill and it requires 60 votes to override the fake filibuster. This allows the guilty minority to override and stop every bill from passing. The founding fathers never intend to make it a government of the minority. The filibuster is simply a senate rule and not part of the constitution. To their credit 6 republicans did vote to override the filibuster. Kyrsten Sinema (democratic senator from Arizona) did not bother to show up for the vote along with 10 other senators.

Moscow Mitch was doing everything in his power to stop the investigation. He was asking other senators to vote to stop the investigation as “a personal favor” for him. Why are the republicans so intent on stopping a bipartisan investigation? The democrats gave the republicans everything they wanted in the bill and it was supported by the republican senator who negotiated the bill. The republicans would have equal input and could subpoena witnesses. Without finding what caused the insurrection we will be condemned to repeat it. The republicans have a short-term goal and that is to take back the House. The results of the investigation finding would probably come out next year prior to the election and could hurt their chances of taking back the House.

Today we have 34,022,657 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 33,999,680 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 22,977 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 608,961 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 607,726. That means that another 1,235 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 May, 2021 08:49 pm
Roger Stone told Infowars host, Alex Jones, that he believes that Trump will be criminally indicted. That is something Stone and I can agree on. Of course, Stone says it will be witch hunt. Bank fraud is extremely simple, if you tell the banker that you own the property free and clear to borrow millions on the property and you have already borrowed millions on that property, that is bank fraud. Bank fraud is like being pregnant, you either are or you’re not.

Trump will have to play on a neutral court this time. Trump has always been tried with half of the jury willing to look the other way while he killed people and that was exactly what happened during the insurrection. Trump was the proximate cause of the people being killed during the insurrection. Trump had bragged that he could kill people in the middle of 5th Ave and he would not lose a voter. We all got to watch that happen last Jan 6th. Trump’s jury will receive specific directions of what constitutes bank fraud and if those conditions are met, they will be duty bound to find him guilty. That will be a far cry from what the senate impeachment trials in the senate, where we knew that no amount of evidence would ever get the republicans to vote to impeach Trump.

Today we have 34,035,318 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,022,657 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 10,661 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 609,421, yesterday the death toll stood at 608,961. That means that another 460 people died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 May, 2021 09:32 pm
“A poll released last week by the Public Religion Research Institute found that nearly quarter (23percent) of republicans agreed with the statement “the government media, and financial worlds in the US are controlled by a group of Satan worshiping pedophiles who run a global child sex trafficking operation. “Furthermore 28% of republicans “true American patriots” may have to resort to violence to save the US because it has gone off tract.”

From a Newsweek article titled “Sydney Powel claims Trump “can simply be restated,” Biden told to leave White House”

We know people can have a nervous breakdown, is it possible that countries can have nervous breakdown? Some of the signs of having nervous breakdown are having a break with reality and seeing things that are not there. A quarter of republicans now believe that Satan worshiping pedophiles are running the world. They would not know a pedophile if they were looking at one, for instance Trump is a pedophile and can be verified by court records that sent the host of an “underage sex party” Trump attended to a long prison sentence.

Those that believe that they patriots and are entitled to resort to violence don’t bother me as much as those republicans that have clearly become untethered from reality and believe that there is a Satan worshiping pedophile ring running the world but the trouble is most fall into both groups.

Today we have 34,043,068 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,035,318. That means that another 7,750 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stans at 609,544 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 609,421. That means that another 123 Americans died today.
Region Philbis
Reply Mon 31 May, 2021 04:22 am
Trump is a pedophile
Matt Gaetz too, apparently...
Reply Mon 31 May, 2021 09:21 pm
It was nice to see the holiday begin to return toward normal but there is a group that is still facing the same death rate that they were facing 2 months ago. These are mostly republicans who still believe Trump that the Trump virus is no worse than the flu. This will have an effect on close elections during the 2022 election cycle. As people stop wearing masks the common cold is spreading again and that is not all that is spreading. An article on the internet listed several people that had died because they decided not to take the vaccinations or were not eligible yet. Some people who are dying were in the pipeline for a couple of months. The people that are dying are younger because a high percentage of the elderly got their vaccinations as soon as they were available.

I will always remember in H G Wells movie “War of the Worlds” it was worlds smallest life form, the germ,” that eventually killed the Martians that invaded earth. We may now be seeing a real-world version of that story as the Trump virus literally transforms America’s political balance at a time when the republican party is becoming unbalanced. America is built one vote at a time. The problem with not being vaccinated is when the masks come off the Trump virus will spread much faster among those who are not vaccinated. The cold virus is spreading 1,000s of times faster and it spreads by air the same way the Trump virus spreads. The Trump virus will spread much faster among those who are not vaccinated.

Today we have 34,113,148 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34, 043,068 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 70,080 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 609,767 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 609,544. That means that another 223 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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