The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2021 08:59 pm
Now that Trump is out of office, we are finding out why America had 25% of the cases of the Trump virus and 25% of the deaths due to the Trump virus while America has only 4% of the world’s population. This didn’t just happen by chance, Trump had to work hard at it to make it happen. Now some of the scientists that Trump personally tried to silence are beginning to speak out. Trump wanted the scientists to just be a back-up chorus for whatever he said. When Trump told the public that bleach killed the Trump virus, he expected the scientists go on air and tell the public that bleach was the cure for the Trump virus.

The trouble with Trump is he lies all time and when expert members of his administration tell the truth it makes Trump look bad. When Deborah Brix, White House COVID-19 response coordinator, gave an interview with CNN saying that the Trump virus was going to get far worse she got a huge amount of push back from the White House and Trump himself. Trump called her personally to rake her over the coals. Trump’s attitude was how dare she tell the public the truth, they are just a bunch of dumb herd animals that don’t know enough to come in out of the rain. We don’t want to frighten the dumb animals with the truth. Trump’s line was that the Trump virus was no worse than the flu and it would just disappear by summer. It turns out it was Trump that disappeared and the virus stayed.

The counter is still not working.
Region Philbis
Reply Mon 29 Mar, 2021 12:02 pm

not sure which counter you look at, but worldometer is working...
Reply Mon 29 Mar, 2021 09:44 pm
A professor at Yale University was fired for stating the truth, that Trump was insane. On Dec 5, 2019 three hundred and fifty licensed psychiatrist and other health professional sent a letter to congress stated that Trump mental health was deteriorating dangerously amid the impeachment hearings. The insurrection followed a little more than a year later. Trump’s own niece, Mary Trump a psychologist, wrote a book stating Trump was insane. Now they fired a professor for stating what many others have also said. How could this happen? The psychiatrist, Brandy Lee, also stated that almost all of Trump’s followers suffer from “a shared psychosis.” So far so good but when she stated that Alan Dershowitz, one of Trump’s top legal advisors at the time, “had “wholly taken on Trump’s symptoms by contagion.” Dershowitz contacted Yale.

Dershowitz invoked the Goldwater rule which was considered a violation of a psychiatrist ethics. When a group of psychiatrists signed a letter stating Goldwater was insane during 1964 presidential election. The Goldwater rule stated that a psychiatrist could not diagnose any public figure as being insane without an in-person exam in their office. It is a ridiculous rule that puts the public in peril without expert advice. The mentally ill are mentally ill but they are not stupid. Send them to a psychiatrist and they will be on their best behavior and do their best to conceal their illness but their actions in public will be much more informative. A diagnoses of a public person from his actions in public would be far more accurate than one made from a small fraction of time in the office.

The Bing counter is still not working

Region Philbis
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2021 04:39 am
The Bing counter is still not working

Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2021 06:36 am
@Region Philbis,
I have used the Bing counter since this started but they seem to be neglecting it now. I will check out "Worldometer." I meant to respond last night but turned the computer off before I remembered.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2021 06:37 am
@Region Philbis,
Thanks for the link that will help.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2021 09:07 pm
Many Americans have already been vaccinated for the Trump virus but there will be many who will refuse to get vaccinated. The problem is that those who don’t get vaccinated will still incubate the Trump virus and the virus will continue to mutate to forms that are far worse than the original virus. A plan to encourage those who refuse to take the vaccine is called the “vaccine passport.” After the entire public has the chance to get the vaccine the vaccine passport would allow those that had been vaccinated to return to normal life while those that refused the vaccine could not. For instance, a vaccine passport would be required to board a plane if you had not taken the vaccination you could not board. You would not be forced to take the vaccination but you would not be allowed to fly. Concerts and indoor dinning would be other places where a vaccine passport would be required

Trump made this pandemic a political football. When Trump was in office and the vaccine was developed the republicans would have been far more likely to take the vaccine and the democrats would have been more skeptical of taking the vaccine. Now that the democrats are in office the roles have reversed with the democrats are far more likely to take the vaccination while many republicans have decided it is a red badge of courage to refuse to take the vaccination. The Trump virus is the most dangerous virus to come down the road in a hundred years and could easily mutate and wipe out the human race. It should be taken very seriously. Not taking the virus is not a vote for your favorite political candidate.

Today we have 30,613,592 cases of the Trump virus, Mar 24 we had 30,223,587 cases of the Trump virus. That was the last day the counter was working. That means that 390,005 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus in those six days.

The death toll stands at 556,487 today, on March the 24 the death toll stood at 550,726. That means that another 5,761 Americans died from the Trump virus in the last 6 days.
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2021 06:23 pm
You have that exactly backwards. It's the Biden virus. Joe Biden is the one who disrupted the federal government with a frivolous impeachment for the first month of the pandemic.

It's the Trump vaccine. Mr. Trump is the one who provided the world with early vaccines.
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2021 08:59 pm
Trump said he would release his tax returns as soon as the IRS was through auditing them but six years later Trump’s tax returns have still not been released. After Trump took office, he decided that he was not going to release his tax returns because according to him the public was not interested in seeing them. At one press conference Trump had a table stacked high with paper claiming that was his tax returns but he would not let the press examine any of it. Its likely that it was just another Trump con and was nothing but blank paper with a few cover sheets.

The congress went to court to get the last six years of Trump’s tax returns but the case has lingered in court for years and is now in front of the supreme court. Every president in history has made their tax returns public with the exception of Trump. There is a reason Trump does not want his tax returns made public. Trump is a conman and is suspected of money laundering for the Russians. The amount of money in Trump’s tax return should match the amount of money in his bank accounts. Investigation in New York show the Trumps set up a dummy corporation where all the construction and maintenance materials were bought and then sold to the primary Trump corporation at hugely inflated prices. This allowed them to up the rent on their buildings using inflated prices for their materials.

The Bing counter is not working so I am going to switch to the “World Counter” that Region Philbis recommended.

Today we have 31,166,344 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday the Bing counter stood at 30,613,592. That means that another 552,752 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus. The high number is due to the use of a different counter.

The death toll stands at 565,256 today yesterday the death toll stood at 556,487. That means the counters are different.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2021 09:10 pm
The impeachment had nothing to do with the response to the Trump virus. Most politicians can chew gum and walk at the same time. Trump had already decided to lie to the public about how dangerous the Trump virus was. Trump decided the American people were too stupid to be told the truth about the Trump virus, they would panic. Long after the impeachment was over Trump was telling the public the virus would disappear by summer and the cure was to inject bleach.

Vaccines have been provided all over the world, the Russians had a vaccine 6 months before we had one and most of the vaccines are being manufactured overseas now. Trump provided nothing, if he was a congressman he could have voted for the funding of the vaccines but Trump could not even do that. The scientists now say that Trump was personally responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in America.
Reply Thu 1 Apr, 2021 02:21 am
Zardoz wrote:
The impeachment had nothing to do with the response to the Trump virus.

That is incorrect. It disrupted the federal government for the entire first month of the pandemic.

Zardoz wrote:
Vaccines have been provided all over the world, the Russians had a vaccine 6 months before we had one and most of the vaccines are being manufactured overseas now.

No thank you. I'll pass on getting a Russian vaccine.

Zardoz wrote:
Trump provided nothing, if he was a congressman he could have voted for the funding of the vaccines but Trump could not even do that.

Wrong. Mr. Trump provided the funding that gave us a bunch of vaccines much earlier than we otherwise would have gotten them.

Zardoz wrote:
The scientists now say that Trump was personally responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in America.

It reality it was Joe Biden's fault. But Mr. Trump did save us with early vaccines.
Reply Thu 1 Apr, 2021 09:10 pm
Wisconsin is suing Trump’s election attorneys for a “bad faith” election lawsuit. “Wisconsin governor, Tony Evers, has asked a federal judge to order Donald Trump $145,000 in legal fees the state spent to defend against the former president unsuccessful effort to overturn the 2020 election results.”

If you bring frivolous lawsuits you can be sued and all 60 of Trump’s lawsuits over the election were certainly frivolous. You can’t sue based on your opinion you have to have facts. You can’t allege in court that a south American dictator, who has been dead for six years, fixed the 2020 election in America. You can claim in your filing that China and George Soros fixed the election but if you have no proof it is not grounds for a lawsuit. Personal opinion does not constitute proof in a court of law. Lawsuits should be bought in all of the states that Trump filed frivolous lawsuits, they should file suit to recover expenses and punitive damages. Trump’s lawyers went to court with proof of nothing and tried to change public opinion that our election system was crooked.

Today we have 31,244,639 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 31,166,344 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 78,295 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 566,611 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 565,256. That means that another 1,355 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Apr, 2021 09:27 pm
If you heard deadly tornado was going to sweep over the White House would you worry about an impeachment that you knew there was no possible way in hell that you could lose because the political fix was in? The tornado killed over a half million Americans.
It looks like you should pass on the Johnson and Johnson vaccine made over here where 15 million doses were mixed with the wrong ingredients.
The constitution does not allow Trump to fund anything, all funding bills originate in congress.
A half a million Americans died from the Trump virus while Trump was in office less than a tenth of that amount have died while Biden has been in office and many them were already sick and dying before Trump left office. It takes about a month of suffering to die from the Trump virus.
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2021 09:01 pm
How many counts, recounts and audits are needed for the 2020 presidential election? It seems now that Arizona is going to actually have a third audit of the vote. The republican senate of Arizona will not accept the bipartisan audits. The senate has hired a firm called Cyber Ninjas. “The owner of Cyber Ninjas, Doug Logan, has reportedly been an active promoter of Trumps unverified claims of widespread election fraud in the general election last year.” What do you this republican audit will find? In spite of all the other counts, recounts and audits this so-called audit will find that Trump won by a landslide in fact every single vote will have went for Trump after the Cyber Ninjas get thru. All of Biden’s votes will be deemed illegal. Are these guys 12, who would call a firm Cyber Ninjas? The Ninjas are being paid $150,000 for this fraud. The Ninjas are not going to do audit, they are going in trying to prove a lie and I am sure they will.

There is reason we have and equal number of democrats and republicans working the elections. When we start turning the ballots over to one party or the other party and expect to get a fair result, we have a problem. The ballots should always be audited by members of both political parties. Logan has a preconceived idea and agenda. He will make the ballots fit his beliefs. Once in the hands of a partisan the ballots can not be trusted.

Today we have 31,314,625 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 31,244,639 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 69,986 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 567,610 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 566,611. That means another 999 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2021 09:26 pm
Zardoz wrote:
If you heard deadly tornado was going to sweep over the White House would you worry about an impeachment that you knew there was no possible way in hell that you could lose because the political fix was in? The tornado killed over a half million Americans.

Being put on trial is enormously disruptive. This virus hit America because Joe Biden disrupted the government with a frivolous impeachment.

Zardoz wrote:
It looks like you should pass on the Johnson and Johnson vaccine made over here where 15 million doses were mixed with the wrong ingredients.

I wasn't given the opportunity for the J&J vaccine. All they had at my clinic was Moderna. That was odd, because my state's vaccine tracker showed them getting Pfizer. But either way not J&J.

However none of the contaminated J&J vaccines were released to the public. There is nothing wrong with any J&J dose that has been released to the public.

There was recently news of thousands of Moderna doses being kept too cold during shipping. But there is no need to worry about those doses either. They were all discarded. People are only being given safe and effective vaccines.

Zardoz wrote:
The constitution does not allow Trump to fund anything, all funding bills originate in congress.

That is incorrect. The President is our leader and he guides Congress on the bills that they pass.

Zardoz wrote:
A half a million Americans died from the Trump virus while Trump was in office

That is incorrect. Half a million Americans died from the Biden virus while Mr. Trump was in office.
Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2021 09:07 pm
Just another Trump swindle, when it comes to being a crook Trump may have pulled off the biggest heist by a thief in history. When Biden was far out raising Trump $150 million in the fall of 2020. The Trump campaign had a solution swindle their donors. People who went on line to make one-time donations to the Trump campaign later found out the web site was rigged to make the contribution weekly. Cancer patients found their bank account drained by the Trump campaign, unable to pay rent or bills. Do you think Trump gave a damn? A swindler is always proud of their swindle, it is what he does. The swindle netted Trump a $122 million that is by far the biggest heist in history and he didn’t even use a gun.

The swindle was simple there was a tiny gold box on the contribution page that was pre checked that it was a weekly contribution not a one-time contribution. The Trump campaign had to return a $122 million before they all ended up in jail with Trump. You can bet the swindle was much bigger. Trump’s motto is when you can’t win, cheat. Matter of fact why wait, just cheat to start with. Remember Trump saying he was going to fund his campaign out of his own pocket? He just didn’t tell the public he intended to pick someone else’s pocket first.

Today we have 31,383,126 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 31,314,625 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 68,501 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 568,513 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 567,610. That means that another 903 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2021 09:28 pm
Trump never even attended the impeachment he was to busy figuring out how to get people to take injections of bleach.
They say none of the Johnson and Johnson were released to public but when multi million dollar mistakes are made they tend to be covered up. If they made the mistake once chances are it was made before. Like doctors drug manufacturers tend to bury their mistakes.
The House was controlled by democrats and they will not follow an idiot.
We have 24% of the Trump virus cases in the world but we have only 4% of the world's population. That say it all if Trump had done nothing we would only have 4% of the world's cases of the Trump virus or 1,255,325 vs the 31,383,126 we have. Trump made things far worse in America by telling the public it was no worse than the flu. Brazil has a leader cut from the same mold as Trump and they are in second place. Leaders make a difference and Trump led America like Custer led his men into a massacre.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2021 09:09 pm
The people who worked in the Trump administration are finally come out with the truth about Trump. “This man is a grifter, he’s is a con artist, and he’s cruel.” “We have to look back at this period and learn a lesson, and see the total damage done by bad rhetoric coming from our nations leaders and how much of an effect it can have on our country our own civility as Americans.”

That quote came from Miles Miller, who was chief of staff to Kristjen Nielsen who was head of Homeland Security. Miller gave an interview to MSNBC about the scam Trump was using to raise campaign funds. One of Trump’s victims was a cancer patient dying in Hospice. Imagine being in Hospice dying and having Trump scam you. Now in addition to all your other problems you have to deal with a conman stealing thousands from your bank account. Most of the Trump supporters got what they asked for. They knew Trump was a conman when they went on his page to make a one-time political contribution. I wonder how many of the people that were scamed by Trump out of thousands of dollars voted for him. I will bet that some of those who were being scamed and their back accounts drained every week still voted for Trump. I have dealt with victims of conmen before. I had one woman that had been scamed by the same conman four times and she wanted to know if she dealt with him again, did I think he would swindle her again? Do bears…

Today we have 31,420,331 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 31,383,126 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 37,205 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 568,677, yesterday the death toll stood at 568,513. That means that another 164 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2021 09:13 pm
Trump has trying to cover his ass over the swindling his contributors by using small print and pre-marked internet pages to make one-time contributions weekly instead. Now Trump says it was just a “mistake.“ I had been ripped off by over a $1,000 by one of the DMV offices. I went directly to the state capitol and confronted the head of the DMV she told me they make that mistake all the time. I told her no, the first time they did it was a mistake the rest of the time they did it intentionally. You don’t design a web page that changes one-time political contributions into weekly contributions unless you were running a scam. Trump’s web page design was intentional. Trump was a $150 million behind Biden and he was desperate.

Trump says that rate of one-time contributions converted to weekly contributions was less than 1% of donations. When a conman speaks always listen carefully because he will be peeing on your leg and telling you it is raining. Trump refers to total donations instead of the numbers of his supporters who were swindled which would tell us how many people were actually swindled. Everyone knows that 96% of the donations to a political candidate come from the rich.

Trump said some people gave “too much” and they refunded some of their money. There was a reason they gave too much; Trump is peeing on your leg again. They didn’t give too much; they were swindled again and again each week. Why is Trump not in jail?

Today we have 31,490,583 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 31,420,331 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 70,252 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 569,197 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 568,677. That means another 577 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Apr, 2021 08:48 pm
The Trump thugs that tried to take over the government have found themselves held without bail. Deemed dangerous because they are likely to repeat their past behavior they have been in jail since they were arrested. The thugs figured Trump would come to their rescue and pardon them but they didn’t realize that Trump pardons were going for an average of a million apiece. The lawyers did the collecting. None of the capitol thugs could afford to hire an attorney for a million.

Now the thugs are complaining about being beat by the guards. Imagine that, the very thugs that were beating and killing capitol police are now on the other end of the beatings. Sounds like a little poetic justice. Now they are hoping to use the beatings as an excuse to get out of jail free. They claim that the guards know what areas of the jail are not covered by camaras and that is where the beatings are taking place. The thugs are saying, Trump why have thou forsaken me. After the riot Trump pretty much said its everyman for himself.

Today we have 31,560,438 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 31,490,583 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 69,855 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 570,260 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 569,197. That means that another 1,063 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
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