The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2021 10:59 pm
I think you should look closely at the graph of the Trump virus cases that hightor posted. Figures don't lie and neither do graphs.

It will always be the Trump virus, Trump not only did worse than any other leader in the world, he did 6 times worse than any other world leader.
To be a leader you have to earn the respect of others, not even the republicans respected Trump, they are afraid of an incompetent thug. Congress decides what they will budget the money for and Trump's only power is to veto the bill.
You are not protected from a 25 lb fire extinguisher throw at your head, it could easily break your neck and the tiny helmets are not designed to protect anyone from 25 lb. objects. The two bombs could have killed dozens. Many people have been killed with objects that weighted far less than 25 lb.
There is film of the person that planted the pipe bombs and you can bet that he was at the demonstration. The FBI believes the pipe bombs were planted as a diversionary tactic meant to draw the capital police away from the capitol to make it easier for the Trump terrorist to storm the capitol. The bomber could have planted the pipes bombs any day but they were planted and set to go off during the riot.

This was a fair and honest as any election in history and that has been affirmed by 60 courts of law. Trump started his song and dance that the election was crooked before his first election. Trump has always said there is absolutely no way he could ever loss an election. Georgia was a republican state run by all republicans why would they cheat to make a democrat win? They would not.
The very judges that Trump appointed found there was nothing wrong with election, Trump own election officials said the election was the fairest in history, Trump attorney general also said that Trump lost fair and square only Trump and a few of his conmen tried to pull off the biggest heist in history.
It was not just democrats many republican judges ruled that there was no proof of any cheating.
Biden had nothing to do with Trump impeachment. Trump and only Trump was responsible for his impeachment. It was Trump that told people that injecting bleach would cure the Trump virus and not to worry because the Trump virus would just go away by summer. By telling the Trump terrorist to liberate the states to force them to open way too soon Trump made a situation a disaster. ____________________________________________________
Trump had nothing to do with the vaccine he can't allocate money and he is not a scientist. Trump would have people mainlining bleach after he found out bleach killed the Trump virus. That is how much Trump understood about the Trump virus.
Trump provided no leadership except leading fools to mainline bleach to kill the Trump virus.

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Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2021 10:21 pm
Of the 800 Trump terrorists who broke into the capitol nearly 300 have been arrested and charged. This is going to tie up the Federal court system for years. They have a video of a man throwing a hammer at the police guarding the entrance to capitol. The hammer traveled at least forty feet. Make no mistake about it the Trump terrorist were at the capitol to kill people. The man throwing the hammer is labeled Bearded Hammer and thousands of volunteers are helping the FBI identify the Trump terrorist. When they identify one of the Trump terrorists, they send the identifying pictures, the name, address, phone number and social posts to the FBI so they can be arrested.

The Trump terrorists were using axe handles and lacrosse or hockey sticks disguised as flag holders. They used bear spray and fire extinguishers loaded with pepper spray. The bear spray is suspected of causing the death of a capitol police officer. More than 20 people have been charged with conspiracy, accused of planning and coordinating their assault on the capitol. They are facing 20 years in prison. Faced with more 20 years in jail many of the Trump terrorists are turning those that were further up in the conspiracy.

Today we have 29,337,446 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 29,293,090 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 44,356 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 531,398 today, yesterday it stood at 530,614. That means that another 784 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Tue 9 Mar, 2021 10:07 pm
Six republican senators are going to retiree by 2022. Fewer and fewer politicians want to be associated with the party of Trump. It looks like even Moscow Mitch is going to retire, he wants to change the law in Kentucky so that he can pick his successor the law as it stands now lets the governor, who is a democrat, pick the McConnell replacement to finish out his term. McConnell want to change the law and let the republican party pick the successor. This shows McConnell is serious about leaving but does not want to let democrats get another vote in the senate.

The trouble is it is the middle of the road republicans who are getting the hell out of dodge. The Trump imitators are not the ones that are retiring. There will be two qualifications for republicans who want to hold public office. They will either have to be an idiot or crazy but if they are both that would be ideal. We saw 140 republican House members not only embraced the big lie but try to do everything in their power to take the election away from the clear winner and give it to the loser. If they will believe the big lie what else will they believe?

Today we have 29,402,796 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 29,337,446 cases of the Trump virus. That mans that another 65,350 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 533,119 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 531,398. That means that another 1,721 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2021 10:12 pm
Now another tape of Trump trying to pressuring a Georgia election official into fixing the election has come to light. Francis Watson is the chief investigator in the Georgia Secretary of State office. Trump is always running a scam and he wanted the signatures checked against the same voter’s signature 2 years or 4 years ago. The signatures are checked when the voter votes. What Trump wanted is to have the signatures checked in the counties he lost. If you had a Trumpie checking the signatures they would throw out every vote for Biden claiming they were not exact but even votes for Trump marked with an X would be claimed as exact matches. That is why polling places officials are evenly divided with both democrats and republicans.

It will be interesting to see what Trump is charged with in Georgia. There are now two recorded conversations with Georgia election officials with the clear intent of forcing them to change the election results. That is clearly election interference. Trump wanted to make sure that Watson was not going to take any time off after Christmas because Jan 6th was coming up fast. Even if Trump succeeded in flipping Georgia he would have still lost, but Trump tells Watson that he will flip another state.

Today we have 29,465,761 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 29,402,769 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 62,992 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 534,736 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 533,119. That means that another 1,617 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2021 10:02 pm
Former acting Defense Secretary under Trump, Christopher Miller said that without Trump enraging the crowd the capitol riot would have never taken place. When Miller was asked how come it took so long for the national guard to be deployed to the capitol he said, “that is just the way the military works.” What if it had been a group of terrorists from a foreign country attacking the Capitol? Would it take over three hours 3 hours before the national guard arrived to protect the capitol? If a well-armed-terrorists had attacked the capitol most of the congressmen would be dead while the military was still waiting to make a decision as to how it would appear if the national guard was sent in. One thing this has done is revealed a weakness that foreign terrorist can help but to exploit. If it takes that long to respond to capitol it would take much longer to respond to softer targets like corporations. One of the keys to military preparedness is how fast you can respond to a crisis. The FBI said if the capitol police had been better prepared, they could have stopped the rioters. That is ridiculous a 150-police could never stop a mob of 10,000.

We now know that at least 30 of the rioters were military veterans. It came to light that one of the rioters was a member of the crew of Marine one the helicopter that flew Trump. It seems that more and more members of the Trump administration were among the rioters.

Today we have 29,506,986 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 29,465,761 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 41,225 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 535,758 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 534,736. That means that another 1,022 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2021 09:56 pm
The COVID relief bill passed and will give 85% of Americans the $1,400 per person. None of the republicans voted for the bill. This shows how important the senate races in Georgia were. If the republicans had won even one of the senate races in Georgia there would be no $1,400 this weekend. The republicans see absolutely nothing wrong with giving a $100 billion to the airlines, but that is alright because that $100 billion goes to richest 1% who own most of the stock. Now the republicans are suddenly concerned about the deficit again but when they passed Trump $10 trillion tax cut for the ungodly greedy there was not one word of concern about the deficit from the republicans.

The COVID relief bill is a one-time cost of $1.9 trillion but the Trump tax cut for the ungodly greedy cost $1 trillion every year. The republicans said the tax cut would stimulate the economy and generate more taxes it didn’t and the tax cut is still costing us a trillion dollars a year. If the republicans are truly concerned about the deficit, they would immediately repeal Trump’s tax cut for the ungodly greedy and save a trillion dollars each and every year. After the Trump tax cuts many companies listed on the stock exchange who are not paying once cent in taxes. As far as stimulating the economy the COVID relief bill will stimulate the economy 10 times as much because the money goes into the hands of those who will spend it, the ungodly greedy have seven figure bank accounts and no use for the huge tax cuts.

Today we have 29,506,986 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 29,506,986 cases of the Trump virus. That means the counter is down today.

The death toll stands at 533,578 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 535,758. That means the counter is down.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Mar, 2021 10:17 pm
Chris Wallace, of Fox News, called out former White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow for hypocrisy. Kudlow is now saying that the recent $1.9 trillion relief bill will “kill the economy” because what he said would be an inevitable rise in the national deficit. The trouble is when Kudlow was working for Trump, he raised the deficit by 36% by cutting taxes on the ungodly greedy and told the country how much it would spur the economy.

When Clinton left office, he had a balanced budget and the first thing baby Bush did was give the ungodly greedy two rounds of tax cuts and that started the deficits back. The republicans chanted “give the people back their money” of course people meant only the ungodly greedy while taxes on the middle class were raised.

The republican explanation for what is causing the deficit is social security and Medicare. The problem is that social security is paid out of a multi trillion trust fund and is not adding a single penny to the national debt but the four massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy cut the tax income and made the deficits instantly. The republicans say if you cut taxes you will collect even more taxes than before. According to that theory if you cut taxes to zero you would collect the maximum taxes.

Today we have 29,633,697 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 29,506,986 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 126,711 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 538,918 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 535,578 That means that another 3,340 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Mar, 2021 09:06 pm
Trump has set an example for the rest of the republicans, the way to get elected is to lie and lie some more. Trump certainly paid no price for the lies he told. His followers would just say that all politicians lie so Trump’s 12,000 documented lies should just be ignored. In Ohio Josh Mandel is running for senator Rob Portman’s seat in 2022. Mandell has already lost two senate campaigns. Mandell’s home town newspaper warns that Mandell will try to lie his way through his senate campaign and they will not cover his lies any longer. We should not be surprised that lying is the new republican campaign strategy after all Trump showed that nobody cares if they are lied to.

It always surprised how easily Trump’s followers dismissed his lying. In America we have went from a man’s word was his bond to Trump. The last generation highly valued honesty one of the best things that could be said about any man was that he was honest. Honesty makes our economy possible, if everyone lied about what they sold you could not trust anyone. What if a car salesman showed you car that had only 32,000 miles on it on Friday but when you returned on Monday to buy it another salesman showed you the same car but now it had only 18,000 miles on it? Would you do business with that dealership? All of the cars on their lot were now suspect because they lied. Conmen, like Trump, have different rules and lack any values. To conmen lies are valuable they allow them to swindle people and those that believes their lies are just suckers.

Today we have 29,676,645 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 29,633,697 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 42,948 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 540,452 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 538,913. That means that another 1,539 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2021 09:02 pm
Today the FBI finally identified and charged the thugs that assaulted the capitol police that died and others with bear spray. One of the men was from WV and the other from Pennsylvania. They have 9 charges against them but they have not been charged with murder yet. They have not been able to determine the exact cause of death of the capitol policeman. The thugs were able to disable four capitol policemen with their bear spray. If you directly breathed enough of the bear spray and had an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients it might kill you. The FBI had details of the thugs’ conversation during the attack somebody was evidently recording the conversation.

Evidently these thugs were not overly bright, after all who knew that you could not assault the police with bear spray and not be charged with a crime. If thar recording was done by the thugs themselves they are stupider than most. Given a chance most criminals get rid of the evidence, saving it for souvenir will make their conviction much easier.

Today we have 29,719,808 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 29,676,645 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 43,163 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 541,030 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 540,452. That means that another 578 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2021 09:10 pm
One thing about it, if you are going to beat Trump in an election you also have to beat Russia. Intelligence reports released today show that Russia again worked the election for Trump. “Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized a range of intelligence operations intended to hurt Joe Biden’s presidential campaign and support President Trump’s reelection…” It was nice to see that Russia lose the election this time. Social Media did a lot to keep Russian’s bots from controlling our social media this time.

Reports coming out of the military showed they did not want to protect capitol. They wanted to exhaust all other law enforcement agencies before using the national guard. They were much more worried about how it would appear if the military sent in the national guard. The military exists for one reason to protect America from all enemies domestic and foreign. The military pointed out that the national guard doesn’t defend the local Rite Aid when there is a demonstration but Rite Aide is not the seat of government the capitol is. The insurrection showed that the military was a complete and total failure when it came to protecting the capitol from domestic terrorists. One can only hope that a quick response strike force will be in place next time Trump tries to take over the government.

Today we have 29,788,154 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 29,719,808 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 68,346 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 542,304 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 541,030. That means that another 1,274 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Mar, 2021 09:29 pm
Another of Trump’s claims used to make the big lie was shown to be just another fraud. The US Postal Inspectors have concluded their investigation into allegations that mail in ballots received after Nov 3 were back dated so they would be counted in the election. This claim was widely touted by Trump and other conservative groups as the reason Trump lost Pennsylvania. “Richard Hopkins, a mail carrier in Erie alleged in November that he overheard the local Postmaster discussing backdating ballots received after the November 3rd vote and pass them off to election officials as legitimate.”

“But Hopkins soon recanted, officials from the Postal Service’s Office of Inspector General told Congress on November 10th and the new investigation confirmed. In an interview with federal agents, Hopkins “revised his initial claims, eventually stating he had not heard a conversation about ballots at all-rather he saw he saw the Postmaster and Supervisor and assumed it was it was about fraudulent ballot backdating.”

The key word is “assumed” he assumed the conversation was about committing fraud. Hopkins admitted that he could not recall any specific words of the conversation. Hopkins had been disciplined many times recently. The rightwing media claims the main stream media won’t print the story but rightwing media will print the lies but they won’t print the truth after the investigation. Hopkins was featured as a hero at the recent CPAC convention and the right collected $236,000 to pay him while he is suspended.

Today we have 29,846,814 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 29,788,154 cases of the trump virus. That means that another 58,660 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 543,481 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 542,304. That means that another 1,177 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Mar, 2021 09:15 pm
The filibuster in the senate makes it possible for the minority to prevent passage of any bill. As originally conceived a senator would have to take the floor and continue to speak for 24 or more hours to delay the vote on a bill. It has been modified now that to move any bill through congress it takes 60 votes on any procedure. This has led to endless grid lock making it impossible for the government to function. During Obama term in office the republicans swore to obstruct Obama agenda completely. The basic functions of government were indeed obstructed and a budget could not be passed most years.

The republicans have again decided to block Biden’s agenda and the democrats are discussing doing away with the filibuster and Moscow Mitch is having fits. When it comes to appointing judges the filibuster has already been eliminated and Moscow Mitch was able to run the most extreme rightwing judges through and he loved it, the democrats could not stop them but Moscow Mitch does not want the filibuster on other bills eliminated.

Moscow Mitch is threatening a “Scorched Earth Senate” where the republicans would refuse to show up to prevent a quorum. If there is no quorum the senate cannot convene. The senate is a fifty/fifty split but the vice president is not a senator and would not count toward a quorum. The republicans could just set at home for the next four years and draw their $174,000 salary and obstruct the government at the same time.

Today we have 29,846,814 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 29,846,814 cases of the Trump virus. That means the counter is not working today.

The death toll stands at 543,841 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 543,841. That means that the counter is not working today.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Mar, 2021 08:49 pm
After the Jan 6th insurrection reliable information pointed at congressmen as providing the rioters with help from within the capitol. A rule was passed to prevent possible members of the insurrection from carryings guns on the House floor. Congressmen were required to go through the metal detector. Of course, there are other ways in to avoid the metal detector and you would expect the congressmen who were involved in the insurrection to avoid the metal detector. The current rules forbid congressmen from carrying a gun on the House floor the new rule only required them to go through the metal detector.

Representative Andrew Clyde of (R) Georgia and Representative Lewis Gohmert (R) Texas, have both avoid going through the metal detector and been fined. Imagine setting next to a guy that had been part of the insurrection, that had been chanting to kill people and now they decided to avoid the metal detector so he could carry a gun on the House floor which is against the existing rule. When you belong to organization you are bound by the rules of the organization. Clyde wants to make a federal case out his $15,000 fine. There are many places you can’t carry a gun and congress is one of them. Congressional debate is often contentious and feeling are hurt, it is not a place where guns should be carried. What do you think would happen if boxers were allowed to carry guns? Many boxing matches would end in gun fire.

Today we have 30,011,181 cases of the Trump virus, three days ago we had 29,846,814. That means that another 164,367 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus in the last three days.

The death toll stands at 547,543 today, three days ago the death toll stood at 543,841. That means in the last three days 3,702 Americans died from the Trump virus.

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Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2021 09:07 pm
Now it looks like the DC prosecuting attorney office is looking into prosecuting Trump for the Jan 6th insurrection. Many of those who have been arrested gave the same explanation for their actions. Soccer moms from Ohio said “I did this because my president said I had to take back our house.”

Of all the people who have been charged because of the insurrection Trump is the most culpable and it would be a travesty if he is not charged. Remove Trump from the equation and there is no insurrection. The demonstration would have started and ended where the original permit allowed. Trump and his allies had planned this for a particular day and a particular time and a particular place. The rioters would not have marched on the House if not directed to do so by Trump. You need to cut the head off the snake if you intend to kill it, if you just cut a piece of the snake tail off the snake will go on its way. So far 300 charges have been bought but only those that are essentially made up the tail of snake.

Today we have 30,054,603 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 30,011,181 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 43,422 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 548,171 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 547,543. That means that another 628 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2021 09:03 pm
Trump is after Moscow Mitch calling him weak and saying he is not going to endorse him in his next election. Trump believes his endorsement is necessary for any republican to get elected. The reality is that most other republicans got elected in 2020 and it was Trump that lost while other republicans won. Trump endorsed both Georgia senate candidates and both of them lost in a republican state. Trump endorsed the Alabama child molester for senate and he lost.

There are many republicans that are kissing Trump ass to make sure he will endorse them in their next election. Why would you want the endorsement of a loser, a man who could not win his own election? When you get the endorsement Trump you get the endorsement of QAnon so you can keep watch on Jews from outer space with laser beams starting California wild fires. It will be time to invite a Nazi to dinner along with his friends with large white robes at the KKK. The Proud Boys will be more than happy to provide security at your next event and storm the capitol when you give the word. Why would anyone want to be endorsed by this racist?

Conmen are good of creating an illusion. Trump is creating the illusion that no republican can get elected without his endorsement. Moscow Mitch has been elected since 1985 long before Trump started budding up to the Nazis and the KKK. Moscow Mitch would get elected without Trump’s endorsement because a senior senator can bring back billions to his state because of his seniority and power in the senate. It is almost impossible to beat a senior senator.

Today we have 30,104,069 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 30,054,603 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 49,466 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 548,613 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 548,171. That means another 442 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2021 08:55 pm
The Trump scam is coming to an end, now one of Trump’s lead attorneys says in court, “That no reasonable people would believe her election fraud claims.” Sidney Powell say that it was never proof simply her opinion. Powell is now reaping the whirlwind for he many lies in court and to the public. She is the defendant in a $1.5 billion dollar lawsuit. Her lies did major damage to businesses who manufacture voting machines and they are looking to recover their lost revenue from Powell’s personal assets.

The problem is there are a lot people in America who are not reasonable and believes anything anyone in authority says in a press conference. How can you take 60 cases to court with no proof and insist it was just your opinion?

Trump was considering making Sydney Powell a special counsel to investigate voter fraud. She would not have to look far as she was the one responsible for the biggest fraud in history. This was the biggest voter fraud in history where they tried to have the loser of the presidential election made president. It looks like Powell’s attorneys are no smarter than she is.

Today we have 30,104,069 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 30,104,069 cases of the Trump virus. That means counter is malfunctioning again today.

The death toll stands at 548,613 today, yesterday the death toll was 548,613. That means the counter is down.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2021 09:04 pm
They say the good men do in life dies with them but the evil they do lives on. Certainly, the evil Trump did will long out live him. Every republican legislature is trying to rewrite history or at least to make laws to prevent it from happening again. Judges that ruled against Trump’s outrageous lies are targeted for removal. How dare a judge rule against Trump. The state legislatures are making laws to take the power vested in local election boards and secretaries of state away and put it in the hands of the legislatures. That way when Trump asked the state legislature to overturn the election the legislatures could declare Trump the winner no matter what the vote count was. Trump called the state legislatures from Michigan to white house after he lost the election in an attempt to have the legislature overturn the election.

Georgia is one of the states trying to vest the power of elections in the legislature instead of the bipartisan election boards. There is a reason why both democrats and republicans are equally represented by election workers. This law would inject politics into the equation completely corrupting our election process for years to income. The people making the decisions would make them based on partisan politics. Our election system worked where Biden won even republican states and the courts ruled Trump’s lies were just that.

Today we have 30,223,587 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 30,104,069 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 119,518 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 550,726 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 548,613. That means that another 2,113 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Mar, 2021 09:04 pm
Trump was planning an insurrection so he could invoke the Insurrection Act and stay in power. I will give Trump credit he had come up with more ways to cheat the American people out of the election than anyone in history. Imagine staging an insurrection and using it to stay in power, only a true conman like Trump would come up with that one. The FBI had claimed they were not warned that the insurrection was going to happen but now “ Parler” a right wing web site has released some of the posts on their site about the insurrection that were forwarded to the FBI 6 days before the actual insurrection took place and the FBI simply ignored them.

“This is the final stand where we are drawing the red line at the capitol hill. I trust the American people will take back the USA with force and many are ready to die to take back #USA so remember this is not a party until they announce #Trump 2020 is a winner…. And don’t be surprised if we take the capitol building.”

The rioter needed to cause “chaos” so he could invoke the Insurrection Act, wrote lawyers Michael S Dry and Ephraim “Fry” Wernick of the firm Vinson and Elkins.

So, the rioters were directed by a law firm to cause chaos but the FBI ignored everything. The FBI said the information could not be distinguish from “boasts.” If the FBI received information tomorrow that 150,000 Islamic terrorists were coming to Washington to take the capitol, they would just write it off as a boast and not even bother to look out the window at the 150,000 rioters.

Today we have 30,223,587 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 30,223,587 cases of the Trump virus. That means the counter has not been updated.

The death toll stands at 550,726 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 550,726. That means the counter has not been updated.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2021 09:24 pm
In the republican’s brave new America, it is illegal to hand food or drink to anyone standing in line to vote and the NRA is worried about gun rights but Georgia has actually passed a law that no one can give food or drink to people who have been standing in line 8 hours to vote. We are moving back to the good old days of racism where blacks were refused service at restaurants. That basically means you can not feed people who are hungry. I suspect as soon as that law is taken to court it will be thrown out so far you will need a space ship to find it. I have to wonder what the republicans put in as penalties for giving food or drink to someone? Life in prison or just 20 years. This is very blatant attempt to stop certain people from voting.

The law also mandates those voting absentee ballots provide a driver license. This would require use of a copy machine to provide a copy of that picture ID. Everything you do to make it harder to vote will stop thousands from voting. This is being done to make sure that Trump would have won. The republicans win elections by making sure people don’t vote instead of finding a candidate who can win a fair election.

Today we have 30,223,587 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 30,223,587 cases of the Trump virus. That means the counter is still not working.

The death toll stands at 550,726 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 550,726. That means the counter is not working.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Mar, 2021 08:55 pm
As cases, having to do with the capitol insurrection, are proceeding through court, we are finding it was at best a disorganized attack. We know that we have organized and disorganized criminals. In this case we know that the rioters had a common goal, to keep Trump in office, but the different elements were not organized or coordinated with each other. It was sort of each group for itself. The riot was intended to produce cover and distraction to allow the proud boys and the Oath Keepers to carry out a military strike on the capitol but the rioters got in the way and impeded the proud boys and oath keepers from accomplishing their intended mission, stopping the certification of the election, it was delayed but not stopped.

Once the rioters got to capitol there was no clear leader to direct the mob. Without a clear leader you will have chaos. There was actually a plan to bring weapons across the Potomac in a boat to supply the mob. The riot was bad but a mob supplied with assault weapons would have been far worse. Many of the rioters have not been charged and have simply went underground. These people have not gone away and are now using encrypted communication. People learn from their mistakes and the rioters are no different they won’t make the same mistakes again. They are already looking at how to get guns to the riot by crossing the river.

The counter is still down for some reason.
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