The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sat 27 Feb, 2021 08:01 am
We (the nation, not just Michigan) are about to be clobbered by the UK strain of the virus. Cases of the UK strain have been doubling exponentially throughout the country, and pretty soon the numbers are going to skyrocket.

If we're lucky, we'll have most people over age 60 vaccinated by then, and enough monoclonal antibodies to help high risk patients under age 60, but we're in a race against time. If things go badly we'll have another round of mass graves and overwhelmed hospitals triaging who they can treat.
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Reply Tue 2 Mar, 2021 06:17 pm
It is nice to have internet service for a while. The electric, the internet and the phone service have all been coming and going since the three ice storms. It looks like a war zone here with so many trees down. I lost at least 30 trees some were over hundred feet. It will take years just get all the trees cut up.

The CPAC conference finished up with Trump still pushing his big lie that he won the election in landslide, despite the reality that he lost by 7 million votes. It is one thing for Trump to push the lie but CPAC is being used as a vehicle to push the lie. In a lot people's mind that legitimizes the lie. It doubtful that there will ever be a presidential election that every loser will claim that he really won the election that evil doers, or who ever else he can make up (fill in blank), cheated him out of a victory.

Elections lie at the heart of our democracy, they are the backbone that sustains our government by casting continual doubt on the legitimacy of our elections will spur long term consequences. Trump went into office claiming the election was fixed because Hillary won the popular vote and it was not possible. Trump claimed that 3 million illegal votes were cast and that is why he lost the popular vote. After he was president he established a commission to find those illegal votes. They did not find any voter fraud and soon disbanded and left Trump with his first big lie proved wrong. Who won this election? The Russians because Trump left America far weaker than he found it.

Today we have 29,
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Mar, 2021 06:36 pm
Supplement I hit the tab too soon.

Today we have 28,936,161 cases of the Trump virus, last Friday we had 28,761,741 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 174,420 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus in that 4 day time period.

The death toll stands at 519,735 today, Friday the death toll stood at 515,138. That means that another 4,597 Americans died from the Trump virus in the last four days.
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Reply Tue 2 Mar, 2021 06:57 pm
When Biden took office on Jan 20 the new cases of the Trump virus were falling at almost a geometric rate and they have continued to go down. Trump spread the virus throughout the land bring infected people back into America and spreading to every corner of the country. Then he called on states to be "liberated" way too soon after the first wave of the Trump virus creating a much bigger second wave not to mention making half of the country think that a mask was just an anti-conservative political statement.

Trump committed the worst crime in the history of America, five people died, he tried to make himself a dictator. Trump should have been hung on the White House lawn and he would have if he was tried in front of jury. That was treason and even Moscow Mitch said Trump was guilty as hell and it is not over. McConnel believed he should be tried before a criminal jury and once the politics are gone, Trump would be looking at a hangman's noose. Trump is no better than Benedict Arnold.

Trump developed nothing the scientists had to step in and clean Trump's mess up. All Trump did was try and take credit for scientist's hard work.
Reply Tue 2 Mar, 2021 07:14 pm
It's not the Trump virus; it's the Biden virus. Joe Biden is the person who inflicted it on America.

A peaceful protest against progressive bullying is hardly the worst crime in American history.

Mr. Trump spent billions of dollars on research that brought us early vaccines against the Biden virus.
Reply Wed 3 Mar, 2021 03:34 am
Joe Biden is the person who inflicted it on America.

How'd that happen? He hasn't had the virus yet, so he wasn't a super-spreader like Trump. Nor was he in office, so he wasn't the one who flubbed the early response. He wasn't in a position to design or direct public health agencies, although unlike Trump, he never told us the virus would simply disappear and we'd be filling the churches on Easter Sunday.
A peaceful protest against progressive bullying is hardly the worst crime in American history.

Breaking into the Capitol, vandalizing it, and beating and killing police officers isn't a " peaceful protest against progressive bullying".
Mr. Trump spent billions of dollars on research that brought us early vaccines against the Biden virus.

Trump spent nothing. That money was the country's money, not his. Congress authored and designed the Covid-19 response, Trump simply officiated its implementation with his signature. He was simply performing a function — he wasn't "spending" billions because it wasn't his to spend.

Reply Wed 3 Mar, 2021 06:49 pm
hightor wrote:
How'd that happen?

For the entire first month of the pandemic the federal government was disrupted with a frivolous impeachment to help Mr. Biden's election chances.

hightor wrote:
Breaking into the Capitol, vandalizing it, and beating and killing police officers isn't a " peaceful protest against progressive bullying".

"Breaking into the Capitol and vandalizing it" is a peaceful protest.

Most of the protesters had nothing to do with assaulting any police officer.

It has yet to be proved that any police officer was killed by a protester. It is possible that it happened though.

hightor wrote:
Trump spent nothing. That money was the country's money, not his. Congress authored and designed the Covid-19 response, Trump simply officiated its implementation with his signature. He was simply performing a function — he wasn't "spending" billions because it wasn't his to spend.

That is incorrect. Mr. Trump's leadership directed billions of dollars into the production of early vaccines.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Mar, 2021 10:07 pm
Tomorrow is the day that Trump is supposed to be put back in office as president, at least that is what QAnon is telling people and Q is pig farmer in the Philippines and we know he knows what is going on in America. This time they are not taking any chances and the House held its scheduled votes for the 4th on Wednesday evening so the Trump terrorists can take over the capital again. One republican congressman is calling for Trump to call off his terrorists but there is no chance of that happening. They even have a picture on their site of Trump and his wife riding back into Washington on a Harley.

Some of our popular religious cults started as end of the world cults. When they gathered for the end of the world and it didn’t happen, they simply picked a new date over and over again. Now the Trump terrorist have picked a new date on the 20th of May when the military will bring Trump back to power. The Trump terrorists will just continue to set new dates like the religious cults. The Trump terrorists maybe better off predicting the end of the world.

It was interesting to note some of military may have taken the side of the rioters, not by direct participating but making sure the nation guard was not dispatched for 3 hours and 19 minutes. One of the generals contacted about sending the guard in was Michael Flynn brother. The idea was to let the Trump terrorists kill the current government before the guard was sent in. When the black lives demonstrations were taking place, the national guard was sent in immediately without delay.

Today we have 29,066,212 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 28,936,161 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 130,151 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 523,852 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 519,735. That means that another 4,117 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Mar, 2021 10:13 pm
The Trump virus had been ragging for nearly a year before Biden began to get it under control.

When you break an enter a government building with murder on their mind it is not a demonstration it is an insurrection with intent to take over the government.

Trump can't spend one cent all spending is controlled and authorized by the congress. Trump's only power is to veto the spending bills.
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2021 04:05 am
It's not a Trump virus. Mr. Biden brought it to America, so it's a Biden virus.

Mr. Trump is the one who got the Biden virus under control. He funded research that produced early vaccines to protect us.

None of the protesters had murder on their mind, so your statement is untrue to begin with. And since the goal was protest against an illegitimate president, it was a demonstration not an insurrection.

Presidents also have the power to sign bills and to direct funding within the government. And as president, Mr. Trump was the leader who guided Congress on what legislation they should pass. Congress merely voted on programs that were created with Mr. Trump's leadership.
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2021 05:14 am
It's not a Trump virus. Mr. Biden brought it to America, so it's a Biden virus.

oralloy, I don't think you can honestly say that "Mr. Biden brought it to America":
The virus, which would spark a pandemic, was first reported in China on December 31, 2019. Halfway across the world, on January 19, a man who had returned home to Snohomish County, Washington near Seattle on January 15, after traveling to Wuhan, checked into an urgent care clinic after seeing reports about the outbreak.

Mr. Biden was not implicated in this event nor in any of the other early cases. To blame him for the pandemic detracts from your credibility. Mr. Biden has remained free of the covid-19 infection.
Mr. Trump is the one who got the Biden virus under control.

oralloy, I don't think you can honestly say that "Mr. Trump is the one who got the Biden virus under control".

This graph tells a different story:

None of the protesters had murder on their mind...

Apparently some of them did because they arrived with weapons and body armor — they were prepared to instigate violence and resist authority. You don't know what was "on their mind" and the ensuing events cannot be denied.

And since the goal was protest against an illegitimate president, it was a demonstration not an insurrection.

There was, and is, no "illegitimate president"; even though they organized under that misapprehension their presence does not legitimate the lie of a stolen election. The demonstration turned into an anti-government riot and at that point it became an insurrection, " an act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government."

Presidents also have the power to sign bills and to direct funding within the government.

"The president proposes, Congress disposes." The president can only authorize the legislation provided to him by the Congress.

Congress merely voted on programs that were created with Mr. Trump's leadership.

Actually, many of Trump's ideas and proposals were not included in the various covid relief bills because these bills are drawn up by legislators, not dictated by the president. Trump merely signed them into law.

Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2021 09:54 pm
It looks like Trump was a no show today, his Harley must have broken down somewhere a long the way. No doubt QAnon will have other dates when they believe Trump will arises from the ashes and take power again besides the 20th of May. There will not be any shortage of people who will believe whatever QAnon tells them.

We are finding out more about the insurrection as the investigation turns up more information. By checking the Trump terrorists phones the FBI has uncovered that the Trump terrorists were in touch with people inside the capitol not only before the insurrection but during the insurrection. It is quite likely that republican congressmen were either aiding and abetting or directing the insurrection from inside the capital which would explain how easily the Trump terrorists located key congressional offices. The republican congressmen were given the Trump terrorists tours of the tunnels under the capitol that are used to hide the congressman when the capitol is under attack. They were all wearing Trump MAGA hats.

Many of the Trump terrorists that were arrested after the insurrection are being held without bond. They mistakenly thought that Trump would pardon them and now they are angry. The Trump terrorist that was pictured with his feet up on Nancy Pelosi’s desk had an angry outburst at the judge in his hearing today because some of the other Trump terrorist made bail.

Today we have 29,130,219 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 29,066,212 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 64,007 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 525,560 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 523,852. That means that another 1,708 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2021 10:14 pm
We have only 4% of the world population but have 25% of the world's Trump virus. We also have 25% of the world's deaths from the Trump virus. No world leader has done worse. Trump owns it and always will. In history books it will be known as the Trump virus.

Do you think that there was any way in hell if someone did their absolute best to make sure America got more of the Trump virus that we could get 25% 0f the deaths in the world from the Trump virus? It would not be possible only an absolute idiot could pull that off. Trump cannot fund anything only congress can fund anything all funding originates in congress.

I see you have never been to lynching when an angry crowd starts chanting hang Pence and erects a gallows complete with a noose they are serious. The only reason Pence was not lynched was the crowd could not get their hands on him. If Pence was the only thing keeping Trump from getting a second term the Trump terrorists would have happily hung him.

Trump could not lead a drunk cat let a lone congress. The money has to be allocated by congress for a certain purpose. Trump's one and only power is to veto spending bills and congress can override his veto.

Reply Fri 5 Mar, 2021 10:02 pm
Now it is time for Trump to start to face the music. Moscow Mitch, in his closing argument at Trump’s impeachment trial, said that Trump could face both civil and criminal penalties for organizing the insurrection. One of those civil lawsuits was filed today by Rep Eric Swalwell over the Jan 6th insurrection. Trump will have to be deposed for the lawsuit and will be required to testify in court. In a civil trial you cannot take the 5th because there is no criminal penalty involved. Trump cannot do anything but lie and lie some more. Trump can no longer use the president’s office to keep him from testifying. Any evidence gathered at the civil trial can be used to bring criminal charges in a criminal trial. Lying in court of law is a crime and can put Trump behind bars.

Trump told over 12,000 documented lies in his four years in office. He simply cannot stop lying. People lie for many different reasons, some for personal gain, others lie to impress other people, still others lie for no apparent reason, they make up the most outrageous stories that nobody would every believe. Others are malicious liars and use lies like weapons to hurt others. I worked with a guy that would tell the wildest stories and everyone knew they were lies, but it never phased the guy. Other than the lying he was a good guy. He died last year. One thing science has found is that at least some liars have a defect in their brain that can be treated with medication. Maybe some of Trump’s lies are just a result of a brain disfunction but many of Trump’s lies are intentional.

Today we have 29,193,273 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 29,130,219 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 63,054 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 527,917 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 525,560. That means anther 2,357 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2021 12:59 pm
hightor wrote:
oralloy, I don't think you can honestly say that "Mr. Biden brought it to America":
The virus, which would spark a pandemic, was first reported in China on December 31, 2019. Halfway across the world, on January 19, a man who had returned home to Snohomish County, Washington near Seattle on January 15, after traveling to Wuhan, checked into an urgent care clinic after seeing reports about the outbreak.

Mr. Biden was not implicated in this event nor in any of the other early cases. To blame him for the pandemic detracts from your credibility. Mr. Biden has remained free of the covid-19 infection.

Mr. Biden disrupted the federal government with a frivolous impeachment for the entire first month of the pandemic when it should have been focused on protecting the nation.

That makes the spread of the virus in the US his fault.

hightor wrote:
oralloy, I don't think you can honestly say that "Mr. Trump is the one who got the Biden virus under control".
This graph tells a different story:

The graph is misleading. It doesn't show that Mr. Trump's leadership brought us early vaccines against the Biden Virus.

hightor wrote:
Apparently some of them did because they arrived with weapons and body armor — they were prepared to instigate violence and resist authority. You don't know what was "on their mind" and the ensuing events cannot be denied.

Since none of them were actually doing great violence to anyone, it can be inferred that none of them intended to commit murder.

hightor wrote:
There was, and is, no "illegitimate president";

Joe Biden has no legitimacy.

hightor wrote:
even though they organized under that misapprehension their presence does not legitimate the lie of a stolen election. The demonstration turned into an anti-government riot and at that point it became an insurrection, " an act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government."

I know Democrats cannot tolerate people who stand up to their bullying, but a peaceful protest is not an insurrection.

hightor wrote:
"The president proposes, Congress disposes."

My point exactly.

hightor wrote:
The president can only authorize the legislation provided to him by the Congress.

That is incorrect. He can lead Congress in their passage of legislation.

hightor wrote:
Actually, many of Trump's ideas and proposals were not included in the various covid relief bills because these bills are drawn up by legislators, not dictated by the president.

His Operation Warp Speed proposal, however, was included.

hightor wrote:
Trump merely signed them into law.

He also provided the leadership that led to their being voted on in the first place.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2021 01:07 pm
Zardoz wrote:
We have only 4% of the world population but have 25% of the world's Trump virus. We also have 25% of the world's deaths from the Trump virus. No world leader has done worse. Trump owns it and always will. In history books it will be known as the Trump virus.
Do you think that there was any way in hell if someone did their absolute best to make sure America got more of the Trump virus that we could get 25% 0f the deaths in the world from the Trump virus?

There is no such thing as a Trump Virus. You are referring to the Biden Virus.

Zardoz wrote:
Trump cannot fund anything only congress can fund anything all funding originates in congress.

That is incorrect. Mr. Trump could redirect funds in the government, and could also provide leadership in getting Congress to allocate funds.

Zardoz wrote:
I see you have never been to lynching when an angry crowd starts chanting hang Pence and erects a gallows complete with a noose they are serious.

They are legitimately upset. They did not however try to kill anyone.

Zardoz wrote:
The only reason Pence was not lynched was the crowd could not get their hands on him. If Pence was the only thing keeping Trump from getting a second term the Trump terrorists would have happily hung him.


Zardoz wrote:
Trump could not lead a drunk cat let a lone congress.

Wrong. The President is the leader of our nation.

Zardoz wrote:
The money has to be allocated by congress for a certain purpose. Trump's one and only power is to veto spending bills and congress can override his veto.

Wrong. The President also has the power to sign legislation. And more importantly, he has the bully pulpit.
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2021 09:42 pm
We are finding more each day about the insurrection investigation. We now know that about 800 people broke into the capitol and one of those people was part of the Trump administration, an employee of the state department who was appointed by Trump himself has now been arrested on a number of Federal charges. When Trump told the public that he was going to get a second term, even after Biden won the election, it seemed like an outrageous claim, but Trump had a plan of how he could cheat the public out of their votes. Trump actually believed that he could use that angry mob to intimidate enough of the congressmen to fail to certify the votes from the states that Biden won of course Pence would certify all the states Trump won handing Trump the election.

The plan backfired, 132 Republicans House members and some senators went into the meeting planning to stop the certification in any way they could, but after the insurrection Trump side actually lost support from the congressmen. Trump, thinking like a mob boss, thought that he could use the mob to scare the congressmen into giving him an election he lost but at 3 AM and the mob was gone and some of the congressmen found the courage to do the right thing. The plan no doubt was for the crowd to break into the congressional chambers while the meeting was being held and force the congressmen to fail to certify the states that voted for Biden. The best plans of mice and men are easily derailed by reality.

Today we have 29,258,941 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 29,193,273 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 65,668 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 529,527 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 527,917. That means that another 1,610 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2021 10:08 pm
We could not avoid the pandemic but Trump made it an absolute disaster in America. America became an worldwide example of what not to do. Trump started early on telling people the Trump virus was no worse that the flu. Many people believed Trump's lies and as they lay dying in the hospital they still denied that it was the Trump virus killing them. Trump then sent his Trump terrorist into states to force them to open way to soon what was a big problem became a disaster. It will always be known as the Trump virus.

All funding bills have to originate in Congress, that unique power was given to congress in the constitution. Trump could not lead a dead cat out of a paper bag he was widely considered by experts as the worst president in all of history.
_____________________________________________________Five people died and they were chanting to hang Pence. When you throw a 25 lb. fire extinguisher at a policeman's head you intended to kill them. When you plant pipe bombs you intended to kill people. The crowd no reason to be upset this election was even more fair than any election in history.


When a lynch mob is chanting someone name they want to lynch, they lynch them history has thousands of examples. Angry mobs are not rational.

Just because someone has the the job title does not make them qualified for the job. In Trump's term in office over a half million Americans died, more than WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam war combined. That is a complete failure to lead.

Read the Constitution all funding bills originate in congress. Trump can sign the bill after the House and senate pass it.

Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2021 08:49 am
Zardoz wrote:
We could not avoid the pandemic but Trump made it an absolute disaster in America.

Joe Biden is the one who disrupted the government with a frivolous impeachment for the entire first month of the pandemic.

Zardoz wrote:
It will always be known as the Trump virus.

The correct name is the Biden Virus.

Zardoz wrote:
All funding bills have to originate in Congress, that unique power was given to congress in the constitution. Trump could not lead a dead cat out of a paper bag

Mr. Trump led Congress in their passage of legislation that gave us early vaccines.

Zardoz wrote:
When you throw a 25 lb. fire extinguisher at a policeman's head you intended to kill them.

The police were well protected from the fire extinguisher. There was no expectation of serious injury.

More to the point, most of the protesters did not assault any police officers.

Zardoz wrote:
When you plant pipe bombs you intended to kill people.

There is no evidence that any of the protesters planted pipe bombs. They were probably planted on Joe Biden's orders.

Zardoz wrote:
The crowd no reason to be upset

Many people object to the Democrats cheating all the time.

Zardoz wrote:
this election was even more fair than any election in history.

That's what Democrats always say when they cheat.

Zardoz wrote:
In Trump's term in office over a half million Americans died, more than WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam war combined.

Only because Joe Biden disrupted the government with a frivolous impeachment for the entire first month of the pandemic.

Zardoz wrote:
That is a complete failure to lead.

Because of Mr. Trump's leadership we have early vaccines to protect us from the Biden Virus.

Zardoz wrote:
Read the Constitution all funding bills originate in congress. Trump can sign the bill after the House and senate pass it.

He also provided the leadership that allowed the bills to be voted on in the first place.
Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2021 09:56 pm
The old saying, is the truth will set you free but in Trump’s case the truth will put him in jail. The Georgia prosecutor that is looking into the election interference has hire a specialist in racketeering law.

“The letter listed racketeering as one of the possible violations being investigated, as well as soliciting election fraud, making false statements to a government bodies, and violation of an oath of office.”

When Trump tried to pressure the Georgia Secretary of State to just find 13,800, that was the clearest example of election fraud in history. John Floyd is the attorney hired by the Georgia prosecutor, this guy has literally written the book on prosecuting racketeers and prosecuting Trump will no doubt add a few more chapters to his book. When Trump goes to prison will his secret service detail have to go to prison to protect him?

Today we have 29,293,090 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 29,258,941 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 34,149 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 530,614 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 529,527. That means that another 1,087 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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