The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 22 Jul, 2012 10:09 am
The commie/conservatives are all for the free market to hear them tell it. But their actions speak much louder than words and given a chance they fix the market so their friends make massive profits. The pharmaceutical industry has long been the most profitable or one of the most profitable industries. How? The pharmaceutical has an effective monopoly and uses our government to keep competitors out of the market. Most other countries allow the import of drugs from other countries but not in America. The commie/conservatives take the lion’s share, 80% of the bribes from the pharmaceutical industry.

The pharmaceutical industry of course outsourced its profits overseas but now they have been given a tax holiday to repatriate their profits and instead of being charged 35% tax rate on the $75 billion in profits they will pay only 5.25% for a savings of $22.3 billion. Next time a republican start grousing about the woman down the street gets a few dollars in food stamps ask them if he has any idea how that compares to $22.3 billion to the most profitable industry in America.

Eli Lilly reported they made $200 million in profits in the United States in 2004 but made $2.8 billion in profits from everywhere else. Yet Wall Street analyses showed that the profit made from American sales was 60 to 75 percent.” Seventy five percent of $2.8 billion would be $2.1 billion instead of the $200 million America profit Eli Lilly reported. The amount of money stolen by the commie./conservatives and their friends each year would soon wipe out the budget deficit which exists because the massive amounts of theft by the commie/conservatives.
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Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 05:32 am
The commie/conservatives, those who say the free market is the solution to every economic problem, are the new socialists. The commie/conservatives are not for traditional socialism but they are very much in favor of corporate socialism. The Supreme Court ruled that corporations are people with all the rights granted to individuals under the constitution. Corporate Socialism is designed to socialize the risk and privatize the profit. The recent scheme by Ravenswood Aluminum in WV to socialize the cost of a $150 million in electricity to the public while the profits would go to the ungodly greedy is prime example of the new socialism. Ravenswood Aluminum would not be charged for electricity it used when the price of Aluminum was down as it is now. The company would continue to make a profit and returns those profits to the ungodly greedy while the working poor in WV would be forced to pay for Ravenswood Aluminum electricity. This is a tax placed on WV electric consumers by Ravenswood Aluminum. Appalachian Power would enforce this new corporate tax by disconnecting the electric of any customer who refused to pay the new tax to Ravenswood Aluminum.

It is estimated that $70 billion in subsidizes went to the ungodly greedy in America and it is growing exponentially. That amounts to $900 taken from each family of four in America in 2010. These estimates are considered low because the upward redistribution of wealth keeps increasing. The ungodly greedy are beginning to cut the middle man out they have been granted the right to tax the American people directly to get even richer.

In Huntington $50 million of taxpayer money was used to build a strip mall. A private developer spent a few million and more or less owns the mall even though the taxpayers paid for the infrastructure development and parking garages. Even the side walks were paid for by taxpayers. The theaters are owned by the taxpayers and the new subsidized theater quickly put the other Huntington theaters out of business. The only portion owned by developer is the actual store buildings, the profit center. The developers of course leased the parking garages and theaters and could not afford to pay the lease so the developer was aloud to pay only a small fraction of the lease. Huntington was one of the few cities in America that was professionally designed. It was designed with wide 6 lane streets in the 19th century of course the private developers built buildings out into the once wide streets. The once six lane street was reduced to two lane traffic. I was told that this was done to slow traffic down. I pointed out there was a stop light on every corner and asked how far past stop did traffic need to be slowed. But it was no longer about the public getting through town it was about the ungodly fleecing the public. Greed is a sickness that knows no bounds.
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Reply Tue 24 Jul, 2012 05:34 am
One of the bigger threats to our way of life is corporate socialism where corporations hijack tax dollars into their hands. The scam is often known as economic development where millions if not billions of tax dollars are hijacked by corporations each year across America. Many citizens never realize that when they check out of a Wal-Mart and pay sales tax that the sales tax is not going to the government but is paid to the developer of the property. Economic development authorities have the authority with government approval to allow corporations to tax the public. The deal for the local Wal-Mart diverts a good portion of the 6% sales tax directly to the developer for 20 years. The public will pay 9 or 10 times for this development over the 20 year life of the deal. The rent on the building is pure profit the taxpayers paid for the investment. Cost of the investment is socialized but profits are privatized.

A developer in New York is asking for $250 million to finance rebuilding a shopping mall. There was a time when a developer would go to a bank to borrow the $250 million but banks can’t compete with taxpayer money because while the $250 million from the bank must be paid back with interest the $250 million from the taxpayers will never be paid back not even 1 cent. Let see if you were a businessman would you borrow the $250 million and have to pay back the $250 million plus interest or take the $250 million gift from taxpayers? Let’s face it banks can’t compete with free money.
“The mall, which struggled from the start, was built in 1990 for $140 million in today’s dollars. A Congel associate, Adam Bersin, bought it in 2005 for less than $6 million in today’s dollars. He then persuaded the Monroe County industrial development agency to issue $5.4 million in bonds and then flipped the real estate to Congel in 2007.”

New York law strictly prohibits “gifts” to corporations let alone a $250 million gift but when the case was taken to New York Supreme Court the Court ruled that though a government can indeed not bestow a $250 million dollars in taxpayer money to a private developer an economic development authority can. So in other words the court said government cannot hand a developer the $250 million in tax money from one hand but can give the $250 million from another hand. It is important to note that economic development authority has no independent stream of tax revenue and the $250 million is to come from sales tax. It is amazing that the New York Supreme Court while the elected New York government does not have the authority to give the private developer $250 million in taxes but a group of businessmen appointed to an economic developer authority does.

If the developer is successful in getting the $250 million from taxpayers and the rebuilding of the mall in Irondequoit, New York the overall cost of the project is projected to be $260 million the taxpayers will pay for 96% of the investment but the taxpayers will not share in the profits the developer will get 100% of the profits. It would be very much like you buying a $10 million mansion and having the taxpayers pay your mortgage.

This is indeed creeping socialism not the classic socialism where the people own the means of production and distribution but where the people pay for the means of production and distribution and it remains in the hands of the ungodly greedy. This is the socialism practiced by corporations where investment is socialized and profit is privatized.

Everyday on red neck right radio you hear about the evils of socialism but everyday more and more businessmen socialize their business expenses but they are against socializing any of the profit.
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Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 05:33 am
America’s newest form Socialism, the Business Socialists, decided to make a concession in the Ravenswood Aluminum free electricity case. The previous proposed deal required that Appalachian Powers other 500,000 customers pay Ravenswood $173 million a year electric bill if the price of aluminum was down. The previous deal also contained “a guaranteed profit” clause. Ravenswood Aluminum is a wholly owned subsidiary of Century Aluminum a huge multinational corporation. West Virginia is one of the poorest states in the union with a disproportionate number of elderly. These elderly would be expected to “guarantee a profit” to a multi national corporation. Does this sound like capitalism? Or corporate socialism? This is a multi-national corporation trying to have a profit guaranteed and mandated by the government at the expense of other electric customers. Each WV customer would have been expected to pay and extra $10 or $20 a month to guarantee Century Aluminum a profit.

The Romney’s of the world are completely out of control they have stolen so long and so much that now they see nothing wrong with guaranteed profits. Many of the elderly are going without electricity now because they have long subsidized Ravenswood Aluminum. A megawatt hour cost the same to generate whether it is used by residential customers or industrial customers but the residential customer is charged 100s of times more that the industrial customers for the same amount of electric.

Now Century Aluminum has decided it will no longer demand free electricity but will pay a small token amount, a tiny fraction of the actual cost to generate and transmit the electric. America has lost its very soul to the ungodly greed and now it is not only the ungodly greedy of America that are descending on us like vultures but the ungodly greedy from all over the world. Willard Romney anyone?
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2012 05:34 am
“Guaranteed profit” now it is the customers of Appalachian Power (most West Virginians) responsibility to provide Century Aluminum with a guaranteed profit. The nerve of the ungodly never ceases to amaze me. But for a company to be able to codify a guaranteed profit into law is quite an accomplishment. The public outcry has caused Century Aluminum to back off its demand for a guaranteed profit for now. But I wondered where the concept of a guaranteed profit came from and remembered that public utilities are in fact guaranteed a profit in exchange for rates being set by the Public Service Commission. Public Utilities have a monopoly and customers have no choice but to deal with the utility companies that supply their area. Century Aluminum knew that Appalachian Power is guaranteed a profit even if it gives Century Aluminum a $175 million a year in free electricity so why not takes things a step further and guarantee Century Aluminum a profit also.

Century Aluminum has also backed off its demand for “free electricity” and has proposed to pay a minimum of $10.50 a megawatt hour. A megawatt hour is a million watts per hour a typical coal fired plant only generates 600-700 megawatts. The cost of a megawatt hour from a coal powered plant ranges from a $100 to a $155 a megawatt hour so West Virginia’s poor and elderly would subsidize the ungodly who own Century Aluminum at 90% to 150%. Century says if the price of Aluminum falls below $1,500 a ton they will lose money. In Century first proposal they would be given a $175 million in free electricity if the price of Aluminum fell below $2,447.

The state of WV, read this as taxpayers of WV, has already kicked in $20 million in taxpayer dollars. Do you remember the good old days when a company would have been happy with a mere $20 million from taxpayers? Not now that $20 million is just chump change and won’t even fuel the CEO’s corporate jet for a year of jet setting around the globe. Now a $175 million stolen from the elderly and poor is needed to sweeten the deal.

Yesterday we got a call that a man in one of the poorer neighborhoods in Huntington climbed up on his roof and reconnected the electric wires while they were hot after they had been cut by the electric company. Extension cords have become much more popular as they are stretched from one residence with electricity to ones that have been disconnected. The cost of electricity has doubled in the last year and more and more people are being priced out of the market but price of electricity will keep going up because the ungodly greedy want free electricity and they have the political to take it.
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Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2012 05:35 am
The commie/conservatives are making much to do about Obama recent remarks that even the most successful business does not exist independent of the existing infrastructure. Government makes business possible business does not make government possible. A restaurant built in the middle of nowhere; where there is no bridge or road to access it would not last. A pharmacy without a police department to protect its inventory would be out of business by noon. The remarks taken out of context were “If you got a business you didn’t build that.” Of course his prior remarks qualified that conclusion by pointing out the business owner didn’t build the bridge to no where or the highway. Most businessmen had mentors and were educated in public schools that they certainly didn’t build. No business was ever built in a vacuum in was built in a society with a complex and expensive infrastructure that existed decades before the businessman was born. The businessman took advantage of an opportunity that was handed him by society.

There was a rare occurrence On Rush Slimbaugh’s show yesterday a caller with a different opinion made it past Slimbaugh’s army of call screeners. The man was a public employee from Pennsylvania. He told Slimbaugh that he cared for the mentally retarded. The parents of one of his charges owned a very successful restaurant and told the man how his care of their child made their success possible allowing them to work long hours at their restaurant. Slimbaugh quickly cut him off and went on a rant saying that the man was being paid to take care of their child. But who was paying for the child care? Who paid the man’s salary? Certainly not the business owners, that kind of care cost $100s of thousands a year. So taxpayers pay the bill. The restaurant owners socialized the cost of the care of their mentally retard child but privatized the profit. The state care of their mentally retarded child freed up their time to operate a restaurant.

Slimbaugh say it is a philosophical difference and indeed it is. These businessmen were born on third base and insist they hit a home run. The businessmen were born with the infrastructure built by generations of hardworking Americans, the roads, the sewers, the utilities, the police force, the fire departments, and those that maintain the streets and remove the garbage. But the political philosophy of the commie/conservatives is that the businessmen did indeed hit a home run and since they hit a home run they are entitled to all of the spoils and the rest of society is entitled to what ever “trickles down.” This philosophy has resulted in disastrous redistribution of wealth to the wealthy over the last 30 years. It is said garbage in results in garbage out and certain bad philosophy in results in garbage out also.

A business has never been built in a vacuum and becomes a success. If a business was built on a deserted island and the owner built all the roads, docks, sewer treatment plant, paid the police department, and funded and equipped the fire department that businessman might claim that he was responsible for all of his business’ success.
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Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2012 03:22 pm
Every year for the last 32 years the commie/conservatives campaign on deregulating business all we hear about is how big business is a victim of government. But most people alive today don’t remember America before air pollution regulations. Smog is not a word in most people vocabulary today while it is very familiar to those who lived in the 60s. Around here we had what was known s as fog alley each year a number of people were killed on that stretch of road. The fog was so dense that you literally couldn’t see the car in front of you. Once the factories along that stretch of road closed the killing stopped the smog disappeared leaving a little fog but the deaths became a thing of the past. The smog was so bad that in order to keep a car on the road you had to open the door and look for the lines in the road. I haven’t seen that type of smog in over 40 years now. To be sure the factory closing helped the problem but the existing factories were regulated by the government from dumping as much of their garbage into our air and water.

If the regulations were removed today as Romney propose would the ungodly greedy who own the factories no longer pollute the air and water. To answer that question we have only to look to the third world and see why many of our factories that are no longer in America. The ungodly greedy relocated their plants to the third world so they could pollute the air and the water of other countries. If the factory owners felt they had any responsibilities to the community they would abide by responsible pollution regulations. After all would not 10 cents hour labor give them enough of a competitive advantage. The ungodly greedy believe if you can make a larger profit poisoning the air and water you should go for the profit. The ungodly greedy feel no responsibility at all toward future generations if they got rich by killing the earth so be it. Greed knows no bounds. That why regulations are necessary.

The biggest coke plant in the world is in India the plant has depleted the aquifer it is now a 125 foot lower drying up most of the wells. The plant puts out a fertilizer containing calcium and lead both deadly the land around the plant has been devastated. When there is no water left for the people to drink the CEO of Coke will say “If they have no water let them drink Coke.” In Indonesia an American owned gold mine is dumping 2000 lbs of waste laden with mercury and Arsenic into Buyat Bay deforming the fish.

The crimes of the ungodly greedy are now coming home to roost the pollution generating in China is showing up on our shores. In Seattle researchers at the University of Washington found 75% of the air pollution there is coming from China and the America corporations who built their factories there. A yellow pollution haze made in China now stretches 1200 miles from Arizona to Calgary. The yellow haze can now be spotted from places like Lake Tahoe and Aspen Colorado. Places that were once though to be free from air pollution so much for that clean mountain air. Now a deep breath in many parts will bring you any number of poisons. It is indeed a small, small world as we are about to find out.
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Reply Tue 31 Jul, 2012 06:37 am
Romney was accused of racism and when questioned about the incident one of his press sides tells the reporter “to shove it.”

“And later, Romney said Israeli "culture" is the reason for its prosperity relative to appalling poverty among Palestinians.”

This echoes the attitude in the old south where white “culture” was the reason for the old south prosperity and the appalling poverty in the black community. In any light Romney’s remarks are intended to court the extremist point of view in America where many believe the Israeli was given the land personally by god himself. Romney is courting the vote of the religious extreme elements.
“As you come here and you see the GDP per capita, for instance, in Israel, which is about $21,000, and you compare that with the GDP per capita just across the areas managed by the Palestinian Authority, which is more like $10,000 per capita, you notice such a dramatic, stark difference in economic vitality,” Romney said. Noting the geographic similarities and challenges facing the two communities, Romney credited Israel’s economic success to its culture.

“Culture makes all the difference,” he said.”

“The Republican candidate erred on the economic statistics, underestimating the gap between the two countries. Israel’s GDP per capita is about $30,000, according to the Bank of Israel, and the West Bank’s is about $2,000, according to the World Bank.”

The Starr.com
Romney was courting Sheldon Adelson at the fundraiser, Adelson, a billionaire; you may remember spent $20 million to get Newt Gingrich the republican nomination. Alderson took the seat next to Romney at the fundraiser and vowed to spend a $100 million of his own money to defeat Obama. Adelson is 79 years old and not long for this world but he will use his billions to try and shape a world he will not live in. He is opposed to peace process between Palatine and Israeli and old men love war. For all his billions Adelson can’t buy another minutes life but he can destroy other’s lives. Money in politics is not free speech it is slow form of suicide.

Romney not only makes racists remarks but he obviously makes his statistic up as he goes along. Ignorance and racism walk hand in hand but exploitation of ignorance and racism is the only path to power open to the desperate.

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Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2012 06:26 am
One of the planks of the Republican Party is sure to be deregulation of business even after 30 years of deregulation of Wall Street was responsible for the second Great Depression. The commie/conservatives have devoted the last 60 years to convincing the American people that the American government is their real enemy. This is not surprising as the communists, like Frank Meyer, Whitaker Chamber, and other hard line communists, who were responsible for founding the Modern Conservative Movement openly, hated the government of America. As hard line communist they had spent a lifetime working hand in hand with Moscow to overthrow and destroy the government of America. When Meyer and Chambers started calling themselves Conservatives instead of Communists their life long hate of the Government did not abate. Romney inherited the hate of the hard line communists of the American government and if you can’t destroy all of the American government you can at least partially destroy it by destroying key regulations.

“A report released in July 2005 by the Environmental Working Group found an average of over two hundred industrial compounds, pollutants, and other chemicals in the umbilical cord blood of newborns, including seven dangerous pesticides---some banned in the United States more than thirty years ago. Scientist point out that the presence of pesticides in the blood of babies is because it takes many decades for some of the compounds to break down and also some of them are still used in foreign countries which export produce to the United States.

From the book “Take This Job and Ship It”

Just think if Romney’s gets elected and he gets to deregulate the chemical industry like the commie/conservatives have already deregulated the finical sector in a few short years we could have four hundred industrial compounds, pollutants, and other chemicals in the blood of newborns. But this may not be the most frightening recent finding.

“A USA Today report on August 3, 2005, cited the concerns of epidemiologist Shanna Swan at the University of Rochester in New York, whose research found that higher phthalate levels (from plastics) in pregnant women were associated with changes in the genitals of baby boys; specifically, they had lower concentrations of male hormones. The Center for Disease Control’s Jim Pirkle says, “The big concern of the phthalates is that they have anti-androgen activity. They get rid of things that are in the testosterone line, the things that make a man a man.”
In this morning news it was revealed that the director of the Matrix had a sex change operation and has become a woman. This may become the norm not the exception in the brave new world of deregulation. The greed of the commie/conservatives could literally wipe out human race when men are no longer men but just women wannabees the human race will not survive. But remember it is government holding business back and the boy with his finger in the dike may just leave to have a sex change operation.
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Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2012 09:36 am
We have Labor Day, Memorial, Day, Veteran’s Day, and Christmas Day. But it was bound to happen sooner or later. Yesterday was the first celebration of National Bigot’s Day. I have been on vacation this week getting ready for the local duathlon and yesterday my wife and I went to the mall. As we went to Wall Mart we encountered a large line of backed up traffic going to Chicken-fil-A. I wondered what they were giving away. It was only later when I watched the evening news that I realized Chicken-fil-A was marketing bigotry. After all I realize how left out the bigots must have felt as each holiday was celebrated. Now the bigots have their very own holiday.

Dan Cathy CEO of Chicken-fil-A said he and his company were against gay marriage, more specifically:

“According to the Christian Post, Cathy went further during an interview on "The Ken Coleman Show," saying, "I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.' “Cathy was also quoted as saying during the interview, "I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about."

It seems Dan Cathy’s imaginary god is about to rain down fire and brimstone on America because of those evil homosexuals. According to the TV preachers the destruction of the World Trade Center was punishment for the evil of homosexuals in America. Wouldn’t further punishment by Dan Cathy’s imaginary god be double jeopardy? Is there and imaginary court where we could seek imaginary redress?

Bigots like disease and pestilence will always be with us. Having a National Bigot’s Day where their ignorance can be put on display may be a good thing in the long run. Slavery in America was justified by the bible because in the bible slavery was an accepted practice. How would these ignorant bigots like to become the next generation of slaves? After all the bible is all for slavery. Moses ordered the slaughter of even the children of his enemies. Should we have slaughtered all the men, women and children in Iraq because that was the accepted practice in the bible?

The mountain indeed came to Mohamed Wednesday, don’t these bigots realize that fast food chains have a much higher percentage of gays than many other professions? This anti gay bigot Dan Cathy makes his money on the backs of thousands of gay employees and than he takes the money he makes from them and uses it to campaign against equal rights for gays. The long lines of bigots Wednesday at Chicken-fil-A were being fed by the very people they despise. In my job I often shut bars and restaurants down when I do I no longer eat at those locations because I don’t want my food tampered with. Special sauce may not have just been served at McDonald’s yesterday.
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Reply Fri 3 Aug, 2012 06:57 am
The CEO of Chicken-fil-A, Dan Cathy’s remark that, "I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.' has cause a firestorm. First several mayors made it known the Chicken-fil-A would not be welcome in their town. Everyone knows that the right to free speech has limits, for instance yelling fire in a crowed theater is not protected free speech. Limits are placed on rights when your rights infringe on the rights of others. Most of the articles simply say that Dan Cathy was simply had a position against gay marriage but pro Dan Cathy articles were extremely careful not to quote what he actually said. It was hard for me to find the exact quote but after reading several internet articles I did locate it. Of course it is one thing to simply be against gay marriage but it is quite another to tell the ignorant that allowing gay marriage would bring the wrath of god down on them. Now Dan Cathy has placed the ignorant in literal fear of death just as the yelling of fire in a crowed theater does. This is equivalent to the classic yelling of fire in a crowed movie theater. The ignorant, we are talking dedicated learned ignorance here, are being told by Dan Cathy that their god is going to kill them if they don’t do something to block gay marriage. To many Dan Cathy’s remarks are the ignorant ravings of an ignorant old man but to the religious ignorant in America Cathy’s remarks is a harbinger of things to come, as real as what their preacher tells them on Sunday.

Wednesday we witnessed how easily it is to stampede the ignorant. If indeed the ignorant in America believe Dan Cathy’s mad ravings about the homosexuals bringing the wrath of God down on America it is a very short step from buying more chicken sandwiches to tying up a gay to a fence and killing him. After all if you really believe this ignorance and that Dan Cathy should be able to use his corporation as a giant megaphone to spread his virulent hate of gays throughout America isn’t it your duty to kill all the homosexuals in America? After all if not God’s wrath will be visited on you and your family. All the ignorant know god hates homosexuals their preachers tell them so every week.

Dan Cathy’s remarks should be seen as what they are, virulent hate speech it is one thing to say I am against gay marriage but it is quite another to tell the ignorant that America is going to be annihilated by god if gay marriage is legalized. To many of us the idea that even an imaginary god would be so concerned with what people do in the bedroom is absurd beyond belief after all here is a being responsible for running the universe but I have encountered many that hang on to every word of hate speech that comes from the pulpit. In Germany the ignorant hated the Jews in America the ignorant in our parent’s generation hated the blacks. Public lynchings of blacks were common less than 100 years ago in America. In one public lynching a young black woman encountered an angry crowd of ignorant whites lynching her husband and she protested the ignorant strung her up along side of her husband. She was six months pregnant and the crowd took knife and slit her belly open, the baby fell to the ground and a nice ignorant white Christian took his heel and ground the baby head into the dirt. Ignorance easily justifies violence and you can bet the lynch mob was all in Church come Sunday morning.

It is time most American realize that religion is not harmless amusement for the ignorant it is a dangerous snake coiled and ready to strike. Religion leads an army of the ignorant willing to believe they need only a schizophrenic who believes the voices in his head are the voice of god. In the Middle Ages witches were the problem little old ladies were responsible for the world’s problem and the ignorant burnt them at the stake. In WWII Germany Hitler harnessed 1,000 years of religious hatred and 6 million Jews died. The combination of imagination and ignorance is lethal anyone with an imagination can imagine a god and than he can imagine what pleases this god and what displeases him. Man was not created in god’s image, god was created in man’s imagine with man’s hates and short comings.

The World Trade Center was not the wrath of god caused by increasing the rights of homosexuals in America as prominent preachers proclaimed but was the result of religion. The hand of god was not directing the planes but the hand of the ignorant who believed in an imaginary god so strongly they would kill themselves and 3,000 more to prove it.

Never ever underestimate ignorance; never believe the ignorant to be harmless. Knowledge does not displace ignorance, ignorance displaces knowledge.
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Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2012 07:44 am
The Arab world at one time was one of the most advanced civilization on the face of the earth, they were responsible for many of the advancements in mathematics one of the pillars that supports our advanced society. Today the very idea that the Arab world was once an advanced society would be hard for most people to believe. If video killed the radio star than learned ignorance bought the Arab world to its knees. The Arabs stood ready to be the most dominant and advanced society on earth but instead their civilization deteriorated went into ruins. Could that happen to America? In America Wednesday the American Taliban staged a show of force all across the nation. The numbers were impressive and frightening at the same time. We are all surround with ignorance and magical thinking but the trouble is many cannot separate the wheat from the chaff. Reality is often harsh but magical thinking can cushion the impact. We have learned from the start that god is malleable like modeling clay and can go from a gentle and compassionate god to a vengeful god in a heartbeat.

The Dan Cathys of world are free to focus their attention on whatever evil that displeases their god. In the bible unmarried pregnant women were stoned to death should we as a society stone unmarried pregnant to death? Dan Cathy could have just as easily made his concept of evil unmarried pregnant women and certainly this arrogant generation of women are “shaking their fist at God and saying they know better.” I wonder how many unmarried pregnant women lined up at Chicken-fil-A Wednesday. I wonder if they think they should be stoned to death.

One theory of religion is that all religions have their roots in the minds of schizophrenics these people do indeed hear the voice of god and a few others or at least who they believe to be god. Others gather round them in a cult like environment and before long they are proclaiming their religion the one true religion and recruiting followers. The schizophrenics cannot be blamed but the followers that spread the disease must shoulder the blame.

Is the American Taliban dangerous? Ignorance is always dangerous once it becomes focused. We watched as the Christian right focused on the abortion clinics and bombed the clinics and murdered the doctors. The murdering and bombings never quite became mainstream activity for the American Taliban but murder was seen as a legitimate means to enforce their beliefs system on others. For a number of years the American Taliban has been shifting their focus from abortion clinics to stopping any expansion of rights for gays. The extremist in the Christian Right will have absolutely no problem using murder to enforce their belief system. They had no problem with murdering doctors. The frightening thing about last Wednesday is that all these people who proudly stood in line for their chicken sandwich will be “the wind beneath the wings” of the extremists who will murder, kill and maim to become the next generation of heroes for the Christian right.
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Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2012 05:33 am
There are always winners and losers in most every situation but in America over the last 30 years there have been far more losers than winners. We know that a typical working couple works 32 more hours a week than their father did 30 years ago and has less to show for it in real dollars than their father as the sole bread winner. But this speaks only to wages not the total compensation package. What has happened to the important fringe benefit over the last 30 years? I can remember a union meeting many years ago when a union member was disappointed in the raise offered and wanted to drop the insurance saying that you can’t eat the insurance. Now indeed many companies have dropped their health insurance coverage If you were a recent hire in 1979 with a high school education 65% had employer provided health insurance today only 25% of recent hires have employer provided health insurance that is a drop of 40% and of those who are lucky enough to find a job that provides health insurance most are paying thousands for the fringe benefit. College educated recent hire do better but there drop mirrors the high school educated recent hires.

In 1979 40% of the high school educated started in jobs with pensions today that is 20%. Both pensions and health care are necessities and more and more people are losing both. What makes people middle class? Certainly for our generation that meant health care and a pension but fewer and fewer people now have access to these necessities. The graphs that represent these necessities have been on a downward slope since 1980 and show no signs of abating their downward slide. The decline in real wages has to be sure lowered the living standard of this generation but the decline in access to health care in pension will be devastating to the next generation. If we learn one thing from this it should be that greed is not good. Greed like cancer destroys all the healthy tissue that surrounds it.
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Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 05:33 am
In America it was once said to get ahead you needed a good education and hard work but since the commie/conservatives took over that is no longer true. Now a typical college education costs more than it returns in extra earnings over a lifetime by the time you pay the student loans and interest. A master degree will now bring you $16,985 working as a social workers for the State of West Virginia. An employee at Wal-Mart makes $20,000 after a few years on the job. The cost of a college education has gone has gone up a 140% since 1980 and still going up way beyond the cost of living. Many colleges raise tuition not because costs have gone up but to make their college seem prestigious the idea being if one pays more one is getting more. The cost of one year of tuition for the middle class is now half of the household’s yearly income. Two children in college would take a 100% of the household income without books. Students also forego four years of wages while they are in college.

As for Americans working harder that is true more now than any time since the advent of labor laws that prevented slave style labor. We know that between 1970 and 2000 American couples worked 32 more hours a week and the trend continued between 2000 and 2010. Even though they are working more they earn less in real dollars than their fathers But there is good news because one group of Americans who are working far less than they did in the late 70s the richest 5% of Americans are now working a 100 hours less a year. So if you workless you are going to make more and Romney is going to make sure they get much more than that.
“Until now I don’t have to tell you what a profound transformation is occurring in America: the balance between wealth and commonwealth is being upended. By design. Deliberately. We have been subjected to what the Commonwealth Foundation calls “a fanatical drive to dismantle the political institutions, the legal and statutory cannons, and intellectual and cultural frameworks that have shaped public responsibility for social harm from excess private power.”

Astonishing as it may seem nobody in official Washington seems embarrassed by the fact that the gap between the rich and poor is greater than it has been in 50 years---the worst inequality among all Western nations.

Bill Moyers
America once known as the land of opportunity has far less opportunity than most industrialized nations the chance for advancement in a socialist country is now far better than America. The commie/conservative have designed a lottery winner economy where there are a few winners and a vast majority of losers.
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Reply Wed 8 Aug, 2012 05:30 am
The “Tipping Point” is as important to an idea as it is to product. In America 1980 was the “tipping point” for the commie/conservative political philosophy. This is when the winner takes all concept or survival of the fittest was accepted by more Americans than rejected the philosophy. The hard core communist that had taken their orders directly from Moscow political philosophy had reached its tipping point in America. Frank Meyer the father of the modern conservative movement had been thrown out of England for trying to organize a communist overthrow of the British government. Now we have the luxury of hindsight and looking back over the three decades since the American hard core communists showed America we had it all wrong and they knew a better way. They always say follow the money probably the best way to follow the money is to look at the graph that charts the productivity of the American worker verses the hourly wage or average annual compensation provided by Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The lines representing average wage and average compensation stay right with the production line from 1947 up until the 1980 tipping point then productivity rise sharply and average hourly wage and average hourly compensation go down. This downward plunge in compensation has continued unabated for all thirty years that the commie/conservative philosophy has been a major influence on American politics

America prior to the commie/conservative philosophy tipping point believed as a country that if productivity went up the workers shared in that increase productivity but the commie/conservative believe in a winner take all or the strongest political are entitled to just take it. To the victor go the spoils and that is indeed what happened CEO’s salaries went off the charts during this period going up hundreds of times while the workers responsible hourly compensation went down. Under the commie/conservatives you are entitled to everything you can take and take and take and take and that is exactly what happened. In communism the elite is the government which is entitled not only to the wealth of the country but all the power. The American hard core communist simply substituted the primacy of wealth for the primacy of government in their philosophy.

The commie/conservatives have ruined America for at least two generations of Americans and the damage may take much longer to undo. Even if we start now to try to weed out all of the ideas that can be traced directly to these hard core communists it will take decades and even then they will live on in fringe groups. After thirty years the statistic cannot be questioned the American workers has lost his shirt to the commie/conservatives.
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Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2012 05:32 am
If we went to a party and one man took 50% of the cake for himself and the other 50% was divided among the other 1,000 guest most of us would be appalled. But if each of those other thousand people had helped make the cake the situation would be even worse. Of course this is a huge cake and the one man can only eat a small portion of the 50% of cake but that is beside the point he wanted it. At the next party he takes 60% of the cake because he has friends, political pull, he knows the hostesses. At the next party he takes 75% of the cake for himself because he worked so much harder on the cake than everyone else. At the next party he takes 95% of the cake because he is so much smarter that the other people making the cake, after all he lit the oven and not just anybody could do that. But even with 95% of the cake the man is not satisfied he feels entitled to all of the cake and this is the real “entitlements” in our society. If we are talking about cake no one has any problem seeing this distribution of wealth as wrong but if instead we substitute currency for cake the same situation becomes acceptable. In one corporation the CEO gets a full 50% of the profit this company. The company has over a thousand employees each employee’s work contributes to that company profits. But the commie/conservative philosophy makes this 50% somehow acceptable it is winner take all in America. The rest of the guest would quickly stop the cake thief but accept the CEO taking 50% of the profit as the winner being entitled to the 50%.

Whitaker Chambers one of the founding fathers of the Modern Conservative Movement called this economic system “The Wisdom of the Deep Slums” this economic system operates in most slum areas even today. It basically boils down to the “law of the jungle” if you are strong enough to take it, it is yours. Whitaker Chambers is the most famous communist spy in American history, a hero to Moscow and a role model to Ronald Reagan who awarded Chambers the Presidential Medal of Freedom. After all of McCarty witch hunts here was the genuine thing a real communist spy, the boogieman in the flesh. The republicans rode this boogieman back into power in Washington after 20 years in exile after the Great Depression. No wonder they could overlook Chambers being a communist spy. Chambers was idolized by the radical right and memorial services were held in the Bush Whitehouse in 2001 for Chambers. In 1983 a CEO in America made 131 times the average employees salary by 2009 the average CEO made 225 times what the average employee of the same company. In the commie/conservative years CEO salaries went up nearly a 100 times more than their average worker. It is important to note this is a multiplier not a straight line number. In other words if the average employee made $50,000 a year the CEO makes $11,250,000 over the commie/conservatives years that CEO got $4,700,000 a year raise. During this same period of time the salaries of the average workingman went down. Like the cake as one person’s share gets larger everyone else’s slice gets smaller.

We know how the “Wisdom of the Deep Slums” economic philosophy worked out for the people in the slums. Why would we want to bring that economic philosophy to the rest of America? Whitaker Chamber and Frank Meyer dedicated most of their lives, while they were active communist at Moscow beck and call to destroying America it was only late in life that they decided that they wanted to do “what was best for America.” We have to face the fact that those who founded the Modern Conservative Movement were extremists and malcontents who just wanted to destroy America.
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Reply Fri 10 Aug, 2012 05:35 am
The CEO of Chicken-fil-A, Dan Cathy recent crusade against gay marriage has caused quite a stir. Bigots of ever stripe and color have risen up across America to stave off the evils of gay marriage. Don Cathy is trying to stampede the ignorant by telling that god is going to get them if they don’t stop gay marriage. Most of the faithful already know that god smote America on 9/11, 2001for granting rights to homosexuals the same rights that most of us take for granted. They know that because some of their most famous preachers said it was so. Now if granting a few more rights to gays cause the World Trade Center what do you imagine god will due to America if gay marriage is allowed? There is no question in most of the faithful minds that god will make America the next Sodom and Gomorrah. They know that because Dan Cathy told them it would be so.

Learned ignorance is extremely hard to stamp out and usually at the core of ignorance is the shadow of truth. In this case marriage in America is indeed being destroyed but not by allowing gay marriage the sharp decline and rapid increase in divorce rate have been going on for over thirty years the decline in American marriage coincides with the rise of the conservative philosophy in America. It seems the real destroyer of marriage in America is the conservative movement in American. One of the major tenets of the conservative philosophy is the rugged individualists; every man for himself is the way forward says the communist founders of the Modern Conservative Movement. Many conservative have taken this to mean what it says that it is the individual that is the most important unit not the family; it is every man for himself. In 1980 roughly 80% of the bottom 30% of the American people were married but by 2010 only 50% were married. That is a staggering 30% decline most of it taking place long before gay marriage became an issue. But marriage among the rich is relative stable, 90% were married in 1970 and 85% were married by 2010. Now a young couple starting can look forward to working from 4 to 6 to jobs to barely scrap and conservatism is to blame, greed takes from the most vulnerable and gives to the most powerful, greed is what is destroying marriage in America. The boogieman the preachers parades across the pulpit on Sunday is just a strawman the real problem is greed and the greed mongers behind the pulpit.
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Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 09:36 am
The recent Fox News poll shows if the election were held today Obama would win in a landslide. With Red Rupert and Fox News doing everything possible to rig the poll and make it a push poll the results had to be extremely disappointing to the commie/conservatives. Now in mad desperation Romney has picked one most radical right commie/conservative extremists in the country. One of the talking heads on Fox News, Charles Krauthammer was predicting a landslide defeat of Obama in September 2011, now a little less than a year later Fox News Poll is predicting a landslide for Obama, with a 49 to 40 lead. At this point there are very few undecided. I wonder if Fox New has asked Krauthammer how he could possibly be so wrong.

Paul Ryan is a Pee Partier and the Pee Party popularity was ranked right under child molesters in a recent poll. Judson Philips, the man who founded the Pee Party was recently successfully sued for ¾ of a million because he booked 1,167 rooms for a big Pee Party event in Las Vegas and too few bothered to show up and the event had to be cancelled. Sheldon Adelson, the man that has pledged to donate a $100 million to Romney campaign owned the Venetian Hotel where the mega bash that crashed was booked. This is not the first mega Pee Party bash that too few bothered to show up at, in January the Pee Party event held an event in conjunction with the South Carolina Republican primary it ended with a quarter million dollar lawsuits after the Pee Partiers failed to show up in droves. In future capes and hoods should be made standard dress at these affairs as no one really wants to be seen attending them. The KKK could hold a contest in conjunction with the events to see who hat had the sharpest point.

Why would Romney pick an extremist to be his Vice President? He is extremely desperate and looking down the barrel of a landslide election. Ryan is the poster boy of a failed political movement whose grass roots support has deserted it after they discovered it was a movement by the ungodly greedy for the ungodly greedy that was just using them as labor. The common man was never a stake holder in the Pee Party he was just there to wave the flag and have his family on camera. How many common men could book 1,167 rooms at elegant Las Vegas hotel? Judson Philips, an assistant prosecuting attorney in Shelby County Tennessee, is given credit for founding the Pee Party Movement on the internet social networking site. Philips wants to restrict voting rights to property owners only. So only property owners could vote in America or have any say in their government. The Pee Party is listed as hate group by the Southern Poverty Law center alongside the KKK.

Sarah Palin was paid $100,000 to speak at the First National Pee Party convention in 2010 but those attending paid $549 a ticket. Palin, after she was criticized said she would donate the money to unspecified conservative causes. These hate groups are the wind beneath Paul Ryan political wings, may he crash and burn publicly.

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Reply Mon 13 Aug, 2012 05:36 am
One might find Paul Ryan concern about the budget deficit to be genuine if he didn’t want to give more huge tax cuts to the ungodly greedy. More tax cuts for the ungodly greedy are not only unnecessary but harmful to America. After five decades of huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy America is not getting better it is far worse now than when Kennedy gave the first 20% tax cut to the ungodly greedy in the early 60s. Kennedy’s 20% tax cut was a huge tax cut and you would have thought the ungodly greedy would have been satisfied with that huge tax cut but that just wetted their appetite for more and bigger tax cuts. It is not surprising that the middle class did not share in the huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. The commie/conservatives always push for tax cuts that benefit the ungodly greedy never for tax cuts that benefit all Americans. Sometime the commie/conservatives will throw a few small crumbs of tax cut for the middle class but the lions share is always given to the ungodly greedy. Romney’s $78,000 tax deduction for his horse is especially offensive. Romney makes 100s of millions and is allowed $78,000 tax free because he owns a horse? The tax code is absolutely riddled with deductions that are only available to the ungodly greedy. Romney horse is owned by three different women including Romney’s wife it is held in a limited liability corporation named Rob Rom Enterprises LLC meaning each one of these ungodly greedy can claim a $78,000 tax deduction. Horses are a hobby and should not be deductible if you want to feed and care for a horse it should not be at the taxpayer’s expense.

The Ryan budget will eliminate the food stamp program while cutting taxes for the ungodly greedy. Do you ever wonder how many million in pension Romney feathered his nest with, remember creative destruction was Romney chosen brand of capitalism. Now that Romney stole the pensions of the hard working people Ryan will make sure they cannot even get food stamps to subsist on when they retire on Social Security making only 40% of their income. Romney and Ryan are a tag team Romney stole their pensions and Ryan will take away the safety net.
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Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 05:32 am
Yesterday Glen Beck reached an all time low he was telling his listeners how serious the drought was and how it would affect each one of us because the food prices would increase dramatically. Not one to bring a problem to the public without a solution Glen Beck then proceeded to tell how the drought began in Texas and how Governor Rick Perry led a day of prayer and fasting and magically it rained in Texas. Miracle of miracles they prayed and it rained, you would have thought it had never done that in Texas before. Droughts have been with us since the beginning of time and will continue to happen I wonder what Glen Beck would have blamed the great dust bowl on since gay marriage wasn’t an issue then. Now Beck is trying to organize a day of prayer and fasting in the 25 states affected by the drought and was asking for volunteers to lead the day of prayer and fasting. But here is the kicker, he then said, “What if this Chicken-fil-A stuff is real?” In other words the drought is punishment from god for America granting gays more right. So now Beck is pointing at the gay community and those who support gay rights as responsible for the current drought in America. Magical thinking is dangerous at a very minimum when it comes from the pulpit of a small church but when it comes from the microphone of a nationally known talk show host it can be disastrous. This is equivalent of yelling fire over the theater public address system. This was a new low even for an old drunk like Beck.

If you believe the magical thinking then the solution to the drought is obvious every citizen loyal to god will round up the homosexuals in America and take them to the gas chambers this will please their imaginary god and the drought will end. Of course the Nazis didn’t take many of the Jews they ran across to the gas chambers when they invaded a town they rounded up the Jews had them dig a mass grave and gunned them down and put them in layers. It is only a matter of time before a good old boy grabs all his automatic weapons and goes into a gay bar and opens up. In Germany Martin Luther told them how god so hated the Jews and hate fermented for nearly 500 years. Of course Martin Luther despised Jews and in magical thinking your imaginary god always hates the same people you do, it is how magical thinking works.

My wife recently bought me a couple of Glen Beck’s books at rummage sale she paid way too much for them they went for 6 cents apiece that was 5 cents more than they were worth. On the cover of “Arguing With Idiots” Glen Beck is pictured dressed in a full military uniform that appears to be a simulated Nazi uniform with a smug expression. The Nazi uniform is consistent with Beck’s political beliefs.

Does Beck believe for a moment the “Chicken-fil-A stuff is real?” No Beck wields the ignorant like a samurai wields a sword. He doesn’t believe for a moment that granting gay the same rights that the rest of us have is causing the drought but he believes making the ignorant believe it will help Romney’s chances to get elected. The killings and hate are just collateral damage and after all in Beck mind he has no responsibility but to the ungodly greedy. Other people are just pawns to be moved around the chess board and sacrificed for the greater good.
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