The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 25 Jan, 2021 10:00 pm
Marco Rubio thinks impeaching Trump is a bad idea, he told Fox News Sunday, “we already have a flaming fire in this country.” The trouble is not fire but the arsonist who started the fire with his lies an incitement. If you don’t do something with the arsonist, he will continue to light more fires than you can put out. Anybody knows that when there is arsonist lose in a town just putting out one fire does not stop the problem before long buildings are burning all over town. The fires keep popping up until the arsonist is dealt with. Trump has not renounced his false claims of a crooked election and will continue to set fires and the next fire he sets will bring out the weapons and the lose of life will be substantial.

There is only one way to appease Trump and that is to do away with the constitution and make him dictator. There is no appeasing a terrorist. I wonder if Rubio would not want to impeach Obama if he had claimed that he had won the election when he lost by 7 million votes and incited a riot. Rubio would impeach him so fast it would not be funny. Rubio isn’t worried about a fire he is scared to death to lose the votes from the American Nut Party members. Rubio desperately wants to appease those that took part in insurrection and those that plan to take part in future insurrections.

Today we have 25,501,579 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 25,374,301 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 127,278 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 425,249 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 423,611. That means that another 1,638 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Tue 26 Jan, 2021 10:03 pm
The Republicans tried to stop the Trump’s impeachment trial but they were not successful. The motion failed 55 to 45. The republicans are so scared of Trump that they are afraid to vote against him even after he put their lives and the lives of their family in danger. When you won’t even stand up for yourself you have to realize that you are a coward. You would think that the Godfather was after them and that may indeed be the case.

If there is no punishment for inciting a riot how long do you think it will be before the next riot happens? Trump planned the, riot he called for all those nuts to come to Washington. Trump planned to use the riot to subvert the government and overturn the results of a fair election. Trump planned to use the force of the mob to subvert the constitution. Trump believed that the congressmen would be terrified of the mob and that they would do Trump’s bidding. Even after the insurrection and killings, the pipe bombs being placed the congressmen stood up to Trump and certified the election. If Trump is not punished there is absolutely no reason that Trump won’t do it again. We punish people for a reason and that reason is to prevent them from doing again. Trump can just as easily as the first time call up mobs to make him dictator by insisting that 50 elections were crooked. Many more of Trump’s thugs will be armed the next riot and they will be hunting for congressmen and it won’t matter what party they belong too. Trump has shown he has enough people to overthrow the government and kill the no problem inciting riots, the only question is our we going to give him a second chance to do it right.

Today we have 25,604,046 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 25,501,579 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 102,467 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 427,069 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 425,249. That means that another 1,820 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
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Reply Wed 27 Jan, 2021 10:09 pm
Imagine if we had a justice system where the only relevant parameter was your party affiliation. If you were charged for murder and you were a republican and you were bought before a Republican judge you would always be found innocent no matter how many people you killed. If you were democrat and tried in front of a democratic judge you would always be innocent. Guilty or innocence being determined by party affiliation would be terrible justice system and encourage widespread criminal activity. Yet this is exactly the system we have set up to deal with the criminal acts of a president. There is no possible criminal act that a president will ever face punishment for.

Trump needs to be prosecuted in a court of law like every other criminal. Let him be tried in front of jury just like every other citizen. Let the lawyers explain the law and if jury determines that Trump is guilty then let Trump be sentenced to jail not just be banned from run for public office in the future. A system that bases justice on party affiliation is no justice system at all. The only possible way to justice is through a criminal court. Trump is no longer protected from criminal prosecution by the justice department memo. Federal prosecutors should convene a grand jury and bring criminal charges of insurrection against Trump. The whole country could watch the trial and let jury decide.

Today we have 25,831,067 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 25,604,046 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 227,021 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 432,864 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 427,069. That means that another 5,795 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.

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Reply Thu 28 Jan, 2021 10:18 pm
The House Minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, went down to see Trump at Mar Lago today. McCarthy had harshly criticized Trump for starting the capitol riot but did not vote to impeachment him. Trump was absolutely livid at McCarthy for telling the truth about who was responsible for the riot but this was McCarthy’s attempt to be on both sides of the issue. Trump is now trying to regroup his troops for another assault on the capitol.

Trump is also going after Liz Cheney because she voted to impeach him and publicly blamed him for starting the capitol riot. Trump allies have decided now that Cheney is the one that should be removed from government not Trump. They held a political rally in Cheney’s home state of Wyoming and no less that Donald Trump Jr called the rally to criticize Cheney. This is two years before Cheney runs for reelection. It used to be that Trump would say the scariest thing to a politician was the smell of jet fuel from air force one leaving town but now Trump does not have access to air force one and Trump private jet is junked and falling down with one of its jet engines missing. Maybe he can come up with a decent car to go to his political rally hit jobs and tell the politicians to smell the exhaust from that.

Today we have 25,987,983 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 25,831,067 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 156,916 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 436,789 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 432,864. That means that another 3,925 Americans died today from the Trump virus. That figure also unfortunately includes my brother-in-law.
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Reply Fri 29 Jan, 2021 10:15 pm
You don’t have to be crazy to elected as a republican but it sure seems to help. Newly elected Representative Margorie Taylor Greene serves as the model for the next generation of republicans. There is no conspiracy theory so outrageous for this woman believe in. For instance, she believes the forest fires in California were started by lasers from outer space and the lasers are owned by the Jews. If that was a true false question on a mental test, if you answered true you would be on your way to being committed. She also believes the school shootings at Sandy Hook and Parkland FL were staged using actors.

Several years ago, there were lawsuits that turned many of the mentally ill lose on the streets. The test being that they had to be a danger to themselves or someone else to be locked up. Since Greene has posted that Nancy Pelosi has committed treason and should get a bullet to the head. Greene is also known to carry a gun. To me she has met the criteria of being a clear and present danger to someone else and she at the very least needs to be taken in for a mental evaluation and she should let us know where those lasers are in outer space before the Jews start anymore forest fires with them.

Today we have 26,156,392 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 25,987,983 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 168,409 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 440,880 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 436,789. That means that another 4,091 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sat 30 Jan, 2021 10:24 pm
Trump is personally endorsing Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene with a personal phone call. The nuttier they are the better Trump likes them. That why Trump has reached out to the American Nazis, the KKK and the white supremacists and you can bet they were all represented at the Washington riot. Now we are finding the riot was bankrolled by some of Trumps biggest political supporters, one contributed $300,000 to fund the riot. You could tell that Trump’s big time political contributors were funding the riot as one of the Texas’ realtor that was arrested had film of her being flown to the riot in a private jet. That is not the way most demonstrators get to a demonstration.

Trump is still recruiting and army of nut cases to do his bidding and there does not seem to be any shortage. The only question is where will he have his army of nut cases attack next. There seem to be certain cycles where there are a far higher percentage of the population suffering from mental defects and this seems to be one of those times. History has shown that during these time governments have been overthrown. Had rioters had a few more guns they would have found and killed many of the congressman and we would have awakened Thursday morning under a Trump dictatorship.

We have 26,308,290 cases of the Trump virus today, yesterday we had 26,156,392 cases of the Trump virus. That means today another 151,898 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 443,817 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 440,880. That means that another 2,937 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sun 31 Jan, 2021 09:57 pm
Trump got rid of his defense attorneys with only a week to go before his impeachment trial. Trump wanted his defense to be that the election was stolen. Trump believes if there was any cheating during the election that justifies Trump sending a mob to take over the capitol. One that tries to act as his own attorney has a fool for client and Trump wants to run his own defense. First Trump imagines wide spread cheating during the election and then start to believe that his imagination is fact. Even while Trump was actively trying to cheat, telling the Georgia secretary of states to just “find 12,800 votes” be is belly aching about others supposedly cheating. It is very obvious who was cheating and his name was Trump.

It obvious that the mob was cover for a planned assault on the capitol. We now know that the bombs were placed the night before as a diversion tactic to draw capitol police away from the capitol. Surveillance camera footage shows the person that FBI believes placed the bombs. Another question was where did the weapons and wall scaling equipment come from? Some believe that the rioters returned to their cars to get weapons but most of the rioters came by plane or bus that was paid for by Trump supporters so there would be a lack of private cars. Tourists to Washington often have to park on the outskirts of Washington and ride the train to downtown. Trump aides say he was absolutely thrilled while the riot went on. Trump loves it when a plan comes together.

Today we have 26,423,597 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 26,308,290 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 115,307 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 446,010 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 443,817. That means that another 2,193 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Mon 1 Feb, 2021 10:17 pm
The very arguments that the republicans made to pass their S10 trillion tax cut are now being reversed to try and limit who will get the $1200 stimulus checks. The republican wants to “target” certain people to get the stimulus check that is how the republicans hope to cut the democrats proposal of $1.9 trillion down to $600 billion. The republican proposal would only give the full $1,200 to people making up to $40,000 a year instead of $75,000 the democrats bill has, and couples making less than $75,000 ($150,000 democrats.) When the republicans all voted for their $10 trillion tax cut, they gave the reason that it would stimulate the economy now they argue that anybody making more than $40,000 would simply bank the money and not stimulate the economy. So, giving million-dollar tax cuts to billionaires will stimulate the economy but giving the middle class the stimulus won’t. Billionaires were far more likely to bank the tax cut than the middle class would be.

The study used by the republicans was one that was done by banks that looked to see if the stimulus was not spent overnight or in the next few days. Yes, the banks looked into your bank account and checked what you did with your stimulus money and turned over the data over to the republicans so they could make an argument to cheat many Americans out of the stimulus money. The banks want bigger tax cuts and if the middle class gets the stimulus there won’t be millions dollar bonuses next year. More of the stimulus money would have been spent but a lot of businesses were closed and people were afraid to go out. The first stimulus money should have been tracked over a much longer period of time, six months or so. They just really looked at the people that were completely broke and their stimulus money went for back rent and food. Moscow Mitch argument that under the democratic proposal the rich ($300,000) would getting $5,600 in stimulus checks if they had two children. For this to happen the two children would have to make $75,000 each, possible but not likely.

Today we have 26,503,340 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 26,423,597 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 79,743 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 447,382 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 446,010. That means that another 1,372 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
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Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2021 10:33 pm
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has in effect proposed a 28th Amendment you might call it the freedom to lie on social media legislation. The conservatives have made their political fortune by lying on red neck right radio and Fox News. They believe they have and absolute right to lie on any media they chose and that they as conservatives should never be subject to the Terms of Service of any site. To that end DeSantis is proposing legislation in Florida to take control social media from the owners and give that control over to state of Florida to make social media the equivalent of red neck right radio.

The conservatives believe that they have an absolute right to lie to the public to them the right to lie is sacred. If the conservative lies are blocked, they are afraid the truth might prevail to their detriment. We are all subject to the Terms of Service. I have been banned from a local board because local politicians were upset over posts over a bad apartment fire that killed several people. City council had decided to fire half the fire department a few days before the fire over residence requirements. It was very fortunate the firings had not taken place before the fire. It was their play pen and their rules and I understood that. There are way too many fish in the sea and I moved on to another site. I have been suspended on this site for criticize organized religion in terms that some took offence to. If you decide to play in somebody else’s play pen you have to play by their rules (Terms of Service). There are no doubt 100s of thousands of liberals that had their posts removed because they violated the Terms of Service but conservatives think they should not be subject to same rules as others and want government legislation so they will not be subject to the Terms of Service.

Today we have 26,524,218 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 26,503,340 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 20,878 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 447,715 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 447,382. That means that another 333 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Wed 3 Feb, 2021 10:05 pm
It looks like Margorie Greene (Rep, Georgia) is going to be the new face of the Republican party. The republicans refused to take any action against for endorsing the killings of fellow representatives. How could you not take action against a certified nut case? The problem is that Trump had endorsed her and taken her to be his personal pet legislature. Most of the republicans in congress pee their pants when Trump speaks and that is what happened today.

It is a crime to threaten to put a bullet in someone’s head, that is terrorist threatening and you can be arrested for it. In Greene case she agreed with a post on line but that is essentially the same thing. Now it will be left up to the democrats to discipline Greene. But Trump is only one for two today he had wanted to destroy Liz Cheney and bring her down for voting to impeach him and putting the blame on him for the capitol riots. Trump lost the vote to remove Cheney by 145-61 somewhat of a landslide victory for Cheney. This was an intimidation tactic by Trump like the capitol riot was. If you vote against Trump, he will do everything in his power to end your political career. That is why the other republicans pee their pants when Trump speaks. That is how thugs operate.

Today we have 26,791,783 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 26,524,218 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 267,565 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 454,392 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 447,714. That means that another 6,677 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Thu 4 Feb, 2021 09:56 pm
The vote not to strip Liz Cheney of her leadership vote was a lopsided 145 to 61 against Trump’s wishes. I had to wonder why so many republicans voted against Trump’s wishes. I found out this morning the vote was secret so Trump would not know who voted against his wishes. The impeachment vote should be held in secret, that way so Trump would not know who voted against him and it might give the republicans the courage to vote their minds instead of being intimidated by a thug.

The Republicans might have voted not to remove Representatives Margorie Greene from her committee appointments but a whole House vote today removed her today. Greene has been taken lessons from Trump and refused to apologize he position on QAnon, that there was no evidence that a plane flew into the pentagon on 9/11 (isn’t funny that a plane flown into a building doesn’t look like plane?), That the Sandy Hook and Parkland school shootings were staged by actors, and that government should be run by putting bullets in heads of opposition members. She did disavow some of her former positions but refused to apologize.

Today we have 26,920,474 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 26,791,783 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 128,691 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 459,404 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 454,392. That means that another 5,012 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Fri 5 Feb, 2021 10:04 pm
Karama is bitch, and Trump and friends are about to find how big a bitch it is. The dominoes are beginning to fall tonight, Fox News canceled Lou Dobbs show, Dobbs was one of Trump’s biggest supporters. Trump “proof” of a rigged election has come back to bite him and his friends. The lawsuits are flying and they’re not for millions they are for billions. Fox News and News Max continued to repeat the big lie that Trump had actually been cheated out of the election and that there was proof. They contended that the voting machine companies had rigged their voting machines so Biden would win, until they started being sued. After that they were sued, they read prepared statements that said they believe it was a free and fair election and Biden had won. The trouble is you have free speech but you don’t have the freedom to lie. When you lie you are going to face the consequences and in this case the consequences are going to be in the billions.

Besides Fox News and News Max, Trump lawyers Sidney Powel and Rudy Giuliani are also being sued. Giuliani says he looking forward to seeing them in court, with Giuliani’s recent court record of 60 loses I would hire a good attorney he is going to need it. Even Borat had an easy time making a fool out of Giuliani. According to Sidney Powel there was a world-wide conspiracy to beat Trump. Powel was responsible for the republicans losing the senate seats in Georgia. She went down to Georgia and held political rallies telling republicans not to vote in the election.

Today we have 27,054,709 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 26,920,474 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 134,235 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death tool stands at 463,090 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 459,404. That means that another 3,686 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
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Reply Sat 6 Feb, 2021 10:12 pm
The Wyoming republican party censured Liz Cheney for speaking the truth. How dare she not back up Trump’s lies. The big lie that the election was stolen from Trump was the driving force behind the capitol riot. Liz Cheney is not alone the state republican parties are going after anyone who wants to tell the truth about Trump’s lies. The Wyoming Republican party lied that it was not Trump that was responsible for the capitol riot it was antifa that planned and staged the capitol riot. This is another big lie all the rioter that were arrested have a long record of social media making their red neck right views well known over a long period of time. None are so blind as those who refuse to see. I didn’t believe that there was anybody dumb enough to believe that lie but both Fox News and red right radio begin pushing that lie within hours after the riot. Now Liz Cheney is being censured based on that lie.

Of course, Liz Cheney was not the only republican being censured for refusing to kiss Trump’s ass in public. Ben Sasse senator from Nebraska was censured by the Nebraska republican party for refusing to get on his knees and worship Trump. The Arizona republican party has censured Gov Doug Ducey for refusing to take Trump’s call to fix the election while he was certifying the election results. They also censured John McCain widow for speaking out against Trump and censured former senator Jeff Flake for speaking out against Trump.

The Illinois republican party censured Rep Adam Kinzinger for starting an Country First PAC to take control of the party away from Trump. This is why many republicans refuse to speak bad about Trump in public.

Today we have 27,150,916 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 27,054,709 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 96,207 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 465,861 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 463,090. That means another 2,771 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2021 09:51 pm
The republican party is in a state of transition and has been since Trump was elected. Many people are dropping out of the republican party, 10 times as many republicans have dropped their republican registration since the election as democrats. There is a good reason that so many republicans are dropping their registration, being a republican has now become synonymous with being racist, neo-Nazi, white supremist, or a QAnon member. Those are not main stream ideals, those are the ideas of the fringe radical right wing. When the republicans originally decided to make the republican party big tent party, they did not intend it to include the crazies but that is exactly who Trump set out to attract the craziest radical he could find. To trump loyalty is the most important quality of a voter or anyone else for that matter and no one is more loyal than the crazies, they will even riot and break into the capital if he directs them to.

The easiest way to see this change taking place is a tale of two congressmen. The republican party took no action against QAnon believer Margorie Green who believes that Jews from outer space with lasers are responsible for the California forest fires. On the other Liz Cheney has been censured by the Wyoming republican party and stripped of her campaign contributions for voting to impeach Trump. The message is unmistakable Liz and many others will be replaced with more QAnon members loyal to Trump. This will be followed by even more republicans dropping their republican voter registrations.

Trump loves crazies they are the most loyal voters once they fixate on a personality, they will go to their death to support him or at a bare minimum they will go to jail for their fearless leader.

Today we have 27,267,645 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 27,150,916 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 116,729 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 467,868 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 465,861. That means that another 2007 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
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Reply Mon 8 Feb, 2021 10:36 pm
I have been reading a book by Carl Hoffman called “Liar’s Circus: A Strange and Terrifying Journey Into the Upside-Down World of Trump’s MAGA Rallies.” This book helps explain the mindset of the typical Trump voter that attends Trump rallies. The author had lived with and written a book about head hunters in Borneo. But when he started to go to Trump rallies to study the Trump voters, the head hunters seemed much saner. The Trump voters stood in line for day to get a glimpse of their fearless leader. Standing in line for hours gave the author time to get to know the Trump voters. He told one man that he was talking with that he was an author, the man said that he too was an author and produced a copy of his book. Hoffman began to read some of the man’s book. One part said it was better to poop with your pants down. The man in his slim paperback book advocated eight-day weeks and also something about blood and hole in the bottom of the body. Hoffman handed the book back and told him it was gobbledygook. Anyone can be an author with self-publishing.
A woman asked if he had seen the Frazzledrip video? She explained that the video was dark and hard to see but you clearly hear John Podesta saying call me your daddy and you can hear children crying. She also said that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin were torturing children. I know where that garbage is manufactured it is the good Christians who manufactures this garbage every election to win elections. It seems lying is alright with god if it serves to get your candidate elected. I have run in to it too many times.

It seems the typical Trump rally attendee does not read newspapers, they don’t even watch Fox News, they get all their information from the internet and we all know that everything on the internet is true or it would not be there. The author felt like a strange man in a strange land at the Trump rallies.

“These to me were just ordinary people,” writes Christabel Bielenberg in “The Past Is Myself,” her memoir of being an Englishwoman during the rise of Hitler,… and I only got out of my depth when I discovered that at the drop of a hat, or rather the sound of a voice, they could transform themselves into a roaring jostling mob, with glassy eyes and right arms outstretched. History shows us we are all susceptible.”

We too have witnessed a roaring mob spurred on by the voice of another man of Germany extraction.

Today we have 27,319,269 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 27,267,645 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 51,624 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.
The death toll stands at 468,679 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 467,868. That means another 811 Americans died today from the Trump

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Reply Tue 9 Feb, 2021 09:48 pm
Trump’s impeachment trial got started today with a loss for team Trump. Trump’s lawyers tried to assert a defense that you cannot impeach a president after he leaves office. The democrats insisted that because you are in the last few days of your term you are not free to commit any illegal act you want to. There have to be checks and balances to protect the public. Trump was holed up at Mar-a-Lago and was glued to his televisions and very upset with his lawyer’s defense, according to his aides. Trump believes his best defense is an offence claiming he was cheated out of the election and therefore was entitled to send rioters to take over the capitol and kill seven people and injure 136 policemen. He fired his previous lawyers because they would not use that defense.

Trump is always at the center of his world and he is always the victim. Trump does not see the seven people that died at the capitol as victims he is the true victim here. The tide is slowly beginning to turn with 50% of the American people believing Trump should be convicted during the impeachment trial while 48% believe he should not. Many republican congressmen believe that Trump is the victim and the government should bend over backwards to appease him. They tried that with Nazis in Germany and it didn’t work. One of life’s lessons is that you have to stand up to bully, they are never appeased and they will take your lunch money every day until you stand up to them and then they will look for another victim.

Now the Trump rioters have announced that on March 4th they will put Trump back in as the president. Whether that is credible or not time will tell. My adult daughter has a friend that has decided she will commit suicide if Trump is not president. This is the type of people who follow Trump if they will commit suicide, they will commit murder to achieve there end they have nothing to lose.

Today we have 27,438,560 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 27,319,269 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 119,291 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death Toll stands at 472,335 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 468,679. That means another 3,656 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Thu 11 Feb, 2021 08:26 am
The second day of Trump’s impeachment trial went well as the democrat impeachment managers made their cases. One of Trump’s defenses is expected to be that the riot was planned beforehand and Trump’s words did not cause the riot. Evidence shows that the riot was indeed planned beforehand and Trump was in on the planning. The original permit for the demonstration only permitted the demonstration at one location near the White House but after Trump became involved the permit was expanded to include the Capitol. That shows that Trump intent was to use the mob to stop the certification of the election.

Many of Trump’s tweets showed that he openly encouraged people to come to the riot at the specific time that the certification of Biden’s victory was scheduled to take place. Why would Trump pick that specific time? When the riot took place, Trump aids have related that Trump was overjoyed not only that but he could not understand why others in White House were horrified at the riot after that many resigned. Trump truly believed that he had won and American democracy had lost. If congress did not set the election aside and make him dictator Trump would send another mob back to get them.

Today we have 27,539,217 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 27,438,560. That means that another 100,657 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 473,223 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 472,335. That means another 888 Americans died from the Trump virus today.

The ice storm took out the power and delayed this post.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Feb, 2021 09:14 pm
Trump was not convicted on his impeachment charges and there was no one that actually believed that 17 of the republicans would vote to impeach him. It is very nearly impossible to get 2/3 of the senate to vote on anything let alone a loaded political question. It would be like having two football teams decide who would win the super bowl and requiring a 2/3 majority. Both sides have too much self-interest for anyone ever to win by a vote, the senate is very much like that.

Trump’s defense lawyer in his closing argument said that Trump followers that were involved in the Trump should receive the harshest possible sentences available but Trump who was responsible should be never punished because his term as president expired. If a woman goes to her boyfriend and complains her husband is molesting her children and talks her boyfriend into killing her husband bot are guilty of murder because it was a conspiracy. (actual case) The woman was of course lying, like Trump, she is just trying to manipulate her boyfriend into killing her husband. It is very clear that Trump manipulated his followers with lies and 7 people died in the capital riots there is no difference in what the woman did and what Trump did.

Moscow Mitch made in extremely clear that Trump was guilty of insurrection and his only reason to vote to acquit Trump on the loophole that he was already out of office and the penalty for impeachment was removal office. But McConnel stated Trump could still be prosecuted in and civil courts. McConnel’s speech left no doubt that if he was a juror on Trump’s criminal trial that he would find Trump guilty of his insurrection.

The Trumpies may be rejoicing tonight but Trump’s legal problems are just beginning. He will face criminal charges and wrongful death suits and if he is convicted of a felony and serving in jail time in jail it will keep Trump from ever running again it is hard to run for president when you are an inmate 11001in jail.

Today we have 27,837,755 cases of the Trump virus, two days ago we had 27,539,217 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 298,538 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus in the last two days.

The death toll stands at 488,364 today, two days ago the death toll stood at 473,223. That means that another 15,1411 Americans died in the last two days from the Trump virus.

Ice storm delayed this post.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Feb, 2021 09:05 pm
According to social media the Trumpies are planning a second riot to overthrow the government and put Trump in as dictator. How trustworthy the information is remains to be seen but the Republicans senators certainly encouraged them by failing to impeach Trump. The failure to impeach Trump can only be seen as a green light to the extremists that follow Trump. The Republican senators can blame Trump for the first insurrection but if a second insurrection happens, they will have only themselves to blame because they didn’t take action against the leader of the insurrection. During wars in the middle ages if the King was killed the war was over, much like a chess game. This took all the fight out of the enemy. If only one person is punished for the insurrection it should be the leader of the insurrection.

Trump is every bit as responsible for the insurrection as all the rioters that sacked the capitol. They were arrested as soon as they were identified and though a case can be made that Trump could not be arrested while he was president, that time has passed, he is no longer president and can be arrested like the rest of the rioters. It seems all of law enforcement wants to pass the buck, the Department of Justice would have preferred that Trump was impeached and they would have counted that as punishment for leading the insurrection but now the world is looking at them to punish Trump.

Today we have 27,837,755 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 27,837,755. That means the counter was not updated today.

Today the death toll stands at 488,364 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 488,364. That means the counter was not updated today.
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Reply Mon 15 Feb, 2021 10:14 pm
Adam Kinzinger (R Ill) found that blood is not thicker than water, his family is disowning him over his vote to impeach Trump and remove {R} Greene from her committees because of her ties with QAnon. Several members of Adam’s family sent him letter telling him that he was a disappointment to them and God. We all know who his family believes is God and his name is Trump. This is where the problem comes in when you start to mix religion and politics. Everyone is free to decide what God’s will actually is, and that can be anything from making a conman and thieves president to killing homosexuals for fun and sport and nobody will ever know it was God’s will because talks to an imaginary being. No can ever question what they imagine to be true.

When magical thinking is mainlined in politics a disaster is not far behind. You could not have a branch of science and build a portion of it on magical thinking. If someone actually decides that it was God’s will that someone should be president, what happens? There nothing that a God appointed President can’t do. He could bring back human sacrifice and it would not be questioned. In fact, Trump did sacrifice 7 people at the capital. When you first accept a magical explanation for politics, once that choice is made, it cannot be overturned because to do so would be to question the wisdom of God. It is circular thinking justified by magical thinking.

We have 27,939,592 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 27,837,355 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 102,237 Americans were diagnose with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 490,672 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 488,364. That means another 2,308 died from the Trump virus today.
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