The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sat 9 Jan, 2021 10:01 pm
Now that the first round is over it is high time to do something with Trump attempted coup that failed but he is far from through. Trump has admitted that he was dissatisfied with his statement after the riot. He regrets saying that there will be peaceful transfer of power according to white House aides. Trump brags that 75 million people voted for him and he believes that is more than enough people to stage a successful coup. You can see how persistent Trump was about his election lies. First, he wanted to stop counting the votes at 10 PM while he was ahead and less than half the votes had been counted. Then when it was evident that he lost he immediately claimed the election was rigged. When that didn’t work, he started filing court cases with no evidence and continued to file 60 court cases. When that didn’t work, he started pressuring state legislatures to overturn their election results and send his electors to the electoral college. When the electoral college elected Biden, Trump used the demonstrators to pressure the senate and House Republicans to reject Biden’s vote and have the vice president overrule the electoral process and give it to Trump. Does anybody in their right mind believe that Trump and his allies are through?

The Trump thugs were chanting “hang Pence,” “hang Pence.”
What great crime had he committed? He did not break the law for Trump. Other Trump thugs said they were looking for Biden so they could kill him. Trump’s next big riot is planned for Jan 17th and another is planned for the Jan 20th they will be far worse then the first. The Republicans are absolutely sacred to death of Trump’s thugs and are hiding their heads in the sand and doing nothing. These riots will be far worse than can be imagined and the streets of Washington will run full of blood and Trump will be dancing in the White House because it gives him another chance to be president. The time to do something is now and not say afterwards I had no idea Trump would do this again. The history of what Trump has done is unmistakable and the future will be the same as his past.

In any other country the leaders of a failed coup are executed immediately for a good reason. If you don’t cut the head off the snake it will continue to strike at you and this snake is coiled and ready to strike.

We have 22,331,368 cases of the Trump virus today, yesterday we had 22,049,452 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 281,916 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 375,039 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 371,465. That means another 3,574 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
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Reply Sun 10 Jan, 2021 10:03 pm
You can always tell when someone doesn’t want to do something, first they start with a list excuses why they shouldn’t do anything. On “Meet the Press” this morning there were more excuses than I have heard in the last year. If you intend to do anything you don’t start by listing the reasons that you can’t do anything about it. Right now, the republicans and some democrats are happy burying their heads in the sand and hope they can keep their heads buried long enough that Trump just goes away.

If Black Lives Matter had been responsible for this insurrection and Jesse Jackson had incited the crowd but not participated in the break-in do you think he would not be locked up by now? He would not likely to live long enough to get out of jail alive either. A crowd of Black Lives Matter chanting to hang the vice president would not be out on bail now after they were charged.

Why are so many senators not in favor of removing Trump from office and putting him in jail? Plain and simple self-interest, they hope that the people that voted for Trump will vote for them in the next election. If they vote to impeach Trump or jail him, they will lose those voters. If Trump just goes away, they can point out to those voters that they did nothing to Trump.

Today we have 22,556,555 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 22,331,368 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 225,187 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 377,270 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 375,039. That means that another 2,231 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jan, 2021 10:10 pm
Today we are learning more about the riot in Washington last week, it seems it was not spontaneous but had been a planned attempt to overthrow the government by ex-military and current firemen and policemen. Some of the Capitol police were involved, one retired Air Force Colonel was also involved and now the second in command of at a major police force resigned suddenly for “health reasons.” (no doubt after taking part in the insurrection) The Mayor of New York stated that and city employee that participated in the riot in Washington will be fired. A number of New York firemen took part in the insurrection. The police unions supported Trump in the election because he would let them shoot people 15 times in the back as they walked away and call that law enforcement. It was very obvious that part of the mob came equipped to overthrow the government in full military garb with zip ties to kidnap people.

The FBI issued a warning today that Trump mobs are going to try and take over all 50 state capitols and government buildings starting on Jan 16th thru Jan 20th if Trump is removed from office or to make Trump the first dictator of America. America has stood for more than 200 years but one lying conman of German extraction can accomplish what Hitler could not. This goes to show how dangerous lies are. Everyone knew that Trump was a psychopathic liar when they elected him but they voted for the liar anyway.

Today we have 22,732,280 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 22,556,555 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 175,525 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 378,777 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 377,270. That means another 1,507 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Jan, 2021 09:53 pm
It seems some of the republicans are upset that Trump put their lives in jeopardy. Former vice president, Dick Cheney, daughter Liz Cheney called Trump out today, “The president of the United States summoned this mob, and lit the flame of this attack,” Cheney said in this statement, and added “There has never been a greater betrayal by a president of the United States of his office and his oath to the constitution.”

It has further been reported that Moscow Mitch is livid with Trump blaming him for the loss of his senate majority leader job. Moscow Mitch was a shoe in for another term as majority leader until Trump people went to Georgia and claimed the election was rigged and told them not to bother to vote in a rigged election. It is time to pay Trump back.

We also found that three republican congressmen were involved in the planning of the riot. One of these congressmen carries a gun and metal detectors have been installed in the House Chambers because they believe one of these crazies is capable of shooting other members of the House. These congressmen should be expelled because they actually believed that the mob could be used to intimidate congress to make Trump a dictator. Now a number of bigtime political contributors have stopped contributing to Republican party. A number of businesses have stopped doing business with Trump and even his banks no longer will do business with Trump.

Today we have 23,009,789 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 22,732,280 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 277,509 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The Death toll stands at 383,290 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 378,777. That means that another 4,513 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Wed 13 Jan, 2021 09:55 pm
The investigation of the Washington riot will be going on for some time and we are going to be surprised the amount of planning that went into it. Now we are finding out that members of congress were complicit in the riot. A member of congress told the FBI on the day before the riot some congressmen were showing some of the people that participated in the riot how to get around the capital security. Before this is over with some of the red neck right squad of the congress are going to jail.

Trump was impeached for the second time today but the senate must convict him to take away his million a year for travel. New York cancelled $30 million in contracts with Trump’s businesses. Bankruptcy is in Trump’s future, he has $400 million in loans coming due, plus $50 million debt service on his Chicago building. Deutsche Bank of Germany was one of the last banks in the world that would still do business with Trump and now they will no longer do business with Trump. Trump has swindled so many banks out of millions that none of the Banks in America want to loan him a red cent.

Today we have 23,214,472 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 23,009,789 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 204,683 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 386,842 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 383,290. That means that another 3,552 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 09:48 pm
I thought that Charles Manson was dead but it seems he is alive and well in the minds of the right-wing nuts. As they are getting further into the investigation, they found out the wing nuts ultimate goal is to start a race war in America and after the race war the wing nuts will step and take control of America. It was a really bad idea when Charlie had it. After Charlie’s cult had slaughtered all those people it did not ignite a race war, they simply found Charlie and his crew and locked them up for life.

One of the black members of congress had been receiving death threats so she had panic buttons were installed in her capitol office. When riot started, she went to push the panic buttons but they had been removed. This riot was perfect cover to cover other crimes that were intended to take place. The problem was that the riot was more instance than planned after Trump fired the crowd up, they were unable to kill the black congressmen to start the race war the wing nuts are dreaming of.

America currently has a deadly mix of KKK racist, QAnon, and Neo-Nazis when they all get together on the internet it hard to tell what sort of mental Frankenstein they will come up. Washington DC looks like a monster movie with 21,000 national guard awaiting Godzilla to show up. Almost half of country has decided they want a dictator and are willing to end our democracy. The Republican State Attorney Generals were responsible for assembling the riot crowd as they used robo calls to summons the Republicans to Washington.

We have 23,489,378 cases of the Trump virus today, yesterday we had 23,214,472 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 274,906 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 390,738 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 386,842. That means that another 3,896 Americans died from the Trump virus today.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Jan, 2021 10:10 pm
Trump got another first today, he now officially has the worst approval rating of any president in history when leaving office. That is quite an accomplishment. Baby Bush had a 33% approval rating when he left office because of two unpopular wars and a second great depression but Trump has only a 29% approval rating and all he did was incited a little old riot.

Now it seems Trump wants a major send off when he leaves Washington for the last time. He wants a military band and a 21-gun salute. If I was him, I would not want any guns fired anywhere close to me. You would think that the slime ball would want to just slink out of town without anybody noticing. Trump had previously wanted to hold a huge campaign rally launching his 2024 campaign while Biden was inaugurated but it seems campaign rallies are out of the question in Washington that week especially Trump campaign rallies. If Trump was allowed a big campaign rally, he would incite another riot and his supporters would try to take the capitol again but facing an army armed with assault weapons not many would make it to the capitol and there would be a lot of dead Trump rioters but it would not bother Trump in the least, he would watch it on television.

We have 23,759,743 cases of the Trump virus today, yesterday we had 23,489,378 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 270,365 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 395,685 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 390,738. That means that another 4,947 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2021 10:03 pm
Nikki Haley gave a speech at the GOP annual meeting where she thought the biggest threat to our way of life was “censorship.” But tell why she was never worried about the censorship on red neck right radio. All red neck right radio shows employee call screeners who carefully screen every caller to make sure that they are going to back up the host view point and kiss the host’s ass. This is by far the most “censored” media on the face of the earth by far and has been for the last 30 years since Reagan did away with the “Fairness Doctrine.” This provides a “skewed” political view to many working people who listen at work. When Glen Beck, Rush Slimbaugh, or Shawn Hannity start raving about “censorship” at the same time they are actively censoring those who can participate on their show it is unbelievable.

I was a guest on a talk radio show before the “fairness doctrine” was eliminated and we took every caller there was no call screener on the show. The first person that called was a former republican candidate who recently shot someone in the process of calling 911 on him. Talk radio also works on a few second delay so if you say something, they don’t like you are cut off before it reaches the air. I have never heard one Republican or democrat for that matter complain about the censorship on talk radio. Republicans can’t be against one form of censorship and at the same time be for another form of censorship. This censorship on talk radio is the wind beneath the is the wind beneath the conservatives’ wings and the republicans know it. If they lose that form of censorship their political power goes away and they know it. But at the same time, they don’t believe social media, private corporations, can use the equivalent of a call screener but radio stations can. If we had a democratic talk radio show and the Trump called in the call screener blocked him and no one would ever call censorship but it is.

Today we have 23,996,795 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 23,759,743 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 237,052 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 399,680 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 395,685. That means that another 3,995 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jan, 2021 09:48 pm
Now that the House has impeached Trump for the second time the question is can the senate convict Trump and agree on punishment? Many of the Republicans just want to let Trump walk and do nothing to him. If leaders of Black lives Matters had incited a riot to capture the capital of the United States there would be no question in anyone’s mind that they should be arrested and punished. Laws should not be applied by who you are, anyone that broke the law should be punished the same black, white, or yellow. It should never be a question of who you are but what you did.

Punishment is not only to make sure that you don’t repeat your actions but to make an example of you so others don’t do the same thing. The Republicans say the country needs to heal but if Trump faces no punishment this will not be end of the red neck riots. We know from history is the very nature of riots is to beget more and bigger riots. Though some low-level people may be arrested it is the people at top who should face the worst punishment. The senate will send a resounding message to these hate groups, that have multiplied like rabbits, under Trump and if that message is that you will not be punished if you organize and incite a riot to take over the government, we are all in trouble.

Today we have 24,117,759 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 23,996,795 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 120,964 Americans have been diagnosed with the Trump virus today. One of those diagnosed with the Trump virus is my brother-in-law who is on a ventilator and hanging on to life by a thin thread.

The death toll stands at 401,256 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 399,680. That means that another 1,576 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jan, 2021 10:18 pm
I watched Fox News’ Tucker Carlson rave about the background checks being done on National Guard Troops. They have found that some national guard troops participated in the Jan 6 attempt to overthrow our government and install Trump as a dictator. With 26,000 national guard deployed in Washington there is possibility that some might have participated in the insurrection. We know the crowd intended to murder people and the only reason they didn’t is security was able to hide them first. To have national guardsmen armed with automatic weapons at the inauguration that were intent on killing politicians would be foolish. The secret service is good at keeping people who threaten politicians away from political gatherings.

Tucker claimed that it is just white men who would be targeted for background checks, that is not true all would be checked whether they were black, white or women. Trucker of course, like to use the idiots defense that if any other riots took place in America taking over the government to install a dictator is no worse. Burning a few buildings that will be replaced by the insurance company is one thing but destroying our form of government is thousands of times worse. The riots this summer touched the lives of less than 1% of Americans but the riot in Washington threatened all 330 million Americans. Then Tucker rolled film of just how peaceful the riot at the capital was as the horned idiot strolled into senate chambers and contrasted it with the police cars being burned at a Black Lives Matter riot.

Trucker also cried about all the military in Washington and claimed the democrats were responsible. But it is the republicans who are still in charge and there are national guard from all 50 states both republican and democratic states.

Today we have 24,288,219 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 24,117,759 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 170,460 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 402,991, yesterday the death toll stood at 401,256. That means that another 1,735 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

Region Philbis
Reply Tue 19 Jan, 2021 05:24 am
But it is the republicans who are still in charge
45 checked out months ago... he is the lamest lame duck i ever saw... history will not be kind to him... nor should it...
Reply Tue 19 Jan, 2021 09:41 pm
Trump gave his “I am god speech” today, you know the one where he tells his cult followers that he is their savior and he is the only one who can solve the country’s problems. The sad part is there are so many who believe that Trump was sent from god to save the world. One would think if god was to send someone, he would not choose a conman, thief, and a molester of women. Trump says he took on the tough battles and that is true, he tried to use lies to overthrow the government of the United States and he nearly succeeded in having the vice president killed along with several congressmen. The only thing that saved them was that the capitol police held the mob up long enough so the vice president and the congressmen could be hidden in a safe place.

Trump says he is handing over power at noon tomorrow but Trump won’t be handing over anything by noon Trump will be on a plane headed to Florida trying to out run the police that are going to arrest him for at least part of his crimes. The baby Trump balloon complete with diaper has officially been retired to a museum. I hope that we never see a dictator, like Trump, elected president ever again.

Today we have 24,433,486 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 24,288,219 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 145,267 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 404,812 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 402,991. That means that another 1,812 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Tue 19 Jan, 2021 09:44 pm
@Region Philbis,
There had to be a few members of Trumps team left to be able to call out 26,000 national guard. That a major movement of troops.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jan, 2021 09:45 pm
Despite all of Trump’s lies and his political pressure put on politicians to overturn the election, there will be no second term for Trump. Trump breaks laws so often that he doesn’t understand why others don’t do the same. Trump really believed that if you were a republican that you would do his bidding without question and if you didn’t do what he asked you are in for pay back. Trump will do everything in his power to make sure the Georgia governor will not be reelected and that goes for the secretary of state also. Trump called his campaign to overturn the election “stop the steal” but it was Trump who was trying to steal the election, with the big lie. Trump actually believed that they should have stopped the vote counting at 10 PM while he was in the lead and many votes remained uncounted. Everybody was told that the republicans voted election day and the democrats voted by mail, so the early count would lean republican but there would be a blue wave the next day.

Today we have 24,433,486 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 24,433,486 cases of the Trump virus. It is obvious the counter is not working today.

The death toll stands at 404,812 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 404,812. Again, the counter is down today.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jan, 2021 10:14 pm
There is now a DOJ investigation of the resignation of the US Attorney in Georgia that Trump tried to strong arm to find corruption during the election. Trump refers to the US attorney as “a never-Trumper” in his phone call with the Georgia Secretary of State. Why would Trump refer to the US Attorney he appointed in 2017 as a “never-Trumper?” Because he expected the US attorney to manufacture proof of voter fraud and if he did not that would make him a “never-Trumper. You can tell the way Trump plays the game, if you don’t win than cheat like hell. The investigation should unearth the people who were doing Trump’s bidding in the Justice Department. It is corrupt to pressure someone to commit a crime and we know Trump was pressuring state legislatures and secretary of states to commit crimes. Trump’s impeachment charges should have included these crimes also. What is surprising is that at least some of those people did not commit the crimes that Trump was pressuring them to commit. Imagine get a call from the president telling you to just “find 11,000 votes.”

“We have 24,861,388 cases of the Trump virus today, yesterday we had 24,433,486 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 427,902 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today. The counter is catching up today.

The death toll stands at 413,259 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 404,812. That means another 8,477 Americans died today from the Trump virus. The counter is catching up today.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jan, 2021 10:06 pm
It looks like Trump’s impeachment trial will begin on Feb 9th. The trouble with putting it off is that things look smaller in the rearview mirror. I think many of congressmen would have been in favor of having Trump hung that day because the danger to them was real that day but the further they get from the incident the safer they will feel. Trump’s crime is probably the worst possible crime ever committed by an American citizen. Trump incited a lynch mob and then pointed them at the capitol in an attempt make him dictator. Since Trump’s crime was committed on live television there is no doubt about it, he is guilty.

Some republicans argue that nothing should be done because Trump has already left office. Trump committed the crime while he was in office and actions like elections have consequences. That would be like not convicting a murder because he has already left the area. If that was our theory of law enforcement then the only time a criminal could be prosecuted was when he was caught and arrested at the scene of crime.

This mob of nuts is not going away they will find a new cult leader to follow and they are not going to get any saner. If the leader of cult, whether it is Donald Jr or Jarred Kushner, if they see that Trump is not held accountable, they will feel free to do far worse. The time to stop it is now and it is the leaders that must be stopped and the foot soldiers.

Today we have 25,056,193 cases of the Trump virus today, yesterday we had 24,861,388 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 194,805 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 417,797 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 413,259. That means that another 4,538 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

Region Philbis
Reply Sat 23 Jan, 2021 07:55 am

Biden needs the Senate to focus on his initiatives.

they apparently cannot chew gum and talk at the same time...
Reply Sat 23 Jan, 2021 10:04 pm
Trump is now looking at starting his own political party, they should call it the “American Nut Party.” It would include all the racists, the Neo-Nazis, the KKK, the Proud Bois, and QAnon. Everybody needs a political party that they can identify with. When the guys in white coats, with butterfly nets and straightjackets needed to up their numbers, they could just go to a Trump rally. The last four years have bought to the forefront fringe groups that had always scurried away from the light and stayed hidden in the dark but they suddenly became “fine people” according to Trump.

The question is, did Trump change them or did they change Trump? There is a lot of evidence that Trump was more likely to embrace conspiracy theories after he accepted QAnon members as close to normal people. As Trump ages he is more likely to embrace more conspiracy theories not less. Trump should be sent to prison where he can’t do anymore harm.

Today we have 25,227,940 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 25,056,193 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 171,747 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 421,330 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 417,797. That means another 3,533 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jan, 2021 10:07 pm
@Region Philbis,
Biden will have the undivided attention of the senate until Feb 9th that should give him a start. They had discussed morning sessions to do the senate job and evening sessions for the impeachment trial but I guess that won't happen.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Jan, 2021 09:44 pm
History tells us that the first year of the 1918 plague was mild compared to the following year. Now that we are entering the second year several more dangerous strains of the virus have appeared around the world. We should have learned from Trump’s spreading the virus around the country. The new strains may be as much as 40% more deadly. Travel restriction had been placed on some of the countries that had more virulent versions of the virus during Trump’s term in office but days before Trump left office, he lifted the travel restrictions. Why? Trump just wanted to destroy everything he could. Biden has restored the travel restrictions that Trump lifted but how much of mutated strains got into the country while the travel restrictions were lifted, we will never know.

My brother-in-law has been hanging somewhere between life and death for the last 27 days it is unbelievable that Trump would do that to one family let alone millions of families but he may have done just that by lifting the travel bans because he was angry he could not steal the election.

Today we have 25,374,301 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 25,227,940 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 146,361 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 423,611 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 421,330. That means that another 2,281 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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