The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 28 Dec, 2020 09:46 pm
Just 23 days until they can finally start prosecuting Trump for at least a tiny fraction of his crimes. If Trump had been reelected the statue of limitations would have run out and Trump could not be prosecuted for those crimes. That is one of the primary reasons that Trump desperately wanted reelected. Whether it is New York or some other jurisdiction that gets the first shot there is a line forming. Trump will try to pardon himself and his family before he leaves office but that applies only to federal charges not to state charges.

Trump finally signed the budget and stimulus bill today. The republicans in the senate will block any additional stimulus money. Trump can still pretend that he was for the $2,000 stimulus all along. Few will remember that the $600 deal was negotiated by Trump’s team.

Today we have 19,484,710 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 19,297,396 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 187,314 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 338,290 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 336,761. That means that another 1,529 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2020 10:00 pm
Just a few weeks ago Rush Slimbaugh expressed his disappointment at the complete and total lack of evidence that the Trump’s lawyers had of election fraud. Slimbaugh said they promised block buster but had nothing. I was surprised when today Sidney Powel was a guest on Slimbaugh’s show but Slimbaugh was not there and a guest host was in his place. Sidney presented her evidence that showed that almost everybody was involved including no less than 10 other countries were part of biggest conspiracy on the face of the earth. Of course, she had not one single piece of verifiable evidence she had only theory and conjecture. One of her talking points that if they had continued counting on election night Trump would have got the 270 electoral votes by shutting down the count it cost Trump the election. It took days to count the votes because of the huge number of mail-in ballots. This is pure conjecture on her part, if you count the ballots that night or ten years from now the same person will win. Democrats win elections by seeing all votes are counted, republicans win elections by suppressing the vote. Sidney has evidently abandoned her zombie election conspiracy theory because she failed to mention the dead dictator’s name even once today.

Today we have 19,745,674 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 19,484,710 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 260,974 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 341,801 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 338,290. That means that 3,511 died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Dec, 2020 09:42 pm
It looks like Moscow Mitch will be able to block the senate from voting on the house bill that will increase the stimulus checks to $2,000 dollars. Moscow Mitch has way too much power he can and does stop most of the legislation coming from the house of representatives. Moscow Mitch is far more powerful than the president he can stop any bill from being voted on. The president can veto a bill but he can be over ridden. Moscow Mitch can cause government constipation. Moscow Mitch plans to attach a couple poison pills to senate version. One is to kill social media by taking away their liability protection. That would allow anybody to sue the social media company for anything posted on line. If a guy posted that the girl up the street was a whore there would be an army of lawyers that could not wait to sue the social media company because they have deep pockets. The other poison bill is to form another commission to investigate the election again. If you vote for one you vote for the poison pills also.

This is the time to go down to Georgia and make them understand if they vote for the republican candidates for senate, Loffler and Purdue, they are voting against the $2,000 stimulus checks. Loffler and Purdue have both come out in favor of the $2,000 but that makes no difference because if they are elected Moscow Mitch remains in power and there is no way in hell that Moscow Mitch is going to even let them vote on the $2,000 stimulus checks without it full of poison pills designed to kill it.

Today we have 19,910,674 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 19,745,674 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 165,000 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 344,877 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 341,801. That means another 3,076 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Dec, 2020 09:53 pm
Every last advertising dollar the democratic party has should be spent explaining to the general public in Georgia what the effect of electing the republican candidates for senate, Purdue and Loffler. If they are elected Moscow Mitch remains in power, if they lose Moscow Mitch becomes only the minority leader with no power to block the $2,000 stimulus check. If they are elected there will be no $2,000 stimulus for anyone. I wonder how many republicans would change their vote if they knew it would cost them $2,000 out of their pocket. Never ever underestimate self-interest as a motive.

Today Moscow Mitch called the $2,000 stimulus checks as “socialism for the rich” and said our grandchildren would be stuck with the bill. Moscow Mitch said a family of five making $250,000 a year would get $5,000. But the law specifies that a couple making over a $150,000 or an individual making over $75,0000 would not qualify for the stimulus checks. Moscow Mitch has made his position on the stimulus checks extremely clear. Moscow Mitch has no problem giving the airlines a $100 billion check, isn’t that socialism? Moscow Mitch did not think anything about giving the ultra-rich a $10 trillion tax cut, he was not worried about his grandchildren paying for that. Moscow Mitch was highly rewarded for that with huge campaign contributions. Moscow Mitch has to keep his priorities straight and self interest drives Moscow Mitch. He knows he will not get huge campaign contributions from those who will get the $2,000 stimulus checks. You need to hand out government money in million- dollar tax cuts to billionaires to get those huge campaign contributions. It is payback time for Moscow Mitch, take his power away.

Today we have 20,156,392 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 19,910,674 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 245,718 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 348,373 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 344,877. That means that another 3,496 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Jan, 2021 09:58 pm
Trump is already covering his ass calling the Georgia senate races elections “illegal and invalid” the elections are in progress and no one knows what the outcome will be for sure but Trump has already declared the elections “illegal and invalid.” Why would Trump say such a thing? Because he knows when the republicans lose that he is going to be blamed for losing a sure thing. Trump and his tin hat squad convinced the conservatives in Georgia that voting in a Georgia election is hopeless, don’t waste your time. Now in early voting it is very obvious that Trump has convinced his base not to vote in the election. Early voting shows that Trump’s base is not voting while the democrats are voting in record numbers, outpacing the turnout for the general election. If the democrats win the American people win and are sure to get the $2,000 stimulus checks, if the republicans win there will be another round of tax cuts for the ultra-rich. The republicans are all for stimulating the economy with tax cuts even when the economy is roaring. Giving the ungodly greedy a ten trillion in tax cuts does not stimulate the economy it simply gives them more money to hoard and make more political contributions to crooked politicians.

Today we have 20,323,743 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 20,156,392 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 167,351 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 350,710 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 348,373. That means that another 2,337 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2021 09:39 pm
I have never seen one man try to steal an election in so many different ways. Trump first tried to get the courts to help him steal the election, and he tried and tried, 60 times he tried. Then he hoped to pressure the governors into not certifying the elections and sending Trump electors instead of the electors elected by the people and he failed again. Trump hoped to have an alternate set of Trump electors seated at the electoral college vote when that didn’t work, he decided to have Vice President, Pence given the power to declare Trump president, the courts turned him down again. On Jan 6 the House of Representatives meet to certify the election results again. Trump has pressured enough congressmen that they will protest the results of a legitimate election. But when that is done Trump still has one last avenue to become the next president. That is violence and using groups like the proud boys to make him president at the point of a gun. The proud boys have been observed going into the white house. Trump has called for the proud boys to stage a demonstration on Jan 6th at 12:00 PM. On social media we know the proud boys are trying to figure out how to smuggle their assault weapons into Washington DC for the demonstration. There will be a lot of bloodshed in Washington on Jan 6th and after the bloody demonstration Trump will have failed yet again.

Today we have 20,596,260 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 20,323,743 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 272,517 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 353,309 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 350,710. That means that another 2,599 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Jan, 2021 09:49 pm
Trump was never the most stable of individuals but he has become completely unhinged. Saturday’s recorded hour-long conversation with the Georgia Secretary of State and his lawyer shows Trump actively trying to fix the election after the Georgia election resulted had been counted and recounted twice and certified by the state. Trump asked the secretary of state to “find” 111,380 Trump votes and add them to the total. Trump was utterly amazed that the secretary of state refused to cheat so that Trump could win the state. This shows that Trump expected people to cheat for him. This clearly shows who was cheating during the 2020 election.

During the hour-long conversation Trump provided his truth. Trump would say that he heard a rumor that a box of Trump votes was disposed of. The secretary of state told him that never happened. Then Trump said he heard a rumor that the company that owned the voting machines was removing them. The secretary of state told him that was not true. Then Trump said he head a rumor that the software cartridges had been taken out of the voting machines by the company that owned the machines. The secretary of state said that was also a lie. Each time Trump came up with something even he referenced it as a “rumor.” This explain why Trump’s allegation were thrown out of every court in America. You can’t come to court and when asked for proof say I heard a rumor that… and then provide a hundred affidavits that say they also heard a rumor that this or that happened. In a court of law proof must be clear and undisputed, not rumors.

Today we have 20,782,996 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 20,596,260 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 186,756 were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 354,650 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 353,309. That means another 1,341 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Jan, 2021 10:41 pm
It looks like Trump broke several laws again by trying to pressure the Georgia Secretary of States to fix the election. Trump has broke thousands of laws and has not spent a single day in jail. It is high time that Trump pays for his crimes. Lock him up. Lock him up. The rich have access to connections and the best lawyers and they usually manage to get the ungodly greedy off. Trump swindled the banks in Chicago out of $300 million and served not one day in jail. There are two standards of law enforcement one for the ungodly greedy and one for everyone else. When a poor person steals $20 from the cash register of a convenience store, they are looking at up to 10 years Jail. The amount of time in jail should have something to do with the amount of money you stole.

Congressmen are being told to use the tunnels on Jan 6 in Washington DC because of Trump’s plan to violently overthrow the government if he can’t get Congress to reverse the election. The leader of the proud boys was arrested in Washington for destruction of property for burning a Black Lives Matter banner two weeks ago. But when he was arrested, they found two high-capacity firearms magazines and High-Capacity Feeding Device. The Neo-Nazis, the KKK, the 3%, and others will be in Washington to help Trump stage a takeover that will fail. The proud boys are smuggling their assault weapons in in broke down. Trump is quite willing to fight death to stay in power of course it won’t be his death but hundreds of others.

Today we have 20,969,667 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 20,782,996 case of the Trump virus. That means that another 186,671 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 356,160 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 354,650. That means that another 1,510 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Jan, 2021 09:52 pm
The demonstrations that Trump called for in Washington tomorrow, as the electoral college results are being certified by congress, is expected to draw 10,000 people and 3,500 national guards have been called to help keep order along with the Metro police force and secret service. If things go bad the numbers sound like Custer at Little Big Horn. Trump is expected to speak at the demonstration and if congress does not throw out the legitimate election results and make Trump dictator for life the child will do everything in his power to destroy as much of America as possible.

If the republicans win in Georgia tonight it will be a fair and honest election but if the democrats win the election Trump will declare the election rigged and fixed. Many of republicans that are going to challenge the election results owe their office to the same election on the same ballots that Biden was on. If they are so convinced that the election was indeed fixed then they should give up their office and let their challenger take their place. But everyone of those republicans believe that their election was fair and square even though they are going to protest the election results.

Today we have 21,208,840 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 20,969,667 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 239,177 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 359,845 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 356,160. That means that another 3,685 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jan, 2021 10:12 pm
I was wrong about the number of National Guard deployed in Washington DC today. It was not 3,500 it was only 350 and they were assigned to transportation sites to free up capital policemen. It was very evident that there was not enough protection of the capital. At the White House if you come across the fence the secret service shoots to kill. The capital needs to have a perimeter with the same policy in effect, if you breach the perimeter they should shoot to kill. At the white house they are protecting one man while there are 535 congressmen. This incident will show foreign terrorist how easy it would be to breach the capital.

I watched all of Trump speech to his terrorists and he directed them to go down to the street to capital and told the crowd that he would personally lead them. Trump planned to use the crowd to force the congressmen to make him dictator for life. Trump close friend, Lindsey Graham, went over Trump lies about the election. One was that all of the inmates in Arizona voted in the election for Biden, when Graham asked them to show him the inmates that voted, they could not produce even one vote from an inmate. In Georgia they made an allegation that 10,000 people under the age of 18 voted in the election, when Graham asked for them to show him proof, they were unable top show him even one. Trump has done nothing but lie since he took office why would anyone believe a thing Trump said about the election? He told 13,000 documented lies while he was in office.

We have 21,482,791 cases of the Trump virus today, yesterday we had 21,208,840 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 273,951 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll now stands at 363,727 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 359,845. That means that another 3,882 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
Reply Thu 7 Jan, 2021 07:30 am
I look forward to it all burning down. This year has exposed the corruption of both parties and the perversion they have done to our country. It has been proven that they don't care about the American people and are more concerned with getting reelected and providing our tax dollars to foreign govts in spite of the suffering of millions of Americans due to govt lockdowns. It's time to start this experiment over again with the ideals the Founding Fathers put into the Constitution and this time do it right, if it's not to late.
Reply Thu 7 Jan, 2021 09:00 am
I look forward to it all burning down.

So you're working with the antifa side now?
This year has exposed the corruption of both parties and the perversion they have done to our country.

Um...if you'd been paying attention you would have noticed this long ago. It didn't all occur over the past year. I see you indict the parties but Trump gets a pass.
It has been proven that they don't care about the American people and are more concerned with getting reelected and providing our tax dollars to foreign govts in spite of the suffering of millions of Americans due to govt lockdowns.

You mean, in spite of the suffering of millions of Americans due to resistance to simple public health measures like wearing masks and minimizing social contact. The government which you hate so much also spent several trillion dollars to provide aid to the unemployed and to businesses, as well as fund research and development of vaccines to battle the pandemic. You don't seem very grateful at all.

Frankly , I don't think your little prophetic fantasy is realistic. Your record on the course of this pandemic doesn't enhance your credibility at all:

you wrote:

Trumps response to the pandemic has actually been very good, compared to what the media is trying to portray. (5.01.20)

You would be 100% wrong, [Trump] wants as much testing as we can pump out. The more tests that are done the more we can show this virus wasn't as deadly as the left was claiming it was. (...) The only people I see fighting the testing are those from the left. (5.03.20)

We opened up several weeks ago and we haven't seen a major increase in cases, hospitalizations or deaths. (5.16.20) [there was a huge spike in the fall]

Unproven drugs? You mean a drug that has been on the market for over 60 years vs a "vaccine" that was just invented? You've lost your **** on this one. I've taken the drug Trump was claiming to be on while I was deployed. Unproven... go talk your stupid **** somewhere else and to people who are dumb enough to believe what you say. (5.26.20) [hydroxychloroquine is not an effective treatment for covid]

You will notice there has been a steady decline in the death count for several weeks now, your own postings show this to be true. The next increase in cases won't be because of the GOP convention, it will be because of the protests, riots and massive looting that has taken place. (6.06.20) [while there were cases linked to Trump rallies and BLM demonstrations, the big jump occurred when states opened up prematurely or without sufficient safeguards and community transmission developed]

You just continue to lie and lie and lie. The highest death day was back in April when we saw about 1800 deaths in one day, that was the peak. (6.10.20) [3,775 died on Tuesday]

No, you don't seem to have strong skills when it comes to predicting the future:

you wrote:
Trump is going to win in a landslide and there is nothing the dirty leftists can do to stop it. (10.26.2020)

The "dirty leftists" cleaned Trump's clock and the sore loser showed himself to the world as a complete idiot.
Reply Thu 7 Jan, 2021 11:41 am
So you're working with the antifa side now?

No, I'm not a communist, Antifa is filled with Communists. I'm a Constitutionalist and they want nothing to do with the Constitution. The sad side is neither party wants anything to do with the Constituion either unless it fits their goals.

Um...if you'd been paying attention you would have noticed this long ago. It didn't all occur over the past year. I see you indict the parties but Trump gets a pass.

Trump is a bit player that was suppose to be a change to the system, I could really care less about Trump as a person but there was hope he would stick it to both parties. The media made sure he had no power to screw them over. Trump is done and won't be part of the machine for much longer. We can only hope that this leads to a new 3rd political party that can actually do something.

You mean, in spite of the suffering of millions of Americans due to resistance to simple public health measures like wearing masks and minimizing social contact. The government which you hate so much also spent several trillion dollars to provide aid to the unemployed and to businesses, as well as fund research and development of vaccines to battle the pandemic. You don't seem very grateful at all.

If masks and lockdowns work explain the EU and places like NY and CA with massive spread of the virus? My old state of CO as well, strict lockdowns and mast usage but massive spread. We won't stop this virus with these tactics, we just have to let it run it's course, it isn't going anywhere.

The people didn't get trillions of dollars, that went to the establishment cronies and places like the Kennedy Center and other wasteful spending.

Frankly , I don't think your little prophetic fantasy is realistic. Your record on the course of this pandemic doesn't enhance your credibility at all:

My fantasy won't likely come true, the powers that be have to much to lose to allow it to happen. As for the rest, lets go over what you copied.

Trumps response to the pandemic has actually been very good, compared to what the media is trying to portray. (5.01.20)

Still true. His response and ability to get a vacine fast tracked should help. I won't be taking it, but you are more than happy too.

You would be 100% wrong, [Trump] wants as much testing as we can pump out. The more tests that are done the more we can show this virus wasn't as deadly as the left was claiming it was. (...) The only people I see fighting the testing are those from the left. (5.03.20)

This was once again true. We have tested millions and millions of people at this point. My wife was diagnosed with cancer this year and has had at least 5 tests for major doctor visits including for the surgery and get results in a day. As has also been proven, the virus isn't as deadly as we were told. In fact it has a 99+% survivability rate for the majority of the population. It's most deadly to the elderly and those with more than one co-morbidity, ie: obesity and diabetes to name a few. We were lead to believe at the time of my posting that it was going to kill 10+% of those who got infected, that turned out to be wrong.

We opened up several weeks ago and we haven't seen a major increase in cases, hospitalizations or deaths. (5.16.20) [there was a huge spike in the fall]

Yes in the fall once people were forced back indoors. During the summer the infection rate was much slower but they kept the lockdowns at certain levels to restrain people. It looks like they should have lifted the lockdowns in the summer much like FL did. Whats the infection spread in FL look like?

Unproven drugs? You mean a drug that has been on the market for over 60 years vs a "vaccine" that was just invented? You've lost your **** on this one. I've taken the drug Trump was claiming to be on while I was deployed. Unproven... go talk your stupid **** somewhere else and to people who are dumb enough to believe what you say. (5.26.20) [hydroxychloroquine is not an effective treatment for covid]

I haven't paid attention to the HCQ debate. Last I heard it was more then just the HCQ, it was suppose to be used with a Zinc pack and something else.

You will notice there has been a steady decline in the death count for several weeks now, your own postings show this to be true. The next increase in cases won't be because of the GOP convention, it will be because of the protests, riots and massive looting that has taken place. (6.06.20) [while there were cases linked to Trump rallies and BLM demonstrations, the big jump occurred when states opened up prematurely or without sufficient safeguards and community transmission developed]

It didn't have anything to do with opening up early. The jump took place when the weather got cold and people were forced back inside. The lockdowns haven't worked and the states with the strictest lockdowns have seen the most infections and deaths. I'll once again reference FL, which is warn year round but also didn't see a massive increase with the lifiting of their lockdowns.

You just continue to lie and lie and lie. The highest death day was back in April when we saw about 1800 deaths in one day, that was the peak. (6.10.20) [3,775 died on Tuesday]

I wonder what the flu death rate looks like since we are in the height of flu season. No mention of it on the news, but they keep pumping those C19 death numbers.

Did you know that even the WHO has pulled back on their recommendation of lockdown? They have admitted that they are doing more harm than good and that healthy people shouldn't be locked down. Did you also know that what the lockdowns are doing is pushing forward with the Great Reset?

This has been referenced by the PM of Canada in a speech and John Kerry has said he supports it. Nothing more than a realignment of the economic order. Given enough time there will be no small business's only publicly traded companies that support the establishment. I want to see small business flourish, what we have seen is the largest transfer of wealth in US history, thanks to the lockdowns. Small mom and pop stores bad, large companies good. Church is bad, full airline flights good.

The "dirty leftists" cleaned Trump's clock and the sore loser showed himself to the world as a complete idiot.

I have a hard time believing someone who barely campaigned got more votes than Obama did, that margin was too good to be true. Lots of funny things when on this year to include the massive mail in voting push. This election was dirty and only time will be the witness to the truth.
Reply Thu 7 Jan, 2021 12:57 pm

If masks and lockdowns work explain the EU and places like NY and CA with massive spread of the virus?

That's not particularly difficult to understand. First thing, "masks and lockdowns" shouldn't be grouped together. Masks aren't 100% effective, nor do people actually wear them. To draw a conclusion as to how effective they really are would require some sort of real world test, which won't be done, for obvious reasons. Even if they work at a rate of 60%, 50%, or less they can still help prevent the spread of the disease. Lockdowns are different. The UK is implementing a serious lockdown because it's being hit by a more transmissible mutation of the virus. In places like NY and CA you really need to study the demographics — what percentages of obesity, diabetes, asthma, etc are there, what sorts of living conditions are prevalent. You can't expect every community to have an identical rate of infection because there are economic factors in different communities which influence the rate of transmission.
The people didn't get trillions of dollars...

Of course they didn't but the increase in unemployment benefits, the extension to part time and gig workers, and the $1200 checks to individuals made a difference. The trillions were mismanaged to be sure, but bureaucratic efficiency and responsible oversight are not a hallmark of this administration.
His response and ability to get a vacine fast tracked should help.

Yeah, and while we're waiting, the USA, at 4% of the world population, has over 20% of the cases worldwide. And don't you think any president would react to a pandemic by ordering and facilitating the development and distribution of a vaccine? It's called "doing your f***ing job".
We have tested millions and millions of people at this point.

In a disordered and ineffective manner. And Trump actually preferred to test less so the numbers of infections would look lower. Right now we're seriously behind in testing for the genetic profile which would identify the new more transmissible strain of the virus.
I wonder what the flu death rate looks like since we are in the height of flu season.

The measures people take to avoid infection by covid are the same that people have long used to avoid the flu in the crowded cities of East Asia. "The global decline in influenza virus circulation appears to be real and concurrent with the Covid-19 pandemic and its associated community mitigation measures," CDC researchers reported Thursday.
This has been referenced by the PM of Canada in a speech and John Kerry has said he supports it.

I wouldn't take this too seriously. It's a pipedream — the real world doesn't reflect the sort of cooperative responsibility that a plan like this would require. It's like communism that way — just a utopian concept. Probably a few of its features will be adopted, in a watered-down fashion, and it will be forgotten, or replaced by some new visionary plan.
Small mom and pop stores bad, large companies good. Church is bad, full airline flights good.

This is a trend — "late-stage capitalism" — which began way before the pandemic. And both church and full airline flights are bad. Religious worship in communal settings — in defiance of the law — has touched off several outbreaks in my state. Many of the churches have been responsible. It's the fundamentalist Trump-supporting churches that willfully endanger public health.

I have a hard time believing someone who barely campaigned got more votes than Obama did...

It doesn't surprise mt that it would give you a hard time. While playing the part of an "independent thinker" you are demonstrably devoid of curiosity or imagination. Trump, undisciplined narcissist that he is, went too far. The fact that even some Republicans realized this is shown by the numerous ballots in many states where other Republicans on the ticket got more votes than Trump. People distrusted and hated Trump much more than they did McCain. As a result more people turned out to vote against Trump or to split their tickets.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jan, 2021 10:10 pm
What happened in Washington yesterday has been 40 years in the making and Regan is every bit as responsible for the sedition as Trump. We started down this road when conservatism rose to power. The modern conservative philosophy is a product of the hardcore American communists of the 1930s. Regan eliminated one of the cornerstones of a modern democracy, the Fairness Doctrine, that mandated that broadcast stations had to present both sides of political issues. This exposed the American public to both sides of political issues and to their underlying arguments. There were moderators but no one trying to indoctrinate the audience. Once Regan eliminated the fairness doctrine the ungodly greedy were free to set up pure propaganda stations that were designed to indoctrinate and raise an army of the ignorant who could be easily manipulated by demigods like Trump.

Trump is a coward’s, coward and he sees the world like cowards see the world. People’s world view is shaped by their character, if someone is honest, they believe others are honest. If they are dishonest, they believe others are dishonest. Since Trump is a coward, he believes others are cowards also and he believed Pence and the congress were cowards like him and that he could use the crowd of deplorables to scare congress into giving him the presidency for four more years. Trump has no values and no principals and he can’t understand other that do. Just like when Trump was standing in the military cemetery and told John Kelly, I don’t get it, what is in it for them and Trump will never get it. The image that will endure from Trump’s time in office will be him inciting the crowd to storm the capital and telling the crowd he will lead them and then jumping in his limo and driving the opposite direction to watch it on television.

Today we have 21,766,130 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 21,482,791 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 283,339 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 367,662 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 363,723. That means another 3,939 Americans died from the Trump virus today.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jan, 2021 10:19 pm
It high time that the American people realized that the Republican party was highjacked by the modern conservative movement, that it is a product of the hardcore American communists of the 1930s. Until people learn from history they will keep repeating incidents like this. The Russians won the 2016 presidential election while most Americans turned a blind eye. "There are none so blind as those who refuse to see."
Reply Fri 8 Jan, 2021 11:36 am
You got it twisted. The GOP is just selfish and it has nothing to do with Communism, the DNC is turning towards Communism. If you forget, you are a supporter of such a belief system. Nice try though.
Reply Fri 8 Jan, 2021 12:06 pm
Sometime I'd like to know what you mean by "Communism". (Why do you use a capital "C"? That makes it look as if you're speaking of one particular group rather than a broad economic theory.) You seem to use it as a catch-all for everything you don't like — much as leftists use "fascism".
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Jan, 2021 09:54 pm
Now congress is contemplating what to do about Trump. Many want to impeach him while others say just let him get by with it. Make no doubt about it this is the first time since the civil war where an armed group of thugs tried to take over the government and the first time since 1812 that capital building was taken over and looted by hostel forces. There is absolutely no doubt that Trump called all his followers to Washington and no doubt he fired them up with lies and sent them to the capital. Trump has got by all his life committing crimes and suffering no consequences because he was rich and could afford the best lawyers. Many people who participate in the riot are being arrested and they will go to jail.

One local school teacher who was just elected to the state legislature filmed himself live while he broke into the capital. This idiot came home and posted clips of him breaking into the capital. He removed them after he was told it was a federal crime to break into a federal building. In his court appearance he claimed to be a free-lance news operative. Many of the other rioters posted pictures of themselves breaking into the capital, this would be like a burglar breaking into your house and posting pictures of him breaking in. They sighted a black man that broke into a drug store during a demonstration he was sentenced to 8 years in prison and the white rioters should receive the same amount of time.

Today we have 22,049,452 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 21,766,130 cases of the Trump virus. That means that we have another 283,322 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 371,465 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 367,662. That means that another 3,803 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Fri 8 Jan, 2021 10:02 pm
You cannot wish history away, the communists like Whitaker Chambers, who was a self admitted communist spy, who testified in court against other communists spies, was one of the most influential people in the modern conservative movement and was awarded the presidential medal of freedom by Reagan. And he is just one of the influential communists who started the modern conservative movement.
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