The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2020 10:22 pm
It is not hard to outsmart a 73 year old idiot.

Then how come 17 intelligencies, FBI, DoJ, and the media didn't?
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2020 10:03 pm
Never have so many been fleeced by so few in history. Now that the state of Arizona has certified and sent one set of electors to the electoral college that cast their vote for Biden, Trump’s tin hat squad is going to send a counterfeit set of electors to the House of Representatives and asked that the legitimate electors be replaced by the illegitimate electors. This is the same strategy the tin hat squad says stop the steal while their intention is to steal an election that was legitimate. Imagine if Biden had lost the election by 7 million votes but tried to strong arm the election from Trump? The republicans would be going nuts claiming treason.

Many of the top legal minds believe it is not being done to steal the election by political force but to drive America further apart and provide a huge amount of money for the 2022-2024 election. Trump has raised over $207 million from last report which can be used for his personal expenses while campaigning. Trump has sent out close to 200 different type fund raising letters. The republicans hope to sustain the current level of interest by their base until the 2024 elections.

Today we have 17,452,167 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 17,203,041 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 249,126 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 315,769 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 312,849. That means that another 2,920 Americans died today from the Trump virus today. Just another 911 worth’s.
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Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2020 10:23 pm
The problem with the Russians starts with Trump but it won't end with Trump. Trump actually invited the Russians to break into American organizations while he was running for president in 2016. Which is exactly what they did within 30 minutes of that Trump speech. When the Russians were caught by the Obama administration, they Russian spy houses were closed down and more sanctions were put in place on Russia. As soon as Trump was elected he had General Flynn call the Russians and tell them the sanctions would be removed as soon as he took office. When the Senate heard what Flynn told the Russians they said no way in hell is that going to happen and they tied Trump's hands by mandating the sanctions 98-2 . Trump simply refuse to enforce the sanctions against Russia.

The Russian learned that as long as Trump was in office there would be no penalty for cybercrimes against America. All 17 security agencies hands were tied. If they bought anything the Russians di to Trump's attention he would throw a tantrum and then fire or demote anyone that had the nerve to say anything against our biggest enemy. Nothing can be done unless the idiot at the top decides to do something. There is a reason that this is only coming to light now the 17 intelligence agencies know they will be backed by Biden and not constantly undermined by Trump.
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Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2020 10:37 pm
The Chinese are the threat. Biden, and the DNC are owned by the Chinese. Russians do not like us either, but Russia is not an immediate threat.

You need to get real your bullshit just does not cut it.
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2020 09:54 pm
Trump and his tin hat squad are seriously considering imposing martial law across America to cheat Biden out of the election. There was evidently a confrontation in the White House today about between those who want to impose martial law and those members of the administration who are against imposing martial law. One thing for sure the longer the Trump’s team keeps coming up with ideas the crazier they get. The fact that anyone would even consider imposing martial law shows that they have no problem of making America a dictatorship instead of a democracy. General Flynn was the first to propose the idea at a Trump rally that martial law was the best way for Trump to become a dictator.

We know what Trump would get out of imposing martial law but what would it mean for the American people. Under martial law: “all civil rights and habeas corpus would be suspended along replacing civil law with military law. This is exactly how dictators take over a country. This would make Trump a dictator for life. There would be no way to stop search and seizure and Trump could seize all of the 2020 election results and make them disappear. I have warned you before that Trump has always been a wannabee dictator. Now maybe you will finally understand before it is too late.

But you must realize that it is Russia who is actually imposing martial law on America, Trump is only Putin’s puppet. This is Russia last chance to destroy America from the inside.

Today we have 17,629,223 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 17,452,167 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 177,056 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 317,534 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 315,769. That means that another 1,765 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2020 10:10 pm
I hope you are going to enjoy martial law after Trump imposes it. The Russians are desperate to see Trump stays in office and the Russians fingerprints are all over the place. Trump's hand picked Secretary of State Pompeo has now told the truth that there is absolutely no doubt that it is the Russians. The Chinese have way to much to lose as we are their biggest trading partner, just smoke and mirrors to protect the guilty on the other hand Russia has always been our biggest enemy. The Russian leader Khrushchev pounded his shoes on the table in the United Nations and said that Russia would destroy America from the inside but they had to wait until they could groom Trump for their man on the inside.
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2020 10:18 pm
The Russians are desperate to see Trump stays in office

Laughing Laughing Laughing No foreign country wants Trump in office but Israel.
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2020 09:52 pm
What will happen when Trump decides to declare Marshall Law? The second amendment is suspended and the military can take all the guns no questions asked. The meeting in White House to discus, declaring Marshall Law that was held last Friday evening grew so loud it could be overheard outside. The plan is to use Marshall Law to declare the elections in the states that Biden won invalid and hold new elections that would be run by the military of course Trump would stay in office until the new elections are held. Already two branches of the military have refused to use military force against the citizens of the United States. Either Trump or congress are impowered to declare Marshall Law so there is no doubt Trump can declare Marshall Law and probably will. It will take 100 years to straighten America out after Trump is gone.

The narrator of Mett the Press opened the show today by saying that Trump was unhinged failed to describe how bad Trump behavior is now. We have long expected this behavior out of Trump but his republican enablers that are supporting his bad behavior are the real problem. Without their help Trump could not destroy America for his Russian buddies.

Today we have 17,975,428 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 17,629,223 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 346,205 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 320,595 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 317,534. That means that another 3,061 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2020 09:56 pm
Don't kid yourself, Trump owes the Russians $400 million and that is according to his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Judas betrayed Jesus for far less. When Trump makes a decision it is always based on self interest.
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Reply Mon 21 Dec, 2020 10:01 pm
There is a war going on in the White House today between the crazy and the crazier and it is rumored the craziest are going to reinforce the crazier.

The last time Trump he was seen he was running naked around the White House lawn, hands waying in the air, shouting loudly “they are coming to take me away, they are coming to take me away, hey, hey.” The men in the little white coats with a large net just missed him as he ran by. Just then a large woman in the same state of dress ran by, “please Mr. Trump make me special prosecutor and I will prove that that the south American dictator fixed the election.” “I know he has been dead for years but haven’t you heard of zombies? They are real and interested in elections.” One of the men turned to the other and said I recognize her, she escaped shortly after the election, Some, mental patients have delusions that they Napoleon, others are convinced they are god but not her she has the delusion that she is a lawyer. At that moment General Flynn followed the others wearing a diaper. Then one of the men in the little white coat turned to other and said, I know one thing for sure we are going to need a much bigger truck. We must have uncovered a nest.

Today we have 18,184,737 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 17,975,428 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 209,309 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 322,343 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 320,595. That means another 1,748 Americans died today from the Trump virus
Reply Mon 21 Dec, 2020 10:49 pm
Isn't the president elect Biden virus now?
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2020 09:57 pm
Trump has finally found out who fixed the election, he now believes that the vice president, Mike Pence fixed election of course that is only on Mondays, on Tuesday he believes it was Moscow Mitch. But we know better it was actually a 400lb fat man sitting on the edge of his bed, we need to find that guy a better hobby. I watched Pence repeating a litany of Trump’s lies the other day but his heart was just not in it. You are expected to not only repeat Trump’s lies but to do it with enthusiasm. As far as Trump’s concerned Moscow Mitch committed treason when he formally recognized Biden as president elect. You can bet Trump sees people engaged in vast voter conspiracy to steal the election in his dreams but that is not the problems he imagines they are real when he is awake. They see a container of votes being moved from under a table and imagine they must be the votes that cost him Georgia. It is a place where votes are being counted and moved all over the place. From the video you see only a container of votes being moved from one place to another there is no way to tell how many votes are for Biden and how many for Trump. This has to be by far the worst conspiracy theory ever.

Today we have 18,429,048 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 18,184,737 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 244,311 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 326,502 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 322,343. That means that another 4,159 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.

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Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2020 10:07 pm
For one thing Biden hasn't taken over yet, it will be 29 more days. You don't name a bridge after a war hero and take it away next year. This was Trump's greatest accomplishment, it demonstrate how one stupid old man can kill a half million people with stupidity. People think gun are dangerous, stupidity is far more dangerous in the hands of the right individual. The Trump had taken a plan out of the Nazis' handbook they were planning to deliberately give the Trump virus to all the children to achieve herd immunity. We had a 15 year old and a 17 year old die this week. Who do you think the infected children would spread it to?
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Reply Wed 23 Dec, 2020 09:47 pm
Just 28 days to go and Trump will be history and it couldn’t come soon enough. Pat Robertson has even abandoned Trump calling for him to step down and saying that he is living in an alternate reality and if anyone is an expert on alternate realities it is Robertson. Before the election Robertson said that he had talked to god and god told him that Trump would win the election, that shows you what god knows.

Now Trump is threatening to veto the Trump virus bill because he claims it does not provide enough money and instead of $1,200 for a couple, it should be $2,000 or $4,000 for a couple. The republicans have been fighting for three months to stop any stimulus money in the Trump virus relief bill. Where was Trump 3 months ago? He is supposed to be the head of the republican party, he sets the agenda and the republican agenda was to stop any payout. It is obvious that Trump is grandstanding to help his push to overthrow the legitimate government of America.

Today we have 18,633,794 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 18,429,048 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 204,746 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 329,491 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 326,502. That means that another 2,989 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Dec, 2020 10:02 pm
I don’t know about you but I got what I wanted for Christmas. Just watching Trump get voted out of office will make this a very merry Christmas. Trump has now hung the rest of the republican party out to dry. Trump has known all along that the republican did not want any stimulus checks. After squandering $10 trillion on tax cuts for the ungodly greedy the pea party is back and demanding a balanced budget. Trump presided over the biggest deficits in history. In the democrats bill they had asked for a $1,200 stimulus check per person but Trump and republicans were on the other side trying to stop it. Why did Trump not direct his Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, to negotiate the $2,000 stimulus payments instead of working against any stimulus payment? Mnuchin was Trump’s chief negotiator and answers to Trump.

Today we have 18,846,059 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 18,633,794 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 212,265 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 332,283, yesterday the death toll stood at 329,491. That means that another 2,792 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

Reply Thu 24 Dec, 2020 10:09 pm
Zardoz wrote:

I don’t know about you but I got what I wanted for Christmas. Just watching Trump get voted out of office will make this a very merry Christmas. Trump has now hung the rest of the republican party out to dry. Trump has known all along that the republican did not want any stimulus checks. After squandering $10 trillion on tax cuts for the ungodly greedy the pea party is back and demanding a balanced budget. Trump presided over the biggest deficits in history. In the democrats bill they had asked for a $1,200 stimulus check per person but Trump and republicans were on the other side trying to stop it. Why did Trump not direct his Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, to negotiate the $2,000 stimulus payments instead of working against any stimulus payment? Mnuchin was Trump’s chief negotiator and answers to Trump.

Today we have 18,846,059 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 18,633,794 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 212,265 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 332,283, yesterday the death toll stood at 329,491. That means that another 2,792 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

Almost president elect China Joe virus now.
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2020 09:57 pm
If Trump is so concerned that the American people get $2,000 checks all he need do is sign the current bill since it funds the government for the next 9 months and then pass a $1400 supplemental bill to add to the $600 check. This bill would easily be passed by the democrats they have been pushing for bigger stimulus checks all along. Trump’s party would have to pass it and that is not likely. Moscow Mitch would block it from ever coming to a vote. If it ever came to a vote the American people would know where the republicans stand. A ten trillion tax cut for the ungodly rich is one thing but three trillion stimulus bill is another. Trump needs to put his money where his mouth is.

Today we have 18,971,423 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 18,846,059 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 125,364 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 333,931 today, yesterday it stood at 332,283. That means that another 1,648 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2020 10:02 pm
Trump has got far more out of China then Biden ever will. China will soon become the biggest economic power in the world on Trump's watch. It is going to happen much sooner than predicted. Trump added a tremendous amount to the trade deficit with China this year.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2020 10:03 pm
Trump has now called the supreme court “totally incompetent” because they won’t overthrow the election. Trump appointed three of the judges, does that make Trump “totally incompetent?” Trump really rushed to get that last judge on the supreme court. Trump believes if he gives you a job to someone then you owe him. He was counting on those supreme court judges he appointed to rule in his favor if there was a disputed election. Most employees Trump appointed serve at his will and pleasure and they have a vested finical interesting in doing what Trump wants but supreme court justices are appointed for life to prevent them from being pressured by the president or others. Trump can fire other political employees if they don’t do what he tells him but the supreme court justices can just thumb their noses at Trump. Trump has no idea how the government functions.

Since Trump’s plan to steal the elections by using the court system failed his new plan is to buy it by switching his position on the stimulus checks. Trump thinks that if he gives enough money to the American people they will switch, for a few dollars more, and decide to have Trump declared dictator for life. That is as dead as his court battles.

Today we have 19,103,992 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 18,971,423 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 132,569 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 335,265 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 333,931. That means that another 1,334 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2020 09:52 pm
Trump kept telling us that one day it will just disappear but it looks like the Trump virus is still here but that it will be Trump who will just disappear. Trump always wants to be the center of attention and that is why he is demanding $2,000 a person stimulus checks before he signs the budget bill. Like a 2-year-old that throws a tantrum once he realizes that he is not the center of attention Trump will do anything to remain the center of attention. It worked Trump has got the attention of most Americans.

The democrats are on board with Trump’s demand for $2,000 but republicans say there is not enough money in the $1.4 trillion budget bill. It would be simple to find the money, simply repeal the $10 trillion Trump tax cut for the ungodly greedy and put the money to good use the money to save the economy.

Today we have 19,297,396 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 19,103,992 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 193,404 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 336,761 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 335,265. That means another 1,496 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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