The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 11 Dec, 2020 09:52 pm
Zardoz wrote:

Pick up a copy of your city ordinances, read it and you will find how free you really are. If you let your grass grow an inch over specs you can be arrested and sent to jail. Really how "free" are you?

You do not turn a neighborhood to ****. That is a sensible law and a lousy way to explain freedom. You are most likely ungrateful for it, and ignorant of its true meaning.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Dec, 2020 10:37 pm
The “stop steal” rallies should be renamed “start the steal rallies.” Now that Trump’s battleship has been was sunk today by the very Supreme Court by the three judges that Trump appointed so much for loyalty to Trump. That is how it is supposed to work law trump politics. Trump has no place else to turn. Now the Trump tin hat squad’s lies are being unearthed. In Georgia a state representative recognized the names of a few people that were listed as voter not living in Georgia that were listed in the lawsuit as out of state voters. The names and birthdates matched. She called her friends and asked if they knew their names were being used in a federal lawsuit? They had absolutely no idea. So, she began checking the other names on the list and found 80% of that list being used as proof of out of state voter voting in Georgia’s election, had lived and voted in Georgia for years. The Trump’s tin hat squad had attempted this same scam in Arizona. The scam is simple you go down the list of registered and pick out those who own vacation property in other states and say to the judge these people moved and now live in another state and here is the property tax records to prove it. The trouble property tax records prove nothing. John McCain owned six homes across but only one was a legal residence and that was in Arizona.

The new tin hat representative of Qanon that was elected to the House of Representatives was explaining to her tin hat wearing followers how surveillance cameras at the voting counting operation in Georgia was proof positive that fraudulent votes were being counted because one container full of votes was taken out from under a table and counted while there were other identical containers were in the counting room, only this one contained what they were sure contained fraudulent votes. How did they know? Easy, the container was labeled fraudulent votes of course?

In Pennsylvania the Trump’s tin hat squad provided a list of 100 dead voters that voted in the election the trouble is that none were actually dead. It just another Trump scam, go down the list of voters and pick so many elderly voters out that voted and claim without proof that they were dead. But the ignorant that want to believe it and will eat it up. The obvious explanation for how dead people vote, is that they are zombies and that explains why the signatures match. The fix is simple have everyone check for a pulse, if there is no pulse they should not be allowed to vote. Stories like this are most likely urban legends you always hear about the guy with gerbil except it is applied to a different prominent person in every town.

Today we have 16,004,359 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 15,715,231 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 289,128 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 298,796, yesterday the death toll stood at 295,450. That means another 3,346 Americans died from the Trump virus today.

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Reply Sat 12 Dec, 2020 10:37 pm
The Trumpies held a rally in Washington DC today and finally decided who the real enemy is like the comic strip character they have found the real enemy and that enemy is themselves. At the rally the crowd chanted loudly destroy the republican party, destroy the republican party. It seems they believe the RINO’s like Kelly Loeffler and Davie Purdue, who are republicans running in the senate runoff in Georgia, let their lord and savior, Trump, down and it is time to tar and feather them and run them out of Georgia. This will seal their fate in Georgia the Trumpies are doing everything in their power to see that Loffler and Purdue will defeated in the January. An absolute dream scenario if there ever was one.

Trump is like a kid playing chess when he realizes he is losing he will destroy the game. Trump was the frozen snake that the republican party took in and now he is biting them. He was a poison pill the republican party swallowed. They were like the children that followed the Pied Piper into deep water, by the time they realized what happened they were too committed to turn back. Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist that Trump so admires so much, called on the Proud Boys and other crazies in the mob to remove Biden from office by any means possible. One of the Proud Boys bragged on social media that he was invited to the White House for a discussion. The White House denied it but the official logs show he was in fact there. The White House says he was just there for a tour of the White House. Isn’t that Trump agenda? To remove Biden from presidency by any means possible and he has exhausted most of those means. Isn’t that what dictators do? One of the crazies was holding a sign saying Trump for the next hundred years. They believe Trump is immortal. The Preachers told the crowd that God would make sure that Trump was president but god won’t be the one holding the guns. Now 18 states have are discussing succeeding from the union if Trump isn’t declared the winner over the will of the people. Haven’t they already seen how that turned out the first time?

Today we have 16,222,405 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 16,004,359 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 218,0465 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today. It only took 4 days for us to have another million people diagnosed with the Trump virus. It took almost two months to have the first million cases in the spring.

The death toll stands at 301,278 today, yesterday the death toll was 298,796. That means another 2,482 Americans died today from the Trump virus. We crossed another milestone with over 300,000 deaths. The local hospitals are now overflowing with people with the Trump virus, there are no more intensive care beds available, the incoming patients are placed in the halls and are now dying before and intensive care room is available. Let’s hear Trump tell us how many millions lives he saved again. Lying has consequences and we are seeing them now.

Reply Sat 12 Dec, 2020 11:51 pm

The Trumpies held a rally in Washington DC

They held one in every state capital too. This is grassroots and politicians will be jumping on board soon. It guarantees re-election.

Remember this can be held up by one Senator willing to challenge the electors not certify the vote and force a resolution in Congress.
Reply Sun 13 Dec, 2020 10:16 pm
It looks like Trump’s buddies are up to it again, the Russian have gained access to several of the national security agencies. We can expect Trump to say he asked Putin about the hacking by the Russians and Putin strongly denied it and Putin’s word is absolutely good enough for Trump. The attack had precision timing as nation security agency was concentrating on keeping the 2020 election safe from the Russians, at the same time the Russian came in the backdoor and came away with some of the nation’s most closely guarded secrets. The theft was so extensive that we still don’t know how extensive the theft was even though it has been “weeks” after the break in. Trump thinks of Putin as his best friend and just knows he would not have anything to do with it. I wonder why the country was not informed before the election that American people were again being attacked by the Russian government?

Do you think Trump will be for or against more sanctions against Russia? Trump did not enforce the sanctions the senate passed 98-2 against the Russians the last time. Trump will claim it wasn’t Russia that it was a 400 lb. man sitting on his bed at home like he did when the democratic national headquarters was broken into by the Russians. Why do you think Trump is so convinced he won the election? Trump was counting on the Russians to fix the election but he was double crossed and the Russians went around his flank. After Putin was successful in getting Trump elected in 2016 he turned out to be pretty much useless because the Mueller investigation put a bright hot spotlight on Russia. When Putin was asked about Biden victory he said, it made no difference the Russian relationship with America was already soured. But Russia still accomplished their main objective which was to shake the American people’s faith in their free and fair election system and that was job one. Now if it just starts a civil war in America that will be the cherry on top of the Russian sundae.

Today we have 16,340,713 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 16,222,405 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 118,308 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today. (some states don’t report on Sunday).

The death toll stands at 302,141 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 301,278. That means that another 863 Americans died of the Trump virus today.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Dec, 2020 10:30 pm
The electoral will cast their votes tomorrow and it will be over. Trump's tin hat squad will continue on with their efforts and they will be as fruitless as their frivolous lawsuits because Trump is paying Giuliana $20,000 a day and as long as Giuliana can string Trump along he will . If one senator could change the results of an election it would take place in every election. The Bar Associations are looking into disbarring Giuliani and the tin hat squad for filing frivolous law suits as a publicity stunt for Trump to raise money from suckers.
Reply Sun 13 Dec, 2020 10:47 pm
Zardoz wrote:

The electoral will cast their votes tomorrow and it will be over. Trump's tin hat squad will continue on with their efforts and they will be as fruitless as their frivolous lawsuits because Trump is paying Giuliana $20,000 a day and as long as Giuliana can string Trump along he will . If one senator could change the results of an election it would take place in every election. The Bar Associations are looking into disbarring Giuliani and the tin hat squad for filing frivolous law suits as a publicity stunt for Trump to raise money from suckers.

Hard evidence of fraud is in MI under a gag order. The order should be lifted tomorrow. It shows how votes were stolen. If the order is not lifted it will be soon. It will also look like MI politicians are guilty of fraud.
Reply Mon 14 Dec, 2020 10:31 pm
The electoral college voted today as expected. It is now official president elect Biden won and will be certified by the House Representatives and the American people had the last word. First the republican said that news media could not use the results of the elections to project a winner but they would not accept the results until the electoral college voted on Dec 14 but Trump has changed their mind and now, they are pushing states with Republican administrations to send alternate set of Republican electors in place of the duly elected democratic electors and overrule the American people on Jan 6. This is similar to the alternative facts the republicans often claim exists. But now the claim the election will not be over until noon on Jan 20th. There is nothing left after Jan 6 other than Alex Jones saying they will remove Biden from office by any means possible from his armored personal carrier. Jones should be in jail with no bond for inciting insurrection. Judges who asked Trump’s lawyers if there was wide spread fraud in the election why did none of it occur in the states Trump won? Conning the ignorant is easy but it is not nearly as easy to con federal judges even the ones that Trump appointed.

It looks like Trump is going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the Georgia Senate runoffs. Loffler and Perdue were assured of shoe in victories if Trump conceded and did not claim the elections were rigged but to Trump throwing the biggest temper tantrum in history was far more important. Trump will still be trying to overturn the 2020 election till h dies. There was a good picture of Trump on internet were the wind blows his record setting combover off it shows, Trump is completely bald as his favorite lawyer. Loffler was pictured with a KKK official who claims his family has been in the KKK for five generations but he says he is no longer in the KKK but is now a Neo Nazi like that is an improvement. Loffler claims she didn’t know he was a KKK official even though he had swastikas tattooed on his hands and she attended a political rally where another republican candidate kicked him out.

The Georgia republicans are lived with Trump because he is sending fund raising letters in Georgia for the sente runoff elections but pocketing the money in his PAC but who can blame hm he has a $400 million in debt coming due and the Russians want their money back and their type of collection is brutal.

Today we have 16,532,754 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 16,340,723 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 192,031 Americans diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 303,482 today, yesterday it stood at 302,141. That means that another 1,341 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Dec, 2020 10:36 pm
I had a woman call me from another state and tell me she had been taken by the same local conman on four separate occasions. She asked me if she should trust him for a fifth time. You have been taken in by a conman 59 times and you still believe whatever lie he tells. I thought the woman was bad. " It is indeed a strange, strange world isn't it, Master Jack?"
Reply Mon 14 Dec, 2020 11:12 pm
Zardoz wrote:

I had a woman call me from another state and tell me she had been taken by the same local conman on four separate occasions. She asked me if she should trust him for a fifth time. You have been taken in by a conman 59 times and you still believe whatever lie he tells. I thought the woman was bad. " It is indeed a strange, strange world isn't it, Master Jack?"

We have already heard that story. There is now hard evidence of fraud in Michigan and likely Arizona.
Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2020 10:21 pm
Trump has set another first, he is now the first president to be kicked out of two states, both New York and now Florida. It seems that Trump signed an agreement in the 90s that when he converted the private residence at Mar-a-logo to a private club that it could not be used again as a private residence. The neighbors are now taking steps to make sure that Trump cannot use Mar-a-Lago as his private residence. It seems no one wants to live next door to the poor loser, too many nuts coming in and out. Since nobody wants Trump to live next to them in America, I would suggest he look for a place in Russia close to his best friend Putin.
Trump tried to register to vote in Washington DC and list his residence as Florida and was told he could not do that. Denver Riggleman, republican congressman from Virginia, stated, “That the republican party has not only gone down the rabbit hole, they are fighting in the rabbit hole.” Since the republican party has become the party of the white supremacist, Neo-Nazis Qanon and other assorted crazies some Republicans are switching parties.

If a member of the mafia will not lie, cheat and steal for the mob boss will have him taken out. Trump was raised with the mafia and now when the Georgia Governor and secretary of state refused to lie, cheat and steal the election Trump retweeted a late hour post that state that they will be arrested for not doing Trump’s bidding to steal the election for him.

Today we have 16,750,151 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 16,532,754 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 217,397 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 306,014 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 303,482. That means another 2,532 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.

Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2020 10:26 pm
The virus is the CHI COM virus. And none of it 0 is Trump's fault. The end.
Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2020 10:33 pm
Fifty-nine judges have told Trump and his tin hat squad that they have no evidence of wide spread fraud that would change the election results, only conspiracy theories, rumors, and alcoholic witnesses. If they had the actual evidence it would have been presented by now. The people providing his evidence, are with Qanon, the Neo-Nazis and the white supremacist. There is no such thing as perfect election just as no store is able to prevent all shoplifting. The Tin Hat Squad proceeded under the legal theory if they could find any mistake of fraud out 150 votes the election to be thrown out and let Trump stay in office till another election could be set and Trump would start the the process over again. The world can't work like that and it never will but Trump has collected $200 million from the suckers towards the $400 million he owes the Russians.
Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2020 11:25 pm
Zardoz wrote:

Fifty-nine judges have told Trump and his tin hat squad that they have no evidence of wide spread fraud that would change the election results, only conspiracy theories, rumors, and alcoholic witnesses. If they had the actual evidence it would have been presented by now. The people providing his evidence, are with Qanon, the Neo-Nazis and the white supremacist. There is no such thing as perfect election just as no store is able to prevent all shoplifting. The Tin Hat Squad proceeded under the legal theory if they could find any mistake of fraud out 150 votes the election to be thrown out and let Trump stay in office till another election could be set and Trump would start the the process over again. The world can't work like that and it never will but Trump has collected $200 million from the suckers towards the $400 million he owes the Russians.

My post was about the virus. Save your propaganda for someone dumb enough to believe it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2020 10:21 pm
If the republicans continue to claim that the election of Biden be thrown out then then all of the results where the republicans won senate seats, House seats, and governors would also have to be thrown out. The very election that they won would also be invalidate. If it was rigged the results cannot be used to determine any office. If a reelection were held the Republicans would lose far more. Trump would lose again and he would claim it was rigged against him again and that would go on for the next ten elections or until Trump died. In Georgia demand for absentee ballots for democrats is far higher than in the past general election. There will be hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots cast by democrats than ever before while Trump’s tin hat squad has convinced many of Trump base to not vote in the runoff election. It is very difficult to beat an incumbent senator and especially one who got more votes in the general election but it seems Trump has made what was impossible, possible.

Now we know why Trump had to pay someone to take his SAT to get into college. Trump thinks that 75 million votes are more than 82 million votes. He has repeated this false claim several times when he claims victory. This explains how Trump bankrupted three casinos, he can’t even count.

Today we have 16,996,147 cases of the Trump virus today, yesterday we had 16,757,151 cases of the Trump virus. That means that we have another 238,996 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 310,065 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 306,014. That means that another 4,151 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2020 10:24 pm
I had not replied to this post because it was posted while I was posting a reply to your previous post and I did not read anymore posts after I posted.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2020 10:42 pm
Remember how Trump called it the China virus? That cost us the lives of many Americans because it offended the Chinese who manufactured 75% of the world's personal protective gear and masks that was vital for our doctors, nurses, and other medical personal. What do you think happened after Trump mouthed off? Often people great accomplishment are recognized by naming a building, bridge or highway after them. We have 20% of the world's deaths from the corona virus and 22% of the world's deaths and only 4% of the world's population. Trump has made America 500% worse that it should have ever been. In genetic taring showed that 70,000 cases of the Trump virus could be traced to just one man and he was not out holding political rallies all over America. Trump bragged time and time again about shutting down travel from China but it was not blocked it was lowered from 500,000 a day to 70,000 a day.
Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2020 11:03 pm
Zardoz wrote:

Remember how Trump called it the China virus? That cost us the lives of many Americans because it offended the Chinese who manufactured 75% of the world's personal protective gear and masks that was vital for our doctors, nurses, and other medical personal. What do you think happened after Trump mouthed off? Often people great accomplishment are recognized by naming a building, bridge or highway after them. We have 20% of the world's deaths from the corona virus and 22% of the world's deaths and only 4% of the world's population. Trump has made America 500% worse that it should have ever been. In genetic taring showed that 70,000 cases of the Trump virus could be traced to just one man and he was not out holding political rallies all over America. Trump bragged time and time again about shutting down travel from China but it was not blocked it was lowered from 500,000 a day to 70,000 a day.

Should be simple enough to prove that. Go ahead.

Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2020 10:06 pm
It is now becoming obvious that Obama got it right when he said they may have to use seal team six to get Trump out of the White House. That is the same seal team six that captured Osama Bin Laden Trump’s team is no don’t looking at the laws that say you can’t evict anyone during the pandemic. Republicans are now ashamed to be called a Republican since conspiracy theorist, Neo-Nazis, KKK and Qanon became the core of new Trump republican party. Nobody likes a sore loser and Trump is the biggest sore loser in history.

Now we find that Trump let the Russians into our most valuable secrets for months. How did Trump let this happen? Trump is Putin best friend and does not believe that Putin would ever take advantage of America unfortunately Putin does not see it that way. Every time Trump was told that the Russian were taken advantage of American in the President Daily Briefing Trump would throw temper tantrums. Finally, nobody was brave enough to say anything bad about Russia in Trump’s presences. They would include the bad things in in the written briefing which everybody they knew Trump would never ever read. When Trump was told that Russia had put bounty on America troops, he refused to believe any such thing and after all Trump knows far more it than any intelligence agent.

Today we have 17,203,041cases of the Trump virus today, yesterday we had 16,996,147 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 206,194 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll now stands at 312,849, yesterday the death toll stood at 310,065. That means another 2,784 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2020 10:19 pm
You will of course remember my example of the woman who had a fence built on only the front side of her yard. She called and complained that he dog was still getting out. The dog of course was far smatter than her he simply made an end run and he was free.

Trump blocked travel from China but he did not block travel from Europe. The Chinse simply flew to America from other countries. It is not hard to outsmart a 73 year old idiot. The records are undisputable and are noted in Woodward's new book. We do keep records of foreign nationals entering America. We know from genetic tracing that most of the Trump virus in America was a far more deadly strain than the strain that came from China that came from Italy and months later the traveler from Italy did not even have their temperature when thet returned from Italy.

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