The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 4 Dec, 2020 01:15 am
They got caught. The forensic audits will hang them.
Reply Fri 4 Dec, 2020 10:33 pm
The old saying is the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree and like father like daughter. Now we know why Trump is looking at pardoning his children before he leaves office. It looks like Trump has trained Ivanka well. The problem was millions of dollars are given to Trump’s inauguration committee by millionaires to buy influence but they can’t be used for personal money. This means that you have launder the money. How to do that? Ivanka used the Trump Hotel in Washington DC. The going rate for a space in the Hotel was $5,000 an evening but Trump charged $30,000 and the same space was already rented to a nonprofit. Another space in Hotel was rented for $30,000 but was not used. Ivanka was deposed today. Nobody knows whether she will be world class criminal like her father but she is trying.

Another one of Trump’s frivolous law suits was thrown out of court in Nevada. The Nevada slate of Trump electors sued to take the place of the democrat electors. The judge threw it out of court and made the Republican electors pay the democrats legal expenses.

Today we have 14,463,929 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 14,225,389 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 238,540 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 281,798 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 278,924. That means another 2,874 Americans died today from the Trump virus today. Another new record for deaths due to the Trump virus.
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Reply Fri 4 Dec, 2020 10:46 pm
Sorry, but under the law you are entitled to recount but no state law entitles you to forensic audit. It is over and done with the results are certified. Even if Trump could wipe out the entire election the House of Representatives would decide who the president is going to be. Nancy would not have Trump under any circumstance. Trump is just running another con game he has taken in $207 million but spent only a few hundred thousand.
Reply Fri 4 Dec, 2020 11:07 pm
Zardoz wrote:

Sorry, but under the law you are entitled to recount but no state law entitles you to forensic audit. It is over and done with the results are certified. Even if Trump could wipe out the entire election the House of Representatives would decide who the president is going to be. Nancy would not have Trump under any circumstance. Trump is just running another con game he has taken in $207 million but spent only a few hundred thousand.

You do not know states have laws that do not permit forensic audits. Show me documentation from any state with that law or retract that nonsense. You lie constantly.
Reply Sat 5 Dec, 2020 10:37 pm
Sean Hannity was talking on his show about how fair the elections were in Florida and Ohio where Trump won. It seems the way to determine whether the election was fair is if Trump won, if Biden won it was because of massive fraud. Out of the last 6 presidential elections Trump ranked 10th and 11th lowest percentage of the vote for the presidential candidates. Trump was predicted to lose and he lost. Now that Trump has pardoned General Michael Flynn, Flynn is returning the favor by calling for Trump to put martial law in effect in America and have new elections. Don’t think Trump would do it? America is looking more like a dictatorship every day.

Alex Jones, Trump’s favorite conspiracy theorist, showed up at a stop the steal rally in an armored personal carrier. Trump attracts dangerous nuts like a magnet attracts metal filings. The devil did indeed go down to Georgia today, Trump went down to try and peddle his conspiracy theories about the election and complain about the governor of Georgia not using emergency powers to overturn the election. Imagine if Al Gore had called for the Florida governor to overturn the Florida voters and award the presidency to him. The republicans would have been outraged.

Today we have 14,698,987 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 14,463,929 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 235,058 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 284,339 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 281,798. That means another 2,541 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Dec, 2020 10:50 pm
You can check the state laws if you want and continue to believe the tin hat squad. There are 10s of thousands of pages of state laws, just use common sense. Have you ever heard of a forensic audit in any election in the history of the Untied States? The tin hat squad makes it up as they go along and some people believe anything they say but when it gets to a court law they and their conspiracy theories are tossed out the door in record time and they must pay the other sides legal expenses. They have compared Trump's effort as a Hal Mary pass after the game ended. We will just wait and see if a court of law will grant a forensic audit, that will give you the answer.
Reply Sat 5 Dec, 2020 11:20 pm
Have you ever heard of a forensic audit in any election in the history of the Untied States?

Have you ever seen so many whistle blowers? If you want to use history, look at the history Biden shattered. He won the smallest number of counties ever for a winning candidate. He lost all but one Bellwether county. The down ballot lost. All those things are historic norms and Biden won without those.

Probably wasting my time because you will just keep lying.
Reply Sun 6 Dec, 2020 03:06 am
Have you ever seen so many whistle blowers?

Yeah — the ones spilling the beans about Trump's illegal and unethical behavior. The election "whistle blowers" are just disgruntled Trump dead-enders telling made-up stories that get laughed out of court.
He won the smallest number of counties ever for a winning candidate.

"Counties" don't vote, people do. The states with the most counties don't automatically get the most congressional seats, right? But at least you've come around to recognizing that Biden won.
Reply Sun 6 Dec, 2020 03:52 pm
The election "whistle blowers" are just disgruntled Trump dead-enders telling made-up stories that get laughed out of court.

Please do not ever say anything about unity. Your attitude is disgusting.
"Counties" don't vote,

Those counties have shown the winner each time {Bellwether Counties} Biden won 1 with a 3% margin, Trump won the rest with a 12% average. Every historical fact about elections show Biden"s victory had to be fraud.
Reply Sun 6 Dec, 2020 10:05 pm
Now the real Donald Trump is coming out in Georgia. Trump has made targets out of the election officials, workers, as well as well as people who worked for Dominion Voting Systems. The employee was accused of committing treason against Trump. May God have mercy on your soul and the email included a hang man’s nose swinging back and forth. Another election official who received death threats said his wife was also being sent sexualized text and things like that. He resigned. Election workers are even being followed home.

The thing is these people not only voted for Trump they campaigned for him and are good Republicans but they are honest and Trump hates an honest man more than anything. Death threats are common in politics but this is an organized effort to overturn the election. If you run for office you can expect a call to see if they can scare you off. One day I came to work and the Mayor car was in the grease pit with the bomb squad going over it all the mayor’s tires had been flattened the week before. Threats happen but not an organized effort. Trump was raised alongside the mafia his dad took him to mafia hang outs from the time he was a child. Trump’s dad needed the mafia- controlled judges and city officials that controlled zoning for his developments. Imagine the stories Trump listened to about the people they threatened or killed. These type people don’t make death threats they make death promises and they are all faithful followers of Donald Trump and like they took over New York they are planning to take control of America’s voting system by force. Trump is the snake the republican party saved from freezing and now he has bit them. Dammit they knew he was a snake all along.

Today we have 14,879,831 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 14,698,987 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 180,844 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 285,564 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 284,399. That means another 1,165 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Dec, 2020 10:25 pm
They had one of Giuliani's whistle blower in Michigan to testify and she was so drunk she couldn't find her butt with both hands. You can go to any local bar and come up with all kinds of people that will testify that they saw pink elephants packing off the Trump ballots and swear on their life it was true. Giuliani held a press conference and had a 100 affidavits out of over 100,000 poll workers and could only release one because they did not want to come forward.

What it tells you was that there was a large anti-Trump vote. Trump has a history of losing, the American people spoke loud and clear the first time that majority did not want Trump by a majority of 3 million votes. You can look at statistic and see all kinds of illusions but a majority of more than 7 million people were sick and tired of watching their relatives die while Trump spread the virus across the country. He made America the epicenter of the Trump virus no other country in the world has as many cases of the Trump virus or as many deaths.

Biden has a popularity rating of 55% Trump popularity rating was between 35% to 40% that says it all. .
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Dec, 2020 10:02 pm
Now Trump has lost more then 40 cases in court and the last Federal judge that listened to Trump’s garbage claims was extremely clear in her decision; The case bought by President Trump is full of “theories, conjecture and speculation” but little evidence of wrong doing. “In fact, this lawsuit seems to be less about achieving the relief the plaintiff seeks - as this relief is beyond the power of this court – and more about the about the impact their allegations on the People’s faith in the democratic process and their trust in government. This is exactly what the Russians set out to accomplish.

“Plaintiff ask this court to ignore the orderly statutory scheme established to challenge and to ignore the will of millions of voters. This court cannot, and will not, do. The people have spoken.”

Giuliani withdrew the case in Michigan that involved his hundred affidavits because they were full of sound and fury but proof of nothing. Giuliani idea of proof in Georgia was film of a bag of votes being moved from one place to another while votes were being counted. Imagine a poll worker having to move a bag of votes from one place to another to count the votes and Giuliani says it is proof of fraud.

Today we have 15,038,546 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 14,879,831 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 158,817 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 286,692 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 285,564. That means that another 1,128 Americans died of the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Dec, 2020 10:16 pm
Giuliani withdrew his hundred affidavit cases because the affidavits were garbage and he knew it. He thought he could make a case based on smoke and mirrors and it did not work. Just like Trump called a press conference and tried to convince the public that a table stacked high with papers were his tax return but nobody was allowed to look at. Typical con you can bet most of it was blank paper.

Counties are bell weather until they aren't. Trump was an especially unpopular president, he lied constantly, he made racism popular again and dived America like Moses parted the red sea. None of the usual assumptions about the vote would apply in this election.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2020 09:57 pm
Trump read the Washington Post article that stated that only 25 republican congressmen recognized that Biden was the president elect. Trump posted on Twitter that they were rinos and he wanted their names. This is typical mobster behavior if anyone crosses you, you have to kill them or lose your tough guy reputation. In this case it is their political careers that Trump kills. Many have spent a lifetime in politics and value their political careers. Tonight, the House passed a $741 million defense policy bill that Trump has said he will veto. But they passed it with an in-your-face veto prove majority 335-78. Contained in this bill was a provision that gives social media companies like Facebook and Twitter liability protection for the contents of posts on their sites. Trump has wanted to eliminate this provision to destroy social media. If social media companies were sued for what every nut in America posted they would quickly be sued out of business. Trump also objected to provision that would remove the names of the military bases that carried the names of those who committed treason against the United States.

The trouble is when you rule by fear you make enemies, they may submit in short term but they will always be on lookout for an opportunity for payback. This is just the beginning of payback for Trump those that he ruled by fear will look forward to one day pissing on his grave. The tyrant has been overthrown.

Today we have 15,205,677 cases of the trump virus, yesterday we had 15,038,546 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 167,131 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 288,583 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 286,692. That means that another 1,891 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
Reply Tue 8 Dec, 2020 10:02 pm
The trouble is when you rule by fear you make enemies, they may submit in short term but they will always be on lookout for an opportunity for payback. This is just the beginning of payback for Trump those that he ruled by fear will look forward to one day pissing on his grave. The tyrant has been overthrown.

Oh my!!! The f*cking drama. Laughing Laughing Laughing
Reply Wed 9 Dec, 2020 09:58 pm
It is a lot like Laugh-In every court Trump’s tin hat lawyer squad goes to they get laughed out of court. So far, they have been laughed out of 50 courts of law, every state, county, federal and even the supreme court. The Supreme Court issued the shortest decision in history saying they would not hear (such a ridiculous) case. Trump figured the three supreme judges he appointed owed him and the fix was in, that why he rushed so fast to get Amy Barret appointed before the election. Trump knew he had absolutely no chance of winning the election but the plan was to have the Supreme court overthrow the election and have at least 38 of Biden electoral votes thrown out by the supreme court and have the House of Representatives make him president. Now the attorney general of Texas, who is being investigated for stock fraud, looks like he is trying to buy a pardon, files the most frivolous of all Trump’s law suits suing to have all the electoral votes in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Arizona thrown out. Every lawyer who passed the bar exam knows that the plaintiff has to have standing to file a lawsuit in other words someone must live in that state to have a vested interest. For instance, the witness to car accident cannot file suit for damages, only the parties involved have standing to sue.

Now a representative from WV, one of the most undereducated states in the union, has filed a resolution in the House Representatives supporting Trump’s frivolous lawsuit. Trump’s cases have been thrown out of court time and time again because they lacked standing. He is asking all Republicans to file amicus briefs (friend of the court) those republicans that refuse will be put on an enemies list and given to Trump. Trump thinks like the mob bosses he was raised with. The hundreds of millions of dollars Trump has raised for his political action committee to fund their opponents in the primaries. It will be worse that the St Valentine’s day massacre if Trump doesn’t get his way.

Today we have 15,511,043 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 15,205,677 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 305,366 Americans diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 292,480 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 288,583. That means that another 3,897 Americans died today from the Trump virus. That is far more people killed in a single day by the Trump virus then died on 9/11. Congratulations Trump you deserve a second term in hell.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Dec, 2020 10:02 pm
The truth will set you free.
Reply Wed 9 Dec, 2020 10:05 pm
Zardoz wrote:

The truth will set you free.

I am free, and always have been.
Reply Thu 10 Dec, 2020 10:33 pm
In Bob Woodward’s new book, “Rage” Woodward relates how one of his college professors told him how elusive biographies are to write. “The professor said that in order to write a good biography you had to find the true “reflectors” of a subject, the person who knew person as well as anyone. The ideal reflector enjoys a unique closeness personally and professionally with the subject, has vast experience with them, and can make a character assessment.”

Jared Kushner would be such a reflector let’s see what he has to say. I will list two of the most important principals Kushner believes you have to understand to understand Trump.

The first one is that Trump is like the Cheshire cat from “Alice in Wonderland.” He paraphrased the cat: “If you don’t know where you’re going, any path will get you there.’
The second one is: “The forth text Kushner advised was necessary to understand Trump was Scott Adams’s book “Win Bigly: Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don’t Matter.” Adams is the creator of the “Dilbert” comic strip, explains in “Win Bigly” that Trump’s misstatement of facts are nor regrettable errors or ethical lapses, but part of a technique called “intentional wrongness persuasion” Adams argues Trump “can invent reality” for most voters on most issues, and “all you will remember is that he provided the reasons, he didn’t apologize, and his opponents called him a liar like they always do.”

Today we have 15,715,231 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 15,511,043 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 204,188 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 295,450 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 292,480. That means that another 2,970 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Dec, 2020 10:36 pm
Pick up a copy of your city ordinances, read it and you will find how free you really are. If you let your grass grow an inch over specs you can be arrested and sent to jail. Really how "free" are you?

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