The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 26 Jun, 2012 05:31 am
The commie/conservatives say inequality is good for America and more in equality would be even better and in fact they are at least in part right inequality has been extremely good for the top 1%. In 1970 the top 1% held 9% of America wealth by 2007 the top 1% held 24% of America wealth. Inequality feeds on inequality a good portion of the top 1% increasing wealth is dedicated to corrupting America political system so they can get a even bigger share of America wealth.

The commie/conservative Supreme Court yesterday struck down a 100 year old law that was designed to curtail political corruption during the robber baron days. Where government was openly purchased and the fact flaunted by the ungodly greedy. The Supreme Court decision was described as the worst decision since Dred Scott decision that ruled that slavery was legal. The Supreme Court ruled that no limit whatsoever can be placed on money spent on political contributions.

The court ruled that campaign finance laws are a form of censorship that have had a quote “substantial nationwide chilling effect” on political speech. Exxon is the most profitable corporation in America making $85 billion a year if they spent just 10% on political contributions it would let them spend $8.5 billion on political contributions. That would be 3 times more than the Obama campaign, the McCain campaign and every member of the House and Senate in 2008 campaign and this is just one company that would like to shape American political landscape to benefit itself.

The ruling overruled a decades of Supreme Court precedents it is simply unbelievable the next ruling from this commie/conservative Supreme Court will no doubt be that slavery is once again legal and that Exxon employee will no longer be considered employees but indentured servants who after 30 years of service may be granted their freedom.

The corruption in our government is quickly approaching the point of no return the tipping point. The American experiment may be coming to a bad end if not in our lifetime then in our children’s. The biggest mistake came in the 19th century when a corrupt Supreme Court granted corporations all the rights granted individuals under the constitution. Corporations are not individuals they are artificial constructs without moral anchor with only one reason to exist, profits. The fact that individuals in fact own corporations does not in fact make them an individual that should have constitutional protected rights. If money is free speech very few people could hope to out shout Exxon $8.5 million in fact the American people voice will be completely drowned out. The current Supreme Court decisions stands on the shoulders of the decision that gave corporations the same rights as individuals.

Money should not be considered protected free speech any more than slavery should be considered legal. We are nation of people not a nation of corporations. More and more corporations are multi-national corporations, they owe no loyalty to any nation, and they will move their factories to lowest bidder. By granting corporations the right to unlimited political contributions we are creating political giants that we can neither compete nor contend with. Whose political will, will prevail? We all know the answer to that question.
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Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2012 05:33 am
In the 60s one of the big issues was Americas segregated school system where with one school system for white children and another school system for black children. The Supreme Court rulings eventually put and end to the segregated schools. Most people think those days are long gone but America school system is still very much segregated of course it is not along the lines of black and white it is now along the lines of rich and everyone else. The ungodly greedy send their children to expensive private schools so their children can go to school with their peers won’t have to associate with ordinary people. This allows the children of the ungodly greedy develop an us and them mentality. You will never understand what it is to be poor if your idea of poor is someone whose family has only $15 million.

So what difference does it make to us if the children of ungodly greedy remain a closed group? It affects all of us because the vast majority of those who make it into positions of national political power are from this segregated group. Romney is a product of this segregated school system it breeds a sense of superiority much the way the old segregated system made whites feel superior to blacks. I recently started the book “The Real Romney” by Michael Kranish and Scott Helman and was surprised to find out how superior Romney genes are to the rest of America. It wasn’t that Romney was born into a millionaire son who went to the best schools it is his genetic make up that make him so superior to the rest of us. This reads like the literature of the old South telling whites how genetically superior they were over blacks. Or the Nazi eugenics movement of Germany that baby Bush’s grandfather bought to America. It nice know that a member of Hitler master race survived and is here to help us out by lower himself to be our President.

“Though those strong men and women, the genes of leadership accumulated, adapted and reassembled in a boy whose, the doctors said, should have been impossible.”

From the book “The Real Romney”

This type of mental regurgitation hasn’t passed for mainstream thought since Hitler committed suicide. Notice the heroes story Romney is credited with overcome insurmountable obstacle of his birth which should have been “impossible.” It is evident Romney is so genetically superior he can overcome the impossible even before his birth. This book simply reeks of eugenics. It is the eugenics of an elite group of snobs born of a segregated school system. I suspect if Romney went to public school he would have found out quickly how superior his genes really were.

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Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2012 05:34 am
America’s educational system serves a two fold purpose not only was it intended to educate but to socialize the children. It exposes the children to other children of different religions and different economic levels. But the ungodly greedy still maintain a segregated school system for their children. They do not want their children to socialize with children of ordinary means and do not want their children to marry outside their peer group. This sounds very much like America’s segregated schools of the 1950s with the exception that the schools were once segregated by skin color are now segregated by the parent’s wealth. This might not be so bad if the economic elite were not evolving into a ruling class. All the senators with the exception of one are now millionaires. Politics is all but closed to anyone who is not independently wealthy. Just as the whites in the 50s believed they were genetically superior to the “mud races” the ungodly greedy know they are genetically superior in every way to middle and lower class Americans and if you don’t believe it they can show you their bank accounts to prove it.

The author of “The Real Romney” tells us the reason Romney should be elected president is because he is genetically superior to the rest of us.

“He was born into a family of pioneers—early adopters of Mormonism who set out on a brave journey to spread their faith and preserve their traditions, a father who rose from dusty exile in Mexico to the boardrooms of business and politics. Through those strong men and women, the genes of leadership accumulated, adapted and reassembled in a boy whose, the doctors said, should have been impossible.”

The human genome has now been mapped and I wonder where exactly the leadership genes are located. I wonder how often the leadership genes accumulate, adapt and reassemble themselves?” It is evident that the authors of “The Real Romney” believe that Romney is genetically superior member of a master race sired from a genetically superior line. The authors even touch on Romney’s dead eyes, which are most often associated with psychopaths.

“A wall. A shell. A mask. There are many names for it, but many who have known or worked with Romney say the same thing: he carries himself as a man apart, a man who sometimes seems not to be looking into your eyes but past them.”

From the book “The Real Romney”

If Romney the bully had went to public school when he downed another students to cut his hair he might have found his scissors sticking out of his own back. That was a crime and Romney should have been charged with assault. But in all fairness Romney might be carrying the hair dressers genes and the other guy might have just had bad hair. Romney is just as likely to have the hair dresser gene as the leadership genes may the hair dresser genes might have been accumulating for generations, adapting, and reassembling.

Romney is someone you dislike on first impression he has the slimy parlance of a conman and the superior attitude of a genetically superior being talking down to his inferiors.

Mormonism is the only religion founded by a know and convicted conman why anyone would every believe anything a convicted conman said is beyond me and how could a genetically superior being like Romney could spend his time spreading that lie. Like the Reverend Moon, Romney wants to spread his religious cult’s beliefs across the globe. Evidently Romney religious genes accumulated, adapted as well.
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Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2012 09:31 am
It is still hard to believe that one of the commie/conservatives Supreme Court justices voted with the liberal minority to uphold the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. The radio station I was listening to actually reported that the Supreme Court had ruled against Affordable Care Act and the audience was actually discussing the implications of it be found unconstitutional. The first reports to reach Obama also were wrong reporting the Affordable Care Act had been overturned. I was waxing my city car with the radio on when a friend came up and told me the Affordable Care Act had been found constitutional I thought he had heard wrong and told him the mandate that everyone pay for Health Insurance was found unconstitutional. Then I tuned into the Glen Beck show and heard the sweetest sound I ever heard Glen Beck was livid with anger his head was going to explode and no amount of tape was going to help this time. The fact that Beck commie/conservative hero, Chief Justice John Roberts not only cast the deciding vote but wrote the decision upholding the Affordable Care Act had to be especially galling for Beck.

Beck had already planned and advertised a victor celebration for yesterday decision. Beck is extremely fond of spiking the ball after a political election. After Scott Walker won the recall election in Wisconsin Beck gloating on the air beat the previous Guinness Book of Record for gloating by more than 2 hour. He played “Happy Days Are Here Again repeatedly. But yesterday there was no joy in Whoville mighty Casey had just struck out.

This of course was small step for Obama but one giant step for the American people. This one small step will not cure America Health Care problems but it makes another health care paradigm possible. Up until this decision the only Health Care system paradigm possible in America is a Health Care system built by greed. A Health Care System built on greed is good for those atop the greed Pyramid, health insurance CEOs make hundreds of millions of dollars while middle class struggles to pay health insurance premiums that have sky rocked into the stratosphere. It is one thing for someone to make a profit off a captive consumer who is dying but it quite another to make 100s of millions dollars a year. We know for a fact that is just a Commie/conservative lie that America has the best health care system in the world because it is ranked 37th. But America’s greed based health care system is by far the most expensive in the world and getting much more expensive by the day. This decision allows another system of health care to be established in America and compete with the greed based health care system and the commie/conservatives and those that are making 100s of millions off the current system are scared of the competition. Commie/conservatives make a whole lot of noise about the competition in a capitalist system but in a capitalist system it is not so much about competition as it is about eliminating your competitors any way that you can.

Contrary to commie/conservative political philosophy greed is not the answer to every problem. There are other possible solutions that don’t have greed as the core answer. The vast majority of Americans simply can’t pay a million dollar medical bill which are becoming more common ever day. My medical insurance at the city had a lifetime limit of $1 million dollars and 38 years ago that was unheard of but now for a severe illness with a two or three week hospitalization that million dollars is quickly eaten up. I know a seven year old child that had reached their lifetime limit and had no insurance and she uninsurable at any price. Twenty percent of people are responsible for 80% of the medical bills. A young couple with a premature baby costs a million to a million and half. An accident in a four wheeler where the victim is life flighted to hospital can reach a million in medical bills quickly.

Free Market solutions for television sets, I-Pads or Computers are fine. No one life is threatened by doing without them you can spend plenty of time shopping around for the best price and literally buy from any store in the country but when a child is lying on the ground by the tree he just hit on his four wheeler you have no control over where he is taken nor do you get to haggle over price or type of treatment. You would pay any price for someone to save that child’s life a free market can not exist when the consumer will simply pay any price. All of the forces that make the free Market work for consumer goods are missing from medical transaction. You can postpone the purchase of a television indefinitely but care for a heat attack can not be postponed. If many people postponed buying television sets because the price was too high the price goes down. But no one involved in a bad car accident can wait until the price comes down as a result the price of medical care has went up nearing double digits for 40 years. America created a monster that is now out of control and like the Blob it will consume everything in sight. A new paradigm and new ideas must replace the greed based paradigm.
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Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2012 05:03 pm
They call it Destructive Capitalism and Romney openly admits that is the brand of capitalism he practices. Romney sees no more problem with Destructive Capitalism than anyone would see with the demolition of old buildings to make way for a new building but it is one thing to demolish a building that is falling down and quite another to demolish a 1,700 jobs and put nothing back it its place. The term Destructive Capitalism
was first coined by an economist Joseph Schumpter.

“The theory first espoused in the 1940s by the economist Joseph Schumpter and later touted by former Federal Reserve Board chairman Alan Greenspan, holds that business must exist in a state of ceaseless revolution A thriving economy changes from within, Schumpter wrote in his landmark book, “Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy,” “incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating new ones. The process of Creative Destruction is the essential fact about capitalism. It is what capitalism consists in and every capitalist has to live in.” But as even the theory proponents acknowledge, such destruction could bankrupt companies, upend lives and communities, and raise questions about society’s role in softening some of the harsher consequences. As Greenspan once put it, “the problem with creative destruction is that it is destruction and there is considerable amount of turmoil that goes on in the process.”

From the book “The Real Romney”

So how does Romney’s practice of Destructive Capitalism work? Most of Romney deals were leverage buyouts in a leverage buyout Bain Capital would invest 1% of their money and sell junk bonds to do the deal. Much like you putting 1% of down on your house and taking out a mortgage in someone else name even though you owned the house someone else owed for the mortgage. Once Bain Capital “bought” the company they made some changes and sold the company to someone else with up to $200 million in debt this debt followed the company. Bain Capital’s profit often came from the money borrowed by high interest junk bonds. This is how a recently bankrupt K-Mart bought Sears with almost no money down and they used junk bonds to put a huge debt on Sears. Out of the 68 Romney deals studied by the Deutsche Bank 33 made money or broke even and 31 lost money for Bain Capital. A lawyer once said he won every case he said is clients may have lost but he won because he got paid by every client. Bain Capital may have made money but most of its leveraged buyouts went away from the “deal” poorer.

One need only look to the electric company’s performance during this last storm to see how Destructive Capitalism really is. Destructive Capitalism works inside companies as well as outside companies. When CEOs salaries soared from 27 times the average employee’s salary to 463 times the average employee’s salary companies cut back expenses by eliminating working people the local electric company had made such drastic cuts in repair crews that only three repair crews were left to handle three counties. When the storm hit it was a major disaster because many people are still without power. My power was off for 8 days and some will not be restored until at least next Tuesday despite crews from Missouri, Alabama, Florida and California. A decision was made to eliminate repair crews so the CEO could show higher profits but it is a long wait when the repair crew must come from California. Welcome to Romneynomics Destructive Capitalism at its best .
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Reply Sat 7 Jul, 2012 01:34 pm
One has to wonder whose idea it was for government to bail out private companies originally. If creative destruction is so good for capitalism why should government step in when it occurs? Over a trillion dollars of taxpayer money was redistributed to the world’s richest people during the Great Recession that began in 2007. They all screamed that they were too big to fail after they lobbied and paid off politicians to eliminate the laws that keep them from growing too big in the first place. But isn’t this contrary to destructive capitalism the demolition of inefficient businesses is a primary principal of destructive capitalism. Bain Capital was spun off from Bain & Company to do leverage buy outs but remained a subsidiary of Bain & Company. Romney’s best deal was saving Bain & Company from Bankruptcy. Bain & Company borrowed $200 million dollars and used the borrowed money to pay the partners back their investment in the company. A downturn in business and saddled with $100s of millions in debt Bain & Capital was sinking faster than the Titanic. Bain & Company was a consulting firm that made it money by advising other companies how to run their business if it went bankrupt no business would ever take them seriously again. Surely a consulting firm being reorganized under bankruptcy court would never be taken seriously again.

Romney was recalled from Bain Capital to straighten the mess out as the Bain & Company. Bain & Company had papered the country with worthless checks. Criminal charges could be bought because it was illegal to work employees knowing they could not be paid. What was Romney to do? Does the term government bailout sound familiar? But most people never heard of Bain & Company. Most people have heard of Bain Capital only because of Romney’s bragging. Quite simply Bain & Company was not too big to fail. But Romney talked the FDIC into forgiving $10 million of Bain & Company debt through one of the banks that loaned Bain & Company part of the $200. The country is full of consulting companies if Romney gets elected all the partners in those consulting companies can simply borrow their original investment in the company and repay the partners and Romney will gladly reimburse the millionaires across the country with taxpayer money after all how will it look if consulting companies go bankrupt? This is how redistribution of wealth works in America and it is very obvious by the actual statistics.

If Romney is such a believer in destructive capitalism why not let Bain & Company fail? Why because Romney was one of those partners and we are talking about Romney’s personal fortune. Why use the government to prop up a structure that is rotten to the core? A few dollars for food stamps to feed starving children is outrageous to republicans but millions in handouts to millionaires is justifiable.
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2012 05:17 pm
Romney likes to take credit for the success of “Staples” and to be sure Bain Capital did supply some start up capital for the chain but what Romney doesn’t say is that the majority of “Staples” success came after Bain Capital had long ago sold its interest in “Staples” and Romney no longer sat on ‘Staples” board of directors of directors. By far most of Bain Capital’ deals were leverage buyouts where Bain would locate a struggling company with a pension plan and gut the company making huge profits for Bain Capital’s partners but the “Staples” deal was one of Bain’s early deals and Bain provided start up capital for “Staples”. The deal was bought to Bain Capital from another investment company named Basset Venture Partners. The idea for “Staples wasn’t Romney’s and Romney didn’t even locate the “Staples” deal. Bain Capital provided $650,000 for “Staples” first store, Bain’s total investment in “Staples” was just $2 and a half million.

Romney points to “Staples” as his great success story. Is it or is Romney just taking credit for what happened after Romney and Bain were long gone? When Romney stepped down from the “Staples” board and Bain cashed out after “Staples went public Bain made a $13 million profit. But this paltry some is dwarfed by the $100s of millions Bain made gutting companies in leverage buyouts. When Romney and company cashed out “Staples” had only 24 stores with 1,100 full and part time employees. A decade later after Romney left the “Staples” chain had 2,200 stores and 89,000 employees. Romney’s claim is like taking credit for the batting average of the next three batters after he was walked to first. Surely an argument can be made that Romney was holding “staples” back and after he left others who followed were responsible for the major part “Staples” success.

You can bet Romney is claiming credit for all of “Staples” 89,000 jobs but 87,900 were created after Romney left. Of the 1,100 jobs many were part time and retail jobs are usually minimum wage jobs. But Romney and his Bain partners got fabulously wealthy.
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Reply Mon 9 Jul, 2012 05:32 am
Our parents are responsible giving us a lot more than our genetic make up, they are responsible for our eye color and our height but they are also most often responsible for our religion, political view points and economic status. Isn’t it fortunate that of all the world’s religions that somehow people always manage to be born into the one true religion? Romney is of course absolutely convinced that the 18 year old convicted conman, Joseph Smith, who founded Mormonism, is a true prophet. Why? Because Romney was born into the Mormon religious cult. This is always considered the highest form of proof possible for religion after all how could god let you be born in any other religion?

Religion was a problem for Kennedy because he was born a Catholic and continued to being a practicing Catholic. Most Protestants believed Catholicism to be little more than religious cult. Isn’t it funny that most people’s vision of someone else religion is 20/20 but they quickly turn a blind eye to the faults of their own religion. I wonder if Kennedy was a Catholic Bishop if he would have been elected. If Kennedy were a Catholic Bishop would the American people have believed that he would not take orders from the Pope?

Romney in fact was a Mormon Bishop and took his orders from Utah. The Church of the Latter Day Saints has no professional clergy but the position of responsibility still exist and Romney held what would be equivalent to a Bishop over a Catholic Archdiocese. Romney was responsible for monitoring the moral teaching of several congregations for Salt Lake City. Romney went as far to advise a young divorced mother and pregnant mother to give up her child for adoption or face excommunication. The woman had been a baby sitter for the Romney family at one time. Romney’s moral superiority and intolerable religious bigotry was well known. The divorced mother kept her child and got rid of the Mormon faith; her son is a 27 year old architect now.

Of course Romney was a missionary he did not go to a third world country to minister he went to France and spent 2 ½ years trying to convert Frenchmen into Mormons with little success. Religious cults always want to convert others after all they want them to find the one true religion.
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Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 05:32 am
President Obama proposal to extend the baby Bush Tax cuts only for those making under $250,000 will put him in direct opposition with not only Willard Romney (his first name) but the real power in the commie/conservative movement, Grover Norquist. You can bet Romney is Grover Norquist bit*h and put his name on Grover dotted line to sell his soul. Grover bragged on National that 95% of the Republican Congressmen and 8 out of the nine Republican candidates for president had signed a pledge not to put one more cent of taxes on the ungodly greedy no matter what happens to America. Only one thing is important to Norquist other than his portrait of his hero Vladimir Lenin hanging is his front room and that is tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. These commie/conservatives are not afraid to show their true colors at home with other commie/conservatives. Maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel as only 45 of 83 of the so called Republican “young guns” have signed up to be Grover “bit*h. Even baby Bush’s older brother Jeb has decided he didn’t want to be Grover bit*h he turned him down Grover advances three times according to him.

The differences in political philosophies will play out between now and the next election Norquist will marshal his army of bit*hes. We know whose team Romney is playing for and Norquist will now call the plays. Romney will be Norquist’s puppet on a string he will speak Norquist words and do Norquist’s deeds. Romney might as well set on Norquist’s knee and be Norquist puppet. It is reminiscent of a scene in the movie Chicago as the lawyer played by Greer ha his client on his knee putting words in her mouth. Romney given a choice between being elected president and raising the taxes on the rich would elected to be president but he has sold his soul to Grover. The political winds are unsteady and changing.

Romney argument that small business would be hurt is preposterous as 85% of “small business” make less than $250,000 and businessmen have the option of filing as a business or taking the profit out of the business as an individual taxpayer. When taxes were 93% in the 50s businessmen were discouraged from bleeding the business for 10 trips to Aruba each year and instead reinvested the money in the business to grow their business it could then be deducted from their taxes for business expenses. There has never been a more prosperous time in America then the 50s and the taxes were 93% to make the argument that a 4% increase on the ungodly greedy is absurd in fact a 4% tax increase might spur more investment in business as the 93% income tax rate in the 50s did. In the 50s every millionaire was looking for a place to invest his money to avoid paying taxes.
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Reply Wed 11 Jul, 2012 05:33 am
During America’ greatest economic expansion tax policy was used to spur business investment. In 1944 anyone making over $2,549,768 had to pay 94% of that excess in income taxes. The ungodly greedy could expect to keep only $6 out of a $100 but they had an alternative if they reinvested the money in his business the money was tax exempt. Most of the ungodly greedy given the choice reinvested their money in their business or started others businesses to exempt their vast fortunes chose to reinvest in America. In 1945 ant income over $200,000 was taxed at the 94% rate. The top income bracket stayed over 90% until 1964 when it was cut to 77%. The biggest economic expansion in American history was spurred by high taxes on the ungodly greedy because it was economically advantageous for the ungodly greedy to reinvest their money in manufacturing and business opportunities.

Commie/conservatives political philosophy is designed to spur greed personal greed not investment. The commie/conservative argument for lower taxes on the ungodly greedy focus as always on nominal tax rate not the effective tax rate. Why is that important? Because the nominal rate is only a figure in the tax tables the effective rate is brass tacks the actual percentage of income paid. The only figure that is important is the actual percentage of taxes paid, the effective rate. The effective rate of taxes on the ungodly greedy of all federal, state and local taxes is only 17% the same tax rate paid by the poor. In America the middle class pays the highest tax rate not the ungodly greedy. But the commie/conservative argument is based on the nominal rate of 35% which for all practical purposes is just a fictional figure. The commie/conservative argument is the standard garbage in produces garbage out argument. Thirty years of commie/conservative garbage like this is killing America.
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Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 05:31 am
I went to visit my mom yesterday and she was watching one the financial channels and she asked me what country had LIBRO as it currency. I could not think of a country with a currency of that name. She said there was a breaking scandal caused by manipulation of that currency. So I ran a computer search for the term and found it was not a currency but the term has to do with short term interest rates. The story on the search had broken only sixteen minutes before I ran the search. One bank Barclays has already been fined $453 million for manipulation of the interest rate. The article that there was $800 trillion in derivatives out there and these derivatives were very similar to the credit default swaps of sub prime mortgages these were not typical investments in stocks which means they are nothing thin air bets. Not only are they thin air bets they are backed by default swaps on the other end of the bets.

I could not locate the article I found on mom’s computer yesterday but there are several articles about the subject on the internet today. This scandal involves some of the biggest banks in the world and remember those are the banks that are too big to fail but big enough to rip off the public at every opportunity. The bookies (big Banks) have booked $800 trillion in bets and just a 1/100 of 1% manipulations yields the banks $80 million a day profit.

On every bet there is a winner and a loser the article went on to list the biggest losers as the city and states who have been sold the fixed investments (bets). It seems the real reason the cities are going bankrupt is because the banks are ripping them off selling them thin air investments. It is easy for the banks to sell the city’s investment managers anything most of them have no real understanding of the investments they are buying in fact most of the heads of the investment houses don’t understand the “derivatives” their firms are selling out the “quaints” understand them. The quaints are the mathematical geniuses that invent them and they have only one motive to make more money.

America may not survive a second total and complete collapse of its banking system in just 5 years. We can no longer bail out the thieves in our society. Our cities are collapsing, three cities in California have bankrupted in the past month. California cities were especially attractive targets for the quaints because of the pension funds and other accounts.

The Reagan and his commie/conservatives allies ran with deregulation as a main political plank and once government regulation were removed the banks merged and merged again until they were not only too big to fail but too big to regulate. Deregulation gave us the Saving and Loan Scandal, the Junk Bond Scandal, the Subprime Loan Scandal and now the LIBRO Scandal. Each one of these scandals was tremendously profitable for the banks and tremendously expensive for tax payers a mid level banker at on of these big banks makes millions a salary may be only a paltry $3 million a year but his bonus is $30 million based on how many worthless investment he can sell to American cities.

If the father of the commie/conservative movement Frank Meyer could write a book the title would be “How the Real Communists Finally Destroyed America With Greed” Frank Meyer dedicated his life to destroying America before he fathered the Modern Conservative Movement.

Meyer knew a country based on greed can not long survive.
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Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2012 05:34 am
The term LIBOR is going to become much more familiar in the next few weeks. Libor, the London interbank offered rate, this is a critical global benchmark that affects $10 trillion worth of corporate bonds, credit cards, mortgages and other loans around the world. “Nearly 20 of the world’s largest banks — including Citigroup, Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase — help set Libor rates.” The investigation is now moving from London to Washington and congress will start holding hearings in two weeks.

It is important to note the manipulation of the Libor took place during 2008 prior to Obama taking office during a long period of Republican control. I am just wondering how the commie/conservatives will try and blame the poor people for causing the banks to steal trillions as they did during the subprime mortgage scandal. According to commie/conservative propaganda it was the poor people who caused the 2008 subprime mortgage scandal.

The commie/conservative political philosophy is devoid of moral content and is content to let the law of the jungle rule America, to throw the meat into the ring and let the strongest take it. The commie/conservatives cloak by insisting the only morals America needs are those that dictate other people’s sexual behavior everything else should be decided by the law of the jungle. Whitaker Chambers called that type of morality as the Wisdom of the deep slums he knew it was right because New Orleans pimp taught him so. Whitaker Chambers is another communist who helped found the Modern Conservative Movement.
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Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2012 09:52 am
After Romney lies began to catch up with him he had to go on all three major networks yesterday evening to try and limit the damage done by his lies. Romney has been rabidly telling everyone who would listen that he had nothing to do with outsourcing American jobs overseas that he had left Bain Capital before the outsourcing began but when paper work was produced that was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission showing in fact that he was the CEO of Bain Capital during the outsourcing Romney insisted no one should be able to criticize his business record. It is a felony to file false or fraudulent documents with the SEC especially on such an important matter as who the CEO is.

In any election you look for your opponents weak points and Romney is one who absolutely adores taking credit for someone else’s achievements. Romney has been on campaign trail this entire century taking credit for other people’s work. He is literally on the record thousands of time so every time he denies something hundreds of records, like the SEC documents he signed, pop up to show that he is lying.

Both Romney and his political spokesmen have been asked why he thinks he can take credit for the jobs created at the companies after Bain Capital sold them but not take credit for the failure and outsourcing. Staples was a small company with only a 1,100 part time and full time employees when Bain Capital sold it. But Romney proudly takes credit for Staples current 89,000 employees. Romney success story gets better each time he tells it on the campaign trail and it is all on public record.

Why won’t Romney release his tax returns? There are rumors that he made $100s of millions and paid little or no taxes and he definitely doesn’t want that public. Romney has buried his stolen treasure all over the world like a pirate, in Swiss bank accounts and the Cayman Islands and the Bahamas are a few places that have been uncovered so far. When wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few it can be easily exported. Money in American banks is loaned in America and helps develop America. Money in foreign banks helps develop foreign countries.
“Referring to Obama advisers who suggested Romney might have committed a felony if he filled out federal disclosure forms that were inaccurate or misleading, Romney demanded Obama apologize and told ABC's Jon Karl: "The president needs to take control of these people."
Huff Post
________________________________________________________________________ But when Romney was asked point blank whether the Obama spokesperson was lying he refused to put up or shut up. We all know the authenticity of signatures can be determined.
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Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2012 09:22 am
During Mitt Romney term of as governor of Massachusetts he found himself with a democratically controlled legislature. Romney than decided to use his money to elect a republican controlled legislature. Romney poured his fortune and time into buying the Massachusetts legislature for the republicans. Romney ran a slate of 131 republicans for the 200 legislative seats. When the election was over and the smoke cleared Romney had not made a single gain in fact he lost 2 seats in the House and one in the Senate the Republicans were down to their lowest number since 1867. From now on Romney vowed,”its me, me, me.” People just plain don’t like Romney.

This quote is probably the most revealing quote on record from Romney about Romney. Romney’s early life and his time at Bain Capital are all about me, me, me. Romney time as a Mormon missionary will mislead most. The general concept of a missionary is someone who goes to a third world country to help those living in extreme poverty. Stereotypes are often useful but in this case Romney only purpose in going to France was to recruit members for his religious cult. Mormon missionaries have far more in common with the Moonies going onto college campuses to recruit more followers. Mormon missionaries are not about helping people but about cult building dirt poor can’t afford to build more Mormon temples with their favorite angel in the spire but the French middle class can. A Mormon President would help recruit more followers for Romney’s religious cult.

When Romney decided to run for President the Moron Church began organizing a grass roots organization to back his candidacy. This may be the first time in history a religious cult has organized and participated in a campaign for president of the United States. We are on the verge of eliminating political parties in America and replacing them with religious parties.

“Romney’ furious preparations for his possible campaign sparked controversy in October 2006, when The Boston Globe reported that his political team had privately consulted with Moron church leaders on building a nationwide network of Mormon supporters. E-mails showed that Romney’s political operatives members, and church officials had discussed building a grassroots organizations using alumni chapters of Brigham Young University’s business schools around the country. Representatives of BYU, which is run by the church, and Romney’ political action committee had also begun soliciting help from prominent Mormons, including a well know author suggested Romney himself, to build the program, which his advisers dubbed Mutual Values and Priorities, or MVP.”

From the book “The Real Romney”
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Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2012 05:33 am
Romney fresh off the outsourcing scandal at Bain Capital finds himself embroiled in yet another outsourcing scandal. It seems every time Romney takes credit for something it involves outsourcing American jobs than Romney tries to explain why he was not responsible for the outsourcing. Once it was made public that this year’s Olympic uniforms were designed in America but manufactured in China the republicans fiercely criticized the Olympic committee for outsourcing the job of manufacturing of the Olympic uniforms even though they were designed in America.

John Boehner, the republican House Majority leader was quoted as saying, “You’d think they would know better.” in referring to the outsourcing of this years Olympic to China. But when he found Romney not only outsourced the uniforms but the design of the Olympic uniforms when he was in charge Boehner needed a shovel to get the egg off his face.

The commie/conservatives were so anxious to criticize outsourcing of the Olympic uniforms they failed to check and see whether Romney had outsourced the Olympic uniforms when he was in charge. The commie/conservative are responsible for 30 years of outsourcing of American jobs by lowering the tax rates on outsourcing jobs to foreign countries below the tax rates in America. When one commie/conservative was asked yesterday on the Sunday morning political shows if the commie/conservatives would support raising the tax rates on companies who outsource jobs to foreign countries to put companies who manufacture products in America on a level playing field they said they would not. However they did offer their one solution fits all for the problem more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. This is the only answer the commie/conservatives have cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy with the country operating at a huge deficit. They always cite the tax book figure even when they know huge companies pay less than zero taxes. Exactly how far below zero can the commie/conservatives cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy?
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2012 05:34 am
In a scene from the movie “Chicago” the wife walks into her bedroom and discovering her husband in bed with two other women. The startled husband quickly responds, “Who are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?” Mitt Romney has no trouble doing the same thing when caught red handed lying with signed documents filed with the Security and Exchange Commission surfaced stating he was the sole stock holder, CEO and Chairman of Bain Capital in 2001 now yet another corporate document has surfaced from December 2002 this one filed with the state of Massachusetts. __________________________________________________________________
“A corporate document filed with the state of Massachusetts in December 2002 -- a month after Romney was elected governor -- lists him as one of two managing members of Bain Capital Investors, LLC "authorized to execute, acknowledge, deliver and record any recordable instrument purporting to affect an interest in real property, whether to be recorded with a Registry of Deeds or with a District Office of the Land Court."

Huffing Post
Mitt Romney has been discovered in bed not with two women but with thousands of documents showing he lied about his involvement with Bain Capital and then he looks up and tells the American people, just like the cheating husband, who are you going to believe me or your lying eyes? To be sure there will be the hard core commie conservatives who will believe that their eyes are lying but a majority of the American people may not be so easily taken in.
There is an old joke from the 60s about a man being given a ticket. Once the officer went to give him a ticket he said he knew exactly what to do, he threw himself to the ground and started yelling police brutality. An angry crowed soon gathered and turned over the meter maids three wheel buggy. Romney hopes to play that style of victim’s role not saying that somebody forged his name to those documents because he knows he signed them. Like the guy getting the ticket he wants to refocus the public attention to those pointing out his faults and away from his actions. Even Clinton’s statement, “That I did not have sex with that woman is more believable at least the definition of what sex is, is at least debatable point. But signed document after signed document listing as the sole shareholder, CEO and Chairman of the Board is beyond any shadow of a doubt.
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Reply Wed 18 Jul, 2012 05:33 am
Where have all the Pee Partiers gone? In 2010 the Pee Partiers were big news. After the Pee Party helped elect many of its own candidates in 2010 it sent our government in to total grid lock. All you heard about on red neck right radio was how the Pee Party was going to take control of America’s politics. Sarah Palin was the Pee Party darling but now you seldom hear the Pee Party even get a passing mention even on red neck right radio. Where have all the Pee Partiers gone?

The commie/conservative candidate for president, Mitt Romney has no use for the Pee Partiers. I was surprised to find out that Romney is anti-Pee Party. Romney resents the Pee Partiers because “elements are anti elite.
Romney said voters should be wary of the “temptations of populism.” Romney continued by saying, “The populism I am referring to is, if you will, demonizing certain members of society: going after business people, going after Wall Street, going after people who are highly educated, people who are CEOs,” he said. That kind of ‘all our problems are due to that group’ is something that is unproductive.”

From the book “The Real Romney"
Guess how many of the above categories does Romney himself fit into? Romney is a businessman, CEO and highly educated. If we shouldn’t have populism, which in fact is prescribed by the constitution, should it be replaced by “elitism?” Romney as a member of the elite definitely believes elitism is preferable. In Romney a country should be run to benefit the elite and the benefits will “trickle down” to the rest of us. Where have we heard that before? Ronal Reagan, the first commie/conservative to be elected president gave us “trickle down economics.” The middle class’s economic standing has been going downhill ever since.

How will an anti-Pee Party commie/conservative do running for President? Will the Pee Partiers abandon there political movement and embrace an elite for President. As for red neck right radio they couldn’t talk enough about the Pee Party now they don’t want to discuss the Pee Party at all. The Pee Party is being phased out.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 05:33 am
No one knows how far past zero Romney will lower the tax on the ungodly if he is elected president. It sounds somewhat absurd to say how far past zero will the taxes be lowered on the ungodly greedy but that is exactly what happens both Boeing and Daimler Benz were given $500 million in taxpayer money in recent years and that was far in excess of the taxes they paid that year. Toyota was also offered the same deal a few years ago to build a new plant in America but turned it down because the medical costs in America were simply out of control. Toyota built the plant in Canada because Canada had universal health care and kept medical costs under control. The commie/conservatives have one answer to every problem more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.

The commie/conservatives insist all economic problems can be solved by cutting the taxes on the ungodly greedy. Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, testifying before Congress was reported on television to have said that if the Bush Tax cuts on the ungodly greedy are aloud to expire that it would affect the recovery but the actual printed text was quite different. Bernanke
“WASHINGTON — Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke sketched a bleak picture of the U.S. economy Tuesday – and warned it will darken further if Congress doesn't reach agreement soon to avert a budget crisis.
Without an agreement, tax increases and deep spending cuts would take effect at year's end. Bernanke noted what the Congressional Budget Office has warned: A recession would occur, and 1.25 million fewer jobs would be created in 2013.
Cuts in taxes on income, dividends and capital gains would expire. So would this year's Social Security tax cut and businesses tax reductions. Defense and domestic programs would be slashed. And emergency benefits for the long-term unemployed would run out.
All that "would greatly delay the recovery that we're hoping to facilitate," Bernanke said near the end of two hours of testimony to the Senate Banking Committee.”
The cuts that would kick in next year could cost as many as 2 million jobs, a trade group that represents manufacturers said in a report released Tuesday. The report came from the Aerospace Industries Association.

Huffing Post
The television sound bite makes it sound like Bernanke made it seem like it was the tax cuts for the ungodly greedy that would cause the recession when in fact the cutting of 2 million jobs from mandatory spending cuts would be far more harmful. Bernanke pointed that the deficit will also have to be dealt with in the long term. It seems you can have everything you want but you can’t have everything you want. We simply can’t cut income, increase spending, and pay off the debt. Only the senile Reagan could claim that with a straight face. Reagan actually ran on the platform of radical tax cuts for the ungodly greedy, huge increases in spending, and paying off the national debt. On top of this he said he would shrink government. Only a true commie/conservative could be taken in by those lies. Of course Reagan tripled the national debt and substantially increased the size of government. But the ungodly greedy did get their 70% cut in income tax.

Unfortunately there will never be a good time to return the taxes on the ungodly greedy to what they were most of the last century. The commie/conservatives will always threaten the public with the boogieman, when times are good they will claim taxing the ungodly greedy will put the economy in recession, when the economy is in recession they will claim raising taxes on the ungodly greedy will make it worse. In fact the economy will have good periods and bad periods in spite of where the taxes are on the ungodly greedy.
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Reply Fri 20 Jul, 2012 05:35 am
When the commie/conservatives took over in 1981 the biggest segment of the America economy was by far manufacturing. These were the Gordon Gekko types who worshiped greed. When Gekko says, Greed is good for lack of a better word, greed is right, greed works, greed clarifies, greed cuts through and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit… “ This quote is from the Movie “Wall Street” is art imitating life Gekko’s speech summed up the commie/conservative political philosophy. Most Americans that we lost most of our manufacturing to outsourcing but in fact much of our manufacturing was just gutted like a fish and discarded. Corporate Raiders like Carl Icahn on Willard Romney simply gutted corporations, saddled them with huge amounts of debt in high interest junk bonds and made billions for themselves. This is the economic equivalent of taking someone into the middle of a lake tying their hands behind their back and a cinder block to their feet and saying sink or swim.

America’s manufacturing base was destroyed with greed and to a commie/conservative greed is indeed good. Destructive Capitalism is what Romney practices he sees this as a good thing destroying the existing structure to make way for the new. But what was left when Romney’s bulldozers stopped were Wall Mart style jobs at Staples.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 05:04 am
Romney likes to brag about the jobs he created at Staples which numbered only 1,100 when Romney sold his stock not the current 89,000. But many people bemoan the million jobs created by Wall Mart because Wall Marts eliminated about 3 million jobs at other companies. The jobs created at Staples had the same effect when the smoke cleared Staples resulted in a net job loss for America. Efficiency of scale’s lower prices are made possible at least in part by eliminating jobs not creating them. Romney’s argument of job creation is like a farmer taking apples from one barrel and putting them in another barrel and saying he just created the apples in the second barrel. We would all understand perfectly that the farming was lying but when Romney tells the same lie about jobs many people believe him.

In America the ungodly greedy not only offshore jobs they offshore profits and intellectual properties to tax havens. The scam is extremely simple you create a wholly owned subsidiary in a foreign tax haven like Ireland. Then you sell manufactured goods like a bike to your Mexican subsidiary for $11, the Mexican subsidiary than markets the bike around the world for $50 and all of the profit stays in Mexico and is taxed at a much lower rate. The other way is to have a your foreign subsidiary in Ireland sell you parts that are assembled way over the actual cost and again your profits are off shored and once again the ungodly greedy have screwed America.

Even this computer I am working profits have been off shored. The Windows Intellectual properties are sold from Ireland. The Windows Operating system license for this version is sold from Ireland. How extensive is this theft? In 2001 it is estimated that the ungodly greedy like Bill Gates cheated the American people out of $53 billion in taxes.

Some of the examples off shoring profits listed in the book “Take This Job and Ship It: How Corporate Greed and Brain-Dead Politics Are Selling Out America” by Senator Byron Dorgan.
Overpriced Imports

Tweezers from Japan $4,896

Battery powered smoke detectors from Germany $3,500

Lawn mower blades from Australia $2,336

Toothbrushes from India $171

Underpriced Exports

Bullozers to Columbia, $1,741 apiece

Radical truck tires to UK, $11.74

Missile and rocket launcher to Israel $52 each

Bicycles to Mexico

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