The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 25 Oct, 2020 10:02 pm
Zardoz wrote:

Isn't it funny how the lies are made up by Russians and republicans right at election time. If you will remember in 2004 John Kerry was a decorated war hero in Vietnam and Baby Bush, whose daddy got him into a national guard unit that they put the Dallas Cowboys players in to keep them from going Vietnam War. Baby Bush was trained as a fighter pilot but then signed the coward pledge stating that he would not go overseas to defend the country. So lies were used on the one candidate that did his duty and one that signed a coward's pledge was elected. None of the legitimate news media is going to print your lies. If you think Navy officers don't lie you need look no further to the swift boat republicans.

Hunter Biden is an addict. Addicts do stupid things. There is not one shred of evidence connecting any of this to Russia. China and their ability to blackmail Biden is what should concern us.

You go back to spouting rhetoric that no one believes.
Reply Mon 26 Oct, 2020 09:04 pm
Trump has been jetting back and forth all over the country spreading the Trump virus all over the country. Now contact tracers have been able to trace many of outbreaks of the Trump virus directly back to Trump political rallies. Contact tracers traced 16 cases of the Trump virus back to a Trump rally held in an airport hanger in Bemidji, Minnesota including two hospitalizations. If we multiply that by the number of Trump rallies and keep in mind that a single infected person can infect another hundred people and those hundred people can infect another hundred people then it is obvious why it is known as the Trump virus. Trump is responsible for spreading the Trump virus across America.

Today we have 8,799,613 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 8,725,151 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 74,462 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 228,866 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 228,477. That means another 389 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Oct, 2020 09:19 pm
Where were you when Trump was being impeached? He was impeached nearly a year ago over trying to extort the Ukraine politicians into manufacturing evidence on Trump's political opponent. The Russians were behind it then and they are behind it now. Trump doesn't do anything the Russians don't approve of. Since all that was going when they impeached Trump why did not all that "evidence" come to light when Trump was impeached then? Trump had people all over the Ukraine trying to intimate them to make of up "evidence." Trump is still trying to run against Hillary Clinton email. Trump can't run against Biden so he wants to run against Biden son.
Reply Mon 26 Oct, 2020 10:40 pm
Zardoz wrote:

Where were you when Trump was being impeached? He was impeached nearly a year ago over trying to extort the Ukraine politicians into manufacturing evidence on Trump's political opponent. The Russians were behind it then and they are behind it now. Trump doesn't do anything the Russians don't approve of. Since all that was going when they impeached Trump why did not all that "evidence" come to light when Trump was impeached then? Trump had people all over the Ukraine trying to intimate them to make of up "evidence." Trump is still trying to run against Hillary Clinton email. Trump can't run against Biden so he wants to run against Biden son.

Please source and prove those ridiculous claims.
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2020 08:59 am
He can't and he won't because he is a propagandist at heart. No one but Zardoz calls this the Trump virus, it's the China Virus because that's where it came from but Zardoz won't admit that because he is a communist who loves communist ideals and ways of life. Good luck being a race car driver in a communist country where only sanctioned events are allowed. Zardoz and his puppet HT are jokes.
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2020 11:13 am
As usual, just a bunch of attempted put downs and baseless personal attacks. If that's all you've got, the joke's on you.
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2020 12:39 pm
Only partially correct, I did challenge this claims and as usual you missed that in defense of your Daddy. Plus there was no personal attacks, he is a communist and so are you.
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2020 08:52 pm
You can see a real good example of a statement taken out of context in one of Trump’ political commercials. In the commercial you see Biden saying he is going to raise taxes which is meant to incite the ignorant. The whole statements include Biden’s pledge that he will not raise taxes on anyone who makes less than $400,000 a year. Only the top 5%, the ungodly greedy, make over $400,000 and even at that it is not a tax increase it just puts their taxes back to what they were when Trump took office. The taxes rate was not cut for those making under $50,000 it was 10% before the Trump tax cut and it remained 10% after his tax cut. We were lucky at that because the Republicans wanted to raise it to 12% and call it a tax cut. The tax cut for those making $50,000 would have covered nearly 50% of Americans but Trump’s priority was only the ungodly greedy.

Today we have 8,874,111 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 8,799,613 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 74,498 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 230,111 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 228,866. That means that another 1,245 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2020 09:02 pm
I can't believe you missed the second biggest story of the year. All you have to do is search for Trump's impeachment. Evidence provided from the White House showed without a doubt Trump was extorting the Ukraine to manufacture evidence against his political rally. Trump phone call was played for all to hear and left no doubt that he was extorting the Ukraine by withholding billions of military aid allocated by the US Congress. Isn't it strange now that the very evidence Trump was extorting was manufactured and distributed before the election all of a sudden appears?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2020 09:13 pm
It is the Trump virus because Trump had them fly into America all the infected from the cruise ships and others infected during their time overseas. Trump had those infected with the virus spread all over the country instead of locating them in one location. These locations did not have adequate equipment or experience to handle a deadly virus and almost overnight it spread across the country. Contact tracers can can now show that Trump rallies spread the virus all over the country. Credit must go where credit is due. Most of the virus we got came from Italy, not China, which had a much more deadly strain of the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 09:28 pm
“How the Idiocy of Trump and Jarred Kushner let the Pandemic Lose” is an opinion piece in the Washington Post that details the reason the pandemic is so much worse in America than the rest of the world it didn’t just happen it was caused by Trump the idiot and his family. Audio tapes of Jarred Kushner explaining their game plan were released today. The recordings were made by Bob Woodard for his new book. All along the public believed that the mess Trump made was just his total incompetence but we now know it was deliberate plan. The first thing Kushner says they did was to take control away from the doctors and the CDC. That is nice to know that the idiots took control away from the experts. The idea was to make the governors be responsible for testing and closings but Trump would be responsible for reopenings because reopenings would be popular. Trump’s strategy is always to divide and conquer. This way the governors would make unpopular regulations and Trump would make a stand against them and the pandemic got much worse. In doing Trump laid the foundation for a second wave in America that will be much worse than anyone can even imagine.

Today we have 8,949,342 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 8,874,111 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 75,231 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 231,033 today yesterday the death toll stood at 230,111. That means another 922 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 10:07 pm
One thing that I have wondered about a few times recently- if Trump is defeated in the upcoming election, is he going to try sorting through the ballots/voter lists to eliminate any votes made ahead of time by people who then perished due to the Covid-19?

...and how mad will he be if his loss is widened?
Reply Thu 29 Oct, 2020 10:39 am
I'm more concerned with the ballot boxes that have been set on fire and the mail carriers who have been throwing away mail in ballots.



Lets not forget the recent voter fraud uncovered by Project Veritias.
Reply Thu 29 Oct, 2020 11:17 am
The destruction of drop boxes isn't voter fraud, it's vandalism. Luckily the number of ballots destroyed in both incidents combined is probably less than two hundred. As for Project "Veritas", these people have a history of prank videos and outright deception.
A deceptive video released on Sunday by the conservative activist James O’Keefe, which claimed through unidentified sources and with no verifiable evidence that Representative Ilhan Omar’s campaign had collected ballots illegally, was probably part of a coordinated disinformation effort, according to researchers at Stanford University and the University of Washington.

Mr. O’Keefe and his group, Project Veritas, appear to have made an abrupt decision to release the video sooner than planned after The New York Times published a sweeping investigation of President Trump’s taxes, the researchers said. They also noted that the timing and metadata of a Twitter post in which Mr. Trump’s son shared the video suggested that he might have known about it in advance.

Project Veritas had hyped the video on social media for several days before publishing it. In posts amplified by other prominent conservative accounts, Mr. O’Keefe teased what he said was evidence of voter fraud, and urged people to sign up at “ballot-harvesting.com” to receive the supposed evidence when it came out. (None of the material in the video actually proved voter fraud.)



Probably about as believable as the story about Hunter Biden's laptop:

Trump’s Campaign Backs Off Hunter Biden Attacks

Despite aggressive efforts by Donald Trump and allies to make corruption allegations against Joe Biden and his son a centerpiece of the president’s closing 2020 argument, some Trump advisers are regretting the decision to try to put Hunter Biden and his emails front and center.

Nearly two weeks after the New York Post first reported on the contents of a trio of Hunter Biden’s computer hard drives, including emails showing him attempting to leverage his father’s position to advance business prospects abroad, the pro-Trump internet fringe remains wild over the story. But the reelection campaign has taken a subtler approach.

Though the president has repeatedly mentioned the allegations in rallies, on Twitter, and at a presidential debate last week, his campaign has barely supplemented it with its paid media. With the exception of a few promos for “Where’s Hunter?” merchandise, the campaign hasn’t mentioned the younger Biden in ads on Trump’s Facebook and Instagram pages since October 13, the day before the New York Post first reported on the contents of Biden’s hard drives. Pro-Trump super PAC America First Action hasn’t mentioned Hunter Biden at all in its Facebook or television ads since then.

The Trump campaign has cut a pair of television ads hyping Biden corruption allegations. But they’re just two of the 29 television spots the campaign has aired since the Post story broke, according to Advertising Analytics. The campaign has spent an estimated $1.1 million on those ads since they began airing last week. During the same period, it’s spent nearly four times as much on a single television spot hitting Joe Biden’s tax plan.

Among senior aides to the president, some Hunter-fatigue has already started to seep in. One official working on the Trump reelection effort privately expressed to The Daily Beast this week that they saw little point in harping on the Hunter Biden emails and foreign-dealings stories, as it had little chance of significantly altering the narrative, even at the margins.

This official had indeed been sent out by the Trump team to do media hits this month stressing why the story was so important to voters. “I don’t know what’s going to happen in this election, you don’t know what’s going to happen, nobody knows. But I will bet a lot of money that Hunter Biden is not going to win Pennsylvania for [Trump],” the official predicted.

Part of the problem for the Trump reelect is that, for all the material that’s been released from Hunter Biden’s computers, none of it has actually implicated his father in any corrupt dealings. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), who is leading a Senate Republican investigation into the Bidens, conceded as much during a radio interview on Monday.

Asked whether he’s seen “any evidence...proving that Joe Biden made any money off of his son’s foreign entanglements,” Johnson admitted that he had not. “No, I don’t have hard proof that Joe Biden profited,” he said. “But I do have proof he lied boldfaced about never talking to his son Hunter in terms of overseas businesses.”

Absent that smoking gun, the Trump campaign signaled on Monday that themes like the economy and Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court confirmation—issues that would likely be emphasized by any presidential campaign—will be far more central to its messaging in the days before voters go to the polls than anything to do with Biden’s family members.

“The economy’s still going to remain front and center,” said Jason Miller, a senior campaign adviser, in call with reporters on Monday. The campaign plans to focus in particular on energy policy in states such as Pennsylvania, where Trump and his allies say Joe Biden’s opposition to fossil fuel extraction could be a key sticking point.

Only after economic issues, energy policy, and the Supreme Court did Miller bring up Hunter Biden on Monday’s call. But he did so solely in the context of framing it as a case of D.C. insider corruption. Neither Miller nor campaign manager Bill Stepien mentioned still unsubstantiated allegations that laptop computers belonging to Hunter Biden contained child pornography or that he was involved in even more lascivious behavior.

The relative restraint from the Trump campaign stands in contrast to four years ago, when many of the same individuals spent the close of the campaign harping on Hillary Clinton’s emails and repeatedly referring to her as “Crooked.” Indeed, on the call with reporters on Monday, Miller referred to Clinton solely by that moniker, rather than her name.

Still, there are some among the Trump faithful who continue to publicly maintain that the president and his party need to hammer away at the issue between now and Election Day, insisting that there will ultimately be a hidden benefit in the polls.

“Joe Biden’s corruption issue broke through the mainstream media blackout and Joe Biden lied in front of tens of millions of Americans. Republicans have to keep pressing that,” said John McLaughlin, a top pollster for the president and his 2020 campaign. “Trump and his voters will be energized. Biden will try to stall for the remaining…days.”

Try as they might to keep the focus on the narrow—and far easier to understand—issue of alleged Biden family self-dealing, the campaign’s allies in conservative media have devoured and parsed every detail of the emerging Hunter Biden story—and developed some truly bizarre, occasionally obscene, theories about the Biden family’s supposed misdeeds.

Fringe right-wing sites like The Gateway Pundit, InfoWars, and 4Chan’s “Politically Incorrect” forum, rather than more mainstream conservative outlets, have become the centers of discussion about the more outlandish Biden “leaks.” GNews, a website tied to Steve Bannon patron and dissident Chinese billionaire Miles Kuo, has become the leading outlet for images that supposedly came from Biden’s laptop.

And as the election has neared, the internet conspiracy theories about Hunter Biden have become ever more baroque. GNews, for example, has become obsessed with a picture that purports to show a series of tattoos on Biden’s back, which the site claims represent New York’s Finger Lakes region. Drawing from 4Chan threads and a local New York article about human trafficking in the area, the site has claimed that the tattoo is proof that Biden is involved in human trafficking.

It’s difficult to get a sense of how much traction the GNews conspiracy theories have received, because Twitter has taken steps to block the spread of the site’s articles. Accounts that post links to some of the GNews articles on Biden, for example, are automatically suspended from Twitter for twelve hours for breaking rules against “posting or sharing privately produced/distributed intimate media of someone without their express consent,” according to a test performed by The Daily Beast.

Even on 4Chan, though, Trump supporters are starting to get fed up. The forum’s pro-Trump denizens had embraced the hype around a Biden story that was set to be published Monday morning on The Gateway Pundit. But when the story failed to deliver a bombshell about Hunter Biden, 4Chan posters began to gripe that the Hunter Biden “scandal” had failed to meaningfully affect the election.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Oct, 2020 11:32 am
I did challenge this claims...

No you didn't. You disputed his use of the term "Trump Virus" but, believe it or not, people are free to refer to use any term they wish when attempting to make a point. That's why your Daddy always calls it the "China Virus".
Plus there was no personal attacks, he is a communist and so are you.

Whether one is a "communist" or not isn't the issue — you are using the term in order to make personal attacks on people, the same way it was used by Joe McCarthy and every other brain-addled pseudo-patriot for the past 75 years. I think I've explained this to you before — I'm not a "Communist" (a party member) and I don't believe that communism is a viable economic/political system as it expects way too much of human nature.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Oct, 2020 03:17 pm
The tossing of mail and arson are crimes. Here too, similar to the early votes by the now dead, the votes might not be for Trump.

....or maybe they were. We might never know.

Plus, if the tossed ballots were not destroyed, can they be counted now or are they being held as evidence of the crime, in which case, they'll have no value months from now after a trial concludes.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Oct, 2020 09:25 pm
I watched a little bit of Fox News today to see if they had their crying towels out but instead, they were belly aching about not being able to post lies all over social media. They believe they should be able to post their lies on privately owned company’s sites. How dare someone stop them from posting lies on their sites! All the while they are on Fox News which is a 24-7, 365-day commercial for the republican party. These people are the same people that came to power over the last 30 years by blocking any other political view point on right wing radio but now when they find the shoe on the other foot, and they are crying like babies about how unfair it is. When was the last time you heard Fox News cry about how unfair Rush Slimbaug’s show is for blocking any other political opinion? What we are talking about is blocking lies and misinformation what if anyone that had a conservative view point was blocked from posting like Rush Slimbaugh does the democrats on his show? Fox News and rightwing radio had got so use to lying to win elections that they believed they had an absolute right to lie republicans into office on other media sites also. They are outraged they can’t lie their candidates into office on privately owned sites.

The very next segment showed Trump wanting to jail one of his employee, who spoke out. So much for conservative’s idea of freedom of speech. In this case the employee was a government employee and is guaranteed freedom of speech by the constitution but they don’t understand freedom speech and where it applies. It is the freedom to speak out against the government not the freedom to lie.

Today we broke 9 million cases of the Trump virus. The actual number is 9,043,390 cases of Trump virus today, yesterday we had 8,949,342 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 94,048 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 232,194 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 231,033. That means another 1,061 Americans died from the Trump virus today.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Oct, 2020 08:48 pm
Trump canceled his hotel ballroom that was reserved for the after-election celebration because there will be no reason to celebrate. That must hurt as the reservation was at the Trump Hotel in Washington. Trump is notoriously cheap buying his niece a shoe filled with candy for Christmas on one occasion and a basket of food for another and then even taking the cans of caviar out of the gift baskets before he gave them to his relatives. Who does that? Only Trump.

At least Trump has a future to look forward to behind bars. Several criminal cases have ben placed on hold until Trump is out of office. Trump had hoped to beat the statue of limitation by staying in office but hope is fading fast. The banks will hunt Trump down he owes over $400 million and has been living it up on borrowed money. Lock him up! Lock Trump up!

Today we have 9,134,381 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 9,043,390 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 90,991 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 233,187 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 232,194. That means that another 993 Americans died today but not to worry Trump son, interviewed on Planet Fox, said he could not understand why they are focusing on the deaths when “hardly anybody has died.” What do you think?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 Oct, 2020 08:52 pm
How is your mail service this week? There was three days this week that I did not get any mail. I pick up my mother’s mail once a week at her post office box and it is usually full but this week it contained only one letter. Independent audits of the post office this week show the service has been noticeably slowed down in the battleground states. Combine this with the fact that Trump’s lawyers have filed cases to stop mail in votes that are post marked on the day of election but arrive later. Trump is trying to cheat his way into a reelection. Trump’s lawyers are trying to invalidate 100,000 ballots in Texas because they were cast from their car.

When did you register to vote? That is the signature that the polling place worker compare to your signature on the day you vote. It has been more than 44 years since I signed the voter registration card 44 years ago. The problem is signatures change over long periods of time. In other heavily democratic areas Trump lawyers have sued for copies of the democratic voter’s signatures they will use the copies to try and invalidate democratic ballots without ever invalidate a republican voter. I don’t think it will do Trump any good but he is going to cheat every way he can.

Today we have 9,222,849 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 9,134,381 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 88,468 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 234,085 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 233,187. That means another 898 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Nov, 2020 09:52 pm
There are red neck right cult parades taking place all over America. They are blocking major bridges and surrounded Biden bus on Texas interstate. I am surprised the secret service didn’t see them as a threat and open fire. There was even one parade of losers went past the house this evening and upset the dogs. America is preparing for the red necks to riot when Trump loses. Businesses in New York, including Macy’s, are boarding up store fronts before the riots start. When is the last time you heard of businesses boarding up after an election because riots were likely to take place? New York is a reliably blue state and will vote overwhelmingly for Biden but they have evidently been notified to prepare for the Trump riots. Never in my lifetime or in history have I heard of after election riots in America. Trump has done just as his Russian handlers wanted him to do he has done more damage to America then was done by Germany in WWII. Trump’s cult following will not take his defeat lightly. Trump has told his cult following to “stand back and standby” after Trump loses, they will no longer standby.

Today we have 9,302,271 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 9,222,849 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 79,432 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 234,567, yesterday the death toll stood at 234,085. That means that another 482 Americans died today from the Trump virus.


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