The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 1 Nov, 2020 10:11 pm
Zardoz wrote:

There are red neck right cult parades taking place all over America. They are blocking major bridges and surrounded Biden bus on Texas interstate. I am surprised the secret service didn’t see them as a threat and open fire. There was even one parade of losers went past the house this evening and upset the dogs. America is preparing for the red necks to riot when Trump loses. Businesses in New York, including Macy’s, are boarding up store fronts before the riots start. When is the last time you heard of businesses boarding up after an election because riots were likely to take place? New York is a reliably blue state and will vote overwhelmingly for Biden but they have evidently been notified to prepare for the Trump riots. Never in my lifetime or in history have I heard of after election riots in America. Trump has done just as his Russian handlers wanted him to do he has done more damage to America then was done by Germany in WWII. Trump’s cult following will not take his defeat lightly. Trump has told his cult following to “stand back and standby” after Trump loses, they will no longer standby.

Today we have 9,302,271 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 9,222,849 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 79,432 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 234,567, yesterday the death toll stood at 234,085. That means that another 482 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

Laughing Laughing Laughing
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2020 09:47 pm
Trump has now said he will declare victory on Nov 3rd before all the votes are counted. That would be like the leader of lap 100 in the Daytona 500 declaring himself the winner before the race is over. Trump acts like all votes will be counted on Nov 3rd when it may take a month for all of the counting to be finished. It has always been that way. Absentee ballots from the military have always been counted later. It took a month to decide the Bush vs Gore election. What people see on election night is projections by the networks after they get a portion of the votes and make a projection but until the total count must be completed and certified before it becomes official. Voting is the easy part counting is the hard part. Trump is like impatient child that opens his presents before Christmas in Trump’s case when he opens this present, he will likely get only a lump of coal.

A study released today shows that 700,000 cases of the Trump virus can be traced back to the Trump rallies along with 700 deaths. Those 700 dead red neck right voters may be the difference in a tight election.

Today we have 9,374,777 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 9,302,271 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 72,506 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll now stands at 235,051, yesterday the death toll stood at 234,567. That means that another 484 Americans died today from the Trump virus
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2020 09:49 pm
I hope you have a good supply of crying towels you are going to need them tomorrow.
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2020 11:20 pm
Zardoz wrote:

I hope you have a good supply of crying towels you are going to need them tomorrow.

No I won't. People do not show up at rallies and not vote. People do not form caravans and not vote. People do not stand on the streets cheering and not vote.

Black people sick of the Democratic lies vote too. And Hispanics love a great economy and hate socialism. There will be no tears. In fact, I expect Trump to get 90 million votes.
Reply Tue 3 Nov, 2020 10:04 pm
So far Biden is leading with 192 electoral votes to 108 for Trump. The election results from states are being released differently as some states are releasing the early voting results first while other states are releasing the election day vote totals first. Since the early vote is going to favor Biden and the election day vote will favor Trump but the trouble is that we don’t know which states are releasing which votes. It looks like it will be a long night and we will not know by midnight. Trump is leading the popular vote. It would be nice if Biden wins the electoral college and Trump wins the popular vote and loses the election. What do you want to bet the Republicans will want to do away with the electoral college the next day and make Trump president? They had told us to expect a red wave tonight and a blue tidal wave tomorrow.

Today we have 9,464,351 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 9,374,377 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 89,774 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll now stands at 236,011, yesterday the death toll stood at 235,051. That means another 960 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Nov, 2020 10:10 pm
Do you not understand that if you added up ever person that attended a Trump rally that you would have far less than 1% of the population? The crowd may look big if you don't compare it to 3330 million Americans.

Trump has given the worst economy since the Great Depression more than a 100,000 businesses have closed and that is just the very tip of the iceberg. Biden black vote totals are over 92%.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Nov, 2020 10:24 pm
A lot of people wonder why the polls have been wrong in both of the elections involving Trump. There is a very simple explanation. Many people who vote for Trump are ashamed to admit it. They don’t want their friends and family to know they are going vote for Trump to be sure there are many people who are proud to vote for a swindler and a sexual criminal but that enough about the Christian right who were swindled out of their soul by Trump. I also suspect that the pollsters were deliberately misled so Trump could gain an advantage. If democrats led believe they were up 10 points in a state they would be less likely to expend a lot resources on that state the Republicans could also spend less resources because their internal polls would give them a more accurate picture.

Today’s republican party is not a political philosophy it is an assembly of single-issue voters. They could care less about the big picture but are only interested in their selfish self-interest. In 2004 I found out real quick that when you encountered a single issue voter their mind was completely closed to anything but that issue. People vote republican based on abortion even though abortion remains legal after 60 years of republican “trying” to ban it. Truth be known the republicans don’t ever want abortion banned because they would loss 50% of their voters. It is the same with guns tell them that someone is going to put reasonable gun control in effect and they start running around like chicken little crying the sky is falling, the sky is falling. Allow everybody to have ten assault weapons and shoot up all the schools and the Republicans would loss another 25% of their voters. The third group is the tax cut group who could careless if their children have to pay their parents share of taxes. Bill Clinton balanced the budget but as soon as Baby Bush got elected, he started two of the longest wars in history We have always raised taxes raised to pay for wars but instead he cut taxes for the ungodly greedy and then he cut their taxes again. Our debt is so bad now that it totally exceeds the GNP. Trump put us another $10 trillion in debt with bigger and better tax cuts for the ungodly again. The tax cut group has completely bankrupted America and they want even more. The pea party got elected by running on a balanced budget platform under Obama but as soon Trump got elected, they put the country in more debt then WWII. It is not a political philosophy it is an amalgamation of self-interested people with petty self-interests.

Today we have 9,568,640 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 9,464,351 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 104,289 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 237,352, yesterday the death toll stood at 236,011. That means another 1,341 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
Reply Wed 4 Nov, 2020 11:36 pm
Zardoz wrote:

A lot of people wonder why the polls have been wrong in both of the elections involving Trump. There is a very simple explanation. Many people who vote for Trump are ashamed to admit it. They don’t want their friends and family to know they are going vote for Trump to be sure there are many people who are proud to vote for a swindler and a sexual criminal but that enough about the Christian right who were swindled out of their soul by Trump. I also suspect that the pollsters were deliberately misled so Trump could gain an advantage. If democrats led believe they were up 10 points in a state they would be less likely to expend a lot resources on that state the Republicans could also spend less resources because their internal polls would give them a more accurate picture.

Today’s republican party is not a political philosophy it is an assembly of single-issue voters. They could care less about the big picture but are only interested in their selfish self-interest. In 2004 I found out real quick that when you encountered a single issue voter their mind was completely closed to anything but that issue. People vote republican based on abortion even though abortion remains legal after 60 years of republican “trying” to ban it. Truth be known the republicans don’t ever want abortion banned because they would loss 50% of their voters. It is the same with guns tell them that someone is going to put reasonable gun control in effect and they start running around like chicken little crying the sky is falling, the sky is falling. Allow everybody to have ten assault weapons and shoot up all the schools and the Republicans would loss another 25% of their voters. The third group is the tax cut group who could careless if their children have to pay their parents share of taxes. Bill Clinton balanced the budget but as soon as Baby Bush got elected, he started two of the longest wars in history We have always raised taxes raised to pay for wars but instead he cut taxes for the ungodly greedy and then he cut their taxes again. Our debt is so bad now that it totally exceeds the GNP. Trump put us another $10 trillion in debt with bigger and better tax cuts for the ungodly again. The tax cut group has completely bankrupted America and they want even more. The pea party got elected by running on a balanced budget platform under Obama but as soon Trump got elected, they put the country in more debt then WWII. It is not a political philosophy it is an amalgamation of self-interested people with petty self-interests.

Today we have 9,568,640 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 9,464,351 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 104,289 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 237,352, yesterday the death toll stood at 236,011. That means another 1,341 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

Oh please. Cheating is bad enough and your dribble does not help.
Reply Thu 5 Nov, 2020 09:52 pm
The award for the worst loser and biggest cry baby goes to Trump hands down. We all knew this was coming Trump claimed the cheating was rampant when he won the election in 2016. Trump claimed that at least 3 million voters were fraudulent when he found out that Hillary won the popular vote so Trump formed a commission to investigate voter fraud in the 2016 election. The commission found nothing and was soon disbanded. Trump started beating the cheating drum six months ago to cover his ass when he lost.

Was the election perfect? No nothing in this world is perfect, not people and not elections. Was there any cheating? I am sure there were some minor incidents on both sides but they we would be like offsetting penalties and one would cancel the other out but we know for a fact that the overall election was right. How do we know? Just by looking at the overall results. The republicans picked up seats in the house and held the senate. So, the republicans voted for their senators and representatives but many of them voted against Trump. In a typical presidential election, the president has wide coat tails and gets senatorial candidates and representatives elected who would not have not normally have got elected. If cheating had taken place the republicans would have lost the senate and had huge loss in the House. If someone was creating false ballots, then everyone of them would have also voted for democrats in the house and senate races. Boom went the dynamite when Trump created his commission and voter fraud and found nothing. Once Trump cried wolf and found nothing the next time he is just beating his gums. The dynamite only goes boom once Trump has already disproved his own case.

Today we have 9,699,422 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 9,568,640. That means that another 130,782 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 238,516 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 237,352. That means another 1,164 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Nov, 2020 09:53 pm
Trump thinks cheating is anybody that voted against him.
Reply Thu 5 Nov, 2020 10:29 pm
Zardoz wrote:

Trump thinks cheating is anybody that voted against him.

The fraud is obvious.
Reply Fri 6 Nov, 2020 10:07 pm
Steve Bannon, Trump’s former campaign manager, called for the beheading of Dr Fauci and Christopher Wray, the FBI director on Twitter. Bannon’s Twitter account was permanently suspended. Trump had previously made Fauci a target of the radical right nut cases, Fauci and his family were getting death threats and had to get secret service protection. Bannon’s lawyer, in his up and coming criminal cases, quit in protest.

What was Fauci’s great sin? He told the honest truth while Trump lied. Fauci failed to realize that Trump’s reelection was far more important than thousands of people lives. Job one is absolute loyalty to Trump and his lies. If you tell the truth in the administration of 22,000 lies you will face the consequences.

Why did Bannon call for the beheading of the FBI Director? What sin did he commit? He had the nerve to speak out against Trump’s lies when he testified in Congress that there is no significant voter fraud in America. Trump has been working on this lie for the last four years. He claimed that the 2016 election had massive voter fraud even though he won the election. Trump has been telling his followers for years that the only possible way that he could be beat was massive voter fraud. Then Trump’s hand-picked FBI Director tells the truth that there is no significant voter fraud. Telling the truth in an administration of lies is a capital crime that calls for your head.

We have 9,809,691 cases of the Trump virus today, yesterday we had 9,699,422 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 110,269 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 239,354, yesterday the death toll stood at 238,516. That means that another 838 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Nov, 2020 10:10 pm
Trump's hand picked FBI Director testified in front of congress that there was no significant voter fraud in America. You are a victim of one of the best conmen in America. Trump set this con up over a four year period.
Reply Fri 6 Nov, 2020 10:13 pm
Zardoz wrote:

Trump's hand picked FBI Director testified in front of congress that there was no significant voter fraud in America. You are a victim of one of the best conmen in America. Trump set this con up over a four year period.

Trump will be back in 4 years. Most likely in a landslide after 4 years of Biden.
Reply Sat 7 Nov, 2020 09:44 pm
Trump said that Biden was the worst politician in the world, since the grudge match has concluded Trump has officially won the belt that says “worst politician in the world” by his own word. Trump will never concede the election he will have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of the White House. I cannot remember a politician that ran for president and lost that did not gracefully conceding the election. Trump thinks that as long as he has lawsuits filed that he will continue to be president until the lawsuits have been settled. The trouble is that lawsuits can drag on for years. Trump also believes that since he appointed there of the supreme court judges, that they owe him and they will set the election results aside and award him the presidency. After all Trump expect complete loyalty from his employees.

I have been reading Bob Woodward new book, “Rage.” In the book Woodward recounts a conversation that Trump had with the acting FBI director, Andrew McCabe, after Trump fired Comey. McCabe’s wife had run for a state senate in Virginia and lost. Trump asked McCabe how it felt to lose and rubbed it in?

A man walked into a bar and a guy spit tobacco in his ear. The man got his knife out and cut the guy’s ear off and told him when you get the urge to spit into an ear you can spit into your own ear. Trump will no longer have to ask how it feels to lose he will know. He can spit into his own ear.

Today we have 9,960,379 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 9,809,691 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 150,688 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll now stands at 240,688, yesterday the death toll stood at 239,354. That means that another 1,334 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Nov, 2020 09:57 pm
Both Trump older brother and his younger brother are already dead and with his health habits he is unlikely to live that long. The other possibility is that he will end up like his father who by that age was completely senile and would show up for dinner in a suit on minus his pants. He would stroll in and ask what was for dinner after he was told he would return fourteen or fifteen times. You can't beat your genes. We carry the seeds of our own destruction from our birth. Trump will never return already it takes both hands to put a glass to his lips. He can't find his mouth with both hands now.
Reply Sat 7 Nov, 2020 10:51 pm
You can't beat your genes.

You can say that again. Laughing Laughing Laughing
Reply Sun 8 Nov, 2020 10:16 pm
Kushner and Ivanka have been elected to get Trump to finally concede the election. They both have presidential ambitions and had planned a Trump dynasty but if Trump leaves such a bad taste in people mouth it will ruin their chances to be president but Trump only thinks of Trump. Trump fully believes that he can just refuse to leave and they will let him remain president. This proves what we have been saying all along, Trump is unstable and has been for a long time. This is the second election Trump has lost, he lost the first election by 3 million votes and got into office on a technicality that was established in a comprise with slave states let them count their black slaves as half a person. Now Biden has beat Trump by 4.5 million votes and Trump still insists he won.

Today we have 10,066,916 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 9,960,379 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 106,537 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 241,846 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 240,688. That means that another 1,158 Americans were killed by the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Nov, 2020 10:19 pm
If your ancestors live to over a hundred you know genes but on the other hand if they are dead before 50 you are in trouble. Trump's older brother died at 42.
Reply Sun 8 Nov, 2020 10:33 pm
Zardoz wrote:

If your ancestors live to over a hundred you know genes but on the other hand if they are dead before 50 you are in trouble. Trump's older brother died at 42.

Alcohol killed Trumps brother, that is self inflicted. But insulting Trump's genes is a new low even for you.

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