The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 20 Oct, 2020 03:54 pm
Obama politicized those agencies.

There you go again. Surprised you didn't mention "Killary"! And, one more time, tell us about those Bakersfield doctors! Laughing Laughing Laughing

Classic projection.

Yeah. Yours. Mr. Green
Reply Tue 20 Oct, 2020 04:10 pm
hightor wrote:

Obama politicized those agencies.

There you go again. Surprised you didn't mention "Killary"! And, one more time, tell us about those Bakersfield doctors! Laughing Laughing Laughing

Classic projection.

Yeah. Yours. Mr. Green

So you do not want to deal with the fact Obama politicized everything. Remember his IRS? His FBI, CIA went the same way.

The doctors have nothing to do with this. Killary is irrelevant but for the fact she is in the above the law class.
Reply Tue 20 Oct, 2020 06:39 pm
FBI & DOJ have both confirmed the info is not Russian disinformation and the FBI also confirms they have a copy of the hard drive... not good news for the media who tried to hide the truth.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Oct, 2020 09:00 pm
This election will come down to an election that pits ignorance against science. Trump has been doctor shopping to find a Dr that will come down on the side ignorance. On any subject there will always be a tiny minority who will espouse the most ignorant views. Trump could not find an epidemiologist who would agree with his total ignorance of science so he did the next best thing he hired a neurologist whose field is not epidemics. It also happens that Trump’s quack just happens to hold an office in a conservative think tank. That is a walking contradiction, conservative and the term think should never be used in the same sentence. Dr Scott Atlas is a conservative first and a Dr second. His job as he sees it is to push as much junk science as he possibly can to get Trump reelected. Dr Brix has asked vice president Pence to remove witch Dr Atlas for pushing junk science. Atlas believes falsely that herd immunity can be reached at 20% when in fact it will take 60% to reach herd immunity. Atlas’s solution is to stop taking any precautions and let 30 million Americans die. That is the plan Trump is now considering, the just let them die solution. If Trump is reelected that plan will no doubt be implemented.

We have 8,362,181 cases of the Trump virus today, yesterday we had 8,293.975 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 68,206 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 224,308 today, yesterday it stood at 223,426. That means another 882 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Oct, 2020 09:25 pm
What you are saying is that Russians spies always tell the truth even Giuliana has admitted that there is a 50% chance he got the information from a Russian spy. If Giuliana says there is a 50% that means that there was a 100% chance. We know for a fact that the Russian interfered in the last election and we know for a fact they will interfere in this election. Trump has given Russian everything they wanted including US military bases. Look for the KBG to release all kinds of false information before election and expect the news media to spread it. Fool me once and it is your fault fool me twice and it is my fault. The news media is no longer going to play the fool for the Russian government. Where do you think Russian disinformation comes from? The Easter Bunny, if it walks like and in fact is a duck it is a duck or Russian spy as the case may be.

How dare they expect Trump to follow the rules! They should just let him rave on about the deep state for 90 minutes. If somebody has two minutes that is what he should get and not one second more. Enforce the rules that is exactly what I called for after the first debate shut Trump's mike off. The debate commission is bipartisan. Rush Slimbaug on his show today was explaining that the commission members were like tiny little insignificant ants and Trump was a super god and they should never be able to overrule him.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Oct, 2020 04:01 am
Remember his IRS?

As a matter of fact I do. Like most Republicans, you don't.
Neil H. Buchanan wrote:
Do you remember "the IRS scandal"? If you do, you remember a lie. Granted, it was an elaborate, innuendo-driven lie that many people repeated endlessly, trying to get you to believe that there was a scandal. But it was still a lie, and a damaging one at that.

The reason to revisit this issue now is that the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) issued a report last week that showed that the supposedly scandalous behavior never happened. In other words, the central lie behind this non-scandal has been definitively undermined.


Who Cares That There Was Never a Scandal At the IRS? We All Should

Reply Wed 21 Oct, 2020 09:51 am
hightor wrote:

Remember his IRS?

As a matter of fact I do. Like most Republicans, you don't.
Neil H. Buchanan wrote:
Do you remember "the IRS scandal"? If you do, you remember a lie. Granted, it was an elaborate, innuendo-driven lie that many people repeated endlessly, trying to get you to believe that there was a scandal. But it was still a lie, and a damaging one at that.

The reason to revisit this issue now is that the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) issued a report last week that showed that the supposedly scandalous behavior never happened. In other words, the central lie behind this non-scandal has been definitively undermined.


Who Cares That There Was Never a Scandal At the IRS? We All Should

I see, Lois Lehner took the Fifth for nothing. Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Oct, 2020 08:46 pm
It was revealed today that Trump is the owner of a secret bank account in China. In 2017 after Trumps first year in office all of a sudden, the bank account gets a large spike in revenue bringing the balance to $17.4 million more than the past five years in total. Then Trump withdraws $15.1 million from the account. Trump has accounts in three foreign banks that we know of, England, Ireland, and China. Trump paid far more in taxes, $188,561, to China on that bank account than in American income taxes in the last several years. Of course, Trump failed to disclose that he had this bank account on his public disclosure documents. Was Trump taking bribes from the Chinese? What does 10 patents and 35 trademarks granted to the Trump family sound like to you. Those are the only foreign bank accounts to come to light so far, look for more.

Today we have 8,430,064 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 8,362,181 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 67,833 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today. We are on schedule for nine million cases of the Trump virus by election day.

The death toll stands at 225,324 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 224,308. That means that another 1,016 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Oct, 2020 08:38 pm
What happened to turning off Trump’s mike in the debate tonight? The option was only used in the initial 2 minutes. The longer the debate goes on the more Trump keeps running off at the mouth. Trump always has diarrhea of the mouth and tries to talk over other people. Trump’s taxes came up again and Trump says he is going to release his tax returns “after the government is through auditing them.” That is exactly what he said four years ago. The problem is there is no reason he can’t release his taxes now and an audit does not keep you from releasing your taxes. When asked why he only paid $750 in income tax? Trump said he makes millions in pretax payments. Everybody with a business knows that you have to estimate what your taxes would be and make quarterly payments on the estimate taxable income but when you file and take your deductions the pre tax payments are refunded and you actually pay only the amount due and the rest of your pretax is refunded. Trump is just smoking the American people the tax form shows what is actually paid in income tax.

Today we have 8,498,360 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 8,430,064 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 68,296 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 226,314 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 225,324. That means that another 990 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
Reply Fri 23 Oct, 2020 09:33 am
Zardoz wrote:

What happened to turning off Trump’s mike in the debate tonight? The option was only used in the initial 2 minutes. The longer the debate goes on the more Trump keeps running off at the mouth. Trump always has diarrhea of the mouth and tries to talk over other people. Trump’s taxes came up again and Trump says he is going to release his tax returns “after the government is through auditing them.” That is exactly what he said four years ago. The problem is there is no reason he can’t release his taxes now and an audit does not keep you from releasing your taxes. When asked why he only paid $750 in income tax? Trump said he makes millions in pretax payments. Everybody with a business knows that you have to estimate what your taxes would be and make quarterly payments on the estimate taxable income but when you file and take your deductions the pre tax payments are refunded and you actually pay only the amount due and the rest of your pretax is refunded. Trump is just smoking the American people the tax form shows what is actually paid in income tax.

Today we have 8,498,360 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 8,430,064 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 68,296 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 226,314 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 225,324. That means that another 990 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

I do not see one mention of the all but proven Biden corruption. We now have a whistle and he even has a name plus records of what happened on three phones. Anything to say about that?
Reply Fri 23 Oct, 2020 11:24 am
I do not see one mention of the all but proven Biden corruption.

Duh...the post concerned Trump's tax problems. If you want to bring up your conspiracy theories, fine, but don't expect other people to present them for your benefit. And don't even expect a response at all — you've already declared, "Really no point in reading your posts anymore. Bye," so why even post here?
Anything to say about that?

Yeah. How about those Bakersfield doctors, eh?
Reply Fri 23 Oct, 2020 02:27 pm
hightor wrote:

I do not see one mention of the all but proven Biden corruption.

Duh...the post concerned Trump's tax problems. If you want to bring up your conspiracy theories, fine, but don't expect other people to present them for your benefit. And don't even expect a response at all — you've already declared, "Really no point in reading your posts anymore. Bye," so why even post here?
Anything to say about that?

Yeah. How about those Bakersfield doctors, eh?

Those doctors did not take money from China or the Ukraine. The evidence against Biden is overwhelming. He is a crook, corrupt and dishonest. Not fit to be president. Right big guy?
"Really no point in reading your posts anymore.

I said that about Zardoz's posts, although yours are reaching that level.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Oct, 2020 08:59 pm
It is very obvious that Trump’s plan to deal with the Trump virus was to lie and lie some more. If the Trump virus could be killed by lies it would have gone away a long time ago. When the Trump virus first started back in March the task force was formed and Trump put Pence in charge, they were holding daily press conferences and Trump noticed Pence getting a lot attention so Trump took over the mike it was free air time. That worked until Trump recommended bleach for the cure of the Trump virus. Some of Trump’s followers actually injected themselves with bleach, they were lucky to survive. They made so much fun of Trump that he was ashamed to show his face in the Trump virus press briefings for weeks. Now while we are in the mist of a nation emergency with a death toll nearing those killed in WWII Dr Fauci tells us that Trump has not attended a task force meeting in months. Can you imagine if during WWII that Roosevelt had not attended meeting in months? The republicans would have impeached him. That is really criminal.

Today we have 8,578,831 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 8,498,360 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 80,471 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today. This shows us that after 8 months the Trump virus is far worse than it was in the spring. Trump has accomplished nothing against the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 227,107 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 226,314. That means that another 793 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Oct, 2020 09:16 pm
Do you not realize that everything the Russian tell you is not true? The Russians lied Trump into office once but they are having trouble this time. Last time one of you right wing nut job listened to the Russian lies, got his assault weapon and drove from North Carolina to the Washington DC to a piazza parlor in question to take down Hillary Clinton's child sex molesting ring being run in the basement. Trump and family were retweeting these Russian lies. After the right wing nut job shot up the pizza parlor he found there was no basement. This is exactly what is going on now. The Russian military IT people are highly skilled and can get three phones and make them seem to say anything you want but when the right wing crazies get there it will be just like the basement in the pizza parlor but if the Russian lies are listened to then they might steal another election. If the Russians fool you once it is their fault, fool me twice and it is my fault.
Reply Sat 24 Oct, 2020 09:01 am
Zardoz wrote:

Do you not realize that everything the Russian tell you is not true? The Russians lied Trump into office once but they are having trouble this time. Last time one of you right wing nut job listened to the Russian lies, got his assault weapon and drove from North Carolina to the Washington DC to a piazza parlor in question to take down Hillary Clinton's child sex molesting ring being run in the basement. Trump and family were retweeting these Russian lies. After the right wing nut job shot up the pizza parlor he found there was no basement. This is exactly what is going on now. The Russian military IT people are highly skilled and can get three phones and make them seem to say anything you want but when the right wing crazies get there it will be just like the basement in the pizza parlor but if the Russian lies are listened to then they might steal another election. If the Russians fool you once it is their fault, fool me twice and it is my fault.

Russia is not telling us anything, the laptop and the whistle blower are. Biden is corrupt. Looks like it was either Bleach bit or crack. Hunter opted for the crack.
Reply Sat 24 Oct, 2020 09:08 pm
Trump now says we have rounded the corner on the Trump virus but what he doesn’t say is that when we rounded that corner, we went through the guard rail and down the mountain side. We are now setting new records daily with far more Trump virus than ever before. It is so bad that the graph of daily cases now exceeds the height of the graph. We are on track to exceed a 100.000 a day by election day. Trump is finding out that facts are the enemy of his brand of “truth.” What is absolutely amazing is that anyone would vote for Trump after he made such mess with the Trump virus, the economy is worse than anytime since the Great Depression with over 100,000 businesses have closed down and Trump thinks the economy is great. When Trump is voted out of the White House, I hope the government has an updated inventory so they will know all the things Trump and family take with them.

It appears Trump has done exactly what he told his cult members to do and voted twice. Trump made a big deal out of voting by mail and now he voted in person today. Trump says he only requested a ballot but never sent it in. Once you request a ballot that should be the only ballot you get. One ballot per person.

Today we set a new record for daily cases of the Trump virus. Today we have a total of 8,664,187 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 8,578,831 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 85,356 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 228,019 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 227,107 from the Trump virus. That means another 912 Americans died from the Trump virus today.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Oct, 2020 09:19 pm
Your whistleblower is a Russian spy and no legitimate news organization will print the Russian lies, it is just another pizza parlor full of child molesters type of lie. Once your children are of age you are no longer responsible for what they do. If they murder somebody you don't go to jail. When I worked the John Kerry presidential campaign you would run into the church cult member who were told that who ever was running on the democratic ticket was the anti Christ. These preachers would stand up there on the pulpit and lie their ass off. The trouble is most of their congregation believed every word of it.
Reply Sat 24 Oct, 2020 09:44 pm
Zardoz wrote:

Your whistleblower is a Russian spy and no legitimate news organization will print the Russian lies, it is just another pizza parlor full of child molesters type of lie. Once your children are of age you are no longer responsible for what they do. If they murder somebody you don't go to jail. When I worked the John Kerry presidential campaign you would run into the church cult member who were told that who ever was running on the democratic ticket was the anti Christ. These preachers would stand up there on the pulpit and lie their ass off. The trouble is most of their congregation believed every word of it.

He is a former Naval officer. Show me the evidence that the man is a spy.

You outright lie all the time.
Reply Sun 25 Oct, 2020 09:02 pm
Where is one of the worst outbreaks of the Trump virus? A prison, a nursing home or a school? No, the White House has one of worst outbreaks of the Trump virus in the country. These are the people that are suppose to be protecting the rest of us but it is just one outbreak following another. Today we found out five people in the Vice President office have been diagnosed with the Trump virus today including Pence’s chief of staff. Pence works closely with his chief of staff and by CDC rules has to quarantine for 14 days but as any other regulation the Trump administration will ignore the regulations and Pence will hold political rallies all over America. Even other republican senators quarantined themselves but not the Trump administration.

Trump has spread the Trump virus from coast to coast. Trump will make an agreement with local authorities that he will abide by the local health department rules to help prevent the spread of the Trump virus and then ignore the agreement they made. For instance, Trump made an agreement with a local airport that their political rally would be limited to the required 250 people but it became obvious that Trump would ignore the agreement and they had ten times as many people as they were allowed. This is the “law and order” president who ignores every law.

Today we have 8,725,151 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 8,664,187 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 60,964 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 228,477, yesterday the death toll stood at 228,019. That means that another 458 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Oct, 2020 09:16 pm
Isn't it funny how the lies are made up by Russians and republicans right at election time. If you will remember in 2004 John Kerry was a decorated war hero in Vietnam and Baby Bush, whose daddy got him into a national guard unit that they put the Dallas Cowboys players in to keep them from going Vietnam War. Baby Bush was trained as a fighter pilot but then signed the coward pledge stating that he would not go overseas to defend the country. So lies were used on the one candidate that did his duty and one that signed a coward's pledge was elected. None of the legitimate news media is going to print your lies. If you think Navy officers don't lie you need look no further to the swift boat republicans.

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