The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 21 Nov, 2019 11:35 am
In this world there are mechanics tools, carpenter’s tools, and mass murderer’s tools.

Mass murder tools? Tell me again how rifles that are responsible for 297 deaths, are responsible for all the murders in the US?

Assault weapons were designed for massacres, if that is not evil, I don’t know what is. The death toll is rising with every gun sold.

They were not designed for massacres, that's you own opinion. Inatimate objects do not have a desire, it's people you should be worrying about, not the tools they use. In fact, more people are killed with hammers than are killed with rifles, that comes from the FBI crime report.

That FBI study was of 41 school shootings in the last 10 years.

Which study would that be? I couldn't find any studies on school shootings, but I did find a study on mass shootings. Is that the one you are talking about?

The information the FBI found is being used to help school systems deal with future mass shootings.

From the study I read, it's being applied to all mass shooting events, not just schools.

All rights are limited and they are limited for a reason. When the exercise of one person rights violates another person there is a conflict and that conflict must be resolved. The possession of assault weapons violates the right of others to life and liberty.

That isn't how Rights work. We don't take away one right because it might harm another persons right. You won't find a case with such a ruling.

That is not statistic it is guesstimate.

Wrong again, it is a statistic. Just because you don't like the numbers doesn't mean you get to lie about them.

You no doubt that some CDC employees who are NRA members and were paid by the gun manufactures came up. They were sitting around the office one day and one says to the other I wonder how many times guns are used for protection? One said 500,000 and the other said 2.5 million. That is why there is such a wide range. Maybe they just used a dart board with numbers on it.

That is some deep transference you are suffering from there. A study doesn't fit your propaganda, and you make things up about CDC people being NRA members and falsifying a study? You got some issues dude. It's funny how the left accuses the right of the things the left does. Transference and projection all in one place.

She could have shot both with a pistol. What were the men there to steal? The AR-15 no doubt.

She could have shot them with a pistol, if they owned one, it doesn't say. What I do know is that people will use what they are familiar with. You also keep making up bad things about the couple to justify your hate of them. It must suck to be such a hateful person all the time. If that lady had killed her own baby, you would hail her as a superstar.

The thieves were there to steal the AR-15 that’s why you don’t post a link to story.

Your full of ****, I've actually post 2 different links to the story, in yesterday post, I also including a link from the very first time I mentioned the shooting. You should really pay better attention. Unlike you, I always share my sources, you are the one who doesn't. Transference again.

If the thieves were busy beating her husband it would be easy for her shoot both of them or hold them at gun point until the police arrived.

You have more sympathy for the crooks then you do the people were attacked, including an 8 month pregnant woman. You have some deep hatred for people who rightly defend themselves, you would rather see them dead. You are a very weak man aren't you?

They were busy beating her husband according to you.

Not according to me, according to the police who showed up at the crime scene and worked it. This is all info that is available in the police report, of which I have shared no less than 3 links to the story.

It is easy to shoot somebody when they are busy doing something else.

Should she have gotten their attention first before shooting at them, make it more fair? You are one twisted person if you think someone breaking into a home and beating the homeowner should be given a chance before they are shot.

If they were there to kill them, they would have blown them away as soon as they opened the door. They were there for another reason.

They were looking for money, it was stated in the 3 links I provided on the story, that you either missed or ignored so you could come up with this false line off questioning.

If you are pistol whipping someone you can’t point the gun at somebody else at the same time.

Still sticking up for the crooks I see. You should try reading one of the three links I shared on this story, it will clear up the BS you are pushing.

Most of the break ins around here are to steal guns.

Does that mean there are more gun owners than you are admitting to? Do you have any stats to back up that claim? You likely don't.

A hard blow on the head with a baseball bat will stop any man. You started off with only one armed man to start with, will it be three tomorrow and four the next day? Will the woman be in a wheelchair next?

Instead of making things up about the story, you should actually read one of the three links I shared, it will answer your questions and put your false claims to rest.

The supreme court has ruled otherwise and ruled that the second amendment does not give you a right to “any weapon whatsoever of any purpose whatsoever.” So, government has reserved the right to do exactly that and that is exactly what going to happen.

Oh yeah, which ruling was that? Please be specific.

One thing about it whether you like the supreme court’s decision or not they are binding. The decision you are referring to is a lower court decision.

Which decision was this?

According to you, you have no rights only a bill of restrictions.

I've said no such thing, that's you take on the Bill of Rights. The govt is restricted in it's power, not the people. The People have Rights, not the govt, you are looking at this from a maximum power govt, the FF wanted a limited power govt. You as usual have the whole thing twisted around.

You can’t have both, you can either have a bill of rights or a bill of restrictions.

You continue to prove you don't understand the founding of this nation. The FF were about limited govt power and maximum Liberty for the people.

You could make terrorist threats to burn schools down because you have freedom of speech. You could even call Trump’s wife a whore.

A right has to come from somewhere.

Do you fail to understand the term Inalienable? They come from the people, we have the Rights. The only purpose of he govt is to protect those Rights, not limit them as the govt see's fit.

Do you think they are written down on a cave wall somewhere?

They are written down in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. That doesn't mean the govt gets to control those rights, it's actually the opposite. The Rights were spelled out so the govt knew what not to do to people. As I've said a several times now, the Rights are for the people, the govt should be protecting those Rights.

When a government is established it decides what rights the citizens will have not some cave man 10,000 years ago. That is exactly why the founding fathers built a procedure to change the constitution so that it can be changed. If the states decided to change the constitution and eliminate the second amendment what supernatural creature would show up to prevent it. If you think your rights come from a different source there has to be somebody to enforce it. Who could override the government?

Thank you for proving you don't understand what Rights are and how they work. You are a communist and think the all the power should be in the hands of the govt, not the people. You should never be trusted with power.

The detailed question in the census long form violate the right to privacy but like all other rights it has limits.

You are not making any sense, the census form doesn't violate the 4th Amendment.

Trump pushed the lock her up chants at every one of his rallies but as usual he can dish it out but can’t take.

That just isn't the case. He actually didn't make any comment after the World Series chant. It's not surprising the chant happened in DC, it's the swamp.

When the world series crowd started chanting “Lock him up, Lock him up” he could take it. It sent him to the doctor office.

When you have nothing else to say, you make up things. 2 unrelated events 2 weeks apart? You really are desperate.

Trump lost the popular vote, most Americans voted against him.

The popular vote has nothing to do with the Presidential election. It's a stat like running yards in a football game, it's interesting but serves no purpose in the actual event.

Trump only got in because of the slave owners compromise.

You are making stuff up again. The EC had nothing to do with slaves and you have history wrong, the "slave compromise" was used to keep the slaver states weak. If they had given full citizenship rights to the slaver states, it would have made the South way too powerful.

Trump does not free speech.

Personal opinion with no facts in evidence.

He sued the paper that said his wife was a prostitute and won. The paper was no doubt telling the truth and it wasn’t FBI or LEO.

I guess you fail to understand the difference between civil court of criminal court. They lied about the Presidents wife and lost the civil case.

Romney pays far lower rate than the middle class and he was lying when he said the lower 50% of Americans pay no tax.

Do you understand why that is? Do you know the difference between regular income and investment income?

He wasn't lying, he was 100% correct in what he said. 47% of the population pay no federal income taxes. They get more back in a refund than they actually pay into the system. This is completely backed up by IRS records. Romney has paid more in taxes in a single year than you have paid in your entire life.

Your whole post is just a repeat of one of your prior post. I am going to get some sleep tonight.

If it seems like a repeat, that's because you keep repeating the same incorrect crap that I have to correct you on.

Reply Thu 21 Nov, 2019 12:25 pm
The FF were about limited govt power and maximum Liberty for the people.

How does the practice of slavery illustrate the principle of "maximum liberty"? They were about selective liberty that applied solely to free, white, property-owning males.
Reply Thu 21 Nov, 2019 12:38 pm
How does the practice of slavery illustrate the principle of "maximum liberty"? They were about selective liberty that applied solely to free, white, property-owning males.

It seems you are also a poor student of history. The FF wanted to end slavery, but knew they would never have the support of the slave colonies to form the country if they did. That's why they had the compromise and in doing so they limited the power of the higher population slave states. The 2/3 compromise had nothing to do with keeping blacks as slaves and everything to do with limiting the power of the southern states.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Nov, 2019 12:24 am
The AR-15 has been documented to chamber rounds at a 900 round per minute rate.
What we think of as America now was under control of the Spanish and French also. For instance, the laws of Louisiana on right-of-ways are different from much of the rest America because they have their origin in French law. Where a government right-of-way in most of the country is owned by the government in Louisiana a government right-of-way is still owned by the property owner. We had to get out from under other countries also. I think you might have read some CliffsNotes about the founding of the country but, there is much more to founding of America than what you can find in your CliffsNotes. When a new country is founded you are not bound by their laws in anyway.
There is no such thing as Inalienable rights in the Declaration of Independence the actual word used was unalienable rights. Webster’s describes inalienable rights as a “myth” in one example sentence. You are right, If the right ever gets control of the government there would be no rights.
The supreme court has affirmed that all rights have limits on numerous occasions. People have a right to go to court if they feel their rights have been violated by the government but remember the supreme court has already ruled. The government has much more to do than protecting rights including protecting the homeland.
To start with you did not include the 24,000 suicides many of which are done with shot guns. What we have to deal with are massacres that are killing more people all the time. Las Vegas just shows us what is possible. There are thousands of gun nuts who study every mistake a mass murderer makes in hopes of setting a new record. To you it is an acceptable cost, if there are a 160-school shooting their deaths are worth it to you so you can go to the gun range and target shoot.
The second amendment limits right to an arm to bear, period. That’s it, it does not give you anymore, then it says. That is also the supreme court says also.
The government has protected the right to bear an arm.
For rights to come from somewhere else there would have to be an enforce mechanism in place to make the founding fathers put them in the constitution. The founding fathers were not bound by previously written or imagined laws or rights. They had a clean sheet of paper.
Assault weapons are the tools of mass murderers.
You still don’t get it any shooting where four or more people are wounded or killed is a mass shooting. If it was a traffic accident that started the shooting it is a mass shooting. If it was a rape that started it is a mass shooting it is a mass shooting. If it was a man who killed his whole family it is a mass shooting. If it was a bank robbery that started the mass shooting it is a mass shooting. If it was a drive by shooting it is a mass shooting. Mass shooting is the umbrella term you can then break it down into sub categories, like road rage, bank robberies, murder suicides but any shooting that meets that definition is a mass shooting.
I can’t improve on what the founding fathers wrote, it is simply what is written down. Free speech applies any time you are speaking whether in person or on the phone. If you believe you have unlimited free speech try posting Trump’s wife is a whore or that you are going to do something to the president. We had a local republican candidate for mayor on radio who start talking about what he was going to do to Obama. The secret service was soon at his front door. It seems there are indeed limits on free speech just as there is to the second amendment.
The militia problem has been solved we have the most powerful standing army in the world any attempt to beat them with a few right-wing nuts armed with assault weapons would be useless exercise. The world has moved on in 200 years. You want to live in the past that no longer exists
Gun owners are now a small minority and even some gun owners have been destroying their assault weapons.
Sorry the legal definition of assault weapons says nothing about a selective fire switch. Remington went bankrupt while in the process of trying to defend itself from the Sandy Hook lawsuits. The suit is still ongoing and the actual marketing and internal documents have been subpoenaed to prove they were marketed to aggressive gun nuts. One ad read “get your man ticket punched” as if killing school children was somehow macho.
It was a mass shooting and the North Hollywood bank robbers fired the biggest portion of the 2,000 rounds that were fired.
Illegally modified weapons, right, but if they didn’t have assault weapons in the first place, they could not modify them. You could not modify a regular 22 rifle to fire 2,000 in a few minutes.
70% now believe that Trump has done something wrong. Clinton was impeached by Republicans for telling a lie about his sex life. The Republicans made a big deal about they could not have a president who told even one lie. Trump has told over 2,000 documented lies and continues to tell more each day. If Obama had doe half of what Trump has done, the Republicans would have demanded he be hung on the Whitehouse lawn. The corrupt Republicans in the senate will not vote for impeachment because they know Trump will make sure they will never get reelected. Trump looks and acts like a Mob Boss because that is who he grew up around. The tipping point took place when Trump pulled the troops out of Syria and let al Qaeda slaughter the Kurds, who did the fighting against ISIS, the military motto is leave no man behind but Trump’s motto is kill them all and see if I care. Most uninformed voters don’t understand the complex issues going on in Washington. But Trump violated the most basic of human values and even the simplest person in America understands that. Gifts have been used to obligate people from the beginning of time. Watch closely what is going to happen in the next election even if Russia spends billion to reelect Trump, he will still lose in a landslide.
Trump has already alluded to his followers stopping any attempt to take him out of office on more than one occasion but it looks like he might have a heart attack before he gets voted out because of the stress of the additional lies.
Do you really believe you can’t go visit relatives? Zimmerman was looking for a fight and Zimmerman had no authority to stop and question him. Zimmerman’s authority was limited to watch and call the police if he saw something going. I use to run on the roads out here. We had lived here twenty years and I was only a quarter of mile from the house when a guy with an attitude demanded to know where I lived? It was broad daylight. It was none of his business. I was in the road doing a cool down. That idiot lived directly across from me on another street. It is the attitude that people like Zimmerman give off that they own the world that gets them in trouble. If he thought I was a suspicious person he should have called the police and that is what Zimmerman should have done.
There was one man and one child involved in that incident and only one lived to tell the story. When people commit murder, they don’t tell the truth. So, you have only the story from somebody has a huge interest in lying.
There have been many murders made legal by the stand your ground laws and there will be many more. The gun manufactures are will aware of the fact that 78% of Americans no longer own guns and the stand your ground laws are designed to sell more guns as this type of legalized murder will encourage people to buy more because they are afraid, they will be legally killed by a gun bully.
Reply Fri 22 Nov, 2019 12:33 pm
The AR-15 has been documented to chamber rounds at a 900 round per minute rate.

You keep making this claim, but as usual you refuse to provide the proof of this claim. If it's been documented, then you should be able to provide that proof. I'll tell you this, IF the weapon can fire that fast, then it can only do so with an unlimited amount of ammo being belt fed that requires no reload times, not to mention someone has to physicaly pull the trigger that many times in a minute, and it's physically impossible to maintain that rate of fire while trying to pull the trigger that many times. The fastest shooter in the world Jerry Mclick can't do it, no one can.

What we think of as America now was under control of the Spanish and French also.

This entire thing was pointless and has no bearing on the subject at hand.

There is no such thing as Inalienable rights in the Declaration of Independence the actual word used was unalienable rights.

You keep making bogus claims, and I just keep knocking them down:
Inalienable vs. unalienable
English has changed since the founders of the United States used unalienable in the signed final draft of their 1776 Declaration of Independence (some earlier drafts and later copies have inalienable). Inalienable, which means exactly the same thing—both mean incapable of being transferred to another or others—is now the preferred form. Unalienable mainly appears in quotes of or references to the Declaration. Inalienable prevails everywhere else.

Webster’s describes inalienable rights as a “myth” in one example sentence. You are right, If the right ever gets control of the government there would be no rights.

Projection again. The same guy telling me our rights come from the govt and that the govt can decide what Rights we have, is going to claim that the right-wing is going to take Rights away? Delusion is rampant.

The supreme court has affirmed that all rights have limits on numerous occasions.

They have never claimed that all Rights have limits, that's the big govt lie you are telling.

People have a right to go to court if they feel their rights have been violated by the government but remember the supreme court has already ruled.

We have not govt or homeland when our Rights are infringed. The entire purpose of our govt is to protect our Rights, not limit them.

The government has much more to do than protecting rights including protecting the homeland.

Wrong, that is their primary responsibility. They can't protect the homeland if we have no rights, there is nothing to protect if that is the case. Our govt has largely overstepped their bounds in relation to our Rights.

To start with you did not include the 24,000 suicides many of which are done with shot guns.

Where did I not include this number? I went back to the post you are responding to and there is no mention of such things.

What we have to deal with are massacres that are killing more people all the time.

If you want to deal with shootings like Las Vegas, then why mention suicides in relation to mass shootings?

Las Vegas just shows us what is possible. There are thousands of gun nuts who study every mistake a mass murderer makes in hopes of setting a new record.

Thousands? You are projecting again. You want to claim that every person who owns a gun is studying how to do a mass shooting. That simply isn't the case and you have no facts to back this claim up.

To you it is an acceptable cost, if there are a 160-school shooting their deaths are worth it to you so you can go to the gun range and target shoot.

More projection. I don't think my Rights should be judged by what others do wrong. There are millions of gun owners in the US, and they are not violent. If they were as violent as you claimed, the murder rate would easily be double what it is.

The second amendment limits right to an arm to bear, period. That’s it, it does not give you anymore, then it says. That is also the supreme court says also.

That was never a ruling from the SC.

The government has protected the right to bear an arm.

The GOP has protected the right to bear arms, the DNC has done everything in it's power to overturn the 2nd Amendment. We know why the want this and it has nothing to do with gun violence and everything to do with govt power. If we are armed, they can't put in place their socialist agenda, we will fight them and that's what scares them, they would lose.

For rights to come from somewhere else there would have to be an enforce mechanism in place to make the founding fathers put them in the constitution.

You keep thinking someone grants Rights, that isn't the case. They simply exist, they are inalienable.

The founding fathers were not bound by previously written or imagined laws or rights. They had a clean sheet of paper.

They used and kept what they thought were the best laws from the old world, and then expanded on those laws to form our Bill of Rights and our Constitution.

Assault weapons are the tools of mass murderers.

Only in your anti-gun opinion. They are responsible for less murders per year then all other weapons that are used in murder. 297 people a year is far less than those killed in cars.

You still don’t get it any shooting where four or more people are wounded or killed is a mass shooting.

Wrong, that is the most generic definition of mass shooting. It also includes other parameters like in public places, no cooling off period between shootings and no other crime being committed.

If it was a traffic accident that started the shooting it is a mass shooting. If it was a rape that started it is a mass shooting it is a mass shooting. If it was a man who killed his whole family it is a mass shooting. If it was a bank robbery that started the mass shooting it is a mass shooting. If it was a drive by shooting it is a mass shooting. Mass shooting is the umbrella term you can then break it down into sub categories, like road rage, bank robberies, murder suicides but any shooting that meets that definition is a mass shooting.

Mass shootings are their own crimes, they are not measured when other crimes were committed. You are the only person who considers other crimes to be mass shootings, you only do this to increase the overall number of shootings to make them seem more common.

I can’t improve on what the founding fathers wrote, it is simply what is written down.

Your additions would only weaken our Rights and destroy our govt and way of life.

Free speech applies any time you are speaking whether in person or on the phone.

Or the internet or any public place really.

If you believe you have unlimited free speech try posting Trump’s wife is a whore or that you are going to do something to the president.

You fail to understand the difference between criminal court and civil court.

We had a local republican candidate for mayor on radio who start talking about what he was going to do to Obama. The secret service was soon at his front door.

Was he arrested or did they just talk to him? Kathy Griffin held up a fake severed head of Trump, the Secret Service talked to her as well, but no charges were filed and she wasn't arrested. A visit from the Secret Service doesn't inhibit your free speech, they want to make sure you aren't really going to do what you claimed. Now there was a man arrested a couple of weeks ago for posting death threats against Ilhan Omar. The action taken by the govt in such cases is based on the interviews.

The militia problem has been solved we have the most powerful standing army in the world any attempt to beat them with a few right-wing nuts armed with assault weapons would be useless exercise.

Which is the very reason there should be no limits on the 2nd Amendment.

The world has moved on in 200 years. You want to live in the past that no longer exists

Nice throw away comment, it really has no meaning.

Gun owners are now a small minority and even some gun owners have been destroying their assault weapons.

Being a minority has no bearing on my ability to own a gun, I have a Constitutional right to own a weapon. That just wrecks day doesn't it.

Sorry the legal definition of assault weapons says nothing about a selective fire switch.

Which is exactly the reason the definition is bogus and made up, to limit the guns they think look scary. The definition was crafted by uneducated anti-gun people, who don't understand the basics of guns.

Remington went bankrupt while in the process of trying to defend itself from the Sandy Hook lawsuits.

Stop making things up, their bankruptcy has nothing to do with the Sandy hook lawsuit.

The suit is still ongoing and the actual marketing and internal documents have been subpoenaed to prove they were marketed to aggressive gun nuts. One ad read “get your man ticket punched” as if killing school children was somehow macho.

Keep dreaming. They will end up winning that case, I feel bad for the families but their anger is misplaced.

It was a mass shooting and the North Hollywood bank robbers fired the biggest portion of the 2,000 rounds that were fired.

Bank robberies are not mass shootings. In fact you won't find this event listed in any mass shooting database.

Illegally modified weapons, right, but if they didn’t have assault weapons in the first place, they could not modify them. You could not modify a regular 22 rifle to fire 2,000 in a few minutes.

You have zero idea of what you are talking about and you prove your ignorance with each post.

70% now believe that Trump has done something wrong.

That just isn't the case. Only the left and DNC believe this, when independt voters are polled, support for impeachment has dropped by 10%.

Clinton was impeached by Republicans for telling a lie about his sex life.

It was actually a bi-partisan vote to impeach, not just the GOP. Unlike the recent vote which had bi-partisan support against the impeachment hearing. The only people still on board with impeachment are those from the left.

If Obama had doe half of what Trump has done, the Republicans would have demanded he be hung on the Whitehouse lawn.

Not hung, just removed from office. The problem with Obama was he had the MSM to cover his ass the entire time. They covered for his lies and even pushed them as well. Remember the claim that 40% of guns were purchased without a background check? That was a lie the media let him get away with and even pushed the lie themselves.

The corrupt Republicans in the senate will not vote for impeachment because they know Trump will make sure they will never get reelected.

You are going to be very disappointed when you find out that there is bi-partisan support for not impeaching, just like there was against the inquiry in the first place.

The tipping point took place when Trump pulled the troops out of Syria and let al Qaeda slaughter the Kurds, who did the fighting against ISIS, the military motto is leave no man behind but Trump’s motto is kill them all and see if I care.

Do you forget that under Trumps leadership, they actually killed the leader of ISIS. We never should have been in Syria in the first place. We were only there because Obama pulled our troops our of Iraq and ISIS was born, they took US weapons, which Obama left behind and started trying to take over the ME. That was all on Obama's watch.

Where are all the news stories about the fighting in Syria since we pulled out? That's right, the MSM lied to the American people and tried to push footage of an American machine gun shoot as fighting in Syria. After that, the news from Syria has pretty much dried up.

Most uninformed voters don’t understand the complex issues going on in Washington.

People understand what is going on just fine. The left likes to make them seem more complicated. The left treats Americans like they are dumb.

Do you really believe you can’t go visit relatives?

He wasn't visiting relatives, he was there with his father, who didn't live there either and he was visiting his girlfriend. You can't even get the basic facts right about the case.

Zimmerman was looking for a fight and Zimmerman had no authority to stop and question him.

He did no such thing, he was only following him. We know from the phone call that Martin was on, that Zimmerman never said anything to Martin.

Zimmerman’s authority was limited to watch and call the police if he saw something going.

Which is exactly what he did.

If he thought I was a suspicious person he should have called the police and that is what Zimmerman should have done.

Zimmerman did call the police, they released the phone call that was made to the 911 dispatcher.

There was one man and one child involved in that incident and only one lived to tell the story.

Except there was at least one witness, and they testified that they saw Martin slamming Zimmerman's head into the ground. You really didn't pay attention to this case at all did you?

When people commit murder, they don’t tell the truth. So, you have only the story from somebody has a huge interest in lying.

As I noted above, there was at least one witness who backed Zimmerman's story. There was also the forensics of the case, which supported Zimmerman's story as well. You really suck at this game don't you?

There have been many murders made legal by the stand your ground laws and there will be many more.

There have also been cases where it was proven it wasn't a Stand Your Ground shooting. Let the DA do it's job, leave people alone and stop lying about cases.

The gun manufactures are will aware of the fact that 78% of Americans no longer own guns and the stand your ground laws are designed to sell more guns as this type of legalized murder will encourage people to buy more because they are afraid, they will be legally killed by a gun bully.

You keep using this number but as usual, you have failed to provide any proof to back your claim.

Reply Fri 22 Nov, 2019 01:16 pm
The GOP has protected the right to bear arms, the DNC has done everything in it's power to overturn the 2nd Amendment.

I notice you claim the Republican Party (GOP) protects the right to bear arms, then you mention the DNC as its Democratic counterpart. For the umpteenth time, "DNC" is not a synonym for the Democratic Party the way "GOP" is for the Republican Party. If you want to be consistently (but wrong) start using "RNC" when referring the the Republican Party.
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is the governing body for the United States Democratic Party. The committee coordinates strategy to support Democratic Party candidates throughout the country for local, state, and national office. It organizes the Democratic National Convention held every four years to nominate and confirm a candidate for president, and to formulate the party platform. While it provides support for party candidates, it does not have direct authority over elected officials.

As to your specious claim that the Democrats have done "everything in their power to try to overturn the 2nd Amendment" you should be able to provide evidence of this. Here's the process:

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

So show us where the Democratic National Committee or Democrats in Congress have moved to begin this process. Who's proposed this amendment? Who's argued for its ratification? How many Democratically-controlled states have signed on?

Reply Fri 22 Nov, 2019 03:57 pm
I notice you claim the Republican Party (GOP) protects the right to bear arms, then you mention the DNC as its Democratic counterpart. For the umpteenth time, "DNC" is not a synonym for the Democratic Party the way "GOP" is for the Republican Party. If you want to be consistently (but wrong) start using "RNC" when referring the the Republican Party.

It's a difference without a distinction. Is the DNC going to provide funds to Republican candidates? No, they are only going to provide funds and support to those who run under the DNC banner. Why are you always trying to shield the DNC from the crap their candidates support?

As to your specious claim that the Democrats have done "everything in their power to try to overturn the 2nd Amendment" you should be able to provide evidence of this. Here's the process:

The laws and regulations they want to pass against legal gun owners go against the 2nd Amendment and those who support the right to own guns. You can play your silly game all you want to, but every single DNC politician wants to either restrict or do away with the 2nd Amendment. They want gun bans, ammo bans or some other type of heavy restriction. In fact in cities where the DNC rules want to make it almost impossible to get a gun, hence the reason the city of Chicago and now NY are being sued by gun owners.

So show us where the Democratic National Committee or Democrats in Congress have moved to begin this process. Who's proposed this amendment? Who's argued for its ratification? How many Democratically-controlled states have signed on?

What's next, are you going to try and convince us that they haven't called for an end to our borders and an end to ICE? Are you going to convince us that they haven't called for free healthcare to all illegal immigrants?

The problem with your post is that we all know what the DNC is trying to do with the 2nd Amendment. If you are so blind that you don't see what they are doing, then I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you. You have blinders on when it comes the DNC, they can do no wrong.
Reply Fri 22 Nov, 2019 05:09 pm
You make a claim that Democrats are trying to "overturn" the 2nd Amendment. I provide documentation for the process of repealing a constitutional amendment and you can't deal with it. What's your problem, comrade?
What's next, are you going to try and convince us that they haven't called for an end to our borders and an end to ICE? Are you going to convince us that they haven't called for free healthcare to all illegal immigrants?

Um, those issues aren't linked specifically to a Constitutional amendment, comrade. And yes, I am going to dispute your contention that those issues reflect policy positions of the Democratic Party. Some Democrats have called for those measures, and others reject them.

The problem with your post is that we all know what the DNC is trying to do with the 2nd Amendment.

The problem with your post is that "the DNC" isn't trying to do anything to the 2nd Amendment. Sure, lots of Democrats have called for changes in our gun laws but you can't provide one example of the DNC formally proposing repeal of the amendment.
You have blinders on when it comes the DNC, they can do no wrong.

The DNC has done plenty that's wrong. But the issue here is that you're wrong. You're wrong to confuse the DNC with the Democratic Party. You never refer to the Republican Party as the RNC. Case closed.
Reply Fri 22 Nov, 2019 05:50 pm
You make a claim that Democrats are trying to "overturn" the 2nd Amendment. I provide documentation for the process of repealing a constitutional amendment and you can't deal with it. What's your problem, comrade?

I understand the process, I don't think you understand what they are trying to do with the 2nd Amendment. They don't have the votes to overturn it, so instead they propose laws that restrict certain types of guns, they require unconstitutional hoops to jump through to get FOID cards. They want to implement taxes or fee's on every process of either getting a gun or buying the ammo or require insurance to use a Constitutional Right.

Much like the Electoral College, when they don't have the votes to do it, they go around it.

Um, those issues aren't linked specifically to a Constitutional amendment, comrade. And yes, I am going to dispute your contention that those issues reflect policy positions of the Democratic Party. Some Democrats have called for those measures, and others reject them.

Yes, they all pretty much support those issues. When asked, they have all said they wanted open borders, did you not watch the first and second debates? When you want to remove the laws against illegal immigration, not even a ticket and then offer free healthcare for all illegal immigrants, that is an open border policy. Some have called it that, others have been more selective in their language.
Did you not see the debates? They all raised their hands when asked about the free healthcare for illegal immigrants.

The problem with your post is that "the DNC" isn't trying to do anything to the 2nd Amendment. Sure, lots of Democrats have called for changes in our gun laws but you can't provide one example of the DNC formally proposing repeal of the amendment.

They are one and the same, difference without distinction.

The DNC has done plenty that's wrong. But the issue here is that you're wrong. You're wrong to confuse the DNC with the Democratic Party. You never refer to the Republican Party as the RNC. Case closed.

Not even close. I'll use RNC in place of GOP if that what will make you feel better. I've got no loyalty to either party and I won't play the stupid name games to try and shield the money arm of the either party.
Reply Fri 22 Nov, 2019 10:58 pm
Zimmerman called the cops to report a suspicious person. The police dispatcher asked Zimmerman if he was following the suspicious person? Zimmerman said that he was following the suspicious person. The police dispatcher told him “not” to follow him. That alone shows that the gun bully provoked the confrontation. There are no marks found on Martin other than the gun shot wounds and a small scratch on one finger. If Martin had been beating the hell out of Zimmerman his knuckles would have been torn up. Zimmerman insisted that Martin was on top of him beating him but Martin’s body was found face down in the grass. If Martin was on top of Zimmerman and he rolled him off his body, would have been found face up. One witness reported only hearing an argument before the shots are fired.

Would it not make you nervous to have stranger follow you at night?
Martin was staying with his relatives he had been there 7 days by the time he was murdered by Zimmerman. If Zimmerman had actually been watching, instead of looking to murder someone, he would have known Martin was staying there.
It is a law designed to sell guns. In states that don’t have a stand your ground law you have a duty to walk away from a confrontation and not escalate the situation. It is a law designed to make murder legal, when legal to shoot an unarmed man it is murder.
Volatile situations are usually produced by contributions from both parties that are involved. It is hard for one person to fight with themselves. The stand your ground law lets idiots pretend to be macho.
It was a political massacre it had not happened since Watergate and of course it took Watergate to cause such a massive victory. This was the biggest political massacre for the democrats since Watergate.
The Republicans cast the deciding votes on the 1994 assault weapon ban and at that time there wasn’t a 93% public outcry to do something with gun control.
That was still a record gain for the democrats. In 2010 it was the KKK and the Neo-Nazis driving that because they had a black president the racists were going nuts and the rich were manipulating the public over Obamacare.
You are right there would be no impeachment if the Republicans controlled the house. The Russians could just take over without firing a shot. An as Trump’s lawyers have argued in court Trump could kill somebody in middle of 5th Ave and nothing could be done about. The republicans believe Trump is above the law. Trump could have the mob kill all of his political rivals and then pardon the murderers and not one Republican would vote to impeach him. The Russians are out to destroy America and the Republicans are just playing violin while America burns and that is where the republicans are taking America. The republicans don’t believe in the NRA they just believe in their money.
The supreme court has decided the question and they have made it extremely clear the second amendment is not absolute and you are not entitled to any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.
When you continue to believe that second amendment is absolute you are lying to yourself.
There may be semi-automatic rifles but there is a world of difference between them an assault weapons.
Assault weapons were created with one purpose in mind and that is to massacre people that is the reason they fire so many rounds in such a short period of time. Mass shooting are one thing but massacres are much more severe. Just today a 13-year-old was arrested because he had planned a school massacre with his older brother’s AR-15. He could not keep his mouth shut or there would have been another 50 school children dead.
The legal definition of an assault weapon has nothing to do with a selective fire switch and never will. Watch and see how Remington marketed assault weapons.
Reply Sat 23 Nov, 2019 05:19 am
They don't have the votes to overturn it, so instead they propose laws that restrict certain types of guns, they require unconstitutional hoops to jump through to get FOID cards. They want to implement taxes or fee's on every process of either getting a gun or buying the ammo or require insurance to use a Constitutional Right.

So what? The right to bear arms is still recognized even if all types of weapons aren't available or there's a tax on ammo or you have to buy insurance. If there weren't such a problem with gun violence none of these proposals would have even arisen. People are demanding that something be done; lawmakers are responding.
They all raised their hands when asked about the free healthcare for illegal immigrants.

Monkey see, monkey do — given the context I'm not that convinced that they were all serious. Polls show that open borders and free healthcare for illegal immigrants are not going to get them votes. Of course, if some illegal immigrant is apprehended and needs medical attention it should be given as a matter of course but it's not as if anyone wants to attract illegal immigrants with the promise of free healthcare for all.
I'll use RNC in place of GOP if that what will make you feel better

It won't make me feel better but it will make you look stupider. Why refer to the political parties by the titles of their national committees? They are different entities with different functions to fulfill.
Reply Sat 23 Nov, 2019 07:13 am
Progressives always come up with the strangest justifications for violating the Constitution.

If we allow people to swap cooking recipes on the internet, does that mean that Free Speech is still recognized even if Trump actively censors all political speech that he dislikes?

If we require people to pay a tax before getting an abortion, does that mean that the right to have an abortion is still recognized?
Reply Sat 23 Nov, 2019 07:21 am

If we allow people to swap cooking recipes on the internet, does that mean that Free Speech is still recognized even if Trump actively censors all political speech that he dislikes?

A president can't "actively censor" free speech — see the ruling in the Pentagon Papers. And even if he were able to temporarily stifle a news story he objected to, he can't prevent people from spreading the story through other means or from talking about it. Come up with a more apt analogy and we can discuss it.

If we require people to pay a tax before getting an abortion, does that mean that the right to have an abortion is still recognized?

As long as there's a provision for those who can't afford the fee, sure.
Reply Sat 23 Nov, 2019 07:44 am
hightor wrote:
A president can't "actively censor" free speech -- see the ruling in the Pentagon Papers. And even if he were able to temporarily stifle a news story he objected to, he can't prevent people from spreading the story through other means or from talking about it.


So your ideas about allowing rights to be violated so long as people can exercise them in some other form are nonsense.

hightor wrote:
Come up with a more apt analogy and we can discuss it.

I've already come up with a perfect analogy. It accurately illustrates the fact that your ideas about allowing rights to be violated so long as people can exercise them in some other form are nonsense.

hightor wrote:
As long as there's a provision for those who can't afford the fee, sure.

Do you apply the same provision to your proposed tax on ammo?
Reply Sat 23 Nov, 2019 08:53 am
So your ideas about allowing rights to be violated so long as people can exercise them in some other form are nonsense.

That's your interpretation, not mine. I'm just pointing out that, Constitution or no Constitution, it's very difficult to prevent the dissemination of information. "Rights" are an abstraction; I'm talking about how the world actually works.
Do you apply the same provision to your proposed tax on ammo?

Retail customers already pay a tax on ammo in states which levy sales taxes and I haven't heard of anyone claiming that it violated their rights. You'll have to come up with better examples if you expect me to continue this discussion with you.
Reply Sat 23 Nov, 2019 09:14 am
hightor wrote:
That's your interpretation, not mine. I'm just pointing out that, Constitution or no Constitution, it's very difficult to prevent the dissemination of information. "Rights" are an abstraction; I'm talking about how the world actually works.

What does your reference to the court ruling in the Pentagon Papers have to do with that?

In any case, it does not harm the aptness of my analogy at all. My analogy still clearly illustrates that "allowing rights to be exercised in some form" does not make it OK to violate those rights in other ways.

hightor wrote:
Retail customers already pay a tax on ammo in states which levy sales taxes and I haven't heard of anyone claiming that it violated their rights.

From the way that you dodged the question, it can be assumed that the answer is no.

Since you acknowledge that a tax on abortions would be unconstitutional without such a provision, this shows that your proposed tax on ammo is also unconstitutional.

hightor wrote:
You'll have to come up with better examples if you expect me to continue this discussion with you.

You came up with an unworkable justification for violating the Constitution. I pointed out that your attempted justification does not work. Feel free to abandon your position any time you like.
Reply Sat 23 Nov, 2019 10:00 am

What does your reference to the court ruling in the Pentagon Papers have to do with that?

It was for your benefit; it doesn't pertain to my observations about the dissemination of information outside a constitutional framework.

From the way that you dodged the question...

It was a poorly framed question since ammo is already subject to taxation and nobody raises a constitutional objection to the practice.
Since you acknowledge that a tax on abortions would be unconstitutional without such a provision...

I never said anything specifically about constitutionality. I pointed out that if the procedure is subject to a tax or fee of some kind, it's legality is recognized and if provision were made for the indigent I wouldn't find it objectionable. You're going to have to make your responses more pertinent to my arguments if you expect me to take you seriously.
Reply Sat 23 Nov, 2019 12:27 pm
hightor wrote:
It was for your benefit; it doesn't pertain to my observations about the dissemination of information outside a constitutional framework.

So in other words you were just dodging the question.

hightor wrote:
It was a poorly framed question since ammo is already subject to taxation and nobody raises a constitutional objection to the practice.

No it wasn't. The question was clear and concise, and it demonstrated that your idea is just another progressive attempt to violate the Constitution.

hightor wrote:
I never said anything specifically about constitutionality.

Wrong again. When you talk about society recognizing rights, that is talking about constitutionality.

hightor wrote:
I pointed out that if the procedure is subject to a tax or fee of some kind, it's legality is recognized and if provision were made for the indigent I wouldn't find it objectionable.

So you were just dodging the question again.

You may not be very good at law or the Constitution, but you do have some small skill at dodging questions.

hightor wrote:
You're going to have to make your responses more pertinent to my arguments if you expect me to take you seriously.

It doesn't matter if you take me seriously. You have no significance.

The only thing that really matters about your posts is that you tried to justify violating the Constitution. My response demonstrating how unworkable your ideas are was a more than adequate response to that.
Reply Sat 23 Nov, 2019 12:59 pm

So in other words you were just dodging the question.

So in other words, you just interpreted my response as if I were dodging the question. I'd already moved beyond your question about cookie recipes.
The question was clear and concise, and it demonstrated that your idea is just another progressive attempt to violate the Constitution.

You may think it was clear and concise but unfortunately it missed the point entirely.
When you talk about society recognizing rights, that is talking about constitutionality.

No, that's talking about society.

So you were just dodging the question again.

No, you just keep trying to define the parameters of the discussion to suit your beliefs and opinions.
You have no significance.

I agree wholeheartedly.
Reply Sat 23 Nov, 2019 01:27 pm
hightor wrote:
So in other words, you just interpreted my response as if I were dodging the question. I'd already moved beyond your question about cookie recipes.

That is incorrect. You dodged the question.

hightor wrote:
You may think it was clear and concise but unfortunately it missed the point entirely.

That is incorrect. My question made it quite clear that your ideas are just another progressive attempt to violate the Constitution.

hightor wrote:
No, that's talking about society.

That is incorrect. Talking about "rights being recognized" is talking about Constitutionality.

hightor wrote:
No, you just keep trying to define the parameters of the discussion to suit your beliefs and opinions.

That is incorrect. When you avoid answering the question, that is dodging the question.

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