The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 07:17 am
The recall Scott Walker petition drive kicked off this week in Wisconsin, in the first 48 hours 50,000 signatures were collected. This case pits Koch’s brothers billions against the unions. Scott Walker is a fully owned subsidiary of Koch Industries so the Koch brothers will spare no expense to keep Walker in office. In a surprising development it was found “The Koch brothers are bank rolling the anti recall effort.” After all the Koch brothers had invested lots of their money in getting Scott Walker elected and campaign contributions typically return 100 dollars for every dollar invested. If Scott Walker is recalled than the Koch brothers may see only a 50 to 1 return on their money. Koch Industries is a privately held company with annual revenues of $98 billion dollars. But $98 billion is not enough it is never enough; the ungodly greedy cup is never full enough. Koch industries which had been the biggest privately owned company in 2006 but now they are only number 2 after Cargill. Ungodly greed is a disease of the ego and no diseased ego every wants it said they are number two. Two regain number one status the Koch brothers wanted to cut their taxes and to cut their taxes they needed to take from the public employees, this is where Scott Walker and the other commie/conservatives come in.

The Koch brothers spend a tremendous amount of their wealth trying to reshape America into a country they can easily rape. Kochtopus funds the “Cato Institute, Heritage Foundation, “Reason” magazine, the Manhattan Institute, the Heartland Institute, Citizens for a Sound Government and the Democratic Leadership Council.” And don’t forget it was the Koch brothers who funded the Pee Party Movement and no doubt paid for many of those people to go to Glenn Beck’s Washington Pee Party rally. Yes sir the Pee Party was a real grass roots movement funded with plenty of Koch brothers green backs. The Koch brothers spend literally billions of dollars buying politicians and creating Institutes to manufacture propaganda. Why not just pay their taxes with this money? It is not near as much fun just to pay your taxes; it is just a game to them. If the Koch brothers were taxed by the government to buy politicians like Scott Walker and bankroll their vast propaganda machine they would be offended but because it is voluntary they don’t mind a bit. There is no difference between the dollars spent on buying politicians and manufacturing propaganda then the dollar spent on paying taxes. But to the ungodly greedy like the Koch brothers the issue is control and control is power and money is nothing but liquid power. In Wisconsin the Koch brothers issue was not just money it was power. The unions held some political power and the Koch brothers wanted that also. The Koch brothers believed they had crushed the unions. They may have begun their victor dance too soon. Just as after Pearl Harbor the Japanese’ Admiral said, “We may have only succeeded in awaking a sleeping giant.” Not only did the Koch brothers awaken a sleeping giant they let the giant know who the real enemy is, the Koch brothers can no longer hide behind the Depends of the Pee Party crowd
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Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2011 10:36 am
How gullible are commie/conservatives? I don’t think anyone really knows yet. No one has reached the bottom yet. Fox is currently running a commercial for Chevron. It was run during Fox News Sundays, they often tell writers to write for your audience evidently they tell commercial writers the same thing. The audience for Fox News Sundays is hard core conservative for the most part, there are exception I usually watch it if I am not at a triathlon, half marathon or training for one. I watch Fox News Sundays for same reason I listen to Glen Beck, Rush Slimbaugh, and Sean Hannity, for the lies in this weeks talking points. But the commercials are for the most part harmless with the exception of the Glen Beck gold scam. But Chevron commercial made the claim that all of Chevron’s increased revenue is going toward exploration. Since Exxon the sister oil company gave its retiring CEO a $400 million retirement is there anybody in the world that would believe that claim? Evidently there is and they are alive and well and watching Fox News. Usually commercials are the same from network to network but the Chevron commercial on competing networks was not the same this morning. The Chevron commercial run this morning on ABC was environmental orientated.

As cable television became more prevalent it allows people to choose the version of news that fits their already existing point of view. Cable news allows one to select a “news” organization that reinforces their already existing point of view. People have a known preference for their own ideas and studies show that people value their ideas more than others. Companies like people value their ideas more than ideas of other companies; it is referred to as a Not Invented Here bias (NIH).
“Sony CEO, Sir Howard Stringer, himself admitted that Sony engineers suffered from a damaging Not-Invented Here bias. Even as rivals were introducing next-generation that flew off the shelves, such as iPods and Xbox, the people at Sony did not believe that those outside idea were as good as theirs.”

From the book “The Upside of Irrationality” by Dan Ariely
When using selective media to reinforce political ideation, it must be remembered that the brain is much like a record and with each reinforcement cutting a deeper more ingrained grove in the brain. Ideas are grown in brains, they in effect are neuro connections, pathways, in the brain as one path is reinforced the opposing path becomes weaker. Like ideas become more acceptable and as we have found out because one believes and idea does not make it correct. No matter how many Nazis believed in the final solution for the Jewish problem did not make it correct but the more Nazis that accepted it as truth the more it could be reinforced in the media. I wonder how much of a retirement the CEO of Chevron will get after 4 or 5 years service No doubt it will be more than the $400 million retirement of the Exxon CEO and the commie/conservative will still insist that every penny of Chevron revenues is being used toward exploration because the idea came aboard as a parasite idea tied to the political ideology they already believed.
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Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 06:32 am
Grover Norquist became a subject of at least two of the Sunday morning political programs Sunday, Face the Nation and Meet the Press both spotlighted Grover Norquist at being at the core of America problems. Grover Norquist often called the second most powerful commie/conservative in America is virtually unknown to most people that vote commie/conservatives. Norquist is well known to political insiders but virtually unknown to the public. How can that be? Norquist doesn’t run for office, he is best known for his quote about destroying the American government, “I just want to shrink the government to the point I can drag it into the bathroom and drown in the bathtub.” Norquist a proud commie/conservative is fascinated by communism and greatly admires communist leaders. Norquist often quotes communists and proudly displays a portrait of Lenin on his living room wall. Now America this commie/conservative is at the very heart of America problems.

Why is Norquist consider so powerful? Norquist controls the money in the Republican Party. Most of the political bribes flow through Norquist, if you don’t sign Norquist pledge, not one more dollar income tax on any multi billionaire, you are cut off from the political bribes and those political bribes are given to your opponent in the next election. Norquist is similar to electronic amplifier where a small stream of electrons controls a river of millions of electrons. This commie loving Norquist is in a position to control $100s of millions in political bribes each election cycle. The National news media is just now realizing this gives Norquist the ability to bring the government of America to its knees and just maybe shrink government to the point Norquist can drag it in the bathroom and drown in the bathtub in tub full of political bribes. Then Norquist can gaze proudly at his portrait of Lenin hanging in his living room and imagine how proud Lenin would be of him if his hero were only still alive.

Now maybe the media will focus on Norquist now they know what is wrong with America.
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 06:32 am
Grover Norquist is probably the poster child of why vast accumulations of wealth are not only undesirable in our society but threaten the country as a whole. Norquist, though born with a silver spoon in his mouth, is not one of the uberwealthy himself. His dad was vice president of Polaroid Corporation before digital cameras made Polaroid cameras obsolete. Norquist attended Harvard University where he was editor Harvard Crimson and obtained his BA and MBA. It is very evident Grover never had to live in the real world born into wealth and schooled and socialized into artificial wealth. He now collects $200,000 a year for his part time job with Americans for Tax Reform. Plus compensation from other related organizations. Norquist was interviewed on Sixty Minutes last Sunday. By allowing Norquist to channel the uberwealth for benefit of one very narrow segment of America society it allows Norquist to radically distorts the political outcome of a theoretically one man one vote country.

If the uberwealty had to distribute their wealth across the political landscape it would be more like a shotgun dispersed over a wider political spectrum but by distributing through the Americans for Tax Reform it is like a laser beam focused for one purpose and one purpose only, making sure billionaires don’t pay one dollar more in taxes. Norquist makes the ungodly money much more effective than individual contributions would be. Just how effective was Norquist laser beam? In all previous wars taxes were raised to pay for those wars but when American went to war with Iraq taxes on the ungodly greedy were cut when congress knew or should have known the Iraq war was going to cost America over $3 trillion dollars. Bush deficits for the Iraq war were being at least partially covered by social security surpluses that were lumped into the same pot. By not paying for dual wars this meant the money for the wars had to be borrowed and interest paid for the borrowed money with absolutely no way to pay the principle. Then additional money had to be borrowed to pay for the interest on the debt. There is a cost of money over time and the cost of borrowing $3 trillion is staggering. Now the American people are no longer paying excess social security, as more baby boomers retire the excess social security is no longer there. The excess social security payments have been the wings under the ungodly greedy tax cuts from Reagan on and now that is over. Norquist and the ungodly greedy answer cut social security of course and they will focus their laser beam of wealth to make sure they get even more tax cuts.
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Reply Wed 23 Nov, 2011 06:32 am
If you were a commie/conservative running for Senate in the primary and Grover Norquist calls you and asks you to sign the not one more dollar taxes on any billionaire pledge, what would you do? He tells you if you sign it he can direct $5 million in political bribes your way. But if you won’t sign the pledge he will direct that $5 million in political bribes to your opponent. This gives your opponent a $10 million dollar advantage if you refuse to sign and he decides to sign Grover’s pledge. Now once you have take Grover bribes he owns you because if you break the pledge by doing the right thing for the country and make billionaires pay the same percentage income tax as the middle class Norquist and his group will spare no expense to make sure you are not reelected. So now not only will the democratic party try to beat you when you run reelection but Grover group will make sure you deplete your treasury in the primary.

Now that most of the republicans have signed Grover no new taxes on billionaires pledge the American government is completely dysfunctional. Our forefathers warned us that absolute power leads only to absolute corruption and America has now reached that point where absolute corruption has taken over. The accumulation of ungodly amount of wealth is nothing but liquid political power. Previous generations of Americans were able to control ungodly greed with income taxes sometimes as high 93% as recently as the early 60s the income tax was 91% on the ungodly greedy “excess wealth.” This rate of income tax caused the longest prolonged sustained expansion of the American economy in history. Not only that but this period also saw the biggest expansion of the middle class. According to commie/conservative philosophy this could have never happen only lower taxes on billionaires cause economic expansion according to commie/conservatives.

What happened after almost 50 years of cutting taxes on the ungodly greedy? America biggest economic depression since the Great Depression, if commie/conservative political philosophy was correct this couldn’t happen as the commie/conservatives reached the shinning pinnacle of cutting taxes the economy collapsed under the weight of excess greed. Few Americans knew how bad it actually was, America was only hours away from complete and total economic collapse. Most of the major banks in America failed and were propped up by the government. There were far more and far bigger banks that collapsed in 2008 then did in the Great Depression. Money was being rapidly withdrawn from banks because only $100,000 was insured if the bank failed only $100,000 would be returned. Within that next few hours ATM would no longer work. This is the gift that excess greed gave America.
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Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 07:15 am
Grover Norquist is scheduled to be interviewed on Meet the Press Sunday, finally there will be face put on pure evil. The man who is famous for his quote, “I just want to shrink government to the point I can drag it in the bathroom and drown it in the bathroom.” I wonder whether Grover will be asked to explain his quote. Will he be asked what he plans to put in place after he drowns the American government in the bathtub? Will it be total and complete anarchy after our government is destroyed? Or will it be communism since communists have always been Grover’s true heroes?

Grover has long been a political player but has managed to stay in the background but has always avoided the white hot spot light of public scrutiny, how will the public react to man who publicly states he wants to destroy our government? I have known Grover for about 10 years now coming across in a number of political books. Why is he now coming forward after all these years? Will he be the commie/conservative candidate for president? Or do all cockroaches eventually venture out into daylight?
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Reply Fri 25 Nov, 2011 07:27 am
The effort to recall Scott Walker, the governor of Wisconsin is moving along nicely and it looks like he will be recalled. But those some of those circulating the recall petitions are receiving early morning death threats. Heather DuBois Bourenane received a call at 4 AM, "He said I had attracted the attention of some very bad people, and my life and the lives of my family were in danger." No doubt the very bad people are the Koch brothers and Scott Walker. Vast accumulations of wealth are not only liquid power but it allows you to hire the very best thugs money can buy. The recall effort has already garnered 105,000 of the needed 500,000 + signatures. Another volunteer received a 2 AM call and he reported “They said, 'If you don't stop circulating recall petitions, we will kill you."

Historically, the right, if it cannot impose its political ideology by political bribes and other crooked means has no problem with using violence to impose its politically ideology, one need only look at pre World War II Germany. A Walker supporter simply seized a recall petition and tore it up. The punishment for tearing up a recall petition can be up to $10,000 and three years in prison. With the Koch brothers’ money, tearing up recall petitions could be very profitable especially since Walker can pardon anyone who tears up recall petitions.

In Eau County Wisconsin recall petitions are being circulated during Black Friday volunteers are giving up black Friday shopping to make sure everyone gets a chance to sign the recall Scott Walker petition. Republican Party chair Brian Westrate says, “They’ve made it so we're paying attention to politics and many of us are when we want be paying attention to our faith, family and friends.” What exactly does Black Friday shopping have to do with “faith?”

Some of the top reasons to recall Scott Walker listed in the Wausau Daily Herald: 1.) His using state government as a political weapon by trying to destroy the unions and in the process destroying the right of people to collectively bargain. 2.) His using state government as a reverse Robin Hood scheme to take money from the people who have the least and give it to the corporations and the wealthy. 3.) His using state government to excessively cut the public education system by skimming money to the private for profit schools. 4.) His using state government to make it harder for all people in the state to vote by restricting what can be used as voter IDs and then making it harder to obtain them.

When you look at Walker’s political agenda and hit list you can’t help but realize it is the same as the Kasich political agenda and hit list in Ohio.
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Reply Sat 26 Nov, 2011 07:11 am
What happens in Wisconsin is not only important to those who live in Wisconsin it is a bellwether for the rest of the country. If the commie/conservatives can get away with crushing collective bargaining rights for one segment of employees in Wisconsin it will embolden the commie/conservatives across the country. Ohio commie/conservatives quickly followed suit only to only to find their actions repealed by voters. In Ohio the buck stops with the voters, unfortunately it doesn’t in Wisconsin and the only avenue open to voters is to recall the offending politicians. Gathering over 500,000 signatures to recall Scott Walker is a Herculean task but voter anger can never be underestimated. By July Walker’s approval rating had already fallen to 37%.

Make no doubt about one of the commie/conservative targets is public education. Rush Slimbaugh believes there should be no such things as public education. Property taxes are used primarily to finance public education in most states and Rush Slimbaugh doesn’t like having his millions in property taxed to provide a free education for other people’s children. That commie/conservative, Slimbaugh believes everyone should pay $20, $30, or even $40 thousand a year to send their children to private schools and for those who can’t afford that, too bad get another job. Society benefits as a whole with an educated workforce, if our society produce only those who are capable of doing the most menial jobs the living standard falls for all. If the child that holds the key to curing cancer never gets an education or makes it to medical school thousands die of cancer, maybe even Slimbaugh and all the wealth he accumulated isn’t going with him.

Up until recently states raced to pay school teachers more an provide better benefit packages in an effort to hire the best teachers, now the commie/conservatives want to put the school teachers at the bottom of the food chain. Wal-Mart is now one of the biggest private sector employers in America and the biggest employer in some states. One of the techniques the commie/conservative use is to compare the benefits of Wal-Mart employees to those of college educated school teachers with 30 years of service. The commie/conservative theory is why should a school teacher with a master degree and 30 years service get better benefits than a Wal-Mart door greeter with 2 years of service? Commie/conservatives tried to enrage the public by pointing out teachers were paid for unused sick time, but failed to point out that if the teacher took off sick a substitute teacher would have been paid to replace them. A classic case of pay me now or pay me later. They said that private sector sick time was a use it or lose it proposition but never pointed out that Wal-Mart pays for unused sick time at the end of a year so it could be spent for Christmas presents at you guessed it, Wal-Mart. Christmas bonuses are common in the private sector but virtually unknown in the public sector. One banker my sister knows got a $775,000 bonus last year, that wasn’t his salary that was just a Christmas bonus, that really puts that one time $30,000 payout for unused sick time after 30 years of teaching in perspective, doesn’t it?

While we are all paid wages in money, benefits vary widely from job to job. If we allow the commie/conservatives to say look they get this benefit but you don’t so let’s take that benefit away and then they say this group has a benefit that you don’t have so that is unfair so let’s take that benefit away. This only quickens the race to the bottom of the food chain. No matter how many billions the Koch brothers have it is never enough and they will never tire of taking more and more.
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Reply Sun 27 Nov, 2011 08:38 am
The city I work for has a tremendous problem with collecting taxes. The city is a small city with less than 50,000 people and has a mayor form of government. Getting elected mayor is basically a popularity contest and some of the most unpopular people throughout history have been tax collectors. This history lesson has not been lost on recent mayors or councilmen whose reelection depends on maintaining their popularity. Recent mayors and councilmen have been faithful followers of the PLR (Path of Least Resistance). It was simply easier to raise taxes on those who were paying then to collect from those who refused to pay. As conservative mayors were elected the first targets of layoffs were those who had anything to do with collecting taxes. The complete audit and compliance department was eliminated as an election pay back. When my department located commercial buildings that had been taken off the city tax roles there was nobody left to tell. Some of the buildings that had been removed from the tax roles belonged to the son of a former mayor and his wife. The problem had become so bad that a city the same size as our city and only 45 minutes away, with the same tax structure, collected $45 million in Business and Occupation tax while Huntington collected $15. The only significant difference was Charleston has a little more retail but Huntington had 5 times as much manufacturing.

The lost revenue during the recession exacerbated the problem and current conservative administration is faced with a dilemma its conservative political philosophy advocates starving government. Those who don’t pay their taxes are considered heroes in the conservative movement. I began to make the public in Huntington aware of just how bad the unpaid tax problem was via the internet in the early 2000s. Raised public awareness forced the city to published both unpaid municipal fees and unpaid refuse removal bills. These lists were 35 pages each and listed over $30 million in freeloaders. The city mistakenly believed that publishing the list would publicly shame the freeloaders into paying but in a conservative political environment it just made heroes out of those who don’t pay and made others want to emulate them. The freeloader problem only worsened and the city finally employed the services a professional debt collection agency. The lists were later cleansed and I don’t know what criteria was used to remove freeloaders but the unpaid refuse list still stands at $4 million after 4 years of professional collection agency services and the municipal fee is at least another $4 million.

My department was asked to go door to verify the existence of a structure on a list of those who owed more than $500. Garbage service was $180 a year so these accounts had not been paid anything in at least the last 3 years. There were 9,920 addresses on the list and the city has 16,000 accounts. The vast majority were occupied and well maintained. Even the wealthiest subdivisions had deadbeats; somehow those that live in $500,000 mansion and refuse to pay $15 to have their garbage picked up are especially bad examples of the conservative philosophy. One, a preacher of a large church in a very poor area of town, lives like a king in the best area of town but refuses to pay for his city services. How can he preach against stealing when he is stealing city services? There is no difference between going into a jewelry store and shoplifting a $2,000 dollar diamond ring then in taking $2,000 of government services and not paying for them. Faced with eliminating the garbage department because it was under funded, the garbage fee was raised last month by $5 a month on those who pay to pay for the deadbeat preacher and other deadbeats.

Tomorrow I have to write a report to the mayor about my department’s recent survey of the $4 million in unpaid refuge list and it will be almost impossible not to list commie/conservative political philosophy as a major contributing cause to the $4 million in unpaid garbage bills. It isn’t that the vast majority of the 9,920 accounts can’t afford to pay, if they lived in the county the collection rate would be close to 100%. In the county the private hauler is not required to pick up if the customer doesn’t pay but the city population is much denser and the health department requires the garbage be picked up. The commie/conservative philosophy justifies not paying for government service they receive, it emboldens the deadbeats in our society.

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Reply Mon 28 Nov, 2011 06:33 am
Meet the Press did their interview with Grover Norquist yesterday and during their introduction to the interview they spoke to one of the older Senators who described Norquist as a complete and total megalomaniac. Successful megalomaniacs are not common and only come along every so often. The last well known megalomaniac was of course Hitler. The occurrence of megalomaniacs is no doubt more common in our society than we realize but for a megalomaniac to put in a position to achieve his goals their must be a combination of circumstances to make that possible, a perfect storm if you will.

Norquist proudly bragged that he controlled 241 members of the House of Representatives and over 40 US Senators. Norquist was extremely proud of the fact he controlled a majority of the House and enough of the Senate to block any and all legislation. Norquist controls members of the House and Senate like puppets on a string he has accumulated enough power to make them dance to whatever tune he pleases. Norquist power comes from control of the ungodly greedy money as long as he controls billions in political bribes Norquist is extremely dangerous.

The ungodly greedy have no problem letting Norquist control their money because the ungodly greedy are simple people they have one goal and one goal only they want more and more and more money and anyone that can help them get it will do. The ungodly greedy don’t care what else Norquist does as long as they get more money. The Senator that gave the introduction to the Norquist interview now believes that Norquist is the most powerful man in America. The ungodly greedy need to beware while their only goal is more and more for themselves Norquist personal goals have more to do with power than money and megalomaniacs have a long history of biting the hand that fed them. When the ungodly greedy goals no longer coincide with Norquist goals there will be a parting of the ways but it may be too late.
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Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2011 06:32 am
The first time I heard of Grover Norquist was in the 2002 book “Blinded by the Right” by David Brook. Brock was a former golden boy of the radical right after writing a hit book on Anita Hill the accuser of Clarence Thomas Brock became disillusioned when he found he was fed lies by his commie/conservative friends. When he actually checked Anita Hill’s story he was able to verify many of the facts of her story including the address of porn store where Thomas bought his porn.

Brock was an insider who spent his weekends at Norquist’ house Brock stated that, Norquist had never married and his home looked like a frat house and he seemed incapable of talking about anything but movement politics—to the point that his own guests spent most of the evening trying to avoid being trapped in conversation with the single minded hosts.” I asked myself if Norquist was the second most powerful commie/conservative in America how come I never heard of him before? How is possible that he is so powerful and yet he is not known that well known? At the time I thought might be an exaggerated appraisal of Norquist power by a close friend but as I came across other sources that shared the same opinion it was not as easy to discount.

But the lead in to the Meet the Press interview by former Senator Alan Simpson, Republican from Wyoming and head of the Simpson-- Bowles Commission, where the former Senator calls Norquist a megalomaniac and the most powerful man in America. This is not a democrat calling Norquist a megalomaniac this is a respected former Republican Senator. Anyone that missed the interview can find it on the web on the Meet the Press site. I listened to the interview again this morning and when Norquist is asked to comment on being called a megalomaniac by Senator Simpson he completely ignores the Senator’s comments and launches into a long triad about taxes. Brock’s single minded host comes to mind. After Norquist ignores the megalomaniac comment Norquist tells the hosts, David Gregory, that he not only controls most of the House and a large portion of the Senate but he controls all of the Republican candidates for president except for Huntsman. Though Norquist ignored the megalomaniac comment he was quick to beat his chest and put his power on public display.

Norquist was against all tax hikes except those on the working class where payroll taxes were cut by 3%. Norquist insists the Bush tax cuts were permanent even though they are set to expire but the working tax class cut was just a tax holiday and never meant to be expanded. Not to worry, the working class gets the same tax cut as the ungodly greedy when they make their first billion, no that wrong, you must be a hedge fund manager to get the 15% rate on your salary.

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Reply Wed 30 Nov, 2011 06:33 am
Grover Norquist now controls 236 members of the House of Representatives and 41 Senators as well as 8 out of 9 of the republican presidential. If one of the republicans that has signed Norquist pledge of no tax increase on the ungodly greedy is elected president and as few as 6 senate seats go to republican who signed the Grover’ pledge this would give a megalomaniac control of two out of three branches of our government. When the founding fathers wrote the constitution they never intended one man to be able to gain control of two branches of government. With Norquist controlling two branches of our government he is able to circumvent a number of checks and balances.

In the Norquist interview Gregory shows Norquist a poll where 53% of republicans favor tax increases on the ungodly greedy and a much higher percentage of democrats hold the same position but it never fazes the megalomaniac. Our government is suppose to be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people but megalomaniacs know better than the majority and have absolutely no problem imposing their will on everyone else.

Norquist doesn’t suffer from the same sin as the ungodly greedy he takes only a relatively modesty salary of $260,000 for the funneling billions in political bribes to politicians. What is even scarier is that Norquist seems to take the right financial measure of himself but the it is glow of power that attracts Norquist, like a month to flame. There are three primary drivers throughout out mankind history, wealth, sex and power. The ungodly greedy are just sick but their accumulation of wealth makes the Norquists possible.

The American people have clearly made their view on raising the taxes on the ungodly greedy but Norquist could care less what the American people want and he has the power to subvert the will of the American people. If Norquist is able to successfully dictate to the American people on this issue of taxes on the ungodly greedy what will he dictate next, if he dictates that social security be abolished, a long time republican goal (the welfare state and all) will he be as effective?
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Reply Thu 1 Dec, 2011 06:37 am
I can always tell how good a book is by the number of markers and highlighted passages. My copy of “Blinded by the Right” by David Brock is almost twice as thick because of the number of book marks even though I tried to use thin paper. I would recommend the book to anyone who is interested in any insider’s view of the commie/conservative movement in America. Brock was recruited while he was in college; the commie/conservative movement has a college recruiting system financed by the Koch brothers and similar to the ROTC recruiting program. The idea is to recruit youngsters to the commie/conservative political ideology before they have had time to experience the real world for themselves. Much like the Moonies’ method of surrounding students with other students who have already been brain washed the commie/conservatives can create an artificial reality where most of the significant people surrounding the students seem to hold exactly the same political ideology. This is how you grow a commie/conservative brain each time the neuropath that support commie/conservatism are reinforced they become stronger while the neuropath ways that supporter the opposing point of views become weaker. After a while the victim is incapable of thinking in anyway except in the commie/conservative mode.

Once a person takes ownership of this ideology he believes the ideas are his own and studies show that people have a strong preference for their own ideas over the ideas of others or at least ones they believe to be their own. The Koch brothers realized in the 60s that the best way to grow an extremist movement was by seeding their political ideology on college campuses. By the time these students got older and took their place in society they would believe the commie/conservative ideas were their own and not realize they were very carefully planted, cultivated and fertilized with the Koch brothers’ money. Commie/conservatism becomes the student religion, political concepts are accepted by faith, even when reality clearly contradicts the political ideology, the students are taught the commie/conservative political ideology is always right. The longest prolonged expansion of our economy took place in the 30 years following WWII when taxes on the ungodly greedy were 91-93% according to commie/conservative mythology this is not possible, only lower taxes on the ungodly greedy lead to economic expansion by commie/conservative mythology. America greatest middle class expansion took place during the 30 years of high taxes on the ungodly greedy while during the conservative years working couples had to work 32 more hours a week and their income still declined. In religion “truth” is whatever the guru of the minute say it is and reality is just an unfortunate intrusion into the commie/conservative mythology and if the guru says it didn’t happen it didn’t.
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Reply Fri 2 Dec, 2011 06:34 am
Hindsight is always 20/20 and when we glance back on history we have no trouble recognizing Hitler as megalomaniac but how many people in pre-world war Germany recognized that Hitler was a megalomaniac as he accumulated power a little bit at a time? Most Germans at the time had no idea that Hitler was a megalomaniac. Hitler’s megalomania was responsible for over 60 million deaths worldwide, 2.5% of the world’s population including my uncle died. The FBI now profiles serial killers while the death toll for most serial killers is no more than a handful with extreme cases exceeding twenty. Considerable resources are expended to profile and capture serial killers. FBI profilers are able to predict the personality traits of a serial killer including what type car he will drive, where he will live and many other personality details with startling accuracy. If the FBI can profile a serial killer they should have no trouble accurately profiling the megalomaniacs in our society. While megalomania may not be recognized as a crime in our society giving the public the foreknowledge that someone that is gathering political power profiles shows that he has strong megalomaniac tendencies could forewarn and stop a megalomaniac from rising to the top of the political heap.

Fellow republican, Senator Alan Simpson, assessment of Grover Norquist as a megalomaniac may not be correct but what if he is right? History view of Hitler as a megalomaniac may be useful as a history lesson but discovering Hitler was a megalomaniac after he came to power came too late for 60 million people. Megalomaniac needs to be stopped before, not after they gain power. Just as serial killers share many of the same personality traits megalomaniacs would no doubt do the same. One trait obviously would be the obvious striving for more and more power. Norquist currently holds power over 236 House of Representatives Members, 41 Senators and 8 of nine of the republican presidential candidates. Norquist has their signature on a pledge and these politicians have promised to do Norquist bidding in exchange for the political bribes Norquist sends their way. This amounts to the typical whore’s contract, personal services in exchange for campaign cash and in our society contracts are usually honored.

While we may not be able to send megalomaniacs to jail for a crime but publicly outing them like Republican Senator Alan Simpson did to Norquist on last week Meet the Press may forewarn the public. The question remains, if some publicly respected person had publicly outed Hitler as a megalomaniac before he came to power would 60 million had to die to purchase that knowledge? Will we have to pay that price or an even higher price for the next megalomaniac that comes to power?

We now have the highly accurate science of profiling should we not use it to ferret out the most dangerous among us? At least to warn us who they are?
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Reply Sat 3 Dec, 2011 07:48 am
Of course megalomaniac do not accumulate power all on their own, others must support them for them to achieve national prominence. Every pimp must have his whores without whores there are no pimps. So if we can write off megalomaniacs as just sick dangerous individuals what about their whores? Do they share the responsibility? Are they in fact the real problem? Norquist proudly points out he has 236 members of the House of Representatives, 41 Senators and 8 out of 9 of the Republican presidential candidates in his stable of whores and you can bet there are an army of political whores waiting in the wings to audition to be Norquist newest whores in the 2012 election. What happens if after the 2012 election Norquist controls 300 members of the House Representative, 61 members of the Senate and the President of the United States? This is entirely possible as Norquist has access to virtually unlimited amount of money, the ungodly greedy will continue to supply Norquist with King’s ransom. The ungodly would rather pay more money to avoid taxes than the taxes they avoided, it is the principal involved. Given the choice of destroying the country and more money for themselves the ungodly greedy will always chose more money for themselves, it is their nature.

There is an interesting scenario playing out in the Nations Capital, Norquist army is in a pitched battle to raise the taxes 3% on a 160 million Americans. How can this be? Norquist pledge says no new taxes and yet Norquist wants the taxes raised on working Americans. Norquist army says tax cut stimulate the economy but it seems there are exceptions, tax cuts are wasted on working people and do not stimulate the economy. The Norquist army supports only the tax cuts like the Bush tax cuts where it is a million for ungodly greedy and a dollar for you, a million for the ungodly greedy and a dollar for you, and on and on this way. Why is Norquist against payroll tax cut? Because the ungodly greedy only pay the payroll tax on their first $100,000 in income, so the ungodly greedy billionaire’s maximum tax cut would only be $3,000 hardly even coffee money for a billionaire. But the average workingman gets a, $1,000 tax cut. That is simply not fair, a workingman getting a third of what billionaire gets instead the billionaire get a tax cut a million times what the workingman got.

The Republican battle cry has been supply side economics for 30 years but it seems it is not the amount of money put on the supply side, it is really has more to do with who puts the money on the supply side. Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas said the tax cut set to expire on Dec 31, “hasn’t stimulated the economy at all. But over the long term it does add to the deficit.” So only tax cuts given to billionaires stimulate the economy, this $121 billion tax cut was evidently spent on the French Rivera by the workingman. Also notice how tax cuts given to billionaires don’t add to the deficits they just cause tax revenues to increase. You can bet Louie Gohmert is one Norquist whores he is no doubt taking Norquist money and drinking his Kool-aid. I would suggest a dollar is a dollar and it doesn’t matter who spends it, in fact a workingman would spend that tax cut in his community and it would turn over several times in the community while the billionaire would be more likely to spend the money on foreign investments and expensive foreign vacations.

But reality has never played nor will it ever play a significant role in commie/conservative political ideology. Commie/conservative political ideology was designed to benefit an extremely narrow band of the economic spectrum, about 1/100 of 1% of Americans, 13.400 out of 300 million and any economic proposal that does not disproportionately benefit this segment just doesn’t stimulate the economy.

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Reply Sun 4 Dec, 2011 09:16 am
A megalomaniac has gained extensive control of the American government or at least that is what one current member of the Simpson Bowles Commission said, fellow Republican, Senator Alan Simpson, outed Norquist as a megalomaniac on last Sunday’s Meet the Press. Is there anyone out there that really believes that Norquist confines the use of his extensive power over 236 House of Representatives and the 41 Senators to just votes on taxes? Norquist would no doubt use his extensive power over congressmen under his control to further other aspects of his political ideology. One thing we can all agree is that our government has become increasingly dysfunctional over the last several years. If you plotted on a graph the megalomaniac increasing power in Washington and the increasing dysfunctional performance of our government the lines would be parallel.

The question is since Grover Norquist has accumulated so much political power in Washington, who is Grover Norquist? Perhaps the best way to know a man is in his own words or at least in the words and phrases that he uses.
”Grover Norquist sent out an invitation to a post election party at his Capital Hill home. Quoting from the movie Conan the Barbarian, it said: “To crush enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.”

From the book “Blinded by the Right”
The party was for Newt Gingrich after the election that led to him becoming Speaker of the House. It would be easy to envision those words used by Hitler himself, as his armies rolled across Europe or the trains packed with Jews headed for the gas chambers. Norquist like Hitler believes in crushing his enemies but in Norquist case his enemies are the American workingman.

There should be a law that prevents any group of lobbyists from extracting a signed pledge of how a Senator or member of the House Representative will vote in exchange for campaign contributions. A signed pledge extracts a psychological commitment that a verbal commitment does not entail and opens the door to megalomaniacs like Grover Norquist.
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Reply Mon 5 Dec, 2011 07:03 am
That leaves us with the question, is nature or nurture responsible for creating megalomaniacs? Studies of serial killers show even in early childhood many serial killers enjoyed torturing animals. Certainly Hitler childhood was unremarkable and he showed no signs of the monster that would be responsible for the death of 60 million people even in early adulthood. Grover Norquist bio isn’t complete enough to show us whether he enjoyed torturing small animals but one childhood memory stayed with Norquist: each time his dad took Grover out for ice cream his dad would take a bite of Grover ice cream cone and say this is sales tax, the next bite his dad took of Grover ice cream cone he would call income tax, than his dad would take a third bite of Grover ice cream and call it estate tax. This evidently made a deep impression on a young Grover, we don’t know whether Grover’s dad discontinued this practice before or after Grover went to Harvard.

Grover told the Washington Post, When he arrived in Washington he looked at the government buildings and became sick at his stomach because:

“They took the people’s money to build those things, people who were just getting by, (they) stole their money and built those things out of marble….Neo-Americans fascism, stuff that it looks like Albert Spear designed it.”

To Grover it was like his dad taking bites out of his ice cream cone all over again. But Grover was raised in wealthy family so why is he so concerned for people who are just getting by?” Because it is hard to justify being concerned for those making billions but by using the working poor the argument against taxes is more socially acceptable. It is hard to justify Norquist position against extending the 3% payroll tax on those “who are just getting by” so billionaires will not be asked to pay a pittance more. But politics is the art of compromise after all tis better to raise the taxes on those just getting by than on Grover millionaire friends, you have to keep your priorities straight.

The building in Washington had been built generations before Norquist arrived. This shows definite signs of megalomania, someone who wants not only to control the future but past. Megalomaniacs believe their judgment is so superior that they should make all the decisions.
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Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 06:30 am
At this point the 2012 presidential election is only 11 months away and what is obvious to everyone is the commie/conservatives do not have an electable candidate in the field. There is a new front runner each week who goes up like sky rocket and falls to earth almost as quickly. The current front runner is Newt Gingrich is a pompous know it all that has been known to behave as a spoiled child in public when he wasn’t given a sufficient amount of attention. Newt will never be the family values candidate as he divorced his first wife after she found out she had cancer. Court papers filed by the Newt’s first wife showed he left her and his children destitute his wife was unable to feed their children and the electric company threatening to shut off the electric. Newt of course has a million dollar charge account at a famous New York jewelry store. Newt after leaving the first wife was soon having an affair and left the second wife and there is no reason to believe Newt is not up to his old tricks on the third wife. When the women start coming out of the wood work and believe me they will, Herman Cain’s troubles with women will seem small in comparison. There is no more vengeful creature on earth than a woman scorned. Newt’s may even surpass Tiger Woods in the number of women crawling out of the wood work, not because Newt better looking than Tiger just that Newt has more time at it than Tiger.

Mitt Romney is chameleon but still finds it hard to conceal his slick and slimy businessman persona from the public. Time is doing a cover story this week entitled “Why Doesn’t the Public Like Me?” or something along that line. Romney is a Mormon, a religious cult that is widely considered a fringe religious cult by more main stream religious cults. Romney lost out in the 2008 commie/conservatives primaries and this will make him a two time loser.

Rick Perry does a first class impression of an Alzheimer victim so good in fact many people think he should get immediate medical attention. With Perry’s belief that social security is not only unconstitutional but un-American, Perry was only the flavor of the week anyway even though republican ideologies hate social security many republican voters still depend on their social security checks.

Most voters, both republicans and democrats, believe Ron Paul is certifiable.

Michelle Bachman doesn’t know the difference between John Wayne and John Wayne Gacy.

This means there will likely be a dark horse candidate drafted at the republican convention, someone without the baggage of a Newt Gingrich. At some point between now and the Republican Convention Grover Norquist is likely to declare himself a candidate. After letting his close friend Newt Gingrich and others take all the flack after the August 27, 2012 convention there will be only 2 short months left until the November 6 election. A flavor of the week might just stand a chance, a very dangerous flavor of the week with a bad economic conditions wind at his back.
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Reply Wed 7 Dec, 2011 06:33 am
Book’s a Million recently opened its doors at the mall in the old Border’s store. It was nice to see it retained many of the features of the Border’s store it replaced. It is a step above the other Book a Million locations I have visited. It is much cheaper to buy books on line now days but there is something to be said about being able to hold the book in your hand and the instant gratification of leaving the store with your purchase. On line book stores now allow you to read portions of the book on line but it just isn’t the same. Though I now buy many books on line it doesn’t replace a trip to the book store. Besides the book store is my only refuge at the mall when I take my wife shopping.

After spending hours looking at hundreds of books I settled on one, “The Psychopath’s Test” by Jon Ronson the basic premise of the book is that our society is built on insanity, that many of our leading businessmen, politicians and religious leaders are simply no more than functional psychopaths. Most of us have worked with functional alcoholics who managed to hold down a job. A functional psychopath may be much like the functional alcoholic able to hold a job or run a company. Our definition of psychopath may well be colored by serial killers and other dysfunctional personalities who end up being institutionalized. I worked several years with a truck driver who was a functional alcoholic and never realized he drank until after he was killed in an accident at work where alcohol was determined to be a factor. Many of the other employees were aware he was an alcoholic but no one ever objected to working with him.

Ronson was going through the DSM-IV-TR looking for a definition of a psychopath and closest he could come up was:

”The closest I could find was Narcissistic Personality Disorder suffers who have “a grandiose sense of self importance and entitlement” are “preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, “are exploitative” “lacking in empathy” and require “excessive admiration” and Antisocial Personality Disorder which compels suffers to be frequently deceitful and manipulative to gain personal power or pleasure (e.g., obtain money sex or power).

From the book “The Psychopath Test” by Jon Ronson

The DSM-IV-TR is the reference manual most psychiatrists use to classify mental illnesses.
If Ronson’s premise is correct it might explain how a megalomaniac is able to claw his way to the top heap; it seems the heap is made up of others who are as insane as the megalomaniac. Our society’s current definition of insanity is limited in scope to those who are dysfunctional without realizing there are many people who are able to function everyday with their mental illness cloaked in success. Many in fact have found niches where mental handicap can be converted into an asset. Take for instance one legendry CEO Ronson interviewed “who took joy in shutting down factories and firing people.” The CEO lack of empathy allowed him to take sadistic pleasure in firing people.

When you read the following statement “a grandiose sense of self importance and entitlement” can it help but remind you of the ungodly greedy hedge fund managers who are making over a billion dollars a year and paying only 15% income tax while the middle class pays 30% of their income? And Grover Norquist believes they are “entitled” to special treatment. At some point when the megalomaniac has accumulated enough political power Norquist will bite the hand that feeds him. Norquist does not suffer from greedy of money Grover suffers from greed of power.
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Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2011 06:28 am
Psychiatrists tell us that psychopaths make up 25% of the prison population but they are responsible for 60% to 70% of the violent crime in prisons. The real problem though is that psychopaths make up 1% of the general population. This really adds meaning to the 99% movement, doesn’t it? Psychopaths are impressive and charismatic and often rise to the top of business world. I have always believed that the ungodly greedy were sick but was never quite sure in what category of mental illness to classify them. Now there is a psychiatric test that can determines who is a psychopath. Politicians running for high political office should be required to take the test and the results made public. This would let the public know how far up the psychopath’s scale they scored. Many people buying a used car have it checked by a mechanic to see if it is in good condition should we not try to be as careful with politicians?

If the psychopaths are responsible for 60% to 70% of the violent crime in prison might they be responsible for much of theft on Wall Street. As the commie/conservatives push to do away with the few remaining regulations on Wall Street the psychopaths are licking their lips. One Canadian psychopath that was incarcerated for strangling young children told a documentary film maker how much he enjoyed strangling children. He told the film maker how it made him feel like god. The ungodly greedy psychopaths on Wall Street get the same amount of joy from closing factories, firing the work force and strangling the pension fund. Of course when all the employees are fired and the pension fund safely in the pocket of the ungodly greedy as a “management fee” the psychopath feels the same feeling of accomplishment as the child strangler. Then these psychopaths are lauded in all the business publications as financial genius further encouraging them to rape and pillage more companies.

Psychopaths feed on excessive admiration like a vampire feeds on blood. Is their any doubt that Bernie Madoff was a psychopath? Did he have any empathy for his victims as he spent their money and lived like a king?

One of the psychopaths Ronson studied for his book was arrested for badly beating a homeless man who made a remark about 10 year daughter of a friend. Facing 7 years in jail the psychopath faked mental illness in order to keep from going to jail. He was placed in a mental hospital where he was tested and determined that he really was a psychopath, 19 years later he is still confined to the mental hospital. Faking mental illness it seems is a trick in the repertoire of a psychopath but the psychopath’s most dangerous trick is faking sanity because that allows them to walk among us undiagnosed.
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