The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2011 06:54 pm
In the philosophy of Greedism, also known as conservatism, greed is the only motive. Greed makes the world go round. There is only one motive, greed. But now economists and sociologists have begun to study the problem and come up with actual answers instead of theories and they are disproving the conservative misconceptions that conservatives have based American economic life on. Economists have found that most people are motivated by a sense of accomplishment, a sense that their work is meaningful. Not by more and more money.

As the vultures of greed step up their ever increasing attacks on the middle class in Ohio and Wisconsin. The middle class looks like a snake eating its own tail. The vultures of greed attack the right to work laws but in states that have a right to work law clearly demonstrate it is a right to work for substantially less. But the vultures of greed want lottery winner economics were the ungodly greedy get a large slice of the economic pie and everyone else’s slice of the economic pie gets smaller each year. The vultures of greed’s economic paradise is one where the ungodly greedy make a fortune and everyone else is paid minimum wage. Sorry that is wrong they want to eliminate the minimum wage, we’ll call it the right to work for even less law.

For example janitors in local Hospitals made a decent wage; their wages went up as the wages in the medical field went up. Then the doctors that owned the hospitals decided that the millions they were making just wasn’t enough and looked to take someone else’s share, the janitors were the obvious choice. The janitorial work was contracted out and the owner of the company that contracted for the janitorial work made a huge profit, a true lottery winner if their every was one, but the janitors no longer made a living wage they were paid minimum wage. Now the 64 year old janitor must work three jobs to keep a roof over his family head. This is the economic justice in Greedism where a value of a man’s labor can be stolen by thief in the night.

America was not built on Greedism, on steal from your neighbor. It was built by people that raised your barn and helped you harvest your crops not on a theft based society where only a few lottery winners prosper.

The book that contains the information about Hawk’s Nest Tunnel industrial “accident” is “The Culture of Make Believe” By David Jensen. Of the 1,213 minors who worked at Hawk’ Nest Tunnel at least two months 764(63 %) died with in 7 years. Not 476 that cited in the one paragraph from Wikipedia. Hawk’s Nest Tunnel is Greedism at its best.

Jensen’s book is an excellent book and I would recommend to everyone.
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Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2011 05:36 am
Rereading the section on Hawks Nest Tunnel in Jensen” Culture of Make Believe” I found that a book was written about the incident by Martin Cherniak it is titled “The Hawk’s Incident: America’s Worst Industrial Disaster.” This disaster took place in early 1930s America in our father’s lifetime but it has been all but expunged from our memory. “Those who don’t learn from history are condemned to repeat it,” but the cry’s from the commie/conservatives is always deregulation and they are going to run on a platform of deregulation in the next election. The Hawk’s Nest incident is a good example of Greedism with no regulation with in less than 50 miles of the State Capitol of Charleston everyone turned their head and let Union Carbide kill 764 people to satisfy an out of state company’s greed. Even in South Africa, where there was virtually no respect for the black native population, precautions were taken, where water was used to hold the dust down while drilling in the Gold Mines. Very few South Africans with less than 5 years contracted silicosis while 63% of Americans that worked on the Hawk’s Nest project that began in 1930 and ended in 1931 died.

As the commie/conservatives start making their campaign signs about deregulating remember why there are regulations had there been regulations and people to enforce them (big government) far fewer people would have died in WV mines. Deregulating the financial sector worked out so well it resulted in a great depression Sometimes the only thing standing between you and your family dying is big government. Don’t think for a minute that a businessman would not sell your family bad meat even if he knew he might kill you as long as he made a profit. Government is the thin line that protects us from naked Greed.
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Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2011 04:38 am
The commie/conservatives are always crying about class warfare how unfair it is to the ungodly greedy who are getting richer at the expense of the middle class but in Ohio the commie/conservatives are spending millions to start class warfare between the middle class and the lower middle class. It seems the commie/conservatives have no problem at all with class warfare as long as the ungodly greedy are not being the one’s attacked. Governor Kasich has decided to pit the middle class against the lower middle class in an effort to divide and conquer. Kasich like his counter part in Wisconsin wants to eliminate collective bargaining. By eliminate the collective bargaining rights and cutting public employee benefits Kasich was able to give huge raises to a select few friends he appointed to public office. The lottery winner principal is in effect in Ohio, more for the rich and less for everyone else. Wouldn’t you think if the state was in such bad shape Kasich friends would take a pay cut instead of getting big raises?

Proposition 2 allows the voters to repeal Ohio state senate bill 5. Ohio Senate bill 5 is Kasich and the commie/conservatives attempt to destroy collective bargaining once and for all. Kasich and other republicans want to destroy unions because they traditionally make political contributions to democrats instead of republicans. The unions are the only offset to the money of the ungodly greedy, which is nothing but liquid political power. If Kasich and other commie/conservatives can eliminate the unions the common man will no longer have a voice in politics in America.

Kasich and the commie/conservatives have paid for a web site and that web site paid Goggle for a paid slot at the top of the web site listing. The web site is full of commie/conservatives lies. The web site lists a “myth” and then lists the “truth.” The “myth” state issue 2 would cut salaries and benefits. The “truth” public will only pay a modest 15% for their insurance and 10% increase in retirement contributions. This is only a modest cut in your take home pay of 25%. Now the commie/conservatives may believe a 25% cut is modest but the rest of us know that is lie. By the time other deductions are taken out for Federal, State, local taxes, social security, and Medicare a typical employee would take home less than 50% of his check.

Myth: employees would pay more for health care.” If the employees aren’t be paying more for health care why change it? Of course employees will be paying even more for health insurance policy that is carefully designed not to pay for many medical claims. Why do commie/conservatives lie? Because they have to, if they told the truth nobody would vote for them. Kasich has exposed the truth by his actions and will have to run on the truth in the next election if he even bothers to run.
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 05:16 am
When dealing with commie/conservatives you must realize that their political philosophy was founded by the communist intellectuals, communists consider lying to be a legitimate tool. As long as a lie can be used to achieve a legitimate objective the communist who founded the Modern Conservative Movement saw nothing wrong with it. The modern day Conservatives are nothing if not faithful followers of their communist founders.

This can clearly be seen in the commie/conservatives attempt to kill collective bargaining for public employees in Ohio. The commie/conservatives have seen the polls and know their attempt to kill collective bargaining for publics employees is about to be repealed. It seems commie/conservatives can lie their way into winning elections but in the end they are being reminded it is the people who will decide not the commie/conservatives. No matter how many millions are poured into electing the commie/conservatives the people can still overrule them.

With only a week before the election the commie/conservatives lies on the internet about proposition two have reached a fever pitch. You can bet if the commie/conservatives are successful in taking collective bargaining rights from public employees they will take them from private sector next. Rand Paul is already pushing a National Right to Work Law. Commie/Conservatives are all for state’s rights but it seems when it comes to their mortal enemies (unions) exceptions can be made and national laws to outlaw closed shops should put a stop to unions. It seems state should not have the right to decide if they allow closed shops. Rand Paul hopes to use the Pee Partiers in Congress to pass this law and take away the state rights before the voter’s wrath takes them out of office in 2012. In a recent poll Pee Partiers were found to be less popular than child molesters. I
wonder how that will translate into votes at the polls in 2012?

“MYTH: State Issue 2 will eliminate government employee pensions.
Government employees will still get a very generous pension benefit – an annual payment that averages their three highest annual salaries. That's a pretty nice deal, when many private sector workers get no retirement benefit at all. State Issue 2 only ends a practice where some government union contracts require taxpayers to pick up the tab for BOTH the employer AND employee shares of a required pension contribution. In this economy, it's simply not right to ask struggling taxpayers to foot the bill so government employees can get a free retirement. Issue 2 simply says government employees should pay their required share (10 percent) and taxpayers will contribute the employer share (14 percent).
From Web Site “Building a Better Ohio”

Do you see the lie? It is pretty obvious. It seems all Ohio public employees will be given a pension equal to an average of their last three years. Wow what a deal! Work, 10 years and get a pension equal to an average of your last three years. What is left out is there is a multiplier if you work 10 years you would get 20% of your last thee year’s salary. It would 10 years service multiplied by 2% multiplied by the average of your last three year’s salary. Even after a life time service of 30 years of service the Ohio employee would only get 60% of his last three years salary. But it is any lie in a storm for the Ohio Commie/conservatives. This is how the commie/conservatives redistribute wealth one lie at a time.
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Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2011 05:36 am
Rand Paul ran on a campaign platform of states rights but the law he is pushing would usurp even more state’s rights in favor of Federal control. It seems Paul hates unions even more than big government. Paul is pushing a national right to work law on red neck right radio. There are right to work states and states that allow closed shops. I am a life long union member and I have held the office of president, vice president, chairman of the grievance committee and most other offices. At first the local was basically run under right to work rules and later a closed shop was negotiated. There were a few free loaders under the old rules but the vast majority belonged to union. Under closed shop rules everyone was not required to be a union member but they were required to pay a monthly representation fee. The local’s contract requires that the local represent anyone in a bargaining unit position. If a freeloader was fired under the old contract the union was required to represent them and spend 1,000s of dollars on arbitration. The union also negotiates for wages and benefits for all bargaining unit employees. No one was forced to take a bargaining unit job and could have chosen an administrative job but those jobs are at will jobs by the city charter and the mayor can dismiss them anytime.

Administration employees also benefited by the union negotiations as all the benefits negotiated by the union were given to the administrative. For instance when the local negotiated and got prescription drug coverage and eye care it was given to all the administrative employees as well as police and firemen. Paul national right to work law is an effort to weaken unions and allow freeloaders to more or less shoplift services without paying for them. No one is required to take a union job or to reap the benefits of that job now there are many places to work and they have a right to work there but there is a reason they don’t, when they work a non union job they work for less with far fewer benefits. The anti union movement is meant to lower everyone’s standard of living.
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Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2011 05:34 am
Some of the commercials being run by the commie/conservatives make the claim that public employees in Ohio make 45% more than private employees. How is this possible it is well known fact that publicly employees generally make less than their counter part in the private sector? For instance the mayor of Huntington makes $75,000 a year the city Huntington is a $40 million a year corporation do you think a CEO of a private sector corporation would make $41,250 a year. That is what the commie/conservative claim in their commercials. The commie/conservatives clearly hope to pit the lower class against the middle class in hopes of causing class warfare. But we all know commie/conservatives are against class warfare. So how do those commie/conservatives come up with their wild claims? You have to remember when you lie with figures it gives the lies authority not granted to opinion. Figures are something that are considered concrete and undeniable proof by most people. Figures are the bottom line the end of the argument. But are they? In “Proofiness” Charles Seife tells us one of the ways to lie with figures is called comparing apples to oranges, for instance if you compared the wages of college educated teachers to Wall Mart employees you would find a big difference but you would find the same difference between college educated private sector workers and Wall Mart employees. But the Commie/conservative commercial clearly did not intend to compare apples to apples or oranges to oranges. But the unsuspecting public will give the commie/conservative lie more weight because it was a lie with figures.

Another proven method of proofiness is to mix other things into the equation when you say public employees are paid 45% more than private sector workers most people would believe that to be 45% more money on public employees check. That is not how this lie was constructed it was not just the money at the payout window that was counted as “pay” it was every possible fringe benefit, paid holidays’ vacations, insurance, retirement benefits and sick days. While accurate figures are available for public employees it is doubtful the governor had as accurate figures for private sector fringe benefits. Some private sector employees in Ohio make hundreds of millions a year you can bet they were left out of the commie/conservative equation.

Why should private sector employees pay for pensions for public sector employees when private sector employees have no pensions, the commercial asks? In 1960 60% of the private sector had defined benefit pensions now those good pensions have been replaced with defined contribution pensions that now the average $50,000 at retirement age that will provide only $300 a month. The commie/conservative lie was that if each employee invested their own money they would all be millionaires by now in this case the figures are very clear. But even now the commie/conservatives are pushing the same type solution for Social Security and Medicare.
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Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 05:36 am
Why must the commie/conservatives lie to win an election? They are pushing a losing argument and know it and the only way to buttress their case is lie and lie some more. I looked for “The better Ohio Website” this morning and it has evidently been pulled. That website contained more obvious lies than any web site I know. It was a little like the whisper campaign Baby Bush and Carl Rove used against john McCain you simply plant the lies and wait and see if they take root. McCain had adopted a baby of color and Rove and company used a push pole to plant the lie that McCain was the actual father. They called voters in South Carolina and asked if they would vote for McCain if they knew he fathered a black baby. After all it was just a question they never said it was true. But the lie was extremely effective. Lying comes naturally for commie/conservatives that is what the communists intellectuals who founded the Modern Conservative Movement taught them.

It very much like the lie about public employees retiring at the average salary of their last three years. It is theoretically possible if an employee worked 50 years. The multiplier 2 X 50 would give you 100%. Has it ever happened? Unlikely but it is a possibility.
“Posted by John Hitchcock on 2011/10/11

Mike Antonucci has an article in Hot Air’s Green Room dealing with the teachers Unions trying to bring down Ohio’s new collective bargaining Law. The National Education Association plans to spend 5 million in Ohio, matching the Ohio Education Association’s planned 5 million. That’s huge money and that’s all tax-payer dollars, since the Union dues collected come from salaries paid by tax-payers. But that’s not the point of this article.

Web Site Truth Before Dishonor: I would Rather Be Right Than Popular
Another commie/conservative web site full of obvious lies, Can you find the obvious lie? If you paid a mechanic for working car is his money still your money or is it the mechanic’s money? If the mechanic chooses to spend the money you paid him on drugs and a prostitute you have no say. Just as when you get your pay check your employer can not dictate how you spend it, it is your money. But commie/conservatives contend that after the teachers are paid the money is still the taxpayer’s money to control and decide how the teacher spends the money. Commie/conservatives can spell freedom they just don’t understand what the word means.
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Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 06:27 am
Election Day draws closer on proposition 2 in Ohio on Tuesday voters will decide to either endorse a huge setback for the middle class or to nip it in the bud. A no vote will be a huge defeat for the commie/conservatives not only in Ohio but make it a shot heard round the United States. The commie/conservatives believe in lottery winner economics in order to have a lottery winner there must be millions of lottery losers, no one ever pays much attention to the facts that without millions of lottery losers there are no lottery winners. Of course in every day economics no one would voluntary to be the real life losers, this is where political power comes into play, in Senate Bill % the huge political bribes are paid to Kasich and other commie/conservatives senators and representatives, of course they never refer to them as bribes they call them “campaign contributions.” After the bribes have been paid the ungodly greedy simply point and say take the money from the firefighters, the policemen, the teachers and other public employees. This will create a huge multi-million dollar lottery pot that can be handed out in multi million dollar chunks to the ungodly greedy campaign contributors it is a fixed involuntary economic lottery. Just as the kid in California got rich by taking a penny from everyone’s bank account the ungodly greedy take from the many to line their own pockets. Commie/conservatives don’t think of it is theft anymore than the kid in California; it is just the natural order of the jungle where the politically strong can take advantage of everyone else.
“Protect Good Teachers and Improve Our Schools

Issue 2 keeps the best teachers in the classroom by ending the unfair practice of seniority-based layoffs, which forces struggling schools to cut many of our best teachers first. “

Ballot Pedia
Will it keep the best teachers? Really, in who’s opinion? Most school boards are local affairs and some families have controlled those boards for generations. If you don’t think their family and friends are not the best “qualified” you don’t live in the real world. One local department head would hire only those who went to his church they were the only ones “qualified” in his mind. I have heard this argument a thousand times that management is just a leaf in the wind and can’t fire bad employees. If you cannot fire an incompetent employee than maybe you are the incompetent employee who needs to be fired first.

The city of Huntington now has a red neck right administration and with no current contract. One of the first things they killed was the seniority clause of the contract. When the economic hard times hit they got to pick and chose who stayed by using a system based on “merit.” Friends and relatives hired recently were kept even though some were known drug users that drove trucks into stationary objects like viaducts at 30 mph. While employees with much more seniority and one with cancer was quickly “laid off” and told no matter how much better the budget got they would never return. All the employees unloaded were older employees some with decades of experience and one that held a master electrician license.

There are only two systems a suck system and a seniority system. We have all known bosses who have absolutely no idea what is going on and they always seem to believe that the most incompetent suck is their best employee. Years ago when I was racing and working as a mechanic a new boss was hired he was a career military officer and he quickly decided the most incompetent mechanic shop was his golden boy. Everybody hated to work on his come backs because he simply left parts out carburetors had to be replaced instead of repaired. In addition the suck and his wife would baby set the bosses daughter when she was in town. Our overtime was distributed on a rotating list and the boss would call out two people or ten people what ever was necessary to get to the suck’s name of course while the suck was working overtime the boss was doing overtime on the sucks wife. Who do you think would not have been laid off on “merit” system? The incompetence in most organizations is not the employees it is the management.

Peter’s Principal states that employees are promoted to the level of incompetence, if that is true where would we find the incompetent employees? In management, do we want the incompetent making decisions based on subjective not objective qualifications? Seniority is an objective qualification everyone knows the difference between 10 and 2. But “merit” is objective and may even be based on whose wife you would like to sleep with tonight.
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Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2011 06:29 am
The election is tomorrow and it will not affect just a few hundred people in one union, it will effect over 775,000 school teachers, Firemen, Policemen and other public employees. Those are the ones directly affected many others will be indirectly affected. When public employees are forced to pay 20% of their pay into their retirement and another 15% into ever increasing cost of medical insurance that pays less and less every year. Does 20% sound outrageous? The new policemen in Huntington were put into an EMS pension where the combined contributions to the retirement system and social security are right at 20%. In WV Policemen can negotiate wages but not retirement plans. Retirement plans are controlled by the state. The retirement money is typically gambled on Wall Street is frequently lost in $500 million dollar chunks. It won’t be long before 40% of an employee’s salary is taken and gambled on Wall Street. Wall Street is the biggest gambling casino in the world where the billion dollar hedge fund managers stack the deck.

As the class warfare was used this time to say why pay for a retirement for school teacher’s retirement when you have no retirement at Wal-Mart. Next it will be public employees pay 20% of their salary for retirement so private sectors should pay the same and you thought commie/conservatives were against class warfare. Commie/conservatives are all for class warfare as long as the ungodly greedy can set on the side lines and reap all the benefits. By pitting the middle class against the lower class the ungodly greedy hope to make America a Banana Republic economy where the ungodly greedy control more than 95% of America’s wealth and they can hire people at 6 cents and hour and tell them you are lucky to have a job.
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Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2011 06:27 am
If the price of gasoline goes up government has only two options it can pay more or use less gasoline. It can’t tell the oil company it will only pay 1980 prices. This is the way it is with most commodities government uses, it must pay the price. If oil companies sold gas under their cost of production they would soon go out of business. Government does not manufacturer cars, shoes or houses. Government provides services like police, fire and schools. These services are provided by people and where a manufacturing plant may invest 50% in labor and 50% in raw materials government is invested heavily in labor and 70-77% of the cost of local government is labor. While government can’t pay less than price of gasoline and must use less or pay more with no collective bargaining it can take a five fingered discount on labor. Government needs the same amount of firemen and policemen to provide the services just as it needs the same amount of gasoline to get the firemen and policemen to the destination to provide the service. But many government’s budgets in the last ten years have been balanced by using the five finger discount method by simply cutting the amount paid for labor.

Collective bargaining contracts keep government from cutting wages, benefits, and hours. This means the only choice government has with a collective bargaining in place is to cut the number of employees. With no collective bargaining contract in place government is free to slash benefits and raise co-pays at will. The free market theory that employees are free to just move on to other jobs that pay better doesn’t hold because many of the employees have many years of service and are heavily vested in their pensions and other benefits. Without collective bargaining public employees are at a huge disadvantage.

When our contract expired the first thing the city took was disseminated the insurance policy, it was cut to a co-pay policy that made a co-pay on certain medical procedures. To make matter worse we were required to pay $2,000 a year for a policy that had a $1500 deductible. If you decided to choose your doctor that you had for 30 years your deductible was raised to$6,000 and the insurance only paid 60% of the bill over that amount. Within six months the city wanted to raise even that $2,000. In the first year the medical bills the insurance policy would not pay and the premium amounted to almost $10,000 making that a $5 an hour cut in pay. The next to go was the seniority system where choice sucks were placed in the better jobs and employees with many years of experience were “laid off” while new employees with weeks on the job were kept.

The stakes in Ohio are big today, it is important that the taxpayers veto the commie/conservatives. People don’t often get a chance to veto the actions of the bribed and political contributions are nothing but bribes. If Kasich was big on saving money on public employees he would not give huge raises to his friends while cutting everyone else. But in the commie/conservative political philosophy lottery winner economics is the rule and to have lottery winners you have to have hundreds of thousands of losers to make the few the “lottery winners.”
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Reply Wed 9 Nov, 2011 06:28 am
Ohio vote in Ohio proved an overwhelming defeat to commie/conservative political philosophy of Greedism. Kasich theory was to take from the many to give to his commie/conservatives buddies. By taking from hundreds of thousands of public employees he could give hundreds of millions in tax cuts to the billionaires who provided his political bribes. What is a crooked commie/conservative politician to do now? You can no longer pay back the political bribes you were paid with public employee’s money. The voters overwhelming said no hands off the employee’s money. Campaign contributions are made for one reason and one reason only to buy political favors after the politician is elected. The law of reciprocity is one of the oldest and most dependable laws of social interaction going back to the dawn of time. Each time a politician takes a $1,000, $5,000, or $10,000 and they stand up and tell you it doesn’t influence them they are lying and there is a 100,000 years of history proves that. Even small bribes put people under an obligation.

While radically cutting public employees take home pay Kasich was at the same time creating mega salaried jobs in government for his friends and political contributors. These jobs Kasich created paid more than the president of the United States. Do you recognize the commie/conservative pattern? It is lottery winner economics where a few become fabulously wealthy at the expense of many. Kasich sees nothing wrong with this pattern, commie/conservatism is Kasich chosen philosophy.

There is no doubt the voters in Ohio have spoken but does that mean the commie/conservatives will give up. No way, the commie/conservatives have vowed to pass the law over top of the voters veto. The commie/conservatives have already stated they plan to break the 300 page Ohio Senate bill 5 into smaller independent bills with the components intact, the republicans will simply display their middle finger to Ohio voters and do exactly what those who bribed them told them to do. Let the public be da*mned!
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Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2011 06:28 am
It seems the commie/conservatives knew they were going down to a resounding defeat on proposition 2 long before the election and decided that even though that 63% of Ohioans are firmly against taking the rights of the public employees away that the commie/conservatives and their billion dollar allies are going to ram it through anyway. If commie/conservatives believed in the democracy our founding fathers bequeathed us, they would acknowledge that proposition 2 is a dead issue after a large majority of the people voted it down. But not the commie/conservatives they were making plans long before the people voted to circumvent the will of the people. They were show the heritage of their communist of the communist intellectuals who founded the Modern Conservative Movement, the people should not be allowed to govern themselves, they are too stupid and too easily influenced, the communist intellectuals (currently calling themselves conservatives) should overrun the will of the people.

The vast and enduring arrogance of the commie/conservatives has never been so evident as it is in Ohio now.
“But the next chapter in the Ohio saga has yet to be written. Even before the vote, when polls showed Issue 2 facing defeat, Republican sources in Columbus told HUMAN EVENTS that they fully expected Kasich and Republican lawmakers to attempt to revive the reforms in 2012, but to deploy different tactics in the next round.”

Internet site “Human Events”
After the people voted this level of arrogance is only rivaled in history by dictators like Hitler. But commie/conservatives sites see nothing at all wrong with government overriding the will of the people as long as the many can be cheated to make a few lottery winners even richer.
” Rather than lump all the reforms together in one piece of legislation that made an easy target for opponents, GOPers feel that the next session of the legislature should see each Issue 2 item offered as a separate measure. Noting that he knew Democrats who agreed that state employees should pay more for their health care, one Republican legislator told us before the vote that “putting an end to binding arbitration in the same package invited an assault from all of the unions—including the policemen’s unions, which almost always back Republicans, and the firefighters, who back us most of the time.”

Human Events
Binding arbitration for public employees who the H*ll thought of that! Why should public employees be entitled to have a netural person rule on job firings and other important matters. A netural arbatrator to settle disputes has been a tradition since the begining of time. The Commie/conservatives that made the decision in the first place should never be questioned; after all commie/conservatives are perfect in everyway and should never ever be subject to the humiliation of having their decisions reviewed, questioned or overturned by the people.

The commie/conservative arrogance will bring them down as surely as the ropes pulled the statue of Saddam down in Iraq. The cxoomie/conservatives just know they are so much smarter than the rest of us.
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Reply Fri 11 Nov, 2011 07:36 am
In Kasich concession speech on Senate Bill 5 after his overwhelming defeat, he said. “It is clear the people have spoken” and “I have heard their voices” but in private for weeks he has been laying down plans to ram his commie/conservative agenda down the peoples throats. The commie/conservatives knew for weeks in advance that the people were going to resoundingly veto their commie/conservative political agenda. The commie/conservatives decided if they can’t destroy the middle class in one fatal blow than they will do what was done in Wisconsin divide and conquer, take the collective bargaining rights away from some classes of public employees while letting other classes keep their collective bargaining rights intact.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker was successful in taking collective bargaining rights from public employees because he used the divide and conquer method. Police and firefighters were allowed to keep their collective bargaining rights while they were taken from other public employees. You can bet the commie/conservatives will be take the Police and firefighters collective bargaining rights in the near future by saying other public employees don’t have collective bargaining rights why should the police and firemen have them. Look for the divide and conquer method to be applied in Ohio. The ego dwells in the emotional mind and it is most people’s Achilles’ heel. It is easy envision why you should be entitled to collective bargaining rights and others should not. The old south is now a distant memory but it was accepted that white people were entitled to their rights but black people needed to know their place.

First the Nazis came for the trade unionist and I said nothing because I didn’t belong to a union, than the Nazis came for the Catholics and I said nothing because I wasn’t Catholic. Than the Nazis came for the Jews and I said nothing because I wasn’t Jewish. Then they came for me and I said nothing because there was no one to say anything to.
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Reply Sat 12 Nov, 2011 06:50 am
Open government, there is something commie/conservatives are against. Since commie/conservatives are against government in all forms, open government is just one more form of government they want to eliminate. Remember the second most powerful commie/conservative, Grover Norquist, has publicly stated that, “I just want to shrink government to the point that I can drag it in the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.” Is that any different than the communist intellectuals that founded the Modern Conservative Movement? The communist intellectuals that founded the Modern Conservative Movement dedicated their lives to destroying the American government they so hated and the latter day conservatives have picked up that cause. If you can’t kill government all at one time kill, it a little bit at a time, the same plan Kasich and his commie/conservative allies have for collective bargaining rights in Ohio. That hatred of our government runs through the Modern Conservative Movement like a river and you can hear that hatred of our government ring out in Rush Slimbaugh radio show and the writings and ravings of Ann Coulter.

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin is providing $25,000 of taxpayer’s money to defend a Dane County District Attorney for “failure to promptly provide records about his communications regarding three lawsuits challenging Walker’s Budget Repair Bill which eliminating most collective bargaining powers from most public employees.”

After the overwhelming victory in Ohio last week the next objective for the labor movement is to recall Scott Walker. Unlike Ohio where the people hold the ultimate veto power, Wisconsin does not allow voters the right to veto legislative actions. The people’s only course in Wisconsin is to recall the crooked bought off politicians so far three out of five of the Wisconsin legislatures have been recalled. The ungodly greedy like the Koch brothers, who privately owned corporation brings in a $100 billion a year, continue to buy government like they purchased the government of Wisconsin and Governor Scott Walker. Giving veto power to the people can help offset the billions poured into crooked politicians pockets each year.

The Koch brothers have literally used their vast fortunes to change the face of America to making America a society that admires greed. The Koch brothers are probably the best argument against unbridled greed, the damage done to America by allowing them to accumulate more wealth than god is devastating. The Koch brothers used their money to attack the very foundation of America and go on college campuses and create an army of Frankensteins to push greed as the solution to every political problem. The Koch brothers were primarily responsible for the current predator economic system we now see in America. Scott Walker is just their latest puppet and he won’t be the last.
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Reply Sun 13 Nov, 2011 12:46 pm
“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Lord Acton’s words are as true today as they were when he spoke them over a hundred years ago. Acton was a student of human nature, a historian, the study of history and human nature had gifted him with wisdom. We often see people pretend that human nature is invented every generation but in reality human nature is fairly constant throughout history. To understand the future all one really needs to do is understand the past. If money is just power in its liquid state and it is then the Koch brothers are probably the most powerful people in America. We often hear Glen Beck and Rush Slimbaugh lament about the money George Soros money being used for liberal political causes but Soros is listed as 35th richest billionaire but the Koch brothers 23rd and 24th on the billionaire list if their wealth is combined and it is combined to fight their common enemy the American people they would be 4th richest on the billionaires list.

Make no doubt about the Koch brothers are the wind beneath Wisconsin governor Scott Walker’s wings. A fake call was made to Walker by someone pretending to be Koch and they were discussing just how they were going to stick it to the American workingman the call was later made public but what could Walker say he is bought and paid for with Koch money that isn’t anything the public in Wisconsin doesn’t know but what most Americans don’t know is how much damage jut to ungodly greedy demons have done to America in the last 30 years.

You may have never heard of the Koch brothers but you have seen the work their money does all around you the Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute are funded by the Koch brothers as well as FreedomWorks and the Pee Party Movement. Back in the late 60s the Koch brothers set about reshaping America into their image by assaulting college campuses with their billions to establish conservative’s chairs and fund conservative studies.
“Or maybe our first impression was right. The campuses sensibility with which Vernon Smith was most closely connected is not that of populism, but Koch family industries, the nations second largest privately owned held company. Based at Wichita, Koch primary business is oil, but is better known for its owners’ openhanded political activities than for petroleum operations. The founder of the dynasty, Fred Koch was a charter member of the John Birch Society. His billionaire son Charles founded the libertarian Cato Institute in 1977, and another billionaire son, David, ran for vice president on the Libertarian ticket in 1980. Koch money flowed through the Triad Management Services, which delivered such crucial assistance to Sam Brownback’s Senate campaign in 1996; and Koch money, mingled with the money of so many other oil interests, supported the presidential campaign of George W Bush. Most important though, Koch money subsidizes the production of bad ideas, zany free market policy recommendations that usually aim to starve or otherwise disable government while making business even more profitable. When I read the right wing Kansas legislature were proposing that the state sell off the highway system, for example, I knew instantly that the Koch’ money was somehow involved in nurturing this notion. Koch money props up such hothouses of the right as “Reason” magazine, the Manhattan Institute, the Heartland Institute, Citizens for a Sound Economy, and the Democratic Leadership Council. The Koch’s influence is so well known in Washington that wags refer to their intellectual empire as “the Kochtopus.” It is the Populists’ “money power” in the flesh.

From the book “What’s the Matter With Kansas” by Thomas Frank

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Reply Mon 14 Nov, 2011 06:29 am
Fred Koch had been a charter member of the John Birch Society if you remember the history of the commie/conservative movement you will remember the communist intellectuals purged the John Birch Society from their political movement because they were too radical for even the communist intellectuals. John Birchers saw communists all around them except for the real communists in their own political movement. It seems like the best place to hide is in plain view.

With their father a founding member of the John Birch Society it is no doubt the Koch brothers were raised in the traditions of radical right politics. The Koch brothers inherited more money than god and set about trying to use it to remake America in the image of the radical right. Unfortunately for the rest of us they have been successful and one can clearly see that in the rapid decline of middle class America at the same time the Koch’s fortunes multiplied many times.

How about the Koch brothers’ idea to privatize the Kansas highway system? Anyone wanting to drive on a highway in Kansas built with taxpayer’s dollars could pay a private corporation for the privilege of driving on that highway. If the Koch brothers could set the toll set at a $1,000 a mile or so that would keep the riff-raff of the highway and the Koch brothers wouldn’t have to worry about traffic jams. Think it can’t happen? Many hospitals were public and built with taxpayer money but now they have been bought up by private for profit corporations. The taxpayers that paid for the construction of these hospitals will be lucky to be allowed in the doors and if admitted their bill is likely to exceed their meager assets. We privatized hospitals why not privatize the highway system?

The one thing conservatives don’t want to privatize is entertainment, civic centers, football and baseball stadiums. Why? They are tremendous money losers. Commie/conservatives are philosophical free loaders and think their entertainment should be subsidized by the taxpayers who would never chose that type of entertainment. Government should never be used to subsidize some people’s idea of entertainment. Entertainment should always be a free market activity and taxpayers should never be asked to subsidize entertainment. If we need to privatize let us start with entertainment. But roads go unpaved to subsidize entertainment. San Diego had 100,000 potholes it couldn’t fill because it had a deal to buy up any unsold football tickets from San Diego Chargers games and other entertainment subsidizes. That is why commie/conservatives believe that the roads need to be sold to private corporations at bargain basement prices so government can concentrate on job 1 entertainment.
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Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2011 06:30 am
Honor among thieves? Truisms usually contain some elements of truth but this one is devoid of any truth. To start with a thief has no honor to steal in the first place. Somehow I think a public relations firm or a conman came up with that truism. The commie/conservative philosophy has turned many Americans into government hating, freeloading, thieves. The hate of the American government and the idea that the government is your enemy comes directly from the communist intellectuals who founded the Modern Conservative Movement. The American government was the sworn enemy of the communist intellectuals, they lived and breathed to destroy the American government. So the hate of our government comes natural to the latter day commie/conservatives.

How is this hate expressed today by commie/conservatives? One way is by simply not paying their taxes. There are many different taxes, local, state and federal. If you are provided a service, say weekly garbage service, and you refuse to pay for that service you receive, are you not a thief? In the commie/conservative philosophy the government is your enemy and paying taxes for a government service you receive is adding abetting the enemy. Your job as a commie/conservative is to shrink government so Grover Norquist “can drag it in the bathroom and drown in the bathtub.”

Currently in Huntington my department is checking a list that represents $4 million in unpaid garbage fees. Huntington is a town of less than 50,000 and the loss of the $4 million has caused major cuts backs, the departments has been cut by 2/3 and services have been reduced. The yearly budget for the sanitation department is $1.73 million so the effect of over $4 million dollars in freeloader even over a period of years, is devastating for everyone. This is one way the commie/conservatives shrink the size of government by simply starving it out of existence.

But once the environment is created where cheating on your taxes is admired, it is not only those that are ideologically committed to the commie/conservative philosophy it reaches a tipping point where every deadbeat believes he is a hero if he can defraud the government out of government services. The private sectors garbage services simply cut off services when they are not paid but when the city did the same, the health department required the city to pick up all the garbage. A large pile of garbage in your neighbor’s yard caused rats and insects that did not stay in their yard. The private garbage services picked up in the county where a ¼ mile between homes was the norm not the 6 feet in the city.

The fact is that commie/conservative mind set has caused a steady decline in the quality of life in America. The government of America is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. When a political ideology convinces the American people that their government is their enemy and not a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, America is in trouble. We are dangerously close to a tipping point now. If the commie/conservatives are successful in taking America over that tipping point our government will be replaced with one that really will be the enemy of the people.
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Reply Wed 16 Nov, 2011 06:33 am
The commie/conservatives are the first howl “class warfare” if there is any mention of making billionaire hedge mangers pay the same tax rate the middle class has to pay and how wrong “class warfare” is. But a AP article in Sunday’s paper shows they have no problem at all with “class warfare” as long as the class warfare is not against the ungodly greedy, everyone else is fair game. The latest commie/conservative target for “class warfare” are public employees and the article was designed to stirrup resentment of the benefits given to some public employees. Make no doubt it the commie/conservatives want to accelerate the race to the bottom of the food chain while protecting those hedge fund managers making $5 billion a year from paying the same tax rate as others in the middle class. While all jobs pay a wage in dollars and benefits, the type of benefits vary widely from types of jobs. The latest commie/conservative target is public employee’s sick time. It seems some states and local government pay for unused sick time upon retirement.

In a startling turn of events the commie/conservatives now want everybody to be equal since payouts for sick time are not common in the private sector public employees shouldn’t be entitled to the benefit either. The commie/conservatives are philosophically opposed to equal outcomes but it seems they have been in the closet all these years equal outcomes for everyone but the ungodly greedy is perfectly reasonably. I have worked for 37 ½ years for the city of Huntington and I take and I stay in good health as a long distance runner, I do over 50 races a year, along with duathlons and triathlons. By staying in shape I miss very little time do to sickness. I used only a small fraction of my sick time and will be entitled to a 100 day payout that bridges the gap between retiring and the beginning of your pension checks. This is nothing more than a deferred payout that was earned over 4 decades of work. The commie/conservative administration has decided the will just take this payout away. Commie/conservatives are basically philosophically thieves at heart; once a bargain is struck and they have their side of the bargain they believe they can cheat anyone else out of their end of agreement. This is the commie/conservative way, Whitaker Chambers called it the “wisdom of the deep slums,” predator economics were the strong simply take what they want.

They article stated that sick time payouts are not common in the private sector only a use it or lose it proposition but yet one of the biggest private sector employers Wal-Mart paid for unused sick time at the end of the year as a component of a Christmas bonus. My wife worked at Wal-Mart for a number of years and was paid for her unused sick time. Just because she didn’t accumulate until retirement she was paid yearly. Lying and cheating come natural to commie/conservatives philosophy. The commie/conservatives philosophy is basically the same as a thief, predator economics, if you are strong enough to take it’s yours. We are not talking about strong armed robberies here but robbery by political power.
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Reply Thu 17 Nov, 2011 06:27 am
“The liberal ideal is that everyone should have fair access and fair opportunity. This is not equality of result. It's equality of opportunity. There's a fundamental difference.”

Robert Reich
I tried to locate the quote that the commie/conservatives like Rush Slimbaugh and Glen Beck frequently use but the closest I could come to it was this quote. The commie/conservatives claim is that the liberals want to dictate equal economics outcomes for everyone. This has never been the case in any country on earth and never will be. But if this is one extreme than the other extreme is a world where the estimated annual revenues Koch industries is a $100 billion a year while others work three minimum wage jobs to survive. Surely one extreme is no more tolerable than the other but the trouble is that one of those extremes is the reality today and to justify this extreme existence the commie/conservatives set up the other extreme that does not exist as a straw man to justify the existence of the opposite extreme.

The commie/conservatives cite the equality of outcomes as an extreme but no matter many 100s of billions in unequal outcomes, commie/conservatives never see their position as bad an extreme as the equality of outcomes. Most people realize the very existence of one extreme begets the existence of opposite extreme and that the desired path is the middle ground but the commie/conservative movement is political extremist movement and to the extremist the middle is the opposite extreme. For 30 years we have watched the extremist tear America apart with their extremist political ideology, not only physically but morally. The commie/conservatives went through America moral landscape like Sherman went through Georgia burning every moral idea and leaving only greed in its place. Occasionally, as a distraction, they point out as immoral a 13 year old getting an abortion after she was raped by a preachers as a moral outrage, not the rape just the abortion.

But while commie/conservatives believe that their should not be equal outcomes for the ungodly greedy and the workingman they are not totally against compromise as equal out comes for working people is reasonable as their recent attacks on public employees shows as long as it is equal outcome between teachers and Wal-Mart employees. When commie/conservatives compared the outcome between Wal-Mart employees and teachers their sense of moral outraged kicked in. Why should teachers be paid more than Wal-Mart employees? Aren’t commie/conservatives for equal outcomes? No commie/conservatives are against equal outcomes. Maybe commie/conservatives are for equal outcomes for workingmen and non-equal outcomes for the ungodly greedy Koch brothers, after all America needs a good two class system the ungodly greedy and everyone else.

Wal-Mart is by far the biggest employer in this state so when you compare public sector employees you are comparing Wal-Mart to the public sector employees. One method of proofiness is to compare apples to oranges and comparing the salaries of high school educated Wal-Mart employees to teachers with master degree is certainly proofiness. When Kasich said public employees substantially more than private sector employees it gave his argument authority of numbers but even though his new political hires made much more than private sectors employees the other numbers were just a comparison based on apples and oranges.

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Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 06:33 am
If you are a commie/conservative it is important to know who the enemy is and Rand Paul knows that the enemy of commie/conservatism is the American workingman. All that stands between the commie/conservatives and absolute power is the organized American workingman, the unions. If you knew that you could benefit yourself by making life worse for 100s of millions of working families would you do it? For a few dollars more for himself Rand Paul would, in fact that is exactly what he is doing. Rand Paul elected Senator from Kentucky in a tidal wave of Pee in 2010 elections has decided to make war on the American workingman. Paul is pushing a national right to work law, which in reality a right to work for less law. But he is pushing the national right to work law on red neck right radio. Red neck right radio seems like an unusual place for a Senate bill to originate but this one will indeed originate on red neck right radio. Paul commercials are asking for the American workingman to make contributions to pay Paul contract on the American workingman, the sad part is that many would be freeloaders will indeed contribute to the ungodly greedy effort.

There is no question at all that in states that have right to work laws employees work for substantially less and Rand Paul and the other commie/conservatives allies can not even tender an argument that this doesn’t take place. Rand Paul knows that his law will lower the standard of living workingman, does he care? No. Rand is a doctor and working people shouldn’t even earn a living without working three jobs, doctors however should be instant millionaires. The joke going around now is, “That a doctor calls a plumber an when the plumber hands him the bill the doctor says, “I don’t make that kind of money” and the plumber says neither did I when I was a doctor. What many people forget is money is a status symbol and when working people earn a decent living it is resented by those that look at money not only as means of exchange but as a status symbol. Commie/conservatism is fueled by resentment, conservatives like Paul need to push others down to achieve the status they believe that they have been deprived of.
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