The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2017 09:33 pm
It looks like another child molester is running for the US Senate. Since we already have a child molester in the Whitehouse I guess we would not want him to be alone. Republican Judge Roy Moore is running for Senate in Alabama and according to some of his victims he seems to be a classic pedophile who was not interested in women his own age but liked teenage girls. Moore was 32 years old and assistant prosecutor and as far as pedophiles go he seemed to have his routine down. He was bold to say the least because he was picking up victims on the courthouse lawn. Moore finds a mother with her 14 year old daughter. The woman was there for a child custody hearing. Moore proceed to tell the mother that she doesn't want her daughter to hear the testimony in the child custody hearing and that he would be happy to "take care" of her while she was in the custody hearing. My, my what a nice man to take care of a complete strangers daughter. Moore used the time to groom the girl and get her phone number. He later called her and picked her up around the block from her house and took her to his home in the country where he removed her pants and shirt and proceeded to fondle her over her panties and guide her hand to fondle him.

The victim is not the only teenage girl to come forward it seems Moore loved to date 16-18 year old females. I think we have not heard from all of Moore's victims yet. Moore has all of the marks of a very practiced pedophile. Even some of the best pedophiles in America, if there is such a thing, would be afraid to pick their victims up on the courthouse lawn while their mother watched. You can see the lawyer in Moore even then as he did not remove all of his victim's clothes nor did he remove all of his. This would give him deniability if the victim's mother went to the police. He would say nothing really happened and that is exactly what his defenders in Alabama are saying. They believe as long as he did not rape her that his conduct was fine. Then one pointed out that Mary was just a teenager and joseph was a full grown man. I guess that is the way we should live our lives. If Mary was 11 then it would be fine to do 11 year old girls as long as the bible says so.

Many Republican senators are saying they do not want Moore in the Senate if the allegations are true but in Alabama they are defending him saying his actions may be "a little strange" but not a crime. I doubt many parents of 14 year old girls that would think it was fine for pedophiles to take their daughter's clothes off and fondle them. On Meet The Press Today they ask a Senate historian if Moore would get elected in spite of being a known pedophile and the historian pointed out that Trump had been elected after his sex scandal and there was far more proof against Trump.
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Reply Fri 10 Nov, 2017 09:34 pm
The leaders of both the House and Senate have now been forced to admit that their tax "cut" they are pushing will result in higher taxes on millions of taxpayers. Both Ryan and McConnell had said earlier that everyone would get a tax cut but when confronted with the fact that under the tax bills millions in the middle class are going to pay higher taxes because the tax bills eliminate many of the middle class tax deductions. Now both McConnell and Ryan qualified their earlier statements by saying the in each income level the "average family" would get a tax cut. We all know about "averages" that is when Bill Gates walks into a bar with four other guys and you are asked what is the "average" income of the guys in the bar. The average income for that bar is $50 million even though the other four guys make $30,000 a year.

This is the Trump pay back bill that is targeting the blue states that voted against him because the deductions eliminated are relied on in those states. You bet that not one of the deductions that Trump relies on is being eliminated. Typically when we hear the argument for eliminating tax deductions they talk about eliminating tax deductions used by the rich to avoid paying any tax on multi-million dollar incomes but when push comes to shove it is the tax deductions that the middle class relies that are being eliminated. The Republicans are not even giving lip service to eliminate any of the thousands of tax deductions used by the rich. You would think they would have a token tax deductions for the extremely rich eliminated like taken away the tax deduction for taking the corporate jet to Paris on a shopping spree.

Most of the middle class does not itemize deduction and increasing the standard deduction will give most a slight tax cut but eliminating the personal deduction will take back the vast majority of that cut. If you increase some one tax deduction by $6,000 but then eliminate another tax deduction of $4,250 you already have. The net increase deduction is only$1,750. After the tax rate is increased from 10% to 12% the savings is even smaller. I will be surprised if after the bill is finished that even the average tax payer in each income bracket will get a tax cut.
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2017 09:27 pm
The red neck right radio shows have spent weeks condemning Harvey Weinstein they believed every single accusation and told us what an evil man Weinstein was but when accusations of a far worse nature were made against Moore because he was molesting a child and at least Weinstein victims were adults and had a fighting chance. But they made it very clear that accusations made against Judge Roy Moore were just unsubstantiated accusations and they made sure their audience knew that. But yet they spent weeks crucifying Weinstein on the same type of unsubstantiated accusations. They literally spent weeks vilifying Weinstein and to make it guilt by association that it was the liberal political philosophy that led to men taking advantage of women.

Judge Roy Moore was a guest on the Sean Hannity Show Friday to deny the allegations but every time he opens his mouth he shows exactly how guilty he is. While denying the allegations Moore said that he never dated a girl without first asking her mother's permission. Really? How many 32 year old men ask a woman's mother if he can take her out. To start a woman in her thirties as he was would be insulted but if a 32 year old man was taking teenyboppers out he might better ask their mother's permission because the mother had control of her daughter and could bring child molestation charges. I don't believe that I every ask the mother of a teenager for permission to take her daughter out even when I was a teenager.

Moore says the allegations are politically motivated and "fake news." If these women made the story up for political reasons why not accuse him of rape? A story of a 32 year old man taking a 14 year old girl 30 miles out in the country and raping would be far more damaging. Politics is a dirty game and there is little politicians won't do for power but the women who are accusing Moore have nothing to gain and stand to invite a lot of harassment from Moore's supporters. The reason the woman's story is as it is, is because she is bound by the truth. What I wonder is whether her mother was involved because in the recounting of her story the daughter say, " just get it over with" which would indicate she knew what she was there for and she was not looking forward to it but was still willing to submit for some unknown reason. Then we have Moore "always asking the mother permission."
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Reply Sun 12 Nov, 2017 08:57 pm
They say it is best to tell the truth because if you lie you have to keep track of the lies you told and sooner or later that will trip you up. Imagine what a problem that is to a person that lies all the time like Trump. If you tell only an occasional lie you may remember the details of those lies but no one can remember the details of many lies. Trump met with Putin during his trip to Asia and Trump said when he asked Putin if he interfered with our election Putin denied it and Trumps says he believes him. Trump is a few ounces light between the ears if he believes Putin is going to tell him the truth. But Trump absolutely can't wait to get into bed with Putin saying we should just forget it and lift the sanctions on Russia.

Trump had to later walk back his statement when he was asked if he thought the US Intelligence agencies were lying? Who was Trump going to believe Putin or the US Intelligence agencies? Trump tweeted that that the former heads of the CIA, FBI, and National Intelligence agencies were nothing but political hacks but he believes the current heads of these agencies were competent. The current heads of these agencies agree with the former heads of those agencies. Trump is an army of one who does not believe that the Russian took a very active roll in our last elections and the worst part is they are planning to take an active roll in next year's election also but Trump wants to take Putin' hand and running off into the sunset and live happily ever after at least for Putin. Trump is not a smart man he made it on daddy's money and daddy's mob connections. Putin would roll Trump like an old drunk.

I have never seen a worse case of hero worship then Trump's open hero worship of Putin. It is as if the lead singer of a top rock band came to town and all the 17 year old girls absolutely hero worshiped the singer like he was a god.
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Reply Mon 13 Nov, 2017 10:12 pm
Just as I had predicted Moore of allegations have come out against Judge Roy Moore. The first four allegations of hitting on young girls was just the tip of a very large ice burg. The fifth allegation was made publicly along with her attorney that detailed an attempted rape by Moore. She stated that Moore grabbed her by the neck and tried to force her face into his crotch. Now detailed reports of people who worked at the local mall said Moore was like a lion stalking antelope. They stated that they were told to watch out for Moore who was hitting on the teenagers. It seems Moore was much like the child molester on Family Guy it was an open secret they knew Moore would be in the Mall every Friday and Saturday nights after teenagers. From all the accounts now coming out it is very obvious that most people in the county knew Moore was trying to molest young girls and they were told to watch for him by their employers. It was also an open secret at the Courthouse where Moore worked.

How can Judge Moore possibly deny the mountain of accusations against him? He will simply say it is just politics and old news. The really frightening things is the number of people in Alabama that are prepared to vote for Moore in spite of the fact that Moore was running around trying to rape teenagers. If Moore had been 20 and at the Mall chasing teenagers no one would have noticed but when you are 32 and still chasing teenyboppers you are going to stand out like a child molester.

Who would support a child molester the very same people that supported Trump the so called moral watchmen, the leaders of the Christian cults. Now 53 Pastors in Alabama have signed a letter supporting Moore. Now if Judge Moore had been a Hollywood director or a Democrat they would want to burn him at the stake. If you claim to be a source of moral guidance you can't have one standard for politicians that fly your flag and another for those who fly a different flag. For years the Christian cult leaders have claimed to be the champion of morality but in the end they don't have any problem excusing and rationalizing even the most repulsive immoral behavior for a political advantage. The attitude is if he is going do stuff for us we can over look any immoral behavior.

""For decades, Roy Moore has been an immovable rock in the culture wars---bold defender of the "little guy," a just judge to those who came before his court, a warrior for the unborn child, defender of the sanctity marriage, and a champion of religious liberty."

from the Letter from the Pastors in Alabama supporting the child molester running for senate.
Moore may have defended the "little guy" but when it came to the "little girl" he had different intentions. The Pastors best remember you can only sell your soul to the devil once.
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Reply Tue 14 Nov, 2017 10:10 pm
The Republicans have found a way to cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy even further. They plan to end the individual mandate so no longer will anyone be required to buy health insurance. The Republicans are taking the free healthcare for everyone approach, no longer will people need to buy expensive health insurance. Well not free, you know what they say about a free lunch. In this case someone will have to pay the medical bills for the 13 million people who no longer have health insurance after the individual mandate is eliminated. Who will pay for the medical bills of those with no health insurance? The same people who pay for those who have no health insurance now, those who already have insurance. Bad debt is a cost of doing business and is passed along to those who have insurance. If the individual mandate is eliminated the cost of health insurance will go up by 10%.

So how does eliminating the individual mandate allow the Republicans to give the ungodly greedy a much bigger tax cut after all it is the individuals who must buy health insurance. Most of those that are being required to buy expensive health insurance cannot afford coverage so they must be subsidized by the government. If a family of four has income of $20,000 and health insurance costs $20,000 they cannot afford it. In the family's case they are put on Medicaid at a minimum cost to the family. The cost saving is almost $20,000 per family that money can be used to give the ultra rich billions in tax cuts. Now you see it now you don't the cost has been shifted to the middleclass.

The wealth shift from the middle class to the extremely rich in the last 50 years has surpassed anything America has ever seen. This tax cut bill will accelerate that wealth transfer. The extremely wealthy do not need to buy health insurance because whatever the cost of their healthcare they can pay for it out of pocket. The wealthy had absolutely no problem with mandatory car insurance. Car insurance is mandatory in most states there is no outcry of someone's freedom to go with out car insurance. Why? if you hit one of the rich's Cadillac they want to make damn sure you can buy them a new one. The chances of not having a car wreck are far more likely than not having health problems.
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Reply Wed 15 Nov, 2017 10:39 pm
In order for the Republicans to pass a tax cut bill with only 50 votes in the Senate they can only add $1.5 trillion to the National Debt. If they add more than that to the debt the bill would require 60 votes and they could never get 60 votes. Of course repealing the individual mandate that requires people to have health insurance and robbing 13 million people of their health insurance saves $338 billion but that may not be enough. So now the House bill makes the tax cuts for corporations permanent but the tax cuts for individuals would only be temporary and would expire in 2025. This tells you a lot about who the tax cuts are for.

The Senate wants to increase the child tax credit for children from $1650 to $2,000. The conservatives have made welfare a punching bag for the last three decades. The child tax care credit is actually a form of welfare because not only does it return all of the tax money that poor families pay but it gives them back money they never paid in. Let's face it anytime the government pays you money that you didn't pay in it is really a form of welfare. If there was a bill in Congress to increase the welfare of a family of four by $4,000 a year the republicans would be outraged and vote it down. I have a cousin and she and her husband bought a bass boat with their childcare tax credits. I don't have any problem with the poor with children getting an extra few thousand from the government what I don't like is it being part of the tax code. The Republicans are using this program as a tax cut when it fact it pays out money for taxes that are not paid in. This is a welfare program and should be separated from the tax code. The Republicans charge these "welfare payments" against legitimate tax cuts to come up with an "average" tax cut.

I don't have a problem with governments payments to low income couples with children however I do have a problem with calling a government payment a tax refund. The couples could be identified by tax returns but the payments should be called payments not tax refunds. They should not be a big lump sum payment of money paid at one time. They should be divided and distributed throughout the year making a payment right before school starts to purchase school clothes instead of a bass boat for dad or a car.

Calling these tax credits is a lie. Let's own up to the fact that many of the young are working in jobs that don't pay enough to live on. We have a long tradition of hiding from the Truth in America. The tax payers not only pay for welfare we have to subsidize much of the working poor not because they won't work but because the ungodly greedy are getting rich off of their labor. One of the biggest fortunes made in America is Wal-Mart fortune made on tax payer subsidized labor force. The ungodly greedy need to either pay a living wage or have to pay enough taxes to offset all of the government subsidies, for food stamps, housing, medical care of their employees and don't forget the childcare credits.
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2017 09:20 pm
The good news is that the House of Representatives passed the tax overhaul bill and the bad news is that the House passed the tax overhaul bill. The Washington Post using one of Trump's old tax returns calculated Trumps tax cut for him and his relatives at $2.1 billion. Someone has to pay for it and by 2025 60% of the middle class will pay higher taxes than they pay now. Whenever there is a tax cut for those who have the most there is a huge sucking sound as the ungodly greedy bleed the middle class once again. There is no such thing as a free lunch. The House tax bill makes no provisions to cut the cost of government operations. The cost of government does not go down when there is a tax cut. We can not continue to raise the deficit $1.4 trillion so the cost of government has been shifted to the middle class each time the Republicans "cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy." One recent example was that the Trump government refused to pay sales tax on Medicaid in Ohio. The trouble was the sales tax funded the ambulance service in Ohio counties. Property owners were faced with a decision to vote for a property tax levy that would raise their property taxes by nearly $50 a year or do without ambulance service. The funeral homes could take back over but they have a vested financial interest in seeing that you don't make it. This happened in hundreds of different ways when Reagan cut the taxes on the ungodly. Regan tax theory was trickle down economics but in reality what we had was trickle down taxes as many state and local taxes were raised to replace the lost federal revenue.

The tax cuts for corporations are permanent but the individual tax cuts are only temporary but the elimination of the tax deductions is permanent so when the tax cuts expire you will not have the tax deductions to fall back on. When the tax cuts on the middle class expire the country will be in such bad shape with an over a $20 trillion deficit that the Republicans will flip yet again declaring that the deficit is the number one problem and they are so sorry but they really had no choice when you reached for your chips they had to cut your hands off at the wrist.

However one deduction that was not eliminated was the 'charitable deduction' and most people think of the Salvation Army or March of Dimes but there are many non profits that qualify for the deduction. The charitable deduction is the very reason that there is a tax cut being debated today. Many of the ungodly greedy contribute up to a $100 million a year to non profit political organization which qualify for the charitable deduction when they have absolutely nothing to do with charity and everything to do with push political ideology like tax cuts for the ungodly rich. This deduction was never ever intended to be used this way. The "charitable deduction' needs to be completely eliminated or all of the loopholes need to be tightened up to stop the abuses. You should not be able to deduct money used to recruits people into cults whether Muslim or Christian. If you want to use your money that way fine but use your money not government money.
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Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2017 09:45 pm
The White House is attacking Al Franken for his admitted sexual assault of a model many years ago. The press asked Huckabee-Sanders how they could attack Franken when Trump had done far worse? She explained that Franken had admitted it. We all know that in some circles Trump is called: "old grab em by the Pu*** Trump." Trump not only admitted it but he bragged about doing it. The red neck right media has been trying to turn the allegations of sexual misconduct in to S*** Storm for several weeks now and it looks like it has returned like a boomerang. The focus is now back on Trump and all the women he sexually assaulted. The question being asked is that all the other men guilt of sexual assault have been ruined and had to step down why should Trump be the only one that gets away with it?

Trump was quick to jump on Franken on Twitter but did not jump on Chester the Molester, (Judge Roy Moore) who crimes were far worse because they involved children. When one of the girls turned Moore down he went to her school the next day and had her pulled out of class and asked her again. Can you believe the nerve of a child molester to go to the child school and have her pulled out of class. Most child molester would be in seventh heaven if they had the power to go to the children's school and just pull them out of class. Trump when he wasn't avoiding question about judge Moore sais that it was up to the voters in Alabama so in other words if they vote for a child molester that take care of it. After all Trump is a child molester and when he got elected that cleared him in his mind.

On NBC Evening New Thursday they showed Chester the Molester meeting with several Christian right preachers and one of the preachers went into the hall screaming at the press that they were sick for reporting the truth. How could they take the word of all of the women over a good man like judge Moore. If this situation was reversed and it was a democratic senator being accused by several women these same Christian right bigots would get their pitch forks and start the fire burning before the stake was even in place. The women's word would never be questioned. If anyone asked the 53 preachers in that room if they were in favor of child molestation? To a man every one of them would be insulted. If you asked the preachers if child molester are good roll models they would all say no. Then ask them if a Senator is a roll model for youngsters? You can't say one thing and then do another or can you? The red neck right pastor was right someone in that hallway was sick but it wasn't the press. Judge Moore is a hero to the Christian right because he refused to remove the statue of the 10 commandments from the courthouse. John Gacy was a community leader but he was also a serial killer also, should we overlook the 26 bodies under his house and elect him to the senate?
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Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2017 09:52 pm
Now Trump says that the Senate can drop the provision of the tax cut that eliminates the individual mandate. It seems that Trump thinks repealing that provision of Obamacare might keep the tax cut bill from passing. Taking insurance coverage from 13 million poor Americans to give the richest people in America, the lions share of corporations are owned by the richest 1%, a 43% tax cut. Cutting corporate taxes from 35% to 20% is a 43% cut in their taxes. This was to be "tax reform" making taxes simpler but no tax deductions are being taking from the corporations. Businesses still get to deducts their property tax and state and local taxes but not individuals. The idea behind the tax bill was to cut the taxes but eliminate deductions so that the amount of taxes paid would remain the same.

If they want simplify the tax code than eliminate all tax deductions for businesses and make them pay that flat 20%. The tax code could be written on one piece of paper that would be really simple but there is not a business in America that would take that deal because they are already paying less. They give lip service to tax simplification but they have no intention of doing that. However they will simplify the individual taxes by taking away the deductions which will substantially raise the individuals taxes that itemize deductions.

How will the 43% tax cuts for billionaires be paid for? By massive cuts to social security, Medicare and Medicaid. As soon as the tax cuts are enacted and the $1.5 trillion is added to a $20 trillion deficit the conservatives will be running around crying the sky is falling and if we don't make massive cuts America will go under. Remember Reagan massive cuts to the ungodly greedy had to be paid for by raising social security five time in Regan term in office and in addition those cuts resulted in tripling the National debt. This tax cut comes at an extremely critical time for social security. The social security $2.79 trillion trust fund went out the door in tax cuts to the ungodly greedy and now that $2.79 trillion will be needed just to pay the social security of the baby boomers. Since Reagan spent the money that money will have to be paid back by the general fund. Up until now social security taxes have paid social security and saved an addition $2.79 trillion but now social security is paying out more than it is taking in and the trust fund will be needed just to pay social security. The conservatives battle cry is to cut the hell out of social security and use the $2.79 trillion social security trust for tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.

The conservatives are fond of saying you can't borrow your way to prosperity but this is exactly what they are doing they are borrowing the $1.5 trillion for the tax cut for the ungodly greedy saying it will result in prosperity. The conservatives have no problem with borrowing massive amounts of money as long as they can give it to ungodly greedy.
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Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2017 09:31 pm
The question in many people's mind is whether Trump will be impeached but I don't think the question is if so much as it is when. The democrats want to make it past the mid term elections before Trump is impeached because of the damage that Trump is doing to the republican brand plus if the democrats take back a majority in the senate and House in the midterm elections they will control the impeachment hearings. What will happen Trump when he is impeached? Can he pardon himself while he is still president? What about all the crimes Trump committed before he was President?

"A president cannot pardon himself from impeachment and if ousted by the Senate, he immediately sheds the protection of presidential immunity and becomes subject to arrest, prosecution, trial, and convictions under state or federal criminal law. By a separate vote the Senate can bar a convicted president from holding any further federal office. Otherwise an impeached president, if constitutionally eligible , could run again for the White House. A president can run again if he was not elected twice or if elected once he did not serve for more than two years as an unelected president.

From the book: "The Case for Impeachment" by Allan J. Lichtman

Lichtman is professor of History at American University and he seems to have the impeachment procedure down. The most important thing about the above paragraph is just because Trump became president it will not protect him from punishment for his past crimes. There will be far more crimes in Trumps past than in the present even though the impeachment trial will attract far more attention but it will be the crimes in Trump's past that will end up putting Trump in jail impeachment just puts him out of office. Just the other day one of the Trump branded buildings in Panama was found to be a major money laundering operation and many of the worlds most notorious criminals had condos at Trump's building. Trump claims he sold the Trump name only and had no knowledge that it was a major criminal enterprise of course Trump was being paid millions. The more rocks Muller turns over the more likely he is to find Trump staring back at him.
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Reply Tue 21 Nov, 2017 09:26 pm
It seems Trump has solved the child molestation problem by giving them a prestigious job in Washington. If you think about it would get them out of town. Judge Roy Moore would no longer be trolling the local mall looking for teenyboppers. Child molesters have a common interest and like other people that have common interests they are drawn together by this common interest since Trump is already there Judge Roy Moore and him will have a lot in common.

Prison inmates have more morals than most Christian preachers in Alabama. The most hated criminals in the prison system are child molesters they are often beaten or killed because many inmates were victims of child molestation. I wonder if the Christian Preacher were in jail how they would feel about child molesters.

Trump had no problem going after Al Franken and Franken's case the victim was an adult not a child and Franken did not try to lie his way out of it he admitted that he posed for the picture and apologized for his actions something neither Trump or Moore has done. Like all other criminal offensives some are much more serious than others. Kissing an adult woman against her will is not near as serious as molesting a child. If the statue of limitations had not run out on Judge Roy More and he was convicted of a taking a 14 year old girl to his house and striping her and feeling her up and down he would be facing serious jail time. On the other hand Franken would not likely even be arrested for kissing the model. After all it wasn't like he grabbed her Pu*** like Trump bragged about doing. The red neck right media is trying to make the public believe that child molestation and stealing a kiss are the same crime. When was the last time you heard that someone was arrested for stealing a kiss at least from an adult. There is no doubt Franken was wrong but it hardly rises to the level of a crime. If Judge Moore was caught he would have served serious time and be on the sex offender list today.

One of the red neck right preachers defending Judge More said that More was only looking for a "pure" female and we all know that as females age they are fare from pure. Than the preacher wanted to cover all the bases and said since Moore served in Vietnam and all the pure girls his age were already married when he returned home leaving him with no choice but to go aver 14 year olds. The preacher saw nothing at all wrong with molesting children as long as you asked her parents first. After all God's law is superior to man's law.
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Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2017 10:27 pm
Judge Roy Moore keeps asking why the allegations against him are coming out only four months before the election? Someone would have to be from the moon to not know what is going on in America for the last few weeks. Why now? The technology has changed at one time a woman could tell a few friends but if she told the news paper that a senator had cupped her butt the news paper would ignore her story because there was no way for them to independently verify her allegation. Newspapers would have a hard time finding other victims which would give credence to their stories. It is not impossible to find other victims as in the case of Judge Roy Moore who molested children in a small town. Most people live within a few miles of where they grew up. When Twitter came along it gave a way for the victims to connect with each other and share their stories.

When Harvey Weinstein was outed by famous actresses in Hollywood the red neck right media had a feeding frenzy hoping to paint sexual harassment as a "liberal problem." They should have known that sexually harassment is not dependent on political affiliation it crosses all types of philosophy even preachers are know to molest children. The Weinstein incidents gave birth to the "me too" hashtag on Twitter where women began to share their stories of sexual harassment. There is safety in numbers and the stories of other women gave strength to others. Women have been taught that if they are being sexual harassed it is at least partially their fault, the way they dress, the way they look, or that they led the man on. They were also ashamed that it had happened and would not want others to know that a man had taken advantage of them. This is common in other crimes also as the victim of a con doesn't want others to know they were taken advantage of. Older people especially are not likely to report scams because they fear their children will take control of their finances. That is all changing before our eyes now as women are speaking to power and demanding respect.
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Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2017 09:58 pm
Donald Trump Jr is daring the Feds to "keep coming at me." I think he is going to get his wish. For someone who held a well documented meeting with the Russians at Trump Towers during the election and then lied about the subject of the meeting and now we are learning he was working with WikiLeaks that had possession of the emails stolen by the Russians. Trump Jr is in it up to his eyeballs. This is much like daring a pit bull to bite you. Trump and Trump Jr have walked on thin ice for so long they now believe they can walk on water.

There are signs that General Michael Flynn is starting to cooperate. There is no doubt he faces extensive criminal liability along with his son. General Flynn does not want his son to go jail over things that he got him involved in. Defense attorneys of defendants facing investigation usually share information. Flynn lawyers have notified the lawyers of other defendants being investigated in the White House that they will no longer share any information with the other defendants attorneys. This is the signal that Flynn is no cooperating with the special prosecutor, Mueller. Flynn is a key player because he was communicating with the Russians before Trump took office telling the Russians that Trump would pull the sanctions on Russia as soon as he took office. That didn't happen because Congress kept Trump from pulling the sanctions. Pulling the sanctions would be quid pro quo for Russia held during the election. Getting insiders to cooperate is the key to breaking a conspiracy.

Just keep waving that red cover in front of that bull Donald Jr. I believe I can hear that thin ice cracking even from here.
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Reply Fri 24 Nov, 2017 09:19 pm
When you look back at the presidents who have been impeached most share the same character traits with Trump. Both Nixon and Andrew Johnson were pugnacious, overbearing with an in your face attitude. Andrew Johnson was chosen by Lincoln for his vice president during his second term. Lincoln was a republican while Johnson was a democrat. Lincoln was from a northern state while Johnson was from a confederate state. The choice was made to repair damage done by the Civil War. When Lincoln was killed Johnson from Tennessee now took control of the presidency and had no intention of complying with the reconstruction laws Congress was passing. Johnson had the same in your face attitude that he was above the law and would do as pleased. He was the law unto himself. we are watching history repeating itself.

Long after Nixon was impeached he admitted a deep admiration for Donald Trump. Both Nixon and Trump share a compulsion to deflect blame and they are both riddled with insecurities. Trump fired the FBI Director because he would not drop the investigation into Flynn. Nixon fired the special prosecutor because he would not stop the investigation into the Nixon administration.

"If you cover up you're going to get caught. And if you lie you're going to be guilty of perjury."

Richard Nixon referring to his prosecution of Alger Hiss

"Donald Trump exhibits the same tendencies that led Nixon to violate the most basic standards of morality and threaten the foundation of our democracy."

From the book "The Case for Impeachment' by Allan J. Lichtman
The key trait in all these men that led to their impeachment is a lack of self awareness.
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Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2017 09:09 pm
History repeats itself for one key reason human nature repeats itself. Presidents that are impeached share a winning at all costs philosophy. Nixon interfered with the Vietnam peace negotiations promising the Vietcong better terms after he was elected if they would stall negotiations. Nixon believed if a peace was negotiated before he was elected that he might lose the election. By stalling the negotiation many more Americans boys were killed in Vietnam than would have if Nixon had not interfered. By doing this Nixon was committing treason and breaking the Logan Act.

"This is treason ....that they're contacting a foreign power in the middle of a war."


"Nixon at worst committed treason and at the best violated federal law. The Logan Act of 1799 forbids unauthorized citizens from contacting "any foreign government or any officer or "agent" thereof with the intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government."

From the book "The Case for Impeachment"

Nixon won the 1968 election taking 31.8 percent of the popular vote while Humphrey got 31.3 percent of the popular vote but Nixon won the electoral college by a wide margin.

The Trump campaign has violated the Logan Act several times in contacting and working with the Russians and other foreign agents. Trump attitude of win at any cost justifies any violation of any law. Trump believed like Nixon that once he was elected he was elected king and he could make any investigation go away. Trump is skating on thin ice and you can hear it cracking for 100s of miles.
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Reply Sun 26 Nov, 2017 09:25 pm
The more I look at the parallels between Trump and Nixon I have to wonder whether Trump is Nixon illegitimate son. I did not pay much attention to politics when Nixon was president. I did not even register to vote until after Nixon was impeached. So much of the Nixon material in "The Case for Impeachment" is new to me.

"Our real game plan {is} making our own point in our own time and in our own way that the press is liberal, Democratic and biased."


This quote could have come directly from Trump or his administration but it didn't it was from the Nixon administration. Nixon said, The press was the enemy "enemies," understand that..." Not only did Nixon believe that the press was the enemy he treated them that way, as if they were the enemy. Some of the press was actually wire taped. We know that Trump also hates the press and would take their license if he thought he could get away with it.

Nixon also didn't trust people with an education and put a one year ban on anyone with an Ivy League education. Trump has also avoided Ivy League professors with few exceptions.

I don't think I heard the "liberal media" term until much later but Nixon had made a straw man out of the media nearly 50 years ago. There are so many similarities it seems unlikely they are purely chance. I have to wonder whether Trump studied the Nixon playbook. The trouble he may have taken too much to heart.
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Reply Mon 27 Nov, 2017 09:14 pm
Will the real "fake news" please stand up. How do you discredit a news outlet? One sure way is to deliberately plant false stories in a news paper. What if you could get a woman involved in the Judge Roy Moore campaign to go to The Washington Post and claim she had an affair with Moore when she was 15 and not only did she have an affair but she got pregnant and Moore drove her across state lines to get an abortion. Sounds too good to be true? When the Post fact checked her story they found it to be false. The woman, Jamie Philips, was seen going into a red neck right business, Project Veritas, that specializes in planting false news stories in the main stream media and the saying look the main stream media is publishing false stories.

Why would they go to all of this trouble? Because if even one story about Moore molesting children printed in the Post was shown to be false it would hurt the credibility the accusers who told the truth. The fact that the Moore campaign needed to create an accuser that they could show lied says more about his guilt than all of his accusers combined.

Something has to be done about the deliberate planting of lies in the media. It should be a felony to knowingly plant lies with the intention of political gain. For most of the first couple centuries in America the primary source of news was the local news paper but now we are swimming in a sea of media much of it founded by political operatives who have no intention of reporting news. The tail is wagging the dog and it is time to take the bull by the horns. The right to free speech doesn't include the right to use false information to advance your political agenda. Civil suits for slander take a lot of time and they are expensive. The expense should not be born by the victims. Criminal prosecution is swift and the state bares the expense. If these political operatives knew that using false information as a weapon would result in criminal prosecution and jail time we would see a big difference overnight. Truthful information is absolutely vital to our democracy.
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Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2017 09:33 pm
The offences necessary to impeach a president are not limited to those committed while in office. A president can be impeached for criminal actions that took place before he took the office. Trump has broken more laws than most career criminals the difference was his money and access to high powered attorneys. We all watched as OJ walked away from a murder and the prosecution had everything but film of the killings. OJ dream team of lawyers outclassed the prosecution team.

The Trump University scam was one of the biggest and most profitable scams in America. It targeted the poorly educated and the elderly taking them for up to $50,000. The Trump scam said they were selling the Trump real estate secrets that made him rich but when Trump was on the stand under oath he had to admit that his real estate secrets were in his two books.
"The allegations against Trump's bogus "university" were serious enough to justify a federal class action lawsuit, charging that Trump violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) an act usually directed against organized crime."

from the book "The Case for Impeachment"
The defendants prevailed in that lawsuit Trump paid $25 million to settle that lawsuit. The state of New York forced Trump to stop using the word "university" for his scam a violation of yet another law.

Trump says he is against illegal aliens taking American jobs but what he says and what he does are two completely different things. When Trump Tower was built Trump hired illegal polish immigrants to tear the building down that was on the site. Trump cheated the immigrants and formed a bogus company to hide his direct involvement. He kept them in court for 15 years before settling the lawsuit against him. But it is the Trump modeling agency that use illegal immigrants so he can cheat them. The Trump modeling agency grabs them fresh off the bus and houses them for $1600 a month in dormitory with 5 other women. Trump charges them for a long string of other things like make up. One model who appeared on the "Apprentice" only three times only made $8,000 in three years after Trump deducted "expenses." The model was an illegal alien from Canada and did not have a work permit. Reminds me of the coal mines in the last century and the company store. The miners lived in company housing and bought everything at the company store. They were paid in company script and the famous line was lord don't take me because I owe my soul to company store. Let Trump say he wants what's best for the workingman but we know he is lying through his teeth.
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Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2017 09:38 pm
Of all the crimes Trump has committed sexual assault is what he has admitted to but now he is saying the Access Hollywood tapes were altered and he did not say that he was grabbing pu*** . There is absolutely no doubt that Trump committed sexual assault on several different women. How do we know he did he proudly bragged about doing it. Trump of course was gleefully tweeting about Matt Lauer being fired for sexual harassment but you will note that Lauer is not being accused of sexual assault like Trump bragged about doing. As bad as sexual harassment it is not nearly as bad as sexual assault. Trump gets a grin on his face like the Cheshire cat, you know the one the sh** eating grin, every time one of these powerful men is destroyed by their past mistakes. Trump believes he has got away scot free for sexually assaulting all those women but with the mood in the country today If I was Trump I would be listening for foot steps especially those in high heels. Trump they are coming for you too. These sexual assaults are impeachable offences.

If you had real power what would you do with it? Use the power to gain fame? Use the power to get rich? Or use the power to molest women. You can only have so much money before it gets boring. You can only have so much fame before it gets old but man's apatite for sex is unbounded. It is our species second greatest drive right behind our drive to survive so it is no surprise that we find so many men who have sexually harassed so many women for so long. It is also about dominance. Someone in a position of power sees themselves as the alpha dog and feels absolutely entitled to the sexual favors of women in their harem. When surveys are taken they have found we all see ourselves as better drivers, better lovers, better looking and more desirable. These men when caught simply can't believe their victims don't share their self serving fantasy image of themselves. These men really believe they are the most desirable men on earth and are startled to find that the women are not flattered by their attention.

We can't all be above average drivers, we can't all be above average in our looks, we all can't be above average lovers but what we can have is our illusions. We all live in our own little world but power more than anything else distorts one's self image. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
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