The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2017 10:41 pm
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho and the walls came tumbling down and that is what we are witnessing today. The walls began to crack when Roger Ailes was fired for being a sexual predator. The head of Fox News bit the dust. The next crack in the wall came when Bill O'Reilly was fired from Fox News for being a sexual predator. But the walls came tumbling down when Harvey Weinstein was made the worst villain since Hitler. After the wall was breached there was no safe place any where for sexual predators in America. That wall had long protected sexual predators like Trump. The "me too" hash tag finished flattening the rest of wall and the sexual predators stand naked and alone with no protection. For so long society protected these men and just turned a blind eye but you can pretend you don't see for only so long.

Nature has two types of reproduction. One type is producing hundreds of offspring like fish and hope a few survive to be adults the other is to invest a whole lot of time into a relative few offspring like a bear. As humans we believe that we can make laws that override our very nature. Men produce millions of sperm and with a little work can sire a large number of offspring so men are type one. Women can only produce one egg cell a month so they are type two and invest most of their time on a relative few offspring. Society has tried for thousands of years to change men's nature with some limited success but nature is hard to change. Men always have a really hard trying to avoid watching an attractive female walk buy even when they are with their wives. It is almost an impulse with men and it is one thing that causes a lot of fight between married couples.

Men in power have a chance to indulge their sexual nature because of their position. Matt Lauer surprised me because he didn't seem to have that bullying type of personality. Matt studied journalism at our local university. I think how it starts is in the beginning these men are approached by females who are trying to climb the latter and our willing to do sexual favors in return for help with their career. That might offend some but the fact is some women do use men to get ahead they may be in the minority but they are still there. The problem is there are not enough of these women to satisfy the men in power. So now it becomes a carrot and stick approach. The man has tasted his power and wants more but the other women are not into trading their virtue for promotions. The next logical step is to use the stick to get what you want. If you don't have sex with me you will never work in this town again. A good word from someone in power can launch a career and a bad word can wreck it. "The eyes of men are never full." When you have power it is easy to revert to your base nature.

The eyes being full is one thing but it is the hands being full causes problems. I think we are just seeing the tip of the ice burg and I believe we will see many more men in power fall. This problem has probably improved some over the last 60 years or so as it use to be that the owner of a business would tell a single woman working for him that if she didn't sleep with him she would be fired, it is a little more subtle now. Change comes slowly and now the women will be the powerful ones telling men in power if you don't put in a good word for me I will report you for sexual harassment.
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Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2017 09:13 pm
"But let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an every flowing stream."

Amos 5:24

Posted on Twitter and Instagram by former FBI Director James Comey after Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI

Trump canceled a scheduled appearance before the press after Flynn guilty plea. As Flynn came out of the federal courthouse the crowd was yelling, "lock him up." Flynn you might remember coined the phrase and led the cheers at the Republican National Convention, "lock her up" in reference to Hillary Clinton. Trump and Flynn barnstormed America during the campaign gleefully chanting "lock her up." It seems things have come full circle and the right people are now being locked up.

Flynn under his guilty plea has agreed to sing like a canary and if he doesn't the deal is off and he will face far more serious charges. No one was closer to Trump during the campaign then Flynn who was with him most of the time. Look for Trump to pull a Nixon and resign and say "I am not a crook "as he rides out of sight.

It has also recently come to light that Trump actively applied pressure to stop the congressional investigation into Trump connection with Russia. This was clearly obstruction of justice just as it was when he ask Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn. The Republican congressmen dismissed Trump's actions as a businessman who was totally ignorant of the law however ignorance of a law is not a defense.

The tipping point on Trump may have finally been reached at the Whitehouse Christmas lighting ceremony, which usually draws a huge crowd, there were lots of vacant seats. Americans are finally beginning to see who Trump really is.
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Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2017 09:41 pm
Conservatives who have turned a deaf ear to hundreds of obvious Trump lies have suddenly became outraged when ABC News anchor said on air that Trump directed Michael Flynn to call the Russian. What actually happened? Trump directed Michael Flynn to call the Russians. So where is the rub? Ross identified Trump in the on air story as candidate Trump when at that point Trump was president elect Trump. A very small detail it was still Trump directing Flynn to call the Russians. So Flynn did not act on his own or from orders from Trump's subordinates. In fact the call to Russians is indeed far worse when Trump was president elect. This puts Trump in violation of the Logan Act. No matter what the conservatives want to believe the FBI has the actual tape of Flynn making promises to Russians about Trump removing the sanctions put in place by Obama as soon as Trump was inaugurated president. When someone contracts to have someone killed the money is not all paid upfront say $10,000 and $10,000 when the job is done. The Russians were anxiously awaiting their pay off for getting Trump elected when Obama but even more sanctions on Russia, expelled their spies, and closed down their spy centers. The Russians were absolutely livid and Trump and company were well aware of that. They had to reassure the Russians the fix was still on and they would be well paid for their help. It does not make any difference whether this call was made when Trump was a candidate or when he was president elect it is a violation of the Logan Act and it is and should be an impeachable offence. America cannot have two presidents at a time with one telling foreign countries they can't do this and another telling them yes you can.

No one that looks at the evidence can deny that the Russians interfered with the presidential election what is in dispute is did the Russian participation change the outcome. This election took place while the way in which many Americans get their news is was a state of flux. The traditional news sources of the older generations such as news papers, television, radio, and magazines were being replaced by internet sourced news sources who we have found out could come from any part of the world and be camouflaged to look as if they had come from American based groups. These sources were not news stories but paid political miss information ads that could be Tweeted and Retweeted. In fact the Russian misinformation ads were Retweeted by Trump and family. We all know that political ads are extremely effective and $100s of millions are spent on them each election cycle. News stories are considered a far better source of information about political candidates so Russian political ads camouflaged as news stories were extremely effective in the past election cycle. So many people believe that if they saw it in print it has to be true. That has never been more untrue in any point in history. Hillary won the popular vote by over 3 million votes did the Russian interference change the outcome? I have no doubt.

America can't not have two presidents at one time
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Reply Sun 3 Dec, 2017 10:16 pm
Does anyone believe that Trump's lawyer is responsible for Trump's tweet about Flynn being fired for lying to the FBI? It is quite obvious from looking at Trump's tweets that no lawyer would tell such outrageous lies. It is very obvious that the lawyer is covering for Trump's obstruction of justice. If Trump knew that Flynn was being investigated for lying to the FBI and then tells Comey to drop the investigation of Flynn it is clearly obstruction of justice. At the time Trump claimed that he had fired Flynn for lying to the Vice President which is not a crime. Trump's lawyer knows now that Trump's Twitter account will hang him and wants to put some plausible deniability on the Trump's Twitter account when Trump makes tweets that will hang him, they will say never mind there are others making tweets on his accounts. Trump would like to appear to switch sides so he can say look I fired him for lying to the FBI in the first place.

Trump not only got the nomination for president from the Republican National Convention he also got the nomination for president from the Russian Communist Convention in Russia. Putin and the other communists was scared to death of Hillary because she stood toe to toe with Putin. We are just now learning how committed Putin was to making sure Trump got elected. The NRA it seems is very active in Russia pushing for gun rights to open up a new market in Russia so the NRA tried to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin before the election. The Russian also approached the Trump campaign through the Christian right in America not to mention Donald Trump Jr. These latest Russian connections to Trump were just made public.


"A May 2016 email to the campaign advisor, Rick Dearborn, bore the subject line "Kremlin Connection" In it the NRA member said he wanted the advice of Mr. Dearborn and Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, then a foreign policy advisor to Mr. Trump and Mr. Dearborn's longtime boss, about how to proceed in connecting the two leaders."

From an internet article entitled: "Operative Offered Trump Campaign 'Kremlin Connection' Using NRA Ties" from the New York Times


The NRA is not your friend however they will hook up Trump to Putin it is just good business when you are selling death. I knew there was a reason Trump's hat was always red.
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Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2017 09:37 pm
They laid a trap for Trump and the dotard walked right into it. The trouble with many of the sexual assault charges leveled against Trump and Bill Cosby is that many were old enough that they were past the statute of limitations. How do you make the cases actionable in court? Simple.

"False stories. All made up. Lies, Lies. No Witnesses. No Nothing. All big lies."

Trump at a rally.

By declaring that his accusers are liars Trump has opened himself up to a lawsuit for defamation of character where he can be compelled to testify under oath and evidence can be subpoenaed. If Trump testifies under oath and lies he will be guilty of perjury and can be impeached like Bill Clinton. If he does not lie and admits that he sexually assaulted the victims he can be impeached on those charges also. Trump has already testified on tape that he normally sexually assaulted women on a regular bases. We have the women saying Trump sexual assaulted them. That would be an open and shut case.

The case against Trump is winding its way through court system. Trump's lawyers are trying to get it dismissed because he is president but there is a precedence that it not be dismissed and that is the case against Bill Clinton. There may be one witness to testify that even Trump can't lie against. Summer Zervos, the woman suing Trump was a contestant on the Apprentice and there were six cameras rolling all the time from all different angles. The problems is that nobody seems to know where the out takes from the Apprentice are. It is very likely there is film of Trump doing what he does best sexually assaulting women. Trump should have just said no comment instead defaming the women's character after sexually assaulting them. Somebody need to tell Trump that just because you can stick your hand up a woman's skirt doesn't mean she let you do it.
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Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2017 09:41 pm
When trump lies is easy to tell if he is lying, if his mouth is moving he is lying. But there are other ways to tell also. Just look at the statement Trump made to refute the allegations of the dozen women who have accused him of molesting them.

"False stories. All Made up. Lies, lies. No Witnesses. No nothing. All big lies.

Trump at a political rally.


What bothers you about Trump's lies? What gives him away? If the women are making up the stories about being molested by Trump why would Trump say there are no witnesses? If the women's stories were lies you would not even think about there being witnesses. But if Trump had actually molested the women and been very careful to make sure that there were no witnesses he would assert that as a defense. Trump would believe as most other sexual predators that if you are alone with a woman then it will always be her word against yours and if you are rich and powerful you can threaten to sue the woman if she goes public or reports you to police. The rich use threats of lawsuits and actual lawsuits as a means to intimidate others.

Sexual predators have a big advantage over other criminals. if nine witnesses came forward and said that they saw Judge Roy Moore rob beat his wife in the middle of the street the jury convict him so fast it would make his head spin. No one would even try to question their integrity. Why? Because of the number of women telling the same story. It is only when it comes to being sexually assaulted by a man in power that a number of women telling the same story that suddenly the women are not believable. If the same women reported a hit and run no one would question them. Trump says Judge Roy Moore says he didn't do it. If you go to any prison all the inmates that have convicted sexual predators will tell you they are innocent also. Should we turn them lose on their word? Trump seems to believe that the word of sexual predators is much better than other criminals. In court of law or of public opinion numbers count and if a dozen women accuse Trump of molesting them and Trump alone says he didn't it is most likely that Trump indeed did molest the women.

It clear that women who report sexual assault are indeed second class citizens and are treated that way. But there is something else enters into this equation and it is societies tolerance of sexual predators in general. Society generally tolerated a man grabbing a woman's pus** as long as it was in private. It was much like rape in previous generation the women were assumed to be complicit in some way, the way she dressed, the way she acted. She is just supposed to grin and bare it and avoid being alone with the same man in the future. You never see a case where a man is prosecuted for grabbing a woman's pu***. There may have been a case or two but at the time I worked at the Police department I do not recall a single prosecution. So society in general does not take sexual assault short of rape seriously and sexual predators like Trump take advantage of the situation.
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Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2017 09:20 pm
The dotard claims Time magazine called him and told he would "probably" be their person of the year but he turned them down because they could not guarantee him that he would get it. At the time Trump told this lie it sounded like a typical Trump lie. Time magazine denied that they told Trump he would get the Time magazine cover. Now we know for sure because a Time magazine representative on NBC's Today Show revealed who actually got the magazine's cover and it was the women of the "me too" movement. When asked about the Trump lie he said the choice had already been made at the time Trump was telling his lie. Not only did Trump not get the cover but in effect the women that accused him of sexual assault got the cover. They could only get the picture of a few of the thousands of women who have accused powerful men of sexual assault on the cover but we all know that the group of women who were awarded the Time magazine cover also encompasses the women who accused Trump.

As Trump watches as other powerful men end up paying the price for their sexual assaults Trump believes that winning the election has made him exempt from any repercussions. But the women are like a freight train coming down the track an as each new allegation is found to be true the women in general gains credibility. Trump like Nixon believes he is above the law and in fact now believes he is the law and is untouchable but Trump needs to keep looking over his shoulder that train is gaining on him daily.
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Reply Thu 7 Dec, 2017 10:11 pm
The first bill to formerly impeach Trump was introduced to the full House yesterday. The vote on impeachment is a privileged resolution. The first attempt to impeach Trump was tabled but 58 members voted for the resolution. Being tabled means that the resolution can be bought back for a vote at any time.

The arguments about whether man is causing damage to the environment or not is much like the argument over whether cigarettes caused lung cancer or not. The science overwhelmingly proved that cigarettes did indeed cause lung cancer but the billions spent by the cigarette companies convinced many in the public that cigarettes did not cause lung cancer. The cigarette companies won in the court of public opinion they convinced many who died a painful death. One need only watch a cigarette smoker with lung cancer cough and rupture something in their lungs and bleed out in a the parking lot to convince you not to smoke. We are at the same place today with environmental science the scientist are of one opinion but the oil and coal companies are doing the same thing the cigarette companies did in fact they are using the same law firms as the cigarette companies. "The consensus that humans are causing recent global warming is shared by 90% -100% of published climate scientists according to six independent studies." Contrast that with what Trump says. "the concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non- competitive.

Impeachment may not be Trump biggest problem since experts believe that Trump's gutting of the EPA and environmental protection regulations makes him subject to be tried for crimes against humanity in the International Criminal Court. Trump and the people he appointed to run the Environmental Protection Agency are very obviously in the pockets of the oil and coal companies. While the United States is not one of the 80 countries that is part of the International Criminal Court a ruling by that body would add a grounds for impeachment. "The International Criminal Court has recently announced that it will give priority attention to "crimes against the environment" that threatens people's well-being"
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Reply Fri 8 Dec, 2017 09:33 pm
The real truth about the Republican tax plan has finally come out and the Republicans plan to screw the working class anyone making less than $86,000 a year will find themselves worse off according the Tax Policy Center a non-partisan think tank. Tax cuts do not take place in a vacuum it is like throwing a rock into a pond the tax cut will cause ripples through out the system. The Tea Party was founded on the principal that the Nation's deficit was the number one problem facing the country today. The Tea Partiers swept into office on the promise that they would do something about deficit but they are the very ones voting to increase the National Debt by $1.5 trillion to cut taxes on corporation in half when corporations are raking in record profits.

The best estimates say that at least $1 trillion of the Republican tax cut will have to be paid for by cutting other programs or raising other taxes. It is unlikely the Republicans will raise one penny of taxes on the their rich donors so that only leaves the middle class. The Republicans have decided how they are going to pay for their $1.5 trillion tax cut. They are going to make cuts to social security, Medicare and Medicaid. Wait this is like getting exactly what they asked for, for Christmas. The Republicans have been trying for years to make massive cuts to social security, Medicare and Medicaid and when they found out that the majority of voters were against the cuts. The Republicans decided the only way they would be able to cut those popular programs was to bankrupt or almost bankrupt the country so they would have absolutely no choice but to cut those programs. This is what they have wanted all along at a time when business are making record profits and the baby boomers retiring they will give a trillion dollars to businesses who are rolling in excess profits and slay social security at the same time. What we are seeing is a huge transfer of wealth to the ungodly greedy and robbing the social security system to do it.
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Reply Sat 9 Dec, 2017 09:37 pm
"In 2013, when Trump held the Miss Universe pageant, which he co-owned, in Moscow he tweeted. Do you think Putin will be my new best friend?"

from the book: "The Case for Impeachment"

It looks like Trump got his wish. Can you imagine how many billions Trump's new best friend spent to get him elected? Trump wanted to be best friends with Putin in 2013 and that continues to this day. It is as if Putin where a rock star and Trump a teenage girl. We have never had a president that is so enamored with a Russian leader than Trump. It is surprising that Trump's nationalist followers are not bothered by Trump courting Russia. They claim that they have the nation's best interest in mind.

Just as Hitler moved his army into Poland and no one stopped him Putin is quietly rolling the Russian army into the Ukraine. Putin rolled over 200 pieces of heavy military equipment into the Ukraine a couple weeks ago and America said nothing. The record shows that Putin has been grooming Trump to be the American president for at least 5 years. History does indeed repeat itself and if you replace that headline today with Putin rolling military equipment unopposed into Poland you would have the same situation.

Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort was more involved Ukraine's politics than most people living in the Ukraine. Of course Manafort never registered as an agent for a foreign government because this allowed him to hide the millions he was being paid by the Russians. If he had been registered as required by law he would have had to report the millions.

Trump denied any and all financial interest in Russia but in 2008 at the Emerging Markets Real Estate conference in in Manhattan: "Russian make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets; say in Dubai and certainly with our project in SoHo and anywhere in New York. We expect to see money pouring in from Russia."
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2017 09:32 pm
It looks like the "me too" movement will now focus on Trump. Three senators have now called for Trump to resign. Citing the fact that the allegations against Trump are far worse then those against Al Franken. The number of women accusing Trump of sexual assault is now up to 17 and no doubt that is just the tip of ice burg. How many women accusing Trump of sexual assault will in take before the red neck right admits that Trump is indeed guilty of sexual assault? Twenty five, fifty, a hundred, two hundred. How about if Trump admits doing it? He already did that and still people don't believe it is true. If there was a serial rapist in your town and when he was caught he bragged how he did it do you think he would not be convicted of rape? One woman's testimony is often enough to send some one to jail on rape charges.

In our society the bar to prove sexual assault is far higher than the bar to prove rape. You don't need 17 women to testify in a rape case most convictions for rape only require the testimony of one woman. In Al Franken's case it only took the testimony of eight women before he resigned. I really don't think there is a magic number of accusers there has to be something else going on. In our society rape is considered a very serious crime because the woman can get pregnant from the rape and the implications could go on for a life time. Sexual assault or the unlawful touching of a woman's private parts is considered far less serious. A woman might be insulted by Trump grabbing her puss* but there are no long term physical consequences. Most women just shake it off and go on. Women of a few generations ago carried a hat pin and a man that crossed a physical got the point quickly that he crossed into her personal territory. In my generation if you crossed that line you got slapped silly. Those things let men know where the line was and if you crossed it everyone with in hearing distance knew what happened. Physical hitting has become unpopular with the current generation but this left a generation of women with no way to retaliate they simply bottled up their anger and suffered in silence. Now the bottled up anger is coming out as the "me too" movement.

Sexual assault as rule dose not happen in public. The men that will sexually assault a woman try to get her alone if possible they don't want witnesses even if they have to wait on your wife to go upstairs. We would all ideally like to see proof but there is not likely to be film of the assault. It we have 17 witnesses telling one story and one telling an opposite story we usually believe the 17. But Trump will always stand before us and say who are you going to believe me or your lying eyes.
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Reply Mon 11 Dec, 2017 10:40 pm
It was very evident in today's White House briefing that the White House press sectary, Sarah Huckabee, has been spending way too much time around Trump. When Huckabee came under pressure to explain Trump's sexual assaults of women and she took a play right out of Trump's play book, backed into a corner she lied. This is Trump's favorite technique when confronted with facts is to just lie that will at least muddy the water.


"In response White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the Trump administration would be putting out "multi reports" of eye witness accounts refuting the allegations"

Sarah Huckabee

I have done my share of investigations and when you are preparing a case to put somebody in jail you often end up with witnesses who are not telling the same story. At that point you have to decide who is lying. Often you simply need to see if it passes the smell test. In other words if the story defies common sense that makes it easy to see who is telling the truth. The old story is if a dog bites man it is not a story but if a man bites a dog it is a story. If you were on a plane and you could see a man molesting a woman you would notice it but you would not say look over there is a middle age fat man with orange hair not molesting a woman. Our eyes and our attention is drawn to action because our ancestors need that skill to survive. An animal coming out of the bush might be the last thing they saw. Our eyes work as a warning system but will not notice the ordinary. That is why Trump's multi witnesses don't exist. But Trump likes to put the lie forward and hope the public forgets it and will not notice when he never puts up his "proof." He did that with his tax returns and now says the public is not interested. He did that with his wife's immigration papers we have never seen them and never will because they don't exist.

Trump did find a child molester who would testify to anything that Trump made up. The child molester's story was that the business woman on the plane was molesting Trump because she wanted to marry him. How many women molest men on a plane? on the other hand Trump brags about molesting women who is more believable? Trump thinks he can defy common sense.
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Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2017 09:42 pm
I will be really surprised if Jones beats Judge Roy Moore in Alabama. The Christian right really believe when it bleeds it breeds and any girl over 12 is fair game. You need only look at pure Mormon strain that is actually true to the actually teachings and deeds of Joseph Smith. They marry eighty and ninety 12 year old girls. The one and only reason that there are minimum age requirements for marriage is civil law requires it. Red neck right Christians believe that if there is a conflict between civil law and God's law then God's law prevails. When Judge Roy Moore was first accused of molesting young girls the first justification from his defenders mouth was what did Joseph do and it seems Joseph was a child molester too. Mary was just a young girl and Joseph was a grown man and that in the Christian minds makes molesting children alright. If it was alright in Jesus time it is alright forever. Moore's defender had absolutely no doubt that Moore had molested the girls he just wanted everybody to know that the bible said it was alright.

The more you deal with cults, and every church in America is a cult, the more you deal with magical thinking. It the very foundation of every religion is magical thinking. Avoiding common sense becomes a way of life. Cults have nothing to do with morality in fact they usually just rationalize the immoral actions of their leaders away. The Christian right is responsible for putting the most immoral president in history in office and now they will try and fill the congress with child molesters and thieves. If a child molester tells them I will put a statue of ten commandments in the courthouse they won't care if he kills people at night. When you give your mind away to magical thinking you make yourself a target for every conman and crook in America. Trump even said during the election that he could kill somebody in the middle of the street and not lose any of his popularity and I sure the Christian right would continue to support him. .
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2017 09:17 pm
It was hard to believe that Judge Roy Moore lost the election yesterday. You can bet that it wasn't for lack of effort on the Christian right's part. I did not see any figures from the exit polls on how the Christian right voted but you can bet the judge got most of that vote. What we do know is that even though a large majority of women voted against Moore a small majority of white women actually voted for Moore. Black women voted overwhelming against Moore.

We know that sexual assault against women is not taken seriously in our society. The question has to be why? If we look at the vote for Trump and the support for Moore what we are seeing is not only men trivializing sexual assault but white women trivializing sexual assault. If women in America don't take sexual assault seriously then neither will men. Men will just shrug their shoulders and say so she had her pus** grabbed I'll bet that wasn't the first time. Grabbing and kissing can and does transmit diseases some of which can't be cured. A person has an absolute right to the privacy of their body. What Trump and Moore did was a gross violation of someone's private space and the most private areas of their body. Most people get upset if someone trespasses on their property imagine how much more serious it is to trespass on one's body.

This problem has got to be so bad because it is so easy to trivialize especially when it happens to someone else. When it is not your daughter or your sister being molested it is not a big problem. I went to high school with a policeman's daughter who would walk up to a guys and grab him between the legs and thought nothing of it. I suspect that the guys she grabbed didn't think much of it either. I don't know if she was ever reported for it. The last I heard of her she was a gang bang girl for one of the local fraternities. She was a sexual outlaw just as Trump and Moore are sexual outlaws. We each have an absolute right to the privacy of our own bodies and those that violate that right should be punished not rewarded with political office.
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Reply Thu 14 Dec, 2017 10:31 pm
As the tax bill works it way through congress it is the same old story though we are not hearing "trickle down economic" it is the theory that the Republicans are working with. Why aren't we hearing all about how good trickle down economics is? Because it failed miserably for the middle class though it was a spectacular success for the top 1%. We have almost 40 years of economic records that prove beyond a doubt that trickle down economics only succeeds in one thing making the ungodly greedy rich beyond even their wildest imagination.

In 1970 the average income was $32,763 and by the year 2000 the average income (adjusted for inflation) was $35,453 and most of the increase took place before the Regan tax cuts for the super rich and five Regan tax increases in social security taxes. But the average income for the richest 1% was a far different story. The top 1% had an average income of $3,641,285 in 1970 by the year 2000 after Regan cut the taxes on the richest 1% their income (adjusted for inflation) shot up to $23,969,767. If the income are put on a bar graph the average income increase is represented by a bar of 1/8 of an inch the income increase for the middle class while the ungodly greedy needs a bar 62' 6" to represent the increase in their income.

If the theory of top down economics is correct the middle class average income should have soared because the rich had income soared. What actual records show is the link is not there. The cost of labor is strictly set by supply and demand and just because you increase the income of the rich by over 600% does not translate to a 600% increase for the middle class. In fact when all tax increases of state and local taxes needed to offset the federal tax cuts it had a negative effect on the average middle class income. Common sense tells you that a businessman is not going to pay one more cent for labor than he has to and just as he is not going to pay one cent more cent for raw material than he has to. Nobody is arguing that if you give businessmen millions more that they are going to pay they are going to pay their suppliers more.

Economies are not built top down they are built from the bottom up. The idea that if you give a businessman more money he will several build more factories and save the economy is foolish. More factories are built only when there is more demand from the middle class. Without increased income the middle class can't buy more goods and services from businessmen. No matter how hard you beat a dead horse you aren't going anywhere. If you own a business and suddenly you save a million dollars in taxes what do you do with the money? Take their family to Aruba another five times year. I know I watched what the rich did with their increased wealth under Reagan. After all they earned every penny of that money their help is just a tool to them like a pair pliers in a tool box.
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Reply Fri 15 Dec, 2017 09:45 pm
The final Republican tax scam passed the Congressional committee today and it looks like it might be passed by the full House and Senate next week. If you told the public that you were going to China and borrow a trillion dollars and give it to the richest 1% you would have the Republican tax scam. When you teach children to be responsible with money you teach them that there are actually two purchase costs for every purchase. One is the cost you pay for the actual purchase the other is in the cost of the other goods and services that you forego because the money can' be spent twice. Even using the rosiest scenario for economic growth the tax scam will still add a trillion dollars to national debt. The Republican will be calling for huge cuts in social security, Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare. Trump has said that we need to repair our aging and falling down infrastructure but where will that trillion or so come from? Remember the cost of a massive tax cut is that you no longer have money to repair the infrastructure. What will Trump do? Just borrow another trillion or two? Trump plans call to privatize our infrastructure so every bridge and road is a toll road that belongs to his richest buddies. Trump bankrupted a string of casinos and would have been forced into bankruptcy if his daddy had not bailed him out. Trump will bankrupt the whole country and walk away from the mess.


"Last month a Wall Street Journal editor asked a room full of CEOs to raise their hands if the corporate tax cut being considered in Congress would lead them to invest more . Very few hands went up. Attending was Gary Cohen, President Donald Trump's economic advisor and a friend of mine. He asked why aren't other hands up?"

From an Internet article from "Bloomberg" entitled "Michael Bloomberg: This Tax Bill is a Trillion Dollar Blunder"

Why? First, remember Trump has absolutely no idea what he is doing and Congress wants to feed their investors so they will be even more money for political donations for the next election. Everyone should read this article.

"Corporations are setting on a record amount of cash $2.3 trillion. That figure has been climbing steadily since the recession of 2009 and it is now double what it was in 2001 the reason CEOs aren't investing more of their liquid assets has little to with taxes."

Same reference ____________________________________________________
One of the reason Bloomberg listed was there are no longer enough qualified people in America for the current jobs. The Republicans gutted the our education system so they could cut taxes. In this tax bill limiting the exemption for state and local taxes will further destroy our education system. What happens when a student must borrow $300,000 to get a college education? Most will no longer want to start out as indentured servants to a bank for their entire life. We no longer can educate enough engineers or computer scientists they are recruited from third world countries that are smart enough to educate their children even with their meager resources.

There are too many other reasons in the article to do justice to here.
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Reply Sat 16 Dec, 2017 09:20 pm
Trump is defending his tax cut as a middle class tax cut but we all know that Trump lies constantly. This is just one of Trump's bigger lies. Middle class is a rather broad bracket when you look at the seven tax brackets in the new tax tables only two brackets that remains the same under the new tax "cuts. It is not even adjusted for inflation. It just happens to be the bracket that all middle class will have to pay taxes on though the upper middle class will pay on other brackets also.

If you take a couple that makes $43,050 when they do their taxes the standard deduction under the Republican tax plan will be $23,050 leaving a taxable income of $19,050. That $19,050 will be taxed at 10% meaning they will pay $1,905 in taxes. But the very next tax bracket gets a 3% cut going from 15% to 12%. A good portion of the middle class will never see that cut. The next bracket is cut from 25% to 22%. The 28% bracket was cut 24%. The 33% bracket is cut to 32% and 35% bracket remains the same. The 39.6 bracket is cut to 37%.

Since the standard cut for most brackets was 3% why not cut the taxes on the 10% bracket to 7%? If it is good for the other brackets why not cut the taxes on those who actually need a tax cut? The Republicans answer will be we increased the standard deduction but the standard deduction was cut for everyone. Remember Mitt Romney? The Republicans believe the poor and middle class don't pay their "fair share" in taxes now and that is why there was no cut for those in the 10% bracket. The Republicans had intended to actually increase the 10% bracket to 12%.
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Reply Sun 17 Dec, 2017 10:08 pm
It looks like the Republicans have lost at least one vote for the Republican tax bill as John McCain is seriously ill and flying back to Arizona. There is at least one other Senator that is over 80 and is ill so the actual vote may be extremely close. If the new senator from Alabama took his seat the Republican bill might be voted down. Anybody that believes that this is a middle class tax cut is sadly mistaken. The taxes on corporations was cut by a full 40%. The amount of money that is exempt from the estate tax was doubled from $11 million to $22 million. It would be nice to get $22 million tax free especially in a country where we tax people making the minimum wage. The proceeds of an estate is income to whoever it goes to and should be taxed.

Trump said this tax cut would not help him personally but let's compare what Trump will get while much of the middle class will not see their tax rate cut at all.

Who benefited the most out of this tax package? Donald Trump. From the 40% cut in corporate taxes. The estate tax cut will save his children millions. The tax cut on the billionaires from 39.6% to 37% will save Trump millions more. The repeal of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) will also save Trump millions as this will return us to the days where many millionaire didn't not pay a cent in taxes. Being able to write the entire cost of new equipment in one year will mean that Trump can avoid millions more in taxes. The lowering the pass through taxes on real estate, that was added to the tax bill at the 11th hour, will save Trump even more millions.


"Numerous industrious will benefit from the Republican tax overhaul, but none perhaps none as dramatically as the industry where Mr. Trump earned his riches: commercial real estate. Mr. Trump along with his son-in-law Jarred Kushner, who is part owner of real estate firm well benefit from lower taxes on so called "pass through" income which, is money owned by a partnerships and other types of businesses who income is passed through to its owner and taxed at the individual tax rate. Mr. Trump and Mr. Kushner benefit because they own properties through limited liabilities and other similar vehicles."

from an Internet article titled: "The Winners and Losers in the Tax Bill" From: The New York Times
While Trump and the Republicans cut their taxes by 14 percentage points they could not cut even one percentage point on the tax bracket that every one in the middle. Even if your taxable income exceed the $19,050 y0u will still pay on that first $19,050. It looks like they would throw us a bone since the other brackets were cut.
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Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2017 09:54 pm
For the last 70 years the Republican Party's prime directive has been to make the rich even richer but this made them the minority party for years. Until the 80s when they discovered they could hide their prime directive behind social issues and harness the Christian right to do their bidding. The Republican have cut the taxes on the rich by nearly in the four rounds of tax cut, Regan was responsible for the first big round of tax cuts. Regan cut the taxes on the rich by a full 60%. In 1979 the tax rate stood at 70% on the rich by 1988, Regan last year in office, the taxes on the rich had been cut to 28% a 60% cut. This tripled the National debt which had been paid down by every previous president. This is how the Republicans learned that they could give tax cuts to rich by borrowing money and running the national debt up. This tax cut is far bigger because Regan cut taxes for individuals but the major part of the most recent tax cut is for corporations and their income dwarfs individual income. The cost is estimated at $1.5 trillion.

It is important to note not only who Reagan cut taxes on but who he raised taxes on. When Reagan took office there were 16 different tax brackets and by the end of Reagan term there were only 2 brackets. You can imagine what happened to the lower brackets. The lowest bracket prior to Reagan was 0 to $3,400 and this tax bracket was 0%. In todays dollars that would be $10, 179 if you then added the standard deduction 0f $6,000 and a personal exemption of $4,080 you could make $20,489 before you paid one penny in income tax. Now lets look at that same tax payer when Regan left office. When Regan got through the 0% tax bracket was gone and replaced with a 15% tax bracket in 1988. The poor and the middle class would have to pay 15% on every dollar subject to tax and up to $29,750. If we adjust for inflation that $3,400 to todays dollars of $10,179. The poor and middle class are paying far more income tax and the rich far less. What is wrong with this picture?

We live in a democracy and our government should reflect the will of the people but instead our government reflects only the will of the rich. The income tax was a tax levied on excess wealth and the intent was that only those with excess wealth pay that tax. If a taxes was levied on apples you would not pay it on oranges. No workingman was ever expected to pay the original income tax. The original amount of money exempt from income tax would be well in excess of $100,000 in todays dollars. What Regan is make the poor and the middle class pay income tax on the money that should be exempt and he used that to cut the taxes on the rich.

The most recent Republican tax cut will automatically trigger a 4% cut in social security by the rules adopted to manage the deficit if their rosy economic scenario does not happen. When Regan cut the ungodly greedy taxes the last vestiges of the original tax law intent vanished. With this new massive tax cut for the rich the social security will be cut to give them even bigger tax cuts. The rich have wanted to raid the social security system as long as it existed they just needed to figure a way to do it.
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Reply Tue 19 Dec, 2017 09:11 pm
The House passed their tax scam today only to find that it was in violation of Senate rules. It seems the Senate was limited to borrowing only $1.5 trillion from China to hand out to corporation, who already have a record $2.7 trillion on hand, and billionaires like Trump but the bill as written would require that $2.3 trillion be borrowed from China so the bill had to be rewritten and it looks like the middle class will have to take one for the team. No word yet as to what actually had to be removed from the bill but it is not likely to be anything that directly benefits Trump.

During the noon recess at the capital the Democrats showed the polls on the video screen as to how wildly unpopular the Republican tax scam is and told the Republicans This bill will come back to haunt you, like "Frankenstein did," before the House voted on the tax scam. Ryan said, even insisted. He declared, "Results are what is going to make this popular." The Republican think the people will "learn to love it" after they got that $1 a pay period cut in their tax withholdings (many in the middle class will only see a $60 a year tax savings, which is about a dollar a week. There have been more false stories posted on the internet about $1,000 plus tax savings then false stories planted before the election by Russia. I tried to trace the source of some of these stories and the source listed could not be traced. They didn't stay up very long but the damage was done.

The Republican tax scam is far from over now the scam goes to into phase two. The Republican plan to reduce the tax deduction from pay check early in next year. This was done before you can cut withholding far more than the tax due. For years I claimed my deductions and got a $200 refund. Then the withholding were changed and at the end year I owed a $800 for the next several years. The Republicans will cut the hell out of withholdings and say look what a big tax cut we gave you only to find that you owe thousand dollars at the end of the year. By that time the Republicans will be reelected and say we could not project how much taxes everybody owned.

If you get more than a $1 payday cut in your taxes you better start saving to pay your taxes next year.
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