The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 19 Oct, 2017 09:07 pm
Red neck right radio has been crowing for several days that Trump had won, Trump had won. What had Trump won? The NFL controversy over the players taking a knee during the National Anthem. The red neck right radio talkers were absolutely sure that the NFL would mandate that players must stand during the National Anthem at the owners meeting. When the meeting was held and the results released the NFL decided to let the players decide what to do during the National Anthem. So Trump lost, Trump lost and this is just another one of his glaring public failures like trying to own an NFL team or bankrupting casinos. Red neck right callers called in to morn and of course Rush Slimbaugh was morning more than most because he is a huge NFL fan. Rush also tried to be an NFL owner but the blacks pointed out that he was a racist and cited several racist rants and Rush was not allowed to buy an NFL team after the outcry.

None of the callers seemed to grasp what was actually going on they could mouth the words but failed to understand what the words mean. Everyone can agree that our military fights to preserve our "freedoms" but that is as far as their reasoning goes. In their minds the flag and the National Anthem our the same as freedom and to disrespect a symbol is a justification for stealing someone freedom. The founding fathers believed that freedom was the highest and most important principal that America was based on. If founding fathers came back today they would be astounded and appalled that so many Americans did not have any idea what the term freedom meant and how fast they would advocate taking the freedom of other Americans. You can use any number of excuse to take someone else's freedom away and respect is one of the worst. The right is so rabid about preserving the right of mass murders to slaughter 100s of people what if we said that out of respect for the families of slaughtered that gun owners should give up their guns. When it comes to respect the right believes that it trumps the First Amendment the right of the individual to free speech but respect doesn't mean a thing when it comes to the second amendment respect never even enters the conversation. It is their right. l
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Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2017 08:58 pm
Another day another lie, well several lies. First Trump said he had proof that he did not tell the widow of a slain soldier that the soldier knew what he was getting into and by that that the soldier death was his own fault of course as the nation waited with baited breath for Trump's proof it never materialized. This is a pattern with Trump when asked for his tax returns to made public Trump promised to release them after the audit was done. To start with the last ten years of his taxes were not under audit it is likely that only the last year was under audit so he could have released the other years. In fact he did pick one year and send to the media and claim that someone else sent it. When Trump was asked months later about his tax returns he said the public was no longer interested. Then when it was pointed out that his wife was an illegal alien and had not filed the proper work Trump said he would produce "proof" he never did and thinks the public will "forget about it." Trump proof never seems to show up.

Trump then put his daughter in-law up to lying on a talk show where she said she read a transcript of the call. When the Whitehouse press secretary was questioned she said there was no such transcript. But then Trump put General Kelly out to lie because he had some credibility. General Kelly son was killed by a landmine and he suffered a personal loss. We leaned how our soldiers are shipped home packed in ice. Kelly of course was put out to fall on his sword and take the blame for the dotard. Kelly explained how a fellow soldier had comforted him by telling him his son was doing what he wanted and that he knew the risk he was taking for one soldier to another this might offer some comfort but telling a grieving wife that the death of her husband was his fault is going to upset her. But that wasn't the end of the lies Trump always seeks revenge and when the congress woman spoke out Trump wanted to get even and since Trump has no creditability he fed General Kelly his lies and sent him out in public. Since Kelly story generated sympathy it had an emotional impact that gave the lies more impact. Soon pictures appeared on television rebutting the Trump lies. This is one of the most despicable things the dotard has done while in office.
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Reply Sun 22 Oct, 2017 10:03 pm
Rush Slimbaugh, Glen Beck, Sean Hannity spent most of the last 2 weeks trashing Harvey Weinstein on redneck right radio. I thought they were spending way to much air time on Weinstein and figured that it was going to come back and bite them and bite them it did now on the "me too sites" even more women that Trump sexually assaulted are coming forward as well as the how the Trump sexual assault trial is progressing through the court system. The burning question now is why hasn't Trump had to step down for his many sexual assaults? It seems their are two different standards if you sexually assault women in Hollywood you are a terrible person but if your are a politician running for office the public makes excuses for you.

The red neck right shock jocks have succeeded in bring back all of Trump's sexual assaults to the public eye. Studies show that the majority of Americans absolutely believe that Trump sexually assaulted those women even Trump has bragged about sexually assaulting those women.

"A Washington Post Poll three weeks before the election found that more than two-thirds of registered voters---including almost half the Republicans---thought that Trump probably made unwanted sexual advances toward women.'

from the Washington Post

The question the Washington Post struggled with is why. One explanation is the power difference. Some actresses accusing Weinstein are famous and rich so there is no power difference. The women accusing Trump are nobodies and there is a huge power difference. But even though the public believes that Trump is a sexual predator many voted for him. An alternate explanation is that America is tribal and basically someone in their tribe, or political party, should not be held to the same standards. It doesn't matter what Trump did as long as it wasn't to my wife or daughter. I remember when Trump started bragging about the women he molested I was sure that it would finish him but instead Republican women started wearing tee shirts with arrow pointing to their crotch saying grab this, go figure. It is high time that Trump be held to the same standard as Weinstein, Roger Ailes, and Bill O'Reilly. Trump said all the women were lying and the "stories were total fabrications" and he was going to sue them. Trump was very careful not to sue any of the women, just another of Trump's lies.
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Reply Mon 23 Oct, 2017 09:33 pm
Trump who got five different deferments to avoid being drafted into the Vietnam war. First he got four student deferments while going to college and than a fifth deferment for heel spurs after he graduated. Now at long last Trump has found somebody he can go to war with, the widow of a fallen soldier and Trump is showing how brave he is. We are all appalled the liar and chief is even still today calling the widow a liar. This is a man that gets on the NFL players for showing a lack of respect. Trump is an extremely small man mentally he can not tolerate even the slightest criticism. He spends most of his time figuring out how he is going to retaliate for any perceived slight.

In the past we have had a Commander and Chief and a first Lady now we may be the only country on earth to have a First Lady and First Pedophile. In some neighborhoods people have been known to run pedophiles out of their neighborhood but the same people that would run pedophiles out of their neighborhoods voted to put one in the Whitehouse. The incident that took place in New York where one of the rich men held underage sex parties for his rich friends. The host was convicted and sent to jail and Trump was sued by a 13 year old. She did not prevail but the best attorneys almost always win and Trump had the best attorneys. Because you are found innocent does not mean you are. Proof beyond a shadow of a doubt is an extremely high bar to get over especially when one is a child and the other a rich and well known businessman.

How would such a person be elected president? After all the very discovery of an affair was enough to do in several presidential candidates. This incident was part of the public record on Trump but was never mentioned by other candidates or the main stream press during the primaries but the incident was mentioned in biographies of Trump. If this had been used in the primaries it would have finished Trump but once he was the nominee the tribalism would kick in and those who wanted to vote for him would find a way to rationalize it. The values hype by the Republicans was just that hype they have no values whatsoever when it comes to voting. Tell them no abortion and they will even vote for child molesters children are of no value after they have grown.
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Reply Tue 24 Oct, 2017 09:35 pm
One thing about it when the Senate meets they don't come to praise Trump they meet to bury him. Never before have so many politicians in the same party spent so much time criticizing a sitting President of the same party. When Senators in the President own political start warning you about how dangerous the President is it is high time to take them very seriously. When Senators of a different political party severely criticize the President it might be written off as politics but where is the motive for Senators of the same party to do the same? Then the criticism must genuine. Will the tribalism be enough to overcome the Senators criticism? Will the Trump supporters continue to support him in the face of increased criticism? I think the hard core Trump supporters will continue to support him no matter what. If Trump did a similar shooting to the Las Vegas shooting his hardcore supporters would find a way to justify it but the hardcore right are not enough to reelect him. For a President to get elected he need the 20% in the middle, the independents, and the polls show the independents are deserting him like rats from a sinking ship and that is exactly what it is.

Trump is one of these people that wants to fight with everyone in the bar. I worked with a guy that went in one of the roughest black bars in town with his buddy who loudly announced when he went through the door that they would whip any (blank) in place for a beer. They like to have got beat to death before they got out of the bar. Trump behaves the same way and then plays the victim. Trump has never been the victim but he loves to play that card. Seldom do majority party Senators retire unless they are dying and some keep going even when they are dying. There are more Senators in the Republican Party retiring after their term ends then I can remember and Trump is the cause. It seems the voice of reason is falling on deaf ears.

While only a few Republican Senators are publicly criticizing the President many more are privately criticizing Trump. It one thing to call the President a liar but it is quite another to provide examples. Today four teenage boys were arrested for murder for throwing a six pound rocks off an overpass and killing a passing motorist. There seems to be an inborn urge in teenagers to destroy things. Trumps election was just like that a frustrated electorate that just wanted to destroy the system. The six pound rock was Trump and it had its desired effect.
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Reply Wed 25 Oct, 2017 09:46 pm
Trump lied again today claiming he has "One of the greatest memories of all times. " Most 70 years olds will admit their memory is not nearly as it once was but Trump would rather lie than tell the truth any day. There is one thing that you can count on with Trump he is going to lie to you. As sure as the sun comes up in the morning Trump is going to lie. When Trump is on the took the stand during civil trials and was questioned his standard was I don't recall. For someone with 'one of greatest memories of all time" it is hard to believe he didn't recall I guess he was just lying. Trump just loves to use superlative and of course they are all lies but there is one superlative that Trump has earned "World Greatest Liar."

Trump claims that he could not have forgotten the slain soldier's name as it was written on a board placed in front of him. To be sure the board that was held in front of him contained lots more information then just the soldier name on it and since the soldier's first name was not a common name, La David, it is likely that Trump muffed it as nobody at the Ivy League schools that he went to was named La David. At any rate the three women that heard Trump call are sticking to their story. Trump says his memory is superior to theirs as well as his IQ. Trump is laboring under many misconceptions
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Reply Thu 26 Oct, 2017 09:26 pm
Somebody's past interactions are the best predictor of their future interactions in other words if a company has been honest in its business dealings in the past they will be likely to be honest in the future. On the other hand if a person has been dishonest in their business dealings in the past they are likely to be dishonest in the future. The record shows that Trump is as dishonest in his business dealings as he can be. Trump's past is littered with lawsuits over his dishonest business dealings. He has cheated New York city in business dealings. He cheated the public and is likely to continue to do the same from now on. Trump's dealings with the mob are legendary.

So what are we to expect of Trump's term in office? If Trump's past is any predictor of the future and it likely is than Trump's term in office will be the most corrupt in history. The tip of a very large ice burg surfaced today in a $300 million dollar contract to rebuild the electric grid in Puerto Rico normally a contract like that would go to a large company with a proven track record but not in this case it went it went to a company that was only two years old and only had two employees when Hurricane Maria hit. Imagine if that happened here. That 90% of Florida was without power and you hired a company with two employees to take care of the massive damage. The investigation is being done by the Department of Homeland Security because FEMA is now part of Homeland Security and FEMA will have to reimburse Puerto Rico for a fraudulent contract. The contractor's name is Whitefish and like all fish it begins to stink after a couple days.

Whitefish is tied to Trump thru his Interior Secretary, Ryan Zinke, and in fact Whitefish is located in Zinke's home town. What a coincidence. Zinke and his son once worked at, wait for it, one of Whitefish construction sites. Whitefish hired about 50 subcontractors to the actual work. I haven seen it done locally a contractor will hire anyone with a boom truck to do the job. This is not the end it is not even the end of the beginning there will be enough corruption in the Trump administration that it will still be investigated into the next century.
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Reply Fri 27 Oct, 2017 09:21 pm
Trump said the Russian investigation was all fake news. Well it looks like the fake arrest warrants have been issued by a Federal Grand Jury and look for the fake jail sentences to start in the near future. The arrests are going to take place on Monday. If Trump doesn't make it to work Monday morning we will know what happened but in all likelihood it will be the small fish who will be arrested first. Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort, was served with a Federal search warrant and we know he was serving as an agent of a hostile foreign government without be registered as such. Trump's former National Security advisor, Michael Flynn is also likely to be arrested as he was serving as an agent for Russian Government without being registered also. After the Trumpies are arrested and they find out how much jail time they are facing they will want to play let's make a deal. This will lead to even more arrests and more deals.

It is nice to see that progress is being made the wheels of justice turn slowly but they turn. Trump has dodged justice all the days of his life and it is about time he started paying the piper. In observing criminals I have always found that those who got away with small things moved on to more serious crimes. Trump father's mob connections and his money got Trump out of legal scrapes time and time again. What will Trump say about the arrests? You can bet he is already on Twitter claiming the arrests are fake news. That anyone arrested is being arrested on "trumped up" charges.

Red neck right radio has been trying some diversion tactics lately with an old story they could not sell before about "American" uranium being sold to Russia the problem is that the uranium belongs to Canada. Canada is in North America technically but we are the United States. We don't have control over Canada's other business why should we control the sale of their uranium?

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Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2017 08:57 pm
With the World Series going on there are a lot of office pools but maybe the real pools should be for which Trumpie is arrested first on what day at what time. It could be made similar to the world series pools. Twenty-five dollars on the right space should return a few thousand dollars. I would pick Donald Trump Jr. at eight o'clock Monday morning. A nice perp walk with Donald Trump Jr be marched out of the Whitehouse in hand cuffs would make a good photo opportunity of course Trump would be leaning out the Whitehouse yelling at his son don't worry Don Jr it is all fake news.

I bet the Twitter head will be all over Twitter about 3 AM this morning after his handler have gone to sleep coming up with lie after lie. This is a man who has always thumbed his nose at the law. He pulled one scam after another and used his daddy's money to buy the best lawyers money could buy to get him out of trouble. Trump fully believes that him and his gang are untouchables that no law can touch them. Trump operated in a relatively small pond most of the time but now he is in the big leagues and will face attorneys that are just as good as lawyers that he is able to buy.

Watching the scum of the earth win the election with the help of Russians was a terrible experience but watching the dominoes begin to fall until they get to Trump will help make up for it. It was always satisfying after months of investigation to watch the criminal be arrested. I liked to lure them into City Hall into an office with only one door. By the time they knew what was happening it was too late. You could see their eyes wildly look for a way out that is the stage Muller's investigation has reached. They are widely looking for a way out but the door has slammed shut.
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Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2017 09:24 pm
They say the family that plays together stays together but the family that commits crimes together serves time together. Trump's whole family may be arrested except for his eleven year old son. Trump had been walking between the rain drops far way too long. Trump and family had been committing crimes that resulted only in civil remedies when he should have been criminally prosecuted. The crimes were committed in different states and different countries. Victims of financial crimes are much more interested in getting their money back than in prosecuting the criminals especially when it comes to purchases of over a $100,000 if you can recover $50,000 it is better than nothing. The successful civil judgements are proof of crimes committed. The purchasers of the condominiums were often from out of state giving the Feds jurisdictions for wire fraud and other crimes.

Trump biggest miscalculation was that Muller could only prosecute him on the collusion with Russia charge but any crime that was uncovered during the investigation that is still prosecutable. Most criminals try to avoid the spotlight but not Trump. Trump believes everyone in the world is just like him, dishonest and everybody commits crime so that excuses him. I have encountered this same attitude in most of the serious criminals I every dealt with over a quarter of a century. It would be ridiculous to say that if you were investigation a mobster for money laundering and found that he had murdered someone that you could not prosecute the mobster for murder. Any crime uncovered during any investigating is subject to prosecution that is just standard operating procedure. Trump of course does not think he should be treated like an ordinary criminal that he is. He believes he should get special treatment.

The chains on Trumps arms kept him away from Twitter until this morning but it looks like his keepers turned their backs and Trump was lose but his attorney denied that any of Trump's numerous tweets were about the Russian investigation even though they specifically referred to the Russian investigation.
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Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2017 09:25 pm
"If this isn't evidence of collusion, then nobody understands what the word "collusion" means."

Samuel W. Buell, Duke Law professor

Author of the book: "Capital Offences: Business Crime and Punishment in America's Corporate Age"

That pretty much say it all doesn't it? George Popadopoulos has pled guilty and will testify to the collusion going on between the Russian government and the Trump campaign, what the Russian offered and what the Trump campaign received. Everything after this will simply be anti-climatic. The fat lady has sung all that is left now is Trump sitting upstairs in the Whitehouse cursing the wall of televisions until they come to take him away. Trump made a deal with the devil and the devil always wins in the end.

The indictments were like a thunder clap over Washington sending a message to those who have lied to protect Trump that they are no longer playing in the minor leagues. The stakes are life and death. George Popadopoulos better be in the witness protection program because all of Trump's mafia friends will be out to "solve" Trump's problems their way. Trump will not just pack up his tent and leave any politician that would collude with Russia to win an election will double down rather than fold.

Don't be surprised as the end draws near that a makeshift army of Nazis, racist, and NRA members descend on Washington DC in an effort to save there hero. Up until now the biggest armed insurrection since the civil war took place here in WV. Called the battle of Blair Mountain when an army of coal miners took on the mine owners and the police they owned. Trump is a bully and has made threats before. Trump will be removed but not before the blood flows down the streets of Washington. A man that conspires with Russia will do anything. There is no level that he can't stoop to.
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Reply Tue 31 Oct, 2017 09:33 pm
Whenever I read something from a source that I am not familiar with I always check the history of that source. There was a story on MSNBC calling Muller a fraud and when I checked the history of source I was not surprised to find that it was an internet source started by rightwing political activists. Our mainstream news media was established to report the news. When the National Broadcasting Network was founded it was not founded by lifelong political activists on the left or right and the same true for the other major networks but Fox was established by a long time political activists not to report the news but to but to use it as a political tool with the primary objective of pushing an extreme right wing philosophy. Most of the so called new "news sites" on the Internet have been started by political operatives on the right and funded by the ungodly greedy to push huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.

Whenever you read something on the Internet and don't recognize the source do a google search and check Wikipedia for the information of the source. If the news source was established by longtime political activists you know that what you are reading is just campaign literature. The source has no interest whatsoever of reporting the news but they have every intention of forwarding their political agenda. At one time people had to rely on Newspapers, Television, Radio, and Magazines. It took a considerable amount of money to start up any of these. Internet sites are relatively cheap to start up and soon their articles are popping up alongside articles from long established news sources. This gives them a credibility and circulation that they would not have if they published in their own magazine. MSN often publishes such stories with disclaimers that the opinions herein are not the opinions of management. The political active are going to be extremely active pushing as much misinformation as they can. Word comes today that the editorial board of "The Wall Street Journal" has asked that Mueller step down and of course the "Wall Street Journal" is owned by Rupert Murdock. who has done wore to destroy the truth than anyone in history.
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Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2017 09:35 pm
Politics is said to make for strange bedfellows and that has never been truer than now. It seems the Democrats have been blocking Trump's impeachment even though some Democrats have been trying to introduce impeachment articles. It seems the Democrats are afraid that if they impeach Trump now it will alienate Trump voters in next year's election. Recent polls show that the electorate will elect Democrats in next year's election to offset Trumps power. An impeachment trial might let Trump play the victim's roll.

Other think they should hold off until Mueller's investigation is over. The Democrats who have filed impeachment charges say impeachment is political charge not a criminal charge. Trump is a real and present danger to everyone in America the democrats have a moral duty to remove him as quickly as possible. There is a moral duty to do the right thing in spite of possible future political losses.

Red neck right radio is now getting away from trying to sell the sale of a Canadian business to the Russians as collusion with the Clintons and have turned to a new story line. Because the Clinton campaign paid for opposition research that was originally done for a prominent right wing financier in the primary the red neck right believe they can sell this as collusion with the Russians. The research was done by a former top level British spy who was considered the foremost expert on Russia in the world. Because the spy obtained some information from some of his connections in Russia the right wing news media is calling this collusion with Russia. Of course this is all a smokescreen to give Trump some cover. We now know that Trump and his family were retweeting the false news stories that were planted by the Russians. That is collusion.

Today we found out that collusion is not a crime but conspiracy is. It seems when charges are filed that they will be filed as a conspiracy involving computers. When Trump loudly asked for the Russians to release Hillary's deleted emails in a Florida campaign speech this would amount to participating in an illegal conspiracy. There is no way that he can lie his way out of this because there was an is film at eleven.
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2017 09:38 pm
The Republican tax plan is a tax increase on the middle class and tax elimination on the ungodly greedy estate tax is expected to add a $1.5 trillion to the deficit over the next ten years. The states that did not vote for Trump in the last election are being targeted for huge tax increases in a political payback. One of the Republicans on red neck right radio today explained if they dramatically increase the taxes in blue states like California and New York then they will start voting Republican to decrease their taxes. The move in question eliminates or reduces the tax deduction for homeowners and eliminates deduction for state and local taxes. New York has a 7% state income tax and local governments also have taxes. Even the deduction for sales taxes is being eliminated. This would expose 10s of thousands of income to taxes in those states. The deduction for 401K is being cut from $18,000 t0 $2,400 a year. Compare this to the total and complete elimination of the inheritance tax that only effects 0.2% of the population. How will they fund this massive tax cut for the ungodly greedy? By eliminate the tax deduction for saving account for children's education.

The Republicans are trying to sell this massive give away to rich as a simplification of the tax codes but all the deductions that are being eliminated are those used by the middle class no deductions like the corporate jet tax exemption or any other tax deduction used by ungodly greedy is being eliminated there will still be thousands of tax deductions for the ungodly greedy. Plain and simple this is a tax increase for the middle class and it also allows the ungodly greedy to raid the US Treasury to the tune of $1.5 trillion and the worst part is the $1.5 trillion will be borrowed from China.

The biggest lie in America is saying that business in America are paying 35% in taxes. GE pays only 5.5% and others big corporations pay even less. The 35% tax is in the table before tax deduction are taken and there are thousands of tax deductions for businesses that are taken each year. The average tax a business pays in America now below the 20% if you cut the tax rate to 20% they will only pay on average less than 5%. The business are now paying less than 20% why lie to public. My brother-in-law is red neck right all the way and complains about the high taxes he pays his income is a 150,000. He itemize every cent he spends. If you do your taxes on line it will give you the exact percentage you pay. When asked what he actually pays. He replied 3% not the 30% tax bracket he is in. Actual percentage of taxes paid needs to be what is looked at when considering tax cuts.

If they want to cut the taxes to 20% on businesses than eliminate any and all deductions the business must pay a straight 20% of their gross income in taxes. A simple post card would do. We actually have such a tax in Huntington for instance the Electric Company must 4% of its gross income. There is no such thing as bad debt or a deduction and the business must pay even if they can't collect. There is no such thing as a bad debt. This tax was started in the early 30's when taxes were taxes.
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Reply Fri 3 Nov, 2017 09:14 pm
The Republicans have dropped the idea of cutting the IRA deduction from $18,000 to $2,400 in this case their trial balloon was shot down when Jim Cramer from Mad Money about went nuts on the Today Show. Cramer pointed out stocks are like ever other commodity they operate on supply and demand. If demand went down on stocks the price would fall like a rock. If the deductions for 401ks were cut by 90% investment in stocks would be cut by 50% and the billionaires would be jumping out windows. The billionaires on Wall Street made sure this deduction stayed in the final Republican tax bill.

How do you convince someone they are getting a big tax cut when in fact taxes are being raised from 10% to 12%? Most people think that I make more money and fall into a higher tax bracket anyway but that is not true everyone see their taxes raised from 10% to 12%. Currently you pay 10% on the first $9,325 you earn then on the next $26,625 you pay 15% and that figure is after all deductions are taken. The Republicans are currently trying to hide what the income levels are for their proposed tax plan and hope to vote on it without the public or the other congressmen knowing what it is. If you have to pay another 2% on your firs ten thousand that will cost you another $200.

How do you manipulate the public? Focus their attention on doubling the Standard deduction to $12,000 but try to keep them from finding out they are taking away a $4,000 personal exemption by the time you add the extra $200 increased in taxes from raise the tax brackets there is no tax saving and many other common deductions are being removed beyond that. In the long run, after 2027, the middle class will actually see an increase in their taxes.
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Reply Sat 4 Nov, 2017 08:52 pm
You can always tell the quality of any man because it is directly proportional to the distance between what a man says and what a man does. Trump says he wants to spend billion of tax payer dollars to build a wall to keep illegal immigrants out of America because they are taking American jobs. We are all familiar with what Trump says but what does he actually do? Trump applied for temporary visas for 70 foreigners for his winter help at Mar-a-Lago. That Trump is going to bring 70 foreigners into the United States with temporary visas and you know that anybody that is being paid $10.33 and hours does not make enough to make it back to Mexico from Florida. So the foreigners that Trump has hired for years not only at Mar-a-Lago but all his other golf courses and businesses are still here. Why waste billions on a wall when Trump is importing foreigners as fast as he can?

In order to be granted temporary visas for foreigners Trump has to say that you can't find any Americans for the jobs. To meet this qualification Trump must first advertise his jobs in America. To fulfill this requirement Trump buys two hard to find classified adds in tiny type with no phone number or email address. Those that are interested are to fax or mail their response. It that old "call me" but somehow they don't give you the phone number. Trump pays $10.33 for waiters and $13.33 for cooks at a club for billionaires. It cost $200,000 just to join this club and $14,000 a year membership dues. The Republican argument that if you give businessmen more money they will pay higher wages is shown to be another big lie. Trump pays so poorly that he has to go out of his way to hire foreigners.

Are there is no Americans who can wait tables? I suspect that billionaires prefer to be waited on by foreigners it is simply a racists thing that lets them feel superior the way they use to when many places for the rich has all black staff. When Trump asked for the first cent for that wall I would make him explain how many temporary visas he had been granted to hire foreigner workers at his businesses. Why block them from coming in? Let's make America great again by sending Trump to Mexico on a temporary visas.

At the same time Trump was bullying others businesses not to ship there jobs to Mexico he was busy applying to the United States government for temporary visas for foreigner workers at his businesses. Trump has to go to a whole lot of trouble to hire foreigner workers. There is world of difference between what Trump says and what he does.
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Reply Mon 6 Nov, 2017 08:55 pm
In Texas where they worship at the alter of the gun there was another mass shooting killing 26 people and wound twenty and it ranked only 5th in the number of killings. The first mass shooting that I remember also took place in Texas where Charles Whitman gunned down 16 people from University of Texas clock tower. Whitman may have only gunned down 16 but he ultimate be responsible for thousands more because he launched the modern fad of senseless killings. Whitman's killing people for no reason got a lot of national news. It planted the seed in the minds of mass murders for generations to come. Whitman example showed that killing large numbers of people was possible.

Trump and the NRA say guns are not the problem but let look at a tale of two cities that both had church shootings. On e shooting takes place with an automatic
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Reply Mon 6 Nov, 2017 09:42 pm
In Texas where they worship at the alter of the gun there was another mass shooting killing 26 people and wound twenty and it ranked only 5th in the number of mass murder killings. The first mass murder that I remember also took place in Texas where Charles Whitman gunned down 16 people from University of Texas clock tower. Whitman may have only gunned down 16 but he may ultimately be responsible for thousands more because he launched the modern fad of senseless killings. Whitman's killing people for no reason got a lot of national news. It planted the seed in the minds of mass murders for generations to come. Whitman example showed that one shooter could kill large numbers of people.

Trump and the NRA say guns are not the problem but let's look at a tale of two cities that both had church shootings. One shooting takes place with an automatic or semi-automatic AR-15 where 26 people are killed in the other shooting a man armed with two pistols only manages to kill one person in a similar church shooting. In the second city the church usher overcame the shooter by hand despite being pistol whipped. The shooter shot himself in the chest during the struggle. That church shooting took place in Tennessee on September 24 and the only difference was that one mass murder had pistols and the other had a weapon of war meant to kill many people.

Trump says that we have mental health problem not a gun problem. The shooter so far has no history of mental illness he may be a wife beater but he has plenty of company. It easy to dismiss anyone that makes a different choice in life as being nuts or mentally ill but the fact is that most mass murders are not mentally ill. You can be out on the interstate and when cars passes you at over a 100mph you may think he is nuts but he is not likely to have a major mental illness he just likes to drive fast. Studies have actually shown that mentally ill people are less likely to be violent than the general population. A lot of violent crimes have complex motives behind them. It is easy to write off anyone that makes choices that you would not make as mentally ill but that is not true. As long as the National Gun Manufacturers Association can scapegoat the mentally ill for the mass murders the number mass murders will continue to rise and the record for the amount killings will keep going up.

I can only recall one shooter who had a history of a major mental illness and that was the shooting in the Colorado theater. The uncomfortable truth is that we are all subject to physical decline and mental breakdowns. The brain ages just as any other body part does and it can be injured that results in a changed mental state. Better mental health will not stop the mass murders but ridding America of WEAPONS DESIGNED TO COMMITT MASS MURDER WILL HELP CUT DOWN ONTHE NUMBER BEING KILLED. We have all watched the gangster movies with the Thompson submachine. These guns let a few gangsters take control of America. They didn't say these gangsters are mentally ill they made the gangsters machine guns illegal and the gang crime decreased radically. You can learn from history.
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Reply Tue 7 Nov, 2017 10:07 pm
"Consider the situation: Gun crimes are on the rise, and the guns that criminals use are military style weapons, capable of firing rounds with unprecedented speed and ferocity. Cities--where more people live than ever before are becoming unsafe. The United States leads other industrialized countries in gun related deaths. And of course citizens including the liberal president, are calling for action."

Sounds familiar doesn't it except that paragraph was about America in 1934. America had a problem because military style assault weapons were flooding the streets of America. That situation led to the first every gun control laws in American history. Even Texas, were the latest mass shooting took place, passed a law banning weapons of war. A 1933 editorial in Waco Texas asked, "Why should desperadoes, brazen outlaws of the period, be permitted to purchase these weapons of destruction." New York state also banned these weapons in 1933.

You can see the move to ban these weapons was a grass roots movement from the bottom up instead from the top down. What would happen if Texas banned assault weapons today? The first thing that would happen is that the National Gun Manufacturers Association (NRA) would show up with an army of well paid lawyers to immediately file suit and a conservative supreme court would rule that they are entitled to own atomic bombs under the right to bear arms. A 200 year old sentence is believed to grant a right to any future invention.

The Republican were all for state's rights but not when it comes to gun control. If the blue states could pass an enforce gun control laws that banned possession of assault weapons we could study the difference the law would make.
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Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2017 08:41 pm
Yester's election showed exactly why the Democrats don't want Trump impeached. Right now the Democrats are Trump's best chance for not getting impeached. The elections in New Jersey and Virginia showed that there is going to be a tremendous backlash against Trump and the Republicans. Trump is growing even more unpopular everyday and has already set a record for the most unpopular president in the modern era. Trump likes to boast in absolutes but has not taken a victory lap for this one. The Guinness Book of World Records will record that Trump is the most unpopular president in modern era and Trump will not even buy a copy.

If the Democrats gain control of state legislatures they gain control of the redistricting. Redistricting often determines what party wins an election. Because it is known how certain areas vote a district can be drawn to include a majority of Republican which gives a Republican candidate a big advantage in an election. They can also be drawn to give a democrat a big advantage. This redistricting determines which party will control the House of Representatives. Every time Trump tweets he offends someone and Trump has motivated many people to vote who would not have bothered before and they are likely to vote against him.

Bannon had convinced the Republican candidate, Ed Gillespie, in Virginia governor race to embrace his nationalist and racist agenda toward the end of the race. The race was supposed to be close but ended up being a blow out by almost 9%. Not only did Ed Gillespie get beat but a transgender Democrat beat a Republican who had held the seat for 26 years and described himself as the chief homophobe. This was also a blow out. This will be the shot heard around the world for churches everywhere which have a deep and abiding fear of anything they can't understand.

It seems that Republicans are beginning to get the message they are now backing away from their massive tax cut plan asking why should we be giving businesses a huge tax break when they are already making record profits and cut almost a trillion from Medicare and Medicaid to do it? On top of these cuts borrow another $1.5 trillion to give businesses who are already making record amounts of money even more.
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