hamilton wrote:
Fido wrote:
H2O MAN wrote:
We realize you hate black Americans - that is who you are, but you
need to show proof that the the constitution made blacks slaves.
How better could it make them slaves then to keep them slaves, and even to give the south representation based upon 3/5th of a slave, and allow children to be born into slavery, and to recognize that status as chattels... If the government could not protect the slave from slavery it could not protect the free from competition with slaves, and this was one of the causes of the civil war...
for once, im able to correct you.
the civil war was not caused because of slavery. or at least not directly because of slavery. the south had put it simply. if abe was elected, then they would secede. Abraham had gone through alot of the war before he even decided on giving the emancipation proclamation. his first duty was to the union, not to the slaves.
Oh ya!!! They divided themselves, that is, the Democrat party over the issue of Slavery, and then when they did not elect their candidate they said it was the Republican's fault they were going to war... What Lincoln said was: That is cool... Like a highwayman saying give me your money or I will be forced to shoot you, and then you will be guilty of murder....
By what right did they dictate to the North who would be president when they lost it on their own??? I will tell you that slavery had everything to do with it, morally and financially... Slavery took the honor out of free labor to the point where white farmers in the South would barely lift a finger to help themselves... Slavery lowered the price of labor everywhere, and just as in Rome, it drove free men from their land because they could not support themselves on it... With the threat that all free soil, that free men wanted for free men would be opened up to slavery, the move for succession began first in the North, and only as the Republicans became a majority was the idea quietly discarded... Lincoln was correct, that we have no natural boundries between North and South, and that we could no more than split than we would become enemeies... Lincoln was correct the the South was no place for poor white men to remove to, but to remove from... Though the South had won every important victory against the Northern Abolitionists in the political field, they had not won any victory in the moral field... What one observer concluded, that bad morals mean bad roads is equally true today... The South lagged behind the North in every social indicator... They had not the libraries, not the people who could read or write, not the roads nor the industry to support war, and not the free population the defense of liberty demands... In fact, New York City considered for a time secceeding from the North in Sympathy to the South because it had so much money invested in the South, but just as now, that interest kept the slaves in slavery, and bled the whole society of its profits... It was the price of replacing slaves that set the price of Cotton, and they were devalued as machinery is now, and their life expectancy was only ten years once they had been sold down the river into the gulf cotton producing states... Oh Suzanna with all its contrary talk is an invitation to cry for the slave going to Louisianna and to his death... That land swallowed up human beings, and no one survived to tell of it.